Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago silla17 said…
i love horrors to ;)

i wasn't scared when i saw the movie Paranormal Activity.
but it is really good movie.

do you guys see the movie The Amityville Horror ??
i was really scared with that movie.
i was so scared that i was sitting between my sister and her boyfriend during the movie.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
i think ive seen it. isnt it when a family moves in in an old house and the father goes crazy?
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Well .. I wasn't that scared to, but it really shocked me when that ... ''thing'' took her and then the door closed sooo fast xD or the end ... the 'scary' end xD when she looks into the camera .. O.o

hmmm ... *watched trailer* .. is it that with this little girl and black long hair ?

And .. there is standing .. that this story is true ... :S omg xD
over a year ago silla17 said…
what helene says is true
that how the movie goes The Amityville Horror.

Well i saw Paranormal Activity on the internet
and on the internet it has a different ending. because that katie killed micah and she was sitting for hours next to her bed. and then suddely the police comes and she walks to the police with the knife in her hands and the police shut her dead.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
You open your eyes and blink a few times to get the sleepiness away. When that doesn't work you try move an arm to rub it away but you can't seem to be able to move it. You feel a heavy weight over your waist and you turn around and stare right into Alex face. His eyes are closed and his mouth is slightly open. He's drooling, god he looks so cute! You just lay there staring at him for a few minutes taking in his facical features. What had you done to deserve a guy like him? He was perfect. No, he was more than perfect. He was pure awesomeness. Suddenly he starts moving, rolling around so his back faces you. You cuddle closer to his warm back and traces his back with little circles and hearts.

" Mmmm that tickles. " He giggles.

" Sorry. Did I wake you? "

" Yeah but it's ok. " He says, stretching his arms nearly smacking you in the face in progress. You push him closer to the edge of the bed.

" Move bitch you're taking up to much space. " You struggle and try to push him over the edge. Him being twice your size easily push you into the wall taking up the rest of the bed so you are squeezed between him and the wall as he tickles you furiously.

" Help! Can't breath! " You choke out laughing.

" Oh my god! Stop it!! Stop it! "

" Say sorry! "

" Never! "

" Say you're sorry for trying pushing your superhot boyfriend down to the cold floor! "

" I'll never apologise! I'll rather die! " You choke out between the laughter fits.

" Grrr then I guess I'll have to eat you! " He says planting his face in your neck biting and licking it playfully.

" Oh my god! Hahahhaha! " You finally manage to push him of your neck all wet with spit.

" Dude that is so gross. You drool worse than your dog. " You wipe away the spit with your sleeve.

" Oh suck it up pieface. "

" Did you just call me pieface? " You ask, lifting an eyebrow.

" Yeah. It' my two favorite things. Pie, and your face. "

" I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted. "

" It was a compliment. " He smiles kissing you.

" Hey. I feel all better today! Lets make a pie! " You say shooting up so fast you see stars.

" Alright! " He says jumping out of bed already on his way to the kitchen. You couldn't bother getting dressed so you just ran down after him in your pyjamas.

" What kind of pie should we make? " He asks you.

" Hmm, what about blueberries? " You suggest.

" Yeah. I like blueberries. "

" I know. "

" How could you know? "

" You just look like a guy that like blueberries. " You smile at him as he rolls his eyes.

" Alright pass me the flour. " You say. He shakes his head.

" Nuhu. "

" What? Why? "

" You gotta ask in a polite way. "

" Give me the fucking flour or i'll rip of your ballsack and shov it down your throat. " You threaten. He quickly hands you the floor and covers his crotch with his left hand.

" Thank you. " You pour the flour in the bowl and add some water and butter to it. You look over at Alex mashing the blueberries, his hands covered in purple juice. You keep knead the paistry until your wrists starts hurting. You put the dough in a pan and Alex adds the blueberries.

You deside to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre while you're waiting for the pie. You don't get easily scared by horror movies, but this was way to scary! You've come to the part where Leatherface is trying to kill the woman when the clock is ringing signalising that the pie is done. You jump up from the couch and jogs to the kitchen and opens the stove and takes out the pie setting it on the table to cool down. You get out two plates and set them on the table. You pick up the knife and cut out two pieces.

" Hey! Should we eat outside? It's a beautiful weather! " Alex calls from the livingroom.

