Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago s0nja said…
mm, but maby it would be wierd like for the 5 first minutes (if you're a virgin) and then it would be nice :D <3 and it's alex :D <3
over a year ago pjplx said…
alright they're so nice girls!!! keep writing :)) i'm really enjoying these stories haha ;)) idk if i wanna lose my virginity to alex really like micaelak :D and your car story was great micalek :))
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
hey what about a flight toilet sex story? xD
over a year ago s0nja said…
helene: that's wonderful. I also thought a public toilet xD like in a pub. I can tell a flight sex story tomorrow because I really have to go to bed now or I don't wake up tomorrow :D they have always sex on a plane in movies xD :D

comments aboput my car story please! :)

sweet alex dreams to everybody <3 or should I say hot/dirty/sexy dreams ;D

over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
yes flight toilet sex!!! your car story is so nice s0nja keep thinking!!!
haha thank you i prefer the hot/dirty/sexy dream ;))
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
big smile
no no, not "one night stand", we don't want to abuse him, right?...and yes, your first time should always be with somebody you really know and trust...but if that person is Alex, so why not? ;)

you girls are getting eager by wanting more and more stories:)

but flight toilet story would be great
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
big smile
yes more stories!! haha I really enjoy them! ^^ nice imagination! =D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I can tell a pub sex story :D

Mkay, so you arrive with a friend to a pub in Oslo. You and your friend sit down for a small chat when a guy come over and invite her to dance. She says yes, and you sit there all by yourself.

Suddenly someone comes up to you from behind and ask if they can buy you a drink. You turn around and see Alex. All you can do is stutter out a "yes, sure" and he sit down by your side.

He asks you what a pretty girl do her all by herself while he sip on his drink. You tell him you werent alone in the first place. He nods and points to an empty spot on the dancefloor, and invites you up for a dance. He takes your hand and leads you over to the dancefloor and put his hands on your hips while swinging from side to side.

You put your head on his shoulder and he wraps his hands around your waist while you slowly move to the music. The music gets wilder and so does the dancing.After a while you get all sweaty and tell his you are going to the bathroom to fix up.

While youre washing your face you can hear someone walk in through the door. You pad your face with a paper towel and look up in the mirror where you see alex's reflection. He comes over to you and look you deeply into your eyes before taking your face in his hands and gives yo ua deep kiss. You automaticly wrap your arms around his neck and he push you against the sink while letting his hands run all over your body.

He drags you over to a empty toilet stall and continues the hanky panky there :D

And then you f*** happily ever after :D(that was so lame -_-)
last edited over a year ago
I can tell a pub sex story :D

Mkay, so you arrive with a friend to a pub in Oslo. You and your fri
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
big smile
Helene your story was really good! =D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
yaay thank you :D
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Helene you are such a good story teller. love your story :)

I can too tell you an aeroplane story...but it won't be that good as Helenes story was and my english is far away from hers...but anyway, if you want...only i haven't time until this evening
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
micaelak_1: Tell Tell! :'D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
oooh more stories! Sonja i love your elevator story! And car of course and Helene i love your story too..uualalalalaaaa ;D
over a year ago stojanka said…
Omg... This is awesome... Sonja u r amazing and Helene u too! Your storys r so cool and hot... Pls tell more! :):):):)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Idunno what i should write xD
over a year ago stojanka said…
U have great ideas! :):):)
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
yeah more more Helene!
over a year ago stojanka said…
big smile
Girls imagine that Alex is doing striptease 4 u! xD HOT! Listen this song and imagine:


U lay on his bed! He's so sexy in his shirt. this song starts. than... he starts to taking his shirt slowlly off (with the music). one by one button and his shirt is off! u r already melting! than he starts to taking his pants off... (hehe) and on the end his shirt... than he gets on the bed and starts to underss you... than he starts to kiss you all over your body... u kiss him, he's touchin u, u touch him.... it starts to be really hot... u both r enjoying...
over a year ago santa6168 said…
stojanka... u make me crazy again...
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
OMG all those stories are awesome!
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
You just had a fight with your best friend and she left you all alone crying in the street ,

suddenly someone comes closer, you don't see him cuz you're hading your face so passengers wouldn't see your tears. He asks whats wrong? You tell your whole story and the guy says wait a minute I'm going to cheer you up! A second later you hear the sound of a violin you look up and ... OMG Alex !

