Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Haha XD

I'm your number one fan too :D :D <3 =))
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Jana you are very good writer like Helene.
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Awwww, thank you soo much :DDD
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Chapter 4

You and the girls arrive at the club. You are waiting about 10 minutes before Alex shows up.

You: "You're 10 minutes late Alex! Where have you been!?"
Alex: “I told you I was going to get changed and then meet you here".
You: “It took you a long time".

Your girlfriends are getting annoyed with both of you. “We’re going to get drinks and let you two have some time alone" they walk away leaving just you two together.

You:"I'm going to buy a drink; I’ll be back in a minute".
Alex: "No wait, let me buy it for you" he's smiling like he means it.
You: "Fine if that’s what you want".

You both head to the bar. Your girlfriends are not looking very happy. "Look at them both; she's been flirting with him since they first saw each other". They're whispering and looking at you.

Alex:" C'mon, finish you're drink and we'll head to the dance floor".

You're both dancing with each other. Jason Derulo - In My Head is playing and you're dancing quite slowly. Some more songs play but then you start to get bored.

You: "Can we leave Alex, this is getting kinda boring".
Alex: "Sure, do you wanna come back to my hotel tonight?” he asks
You: Yes, why not" you say

Your girlfriends come over to you and look pretty annoyed now. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" they say. You say: " I'm spending the night with Alex, you guys go back when you want to".
They look quite angry with you now. "Fine you go with him, seeing as you like him so much". They walk away from you and you feel tears in your eyes.

Alex:" Come with me, just ignore them I’ll make you feel better, trust me"

You are walking back to his hotel, it isn't that far away. He takes your hand in his and you start to feel slightly better.
You get back to his hotel room and he closes the door behind you both.

Alex: "What was their problem?” he asks
You: "I have no idea, I guess they don't like the thought of us two being together" you say sadly.

He looks into your eyes before kissing you on the lips very carefully.
"They won't tear us apart, trust me. I'm gonna make this one of the best nights of your life. If you let me of course".

You: “Sure why not".

He gives you a sweet French kiss before leading you to his bedroom. You lie on his bed, he slowly takes off you're dress and you're undoing his shirt. He takes off his trousers and then comes to you again. He's caressing you as he takes off your bra. You’re kissing and touching each other. He lies over you under the covers and it all happens there.

He said this would be the best night of your life and he was right...

I may write the next chapter later tonight or tomorrow.

Read and comment please :)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Aww Abbie, love your story :D And Jana's story too ofcourse, but you already knew that xD
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Aww thanks :) and yeah I love Jana's story too :P
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
big smile
Thanks again xD

And I love your story too, Abbiee =)

I love every story here! :D they are all A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
And I love that this topic has 'woke up from death' :D and ofc. your stories are great ;D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Aaah somebody send all the sexual content blaa blaa blaa thing to me to here:
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
8th chapter


You tried to ran away but that guy was way too strong and lifted you up. "LET ME DOWN!!", you screamt but no one heard you. You where somewhere in the woods ... everywhere trees ...

"What do you want from me?! Who the hell are you?!?"


No answer...

Suddenly he lifted you down and pushed you against a tree. Then you finally saw, who that guy was ...
It was your Ex-Boyfriend.

"Did you miss me?", he said.

"NO, I didn't! Leave me alone!"

You tried to go away, but he pushed you again against the tree ...

Ex: No, you won't run that easily away!

You: Leave me alone!


He took off his jeans and tried to takes yours off too.... He wanted to rape you ...

You: NO! Stop! Please! Somebody help me!!

He turned you around and the only thing you could feel now was pain ...
He pulled "it" soo deep in you, that you had to scream so loud and you cried.

Ex: No one will help you now, doesn't matter how loud you scream!

You: Please....Let me go .... It hurts....

He got faster and you felt the pain growing up. You couldn't do anything.... You where helpless ...
You dared to look down and saw everywhere blood..



Suddenly, you didn't felt "it" in you anymore. He turned you around again and bit you in your neck. "AAH!", you screamt. "If you tell it to anyone, I'll kill your new dear boyfriend..."

"NOO!! Please!! Don't, I'm begging you!"

"Don't tell it around, and everything will be okay,"

He went away ...

You sat down there ... crying ...
"Why me? Why always me?!"


Your phone rang.
It was Alex...

You: Hel....

Alex: WHERE ARE YOU!!?!!?

You: I don't know ...

Alex: What do you mean with "I don't know" ? What can you see?

You: Trees ... everywhere ...
You started crying again.

Alex: What happened? God, tell me where you were the last time!

You: At my aunts place ...

Alex: Where does she life?

You: 'Leobersdorf' ...

Alex: I'll pick you up, don't move. Stay where you are!

You: But ...

He hang up.
You kinda got tired and felt asleep ..


"Damn, I don't know what happened! I just found her lying there on the ground in the woods!"

"Is that Alex's voice?", you thought. Your eyes where still closed.

"And why was on her body everywhere blood?"

"Which voice was that? ... Your best friend?", you thought again and you decided to open your eyes...

"What ... where ... ", you said.

"She woke up! Finally!! God, how are you? What happened??", Alex was very shocked while asking you everything out.

"Alex ... I'm fine ... everything is okay... "

"What happened last night? Tell me!!"

Suddenly you remembered everything ... and the words 'Don't tell it to anyone, or I'll kill your boyfriend ...'

"N... nothing happened ...."

"But... There was soo much blood on your body! Did someone raped you??"

"No ...."

"Sure? Hon, you can tell me everything!"

