Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago s0nja said…
I agree with Jenni ^^

A tent story? Hmm... So do you mean like studying? Or?

Camping story

You're up in the norwegian hills camping alone. Because you want to get away from the stress and the everyday life. The view is breathtaking and you feel how the peace deep in your soul. You have a map etc. You stop to take a look over the beautiful fjord. Suddenly you hear something, like music. Then you see a guy who is playing on a violin. It sounds so lovely but he seems to be very sad. You go closer to him. He doesn't see/notice that you're there. When he stops you say: "That was so beautiful". He gets a little bit scared but then he says: "Thank you, I wasn't expecting to see anyone up here". "Oh, okay. Well, I can go. Sorry if I interrupted you", you say and turn around to leave. "No, you didn't interrupt me. Are you hungry? I have something small to eat, if you like", he says very kind. You turn to him. He comes to you and gives you his hand. You take his hand carefully and he leads you to sit down beside him. Then he gives you something warm to drink and something to eat. You sit there quiet for a moment beside each other. Then he asks you your name and tells you that you can call him Alex. He tells you about how he wanted to escape the city noises and the everyday life. You tell him that you also wanted to get away from it for a moment.
Then you feel see how the night is starting to fall and it starts to get very cold. Suddenly it starts to snow and it seems to become a snowstorm. He helps you up and you take your belongs. He say that you have to get some cover. You're not going to get to any village in time. Luckuly he knows a small camping cottage and he takes your hand and you start to walk to the cottage. The snowfall is becoming stronger and it's getting harder to see. You try to walk faster but it's very hard. Suddenly he lifts you up and carries you. You put your hands around his neck. He seems to be very tierd. "Are you sure about this"?, you ask. "Yes", he says and you continue. It's very cold too. After what seems like forever you get to the small cottage. He kicks up the door of wood. He puts you on the one and only bed and close the door very hard. You're both freezing. You're shaking of coldness. He see that and comes to hug you very tight. You're kind of suprised but glad at the same time beacause it really helps. There are no electricity. There are some old candles and a small fireplace wich you light on because alex have luckuly some matches and there are some old wood too. You get the cottage a little bit warmer and can here the snow whistle outside. You sit there on the bed doing nothing and it's kind of boring. But you're very close because you have to keep yourselves warm somehow. He takes your hand and gives it a small kiss. Then he keeps it in his hands for a very long time. He puts his arm around you and you feel kind of safe. You lay your head on his chest and close your eyes. He's chest is so warm. Then he gives you a small kiss in your hair and caress you. He lifts up your head and kiss you on the cheek he moves down to your neck. All the time he holds you very tight. You kiss his hair carefully. Then he takes a pause and watch you deep in your eyes. He touches your lips with his. He caress your arms. Then he gives you a sweet, sweet kiss. His hands are lightly on your neck. You reply to the kiss wich carefully turns to a french kiss. Then you feel how his arms slides down to your waist. He takes off your sweater, then your t-shirt and then your vest. You have only your bra and your trousers on. He caress your back. Then he take off his sweater and t-shirt. He lay you down on the bed and kiss your forehead he moves down to your lips, your neck, your stomac. Then he takes off your trousers. You're in only in your underwear now. You turn. You're on top now. You open his trousers and take them off. He lifts you a little bit. His hands on your waist, they caress your back and he opens your bra very slowly. Then his hands slide more down. His hands are now lightly on your butt and suddenly your panties slowly slide off. He wraps a blanket around you both and you feel him all over. His arms, his lips. So genter. You caress each other. A very, very hot night.
In the morning you wake up. You've been sleeping on his chest and under the same blanket with him. You give a little kiss on his chest and move up to his neck. He takes you and gives you a french kiss.
You get up and start to put your clothes on. Then you take your belongs and get away. The snow is very deep. He lifts you up again and carries you. After a while you stop and he puts you down. You're kissing. Then you walk trough the beautiful landscape while holding holding each others hands. Sometimes you just stop to admire the view and kiss each other.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
s0nja that was really awesome,hot,cute etc etc! :'D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
WOWO OHOHOHO okay i'm going crazy! Awesome story Sonja!
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Hugo Boss, Alex uses. But exactly which one? (Said in an interview /
If you can write here to thank you
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
WOW good stories girls!!!
over a year ago stojanka said…
OMG... Your stories r so amazing... keep writing girls! :)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Great story Sonja!! :D:D
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
sOnja,that was......(no comment)!!!!!
it's amazing!!!!
over a year ago santa6168 said…
ALExXxRybakFaNn - i already can`t wait for continiune. sooo so awesome <3
and s0nja - no comment. brilliant story!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
When he unbraced your bra,you said:Stop! he stopped but then you said:Ok,don't stop! After that he geave you a french kiss.You took off his nice black shirt.Then he took off your panties...<3
You know what happend after.You felt his lips on your skin.His skin was soo warm,so you didn't need the blanket.Next morning somebody was at the door,you opened.It was some girl,she was looking for Alex.She said that you should ask him why didn't he came on dinner last night(they were soposting to have deit)You didn't tell alex about that,you just escape.When alex woke up,he was looking for you,when suddenly that girl was in the bathroom.She was taking a shower,alex thought it was you.He came into the shower and he saw that girl.She wanted to vamp him,and she did.They very kissing,when suddenly alex told her,to not do that.She wanted alexander only because money,and when she heard that he doesn't want her,she shoot alex.She run away,and leave alex on floor bleeding.The neighbourhoods heard report,and they called the police and hospital.They saw him on floor,they thought that he's dead.But he wasn't,she shooted him into the chest.You were at home,you didn't know what happend.Your mobile rang,you answered,it was hospital.They said that your boyfriend is stricken.You run to the hospital,and saw him in room.He was soo feckless.You started crying.Alex was so bad,the doctors told you that he could die very soon.You were in stress.Week by week ,alex felt better.They let him home.It was 20th december.Alex was compaletly healthy.You bought a nice christmas tree.You celebrated Christmas at home,by the fire...<33
It was very very very romantic.Only two of you,and the fire.You drink champage.You were watching TV,when suddenly alex started speaking and apologizing for that girl,he said that he never see her before.You forgive him.On tv there was some girl,she was in police car.They said thet she shooted very popular singer-Alexander Rybak,and she goed to jail.That was the girl who shooted
alex.You were surprised for hearing that.Then he took you in the bedroom.He took off your shirt,and trousers.You took off his shirt.He was on top of you.You turn,now you were on top.You undo his trousers.Then he turn,he was on top again.He took off your panties.He cloak you with blanket.He was very warm,so you didn't need blanket.His soft lips were kissing EVERY pieces of your body.His body was very sweaty.....but you still could smell Hugo Boss.Next morning you had shower together.Your love lived forever,and you had really nice love life...mmm
ThE eNd
hope you like it !!! <33
this music was when you had nice time under the blanket.
ype on youtube: extreme more then words
10x for reading! <3
over a year ago pjplx said…
oh thank you for your story ! it was amazing :)) love it<3
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
great story !!!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
over a year ago clubery said…
Okey,my first story:D

