Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Thank you thank you thank you :D I'll see if I can manage to get the chapter written today
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
hahaha, Fuck it's so great! :D
hmm...bathroom! :D can't wait next smutty chapter ^^
You're a fantastic writer! <3
over a year ago jo135 said…
Helene, I AM LOVIN IT :D:D !!!

Continue PLEAASSEEE :D:D <3 ^^ !!!
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! :D :D :D So sorry have been away for a while but i have read everything now and OMG AMAZING!!!! :'D Helene you rock!!! You really are such a fantastic writer!!! Continuuueee!! ^^ I can't wait to keep reading the next chapters!! :D *cheers for Helene* :D
and omg i was laughing because of 'mingers'!!! XD Do you know what that means here? ^^ That's british slang for ugly and disgusting!! haha :P

Aww Jana!! Omg it's you in the story!! :D hehe ^^ Am so sorry it's been ages!! :( Can't wait to talk to you soon! ;D and haha remember our coffee in the cafe story! ;) LOL hehe ^^

Can't wait for you to carry on Helene!! :D Your stories are so awesome and you are such a amusing clever writer!! :D Keep gooooinngg!! ^^ I'm loving this story and love you!! <33 xxx
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

But back to the point: The smut has been written, and I'm putting up the warnings here:

vaginal sex
underwater blowjobs
Alexander Rybak ( Yes, he IS in fact a warning )

As always, can your virgin mind handle this then bring on the e-mails! :D

( no that thing in the picture is not Alex cock, its an alpaca )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
I sent you an e-mail ^^ :)
and..OMG! What a photo! :O
haha, sweet animal xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Funny moment with my sister about that pic:

Me: Hey you want to come see a funny picture?
Sister: Sure! *walks over to me*
Me: Look! *points*
Sister: What is that thing?!
Me: It's an alpaca!
Sister: Don't they have legs?! *Shocked*
ME: It's laying so you can't see it's legs!
Sister: ...OH!

My sister is the greatest xD
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Your alpaca looks like a huge furry worm XD
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
A cute furry worm :D
And Linda if you're still on fanpop, get the fuck on the chat I miss you!
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
I have never seen this creature! It looks so unusual XD Thanks, Helene <3
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Haha I don't have any idea about what have you talked here because I have been too busy to follow this but hey, that alpaca picture ! I have seen that before !
In my school, there are a couple of computers in the corridors and on one day when I went to the use computer I saw that some studend had changed the wallpaper of the computer to that alpaca picture. :D :D That alpaca is so cute !!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Hope you can send me that version on e-mail, Helene ^^ and I realised that I REALLY have to write the last part of my University story TOMORROW. Because I have write on a new story wich I try/have to get here latest on Sunday :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
This is the last part of my University Story :)

...Summer past away too fast and it's the same thing with your senior year at the Music University too. Although it's sad that everything has past so fast you can't stop thinking about lovely memories that you've got. You couldn't even in your wildest dreams think that you have such a wonderful boyfriend as Alex. Lovely, latino brown eyes; brown, fluffy hair; a hot, sexy, strong body etc. and it's not only how he looks alike. He's kind, generous and romantic too. You know you can tell him everything. You know that you can trust on him.

In may you feel the sadness of that you maby have to leave Alex after thus year. You don't want to go different ways with him.

The last day. So much fun. So much sadness. You hug Alex for a long time. He's going to a another country. He has got a great job oppertunity there. The last night you celebrate graduation. Although it's great that you're done with your studies, you can't stop thinking about that you and Alex have to separate. You're at the graduation party when Alex takes you to the side:

- You don't look so happy. What is it, he asks?
- Nothing really, you say and are on your way back to the others.
- No, there's something. I can see that. You know you can trust me, he says.
- Yeah, I know that, you smile.
- So what is it then, he asks as he holds your hands.
- Well... I just keep thinking of that we soon have to separate, you say and try to keep back your tears.
- Ohhh, honey don't think of that now, he says and take you in a hug.
- It's going to be horroble to be here without you, you say and feel tears streaming down your face.
- Shhh, everything's going to be okay, darling, he says while he holds you tight and give a kiss in your hair.

After a while you have left the party with Alex and you're now lying in his bed kissing.

- Do you feel better, he asks?
- Yeah, you say.
- I can see that you're still a little bit sad, he says.
- Mmm, you mumble.
- Would you feel better if we...
- Yeah, you interrupt him and get closer to him.

He takes you in his arms and start to dress you off. You take off his shirt and kiss him so much. It really makes you feel better. All your sadness flowes away. You let him take you. He's the only thing you want right now. Nothing else.


At the airport you can't hold your tears. He stays with you by the gate until the last. You hug him really tight. He give you one last French kiss before he leaves. You watch him going away. Until he's gone. You see how the plane is moved to the runway. It starts, gets more speed, flies higher and higher and then you can't see it anymore. You stand there 10 minutes. Then you get home. You go straight to your bed with your clothes on. You pull the blanket to your ears. Close your eyes. Feel your tears. Fall asleep.