"NOTHING HAPPENED! LEAVE ME ALONE!", you screamt and ran to the bathroom.
over a year ago EmmieEC90 said…
Girls. Are you liking my stories?? I dont seem to be gettin much feedback =( if not i wont carry on the story.
Em xxxxx
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Hey, great stories everybody :D And Helene, your is getting better and better all the time! :)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Emmie, me me! I like your story :D :D
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Emmie! I like your story too!! :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Emmie I am so sorry I haven't commented! D: I thought it was enough to give the review to you verbally through MSN , but I know how incredible frustrating it can be when you work on a chapter for days and you get no reviews ._. But you're story is great, please continue^^
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Chapter 5

You wake up the next day. You reach for your mobile phone and there are about 10 text messages, all of them from your girlfriends.

"Where are you??"
"We're so sorry for the way we acted last night."
"Please forgive us and come back to us :3".

"Hmmm...They better be telling the truth you think to yourself"
You turn around and see Ale looking at you.

"Morning, are you ok, you looked a little worried".
You: "I’m fine; my girlfriends seem to be worried about me and want to know where I am".
Alex: "well, can we at least have one kiss before you leave" he says.

You both lie there kissing before you get out of the bed and start getting your clothes on. You didn't realise that your girlfriends weren't really that worried about you.

Alex: "Call me when you get back to your hotel so that I know you're safe".
You: "Yeahh, of course I will. Bye Alex". You smile before heading for the door.
Alex: "I love you".
You: "I love you too :)"

You head back to your hotel; it takes 10 minutes from where you stayed with Alex. But you didn't realise who was waiting back at your hotel.

You get back and go into your room. Your girlfriends are standing there, arms folded and looking furious. "Where have you been"? "We knew you'd go off with Alex, we just knew it".

You: "What the hell does it have to do with you?"
Friend: "We were kinda worried about you but then we decided that we weren't interested anymore".

You look across the room and you notice a figure sitting on the sofa. It was Alex.

You:"Alex, what’s going on why are you here?" you start to panic and almost hyperventilate.

Alex:"The girls made me come. They were telling me lies about you. I swear I haven't said anything".

You stand there, unable to say anything. One of your girlfriends is slowly walking towards you. You step back, she steps forward. She takes hold of your neck, almost strangling you.

"Why didn't tell us you were with him huh?”
You: “You already knew that, you said fine just go with him we don’t care" you choke out.

Your friend loosens her grip, you collapse onto the floor. You fall slightly unconscious. Alex rushes over to you, tearfully touching your neck. He looks at your girlfriends who all have shocked expressions on their faces.

Alex: "That's it! I’m taking her back to my hotel, where I know that she will be safe". He half shouts, staring around the room and at the girls.

At that moment you wake up, Alex is holding you in his arms. You break out of his arms and run out of the room. You run out of the hotel and into the car that you are renting. You drive off out of Oslo and onto a road you don't know. Alex is desperately calling your phone but you don't answer.

Back at the hotel: “Where the hell is she" she shouts. One of the girls has gone white with fear. “I don't know Alex, she could be anywhere". He breaks down in tears. He whispers sadly to himself “Where is she? What if she's hurt?"

You: "I need to get away from them; I need to clear my mind". You're not thinking straight and you're not focused on the road ahead.

"Stop thinking about him and you'll be perfectly fine" you think to yourself.

Suddenly, you lose control of your car and you can't stop it. You scream in terror, not knowing whether you would survive or not...

Read and comment please :) Thank Youu
I'll continue tomorrow and then you will find out whether the character survives the accident.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Waaah oh my god it's getting exiting!
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Thank Youu :)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
@Helene, amazing dirty chapter as always ;D ;D
@Abbie, oooooooh can't wait till you continue ;D ;D

Love ya all <33
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
9th chapter ;)


You locked the door behind you and started crying. "I can't tell him ...", you thought and heard Alex knocking on the door and calling your name.

"Please open the door. Please!"

"No! Leave me alone!", you screamt.

"Come on. What happened last night?"

"I can't ...."

"Can't what? Can't tell me? Why?"

You looked at the door. "Should I?", you thought and moved slowly the key right to unlock the door. Not even one second past, as Alex opened the door and hugged you. He closed the door, so that you two could talk alone.

"I know, it's hard for you, but you have to tell me what happened last night ..."

"Alex ... I can't..."


"Because YOU would get killed ..."
'Damn! Why did I said that?! I'm so stupid!', you thought and tried to hide your face with your hands.

"...What did you say?", he said shocked.

"I can't tell you what happened, 'cause you would get killed. And I can't let that happen. I need you!"
You hugged him very tight like you never did before. You cried so much, you couldn't stop.

"Psssshhttt.... Calm down, everything will be okay. I'm here ..."

"I don't wanna lose you!"

"I'm here! You won't lose me, never... "
He looked you deep in the eyes and wiped your tears away with his hand.

"Don't cry. Everything will be alright. Now, please, tell me, what happened?"


"Nothing will happen to you, neither then to me!"

"Uhm ... Last night, I ..."

"You got raped, right?"

You couldn't look him in the eyes, you looked down.

"Oh god, it was all my fault!"

"What?!", you looked up with wide opened eyes at him.

"I should have been with you, when you went to your aunt. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"No! It wasn't your fault! What are you talking? Hell, NO!"

"Who was it? Tell me !"

"My ... my ex boyfriend... "

"He raped you?"

"Don't say this word ..."

"I'm sorry."
He went out of the bedroom and you heard him talking, then suddenly a door got closed. You got out of the bathroom and saw your friend shocked looking at Ådne.