Its 20.December.You family is in Egypt and you in Norway.You are drive with car and u get in Nessodden, but u wanted to Oslo.So you are mad yourself.And u car have something wrong.Car is not drive any more.You stop in front of a white and big house.You nearly cried,cuz everything is so wrong and its cold outside.And you pour cofee on your dress.
Suddenly you notice that in house come out women.That women have a big smile.She stop next to u car and knock.You come out of car,and you cry.She invites you in.You go in.
One man sitting in the sofa.He head is grey and his hold violin.The man and women talk in Russian.U littelbit understand ,but not all conversation.Your Russian is bad but you can do to make it clear to them that you are not from Norway and you not speak Norwgenian.
The women say that she name is Natalia and the mans name is Igor.(Alex parents).
Natalia gives you a new dress, and shows where bathroom is.In bathroom you hear how someone turn on radio and Christmas songs begins sound and hear how someone close the door.(They went to shopXD)
You are like be 10 minute in shower.When you hear someone coming do house.You thinks its Igor or Natalia.Steps come closer and closer.U not hear steps anymore cuz you are singing one christmas song.
And suddenly someone open door you are shoked cuz you are naked:O.That young boy is shoked too.U both look at each other.He says :Wow!!!and you gonna blush.You not have towel and u want laugh cuz thats very funny situation.You ask him if he could go do leave.He smile silly and you ask him could he bring you a towel.He say :Yes, and he leave the bathroom.You get u towel you dry yourself and dress up.And dry you hair.You go livingroom.You see someone is sitting on the sofa and he is littelbit nervous.He notice you and talk u:
Alex:Hey!I m Alex and sorry about that bathroom incident.
You:Yeah.*blush* Me too.
Alex:How you get here??Cuz im not use to find strange girl in my bathroom.Especially when mom and dad not home too:D*smile*
You:Thats loong story.I guess thats was you mother hu invite me in.And give that dress.But where they are?
Alex:Yes thats sounds like my mother.You are so stunning whit this dress.*flirt*How wierd that sound that my dad and mother went shop and left strange people here.
You:Thanks:D.But yes thats littelbit wierd that they left my in here alone.
Alex:lets do gingerbreads!!
tomorow i write next part.I think here is many mistakes :D sorry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jenni- said…
s0nja, ALExXxRybakFaNn and clubery, thanks for your stories ! They were great ! :)
over a year ago s0nja said…
Very, very nice ALExXxRybakFaNn and clubery. GREAT! Hope that you continue your story soon clubery ^^

