Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Holy motherfucking shit sonja your stories get better and better everytime!
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
big smile
Oh my god! I wasn't online 2-3 days and EVERYWHERE new chapters and new storys !!! O_O

*reading every and each story*

over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
:O Jenni!! Don't say that!! I do care !!! Like I said, I love EVERY STORY here x))
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
16th chapter



After a warm shower with Alex you where sitting with him in the living room and watched TV.
It was the movie "Bubble Boy".

"It's so cute that he follows her everywhere just to tell her that he loves her.", you said and cried nearly.

"I would do the same ...", Alex said.

"Shut up ! You're just saying that to hear me sayin' 'aaawwwwww', right?"

"Uhm ... no. I mean it."

"Yeah .. sure."

"Really! You don't believe me?"

"Hmmmm ... Nop. ", you stood up and went into the kitchen. He followed you.

"Boy, get back to the living room. I just wanted to drink something."

"Aha ... okay..", he was still standing next to you watching how you drank your water. You looked strange at him.

"Aaaammm ... Alex?"

"Yes, hon?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, what should be?"

"I donno ... that's why I'm asking you."

"Can't I see what you are doing?"

"Well ... yeah,but .."


"I'm getting kinda afraid of you... I don't like it when you are following me everywhere."

"I hope you got the point now.", he said and winked at you with an eye.

"God, you are so stupid!", you hitted him.

"Ouucchh! That hurts!"

"Good.", you said and went the stairs up to your bedroom. He followed you again.

"You still didn't get it? Stop it, I got your point."

"Fine, now kiss me."

"No.", you said and went into the bedroom and closed the door infront of his nose. You could hear him saying again 'oouucchhh' and started laughing. You layed on your bed, and suddenly the door got open. It was Alex... who else?

"THAT was NOT nice ...", he said and looked angry at you.

"Should it be nice?"

"Okay, fine, fine. I'll leave you alone."

"Thank you, darling."

"Yeah, yeah...", he got out and you turned around and felt asleep....



'What the ...', you thought and saw Alex jumping around.

"What's wrong ? What happened?", you asked and got out from the bed.

"COME WITH ME !! NOW!!!", he screamt and took your hand. You got down to the living room and stood infront of the TV.

"THEEERREE!!! DOO YOUUU SEEE THHAATT???!!!!", he screamt and pointed on himself on the TV. You turned it a bit louder to hear what they where saying.

"Alexander Rybak got out from the jail, because of this girl."
They showed a picture of you.

'Oh my god!', you thought.

"After that, they both got together and will marry soon. We wish them all the bests."

"Why do they know, that we are together, and that we will marry soon?", you asked.

"I don't know! That's why I woke up and I though you told it somebody... "

"I didn't ... and where did they took a picture of me??"
Suddenly you heard someone knocking on the door.

"I'll go.", he said and went to the door.



"Alex? What's wrong?", you went to the door and saw him how he tried to close it.

"Who's there, Alex?"

"Paparazzi! Everywhere!"
He finally made it to close the door and you closed all windows, so nobody can see you from the outside.

"Now they also know where we life ... Awesome !", you said and went to Alex to hug him.

"Yeah, but we will made it somehow together."

"But you are also very famous. What about your fans? Your songs? Your band?"

"I'll find a way.", he said and kissed you on your forhead.

"I hope so ..."


Comments please (:
over a year ago s0nja said…
He walks out to the big back garden and takes a sit on one of the heavy, white chairs by the round coffee table. There’s already a feather pen and ink. Notepaper Alejandrovich founds on a wood swing where it had been left under a stone so it wouldn’t fly away. Alejandrovich usually leaves notepaper a little bit of everywhere. So, if he suddenly got an idea, he could quickly write it down and didn’t have to carry it in his memory, which was already filled with symphonies from e.g. Mozart and Beethoven.

At first Alejandrovich checks the tune of the violin. Usually it was fine, since he practiced, played and composed every day. But this time the third string was a bit low so he had to tune it up a bit. He play a few notes and some scales to relax and up warm his fingers and hands.

‘Should I decide a key first?’ he thinks and gaze at some birds that is moving south for the winter. He decides to go with D-major at first. Of course he can transpose it later if he wants to. So, he starts with playing a D. He puts in some more notes and gets an concerted sound. Now he has got really excited and some words are starting to pop up in his head.

- No, no, no. That doesn’t fit in with the melody at all. Let’s start with the text first, he says to himself. Sometimes he talks with himself when he’s alone or in other words, thinking out loud.

