Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 2609

over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Ohh I'm so curious! Please continue soon! :D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
SONJA!! i'm angry! CONTINUE or i eat you!!
over a year ago santa6168 said…
i am with rosel_13 !
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
^Rosel_15 in fanpop, Rosel_13 in youtube ;D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
You can't get angry with Sonja if she just hasn't got the time to write the next part xD :P
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
No no more stories let's taaaalk about sex baby *singing*


do you guys think Alex is a screamer in bed or do you think he is quiet?????
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Hah hah, Milda finaly there's a new question and a very good one

i've got only a little time so the answer is short...
definitely screamer...i can't imagine anything else...dammit now he is doing it inside my head and i got to go work, damn
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I bet he's loud, I just know it xD He has pretty strong lungs :3

BUT, as long as he doesn't scream loudly in my ear it would be fine :D
last edited over a year ago
I bet he's loud, I just know it xD He has pretty strong lungs :3

BUT, as long as he doesn't scream
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
hahahaha you really think so? hmm I have a hard time imagine that myself. I mean I don't think he's super quiet but maybe not a screamer..maybe just some mones hahahahaa xD
but well now that you girls say it I can imagine he's a screamer..but I agree Helene as long as he don't scream to loud it's okey hahaha!
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Yes not a loud screamer maybe more like ahh and ohh but loud enough, hah hah you know what i mean
over a year ago aisa07 said…
You want to see your face around?
Would be very loud or silent?
You want to see your face around?
Would be very loud or silent?
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
aisa07: oh my god your pic *dies* It looks like someone stucked a pole up his ass xD
over a year ago aisa07 said…
or just have an orgasm
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Haha yeah, a strong one too :D
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
Attention aisa07 and Helene17Norway
you become too vulgar and ridiculous!!(beurck)
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Allright so he is like ahhh and ohhhh when having sex
but what do you think, does he like to change positions during...or is it like the same position from start to the end?

I think he is very...hmmm...i don't know correct english word...but if i say "roll" then you maybe understand my meaning?
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hmm yeah good question, I have no idea, it probably depends, sometimes he likes and sometimes not? :D
over a year ago pjplx said…
micaelak_1 agree wih you!!! i understand what you mean and just laughing so hard :)) Helene that would be true :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Maybe it depends his partner? If she doesn't want to change so...

But i can't help for imagine him moving a lot in bed, it somehow suits for him and his loudness...;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
micaelak_1: Yep, you're right :D
over a year ago Ninouchka said…
big smile
micaelak_1, fortunately your words ring false!
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
ninouchka: ???
i didn't get your meaning, i'm lying somehow or what?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Ninouchka : yeah i didnt get it either :S
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Ninouchka!!!!!!!!!!!This is the forum only Over 16 years , if you're younger , do not read and does not breach !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Ninouchka can come here if she wants!
It's RECOMMEND for 16+ not a necessity!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Know I have time to continue my story ^^

... You feel the kiss all over you but you're still not comfortable. "I can still feel your insecurity", Alex says. "I'm sorry", you say and feel your tears again. "No honey, don't be sorry, don't cry", he comforts you and takes you into his arms. He caress and hugs you and then he gives you a kiss somwhere above your hairline. Then he looks you deep in your eyes and give you a careful kiss. You don't resist this time. It goes forward to a french kiss. Then you fall on the black leather couch. The leather is soft, it's real leather. He starts to take off your shirt. "Stop", you say. He stops. Then you say "No, continue", because you realise that you've been dreaming of this. He continues withouth saying nothing and then everything goes so fast. Omg, how good he is. Much better than you've ever imagined. "My dream comes true",you suddenly say between the kisses and realise that you said what you were thinking. "Why didn't you say it right away", Alex asks. "I don't no, I just...", you say. "Let's not speak. Let's just... *kiss*... continue with the most... *kiss*... important", Alex says and gives you a hot french kiss. The lights are suddenly off. You just feel alex and his arms around you. This is the hottest night of your life. It's filled with softness, caressing, kisses, anger, music and Alex. The hot contact between you are so tight. No one can come between you two. You melt as he looks you deep in the eyes. You're totally all his.
In the morning you wake up close beside him. His arms is still around you. You try to get up but you can't beacuse Alex is holding you and giving you a long "good morning" - kiss. "No need to hurry", Alex says and kiss you. Then you just lie there for a long time kissing and caressing each other, so lovely.
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
big smile
omg so beautifull!
love your stories so much sOnja!

haha :P
over a year ago s0nja said…
Hmm... I don't know if Alex is a scramer or not. I think he wouldn't probably scream all the time, just like oooh, aaah etc. :D
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
haha I think he moves and changes position allot..i think that would be good if he did! lol ^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
Yeah, it would probably become boring with the same position all the time :D or then not because it's Alex ;D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Sonja! Great story! Love the anger etc. :D:D
Thank you so much for this!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sonja that story was so great! so hot!^^

Hmmm, maybe in bed Alex would start with little "ooh" and "ahh"s, and then later he would scream?