" Sure! Would you come help me with the pie? I can't carry all this alone! "

" Coming! " He enters the kitchen taking the plates from you so you can go find something to drink. You open the refrigerator and takes out two Smirnoff Ice. You follow Alex and settle down in the middle of the backyard on the green grass. He hands you a plate and you take it thanking him. You sit there and eat in silence before speaking up.

" Shouldn't we let our parents meet each other soon? " You ask him.

" Hmm, yeah you're right about that. Maybe you and your family can come over to meet my family like, Saturday at 8 pm? "

" Yeah that sounds great. " You smile at him. He takes a sip on his drink.

" Awesome, then Saturday it is! "


I remember I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre a year ago in February and it scared the shit out of me! I didn't go out in the dark alone for 4 months! O.o And there is a forest on the other side of my house and a haunted farm not so far away where I live. How do I know that it's haunted? it's been on TV, and my friend who had a horse there before, have seen it it with her own eyes. She had to move her horse away from there due to all the negative energy.

And also, only around 4 more chapers :D
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
Wauw, great!!no i don't know those movies but do you know disturbia, or when a stranger calls? or it? en ofcourse saw =D and kill bill xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
omg ! This story is soooo awesome !! :D :D

loovvee itt !! <3

oh and about Paranormal Activity ... yes there are 2 different ends O.o

I first saw that one with the police
and then the second one :P
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Disclaimer: I dont own Alex, he own himself, this is as real as me eating puppies and kittens

Saturday has finally come, and you were all dolled up in a new black dress. Your father was kinda sceptical to put on a suit but after alot of nagging and a crocodille tear or two you finally managed to convince him. Your mother took forever in the bathroom with her hair.

" Mom hurry up we're going to be late! " You whine through the door. Your mother storms out from the bathroom.

" Yeah yeah just wait a few seconds i need to find my purse. " She says annoyed, scratching her head.

" Mom it's where you always leave it. Behind the table in the livingroom. "

" Oh right! Right. Thank you hun. " She pats your head like you're some kind of pet.

" Mom you're fucking up my hair! "

" Language! " She warns you. Your father just stands there with his arms crossed.

" So are we leaving or not? We are already 10 minutes to late. "

" Oh fuck! " You mother opens her mouth and is about to snap at you but you're already outside running over the yard to get to Alex house. You parents follows you ( using the pavement ) and soon they stand behind you before you ring the doorbell. You see the shadow of a tall figure and the door unlocks. Alex is standing there smiling at you in a black suit. He invites you all in and presents himself for your parents. You can already smell fried chicken as you enter the livingroom and you sit down by Alex at the table. He pokes you and ask for the potatoes. You all eat in silence until Natalia speaks up.

" I'm so happy to finally see Alex have met such a nice sweet girl. " She smiles at you making you blush and look down at your plate.

" thank you. " You say, face all red.

" So do you have any plans for the future? " His father, Igor asks.

" Umm, I want to become a teacher maybe, on an elementary school. "

" Oh that's wonderful! That means that you like children, right? " Natalia says.

" Heh, yeah I do they are lovely. " you answer her.

" Alex here wants to become a musician. " Natatlia says proudly. Alex look up blushing.

" I didn't know you played any instrument. " You say surprised.

" Mom that's not for sure I'm not good enough. " He mumbles.

" Oh stop that! You're great! "

" What kind of instrument do you play? " You ask him.

" Umm, i play violin, and some piano, but violin the most. "

" Ohh a violinist! That's pretty impressive. " Your mother says.

" Oh why thank you. " He says shyly.

You all move over to the couch while the adults are cleaning off the table.

" Why didn't you tell me you played before now? "

" I don't know, I think I might was alittle embarrased. "

" Embarrased? Why? "

" Well so many people thinking violin is gay. " He says smiling.

" What?! that's not true! Ever heard of Ole Bull- " You start before Natalia is placing the biggest chocolate cake you have ever seen infront of you. What were they trying to do? Feed you until you were fat enough before putting you in the stove?

The adults chats happily about adult things, like how Igor came from Belarus to Norway while he was on tour, then jumped off while he was here and Natalia told how scared she was that she might would never see her husband again. Alex tells you that he was only five when he came to Norway

" Damn you must have been pretty fucking scared. " You tell him. He nods.