Alejandrovich rips the paper. When it’s half away ripped he thinks over again.

- Or should I anyway start with the melody?

He gets up from the chair and starts to walk in circles. The two words are rolling in his head.

‘Melody? Text?... Text? Melody?...Melody? Text?...Text? Melody?...’

After walking in circles for 15 minutes, he decides to go with the text first. Although that, he doesn’t change to key for the song yet. So, he takes his seat again and starts to write.

‘It was a sunny noon.
I was walking down town without yet knowing your existement was true…’

While writing, Alejandrovich pokes a bit on his violin. After an hour:

- Holy God; he shouts and with a broken string!
His mum runs out.
- Alejandrovich, what’s that?! She sounds very angry.
- I just looked and touched it a bit when a string broke.
He’s slowly backing up in the garden. Right now he just wanted to disappear from the place and the situation.
- Now you come here, young man.
- Yes mother…

Alejandrovich takes his violin from the table and walks towards his mother.

- Young man, this, what you’re holding in your hand is an instrument from your grandfather. It’s not a toy. Do you understand what your mother is saying? You should walk to the violin now and look up that the string will be fixed as soon as possible. And if it’s not fixed and tuned excellent until the ball, you will not eat anything for a week!

Then she slaps him twice on the cheek and shoos him away.

- Alejandrovich, before you go. You have exactly one minute to explain the bag with the apples in our kitchen.
- Mother, it’s a quite long story. But you have been telling me for a quite long time to get a wife and children. Well, I think I’ve find her.
- And what has the apples to do with that? You don’t mean you’re trying to get this woman with apples? It’s not realistic boy. Now, tjop tjop to the violin maker before he close his shop for the day.

Alejandrovich leaves the castle with his violin in the violin bag and gaze at the sky.

‘I better run before the rain. Or mother will not ever let me play again’ He thinks as he sees dark clouds in the horizont. He takes the violin in his arms and starts to run down the hill down town.


I'll try to upload tomorrow the last part of chapter 1 ^^
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
@Sonja, your story is really good. Continuee :)
Okayy, I'm gonna start my next story. Hope you like it :)

Chapter 1

You were at home, helping your mother and older brother care for your younger siblings. War made life hard for all of you. Your father was out fighting, and there was constant fear that he would never come home. Nightly bombings made life a lot harder too. You couldn't really go anywhere without fear of attacks.

One day, you're watching your siblings playing in the back yard, when you notice someone in the garden next to yours. The person was the same age as you, he had dark brown hair and he was cute. You look at him, not daring to talk to him. He turned to you and said something. "Hello, pretty girl". You turn around blushing. He laughs softly, "No need to blush".

"How can I not, no boy has ever called me pretty before". You go over to the fence where you meet his eyes. "Ohh, those eyes are hypnotising" you think to yourself. You feel how his hand gently caresses your cheek. "Your skin, it's so soft", he says. You giggle, "Why, thank you" you say graciously.

He turns and heads for his house. "Where are you going?" you call to him". He looks at you. "I have to help my mother" You sigh. "Okay, goodbye for now" you wave to him. You think that you have forgotten something. "Wait" you call out. "Yes?" he asks. "What's your name" you ask. "My name is Alexander" he smiles before going into his house.

Your young sister runs up to you. "Who is that boy?" You jump; your sister came out of nowhere. "Dear God, you scared me, and the boy is Alexander" you smile dreamily. "Can we go back into the house" you sister whines. "Yes come on then". You and your siblings go back into the house. Your mother is making dinner as you go into the kitchen.

"Mother, you'll never guess who I have just met”. Your mother looks at you for a moment. "Who darling". You can't help but smile. "A very handsome boy named Alexander. He is very nice". Your mother seems impressed. "Well, you should invite him in sometime; get to know each other better". You suddenly come up with an idea. "Can he come for tea mother, please?" you ask delicately. Your mother is thinking.

"Of course why not" your mother says brightly. "Oh thank you mother". You rush outside and Alexander is there again. "Alexander?" you call out. He turns around to you once again. "Hello, pretty, how nice to see you again." You try and find the words to ask him. "How would you like to have tea with me and my family?" He looks surprised yet happy. "I would love to" he says...

Read and Comment Please :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sonja...Will you marry me?

You are the best author EVER
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Jenni i have read your story and i love it!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…


Årolilja's POV:

" Alright. Since you are invited to the dinner party later this evening I will have to learn you some basic manners. " You start as you place him by the table. He pick up the fork and take a look at it.