Rain forest

You're on a expedition to some rain forest with a group of people from all over Europe. Everybody are very exicited.
You're walking in the forest. There are some very cute guys from Norway and you're talking to them while walking because they seem to be very nice. But, there are one special guy with brown hair, lovely abs and hot latino brown eyes that you're kind of having a small crush on and he seems to like you too^^. You're climbing, walking in tight shrubbery etc. You're crossing a small brook and you have to jump over it. The man with latino eyes jumps right before you. When he's over he reach out his hand for you. "You can do it", he smiles. You jump and almost fall in the water but he takes your hand just in the right second and pulls you. You kind of fall on him. He smiles all the time and then he takes off some dirt from your top. You continue. He takes your hand and says "I don't want you to fall anywhere". The other norwegians make some "ooo" - noices. "Don't care about them", he says. Then you walk and he tells you that he's Alex from Oslo in Norway etc. You tell a little bit yourself. You feel how you're hand is very sweaty.
Suddenly some local inhabitans attacks your group. A total chaos is born. The locals shoots you with arrows. You run. Alex is running before you and you just run after. You're still holding hands. After a while you stop. You're both breathless. You don't know where you are. Nobody else has run the same way as you and you realise that you're kind of lost. Then you here something. You walk a little bit and you see the most beautiful waterfall of your life wich falls into a lovely small lake. Alex starts take off his backpack. Then he takes off his t-shirt. Those abs are just lovely. Then he comes to you and helps you to take your backpack off. You take carefully off your top because you feel like you don't have any abs beside him. He leads you up to a flat place kind of high above from the ground beside the waterfall. Then he takes your hand. You count to three and then you jump. You feel like you are in the air forever. When you've hit the water and come up to the surafece of the water ju just laugh. You swim a little bit. It's so beautiful there. Alex is starting to chase you in the water. You try to get away but he catches you very fast and you laugh again, so much. You are right under the waterfall. His arms is on your waist and your arms around his neck. Before you know you're kissing under the waterfall, for so long. It's like paradise. Then you smile at each other. You feel like you're totally falling in love. You drown in to his lovely eyes. Then you do a french kiss under the water. You come up to the suraface again. He starts to open your shorts. You take off his. The water is warm but at the same time chilly. He unbrace your bra very smooth, withouth any troubles. You're kissing and caressing each other. You have a lovely time in the water. Theres nobody else. It feels like the time has stop, only you two in the hole world. "This is so lovely in every single way", you say to Alex. "I think... *soft kiss*... this was meant to happen", he says soft. It feels like the water is caressing you two too. He caress your wet hair then he kiss you on your neck and you caress his wet and fluffy hair. You can feel his soft, sweet lovely kisses and his lovely body everywhere. Then he says "You're the queen of this place, I adore you. You're the most beautiful in the world". "Thank you. And you are my king. Who holds me in his strong arms", you say to him. Then you do a very long french kiss.
You get up from the water. You make a fire. Then you lie there watching at the stars. "Look, a falling star, make a wish", alex says. "I wish...", you start but alex interrupts you: "No, don't say it out loud", and he kiss you. You sleep under the stars. Close to each other.
You wake up. Alex finds some fruits and cuts them with his knife. He gives to you. They taste very good. So sweet and juicy. You feed each other and then you kiss.
You take your belongs and are on your way away. "We can't leave withouth memorising this", he says and takes out a camera. He takes a picture of the place and you two. Before you know he kiss you and take a picture. Then you leave.
Somehow you find your way to a local villige (not the crazy ones villige). You meet up with the others from your group. They ask you where you've been. Alex says: "To the most beautiful place in the world", he says you and kiss you in front of everybody. Then you don't tell more. Everybody wonder about Alex words.
You fly home. Before you separate Alex says: "One beautiful day I will come and get you and we will get back to our own empire. The most beautiful place in the world. I promise". Then you separate to your own countries.
Everyday you think about Alex words. He promised... and guess what... He kept that promise and you returned to your own empire. The most beautiful place in the world.