" Yeah I was, I had no idea where the fuck my father was. I was only three years old back then. " He says and you pat his shoulder. After a while it gets boring listening to the adults talking and you and Alex deside to move on to the TV to play video games. You start rummaging through his games looking for something that might interest you. Right now, any game would do. You end up playing some zombie game.

" Stop blowing the brains out of my zombies! " You say annoyed. He glares at you.

" Hey blowing up each other zombies is the point of this game! "

" I don't care! I hate losing! "

" Stop being a bitch! "

" Stop being a douche! "

" I love you! "

" I love you too! " You look at each other trying to stare the other one down. While he's not looking you quickly turn around and blow up his last zombie, the screen shouting you won. He turn his head glaring daggers at you. You smile innocent at him.

" That' You DIE! " He says as he throws himself over you pinning you to the ground sitting on top of you trying to drool in your face.

" Oh no! Don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare! I hate getting drool in my face! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!! " He laughs and quickly suck it back in but when he's about to step of you both your parents enter the room and see Alex pinning you to the ground.

" Ummm...It's not what it looks like. Really. " Yout both answer them at the same time.


Before you knew it the clock was already passed 23 and you started getting tired. Your parents thanked each other for the evening.

" Well this evening went smooth. " Alex says.

" Yeah. Except that my parents now think you tried to rape me. "

" Hey that was NOT my fault. You cheated so you deserved it! " You roll your eyes at him giving him one last kiss before leaving. This evening had been great. Igor and Natalia had loved both you and your parents, and you were pretty sure your family adored Alex just as much. You enter your house, enter the livingroom before falling asleep right here on the couch.


You wake up to the cellphone saying that you've gotten a new textmessage. You pick up the phone and open the message.

Log on MSN a.s.a.p

It was from Alex

You quickly run up the stairs to your room and turn on the laptop. You wondered what he wanted. Finally the welcome message goes away and you are able to sign in. Right away a window is popping up.

Alex1324 says : Heeeey :D

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : Hiii 8D

Alex1324 says : How are you? ^^,

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : I'm fine, how are you?^^

Alex1324 says : gd gd^^ I'm fine thank you. What are you doing?

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : You just woke me up, what about you? :3

Alex1324 says : Shit! I'm sorry, I thought you already was awake. I just had something to tell you and I couldn't wait!

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : What is it? :D

Alex1324 says : You remember we were talking about having sex? :D

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : Yeah? :3

Alex1324 says : Well my parents won't be home until tomorrow, so I wondered...;D

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : If you could screw me over the kitchen table? 8D

Alex1324 says : Well I was thinking in a more romantic way xD But would you really let me do that? 8D

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : Not since it will be my first time. Oh joy how jolly good fun it would be losing your virginity on the kitchen table where your parents just had breakfast.

Alex1324 says : Ewww! That's nasty!

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : xD

Alex1324 says : Sooooo

XxCouldCrushYouWithMyVoicexX says : Sooooo....what?

Alex1324 says : So what the fuck are you waiting for? Get over right away!

Alex1324 has signed off.

You barely get time to think before throwing on a white summer dress and pink sneakers. Not the best combination, but what the hell, according to Alex you wouldn't keep your clothes on much longer.


Only 3 more chapters left!

And also, I'm not sure what Alex's moms name is sorry xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jo135 said…
Helene XD

Alex's mother's name is Natalia and NOT Natasha XP !!!

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
sorry! xD
cause sometimes the newspaper writes natasha xD
over a year ago santa6168 said…
AAAAAAA... i loved it!
i want continiune faster.. xD <3
Helene - you are amazing!!!
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
BTW, Natasha and Natalia are the same. Natasha is just more suitable for a girl or if you know that person well. Natalia is more polite.
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
Amaizing,Helene you ROCK SISTER....
over a year ago s0nja said…
Can't wait for the next chapters, Helene!!! <3
over a year ago silla17 said…
wow it is amazing ;)

now i'm very curious about the rest :D:D:D
can't wait Helene
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Helene!! YOU ARE THE BEST !!
GOSH!! Can't wait to read more of it >.<

:D :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Okies so the sex chapter is written, BUT, I won't publish it here. You gotta send me a message on fanpop and I'll send it to you ( Do not send e-mail, send message to my fanpop user ). The reason I'm not posting it here is because it's M rated ( M for Mature )and there is probably alot of underage girls ( I'm talking about down to 11 years old ) that might not have a fanpop account, and should not read stories with sexual content.

also, here is a few warnings:

There are oral sex ( blowjobs and such )
There is vaginal sex
There is detailed describing of Genital organs

REMEMBER THIS STORY IS PURE SMUT. S-M-U-T. That means it all is sex.