" What is this? " He asks, as he look curiosly at the fork.

" That is a fork, why? Have you never seen one before? "

" No, never. What is it for? "

" Well it is- " You start but he cut you off.

" Oh, now I see what it is for! " He beams and start running the fork through his hair like a comb.

" Alexander! " You snap and he quickly stop.

" Did I do something wrong, Miss Årolilja? "

" Well yes. That is not a toy, Alexander. You use that to eat with. "

"..To eat with? " He says as he put it back on the table.

" Yes, you pick up food with it. "

" Oh. Back home we only had knifes and spoons. " He says, looking alittle embarrased.

" Well, it is pretty simple. Look. " You say as you sit down at the opposite side of the table and pick up the cutlery.

" You take the knife in the right hand, fork in the left hand. Got it? "

" What's left and what's right? " He asks.

God. This would be harder than you thought.

" You do not know what is left or right? " You say, amazed and alittle annoyed.

" I am sorry, Miss Årolilja, I 've never learned. " He answers, looking alittle scared since you snapped at him.

" No, it is ok. I'll teach you. Here is your right arm. " You say as you lift your right arm up in the air. He lift up his right hand.

" Correct! " You say and he smiles proudly.

" And this, is your left arm. " You say as you lift your left arm.

" How am i supposed to remember this? " He asks nervously.

" Well, the knife will lay on the right side of your plate, and the fork will lay on the left side. So just pick them up and start eating. " He take the knife in his right hand and the fork in his left.

" Great, now, elbows of the table. " You say and point at his elbows.

" Why? "

" Because it is not polite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating, Alexander. " He quickly take down his elbows.

" Like this? " He ask and you nod.

" Great! Now, let's start eating. " You start and you can see him fighting with his steak before he manage to cut of a piece. He looks at it proudly before putting it in his mouth,chewing on it slowly.

" You chew with your mouth closed. I would never have thought that. "

" Why? Because I am poor? " He smiles.

" Well.. "

" It's ok. My mother managed to teach me some decent manners. " He says as he take another bite.

You both keep eating in silence. He press his fork in the last piece of meat it but accidentally it slips and flies over and hit you in the forhead.

" Oh my God, I am so so sorry, Princess! " He says, looking scared out of his mind. You laugh and throw a piece of potato that hit him in the chin.

" It's alright, Alexander. " You laugh as he throw salad on you and you throw back a cherrytomato at him. You run around laughing together while having a food fight. Pretty soon Sylvelin is entering to see what all the noise is about.

" Oh my Lord! Årolilja! Alexander! What are you doing? " She says, looking shocked. You stop up and point at Alexander.

" He started it. " You put on your most innocent face.

" Hey! " He says annoyed and you can't help but laugh.

" My oh my. And the guests will arrive any second. Please go and clean yourself up children while I clean up in this mess. Embla! Embla come help me clean up this mess! " Sylvelin yells and Embla quickly enter the room and sigh. Embla wasn't the nicest person around here and she was always almost negative.

" Let's go get the broom, this might take a while. " Embla says as she leaves again.

You leave the room together with Alex, still laughing. You stop up and take a look in the mirror. You had salat in your hair. Alex picks out a blade and look at it.

" Sorry about your hair, Årolilja. "

" It's ok, sorry about your face, Alexander. " You say and you both burst into laughter. He had a really nice laugh. It was this charming boyish laugh that warms your heart.


" I am so nervous, Alexander. " You say as you lay a hand on your chest. The King had set you to sing for the guests while Alex played the violin. You were terrified.

" Do not fear, Årolilja. I have heard you sing, you are a great singer! "

" Thank you, that is really sweet of you to say. " You stand on your toes and kiss him on the cheek. His eyes widen and he rub his cheek carefully.

" What was that for, Miss Årolilja? " He says and blush.

" It was a good luck kiss you silly. " You poke him in the stomach.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, give a big <applause for the Princess of Arcesso and her violinist, Alexander! " One of the servants says and the guests cheers and claps.

" I guess it's showtime, Princess. " Alexander says.

" Yeah. " You say as you enter the room together with Alex and take in the view of the guests. There were many. At least fourthy.

Alexander starts up with a slow tune and you open your mouth and starts singing.

Magnhild gjeng i lio nord,
ho bles si forgyldte horn.
Høyrer da jon Våndelio
Det aukar honnom sorg
Det var mi og alli di
Som leika her under lio

You look over at Alexander while you sing and he smiles at you.