It has been 2 years since Alex left. You haven't find any new boyfriend. You're working as a songteacher in the Music institute.
You're done for the day and are on your way home trough the park when you hear your cell ring.
- Were the fuck is it, you think as you dig in your oversize handbag.
You find it and answer in the last minute
- Hi, it's Alex. How are you?
- Alex... OMG, you scream! I'm fine thank's how are you, you ask.
- Just fine. Do you know why I called you, he asks then
- Uhmmm, no..., you say wondering. Although you know how much you have been missing him.
- Because I have a suprise for you, he says.
- Suprise, you ask?
- Yeah, it's like been forever since we met the last time.
- Uhmm... yeah, but when do we have time to see each other when you're there and I'm here, you wonder?
- I'm actually more close to you then you can think, he says.
- What?! I don't get it, you say.
- Turn around, honey.

You turn around and see snow. Then you see Alex standing in front of you with a black winter coat.

- Just thought that..., he starts.
- OMG!!!! You scream and jump in his arms and put your legs around his waist.
You hug each other so tight.
- Gosh, I have miss you.
- Me too, he says.
Then he gives you the most sweetest French Kiss ever.
- Promise that you'll never leave me again, you say.
- I promise, he says.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sonja that was so sweet! I got tears in my eyes!!! XD Gash I can't wait for your next story! I bet it's gonna be awesome!^^
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
...It was crazy adventure!You were happy cause you escape them.You weren't happy cause they interrupt you.Your room was on 3d floor.
You went by elevator.When you came in the room,you lay on the bed.
Alex went to the bathroom.You took off your clothes,so you were
in underwear.;D
Alex came in the room.He crawl on the bed and whisper in your ear:
"'Wanna finish what we started on beach?" ...that tickle you.
You laugh and say :"And,what was that?" ...
He didn't say anything,he just kissed your neck.His hands were on your waist.He was kissing you on the mouth now.He moved his hands to your back.You were passing with your fingers through alex's hair.He unbraced your bra.You undo his pants,trousers.<3333
He had no shirt.....<3
He moved his hands to your buttock,and he moved your panties down...Alex excite you very much.You two were sighing...
You enjoyed in Alex's pleasure.
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
wow Helene your chapter was awesome,sexy and sweet :D
over a year ago s0nja said…

Chapter 1

- What the hell I'm I going to do on Valentine’s Day? You think while you’re walking down the street.

You pass the shop windows with lots of stuff like heart, teddy bears, chocolate, books etc. There’s so much red and pink stuff. It almost make you feel sick. You’re sure that you’ll be alone on Valentine’s Day. What the hell would you do?

- Maby I should rent a movie, you think as you pass the movie renting shop.

It doesn’t make you feel any better, but you decide anyway to come back tomorrow and do it. Something like “Titanic”, “Notting hill” or “Moulin Rouge” .

- Maby I could also bake something. A chocolate cake or cupcakes. Or should I just buy lots of chocolate and eat that. I really don’t have any idea, you think forward .

It doesn’t feel good at all. You just want to escape everything. Then you start to count:

- Okay, let’s see… She has, she has, she has and she has at least a boyfriend. Hmm… How about…wait… no, she’s in Miami… with her boyfriend. Fuck!

When you come home you put on the TV.

- Commercials -.-, so typically for me.

Instead of watching bad commercials, you plug your Playstation 3 in the TV and start to play “The Simpsons Game”. It doesn’t take long before you get bored of that… too. After a while you realize that you haven’t even gone through your mail today. So you go to the kitchen and start to search for the today’s newspaper in the stack of mail. When you found it you sit down by the kitchen table and start to read it trough but not so accurate.

- Gosh, can’t they write about anything interesting, you say to yourself after a while.
Text after text. Article after article. Then comes an advert about the Valentine’s Day program in your city.

“Games for 3-6 year old kids…”
- Maby I’m a little bit too old for that.

“Free chocolate on the marketplace”
- Yeah! Free chocolate, that’s for me, you say and decide to go there before you go to rent a movie.

Now you at least had got one happy novelty for Valentine’s Day. You’re almost done with the page when you probably see the most interesting advert in the whole newspaper:

“Are you single? Looking for company to Valentine’s Day?
Then this is something for you!
Come to a speed dating happening on February the 14th. At Café Art from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. And meet the love of your life! ”

- Yeah right. Speed dating are for lonely computer nerds and ugly pervos. No way that I’m going there, you say and turn the page.

You look through the rest of the newspaper. Then you realize that it’s quite late and you haven’t even wash away your make up.

An hour later you lie in your bed, still thinking of the speed dating advert.

- Gosh, don’t think of it. You’re NOT going there, you talk to yourself again.

You lie on your back, looking up at the wood ceiling in white paint.

- I want to get sleep, you say and turn around so you lie on your stomach.