"Where ... where is Alex?"

"I think you don't want to know that...", Ådne said.

"Tell me, where he is!!"

"I think he went to your ex boyfriend...", your friend said.

"NO WAY!! You're kidding me!"
You ran downstairs and took your car-keys. Then you ran to your car and drove very fast. You took out your phone and tried to call Alex, but he didn't pick up. You decided to write him a text message:

STOP, where ever you are and come back to me!

As soon as you looked up, you saw a child standing with a ball in the middle of the street. You tried to stop, but you lost the control of your car ...


"Mmmmm....", you opened your eyes.

"Hey...", Alex smiled at you.

"Where ... where am I?"

"In the hospital... You had a car accident.."

"Oh, yeah, I remember. I lost the control of my car ..."

"How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts a bit..."

You recognized, something was wrong with him...

"What happened? Why are you looking like that?"

"What do you mean?"
Suddenly one policeman came in.

"Are you Mr.Rybak?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Would you come with me, you are arrested!"


Hope you liked it ^^
over a year ago santa6168 said…
omg! woow.
please continiune faster! <3
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Jana you're story is great, continuee :)

Chapter 6

You look down and realise there is something missing. "Oh no, the brake is missing. You start panicking because you know you can't stop. You car heads straight into a ditch. You scream as the car stops. The windscreen is smashed and the car is almost completely damaged. Your head had hit the steering wheel and you were bleeding heavily. You manage to reach for your phone. Your hand was painful and shaking as you dialled Alex's number.

Back at the hotel Alex was crying and he was very worried about you. "Where is she, why doesn't she call me"? Suddenly, his phone was ringing.

You:"Alex...where are you?”
Alex: “I’m still at the hotel, listen where are you? I’m worried about you".
You: "This is gonna scare you, I lost control of my car and it went into a ditch..."
"Voice: This call has ended"

Alex looks around at the girls, horrified. "She crashed her car into a ditch". The girls have gone pale with shock. "The only ditch I know of is on the road leaving Oslo, I’m gonna look there". He rushes out of the hotel.

You're trapped in your car, heavily bleeding and you're wrist and leg is broken and you're quickly losing consciousness. "Please, don't let Alex find me like this". You think to yourself before your eyes close.

Alex is driving down the road you had gone down. He notices the ditch and your car. "No, no, oh please let her be ok". He rushes to your car, opening the door and finding your unconscious body. "No no, please don't be dead". He's crying and he looks very heartbroken. He looks at your body. "She's covered in blood, I need to get her an ambulance before its too late..."

Read and comment please :)
Btw, thanks for all the nicee comments.
I know it seems short. I'm tiredd. It will be a longer chapter tomorrow ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
over a year ago silla17 said…

i didn't look for a few days and i see a lot of stories

Girls i like all your stories :D
so don't stop with it
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
big smile
OMG! Abbiee, your story is awesome!! :D

please continuee!! ^^
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
10th chapter



"WHHAAT ?!", you screamt and looked at the policeman.

"Excuse me..?"

"Why is Alex ... I mean, Mr.Rybak arrested?", you asked.

"Because he probably killed someone."

"What? Alex would never ...", You looked at Alex, he looked down.

"No ... Don't tell me .... Don't tell me you killed ..."

"Come with me now.", the policeman said, and took out Handcuffs.

"That's not necessary, Sir.", Alex said and went to you, gave you a kiss on your forehead and went out of the room. The policeman looked at you strange and went also out of the room.

"What is going on?", you thought and tried to find your cell phone.
"There he is ...." You wanted to call your friend, but she just got into your room.

"HEEEYYY !!!!", she screamt when she saw you.

"Tell me right now, why that policeman arrested Alex!"

"Oh boy ...."

"I can explain it....", Ådne said.

"I'm listening ...", you said.

"Well ... it's simple... He killed your ex boyfriend. And they caught him now."

"He did ... WHAT ?!"

"Calm down...", your friend said but you couldn't believe Ådne's words. Alex killed your ex boyfriend, and now he got arrested. "No, this can't be ..", you thought and tried to stand up, but your friend stopped you.

"Where the hell are you going ?", she asked you.

"To Alex! Where else?!"

"No! Are you crazy? You can't leave!"

"Yes I can. You'll see."
You took your clothes and went to the bathroom. You got dressed and went out, took your belongs and said "There you see? I can. Bye!"

You ran out of the room, downstairs, everywhere just to find your way to Alex. You had luck and saw Alex and the policeman going out if the hospital.

"NOOO!! WAAIIIT!!!", you screamt and Alex turned around.

"What are you doing here ?", he said confused.

"Alex! What have you done? Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry ... I had to ... I couldn't let him run around like that ..."
He looked at you and winked with an eye. You didn't understand it, but then you saw that he pointed on the policeman. "No ... ", you thought and saw how Alex beat the policeman, took your hand and ran away.

"What are you doing?!"

"Come on! Hurry!!", he said and you ran after him. You jumped in his car and he drove very fast away.

"Alex, what are you doing ? That's all wrong! Turn around!"

"No, I can't!"

"Please Alex! Like you told me, everything is gonna be okay."

"No, it won't. I killed a human ..."

"Yes, a BAD human, they will understand it! Please, Alex ... Turn around ..."

"I CAN'T!"
He started to drove even faster and you got afraid.

"Alex ... "

"Why can't you understand it? I HAD to kill him ... "

"I can understand it. It's okay, calm down ...

"It's NOT okay."
He suddenly drove somewhere in the woods, it was there where you got raped.

"No, not here, please!"