Eg still gjeva burt hest og sadel,
fines i lunden gjeng.
Berre du Magnhild så glad i meg
Som lauvet i lunden brenn
Det var mi og alli di
Som leika her under lio

Your voice turns lighter and higher for each word.

Du må ikkje sova
Det her er den natta vi har
Når mørket er over og sola er her skil vi lag

You take a deep breath before really shrieking out the ending.

Dei låg ihop den sumarnatti
Inn ved kvarandres side.
Natti leid, og soli kom,
dei skildes med sorg og kvie
Det var mi og alli di
Som leika her under lio
Alex finish playing the violin and look over at you.

" Ready for the next song, Princess? "

" Yes, Alexander. Ladies and gentlemens, I will now sing the next song. A song my friend Alexander wrote. " You say, looking over at him. He place his violin back on his chin before he start playing.

Signe Lita ho styrde sine skip ifrå land,
men så gløymde ho gud fader og den hellige ånd
I ro meg ivi Rolland med dem årin
Signe Lita ho styrde sine skip ifrå land,
men så kom der eit uvær og skylte dem på land

Alex joins in at the next part.

Å sjå! Å sjå!
No druknast mine brudepiker små,
og eg ser ikkje anna enn det gullgule hår.

Å sjå! Å sjå!
No druknast min gangar grå,
og eg ser ikkje anna enn gullsadelen på.

You deside to finish the last part together and you both sing on the top of your lungs.

Å sjå! Å sjå!
No druknast det finaste gullskrin,
og deri ligg kjellarsvalens brudegåve fin.

Alexander kneel as the cheers fill the room and you smile. This wasn't as scary as you thought it would be!

Alexander's POV:

You sit by the table with the Princess by your side. The servants had served the food and you was ready to dig in.

Right, how was this again.

Fork in left, knife in right. Elbows of the table and chew with mouth closed. No biggie. Easy as pie.

Mmm, pie.

You pick up the cutlery and carefully and slowly start cutting pieces of the food.

" You're doing great, lad, but elbows of the table. " Princess Årolilja says.

" Oh! Thank you. " You smile, quickly taking of the elbows.

" I have never seen you around here, kid. What was your name again? Alejandro? " One of the guests ask.

" Alexander. " You correct him.

" Right, right. So tell me, where are you from? " He ask curiously.

" Well, I'm not really from around here. "

" He's that scamp that stole apples downtown last week. I recognise him. " An elder guest says sourly and your face whitens.

" Oh hush, Brynjar! Don't you care about him my child, go on. " The woman, most likely his wife, says.

" Thank you. But I prefer not to tell, is that alright? "

" Of course it is, Alexander! You don't have to tell if you don't want to, right, Father? " Årolilja says as she glare at him.

" Of course not! Let's rather talk about how magnifice he was this evening! "
" He was he really was! " A young woman a tthe opposite of the table flirts. She look at you and wink. You gulp and look at Årolilja, who glare daggers at the young blond woman.

" Have you played for long, lad? " King Bendik asks.

" Not that long, King. About five years. "

" I am impressed! I am impressed! " The King says. Hmm, maybe the King isn't all that bad?

" Goodnight, Alexander. " Årolilja says before entering her bedroom.

" Goodnight, Princess. " You say back.

" Come with me Alexander, I'll show you your room. " Sylvelin says. You followed her down the hall and stop outside a wooden door. She hands you a long key with a silver bird as decoration.

" All the rooms in this Castle got names. Yours is named The Silverbird. "

" May I ask why the room is named that, Miss Sylvelin? "

" It used to be Årolilja's older brothers room. He was called The Silver bird. "

" May I ask what happened to him? "

" He killed himself. " She says sadly.

" Woah.. Why did he do that? "

" You ask awfully lot, lad, but I'll tell you. He fell in love with a girl from Sapere. He traveled far to meet her, but one day he found her with another man. Heartbroken he traveled back to the Castle. He was found in his room with his heart in his hand. He had cut his chest open and teared out his throbbing and aching heart. He had carved ' Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur ' into the wall. "

" What does that mean? "

" It means ' We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving. ' "

You nod as you put the key in the keyhole, unlocking the door. You take in the view and your mouth drop open. It was huge. In the middle of the room was a king size bed. There was a red carped on the floor and a mirror on the wall. There was a small dresser in the corner and the walls was painted a crimson red.

