Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Too short! :D wow, break up with Alex! :OO
can't wait for the next one because you ended this chapter in the most interesting moment! :D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Aaah Helene! You make me crazy with your stories O_O.
I luv iiit ;D ;D. Thank you sooo muuuch <333
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 12:

"...What? " He stutter out.

" I don't think us being together is a good idea. Maybe we would be better off without each other. "

" No... Please you don't mean that! " His eyes wells up with tears and he covers his face with his left hand.

" Sorry but I do. We need a break from each other. " You say and he look down at you.

" For how long? "

" A month maybe? " You answer and he looks down at you with wide eyes.

" A month?! I can't go a whole moth without you! " He cries and you start feeling really really sorry for him.

" I'll let you live in the house, and I can go check in at a hotel. "

" I can't live in this house alone without you! "

" You lived two weeks without me before I died, a month is only two weeks more. "

" Yeah but those two weeks were Hell for me! I was close to having a nervous breakdown! Please take me back! " He says dropping to his knees burying his face in your chest soaking your t-shirt with tears.

" I'll change, I swear! I'll never lay a hand on you again! " He sob and you try shake him off but he's holding you in a death grip refusing to let go.

" You said that last time too! How am i supposed to believe you?! I love you! More than anything! But you're scaring me, you have anger issues. What if we get children someday and you- " You start but he interups you.

" I would NEVER beat my own kids! "

" Yeah you say that now! But you beated me up! What if they run around in the house playing and you lose it?! " You half yell. He doesn't answer.

" Yeah exactly. You can't promise anything. " You say and first now you realise how cold it is outside. Had Alex been outside all this time?

" Alex get in the house. "

" No. "

" No? "

" I'm not coming in. "

" Why not? "

" If you're dumping me I might as well freeze to death. "

" I'm not dumping you, I just want us to take a break. "

" I can't go for a whole month without you.." You sigh.

" Then what shall we do? If we don't take a break our relationship might never work again. " You say and he lets go of you getting up on his feet.

" Fine. Fine. But I'll let you stay in the house, so please, give me my wallet. " He say and you go to the closet pulling out his black jacket with his wallet in and hands him it.

" It's for the best, Alex. "

" Yeah... " He says sadly before pulling you in a big hug burying his face in your hair.

" I'll miss you. " He mumbles in your hair.

" I'll miss you too. " You whisper back as he lets go of you walking away not looking back. You feel like crying but you had no tears left. You felt like the worlds biggest bitch for hurting him like this but it was for the best.

You close the front door locking it behind you before walking over to the bathroom. Your heart hurted and your soul was aching. You enter the bathroom walking over to the cabinet getting out the familiar razorblades placing them on the edge of the bathtub before filling up the bathtub with hot water. You get out of your nightgown before stepping in, sinking down in the scolding hot water. You sigh looking down at your arms. Some of the scars had started to heal, some was still half open. You wouldn't be able to cut your forearms today. You would have to find another way.

Your upper arms. They were still flawless.

You grab the razorblade with your left hand pressing it to the skin of your forarm sinking it deep into the skin. You feel the arm starting to throb and it feels so good. You close your eyes sighing as you let the blade tear your skin open, the blood flowing out of your broken veins getting rid of all your problems.

The water has already started turning red and you're starting to get drowsy from blood loss. You're turning on the cold water tap holding your arms under to make the bleeding stop. The cold water making your arms sting on the deepest cuts. You feel tears run down your cheeks. It felt right but at the same time so wrong doing this.

You get up from the bathtub wrapping yourself in a big white towel now stained with red. You quickly dry yourself off before throwing the towel in the bathtub. You left the bathroom naked, not bother getting dressed since you were home alone. You jog up the stairs to your bedroom shivering from the cold.You quickly enter the bedroom before throwing yourself on the bed burying yourself under the covers. You place your hand on the left side of the bed. Alex side. Touching the empty space. The bed felt cold and empty without him by your side. You close your eyes pretending that he's there. You could swear you heard breathing.

Great. You were now officially going crazy.


This was the best I could do, at least it isn't that short.

Remember the 5 review rule!
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
awww she's really not doing well ... :(
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Wow thank you so much MicCiKaaa, yeah I do have a blog thought xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sure^^ and thank you^^
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Wow, you're story getting better and better :D I can't wait to read more :D When it come to that heaven chapters I thought everything are going to be perfect, but it's good with those dramatic parts, it's makes that you want to read more and more and more...PERFECT :D
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
I could NEVER make fantastic stories like you helene!
You could even make a book? oh, Id read it..=))
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Yeeeey ;D Now I can print out even moooore ;D

Helene you go girl!! :D:D:D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Waiting, waiting, waiting for a continue :D And I love that drama too ^^
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 13

The first week snails away. The house felt so empty and quiet. No Alex that would burst into a random song at unexpected times, no Alex cuddling up to you on the couch, no Alex to fall asleep with.

You were considering calling him, just to hear his voice, even if it would just be a weak hello. You had always heard about this in songs. A person who just lost it's other half, completely drowned in sorrow. You had always thought they were silly and overreacted but now you knew better. Your heart litterally hurt and you felt like throwing it up. What if Alex found another girl while you were separated. No he wouldn't. He loved you, right?