You still think your little virgin mind can take it? SEND ME A MESSAGE!

Important notice: You can not sue me for scarring your little virgin minds, because I already warned you.

Hope you'll enjoy and thank you for all the lovely reviews, here, have a picture of a smiling shark as a thank you from me cause sharks are kick ass awesome

last edited over a year ago

Okies so the sex chapter is written, BUT, I won't publish it here. You gotta send me a
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…



over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
didnt i send it to you?
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yep, told you it was smutty 8D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Disclaimer: I don't own Alex, he owns himself, this story is fake

Days turn to weeks and weeks turns to months and soon you and Alex had been dating for over 8 months. At school all of your friends had taken Alex in with open arms, and you kinda had to fight for him, he was pretty popular when it came to the ladies.

It's february, and you and Alex is outside having a snowball battle. You had build your own wall out of thick white snow and were making extra snowballs. You quickly looked over your wall and tried to spot Alex.

" Alex! Come out you pussy! " You yell looking around for him. Suddenly a snowball hits you in the back of your head followed by mad giggling.

" Gotcha! " You turn around and see Alex making a run for his own 'snowcastle'. You grab a snowball and throw it with all the force you can but missed him by an inch.

" Hahaha you suck! " He points at you before ducking down behind the wall. Hmm, you needed a plan. You had to go get a hostage! You quickly run from your 'castle' and inside of Alex house. You enter his livingroom where Cindy is laying looking curiously at you.

" Voff? "

You walk over to her and pick her up. She licks your face happily as you carry her outside. You quickly run and hide behind your wall.

" Hey Alex! "

" What? "

" I got a hostage! " Alex is curiously watching you as you hold up Cindy. His eyes bulge out.

" Cindy! "

" Voff voff! " She barks happily, not getting that she's held hostage.

" Mohaha! Surrender or I'll eat Cindy! "

" Ok ok I surrender I surrender! " He says letting go of his snowball. You walk over to him with Cindy in your arms and put her down. Then Alex grab your leg and pulls at it so you lose your balance and falls face down in the snow. You feel a heavy weight on you and somebody pinning you to the ground. You spit out ice cold snow.

" Haha! You shold know better than fuck with me! " He laughs madly. You take some snow in your hand and throw it in his face. He lets out a girly scream and jumps of you.

" Ohh it's so cold it's so very very cold! It's going down in my neck! " He shivers. You walk over to him laughing, and helps him empty his neck for half melted snow.

" You know what we should do now? " You ask him. He shakes his head.

" No? "

" We should go home to me and make cocoa and eat Oreos. "


An hour later you both is seated in front of the fireplace, a cup of cocoa in your hands and a plate with oreos in front of you. You dip your cookie in your cocoa and put it in your mouth sucking on it. Alex takes a sip from his cocoa.

" You know what we should do? " He asks.

" No? "

" For springbreak, we should go to my parents cabin. Just me and you you know. "

" Wow that sounds awesome! You really think your parents will allow us to go there alone? " He nods.

" Yeah I've been there with my previous girlfriends. "

" I hope you've changed the sheets. " You tease and he pokes you in the stomach.

" Of course I have! Well not me, but my Mom did. "

" ...That sounds so wrong. " You say and Alex makes a face.

" Oh my God that's disgusting! " He covers his eyes while you laugh out. After the laughter has died down he speaks up.

" So? We got a plan? Just you and me? Together? Alone? " You nod.

" Yes of course! That will be awesome. "

" Great! And also, I got a surprise for you, but I won't tell you what it is until we get there. "

" Aww why not? " You whine.

" Because, it's a secret! "

" Fine. Fine I'll wait. " You sigh, cuddling cloesr to him.