link <--- Something to help you get the "right" picture ^^

Hope you liked this :)

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
AWwww S0nja that was supercute!!^^
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Super cute yeah Sonja but i liked Cluberry's story so much!
over a year ago clubery said…
Wow!good stories sOnja and ALExXxRybakFaNn.*clap*

Alex and you go to do gingerbreads.You take a sit on chair.Alex get gingerbreads ,u have to decoration whit him.He have decoration creams.You take heart shape gingerbread and pink decoration cream.U not notice that your on lips have littelbit cream.But alex notice that ,and he come closer and closer.
He starts kiss.You feel how much he want you.His Hugo Boss make u head crazy.He give you a french kiss.Both cant stop.He gonna give you a littel kisses all over u body.You gonna take off his shirt and he say:You are the sweetest drug for me:D.*laugh*U both laugh and kiss.Its getting hotter and hotter.
He takes u bedroom.And action get start.He put you on bed come next to you.He start open you dress buttons and when buttons are open he take u bra off.U take off u panties and he take off his panties.And both spend absolutely amezing time.
Now u play togheter x-box games in his room.U both sitting in the sofa and now you wear his t-shirt thats smell like Alex.Alex give that T-shirt u forever.And his shoulder is supporting you head.
Both of you hear how two people open door and come in.U put u dress and Alex dress up too.He take u hand and u both go livingroom.He ask u :
Do u want sit?
and he whispers in you ear:Im never feel like this..I think, i love you.
And u watch is eyes and say:Me too=)
U both laughing.and he kiss u forehead.U hug him.
He take his violin ,his dad too.Natalia is plaing piano.And they playing christmas songs and eat gingerbreads.
Next day u have do leave.He takes u airport.(That car was rented which he drove at the beginning of story).
In airport he start kiss you and he eyes are sad.U cry and he want u stay.But u cant Christmas Eve is coming.He hug you strong and that HB smell make u crazy again.He give u long French kiss and give u his mobil number and christmas present.Present is heart open that necklace ,there is picture both of u .He say baby dont please be sad, its break my heart.And he whisper :come again.i wait u forever when i have do.
U go and u look back but have move to plane.....THE END.Do u get back togheter is your decision.And after that wonderful weekend u get know that he write song about you.Where refrain beggining:
Girl i wait you forever.i give my heart dont break that.
(i would go back at next christmas:).i go kitchen do some gingerbreads:D

I have all the time hear Alexander Rybak - Viva la Vida 12.12.09
on youtube.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
this is rain forest sound: just listen(helps with
s0nja story) <3
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
s0nja that was AMAZING AGAIN!!!!!
please and 10x for all your stories!!!
over a year ago jo135 said…
Guys, you are gonna drive me crazy with all these stories :DDDDDDDDDD!!!!!

A BIG WELL DONE 2 ALL OF U <3333333!!!!!!

I feel part of the story :D:D!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
OMG that was so great! :D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Clubery and sOnja great ! :o
can't say it otherwise

over a year ago Jenni- said…
s0nja and clubery, your stories were sooo great ! :)
over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
every story is just great!! xD
over a year ago Maddalp said…
I loved your story, clubery! :D
Please write more :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago santa6168 said…
i love ALL storyes. Girls.. you ALL ALL ALL are just awesome and talanted. kisses :* <3
over a year ago qinga said…
I write my own story but only in Polish language :)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
qinga, so we need a translator ! ;)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Yees! The stories are awesome! Love them all <3.
over a year ago Maddalp said…
Okey, I have now just read your wonderful(!) stories and I felt a little bit on the outside beacause I have not faced the writing myself. So I thought that I could try. I hope you like my story! :)

You were in Oslo at one of the tallest hotels in Norway, called SAS Plaza. You were there with your two friends and you were just done eating dinner at a lovely restaurant at Karl Johan (famous street). It was quiet late, so you all decided to go up to your hotel room at the 29th floor. It was november and it was cold outside, and when you entered through the main entrance to the hotel, you got a warm wave of air congested all over you.