You check the time at your alarm clock. It says 1. a.m. You decide to take your mp3 – player and try to fall asleep while listening to some quiet and peaceful music. “I just don’t wanna miss you tonight”. You think of the words in the music. A tear runs down on your cheek. After a while your eyes don’t open anymore, the music feels more far away and you feel how you fall in to the world of dreams.

over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
It's sooo cool :D

Pllss continuee as soooooooooooon as possibleee :D :D

over a year ago s0nja said…
Chapter 2

When you wake up the next morning, you go directly to the kitchen to eat something. You take an egg from the fridge and a pan. You fry the egg and eat it by the TV. When you finished eating, you remember that your plan for Valentine’s Day was to bake and watch a movie. So you close the TV and go to take a shower. After that you brush your teeth, dry your hair, put on some make up etc. Then you head to your wardrobe and decide to go with black jeans and a shirt with check patterns. You take on your outdoor clothes, some nice winter boots/shoes and your purse.

First you walk to the marketplace to get some free chocolate. When you get there you go direct to a person who is distributing chocolate. You thank her and put the chocolate in your handbag. Then you walk to the movie renting shop.

You get in the shop. There’s so much to choose. It’s harder then you thought, although you have been there before. You search for romantic movies, although you’re going to be alone. After 30 minutes you decide to go with Dirty Dancing. You also rent Forrest Gump and Titanic.

After that you go to the (food)store. You buy dark chocolate, candy, whip cream, ice - cream, chocolate sauce and toffee sauce. You have decide to eat lots of good stuff tonight. Then you go to pay for your stuff and walk out of the store.

When you’re on your way home you start to think of the speed dating event again. You can’t help yourself. You have to pass Café Art and see how it looks alike. So you take another way then you first decided and try to look inside without being discovered as a sneaker or something. You pass and look to Café Art. The only thing you were seeing was what you thought. Nerds with pants up to their armpits. Although that you can’t stop looking inside and suddenly you feel that you walk in somebody.

- Hello, are you okay?! Wake up… Some dark voice says at you and shakes you a little bit.
- Oh, what happened, you wonder?
- You passed out when you walked in me, he says and now you see him better.
- Oh… uhmm… sorry…. I didn’t mean to, you say and realize that you’re looking at the cutest person you’ve ever seen.
- No it’s okay. Do you want me to take you home, he asks?
- You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I probably should get up , you smile and realize that you’re head resting on his knees.
- Let me help you, he says and lift you up and then he takes your hand to help you up to stand.
¬- Thank you so much, you smile and try to not pass out again as your eyes meet.

He walks home with you and you tell each other a little bit of yourselves. He seems to be really kind. At one point you take a quick look at his body and the only thought you get is: ‘Omg! He’s so bloody Hot ’

You come to your house.

- Thank you for everything, you smile at him and open the door.
- Nothing to thank for he smiles back.
- So will you go to the speed date event now or…, you ask?
- I don’t really know. Do you miss company for Valentine’s Day?... Shit, I shouldn’t ask things like that. Now I embarrassed myself, he says and covers his face with his hands.
- No it’s okay. To be honest. I really miss company for Valentine’s Day. So… If you want to… You can come and bake with me and watch a movie I rented… Or something.
- Well, If I’m not too much trouble, he says.
- No, not at all. Welcome, you say and smile.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
aaaah Sonja its great! And double aaaah!!!!!!!! You uploaded twice!
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
More more more more mooooreee :D:D:D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Chapter 3

You both step in the hall. He takes off his clothes and you give him a hanger so he can hang up his coat.
Then you take the things you bought and get to the kitchen. Alex comes after (you told each other your names while you walked ). At first you put the ice-cream in the freezer. Then you take out the chocolate and the rest of the stuff.

- Did you thought that we’re going to eat everything, he asks with big eyes.
- We can use some of the stuff to that thing we’re going to bake. Whatever it is, you laugh.
- Oh, so we could maby bake a sticky chocolate cake or something, he says.
- Sticky chocolate cake… Omg, that sound heavenly, you say.
- So, are we going to bake one.
- Yeah, for sure… and do you know what. I’ve got ice – cream in the fridge. So we can put some chocolate sauce on, or toffee sauce. Or then both, you say excited.
- Okay, Alex laughs.
- So here’s the movie or movies I rented, you say and show him them.
- Wow! I bet they’re all great although I haven’t seen them, he says while reading the back texts of the movies.
- So we’ll probably watch them all and eat until we can’t move anymore, you say with a laugh.
- Yeah, probably until our clothes brakes, he says and you both laugh very much.

You search in a chocolate book on a recipe of a sticky chocolate cake and find one. You say to Alex to come over to watch. He gets up from the kitchen table and comes to you.

- Yeah, that will be great, he says after you’ve read trough the recipe.
- So let’s start, you say and start to search for ingredients.
- What do you want me to do, he asks?
- You can take out the sugar and flour over there, you say while you search for a bowl.
- Okay, you hear him say.

Alex starts by melting the chocolate and you start to mix the other stuff.

- Do you want to taste some of the chocolate, you ask?
- Yeah, why not, he says and you hand it over to him.
- Well I can’t take it in my hands because I have to stir this all the time, he says.
- Okay, open, you say.
- What, he says?
- Open your mouth, you say.
- Okay, he says and you put the chocolate in his mouth.
- Tastes really good. Hey this is ready to be mixed with the other stuff.
- Okay, you say and you put in the last ingredients to the bowl.