The weeks snail away and finally the day has come. Your first vacation with Alex. Alone. You've already packed the bags and goes through your list to see if there is something you have forgotten.

" Right-o everything is checked! " You walk downstairs and place your bags in the hallway. Your parents stand there to say goodbye. Your mother pulls you into a huge hug.

" Ohhh my baby is growing up. " She says all teared up.

" Mooom. " You whine trying to get free from her grip.

" Oh I'm sorry hun. " She says letting you go, you then turn to your father and give him a hug and a kiss on your cheek.

" Be careful and remember- " Your father starts but gets interupted by a loud noise.


Alex carhorn.

" Well I gotta go now, he'll get cranky if I don't leave now. " You say and wave goodbye to them before closing the frontdoor. You run down to Alex's car, throw your bags in the backseat before getting in in the front. You turn around and give him a kiss.

" You ready to go? " He smiles at you. You nod and he turns on the car driving out from the porch.

You drive in silence for a while before speaking up.

" So where is this cabin? "

" It's in the middle of a forest in the mountains. It's a very beautiful place. " He tells you.

" how long is the drive? " You ask him.

" About 4 hours. " He says and you moan.

" 4 hours?! In a car?! " You whine sinking down in your seat. This was going to take forever. You watch the buildings in a blurr through the carwindow, getting more and more longer away from civilisation. After a few minutes the blurry nature makes you sleepy and you slide into a peacefull slumber.


You wake up of Alex screaming. You shoot up and can see Alex has lost control over his car. He tries to take control over the car but its pointless. The car glides off the road and gets thrown down a hill getting thrown around multiple times. The frontglass breaks and you get thrown out like a ragdoll.You scream. You have never been this scared. Suddenly the hill is coming to and end and the car lands on its roof completely wrecked. You land a few meters away from the car with a thud. You lift your body from the ground and wipe some blood away from your forhead.

Alex. Where was Alex? You look over at the wrecked car. Oh dear God please don't let Alex...!

You run over to the car and look inside the drivers seat. Alex is stuck in there, blood covering his face.

" Alex! " You say, trying to get him lose but its pointless.

" Stop! I'm stuck! " He yells. You stop pulling on him.

" Just calm down, I'll get you lose. I'll- " You start but suddenly you can smell something.


" Oh no! No no no no! " You scream.

" Listen to me! You gotta get away from the car. It's about to explode! " He says. You shake your head.

" Never! I'll never leave you here! " You cry, tears cascading from your eyes. He grab your wrist.

" Listen to me. You gotta get away from here. I'm doomed anyway. Go get help! And take this with you. " He hands you a small black box. You look down at it. He looks at you.

" I was going to give it to you when we came to the cabin, but since we never got that far I give it to you now. Please keep it. " He cough. You can see the gasoline running closer to the sparks that lays close to the car.

" Please. Save youself. " He whimpers. He kiss your hand and you turn around running away. About 6 meters away from the car you hear a loud explosion followed by painfilled screams. The smell of burned skin and oil fills the air making you throw up. You turn around to see flames burst out of the car. Your knees give out and fall down on your back.

This can't be happening. Please...

The last thing you hear before blacking out is the painfilled shriek of your boyfriend.


I bet you didn't see that coming, eh?

Only one chapter left! Thank you for the reviews!
over a year ago Shelbicullen said…
GREAT!!!! Freaking yummy nd amazzzzing!!!! Mmmmmm!!!!
over a year ago Fift33n said…
noo, I don't want Alex to die :( hehe, but great story anyway :)
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Helene this is great!
I hope he does not die!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Nononononononooooo!!!! He can't die :S :'( Let's hope he'll survive... :)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Now me and my friend are going to try to write a story, Hope it will be ok ;) enjoy! This story is noooot so real, it's only some fantasies ;) hehe


chapter 1

It's monday morning and you're going to your work like you do everyday. You work on a hospital in Oslo as a nurse.
The clock is 7 AM, and you walk in the corridor and greets on the people you meet. You will help in emergency rooms today, so you walk there and start to put everything in order.

-Hurry up! A man in 23-year age are on the way! A doctor are yelling and you start to make the room ready for the patient.
-Whats wrong with him? you ask
- He fell from the stage when some girls grabbed his shirt.
-Oh, so it's a celebrity who is on the way here??!! Is it a teenageidol or something, I think that when it was some crazy girls who pulled him down.
-Yes, it's...