Or did he?

Maybe he would find a new one. A better one. Maybe even a musician.

Stop scaring yourself!

Great, now your own mind was talking to you.

You know he doesn't care for you. He proved it when he beated you up

" That was an accident! He said he wouldn't do it again! "

Hah! You really believe that? You really are something, you little naive girl!

" Why are you telling me this?! "

Im just telling you the truth

" It is not the thruth! "

Of course it is! He do not love you! He just need a punching bag!

" I... "

You know it's true. As soon as he find someone else you're going to be left all alone. Actually, he is probably out screwing other girls at this moment. Can you imagine that? Other girls being intimate with him-

" Stop it stop it stop it! "

Why? You know its true

" Shut up and leave me alone or-! " You pull at your hair.

Or what? You'll never get rid of me, I'll just come back when you least expect it. I'm just telling you the truth. I'm here to help you

" How the hell are you gonna help me?! You're just making it worse! Leave me alone! "

Fine, I'll leave you for now, but I will be back

Holy fucking shit, what was that?

You suddenly feel a terrible itch under your skin. You try scrath it but it won't go away. You keep scratching and scratching until the skin finally breaks and the itching dissappears.

Good girl

" What? oh no you're back! "

I sure am

" Why are you doing this?! Leave me alone! "

You see how much better it feels hurting yourself? Hurt yourself so no one else can. Come on... do it

" Will you leave me alone if I do it? "


You quickly dig your nails in your skin, barely breaking the skin.

Pff, is that all you got? Come on you can do better! Or are you weak?

" I am not weak! " You scream and your fist flies out hitting the mirror making millions of pieces of glass fly. You quickly pick up a sharp piece before digging it in your arms, making new fresh cuts. You scream out in pain.

" I'm not weak I'm not weak I'm not weak! "

Come on. Scar yourself so everyone can see how strong you are. Your face, it's so ugly no one will notice a scar or two. It won't matter, you're to ugly to make anyone look twice at you

You place the glass against your left cheek crying.

" No I can't. Not my face. People will notice! "

No they won't

" Yes they do! "

You really think they will care? You think Alex will care? He's tired of looking at your ugly face

The voice was right.

You place the glass against your cheek again and makes a cut, not deep enough to scar, but deep enough for blood to run out.

There. Don't you feel better now?

" ...I do. " In fact, it felt wonderful! The blood dripped of your cheek staining the bathroom floor but you couldn't care less. You break down laughing madly for yourself. You had finally lost it. You were now officially going crazy. You were a nervous bloody wreck.

You start tearing out some of your hair, feeling your scalp ache. So good.

" You love me Voice, don't you? "

Of course I do.

" Yeah.. "

That's why I'm doing this. I'm protecting you. Protecting you from the world

" Alex... "

Forget about Alex. He don't love you, remember?

" Yeah... true. He don't... He don't love me... "


" But you love me, you're protecting me. Not hurting me.. "

Exactly. Maybe you should call Alex? Telling him who love you?

" Yeah, yeah I will.. " You say as you crawl from the bathroom to the livingroom picking up the phone calling Alex. It takes four rings before he finally pick up the phone.

" Hello? "

" Alex? " You half choke, half laugh in the phone.

" ...Is everything alright? "

" Yeah it is. I know it now. I know the truth. I know you don't love me, but that's ok. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Voice will take care of me. Voice love me. "

" What the hell are you talking about? "

" Voice. Such a great person. Voice loves me. He cares. "

" Are you high? Stop it you're scaring me! " He says alarmed into the phone.

" Ehehe... No need to worry Alex. I'm fine. In fact I'm wonderful. I've never been better. " You says cheerily.

" That's it I'm coming home right now! "

No! Don't let him do that! He don't love you! He'll see what you've done!

" Alex don't- " You start but it's to late. He have already hung up.

Fuck fuck fuck!

You start scrathing at your face, digging your nails as deep as possible.

You gotta hide! Don't let him get you! Then he'll make me leave!

" No! No I don't want you to leave! " you cry rocking back and fort.

You can hear somebody slam open the front door.

" Where are you- What the hell?! "

Oh good he must have noticed the bloody floor. Pretty soon he's standing in the doorway looking at you with wide eyes before throwing himself at you pinning you to the ground so you can't hurt youself anymore.

" What the hell is wrong with you?! "

" Let me go! Let go of me! If you don't let go of me Voice will leave me ! " You half cry, half scream. Alex have your hands pinned to the ground over your head and there was no way you could fight him off.

" What the fuck is going on?! Who is Voice?! Ok ok take a deep breath now you have to calm down! " He says as you start to hyperventilate.

Fuck! I'll have to leave now

Oh holy mother of God and Jesus you were gonna pass out any second. Voice was leaving you!

" No! No! I hate you Alex! You made Voice leave me! " You cry and you twist one of your arms loose from his grip repeately hitting his chest, he didn't even flinch but you could tell he was crying and his eye was filled with worry.