Then Alex pours in the melted chocolate and you put the mixture in a baking tin. You put it into the oven. While you’re waiting, you eat ice cream with both chocolate- and toffee sauce. 30 minutes later you take out the cake and whip the whip cream. While you’re waiting for the cake to cool down you make everything ready in the living room. So you can directly start to eat when it’s all done. Then you put on the whip cream to the cake and start to watch Dirty Dancing.

At first you take both a piece of the cake on a plate. Later both of are too tired to take pieces so you just eat with your spoons directly from the tin. You have also the Ice Cream and the sauces there. Alex brought out the candies and at one point so you’re kind of eating of everything.

When the movie comes to its end you say:

- I feel like a balloon
- Me too, Alex answers.
- I’m too tired to watch any more movies, you say.
- Me too, Alex says again.
- Is ‘me too’ everything you can say after the movie and the food, you wonder?
- No. You just say everything that’s in my mind, he laughs.
- Oh, I got it, you smile.
- Can I check what you Cd:s you have, he asks after a while.
- Yeah sure, you say.

He goes through your Cd:s and after a while you hear the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack.

- I really liked that movie and the music was great. So I thought that when we once saw it we could listen to the soundtrack too, he says.
- Yeah, why not, you say.
- Hmm… I don’t know if I should ask you this, but… Shall we dance, he asks shy?
- Dance… Absolutely. I love dancing, you say and walk over to him.
- Nice. We seem to like some same stuff, he says then.
- Yeah. It’s nice. But now, let’s dance, you say.

He takes your hands and you start to move to the rhythms of the music. Eric Carmen – “Hungry eyes” is playing. You start to feel some kind of silly magic. You do turns, look him deep in the eyes. At the end of the dance you’re more close to him than at the beginning. You can’t believe this. All your earlier thoughts about a lonely Valentine’s Day flies away when your lips accidently meet.

You get even closer to each other when “She’s like the wind” – Patrick Swayze starts to play. Alex hands are now around your waist and your foreheads are against each other. ‘She doesn’t know what she’s done’ . At the long “done” you are against the wall. You slide down together and then up again. You do some turns and now you stand in the middle of the living room. Alex moves his hand up your right leg. You take his hand and move it with him to your stomach. He puts another hand around your stomach area also and hugs you really tight. You turn around and feel how his hands move slowly on to your butt, where they now lay lightly. You’re moving from side to side together. The song comes to an end and you’re hips moves a little bit less until you stop. Then you just stand there with your foreheads against each other, closed eyes. Waiting for the next song to start.

I try to get chapter 4 in asap! Hopefully tomorrow :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Disclaimer: I don't own Alex, his parents does. Nothing in this story is true. And also I don't own Heaven.

Chapter 4:

You wake up as a body rolls over yours and squeeze you between the bed and varm skin knocking the air out of you.

" Al- " You start but the body quickly withdraws itself.

" Sorry. " He mumbles, snuggling into his covers and falls asleep again. You throw your covers of you and starts climbing over him accidentally digging your heel in his hip making him whimper in his sleep. You plant your feet safely on the ground and goes to find your clothes from yesterday. It suddenly hits you that you don't have any more clothes than what you wore the day you died. You wrinkle your nose at the thought of it, you DIED in them.

You put on your pants and is about the put on your top whe you notice it got a huge stain in the middle.

" Goddammit, what now? " You mumble. You eyes quickly land on Alex's white and black striped shirt. It was probably 4 sizes to big, but it would do. You pull it over your head and it reach to above your knees. You walk over to Alex and pokes him.

" Dude? Hey dude wake up! " You poke him harder until he starts moving.

" Mrghb what? " He glares at you.

" I need to borrow money. "

" For what? "

" Clothes. "

" You already got clothes and - Hey are you wearing my shirt?! "

" I only have one set of clothes, and anyway I died in them, and that is just nasty! "

" Listen, if I give you money will you leave me alone? " You nod.

" My wallet is on the drawer, to the left. " You pet his hair before giving him a kiss.

" Thank you baby. "

" Hngsr. " he answers you and you walk over to the drawer and take a look inside his wallet. You wasn't sure how expensive heaven was, so you might as well take it all.

You stuff it safely in your pocket before leaving the hotelroom and over to the elevator. You stand there humming until you can hear it pling. You try to get in when someone tries to get out. You feel your anger rise.

" Are you retarded?! " You shout out but pretty soon you can see the woman turning around almost growling at you, standing there with her handicapped son. You eyes widen and you put your hands over you mouth.

" O-oh my god, I'm so so sorry! " You apologise but the woman only glares at you and starts walking down the corridor. You deside to take the stairs. That way you hopefully wouldn't run into more angry mothers. You skip down as fast as possible almost slipping on the hard smooth surface. You burst through the door to the lounge hitting your elbow in the progress. You rub it furiously as a few people stare at you, you glare at them and they quickly go back to whatever they did. You walk over to the reseptionist and tap the desk.

" Umm hey do you know if there are any malls around here? "

" Yes it is, it's in St. Peter's avenue. "

" Umm I'm new here, I have no idea where that is. "

" I could print out a map for you if you want? "

" Yes! That would be great! " You beam and she turns around and write something down on her computer before the printer beside her starts buzzing. A long white piece of paper comes out and she rips it out and gives it to you.