You throw yourself on the bed, cuddling the covers. It had been so many years since you last slept in a bed. In your previous homes, well more like prisons you had only slept on a filthy mattress in a cold basement. With the last one you was forced to sleep in the bed with your slaveowner, and that was not pleasant.

You shake your head, trying to get rid of the memory. You get under the covers and lean over to blow out the lit candle by your bedstand. You turn around to face the window and the moonlight shine over your face. You smile.

You are so happy.
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
@Helene: I love your new story <333 Your previuos story was just perfect so this one is just...I have no words to describe it! :) moreeee! :)
@Jana: ohhh...fame is tiresome^^Can't wait 4 more :)
@Abbie: I started reading your new story :) (sorry that I didn't read your previous *shame on me*) and I think it's going to be really interesting story! :)

btw. I haven't been here for 5 days so I had to read all your new chapters what occupied me a lot of time :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@Jenni- CONTINUEEEE, sorry I forgot but your story is good!

just as all of them !
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@Helene great,more
@Jenni great more
@Abbiex great more
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Nice to see that I have at least some readers !! :) I'll upload more to you soon. :)
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Yeah more more more from everybody
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
17th chapter



*next day*


You tried to open your eyes ... it was still dark outside, but you heard something and wanted to check what it was. You turned around and saw something moving in the dark.

"A THIEF!!! OH MY GOD!!", you screamt and searched a heavy weapon and threw away.

"Ouucchh!! Are you out of your mind?"

"Alex ... ?"


"What the hell are you doing that early in the morning? It's still dark outside! Go to bed."

"No, we have to leave. I packed all our stuff. Come on, stand up and get dressed. We'll fly away in 2 hours."

"Errrmm .. What?"

"Yes. Now get out of the bed and get dressed. Hurry!"

"But .. why? And where ??"

"You'll see it later, come on!"

"Okay, okay."

You stood up, took your shirt, jeans etc.. and went to the bathroom.

You got dressed, made yourself ready and got out of the bathroom. He was standing in front of the door waiting for you.

"Why does it always take so long?"

"I'm sorry. Come on, let's go.", you said and opened the front door.

"Errrmm .. Alex?"

"Don't worry, I packed your stuff too."

You got to his car, he too, and you both drove to the airport...


*at the airport*

Woman's voice: The next plain to New Zealand goes in 15 minutes.

"That's our plain.", Alex said.

"Whaaaaat?! We are flying to New Zealand?"

"Yes, why not? It's far away from here, and I bet no one knows "us" there. A new beginning, don't you think?"

"Yes ... but ... what about our family's ? Our friends? Should we really leave them behind?"

"I know, it's hard ... but there is no other way.."

"Okay .. but we have to come back one day here too!"

"Sure, of course, we will. Now come on, let's go."

You both got into the plain and took your seats.

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know ... I think over 1 or 2 days .."

"Oh god .. That long?"

"Yeah, but don't think about that right now. Relax."


You turned around and suddenly felt asleep....



You could hear someone screaming your name, your eyes shot up and you looked how people got scared and tried to calm down. You could feel how the plain slowly felt down ...

"What's going on?!", you screamt and looked at Alex.

"The plain will crash .... I'm so sorry for everything."

"WHAT ?! IT WILL ... NO .... NO WAY! .. This can't be happening !!"

He hugged you and you saw tears in his eyes. You still couldn't believe it ... Was this the end of everything?

over a year ago AnitaFable said…
@Jana : OMG!OMG!OMG! WOWWWW! Is this end of your story? please, no! they must survive!
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
haha, no it's not yet the end ;)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Yeeeeey I'm happy some of you like my story :D :D

I'll upload as soon as I've got time and my mood is better and I win my badminton game tonight xD

@ Helene: Mooooore moooore
@ Jana: You've got to continue O.o I'm sooo curious O.o
@ Abbie: I think your story is going to be quit different then mine (: But I really like it (:
@ Jenni: You really need to continue O.o
@ Sonja: :D :D :D :D :D But I allready told you a 8274923 times (a)
@ People I forgot: Sorry xD But my mind is full of Physicsmess -.-

over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
18th chapter



You opened your eyes. You where laying on the sand, not far away of the plane. The plane was completly destroyed ....

'Alex!', you thought and looked everywhere. You can remember, that he hugged you, so it can't be that he still is in this destroyed plane ... or?

You got up and went slowly to the plane. You could see everywhere blood ..
'Please .... don't let him be dead', you thought and tried to get somehow in. But you where too weak to open the door.