"We have to hide somewhere."

"We?! Why we?!"

"They probably think, I kidnaped you ...."

"WHAT ?! NOO!"
Then he stopped the car and got out. You were still sitting in and where under shock. 'They probably think, I kidnaped you.... No, this can't be.... This is all a bad dream ... No!', you thought and went also out of the car. You saw Alex sitting there on the ground infront of a tree. He was touching the ground ...

"Here ... I found you exactly here .. And here is still blood ..."
You went over to him and looked at the ground. He said the truth, there was still blood on the ground.

"Alex ..."

"When you said yes ... I just couldn't get the thought out, what he did to you and how you screamt out for help. He had to pay for this what he did to you..."

Suddenly you heard a policecar coming near to you...


What do you think will happen? ;)
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
WOW! WOW! WOW! Jana you're fantastic! :* I can't wait next chapter! Alex is a murder! wow! love it <333
@Helene : hahah, your dirty chapters are the best I think nobody can write them like you! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Gooooood writers here <3

@helene thanks for sending the chapter it was sexxy ;)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Woooooooooow :D Great great great :D :D Everyone greeeaaat :D

*needs more more more*

over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Wow, Jana you're story is getting exciting. Can't wait for the next chapter :)

Chapter 7

Alex dials the emergency number then asks for an ambulance. "She's unconscious and she's lost a lot of blood. What was the cause? It was a car accident". He's saying all of this so calmly yet he's in shock."Please just make sure it gets here before it's too late". He ends the call before going over to you. He reaches into the car, very carefully pulling you out, trying not to cause you anymore pain. He's holding you in his arms before he lay you on the ground. He's bent over you and his eyes move towards your chest. "Hmm, I could try reviving her myself". He's thinking about this and is still unsure. "Well, she's breathing but how do I know that she hasn't got any spinal injuries".

10 minutes later, the ambulance arrives at the scene of the accident. "Two medical people came out of it and straight over to you and Alex.”What happened?" they ask whilst examining our injured body. "She told me she lost control of her car" Alex says, desperately trying to hold back his tears. "Well, we're gonna take her to the hospital now, she needs treatment before it's too late.

They very carefully take your body into the ambulance and onto a bed. Alex is watching over you as they check you’re breathing and everything. Suddenly you wake up, unaware of where you are.

You: "A-a-a... Alex?" You mumble out.
Alex:"I'm right here sweetheart, I’m not gonna leave you".
You:"What happened, I don't remember".
Alex: "I'll tell you when we get to the hospital, just relax now baby, you're gonna be okay.

One of the medical people has gone into the front of the ambulance, whilst the other one is checking on you. "Just, sit there Mr Rybak" one of them says. He sits right beside you and gently holds your hand, caressing it softly. You feel you're eyes close again. "That's it baby, sleep now and sweet dreams darling” he says softly and caring.

He looks at the medical woman.
Alex: "Is she gonna be okay?"
Woman: "We won't know until she gets to the hospital, but the injuries are severe and that's all we know".

Alex: "Please... may I just kiss her?”

Woman:"I can see you're distressed but okay".

Alex gently moves up nearer your face and then very gently kisses your forehead, and then he caresses your hair softly, his brown eyes filled with shock.

You get to the hospital; Alex gives you one last kiss before saying: “I’ll be with you soon. The doctors will look after you”. The medical people allow him to hold your hand as you are taken into the hospital and then he has to let go.

You’re rushed into the emergency room where the doctors begin examining and treating you. Alex stands outside of the room, watching them, as tears slowly fall down his face. “Please, please, let her survive I love her so much” he sobs into his hands. He goes over to the waiting room where he notices your girlfriends. They rush over to him.

Friend: “How is she what happened?” they ask in a hurry

Alex: “Why do you care, she wouldn’t want you here and she wouldn’t want you to know” he says angrily.

Friend: “Okay, I was only asking, come on girls” she says and they walk away.
Two hours later, some doctors come out of the room. They look slightly worried. Alex rushes to them, “How is she, is she gonna be okay?”

Doctor: “She has a broken hand and leg; she lost a lot of blood and also has a slight head injury”.
Alex: “So she will recover then?” he says hopefully
Doctor: “We are not sure. Come with us Mr Rybak, but I am warning you, this may shock or upset you”.

Alex: “Is there something wrong doctor?”
Doctor: “You will find out soon enough”.
The doctor and Alex enter the room that you are in. The expression of hope on Alex’s face faded, slowly turning to horror. The doctor is looking solemn.
Doctor: “I’m afraid Mr Rybak, because of her injuries she has fallen into a coma. She may wake up in the next few days. We are very sorry”.

Alex is standing in shock, his hand over his mouth. He slowly walks over to your bed, watching over your comatose body. His hand is caressing your forehead and he just looks so heartbroken.
Doctor: “I’ll leave you alone with her” he says and leaves the room.
Alex is sitting beside you, and now he is holding your hand. “Please, wake up. I won’t leave your bedside until you do. I love you"...

Read and comment please :)
This was a longer chapter than the others I know, but the one yesterday was only short.