It would be like : hump-hump-ah-hump-ohhh-hump-grunt-humphump­hum­phu­mph­ump­-SC­REA­M
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Maddalp said…
So far, this is the best story, S0nja! Really amazing how you are catching the reader and get all that excitement into a little story! :) I think you have a natural talent :) Nice work!

I agree with you Helene! ohh, aahh,.. screaaam. Haha lol xD
over a year ago micaelak_1 said…
Helene, that was really great, i laughed so much that hump-hump-ah-hump-ohhh...omg

ok, lets put that all together: lot of moves and changes of positions, much ahhh and ohhh and that hump-hump-ah-hump-ohhh...and finally scream...

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
micaelak_1 : Haha thank you xD

Yep, thats totally how it is!^^
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
big smile
Haha!! OMG LOVE IT ALL!! XD This really is the best forum ever!! ;D
and S0nja, WOW!! another amazing story!! I can't stop reading them and was so happy when i saw you continued it!! ^^ loved it as always! :D Never stop!! Can't wait for more!! :D
I can't wait to put some up too and will hopefully this weekend when have time XD

What do people think of the idea of 'Evil Alex' LOL eh Helene, remember? XD
Guys, so when he is a sexy bad guy hahaa :P I'm crazy XD xx
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
MissiX05 : Haha of course i remember! xD But we love crazy!!! :D
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
Hahaa YES! Crazy is the best!! ;D and haha love your 'hump-hump-ah-hump-ohhh-hump-grunt-h­ump­­hum­­ph­ump etc etc XD ----S­CRE­AM!!!' theory LOL XD Aaahhh can't get these thoughts out of my head now! Must...concentrate...on...homework....GAH! *dreams of Alex* :P
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hahahahhaa gotta love crazy, yes! :D Doing homework can be so hard when you're thinking of Alex D:
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
it's so funny reading this takes my mind of the fact that I'm nervous of tomorrow! aaah!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Thank's for your nice comments again ^^
Hahaa, that "hump-hump-ah-hump-ohhh-hump-grunt-hu­mph­hum­­ph­u­m­ph­­ump­­hu­m­p­-S­­CRE­­AM­&qu­ot; - thing was so good :D Damn, I laughed. God, I love this forum... and Alex ofcourse ^^ <3 :D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
I love the theory too! hah hah!
And Sonja i love your story! Just do more that anger thing ;D
over a year ago jo135 said…
woooooooowwwwwwwww well done Sonja for your story xDDDD!!!!!!

I WANT MORE and of course I LOVE ALEX and ALL the stories ;))))))))!!!!!!!! <333333333
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
big smile
666 stories!
this is the 667 comment :)
btw, Great stories! ;)
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
big smile
you're crazy girls.....! that's why i love you!
ahhh,ohhh........SCREAM ! that's crazyyy...
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
It's december.You're on winter vacations.You decided to go to New York to celebrate New year there.You were going with your best friend and her boyfriend.You were in the hotel,till you were in new day your friend and her boyfriend went sightseeing.You took a taxi who will drive you to the centre of the city.In taxi there was already somebody.Taxi drived that boy to the place where you go.You went to the shopping centre.You bought nice dress but you thought: when am I going to habit it? what for? At the second that you wanted to bring it back,your mobile ring. It was some number and you didn't know who is calling you,but you answered.You didn't regonize the voice,but it was familiar to you.It was male voice.He apologized for calling the wrong person.You were going to cover,but he asked you would you like to met him at said yes.You meet at the cafe at 17pm.When you saw him,He was very familiar to you,and you recall that he is the boy from taxi.He introduce him,and you introduce yourself.You asked him why does he wanted to meet you,and he said:because i thought maybe it's the destiny?
You needed to go,your friend was waiting for you.He recruit you to him,and asked you to go with him on some concert. you allow.You were very happy because you find someone to hang out here in new york(your friend was way too busy with her boyfriend , xD)You were very nutty that night because you couldn't wait for the concert,and thet boy was kinda cute to you...<3
The taxi picked you ,but you though that alex will pick you.but you went by taxi,because alex relay it.You didn't know why...
You came to the concert place.You saw him singing on the stage,you were confused. you didn't know what is he doing there.After few song he took a breath,and he went to the backstage.He conduct you with him in the backstage.He explain to you that he is a singer and he apologized to you for not telling you that.You were kinda mad on him,And you were trying to get out of the backstage,but he recall you back an told you that he is in love with you..<33
He kissed you,romanticly.He asked you out on dinner,and you endorse.You were very beautifull that night,you had nice black dress...Alex picked you ....<3 He had nice black shirt and trousers.He scent very seductive (Hugo Boss). You were radiant with his beautiful shiny eyes. You ate at the very romantic restaurant.After dinner he took you to your hotel room.He kissed you in front of your doors.You kiss back.You walked into the room and start taking off your clothes...mmm <3
He unbrace your bra....You took off his shirt.....rrrr
To be continued..... <333 love ya!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Oh my god O_O That was great! :'D And the Hugo Boss scent, rawr! Those smell good!^^
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Ohh nice! Hugo Boss xD Continue! :D
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
big smile
What about a "tent" story? ;D;D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Yees! A tent story :D:D Great idea! xD