" You made him leave me... I'm all alone.. " You whisper exhausted as you lay down on the ground, to tired to fight or cry. You can hear him calling your name but you're to tired to answer. You just want to sleep. To rest. To be together with Voice.


Took 4 hours to write. Hope it's good enough.

5 review rule every one!

P.S : I don't recommend cutting in any form. Cutting is Hell and it will be a even bigger Hell to get out and away from

Also, I don't know when the next update will be. I'm going through a really hard time now
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
this is getting creepy ..
over a year ago s0nja said…
It's a great job as always, Helene. My face was like: 0________0 during this chapter. Can't wait for more! Goooosh *gets obsessed with your story* :P
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Now the new chapter finally come ;) enjoy it :)


chapter 3.

The door gets open and a doctor look into the room.
-Hello is someone here?
No answer.
-Good, you can come here little friend so can I take a look on youre arm. Sit down on the bed, please.

It's crowded in the closet you had had time to hide in, before the doctor arrived. You feel that you have to sneeze. You're thinking "Oh no, don't sneeze, don't, if you do, it'll be very embarrassing. You're so close to Alex and feel that he starts to shake and every muscel in his body is strapped. You look up at his face and see that he started to get a laugh attack. And you feel you are gonna sneeze any second.

-You have a fracture in the arm, the doctor says to the little girl.
-So I can't play violin on a time now? she asks and looks sad.
-Wait here I have to go...

You and Alex fall out of the closet and lie there in front of the little girl, her mother and the doctor, they all stare at you.

-Mom, look! It's Alexander Rybak! I always wanted to meet him! What does he do here? half-yelling the little girl
-Yeah, I know, you have talked about that, but I hoped when you someday meet him he has the closed on! She says and looked angry at Alex and you.

Alex turns from back to stomach. You You snatches up a blanket that had fallen with you from the closet.

-Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, it's always nice to meet some fans on diffrent places. He said and smile embarrased.
-He talked to me, Alexander talked to me! Can I ask you what you do here and where is your violin, and.. and your clothes?
-Eh, I fall down from stage broke the shoulder, so my violin is at home, but my clothes is...
-Ehm, sorry, but *your name* what are you doing? Go to the office, I have to talk with you, but put on your clothes first, and Mr. Rybak, do the same! But don't do ANYTHING else on the office then sit on a chair and wait. The doctor says a bit angry.
-No, not Alex, I want a autograph from him, and to talk with him, pleaseeee, not Alex, the little girl said little sad.
-I'm sorry, but he has to do this, because... yeah.
-But he's a celebrity! He's RYBAK!! The little girl starts to cry. You can't do this to him!
Alex grab a blanket and wrap it around himself. He grab his clothes and you do the same, and goes out of the room. you go a little bit and run into a broom closet.
-Let's go in the closet and have some fun...

to be continued. ;)

over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@sOnja I'm already obsessed with it haha :P
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Wow, nice Helene :D really good, you're great :D Can't wait for the next chapter!
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Good enough?! It's awesome :D :D Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
wow! I haven't been here since Friday but I read all chapters what I missed!
OmG! Helene! I have no words for this 13 and that 12 chapter..they were fantastic and so dramatic! Can't wait for the next one! <3
over a year ago Maddalp said…
I love it, Helene! I don't know where you get the ideas from!! :D You are amazing!
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
very very creepy O_O
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
and Fift33n i like your story too :)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
hehe, thanks :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 14:

You wake up feeling light headed. Like you just downed 34 Jack Daniels followed by a train. Your whole body ache and you can't seem to be able to move.

...You can't move.

You open your eyes to find Alex half on top on you squeezing you between the madress and his body. You try to free an arm but it's impossible. Suddenly you panic. Memories from last night came back in a flash. The cutting, the blood, the phonecall, the panic, the voice.


You feel tears slide down your cheeks. Voice had left you. But maybe it was for the best? He was the one who had hurt you first. Right? Or maybe he did care? Maybe it was for the best that he was there, caring for you, so you would know what's right and what's wrong?

No, Drop it. Voice do NOT care about you. He's just trying to fuck up your life. Yeah. Voice being gone is a good thing.

You get out of bed leaving the bedroom. You walk over to the giant window in the hallway looking out watching the sunrise in the early morning.

You see what he's doing? He's setting you up against me

" Oh no not you again. "

I told you, he is not good for you

" Leave me alone! I don't want to argue with you now! " You say smacking your forehead.

We don't have to argue, just listen to me

" I don't want to listen now. Get the fuck out of my head. "

Stubborn little bitch, eh? Well fine we'll do it the hard way. Walk over to the mirror

" What if I don't want to? "

Oh you want to. Trust me


You walk over to the mirror taking in the view of your face and upperbody.

You see? You see how ugly and fat you are? How can Alex love this?

" I... "

He don't. Why choose you when he can get some hot blond chick?

" Because he care about me? "

Hah! You believe that shit?! There's only one person in the world who love you! And that is me!

" I don't believe you... "

...You don't believe me? Of course you believe me! I can see it in your eyes!

" But- "

You need me

That's it. You couldn't take it anymore. You broke down crying hysterical on the floor in the middle of the hallway.