Tomorrow you will find out if the character wakes up from the coma ;)

What do you think ??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
It's it's it's WOUW :D

Please continue soon :D
over a year ago EmmieEC90 said…
Rybak Paradise

Chapter 5

"OMG. It's Alex!!!" You say in your head. You look in the mirror one more time. Still looking good!! You walk over to the door and open it...
And there stands Alex. He is wearing black shoes, black trousers, a white shirt and a black waistcoat, with a rose in one hand and champagne in the other.
You think in your head "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! HE LOOKS SO HOT!!" He is looking back at you with a shock on his face. He can't believe how stunning you look! He is lost for words! "Oh...Wow...Erm, Hi!" Says Alex, trying to find his words!
"Hey you" You say back.
"Wow. You look amazing. Really gorgeous"
"Thank You ,Alex" You reply and blush. "You're looking very good yourself" you reply and wink at him. He looks away shyly. He enters the room and you close the door. He gives you a red rose. "This is for you" Alex says
"Thank you very much" You reply "Ooh, it goes with my dress!". He looks at you and smiles.
"I bought some Champagne. Only the finest for you my sweet" He says.
"OK.Wow. I will go and get some glasses."
You go to the kitchen and get some glasses. He watches you walk. He can't take his eyes off you! You come back in with the glasses. He opens the bottle and pours the Champagne into the 2 glasses.
"Here's to a great night ahead" he toasts. He winks at you too.
"To a great night ahead" You say and you both take a sip.
He puts his glass down on your bedside table. He takes yous too and puts it down next to his and moves close to you and puts his hands on your hips. You put your hands on his shoulders. You look into each others eyes for about a minute. He moves his face closer to yours till his lips are touching yours. You both enjoy a romantic kiss which soon turns into a french kiss. After 10 minutes, you both unlock lips.You are both lost for words.
"Wow...that was...amazing" Says Alex.
"No one has ever kissed me like that before" You say. You both smile and kiss again. After a minute, you slowly pull away. Alex wanted more.
"Are we going to go for that meal then?" You ask.
Alex smiles and says "So no more kissing?" You laugh. "Yeah, come on then babe, lets go"
You finish off your Champagne and grab your bag and leave the room.
You walk down the hallway with Alex. "Erm, can I hold your hand?" Alex asks you.
"Sure" You reply. He takes your hand with his. You look down at your hand and see it connected with Alex's, He looks at you and smiles. You look back at him and smile. You've never been so happy with a guy like Alex.

End of Chapter 5

Is it worth continuing this story??????????????????????
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…


You're sitting on a bench in the park and a few feet away you can see your parents walking towards you. Your mom is carrying a basket, the one you always use when you are on a field trip at summer. Your father is waving at you and you wave back, smiling. You jump of the bench and start walking in their direction. But the closer you get the further away they are. you stop and blink, rubbing your left eye with your fist.

" Mom? Dad? Where are you going?! Come back! " You start running but the closer you get the more they fade away. You can barely make out the shapes of their bodies and their faces are all blurry. Your eyes wells up with tears.

" Mom! No! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me! Come back! P-please...Come back.. " You sob and fall down on your knees, reaching out for them but their gone. You lay down on the ground, shaking and sobbing.

" N-no..No it's not fair. " You cry into your hands, curling up in a small ball. Suddenly you can hear a voice from far away.

" ...What's wrong? Why are you crying? Shh stop it's okay, it's okay.. "


You open your eyes and find yourself in the bedroom, your face is wet with tears and you can feel a hand run through your hair.

" Shhh don't cry, it's just a dream it's ok don't cry. " Alex says over and over while hugging you close. Your face is buried in his shirt which is stained from your tears.

" A-Alex? " You sob.

" I'm here I'm here, shh. " He answers and he moves a hand down to your face to wipe away your tears.

" No, I want to sleep more, I want to go back... " You sob in his shoulder.

" Where were you? " He whispers and you sniff.

" It was summer, and I was back at earth. With my parents. We were on a fieldtrip like we always did at the beginning of summer vacation. I waved at them and started to walk towards then but... "

" But what? "

" They just dissappeared...In front of my eyes...and i was all alone.. " You say quietly and his grip tighten.

" You miss them.. " He starts and you break in.

" No! No Alex don't you dare blame yourself. This isn't your fault. " You place your hands on his face and look straight into his eyes. You can see that he's about to start crying.

" It is, God, if we never met, you could have been happily living with your family now. I ruined it all. " He close his eyes as tears escapes them.

" Alex...Please don't say that... It was my own choice. " You cry and he open his eyes again.

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have needed to make that choice... "

" Please... don't blame yourself. For me, it was the right choice. Yes, I miss Mom and Dad, terribly, but I can't imagine my life without You. I love my Mom, and I love my Dad, they were, no, they ARE great, but you, you mean the world to me, I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't mean it. " You wrap an arm around his waist and he tighten his grip on you.

" Let's go visit them tomorrow. I'll visit mine and you'll visit yours? " He asks through wet eyes and you nod.

" Yeah. Yeah that sounds good. " You hug each other tight, both crying until it drives you sleep.


You scratch you arm, accidentally drawing blood.

" Fuck. " You say annoyed, and sigh.

You're back at earth, and Alex had already walked of to find his parents. You weren't so sure if you wanted to see yours. It might make it all worse..

" Oh fuck it. " you say as you walk in the direction of your house. It was Autumn, and the trees and grass was a dull mix between red and orange, kinda like the cat your friend had when she was 10.

You quickly enter the front door, well, more like walking right through it and see your mother sitting in her chair, watching TV. You wondered where your Dad was.

Your mother looks in your direction and her eyes widen as she puts a hand over her mouth.

" Oh my god...It's my baby! " She yells as get up from her chair, walking over to you to give you a hug but her arms goes right through you. A wave of sadness well over you both.

" Y-you can see me? " You choke out. She nods.

" Oh my God, it's my baby, oh hun I miss you so much! " She sob and you just want to reach out for her and hold her close.

" But, but how? I've been here before and- " You start but she cuts you of.