You're really suprised and thanks him for the song , he asks you to go with him to his hotel to talk a bit.
You say yes and go with him to the hotel .
After some hours of talking alex says : you're best friend is lame who can be mad at such a beautiful girl?
You melt and begins to kiss him , he kisses you back ,
you take his clothes off and he takes yours off , you're laying on the bed....

Next morning you wake up but no one lays next to you,suddenly you see a little note with on it the message :

Sorry beautiful girl
I had to go to a press conference here's my phone number hope
to see you soon again!
over a year ago stojanka said…
Awww... The ending is so awesome!
sorry beautiful girl... <3
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
^awwwww realy! Your story was so amazing!
over a year ago santa6168 said…
awesome story... :) <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Thank you guys !
over a year ago s0nja said…
Tusen Takk for all your comments <3

I loved that bar story too helene ^^ and all the other storys too ofc. My imagination goes wild everytime I get to this forum ;D.

Now I have time to write a plane story :D

Your on your way to Norway... Your flight will be 2 hours and your destination is Oslo. So the airport is Gardemoen ;) (probably). You're boarding on the plane. You don't know that alex is going to be on the same plane. You get to your seat and start to read a newspaper. They show the security things on the plane but instead of that you're listening to your mp3 - player and alex music ofc. :D. Suddenly you see an article with alex and a lovely picture of him. You read the article and when you're finnished you put the newspaper away.
Suddenly you see a familiar face on the other side of the planepassage... "OMG! It's Alexander Rybak...", you think and manage to not scream it. You're just looking at him and then he looks at you. You hear how fever is starting to play in your ears and then alex winks at you with he's left eye. Nobody else haven't noticed anything and everything seem to be calm. You go to toilet and realise that it's occupied. You see that the other side is free but it's for men. Alex is coming to the toilet too, you see him coming there and he smiles at you. Suddenly he gives you a quick kiss on the mouth and pull you into to the toilet. You hear how the door is locked up and then he push you against the wall and gives you a hot french kiss. You kiss him back ofc. and he takes your shirt off, then you pull off his shirt. He continues kissing you on your neck as you try to open he's belt. You're kissing all the time while alex helps with the belt and then he opens your belt. And then the rest are just flying away. Your bra etc... You're enjoying it ;) but are the same time afraid of that somebody find you. When you come out of the toilet the plane is still in the air and everybody seem to be calm. You get back to your seats and after the plane has land you get out of it. Alex takes you to his place and there you cook together a lovely dinner. After the dinner you get to he's bedroom and the fun continues ;D

I know it's not a so good story but some kind of airplane toilet version :P
over a year ago s0nja said…
the fight with a friend story is so cute ^^ <3
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
^ahaa ahaa i like it ;D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
toilet yeaaah! XD
over a year ago pjplx said…
oh no s0nja i really loved it!!! Helene yours was so nice too haha the pub toilet;)) and Alexander_Rybak i love the note too haha ;))
omg girls your stories are awesome believe me!!! when i read ypur stories i became more and more crazy!! keep telling stories i'm really enjoying your stories:)) <3
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
more stories!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hey , what about sex outside in the rain story? :D

You're out for a jogg with your boyfriend Alex out in the forest. You suddenly feel a raindrop hitting your face. You look up and see it gets cloudier by the second. Before you know it the raining arre getting stronger and bigger.

Alex guides you to under a big three with huge strong branches blocking out the rain. You cuddle up close to each other for warmt and he put his arm around your back while you rest your head on his shoulder. He nuzzles his nose down in your hair before kissing it.

You look up in his eyes and he smiles at you before giving you a long deep kiss. You kiss back and he shoves you carefully down in the damp grass. You run your fingers through his soft brown hair and wrap a leg around his waist.