Your friends were walking in the hotel corridor, concentrated on finding your room again meanwhile you were trudging a little bit after. Suddenly you were pasing a hotel door which stood wide open. You just thought that the cleaning lady had forgot some towels and was down in the reception getting som new or something. You got curious and stopped a little bit and took your head slowly around and peaked inside. It was one of the Presidential Suite's. It was so gorgeous. It was gold almost everywhere with a very nice touch of baroque. Suddenly your eyes stopped at it. That wonderful thing! Your friends had allready dissapeared and there was not any signs of people. You just got to go inside and try it. You sat your but carefully down on the piano bench and started to play. You were enjoying it so much that you forgot that you had sneaked inside someone elses room. The fireplace was on and it was so hot and cosy there. While you played "River flows in you" (twilight), you looked outside the roof tall windows at the wonderful wiew. You were really enjoying it! You thought you heard an other instrument, but you were not sure. You played further away and closed your eyes. The music left you high. You felt like you were in one big orchestra. You felt how a violin were playing out gorgeous notes. It sounded like a violin? You did not really know, but it all sounded quiet wonderful in your head.

From out of the blue, a strong violin sound hanged it self on the melody and you realized that it was just not your imagination. You got frightened and stopped playing imidietly. You turned your head slowly around and there, there stood the most handsome guy you had every seen with a red-brown violin in his left hand and a white towel tossed around his hips. You were screaming inside and your eyes were big as apples. It was not just a hot guy with brown hair, it was Alexander rybak with brown hair, AND a violin. If you had not pulled yourself together you probably would studdered, but instead you squeezed together one adorable smile and said "hallo".

Rybak looked at you with his big, deep, brown eyes and said that you were an amazing player! He smiled and you saw his fuzzy hair stood out to every possible side. He took his hand and ruffled it. Oh, he was so sexy that you had problems controlling yourself. Rybak walked right to you and you could see his sexy movements just got you on fire. He sat down beside you at the bench and looked deep into your eyes, and asked "could you play another song for me, please?" You lightned up and said "Okey, sure". You were quiet amazed about how nice and decent he was. You played actually fairytale and he started to laugh. That was some kind of an ice breaker. He started to play at his violin together with you and actually he started to sing too. You melted completely. After the big and wonderful end, he left his violin on the top of the grand (big piano) and sat down on the piano bench again beside you. He looked you deep into the eyes and his thigh touched yours and you felt a big flow of hot feelings streamed inside of your whole body. You looked into his brown eyes. They were just like they belonged to an innocent deer. You could not stop thinking about that he were rather naked under that little, white, soft towel. He was warm. He smiled at you and took his right hand on your thigh and the left one on your head, then he pulled you against his chest and kissed you on the cheek. You felt like he took the breath away from you. He was completly going to your head. You had to concentrate to not lose it. His lips were wet. "Are you the new personal entertainer here?" he asked before he kissed you again. This time, right on the mouth. You searched your brain for a good answer. "No, not really, but I can keep you .. entertained.."