The ambulans personal are running in through the doors.
-Out of the way! Out of the way! the ambulansman is yelling.
You follow some doctors to the room to check what's wrong with the patient, and when you could see the face of the patient your heart is beating faster and faster, you just can't breathe. The person who is lying there and look at you has beutiful brown eyes, brown hair and you can see strong muscels on his arms, but, what's wrong with the right arm?

- His shoulder is dislocated! Give me analgesic, fast! The doctor is telling to you.
You shake your head to stop starring on the patient, and go to get the analgesic.
-Just turn on him!
They turn him on the stomach. And then you see his nice butt. It's the cutest you ever seen!
Stop starring on his ass! you just tell to you're self, he's a patient! Just a normal, unlucky patient! But really cute, and hot and... Oh just stop now!

-Do you feel better now? the doctor asks him.
-Yeh, little, but my shoulder hurts a little, augh, and my butt, haha.
-I can ask *youre name* to give you some medicin. Do you want something to drink? Water or something?
-Thanks,water would be great

-Oh, so you're *your name*? the patient asks you
-ehm, yes. h-h-here y-you have some water, and medicin
-Thanks, oh, and you have to know my name, I'm...
-Oh, I know who you are!
-Do you? He says and winks at you
Did he just flirt with me?? really?
-Who am I, I just have forget it, I'm so confused of your hotness.
-Ehm, ooh, hehe, stop looking at me like that! I feel my cheeks becoming red.
-hehe, Oh my, I'm very sick, almost dead, and I'm flirting with a cute girl I didn't know, and that she is a nurse, I must be very sick now!
-Haha, yeah, I almost didn't know you, or I know who you are.
-Okey, who am I?
-Haha, you are mr. Rybak. It says in the papers.
-Oh, you're right. Haha.
-I voted for you in ESC!
-Oh, thanks.btw how old are you?
- You know, never ask a woman about her age!
-Sorry, but I have to know
-Okey, why? Btw, I'm 18.
-Okey, aren't you too young to work here? But you're gonna see it later why I want to know your age
Some weeks later:
You go out to the waiting room to say to Alex to come in to the doctor.
-Hello again, how does it feel now?
-muuuuch better, and I hope I can start playing violin again, I had to cancel sooooo many concerts, and I have been very boored, I couldn't play any TV-games!
-RightRight, I hope you'll can do it soon, after some weeks
-Must I wait so loooooong time
-I'm sorry.

After the doctor has removed the plaster, he has to go out to take care of another patient and want you to stay with Alex for a while.

Alex look at you, deep into the eyes, and you feel like a lightning bolt has been knocked down in you. He's so cute! So sexy! and so hot!

-Hey, do you want to go on a date with me?
-Oh, ahm, ehm, eh, y-ye-e-Yes I want, you answer him
-Great, he smiles little naughty

He leans forword and give you a little kiss. You just stop breathing, and you feel a little dirty feeling in your body.
He pull you down to the bed and give you a french kiss, you feel little dirty feeling right now.

-Wait a second.

Alex look at you, and smile. He's waiting for what you have to say.

-What are we doing right now?
- I don't know, he says and looks innocent.

You smile, this boy is too cute, you don't even know him, he don't even know you, but it feels like you have known eachother for a very long time, but this is the second time.

He give you a hug, and get closer to you, you start to breathe faster, you can hear his heartbeatings, he take off his shirt. He kiss you on the neck, you lie so close to him that you can feel every move he makes, you are carefully to his shoulder. He start to take off your nursecoute...

hehe, I know this is not the best story, but we tried to make one, let's see if you liked it, and I know it's not so good, but. Do you think I would continue it? ;b
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awww YAY another writer!^^ and yes, you should continue!!^^
over a year ago misses said…
I think most girls and woman would like to have sex with Alex. Just imagine if you did have the chance to this wonderful boy. And you only had that one chance someplace. I would take it. Of cours not if it was a bad situation, but if he was nice like he always is, I think not many would say no..... I just read some of your comments earlier about wanting to have sex with him. And yes, I would of course. He is perfect, he is sexy, hot, sweet, kind and maybe a little rude and interesting ;-))))))
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
big smile
OOO YES continue...
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
In reality I wouldn't have sex with Alex :]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Disclaimer: I dont own alex, he owns himself, as far as i know he never burned to death in reality

The funeral is unbelivable. There are flowers everywhere. Tulips, name it. You are seated in the front getting the perfect view of the white coffin covered with flowers in all colors. The coffin was closed. His body was burned to the unrecognizable. His face was just one swollen piece of flesh.