" Here you go. " She says kindly.

" Thank you so much! " You smile and turn around leaving the hotel. You look down at the map. It said you had to turn to the right and walk until you saw a big statue of a bird. You started walking taking in the view around you. Big buildings in all colors surrouned you almost making your head spin. Birds were flying over the skies and people were chatting and walking with their dogs. Everything was so...Normal. There were still cars honking and cursing that they would get to late to work. The only difference was that you alone. Well, not completely alone, you still had Alex. But there was no mother, no father or Sasha.
You wondered what they were doing. Did they miss you? Were they thinking alot about you? Were they angry at you for taking your own life or undestanding?

You snap out your trance when you can see a huge bird made of crystal clear glass. it must have been at least 15 meters tall. It was beautiful. So pure and innocent, like the soul of a child. You look down at the map again before starting on your journey again. You couldn't wait to see how Heavens mall looks like. Hopefully it would be...Heaven.

Finally you're standing in front of the huge building amazed. It was enormous. Way bigger than those down on earth. You enter the builing taking in the view. You almost pass out. Where should you start? It must be over 9856968 different stores here! You deside to go to Urban Skittles first. The bright colors inside almost gives you a seizure. You walk over to the aisle containing different sweaters and t-shirts. You pick out a few of them and heads for the dressing room. You find an empty room and get in. You throw the clothes on the chair in the corner befores stripping out of your clothes only standing there in your bra. You pick out a red sweater with yellow zebra stripes on. You pull it over your head and take a look in the mirror. Ewww, it looked good, but not on you. You quickly take it off and throw it back on the chair. You pick out a black tank top. Why hello there! Miss smokin'! You quickly change back into your own clothes before heading over to the cashier to pay for the goods.

Your day flies away, you run through store after store and had even made a few friends. You meet these three crazy girls in the middle of the coffee shop. Their names were Sonja, Evelien and Joanna. They had thought you looked lonely and desided to keep you company. You had told them you lived at a hotel with your boyfriend cause you had barely been dead for 3 days and that you were looking for a place to stay. Evelien said that a house in her neighbour had been laid out for sale a week ago. She told you what a nice neighbourhood it was, and the house had two floors and a big garden. You promised her to bring Alex so you could look at it together later.

You were walking towards the hotel, all bouncy and exited to tell Alex about the new house. You look up at the sun. Everything is just so perfect.

You enter the hotellounge and walk over to the elevator. You press the button and the doors opens immediately.
'This must be my lucky day '. You think for yourself as you enter the elevator and press the 7th floor button. It makes the familiar buzzing noise and it starts moving. You look up at the blinking light showing what floor you were in. Finally it stops at the 7th number and the doors open. You get out skipping over to your hotelroom door.

You enter your hotelroom and the smell of alcohol is thrown in your face. You wrinkle your nose, why the hell did it reek of alkohol in here? You pretty soon get your answer when you look over at the corner of the small livingroom. Cause there is a small ball of a boyfriend curled up clutching a bottle of vodka, surrounded by 5 empty ones.

" Alex? " You ask and get worried when he doesn't answer. You walk over to him and move away a bottle so you can sit beside him.

" Alex what the hell have you been doing while I was away? " You ask him. He looks up at you and takes a sip from his bottle before breaking down crying.

" Nobody loves me! " He sobs into his hands.

" What? What are you talking about? Of course you have people who love you! I love you! " You tell him, wrapping your arms around him but he only shows them away

" No you don't! You just pretend that you do! "

" What the fuck?! Where do you get all this from?! "

" Don't you lie to me! I know you're just pretending! I went down to earth while you were gone! I overheard some of your friends and they said that you just pretended cause you felt sorry for me being a poor little immigrant from Belarus! " He stands up shouting and throws the vodka bottle in the wall making it explode into tiny pieces.

" What?! That's bullshit! I love you! More than anything! You really think I would kill myself if I just pretended to like you?! " You yell. He doesn't say anything, only glares at you with an expression that frightens you.

"...Alex? " You start but he cuts you off by slapping you hard in the face followed by a punch in the stomach.

And thats how it all began, how Heaven turned into Hell


I have no idea if there exist a store called Urban Skittles, I made it up in my head. And also, as you can see, this story is not gonna be cupcakes and sunshine, there will be drama and angst, lots of angst. And also, Alex doesn't have a drinking problem, as far as I know.

Thanks for reading^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
you both are great!!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Helene, YOU ROCK!!!! You gotta continueeee... asap!!! :D Gosh, I'm so curios now xD ^^D
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…

over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
God it's good can't wait for the continue!

and yeey I'm in the story :D
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
OMG.! It's so cool!
Everything was so perfect and now...! Can't wait for the next chapter!
And Helene you rock, you know that ? :D
over a year ago silla17 said…
Omg that was good

i was sick all day long now i'm feeling better by reading your stories ;);)

Girls you rock ;)
over a year ago silla17 said…
hee helene i'm very curious about the rest of your storie
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Omg! I'm sick too XD And your stories really do make me feel better :D:D

Please continue soon! :):)
over a year ago s0nja said…
woohooo! Alex has finally over 1000 fans here :D actually 1006 :D ^^ (I know that this comment is not needed but anyway xD :D)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 5:

You wrap your arms around your stomach moaning in pain. Your own boyfriend just hit you! You look up at him through tearful eyes and you can see him laying a hand over his mouth with a shocked expression starting to sobering up.