To be contionued..
I'll continue with the story tomorrow!
last edited over a year ago
Okey, I have now just read your wonderful(!) stories and I felt a little bit on the outside beacause
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Oh my god Maddalp! That was so cute and sexy and hot and just GAH! cant wait! ^_^
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
AAAAAAAAAAAh you're goood!
more more more :P
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Don't like your story, I LOVE your story :D:D
over a year ago qinga said…
Oh Jenni ;D My story is not as good as the others :) But maybe one day I'll start to translate my story :D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
big smile
Girls!! I think, Madalap the title of the year won writer, We can read this story and erotic and disturbing. Wonderful!
The small white, soft towel and oh so erotic fantasy come to life .Congratulations! It is very good and we are expecting a sequel!
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Sorry so the correct name Maddalp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
heey that's really good!! can't wait :))
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
You live in New York.You and your best friend decided to visit Alps this winter.You were very excited.You rent a lodge.Every day you had a class of skiing.Your teacher told some 2 boys to teach you and your fiend skiing,because they had more experience.You couldn't believe that your teacher was Alexander Rybak,and your friend's teacher was Robert Pattinson.<3
You rapprochement with them and they were very very good teachers.(you know what i mean)xD
Alex wasn't just good teacher,you started to feel something for him.You had so much fun together,but suddenly came the day of your last lesson with Alex.You needed to go home,because you didn't have no more money.But....,Rob and Alex offer them to pay you and your best friend to stay couple more weeks in Alps with them (mmmmm).One day Alex and Rob asked you and your best friend out in the restaurant. You had deit in 4(you and alex,your best friend and rob).You ate shrimps and octopus salad.You drinked very expensive wine.After dinner you went to the closed pool.But, you didn't have any bathing suite.(that wasn't a problem)You swam in your clothes and the boys too.mmm <3
When you came out you were freezing.But,Alex warm you.You didn't have any place to sleep over,but they offer their cottage.Ofc,that there wasn't only one bedroom(you and alex alone...mmm).....
When you came to cottage,you started kissing each other.(you and alex,your friend was doing the same with robert pattinson)After that Alex started to cuddle and caress you.You felt good when he was doing that.It was good until you didn't figure out that he want more then just kissing and cuddling.He wanted sex.
You stopped him because you were scared and you were only sixteen.
You and your friend felt uncomfotable because of that.You and your friend already started to buzz off,but they told you that the wouldn't do anything that makes you uncomfortable.They didn't want you to be alone in the night.So you sleept over in their cottage (you sleept with your friend in other room).
Next they serve you breakfest in the room,it was nice surprise for you.Now when you knew how to skii,you and your friend went skiing alone.You were still a little embarrassing because last night.You were great skiers.You weren't at home all day.When you and your friend came home,boys were very worried.Now when you didn't felt uncomfortable anymore,you wanted to have sex with Alex.
He said that if you don't want to do it it's OK,he will not force you to do it.But you said that now you are sure about what you feel to him.And then happend your "first time"....<3
It was really comfortable and he was very gentle.You opened his shirt,and he unbraced your bra.He kissed EVERY EVERY piece of your sweaty body.hmmmm......He smeeled very seducative (Hugo Boss,ofc).His skin skin so warm,you didn't need the blanket.It was very romantic "first time".It was memorable.Next morning you and your friend talked about yours first time.You were very happy.Now it was really time to go home.You were very very sad.:(
But you stayed in contact,and he promissed you that you will start new relationship again,and he said that he will always be just yours..... And he said thoose words :I LOVE YOU!
You were soo happy.It was the best "first time" that you could ever imagine.
Yours,RobPattinson and ALExXxRybakFaNn (:
hope you enjoyed!! please add my friend RobPattinson,she's really nice!!! 10x for reading and waisting your time!
You live in New York.You and your best friend decided to visit Alps this winter.You were
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
Sorry for mistakes....please can you forgive me? :(
This song was playing when you had sex...
Enjoy,Extreme-More than words
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
cool story :D !!!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
Maddalp,your story is AMAZING!!! CONTINUEEEE
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Hihi, I'm glad I wasted my time for this :D:D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Really, really GREAT and AMAZING stories <3 Maddalp, please continue soon, can't wait :D ALExXxRybakFaNn, the song is really good <3 and your mistakes are foregiven ^^

I'm going to write a another christmas story and hope it's not too similar with my earlier christmas story ^^