" Woah, what? You've been here before? " She ask amazed and you nod.

" Yeah You and Dad were going through the photoalbums. "

" Oh... " She says quietly and you both stand there for a while in silence.

" How is life on the other side? Are you happy? Are you with Alex? "

" Life on the other side... Is pretty much like it's here. It looks the same, only more peacefull. I'm...Yeah I'm happy and yes, I am with Alex. We together now. "

" That's so wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that!'re happy? You don't feel like you chosed wrong? "

" No. No I don't. I love you Mom, and I love Dad, but I couldn't go on without Alex, he means everything to me. We're happy together and my life would just have been miserable if I had chosen to stay on earth. Please don't be mad at me. "

" I could never be mad at you hun. I'll admit I was so heartbroken when we first heard..I mean who wouldn't? But hearing that you are ok, and knowing you're happy, has taken the weight of my shoulders. Just promise me one thing. "

" Sure Mom. What? "

" Promise me that you and Alex take good care of each other me a visit once in a while? Even though I might won't be able to see you, I can still feel when you're close. "

" Of course I will come back Mom! " You say and she smiles at you and God you want to hug her so badly.

You look at the time, and can see your hour is almost up. You had promised to meet up with Alex at 12 to go back.

" Mom, I'm sorry but I have to go. " You say and she looks at you sadly.

" I'm going to meet Alex, since he's at his parents place, then we'll leave and go back home together. We have a dog to feed and I need to wash his pants. "

" Sounds like me and your father when we first moved together. " She laughs.

" Bye Mom. " You tell her before slowly walking through the frontdoor.

" Bye hun, I love you! "

When you're outside you feel tears well up. God, you missed your Mom so so much.

" Mom.. " You whisper as you dry a few tears. You can see Alex walk towards you and he waves.

" Dude, it happened something really strange- " he starts but you cut him off.

" They could see you? " You ask he he looks at you, amazed.

" Yeah, did you know? "

" My mom could see me too. "

" Woah, I wonder how? Both my parents could see me, but they haven't been able to previous times.. " He whisper and you look at him sadly.

" Well, I still feel an emptiness deep inside. But the hole in my heart has healed now that my Mom knows that I'm happy and ok. " You say, feeling alittle better. Alex smiles his charming smile at you.

" True. Come on, let's go. " He takes his hand in yours and you both step into the familiar light leaving the earth behind.


Sorry for the lack of updates girls *gives Alex covered in chocolate and cherries on top to make up for it*

Read and Review
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Bravo girls!!! Excitement, tears, romance.
I like it.
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
11th chapter


"Come on! We have to hide somewhere!", you said to Alex.

"...What? I thought you wanted to ...", He looked confused.

"Yes, but I'm fucking afraid now! I can't let them get you, well us. Now come on!"
You took his hand and ran deeper in the wood. Everywhere trees, you don't know anymore where you are. You could hear the siren of the policecar... But it's far, far away...


"No, stop... I can't run anymore.", You said and sat down.

"Yeah, me too. I think we are save now."

"Really?", you tried to get your breath away and turned around. You didn't saw anything, and you couldn't hear anything.

"Yeah ... They probably gave up."

"God ... I can't feel my legs anymore...", you tried to touch them, but you couldn't feel them.

"We will rest here then.", Alex said and sat down next to you.

"I'm sorry ...", he whispered.


"I'm sorry, that you are in this whole damn situation."

"I don't care, I just want to be there where you are."
He looked at you, you smiled. He smiled to and came near you.

"You don't know, how much I love you..."
He kissed you. It turned slowly to a french kiss. You could feel his hand on your cheek, and his other hand on your back. He pulled you close to him and you lay on him.

"I love you.", you said.

"I love you too... "


You could feel something licking your face.

"What the .... ?!"
You opened your eyes. It was a dog laying on you and licking your face. Then something flashed your eyes.

"We found her!", a man shouted.

"What? What's going on?", you tried to stand up and looked around. You saw Alex sitting in a policecar with handcuffs on his hands. You ran to the car and opened it.

You hugged him.

"What's happening? Why are you sitting in there?"

"Excuse me, miss. Get away from this car, please."

"No way ! Let Alex go! He haven't done anything bad!"

"Would you please get away of the car?!", the policeman almost screamt at you.

"But ... It's also my fault. I need to get in this car too! Please!!", you nearly cried.
The policeman looked angry at you, but he let you in the car and you sat down next to Alex.

"What are you doing in here?", Alex said.

"I won't leave you alone!"

"But they will probably thing, that you killed your ex too, but you didn't! You are innocent!!"

"You too! You can't go to the jail."


You arrived at the police station and got both out of the car. The policeman took Alex and you followed them. When they later got in another room, you had to stay outside.

"Please, let me in! I have to know, what is going on in there!"

"I'm sorry, you aren't allowed to get in.", another policeman said.

"Why not?"

"It's not possible. I'm sorry, miss. You have to stay outside."

"Okay, fine, fine. I'll wait ...", you said annoyed and sat down on a chair.
Minutes went by and you thought it would take forever, till you could see Alex again ...


More then 30 minutes went by, and Alex was still in there.
"When will he finally get out?!", you thought and got impatiently.


"HOLLY CRAP! Over ONE DAMN HOUR went by!!! LET ME IN!", you screamt and the policeman and ran into the room. But he stopped you and pushed you away.

"I said you are NOT allowed to go in there! Sit down or go away, miss."

"What are they doing in there?! TELL ME!!"

"They are talking to the culprit."

Suddenly the door got open, the policeman from before went out.