" Oh my god! I-I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean it! Here let me-! " He starts but you cut him off.

" No! Don't touch me! Don't you fucking touch me! " You scream as you run pass him straight to the bathroom locking the door behind you. You sit down by the door holding your cheek. It had already started to turn red and the pain in your stomach almost made you throw up. Suddenly you can hear him knocking quietly on the door.

" Baby? I' m sorry! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm drunk! I don't know what I'm doing! " He hammers on the door and you cover your ears with your hands.

" Just go away! Leave me alone! "

" But-! "

" Alexander! Please! " You start crying, crystal clear tears pouring out from your eyes while you sob in silence. A lightbulb must pop up somewhere in his clouded mind cause he finally gives up and leaves. You can hear something break and low cursing before everything gets quiet. To quiet. You didn't know if you dared go out. Was he still drunk? Did he really regret what he did? He had never beated you before, so it must have been an accident, right?
Your head keeps spinning and run over these questions over and over again. You feel sleepy and the bathroom floor suddenly feels really comfortable. You curl up to a small ball before falling asleep.


You wake up with a sore neck, winching as you lift your head. It felt like someone was stabbing you over and over again. What happened? Why were you on the bathroom floor? Then you remember yesterdays events. The mall, the fight, Alex punching you.


You unlock the bathroom door before peeking out. All the lights were still on and you can see Alex sitting in a chair sleeping. You open the door completely and walk over to him. He look so peaceful. Not like yesterday where he looked like he was about to explode from pure anger. You brush some of his hair out of his eyes before sitting down in his lap. You shift your weight getting a little higher up. You brush your hand on his face making him shift before opening his eyes.

" Hey. " You whisper.

" Hey. " He chokes out and at one moment you fear he's about to cry again.

" I'm really really sorry for what I did last night. " He whisper, grabbing your hand making you jump alittle.

"...You're not scared of me, are you? " He whispers sadly. You shake your head.

" No. No I'm not. But you really scared the shit out of me last night. "

" I know. I know...And I'm really really sorry. I'll never do it again, I promise. " He says and you kiss his cheek and cuddles closer to him closing your eyes before falling asleep in his arms.


You wake up in the bed, huddled under the soft bedsheets. You can't see Alex anywhere in the room. As you throw of your comforters you can hear a low buzzing coming from the bathroom. You walk over and enter the bathroom finding Alex shaving in front of the mirror making grimaces tilting his neck so he can reach all the spots.

" How come nobody in the shaving commercials look like a complete retard while they shave? " He ask as he shut of his shaving machine.

" Because it's only you. " You answer.

" Only me what? "

" Only you who have such a retarded face. " You smile and he snorts at you as he place the shaveing machine on the sink.

" Sooooo. " You start and he turns around.

" So, what? "

" Well, yesterday I met somebody who said she knew a house that were laid out for sale. It wasn't that expencive either, and I thought maybe we could go look at it. " You tell him.

" Yeah sure, but when? " He ask. Then you realise he haven't looked you in the eyes while you were talking.

" Alex, look me in the eyes. " You tell him, and he look you in
the face, well more at your mouth, not really daring to meet your eyes.

" Alex do you still feel bad for yesterday? " You ask him.

" Yeah I do, I really do.." He starts, looking at the wall biting his knuckle.

" But I told you I had forgiven you. "

" Yeah, I know but I have not. How can I? I HIT you, no, I PUNCHED you. I hurt you. " He says sadly leaving the bathroom. You follow him and stop by the entrance.

" But it was an accident, you were drunk. "

" I know I was, but still, it doesn't make up for what I did. Sometimes, when I'm depressed...I drink, a bit to much. "

" You're depressed? Why didn't you tell me? " You say alittle angry.

" It's just, everything is so hard right now. When I saw our friends last night, and my parents...It just hit me that even though I can visit them, they can't see me. And I just feel so bad, you died for me and what do I do to repay you? I fucking beat you up! " He says sadly throwing his hands in the air. You walk up to him and wrap you arms around his waist hugging him from behind.

" It wasn't your fault. You weren't thinking. "

" ...Are you scared of me? "

" Huh? "

" Are you scared of me now? " He ask. You don't say anything. Were you? You had been pretty damn scared last night, but he didn't mean it.

" No. No I'm not. I was really frightened last night, but not anymore. I know you didn't mean it hun. " You say holding him close.
" So, you DO trust me? "

" Yeah. I do. You're my fiance you know? "

" True. True. " He says, looking down at his own ring.