Your family tells you that they're going to travel to Thailand for christmas. You get a little bit shocked and then you say that you're going to stay at home beacuse you can't imagine celebrating christmas in some warm country. You know it's going to be kind of lonely but you think you can handle it.
It's the 23th of December. You're family has already travel to Thailand. You decorate the christmas tree, cook some food etc. etc.
You're decorating the christmas tree. At the same time you wish that somebody could be there with you. Suddenly you hear the doorbell ring and you go to open the door. There is a man closed as Santa Claus and you feel like a question mark. He's hiding something behind his back. "Are here any good children", he asks? You just mumble something that suppose to sound as a yes, you think atleast. Then he gives you a very beautiful parcel. You say thank you and start to open it but he says that you're not allowed to open it before the evening. Then comes a another man dressed as a goblin and brings a violin to "Santa Claus". The door is still open and you're even more confused. "Santa Claus" starts to play the violin. It sounds very beautiful. When he ends he take off his Santa Claus - clothes and say that he's Alex.. He says that he had heard a converstion between you and your friend on a Cafe and he heard that you're going to be alone this christmas, so he thought that if you wanted to spend christmas with him beacuse his family is also in Thailand.
Ofcourse you want to celebrate christmas with somebody and Alex are really hot and cute with his brown hair, latino brown eyes and a very hot body too. You tell him that you were decorating the christmas tree and he asks if he can help you with it.
You continue with decorating the christmas tree. You try to put a decoration on a twig wich is kind of high above and you have problems with reaching to it. Suddenly you feel how Alex is lifting you up. His hands are on your hips. You put the decoration on the twig and Alex put you down. Then you take a look on the tree. It's so beautiful. Alex hands are still on your hips. It starts to get dark outside.
Then you lay the table very nice and light some candles too. The food is warm and you have some wine too. Then you go to take a sit. Alex helps you with your chair and then he pours the wine. He's a gentleman and so hot. Then he take a sit right opposite to you. Before you start to eat you clink to christmas with your wine glasses. You sit there talking and eating. Having a very romantic christmas dinner. When you finished you clean up the table and leave the candles on.
Then you go to open the present Alex gave you earlier. "I'm embarrassed beacuse I haven't any present for you", you say to him. "It's fine. Open the present now so I know if you like it", he says kindly. You open it. It's a heartneckless. The most beautiful you have ever seen. You're speachless. Then he says that there is something more too. He takes out a parcel wich looks like a violin. You take it carefully. "Are you sure", you ask when he hands it out to you. "Yes, I am a 100% sure about this", Alex smiles. You open it. You can't believe your eyes. There's a violin. Your eyes are wide open. "I can't receive this", you say and shake your head. "Please. It would be the best christmas present for me", Alex begs. "But I don't even know how to play", you say. "I'll promise to teach you", he says. He looks very worried now. "Okay, I recieve it", you say. "Thank you so much", he says and kiss you. You're confused (again). But that kiss feels so good, so you answer to it. You have the violin still in your hands. Then you stop kissing. You just look at each other. Alex is on his knees in front of you. He gets up on the sofa beside you and starts to teach a little bit how to play the violin. You feel how bad you are. "You're very good for a beginner", he suddenly smiles to you. "How sweet of you", you smile to him. His eyes are shining, so lovely. Then you go to make some glogg. Ofcourse you put some raisins and almonds in the warm drink. You go to the big window to watch the beautiful christmas night. It's snowing slowly. Alex comes behind you and put his hands on your waist. "Look at the night, it's so beautiful", you say. Alex starts to sing on the song "vinteren er her". Very soft and low. Almost whispering. You feel how you almost fall to sleep in his arms. After that he sings "Tell me when". You're totally in love with his voice. Then he kiss you very softly. You have your glogg glass still in your hands. He puts it away. You start to sing "White Christmas" together. Then he kiss gives you a french kiss. He lifts you up and kiss you all the time. He carries you to the sofa. Only the candles light up the room. Then he starts to slowly open your dress. You open the buttons on his shirt, also very slowly. Now you're on top. You try to open his belt but you have problems. He notice that. He helps you with the belt, throws it away and pulls you to himself to kiss you. He unbrace your bra very smooth. Now he's on top. You caress each other all the time. Then he blows out the candles and it's dark in the room. The snow is still falling outside. You only feel him. You're kissing all the time. Then he whispers in your ear with his dark, soft voice "Merry Christmas, darling".

Merry Christmas everybody ^^ <3

over a year ago Jenni- said…
Maddalp and ALExXxRybakFaNn your stories were very good ! :)
s0nja you said to me earlier that you want to write a story but you don't know what to write... so wow ! This was so great ! :)

Merry Christmas !! <3 :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
s0nja that is AMAZING STORY again!!!!!
you're great writer!!! <3
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
S0nja that was so GREAT! I was smiling through the whole thing! :'D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
sOnja, you wrote another beautiful story ! Congrats!
Merry Christmas to you to!
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
Merry Christmas!!!! everyone!!!
<3 love ya!