You look over to the right. Alex parents are seated there, crying over the loss of their son. A father holding a crying mother who lost their son way to early. You felt so sorry for them. Losing a child must been unberable. The church was filled with friends and family. Both from Norway and Belarus. There is piano music playing the background. The priest is telling about Alex life from he was born and 'til his death but you can't hear a word he's saying. You get up from the bench and walk up to the coffin. The priest stop talking and is looking curiously at you. You lean down and kiss the coffin.

" Bye baby I'll see you soon. " You say before turning around and leaving the church, people whispering and pointing at you.

Outside, there's a sunny weather with almost no wind. It was perfect. You leave the cemetary in a hurry. You couldn't wait to see your Alex again. You walk about 15 minutes until you've reached your goal. A bridge. You walk over and lean over the edge, looking down at the crystal clear blue water. You take a a look around. Nobody was here. Perfect. Nobody to stop you.

You put one leg over the edge, then the other before you're standing on the rail looking down. It would probably take only two seconds when you let go. Two seconds to hit the water. No more pain, no more suffering. You would be with Alex again.

You look down on your ringfinger where the beautiful golden engagement ring was. You had put it on right away after you got it and never taken it off even though it was almost 3 weeks since Alex died.

You take one last look at the sky before you let go of your grip. The wind is tearing at your clothes and before you know it you've hitted the ice cold water knocking you unconscious.


You open your eyes. You're laying in the snow beside the river you just jumped into. You look over and you can see 5 people with yellow clotching and an ambulance a few meters away. You get up and walk over to them and take a look over one the men's shoulder. You gasp. It was you laying in the snow there. Pale skin and blue lips. One of them was trying to restart your heart but it was useless.

" There is no use. She's gone. " He says sadly before covering your corpse with a black plastic sheet.

Suddenly everything goes blurry and you can feel yourself fading away from this world. You open your eyes again and look at the surroundings. It was beautiful. It was peaceful. The sky was a white golden colour and the grass was the greenest you had ever seen. But the most beautiful thing was standing in front of you looking sad. It was Alex. You scream before throwing yourself in his arms, him holding you tightly.

" Why would you do that?! " He cries.

" I'm sorry! But I couldn't go on living without you! " You cry in his shirt.

" But what about your family down there? Your parents? Your friends? "

" They will be fine! They still have each other. They will get over it. " You answer him, looking up at his face. There was not a mark there. He looked completely normal and you could never in your wildest dreams guess that he had burned to death.

" I am sorry. I mean it. But I couldn't go on living my life without my soulmate. Without you, I would only been alive, I would only exist but I wouldn't be living. " You say all teared up and Alex's heart swell alittle.

" Besides, our parents have each other. They will help each other get over the sorrow, and besides, they know that we are together now, and I think that will help them. " You say and he nod.

" Yeah, true. "

" Sooo, you gonna give me a tour on this place? " You ask him. He smiles

" Sure, but I need to ask you one thing first. " He says going down on one knee.

" Would you marry me in heaven? " He ask hopefully. You gasp before starting to cry.

" Yes! Yes of course I will marry you! " You throw yourself in his arms and give him a big wet kiss.

" Come on let's go. " He says as he grab your hand and you enter the gates of heaven.

Down at earth, your parents had buried you in the same grave as Alex. They had to pay 5 times as much since it was on such a short notice but they said it was worth it. The most important thing for them was knowing that you and Alex was resting together for eternity.


Wow I can't believe it's over! I had so much fun writing this story! Maybe, if you all are good girls I might write a sequel about how they live together in heaven ^^

Thank you so much to everybody who have read this story, you guys are amazing^^

Read and review please^^

over a year ago jo135 said…
YEEEYYY another writer ^^ !! YES you should DEFINATELY continue your story XD !!! noooooo I dont want Alex to die :( :S :'( !!!!