" Woah?! What's wrong?! " You can hear Alex shout as he sit down beside you placing a hand on your shoulder.

" L-leave me a-a-alone Alex... "

" What? Why? What's wrong why are you crying? "

" I'm so fat and u-ugly, you shouldn't be w-with me! "

" What? How can you say that?! I love you! You know I do! You're beautiful! "

" Stop saying that! Stop playing tricks on my mind! " You shove him off and get to your feet turning your back against him. He grabs your wrist.

" What are you doing? "

" Come here I'm gonna show you something. " He says dragging you to the mirror.

Oh God no! Not the mirror!

" Nonononononononono not the mirror please not the mirror! " You cry, trying to get out of his grip but it's impossible. He's to strong for you. He holds your shoulders tightly so you can't run away facing the mirror. You look horrified back at your reflection.

" No no no I don't want to look! "

" Look! " He says strickly and you look at your reflection once again.

" What do you see? " He asks you.

" I see... I see an ugly girl who nobody cares about. A girl who can nothing, a girl who is worth NOTHING. " You whisper.

" you know what I see? I see the prettiest and greatest girl I've ever met. A girl who's beautiful both inside and outside, with the kindest soul ever. A girl who's broken and needs to be fixed. A girl who keep planting lies in her own head. A girl who is perfection but think's she's worthless. " He answers and your speechless. You just glare at your reflection and he hugs you tightly.

" I don't know what to say. " You start.

" You don't have to say anything. " He whisper back as he rest his chin on your shoulder. He takes your hands in his holding them tightly making you gritt your teeth in pain when he puts pressure on the cuts.

God you're just way to gullible

" Shut up! " You yell out and Alex jumps back.

" What? "

" I wasn't talking to you! "

" Oh. " You both stare at each other before he speaks up.

" The other day...You spoke about someone called Voice. Um...Who is Voice? "

" I don't know who he is. He came last night. "

" Oh. Alright, and he, um, told you to do that? " He asks, pointing to your arms.

" Well, not the first time but- "

" Wait... This wasn't your first time doing this? "

" Well no, the first time was actually years ago, but i quited, but i did for the first time a few weeks ago. But last night he came and kept insisting that I should continue so I did. "

" But you're not gonna do it anymore right? Cause Voice is gone now, right? "

" He's gone now yeah. " You say, not promising him you would stop hurting yourself. It isn't nice to promise things you can't hold.

" Well that's good. I don't want you to be in pain. " He starts and you lift an eyebrow at him.

" I KNOW it sounds alittle weird coming from me, especially after what I did to you. But I SWEAR, I will ever ever lay a hand on you! But please, stop hurting yourself! When you're hurting youself you're hurting me in the progress. "

You hurted Alex? Shit you didn't know that..

And so? I thought you wanted Alex to hurt?

Leave me alone Voice, now isn't the time!

Come on! You know what he did to you!

He said he regrets it and I believe him!

Oh so you believe him, eh? He said that last time too. Oh please please forgive me! I didn't mean it!

Stop it Voice, I am NOT gonna listen to your bullshit now.

I'm not the one bullshitting here

Just leave me alone.

Fine, but don't come crawling back to me the next time

I won't.

But you will come back and you know it. You need me like a drug addict need his Ecstacy, like an alcoholic need his Alcohol, like a five year old need his teddybear.

...He was right. You knew he was right.


Chapter 14 ladies!

Thank you so much for the wonderful reviews! I never get tired of them!

@Maddalp: Some of the ideas I get from dreams I've had, some are self experiented
over a year ago gymgyrl98 said…
You guys are just sick!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
@gymgyrl98: Don't like, don't read
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Wow Helene, fantastic :) when I read al the chapters, I always want to read the continue, You're so talented :)

gymgyrl98: If you don't like it, don't read it, this is for fun, and this forum is my favourite.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 15:

Alex POV:

What was happening? It seemed like yesterday you both were laughing and happy and everything was just perfect. Why was it all suddenly turned upside down?

Entering the livingroom, and find that bloody mess of a girlfriend... Holy Hell you had never been that scared in your whole life. And who was Voice? Had she heard him for long? Or had he recently popped up? Was she starting to get Schizofrenia? If so, she would need help, but how? A mental hospital maybe?

No way in Hell. You had been there yourself due to a Bipolar Disorder and there is no way you will let her go through it. On earth, it had been easier to control, there you had medicines that stopped the worst if it, in heaven, you weren't sure if they had Lamictal. Maybe you should check it out?

You should go check it out. Not only for you, but for her. Bipolar disorder is heavy shit to go through, even worse for those close to you, You couldn't make her go through it again. Last week, when you found the violin, something just snapped inside of you when you found it behind the dryer. Maybe it was the thought of never be able to play it again? Maybe it was because she didn't listen to you.. But either way, what you did to her was wrong, violence is never the answer the doctors told you, deep inside you knew it but you couldn't help it. Your parents got you Cindy at the age of 13 cause they thought using your energy to take care of a dog would help making you more stabile, which it did, and you were released form the hospital after 2 months.

Now you couldn't stop thinking. Was it your fault she now was mentally unstabile? Did something break inside her head when you had..