You lay there together in the afterglow wrapped in each others arms listening to the soft sound of rain softly hitting the ground ^^
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
imagine this...
you and your best friend are going to moscow on eurovision
you sit in the first array
here goes norway and you say in yourself:he is cute!
in the middle of the song he smiles to you and he wink to you
it's 12pm and he won
there was special room for autographs and you ofc go there and you hope you'll find him
you lost in alley and then suddenly you see him going somewhere (from WC maybe)you're folloving him
he accidentaly graze his shoulder on you
he says sorry and apologize and give you the auograph
then he geave you the compliment like:you have beautiful brown eyes
you say :thank you!
he ask you on dinner on friday and he geave you his phone number
on friday evening before dinner he send you cute message:are you ready my princess?,i'll pick you at 7pm. yours alexxxx
he pick you with his nice black cool car
he has got his clothes like from eurovision
you have got nice not too short black dress with tinsel
you ate at the most beautiful restaurant in the city(oslo,because you were going to oslo in hotel,because you find out that he lives there after eurovision)
you ate shrimps and lobster
you drink champagne
it was 9:30pm
he escort you to hotel room
then it was so quiet
both of you were smiling(he was smiling so romantic)
then... he kisses you peck gentle and romantic
you turn the key and go in the room
there was beautiful silk bed
(you were kissing all the time,you know,spontaunesly)
then here goes some wild kiss
he take off your dress so passionately
then you slowly take off his shirt
then he unbrace your bra so wild
he says :i want you tonight! and you say: no no no i want you!
he kiss EVERY peace of your body
he kisses your neck under the ear soo sexy
you ask him:are we protected?
he says: yes we are.... and start kissing you again
it was so wild that night
you woke up and see him watching you soo sexy like he means:she is so beautiful when she is sleeping...
and then he says that to you
then you start kissing very romanticly
you go to take a shower
you were all naked but he came to the shower naked and then....
it's your imagination what happens after
hope you like it! :) kiss to all fans
yours ALExXxRybakFaNn ::::)

over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Alexander_Rybak i likedyour story especially the end, i love it :)

Ok, here is my looong aeroplane story...but again, remember the agelimit ;)

You have won a 2weeks holiday in New York, and you are so keyed up about it. When you are standing at the airport security check line you hear someone laughing and you turn and look around. About 20 meters from you is Alexander Rybak. He is talking and laughing with his friends. You breathe deeply because he looks so cute and you wonder where is he going. You pass trough the security checking and when you finally get in to the aeroplane and to your first class seat you are tired and bored. You put on your headphones, turn on your walkman and started to listen music, ofc Alexs' music. You close your eyes and hope that no one will disturb you or come to sit next to you. But no, you notice that someone sits next to you. You keep your eyes closed and hope that whoever is sitting next to you keeps his mouth shut up. After some times you feel how someone leans to you and take your headphones from your ears. When you open your eyes you notice that you are looking into the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. You take a deep breath, he smiles to you and says: Hi, i'm Alex, who are you? what are your listening? You tell your name and let him listen your walkman. You aren't tired and bored anymore. You start to talk and you just talk and talk. For a while he starts to flirt with you and you flirt back. He says that you are so amazing and beautiful. He touch lightly your arms and twists your hairs around his fingers. It feels so awesome that you hardly can breath. Then you notice how his hand rests on your thigh. You can't stand anymore and so say you have to go to toilet to powder your nose. You rush to toilet and because you are so nervous forget to close the door. While you are washing your face with cold water someone comes in. You look up and notice Alex there. He shut the door and come close to you and starts to kiss you. You kiss back. The kisses turns more deeply and you caress each other very passionally. You open his shirt and he opens your skirt. His skin is so soft and hot. Then you open the button of his jeans. You are very excited, he kisses your neck and whispers on your ear that he want you so deeply. And then, against the happens...For a while you go back to your seats, you know that your cheeks are smouldering. He takes the blankett and under that he continous to caress you gently. And you cares him and feels his soft skin. He tells to you how beautiful you are and how he wants to spend the whole holiday with you and to show you how amazing town New York City is. So you spend wonderful 2 weeks together...