@messes : I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU 100% ;D !!! mmmm *grrrr* XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silla17 said…
i agree you should definately continiue ;)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Helene, it was a little sad first, but the end was beutiful, married in the heaven, a lucky end :)

And I can try to continue the story Me and my friend wrote when I have time, an I have to think what would happen in it first ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
Wow, i really didn't expect the end! But that's good!!=D you're really an amaing writer!! <3 You have to write new stories! =D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
I'm like crying ! Please write a continue!
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
omg, pinkforever97 if you don't like Alexander. What are you doing here?
over a year ago s0nja said…
Both of you should continue ^^ and I agree with Marcella123, pinkforever97 if you like Rob Pattinson (btw. I think he's ugly...) then you don't have to be here -.-...
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
hahaha, s0nja i also think that he's ugly! xD
over a year ago santa6168 said…
iuuu. im gonna throw up when i see his face... (serious.once i did it :S ) and thats not cool so stop say his name here!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fift33n said…
pinkforever97, I think you're too young for this forum ;) So please, get away from here, and I can get a promise that Rob is not so nice like Alex, Alex is really nice,cute and cares about everyone. He would never say to a fan "Get away from me" like Rob did when it was a girl who run to him and kiss hom on his mounth, He said: Get away from me! I don't want you to kiss me when youre sick, and he was so bad to the girl, because she just run to him. Iäm sure that Alex NEVER gonna do that. If Rob not were famous, I know that nobody want to love him, But Alex is a verygood human, and he cares about everyone you can love him like a private person, not only a celebrity, he wants to have contact with everybody, and I think Robert dosn't wan't that and care about his fans like Alex did. Alex have a heart of gold, really! So...LOVE ALEX 4EVER!!
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
I'm actually tired of saying that Pattinson is just awful. I won't pay attention to it anymore and won't waste my nerves!

I would rather say 'thank you' to Helen for such a great story! You made me cry non-stop! Perhaps ypu could make a new story, if you got time?

And Fift33n, continue your and your friend's story, please!

over a year ago Fift33n said…
We're gonna continue it :)

Pinkforever97: you're so wrong ;) He hasn't the same clothes ;) he wassh them and he has diffrent clothes on almost every concert, and I know many peoples in Norway who still love him :b And here in Finland he's still very popular, The fan was not drunk, he's not nice to his fans, not like Alex is. And I know that you love because of his look, he's famous. Not because of his personality, like we love Alexander. I still love Alex because he's such a nice person. If he isn't was he who he is, I wouldn't love him so much I do. Ofcourse I love his music, his look etc. But most because that I know he's a wonderful person, Did Rob stay 2 hours to give autograph, so he can be sure that everybody has got autographs, hugs, or whatever they want. Like Alex do. So why are you here when you dosn't love him, huh? Respect that peoples still love Alex, You're to young to understand that I think. A mature person understands to respect others' beliefs, but an immature and childish little human doen't understand it but whine and nag and irritate people so we pranks on them. So, as you do now. So I can say to you. Get a life! Go to Rob's page and write to you there instead. I now say goodbye to you, take it and go away.
For the absolutley last time. Alex accept everybody, and he dosn't require a thing of peoples, like I think Rob do. But I have nothing against Rob. But I still love Alex, everybody on this page still love him, so if you don't, get away.

By the way, this is a forum for good and beutiful stories!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BreXnes said…
hmmm... what are you pp. speaking about? link
over a year ago BreXnes said…
forget Rybak and get a real boyfriend! (Like me.. :D)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Hahaha, lol. I've never said I want him like my boyfriend ;) I know I'll never get him ;) It's really childish to irritate other people, we see that you're quite young. And by the way I gonna meet Alex soon ;) So why stand here and irritate? If we love him, we love him, And what's so good with the "perfect Twilightstar?" Do you love him because everybody else love him? or? Get a life and don't care about what we like or not. I can't see the point why you are still standing here? I think you're too young, really.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Seriously, go to your freaking twilight forum and stop posting shit here, you're 13 for godness sake and should know better
over a year ago Fift33n said…
And one thing left. Tell me another celebrity who stands until everybody has got an autograph and hug. Do you know anyone else? huh?