"Why are you screaming around?", he asked you.

"Where is Alex?? WHERE IS HE?!"

"He's in there. You can talk to him now, if you want..."
You just ran in the room, without listening the end what the policeman said and saw Alex sitting on a chair looking exhausted. He looked up to you and smiled.

"Hey...", he said.
You went to him and kissed him.

"What did they do to you?", you asked.


"And why are you looking that exhausted? What happened?"

"Everything is going to be alright. Don't worry..."


"Yes. Now go home and rest a bit."

"What about you?"

"I have to stay here in the jail, but that's okay."

"I'll visit you tomorrow then!"

"You don't need to..."

"No, I will come!"

"Okay. See ya then tomorrow."
He gave you a last goodbye kiss before the policeman took him again and went out of the room. You just looked how he slowly disappeared...
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
@Helene: beautiful chapter! :) it was touched.
@Jana: Wow! your story is amazing! love it <33 can't wait next one! :D
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Chapter 8

Two weeks later, you woke up from the coma. Alex is right beside you smiling for the first time in a while. You feel how the memory of what happened comes back to you.

You: "Alex, I remember everything, but why am I still in here? You ask calmly.

Alex:"You were in a coma, we were so worried. We thought you would never wake up".

You:"Well I did and I don't know how." you smile.

You move your hand toward your face and feel something weird. Alex sees this and quickly takes your hand away. "No, no don't touch those, they were and still are helping you breathe". You sigh:"How long am I gonna be here for?" you say to yourself.

Suddenly, a nurse comes into the room. She comes over to you. "Well, you woken up now sweetie" she says happily". You look at her and smile, feeling her energy. "Yeah, when can I go back home?" you ask her calmly.

Nurse:"2 or 3 days we think. You've made a good recovery, especially waking from a coma". She says.

You: "That's cool enough" you say, breathing deeply.

Alex:"I’m just happy that you're okay" He takes your hand and holds it gently.

You: " You know, Alex, when I leave here, I'm gonna have to go back home" you say sadly.

Alex:"You think I’m letting you leave with your so-called "girlfriends"? No I want you to stay with me a little longer, I love you, you know that don't you".

You: "Of course I know that, and if you want me to stay then I will" :).

Two days later, they let you leave the hospital. Alex takes you back to your hotel to gather your clothes and other stuff. Your girlfriends are also packing. They look at you and they don't look away. The one who almost strangled you has a look of guilt on her face as she approaches you.

Friend" "Look, what happened was all my fault, and I ruined this trip and I'm sorry. Can you at least forgive me?"

You turn around, showing no emotion towards her. "I don't want your apology and I can't forgive you or the others. I'm staying with Alex a little longer. You guys just leave".

Your friend understands what you mean and walks away. She and the girls head for the door with their cases and turn to you. "Look, if you ever need us, you can just call us. We'll always be there for you".

You just look blankly at them, thinking of what to say. "I don't want to talk to you anymore, please, just leave". They leave the room and you close the door behind them. Alex smiles at you and takes you in his arms.

"What you said to them must have taken some thinking about" he says to you. You look at him, "It was the best thing I could do" you sigh.

Outside of the hotel, your girlfriends are whispering. "Why don't we take her and hide her away from Alex". "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea". They are really jealous of you two

You and Alex, go to the bed and just sit there, staring into each other’s eyes. Both of you at the same time say "I love you". Then he leans forward and kisses you...

Read and comment please :)
Btw, all of your stories are awesome :D
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Omg xDD

I'm getting addicted to those awesome storys xD

I have to say it again: I love ALL of them :D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@Helene how could they suddenly see them?
@Jana Omg alex in jail :o
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Alexander_Rybak: It will be explained in the next chapter
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
WOW Helene, i love it
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
rosel i thought you were not a alex fan anymore ;P
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
@Everyone, more more more more more more mooooore ^^
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@Helene thanks ;) can't wait!
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
12th chapter


You lay on your bed, thinking about the whole thing that happened those days. And the worst thing that you still can't believe was Alex in jail.
"This is all a dream... This MUST be a nightmare!", you said to yourself and closed your eyes.
"I don't wanna wake up in a world without Alex...", you thought.


"What the...?!", you opened your eyes and looked at your cell phone. 'Hidden number' was standing on the display. You picked up.

"Hello?", you asked.

"Hey. It's me, Alex."

"HEEY!!", you nearly screamt in the phone.

"How are you?`"

"I'm okay, and you? Where are you now?"

"I'm still in jail, but don't worry. Ådne will bring me out here..."


"I don't know yet. He told me he knows a way..."

"Oh, okay. Uhm .. Alex?"


"Can I visit you now?"

"Yes, of course. But you don't have to."

"I really need to see you now."

"Okay, then... See ya soon. Byee"

You hang up, ran as fast as you could downstairs, took your coat and called a taxi, because your car was kinda destroyed after the accident that you had...


*In jail*

"Excuse me, may I'm allowed to see Mr. Rybak?", you asked a woman who was working there.

"Yes, sure. You have to sign this formular, then you can go and see him.", she said. You quickly signed it and she showed you the way to meet him. You got in an empty room and sat down, waiting for him. After some minutes, the door got open and Alex came in with a policeman next to him.

"Alex!", you stood up and hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you.", he said and kissed you softly.
You looked strange at the man next to him.

"Will he stay here with us ?", you whispered.

"Uhm ... would you please give us some time alone?". he asked the policeman.

"Okay." He closed the door and you both sat down on the chairs. holding your hands on the table.