You swallow.

When you had banged her head against the wall?

Your point of view:

Another week had passed without you hearing anything from Voice. Hopefully, he had left for good and would never return.

Alex had also moved in again, and even after what he did, you felt more safe now. The only negative thing about it was that you would have to plan when you could hurt yourself. With him close, it would be harder to hide it. Usually you would spend an hour in the bathroom, half of it just to clean up the mess. And if Alex noticed you spent more than half an hour in there he would know something was wrong.

Luckily, Alex had gotten a job as a cashier at a local pet store, just like he had down on earth. He was beaming of happiness when he told you. You knew he loved animals and spending time with them. It was also a great job for his hand not being as strong as it once was. Feeding animals and give change wasn't so hard. You yourself wanted a job, but had desided to wait for a while, not really feeling well enough, and anyway, Alex job was more than enough to pay for rent. That was the positive with heaven. Small jobs with big paychecks.

Alex had also done the most unexpecting thing. He knew you often were alone when he was at work, since most of your new friends were working. So 5 days ago, he had come home with a box in his hands giving it to you. You had nearly passed out when you had seen what it contained.

Inside, was the cutest little German Shepherd puppy. His fur was a mix between black, brown and orange and it had the cutest and most innocent face ever. You had screamed and picked it up, running outside to the lawn screaming you had the best puppy in the world and that you would call him Ådne, which he must have liked since he barked in agreement.

Right now, you were laying on the couch with Ådne on your chest, both half asleep. Ådne is kicking and whimpering in his sleep, so you guess he must have a nightmare. He kinda reminded you about Alex. The big brown eyes, the brown fur, not that Alex have fur, but it reminded you about his dark brown hair. He also had a huge appetite for meat, just like Alex so it would probably be fighting over the dinner table who would get the last pork chop.

You can feel Ådne starting to wake up as he yawns and stretch his limbs. He quickly starts licking at your face before jumping down on the floor running to the kitchen to pick up his bowl carrying it back to you. He place it down in front of you looking up at you with big brown eyes.

" Ådne, you ate 2 hours ago. " You sigh and he whimper, laying down on the ground looking up at you.

" Did Alex teach you that? " God, you were starting to believe that this puppy secretly was Alex who transformed into a dog when he was supposed to be at work.

" Fine, but just a small amount. " You say, leaving the livingroom and entering the kitchen with a happy barking puppy in your heels. You get out a bag of Pedigree and place it on the floor.

" Go get your bowl. " You point at the bowl in the livingroom and the puppy run faster than Alex when he heard that Nathalie Portman was in only her underwear on TV.

Ådne quckly pick up his bowl before skipping over to you placing it in front of you. You barely manage to fill the bowl half full before Ådne is stuffing his face in it chewing furiously. You put away the bag of dogfood back in the cabinet under the sink before petting Ådnes head.

" Did you know I had a cat back at earth? Her name was Sasha. " You say and the puppy look sadly at you.

" But I know my parents are taking good care of her. She is one of few memories they got from me. I miss them too, but it's alright, I got you and Alex in my life, and that's all i need. " You smile and Ådne barks happily before crawling up on your lap.


Alex POV:

You had skipped work today for research. You couldn't get it out of your head what she told you last night.

This wasn't my first time. I did it years ago.

You had spent most of your day searching for dead relatives of her, and in the end you found out her grandmother lived only half an hour away.

You now stood in front of a white painted door, wondering if you should ring the doorbell or not. Maybe she would think he was crazy?

Oh well I have nothing to lose. You think and you ring the doorbell.

You can hear someone walk over the floor and you see a shadow moving behind the curtains. The door unlocks and a small woman in her middle sixties stand there smiling at you.

" Can I help you? "

" Ehm yeah, are you Edith? "

" That would be me alright. Why do you ask? "

" Do you have a granddaughter called ******? "

" Why yes I have, such a wonderful young lady. "

" Well, then I have to tell you bad news, well kinda. " You say and her face drops.

" I'm her boyfriend. "

" Oh I'm so sorry! It must be horrible for her losing her boyfriend! Oh my oh my I wonder how she takes it? Maybe I should take a trip down on earth to check? Oh if my legs weren't this bad. "

" There is no need to go down on earth. She's here. "

" ...What? "

" Your granddaughter, she died, not long after me. We live together. "

" Oh my... I don't know if I should be happy or depressed. Her poor family left behind, how are they taking it? "

" I don't know, I think they took it better than expected. But that's not why I'm here, I really need to talk to you. "

" Oh how rude of me! Come in come in! "

" Thank you Mrs...ehm.. "

" Just call me Edith. "

" Oh alright, Edith. " You say and you follow her inside. The house smells of coffee and flowers, a pretty welcoming smell. She guides you to the livingroom.

" Please have a seat. " She says pointing to the red couch.

" Thank you. " You sit down, moving a pillow in the progress.

" Now tell me what's wrong young man. "

" Have she... Have she ever had problems with self harming? " You ask and her face drops.

" Well, yeah she had. I remember it was 4-5 years ago. She cut herself due to an eating disorder. She told me someone called Voice told her to do it. Also, she was bullied alot for being different. "

Wait she used to be bullied? You didn't know that.