FINALLY! I managed to finish this chapter.

over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Wow! I thought you would break up with him or something but there is happy end :D cool ;)
can't wait for the next chapter!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
god next chapter !!! xD
over a year ago silla17 said…
big smile
i loovvve it

i'm still sick
but now i have something to do when i home

please continue helene ;);)
over a year ago Maddalp said…
big smile
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Anita: Yeah it's happy...for now >:3
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
Omg, Sonja and helene! You are SO talented! =)
I usually start thinking my own stories, but its just they are terrible when I write them xD
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…

Chapter 6


It was a chilly day, and you and Alex were on your way to look at the house. You didn't bother calling a cab cause it was only a 20 minute walk, and you both felt like stretching your legs. You were telling Alex everything you had done while you went shopping, about your new friends and how much you looked forward to get your own flat so you could move out from the hotel. Alex just nods and pretends that he cares.

You arrive in front of a big red house with a cute little front yard. You look down at the map you had gotten from Evelien. Was this the right place? Was this house really that cheap? In front of the house stood a woman smiling and waving at you. It was Evelien.

" Heeey you guys! " She beams before skipping over to you.

" Evelien? Are you the seller? " You ask confused.

" Of course I am! How else would I be able to get you guys this house so cheap?! " She pulls you into a big hug before letting go grabbing your wrist to guide you inside the house. The hallway was small but that didn't really matter since you would only be two people living there and maybe some little ones with time?

She guides you over to the living room and your mouth drop open. It wasn't huge but it wasn't tiny either. The walls were painted a warm red colour and it had a fireplace in the corner. It had two big black leather couched and a 40" flatscreen TV. You could now die happy.

Wait, you already were.

You walk over to the kitchen who looked old fashioned but still great. The benches and closets were all painted a light brown color, and there was a dinner table for four persons in the corner under a window. Different pans hung on the wall and a small mouse figure of porcelain sat by the black stove. You were in love already.

" You ready to see the second floor? " She asks and you nod as she walks past you. You can see Alex checking her out and you stomp on his foot making him yelp telling him to stop glaring.

The second floor has a large hallway with red wall to wall carpet and chocolate brown walls, making you feel safe and warm. The first room was a guest bedroom with two single beds in each corner. The room was painted a white colour and the floor was wall to wall carpet with a baby blue colour. You walked to the other side of the hallway to see your own bedroom. You gasp when you open the door. The bedroom was huge, with a bed big enough for 4 persons. Above the bed was a small mirror. The walls were wine red and so was the wall to wall carpet. A dark brown closet stood in the left corner completed with a drawer. There was a TV in front of the bed, about 34" and a small shelf was placed beside the TV so you could stock some romantic DVD's there.

Next room was the bathroom. It was not as big as you had hoped for, but still big enough to contain a bathtub, shower, toilet and a few shelfs on the wall. The mirror above the white sink was big enough for two, so that meant you and Alex wouldn't have to fight over who got to use it first.

The rest of the rooms were mostly just small closets containing washing powder, a vakuum cleaner, towels and toilet paper.

You were in love with this place.

Down back at the kitchen Evelien placed a paper on the table. It was a contract if you wished to buy the house. You look up at Alex and he nods. You both quickly give your signature and she thanks you putting the sheet in her suitcase before leaving.

" Damn, out first flat together. " Alex says stretching his arms.

" So what should we do now? " You start before hearing a knock on the door. You walk over open it revealing a girl with big brown eyes and dark hair.

" Hiiiii! " She smiles waving her hand furiously.

" I'm Anisa! Im your new neighbour! Well actually you are MY new neighbour! But that doesn't matter cause we're both new to each other! "

" Oh, well that's nice- " You start before she interrups you.

" Oh my god we will have so much fun! We can do girl stuff like painting nails, watch Titanic and The Notebook and eat chocolate when we're sad! Oh what jolly good fun it will be and - oh shiny! " She picks up a coin from the ground jumping up and down.
Seriously, how much sugar had this girl eaten?

" Who's this? " Alex asks as he walks up behind you.

" Oh Alex, well this is Anisa. " You say and Alex reach a hand out to say hello but Ansia respond by jumping on him giving him a big hug.

" Oh so you are the boyfriend to my new best friend?! Oh how joy! It's so nice to meet you! I also have a boyfriend, and his name is also Alex! " She beams.

" Oh we totally need to have a tea party or something! asap! " She beams.

" Oh sure! But not today, we need to get used to our new house since we are, you know, new here. " You say alittle scared to hurt her feelings but she still beams like a sun.

" Sure! Just call me if you need any help! I live right over there!! " She points to the white house next door.

" Sure I will, thank you. "

" No problem! " She hugs you, laughing as she's walking off waving before stumbling falling flat on her face. She quickly gets up still laughing before running over to her house.

" Wow, she was...special. " Alex said.

" Yeah, but she seems nice though. " You smile. If the rest of this neighbourhood was half as hyper as her, you knew you would like it here.

" Hey! You are fuckman! " A small voice yells behind you and Alex. You turn around to see that blond short legged girl.

" Oh no! No no no no! " Alex starts, tugging at his hair. The little girl pick up her red ball from the ground before running inside.

" Mommy mommy guess who just moved in next door?! "

Oh my.