"How will Ådne take you outta here?"

"Uhm ..."

"Come on, tell me!"

"Well, if you tell the Judge what your ex did to you, then I maybe don't have to stay in the jail anymore ..."

"You mean ... I ... have to .... "

"I know, it's hard, but that's the only way."

"Okay, I'll do it."


"Yes! I need you so much right now! And I don't want to visit you every day in jail .."
He stood up, went to you, got down on his knees amd took your hands.

"I hope, I will get outta here as soon as possible, then I will take you to the most beautifullest place that you've never seen in your life."

Then you both stood up and kissed each other ....


comments please ^^
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
@Jana: I hope Alex will get out of the jail ^^ LOVE UR STORY AND CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE!<33
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Awww thank you sooo much ='))
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Hahahahha xDD

I'll be nice now and post the next chapter right now ;)
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
13th chapter



"Time's up! You have to leave, miss.", the policeman said while he came in.

"No! I don't wanna leave yet! Why ?", you said sadly.

"I'm sorry, miss. But time's up. Mr.Rybak? You have to come with me."

"Oh .. uhm .. would you maybe give me 5 minutes for saying "goodbye"?", Alex asked.

"Well ... okay. But hurry!", the policeman said and closed the door again.
Alex looked at you with a cute smile.

"What?", you asked.

"I just love it to look at you and to know, that you are mine.", he answered.

"Stop it, or I'll blush!"

"Well ... you heard the policeman .. You have to go now."

"Damn ... can't I stay with you or something?"

"No! It would be horrible for me to see you in jail. Just.. go home .. and think about what to say to the judge. And talk with Ådne, okay ?"

"Okaay.. But I'll visit you tomorrow again!"

"You don't need to."

"Why not?"

"Because tomorrow you have to talk to the judge.. "

"That's tomorrow? Oh shit ... Then I'll go to Ådne now."

"Okay. I'll try to call you in the evening again. Bye, hon."
He kissed you and went out of the room. You where still standing there, thinking about what to say tomorrow.

"How should I explain it?", you thought and went also out to the door, calling the Taxi.


@Ådne's place...

You knocked on his door.

"Coming!", you heard. Ådne opened it.

"Oh, hey you.", he said.

"Hey .. uhm .. Am I disturbing you, maybe ..?", you asked.

"No, no. Come in. I know you would come over. Is it about Alex?", he said and let you in.
You took of your coat, he helped you getting out.

"Well, yes. He told me that I have to talk to the judge about .. what happened on this night .."

"Yeah .. It's hard, but that's really the only way to get him out. Maybe he only have to work somewhere out or something."

"That's good .. So .. What should I exactly tell him? How it happened.. or what?"

"You should explain when it happened and how. Well, not really what he DID, but how he took you or something. They should believe you."

"Oh ... I'll try my best then .. And you will be Alex's defender?"


"Okay, then .. When do I have to show up there?"

"At 14 o'clock. "

"I'll be there then."

"Good. See ya then."

"Okay..", you stood up and took your coat.

"Should I drive you home?", he asked.

"No, no. It's okay. But thank you.", you said and smiled at him.
He smiled back and opened the door for you.

"Goodbye.", he hugged you.

"Bye.", you went out and got in the taxi that was waiting for you outside.


*in the evening*


You picked up your phone, on the display was standing 'hidden number'. "Probably Alex.", you thought and picked up.

"Hello?", you asked?


"Helllooooo???", you asked again.

"SHIT!", you could hear and then the call was over.

"What the ...?!", you thought and looked at your phone.
You forgot everything and just went to bed.


*next day in judgment*

"Excuse me?", you asked a woman standing infront of a door. Probably the entrance to the judgment.

"Yes?", she answered.

"My name is *name*. I'm one of the witnesses. Can I go in?"

"Are you *yourname*?"

"Yes, yes that's me."

"We where waiting for you.", she said and opened the door.

You saw Ådne talking to the judge and Alex was sitting next to the judge.

"What's going on?", you thought and sat down somewhere to the other peoples.

"I would like to talk to *yourname*, one of the witnesses.", Ådne said and you stood up, as Alex. You went over and he winked with his eye to you. You where sitting now next to the judge.

"Soooo...", Ådne said.

"Would you please tell us, what happend on the night where you got raped?"

"Gosh ... how I hate this word...", you thought and started talking.

"Well .. I was at my aunt's place and...", suddenly Ådne interrupted you.

"Your aunt?"

"Yes, yes. She's also here. Auntie Mary??", you said and your aunt stood up.

"Yes, my dear?", she asked.

"Was she at your place, before she left?", Ådne asked.

"Yes, she was there. It was 18 o'clock, when she left my house.", your aunt answered.

"Okay, thank you.", he said, your aunt sat down again.

"Continue, please.", Ådne said to you and you continued.

"Well, I looked at the time, and it was 18 o'clock and I started to take a walk. Then I wanted to call Alex ... but suddenly ...", you stopped.

"Suddenly?", Ådne asked.

"Suddenly someone lifted me up from behind and took me to the forest. I started screaming around, but no one was there to help me. And when he finally lifted me down, I saw that it was my ex boyfriend. I tried to run away, but he pushed me against the tree and ...", you stopped again. You couldn't say anything more.

"Good, that's enough, I think.", Ådne said and you went back to your seat.

"I hope, you can see now, that Mr.Rybak wasn't doing anything wrong. He killed a human, yes. But it was a criminal one. I hope you can understand it. Thank you.", he said and sat down next to Alex.

"We will be back in 10 minutes.", the judge said and stood up.


Comments please :)