" Why was she bullied? "

" Oh you know how teenagers are. They told her she listened to the wrong music and dressed the wrong way. " She says sadly.

" Uhm, how long did these problems last? "

" Well I remember she stopped cutting after a year, but the eating disorder got over when she was about 15. "

" But tell me lad, why are you asking me these questions? "

" Well... "

" Oh please don't tell me she has picked it up again! No not my poor granddaughter! "

Poor lady. You didn't have the heart to tell her the truth.

" Oh no no! She doesn't! She's alright now, but I didn't know if it was true or not. "

" Oh my! You really had me shaken up there for a while. "

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. " You let out a laugh.

" It's quite alright lad. " She smiles at you.

" Well it have been great chatting with you. And thank you for telling me."

" Glad I could help, son. " She says as she guides you to the door.

" Take care of yourself, and tell her I said hello. "

" I will. Goodbye and thank you ma'm. Uhm, I mean Edith. " You wave goodbye before leaving the cozy house on your way back home.


Lamictal is a medicine used to treat Epilepsy and Bipolar Disorders

And yeah, I HAD to put Ådne in there somewhere because we all love him.

Read and Review. And remember; Don't like, don't read, easy as pie.
over a year ago Fift33n said…
This was really great Helene :) Okay, I think my comments are the same all the time, but I really like your story, and after every chapter it getting better and better :) Can't wait for a continue!:) You're best on this Helene :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Thank you fift33n :D
Oh, and I didn't get to read your story before now^^ Haha Alex is in the closet! x3
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Just love it <33 I can't stop reading this! I don't know what to say..Beautiful, wonderful, fantastic!
haha, and you've got a puppy with a sweet name! :D
over a year ago ONLYME_93 said…
@gymgyrl98 why are you on this page if you don't like it?
@fifth33n wow :D wonder what happens next ;)
@Helene17Norway really great :) can't wait for the continue :D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
2 CHAPTERS??? I love yaaa ;P
I guess I gave enough inspiration!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Helene and Fift, your stories are so great. I always wait for the next chapters with big excitement :D

@gymgyrl98 The same comment as other people here has wrote: If you don't like, leave...
over a year ago Fift33n said…
hehe, thanks a lot ^^
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 16:

You're eating dinner for yourself since Alex had gone to bed hours ago. Your poor man, he was exhausted.

You had nothing special. Just a frozen pizza which you shared with Ådne who happily downed it all, even the crusts.

Oh no you're doing it again! Haven't I told you what I think about food?

" I don't give a shit, leave me alone. "

Oh you're taking that tone I hear. You want to get fat?

" Food won't make me fat. "

Yes it will. Don't you remember all the teasing from your classmates? The whispers, the stares? The way they threw insults at you?

" Well... "

Of course you do. How can you forget something like that? You want to end up like that again? You want to be teased again?

" But they're not here. They live on earth and I live here. "
So? Other people will notice. You think Alex will want you when you're fat? When you're ugly?

" ... No he won't. He won't love me if I get fat. "

Exactly. Be a good girl now. Throw the rest away and get to work

" Yeah, yeah ok. " You say as you get up grabbing the pizza crusts before entering the kitchen throwing it away.

Good girl, You know what to do

You enter the bathroom almost hypnotised. It had been a while since last time. Before, you could throw up on commando, but now you would probably have to use your fingers, or the shaft on the toothbrush.

You kneel in front of the toilet bowl, sticking two of your fingers in your mouth trying to poke your gag reflex. Damn, why wouldn't it work? You had been an expert on this once.

Geeh! You can't even throw up right! Is there anything you CAN do?

" It's been a while! Give me some time! " You say sticking your fingers back in your throat.

Obviously that isn't gonna work, your fingers aren't long enough. Use the toothbrush

You get up opening the white cabinet getting out your red toothbrush before kneeling in front of the toilet again. You stick the toothbrush back in your mouth and halfway down your throat making yourself dry heave.

Come on, poke harder!

You shove it further down finally hitting your gag reflex right and you rip the toothbrush out of your mouth holding your head over the toilet throwing up today's dinner and what more. It feels so good. You could swore you were already thinner.

There? don't you feel better now?

" Yes. Yes I do. " You dry heave a few times quickly realising your stomach is empty. You flush the toilet before getting up shakily. You grab the sink in a tight grip to keep yourself standing before turning on the taps. You fill up a cup of mouthwash rinsing away the disgusting taste of rotten food and stomach acid.

" Oh God... "

Good girl. You've done well. But we still have alot of work to do

" We do? Once isn't enough? "

Of course it's not! It will take weeks, maybe months, to make you beautiful again

" Can I go to sleep now? " You ask him all tired out.