Another filler chapter, God how i hate them they are such a bitch to write!
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@Helene you are very vivid.I like your story.
Sweet,fine,interesting. Your first novel, I'll buy a very fine individual style.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Thank you! Me myself think the story now is a little boring, so I can't wait to get on with the angst ( without the story being rushed though, cause rushed stories piss me of xD )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Hello! now have we finally chance to continue this little story ;b let's see how it will be ;)

chapter 2

He takes off your nursecoute and starts to take off your T-shirt.
-Can you wait a second? you say and gasp.
-Ok, am I too hot for you he asks and grins wide.
You can see that he is getting horny. You feel that your getting horny too. You can't believe that you are going to do it with Alex. You thought it could only happen in your dreams.
-Sure, he says and starts to taking off your jeans. Then he starts to take off his pants.He tells you to undo the button on his jeans and pull down the zipper. You can see that he can't wait much longer. Then he tells you to take off his pants.
-I haven't done something like this before, so I'm a bit nervous.
-It's ok, I'm a proffesional. He winks at you with his eye and kiss you. You start to take off his jeans.Now you have your face directly toward his thing. You pull down his underpants and gasps:
-Wow! It's LARGE!! You can't take your eyes off it. Now he want to take off your bra.
- Oh! They were nice!
-Don't stare at them. You feel you becoming red.
-Don't be ashamed! They are beautiful.
Then he pulls down your underpants and pulls down you on the bed. Then he gets right down beside you and starts to kiss you on the neck. "Oh, damn. I lie here totally NAKED with a boy, with Alexander RYBAK!" you think and feel he starts to breath faster and faster and faster until he starts to scream. You hear footsteps outside the door and the door and you see someone's shadow through the window and the handle goes down.

to be continued...
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Hahahah nice Alex checked me out lol :P

Can't wait to read more!
over a year ago ONLYME_93 said…
I,m new here on fanpop. I have read all the stories and they are really good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about him like that ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Oh, welcome to the family ONLYME_93 :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Fifft33n oh my god i can't wait to read more ^.^
over a year ago Fift33n said…
hehe, thanks ;) But it can take little time, because I write it with my friend, but the continue come when we have time ;)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
and btw Helen, I love you story, I really do :)
over a year ago s0nja said…
Chapter 4

“shoudup shubiduu, shoudup shubiduu… ”

Alex starts by sliding off your top you had under your check pattern shirt. Your hips are moving in the same rhythm. Slowly from side to side. He puts his hands around your waist and pulls you a little bit closer to himself. Your hands are around his neck. There is only some space between your upper parts of the body. You slide your hands down a little bit on his chest and take a small grip on his shirt. Then you start to open it. Slowly, button by button. He takes a look at you and you look him back deep in the eyes. You give him a small, sexy smile. His shirt is half away open. You open the rest of the buttons. Then you slide your hands up on his naked chest, to his shoulders and further down his strong, muscular arms. Making his shirt fall on the floor by your feet. He kicks it away with his foot and slides to the wall.

- That was for safety, he says and lifts up your left leg. Holding his hand by the hollow of your knee.

You bow your back down in a curve until you see the world upside down. Alex left hand is by the hollow of your knee and the right on your lower back. You come up, feeling a little bit dizzy but it goes over quickly. He let go of your leg and you put it down.

Now he wraps his arms around your waist. You feel how your head lays on his chest. It’s so much warmer then you thought. In other words a hug. Still dancing. The warmth of his chest spreads out in your whole body. You burn inside, of hotness. It doesn’t feel like in the middle of the winter at all. He moves up his right hand in your hair. You feel the edging of his jeans. Then his black leather belt. He kisses your hair.
Now Alex takes a small grip of your waist and turns you around, so you both are looking at the same way. He caresses your stomach a little, not for long. His hands slide down, opening the button of your jeans. Then the zipper. He slides them off you. Now you’re only in your underwear. You thank god that you put underwear that belongs together this morning. But, now you don’t want to think of that. It’s good that you did it and that’s it.

Alex is kissing your neck. You’re enjoying. He touches your ear with his nose. Kissing you behind you ear. Going down to your neck again.

- Mmm, you smell so… sexy *kiss*. Makes me want you… even more, he says as he walks in front of you.

He continues kissing your cheek. Then. Your over lip. You wrap your hands around his neck. It turns out soon to a French kiss.

You move while kissing. Ending up in your kitchen and stopping by your kitchen table. You lean to the table with your hands on the edge of the table. Alex hands are still wrapped around your waist and you’re still French kissing. He lifts you up a little bit and lay you down on the table. You put your hands on his cheeks. And feel his strong cheekbones. You open his leather belt. He moves his hands up. You look down. He too.

- Fuck… the zipper is stucked, you say.
- Shit…

He tries to help you. After a while you get it open.

- Finally, he says and unbraces your bra. It flies away.

Now you’re only in your panties and he’s in his boxers. You’re kissing all the time. He moves his hands down to your waist. Drawing off your panties. You’re totally naked, on your kitchen table, with a man you’ve only know for a half day or so. But who cares, he’s irresistible. It’s only you two. His boxers is also gone. You’re enjoying a lot. The time is flowing away. The Valentine ’s Day of hell, turned out the Valentine ’s Day of heaven.


The song that played is "The still of the night" - The five Satins