well, hope you are enjoying
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
^well what if i am vegetarian (like i am) then i cant eat shrimps and lobster yyyh!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
imagina this hotel room:
imagina this hotel room:
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
or this:
or this:
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
this is how he look like on dinner and when you had sex:
ps.di you know where did i 2INVENT2 those stories?
well i started that 2 years ago with my best friend...
you should thank God that i'm on fanpop
i'm kidding!!!!
this is how he look like on dinner and when you had sex:
ps.di you know where did i 2INVENT2 those s
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
girls all of your stories are great great great
my isn't,isn't it?
i think that i will make another two tommorow
maybe in car,forest,river,airoplane,....
who knows?
but here is another one!....
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
why not write about one in a pool?? =)
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
i think he is more looking like this when having sex ;))
i think he is more looking like this when having sex ;))
over a year ago pjplx said…
hey your last stories are amazing!!! i loved every single story :)) yes i want a pool story too!!!
over a year ago pjplx said…
and micealek haha i agree with you for the photo!!!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
you work and live in day you were walking with your best friend,when suddenly someone graze shoulder on you.he apologizes but you weren't listening to him,you were like :oh,ok,yeah ok...
you didn't care who grazed you.but your friend says that it's the cute boy who grazed you,because she saw him.(your friend already have not good-looking husband and 2 children)one day some frikar dance group comes to your office and say that they are going to dance in some campaign of your embassy(yeah,you work in embassy for example). you rapprochment with all of worked with them 3 months already. one day you came to your office and you ask everybody where is frikar(i don't know what are their names...)
they say that he had an accident with his car. you run out of the embassy and go to hospital. you were so panic.,you didn't know what to do.... you came to his room and you saw somebody is talking with frikar. you asked that person can you be with frikar just alone,he says yes. doctor came to room and says that frikar is paralized,you start crying. the frikar?s friend came to room,because he heard you crying. he asked you whats going on,and you told him that frikar is paralized. you needed to go home but your car wasn't at car park,the police taked it because u left it on wrong place(you were so panical). alex introduce him and u introduce yourself on car park. he offer himself to drive you home. he had black nice cool big car. you start crying in front of your door. he hug u and he told you that everything is going to be alright. he gave you his phone number so you can call him whenever you need somebody to solace you. next day you again met at hospital,and he asked you on dinner on friday,u said: yes ofc. he had clothes from eurovision,and you had dress like from pic. you ate some salad,some italian food,and you drink champange. after dinner he drives you home and he kiss you romantic in front of your door. you kiss back so passionatela.than he did french
kiss. you turn the key and walk in the room (you were kissing all that time,you know,spontaneously). he kiss EVERY piece of your body,EVERY. he was so sexy when he was kissing you on the neck,under the ear. that night you had very romantic sex. another morning he said to you that you are so beautiful when you sleep. another day you were going to his big villa like from the pic. there was a river and he buck you into the river,but then he jump into the river,too.(it was not deep river ofc it was little river.)
you were wet,and you came to villa and he said to butler to fill the jacuzzi. there was many bubbles in there. you were had bath together. his fuzzy hair was just little wet. you caress in there,and you make out. you were splashing each was romantic. after bath you were wet again,but you had sex wet on his bed! it was mamorable,memorable sex.(imagine it by yourself)you got married 3 years after. one night you had sex on his jaht,but next morning you were pregnant(you had 2 children,a boy and a girl)your parents like alex and his parents like you. he was a great daddy,a great husband and a great lover. your love never died,it live 4ever! the end
thanks for reading i hope you like it !
yours ALExXxRybakFaNnN :)
you work and live in day you were walking with your best friend,when suddenly someone graze
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
and btw frikar was not paralized on the end.
and he dance again with your alex.
here is the dress that you were wearing:
and btw frikar was not paralized on the end.
and he dance again with your alex.
here is the dress t
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
here is how he look when you
were having wild and romantic sex:
over a year ago pjplx said…
hahaha ALExXxRybakFaNn your imagination and story is great!!!! i want him!! and the marriage part is fantastic;))
over a year ago pjplx said…
yeah 310 replies (^) !!!!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
look at his neck...
this is how he looked...
look at his neck...
this is how he looked...
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
okay alexfan you write too much and that story was just weird and pics everywhere...uh!