Sure, but make sure you don't smell like vomit, if your little boyfriend finds out, you'll have to be ugly for the rest of your miserable life

You quickly undress your casual clothes before getting into your white nightgown. You rub your eye with your left hand whimpering before entering the bedroom where you can see Alex fast asleep in your king size bed. You quckly get under the covers wrapping yourself in before scooting closer to Alex feeling his body heat immediately. You can hear soft snores escaping from his mouth and nose buried in the pillow. You wrap your arm around him whispering in his ear:

" I'm gonna get beautiful for you, Alex. "

You're sitting in the park with Ådne running around playing with other dogs. You think back one year ago when you had meet Alex in the dog park for the first time. This park was almost identical with the one down on earth. Memories came back in a rush. He had brought Cindy but she had wrestled out of his grip running of on her own.

You take in the view of the park. It was a beautiful day. It was Autumn and the usually green leaves were now a beautiful mix between red and orange. Ådne is running around jumping and playing with the leaves on the ground. He stops up sniffing on the ground before picking up a stick carrying it over to you.

" You want to play? " You ask and he barks. You take the stick from his mouth before getting up on your feet throwing it away as hard as you can and Ådne runs happily over to pick it up. It lands somewhere in the bushes and Ådne jumps in them immediatly to get his precious piece of wood. He barks a few times in annoyance, not being able to find it again. He comes back without the stick looking up at you.

" No way Ådne. I will NOT go into those thorn bushes. It can be spiders there! " You say and he pouts.

" Sorry that ain't gonna work. Let's go home and see if Alex is home! " You cooes at him as you fasten the leash to his collar.


" Alex! Alex you home?! " You shout.

No response. It isn't before you're in front of the bathroom door you can hear the shower is on and false singing of " Single Ladies ". You open the door entering the bathroom seeing Alex's shadow moving behind the shower curtain.

" I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips hold me tighter than my Dereon jeans, acting up drink in my cup. I couldn't care less what you thiiiiiiiiiink! " He nearly shrieks. You deside to scare him so you quietly sneak closer to the shower ripping the curtain open.

" Boo! "

" Shriieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! " He shrieks, covering himself with the washclotch even though it didn't hide much.

" What the fucking fuck?! Why did you do that?! " He says annoyed. You shrug.

" I was bored. "

" so you desided to scare the shit out of me? "

" Yeah. "

" Why? "

" Why not? " You finsish before leaving the bathroom like nothing had happened.

" No! Bad dog! That's a bad dog! " You hear Alex yell and you can see him sitting on the floor holding his sock while Ådne had the other end in his mouth, trying to steal it.

" It's my last matching pair! " He whines when Ådne finally manage to get it out from Alex grip before quickly hiding under the table chewing on it. Alex quickly runs after him crawling under tables and behind bookshelfs before he finally gets a hold of the wild puppy.

" Gotcha! " He calls out and lifts Ådne up to his face staring at him.

" Not so tuff now are you? " He asks Ådne and Ådne responds by licking him in the face.
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
big smile
:O :O :O!!!

Helene!! CONTINUE!! xDD
Love it <3 <3
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Oh no, voice is back! :O
and this puppy makes the story really funny :D I like it ^^

can't wait for the next one <3
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
I love the puppy!

But that voice guy reminds me to the past , to some friends,to a lot I don't like that voice :(
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Great Helene :D I really love that little puppy ^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
Agreement. Voice is scary O__o but makes the story even better :D and the puppy, Ådne, makes me want a dog ^^D <3 I want this story to become a book ;D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@sOnja I want it to become a book to!!
over a year ago silla17 said…
Helene I LOVE IT

but i think you already knew that ;)

I know already one person who will buy the book ;)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Do what I do ^^ Put it in word, print it out and put it in a map ^^ I'm now trying to make a front for it ^^
Yeeeeeeey ^^
Sooo... More more more more moooore ^^ I luv it ;D ;D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@Helene ...very cool, but a bit of erotica in it, let's say you raped him
You must be a hard game , since he's already hit you
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Aisa07: What do you mean? xD
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@ Helene Oh, you do not get the instructions, but I asked because it would be funny if a girl to rape him.
I trust your imagination.
But not everything here can be prescribed, because of censorship!
eg. You tell him "Come on, you trash, because you get to hit me", and to interfere in the nude on the balcony, just 10 minutes
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 17:


Hey, where the Hell did the guys go?

You and a few of your coworkers had desided to go to a local coffee shop after working overtime to over 9 pm. Yeah, real badasses. They must have found some exiting one night stands or something because when you had gotten back from the toilet they were all gone. You sip on your coffee staring out of the window.

" Alex? " You hear a female voice behind you and you turn around and sees a short girl with long blond hair smiling at you.

" What, you don't recognize me? " She chuckles.

" Ingrid? " You rub your left eye with your fist, not really believeing what you're seeing.

" Yes it's me! Oh Alex I can't believe it's you! It's so good to see you. But under these circumstances! What happened? " She rants out, taking a deep breath.

" Car accident. I kinda drove of the road.. "

" Oh my God I'm so sorry to hear that! " She gives you a big hug and you hug her back nervously, not really knowing what to do.

" Umm...Thank you. I guess it's good to see you too. " You give her a weak smile. It had been 4 years since you had last seen Ingrid. She had gotten into a fight with her new boyfriend and he had accidentally pushed her alittle to hard making her lose balance and hit her head so hard in the counter she had gotten a bleeding in her brain and died of it.

" Oh how is it with you? Do you still play the violin? " She beams and you twitch.

" Well..No I don't. " You answer her and her face falls.

" What? Why not? "

" Well it's a long story.. "

" I got time. "

" Well ok, I had a heart attack not so long ago that paralized parts of my left arm, so I won't be able to play the violin anymore, ever. "

" Oh my God I am so sorry to hear that! " She pulls you into a big hug again and you start getting tired of all these hugs. Suddenly you start to feel her hand travel up your chest.

" Erhh, what are you doing? "

" I'm gonna make you feel so much better baby. " She purrs in your ear, and you move uncomfortably as she sits down on your lap rubbing herself against your crotch. You try to push her off but she clings to you kissing your neck. You were not gonna lie, she was GOOD.

" I got a girlfriend. " You blurt out and she stops kissing you.

" ...What? "

" I have a new girlfriend. I love her and...I can't be unfaithful, I just can't, I'm sorry. "

" Oh come on, she'll never know. " She throw herself over you again and you sigh, annoyed. Suddenly, you can hear someone let out a sob behind you and you quickly turn around. You swallow.

Oh God.

You stare right back in the eyes of... Oh holy fucking shit tell me I'm just dreaming.

" I can explain! It's not what it looks right, really! "

" Please...Say something.. " You choke out but all she does is shake her head running out of the coffee shop. You nearly throw Ingrid of you before running, nearly leaping, after her. You slam open the shop's frontdoor looking around. No one in sight.



What the Hell?! How could he do something like this? He had said he was going for coffee with some co workers, not with some...Blond slut!

I told you so

" Shut up. "

Why? You know it's true. This is what I have said all the time. He doesn't care about you, it's obvious that he got a thing for that blond woman. Can't blame him thought, she's hot!

" Uhm...I.. "

Way better looking than you, but you already know that

" Yeah... " You say sadly. You keep walking, murmuring insults to yourself.

So what are you gonna do now?

" I don't know, maybe I'll- " You start but stops up infront of a grey building, looking up at a sign that read " Thea's bar. " You rub your chin, thinking.

" Oh what the Hell. " You mumble before entering the bar. You take in the view. People were sitting around chatting with each other while others were dancing. You take a seat closest to the corner. The bartender, a woman in her middle thirties walks up to you.

" Hey and welcome. What do you wish to order? " She asks you politely.

" Oh..Um...Just give me a beer. " You mumble out and she fills a 0,5 placing it infront of you. You grab your wallet taking out a 20 bill handing it to her. She thanks you politely and gives you back the change. You take a sip of the drink, grimacing. Beer didn't really taste good. You couldn't understand why your friends were so crazy about it back at earth when they were thirteen.

You sit there alone, watching people dance and having a good time and you couldn't help but feel really lonely. You turn back around placing the empty beerglass in front of you on the dark brown counter.

Suddenly you can feel someone tap your shoulder and you turn around taking in the view of a young man, not older than twentie, smiling at you.

" Hey. " He starts as he smiles at you. You almost pass out. He had such a cute smile. And when he smiled he got these cute small smiling wrinkles around his blue eyes reminding you of a bunny, or maybe a chipmunk, either way he was adorable.

" Hey. " You mumble back shyly.

" So I just thought you looked really lonely, and I just...Well I wondered if you might would like to, you know.. dance with me? " He asks you shyly and your heart swells twice it's size.

" Ehm..Well..I.. " You start, thinking about what Alex would say.

" It's fine if you don't want to. " He says slightly dissapointed, looking alittle hurted.

" No no of course I want to dance with you! " You smile at him. Fuck Alex, He had his slut and that would not stop you from having a good time.

" Umm, can I know your name? " You ask him and his head snaps up.

" Oh how rude of me! I'm Didrik! Didrik Solli Tangen. " He says politely reaching out his hand and you shake it. You quickly introduce yourself and he leads you to the dancefloor where they are playing a calm slow song at the moment. He puts a hand around your waist and you rest your head on his shoulder. You just sway back and forward with the music when suddenly the song ends and the next song blasts out almost making your ears bleed. Daft Punk's song Technologic fills the room and you and Didrik starts dancing alittle dirtier.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
You rub your ass in his crotch and he place his hands on your hips.

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
You turn around but still keep rubbing your body to his staring deeply into those seablue eyes.

Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, Pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it.
Holy fucking shit you could feel him hard against you now! And you ENJOY it.

" Should we go to yours or mine? " He whisper hotly in your ear.

" Yours. " You purr back and you grab his hand as he leads you out to his car.

It might be the alcohol that's talking now, but...To Hell with Alex.

To Hell with him..


Sorry for the lack of updates, busy busy woman with writers block!

And also, Didrik kick ass, I love that man, almost as much as I love Alex, so I HAD to put him in the story.

Also, I don't believe Ingrid is a slut. I mean, who wouldn't be tempted to sell private pics of your ex who broke up with you when you could get money? Lots of money?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago s0nja said…
Finally an update :D looooove it ;D Comment the chapter people so Helene puts in the next chapter :P I comment/try to comment after every chapter :P *Wants wants wants wants read mooooore (asap)* xD