"Damn! You stupid door!", you shouted and suddenly you smelled something strange ...

"Gas! Shit!", you ran away and suddenly the plane explode. You turned around and felt down on your knees.

"This can't be happening ..."



"What the ... ?!", you looked right and saw something hidding in the bush.

"Who are you ? Get outta there right now!"

*no answer*

You stood up and went straight to the bush, then the guy went out. On him was everywhere blood, even on his mouth. He looked like a zombie.

"Uhm ... are you alright?", you asked ...

Still no answer.


'Is the trying to tell me something?', you thought and suddenly you heard a shot. It hitted the guy and he felt down. Behind him you saw another guy holding a pistol in his hands. He ran strange to you, took your hand and ran away with you.

"Wait, wait, WAIT!!! Where are we going?! Why did you shoot that poor guy?", you asked.

"That was a zombie.", he answered.

"What are you talking about? A zombie? Are you crazy?"
Then he stopped and looked at you angry.

"You don't believe me? Really?", he said very serious.

"Uhm .. I'm sorry, but ... Zombie? A REAL ZOMBIE?"

"Yep. And if you want to kill them, you have to shoot them in the head."

"Holly crap ?!"

"What happened? Are you alone here?"

"Well ... I don't know.. I was in this plane, and now I woke up there laying and the plane explode ... But, did you maybe saw someone else? Maybe a young man?"

"Yes, I did."


"Yeah, but I can't remember where he went exactly. He looked also kinda like a zombie, to be honest."


"Your boyfriend?"

"Yes!", you got mad at him.

"Okay, listen, I'll help you finding your boyfriend. And you will help me finding Ashley, okay?"

"Who's Ashley?"

"Who's your boyfriend?"

"Alright, alright... I got the point. And who are you?"

"My name is Leon. And you?"

"My name is *your name*."

"Okay. Come on, let's move on.", Leon said and you both started your adventure ....


I think the 17th chapter was a bit short, that's why I also uploaded now the 18th chapter ^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
After 10 minutes he arrives to the violinmaker. He tries to push the door.

- Shit, it’s locked.

He looks around him. People the town is already almost empty and the last people are on their way home. Alejandrovich sees a man who’s bald but has a bit grey hair left. He looks very similar to the violinmaker.

- Hey! Alejandrovich shouts

The old man turns around. Yes, it was the violinmaker. Luckily he hadn’t left as soon as he had closed the shop for the day.

- Well, look who’s there. He smiles when he sees Alejandrovich.
- Thank God you’re still here, Trevos.
- How may I help you, Alejandrovich.
- Well, I was composing earlier today and when I was writing I
poked a bit on my violin and a string broke.

Alejandrovich takes out the violin and shows Trevos the broken string.

- This wasn’t as easy as I first thought. This is a quite old violin and those kinds of strings become more and more uncommon.
- So do you know if you’ll get the violin fixed at all; Alejandrovich asks scared?
- Of course. That’s my way of earning a living, fixing and building violins.

Alejandrovich takes a deep breath.

- Thank God once again. Although my broken violin, God wanted still something for me today too.
- I’m sure he’s with all of us; Trevos laughs with his old and kind laugh.

- Should I come back tomorrow and search for the right kind of string with you?
- Hmm… I don’t have the right equipment at home for violin building, but is it okay for you if I take the violin home with me tonight. This is an uncommon violin and I want to fix it the best way I can.
- Absolutely that you can take the violin home with you. It’s my dead grandfathers violin and I’m sure he would have done the same thing.

- Thank you; Trevos smiles.
- No, Thank you for spending your free time to what actually is your job.

- Alejandrovich, I’ve known you since you were a child and came with your father to buy your first violin. I know how much you love it. You are a real violinist.
- I’m very grateful to you for that compliment. And you, Trevos, are a trustful person. I’m sure the violin is in safe hands right now.
- Are you really thinking that of an old man like me? That’s so kind of you; Trevos smiles even more and he makes also Alejandrovich smile more.
- I think fixing this can take a while, so if you come back in a week to bring the violin, Trevos says.

- That’s okay. I can continue my new compose with the piano.
- Well, until next week then; Trevos says.
- Yes, Alejandrovich answers.

Both of them turn around and walk to the opposite ways. After a while Alejandrovich feels heavy raindrops and starts to walk faster.

When he gets home, he tells his mother and she smiles at him:

- Good that it will be fixed.

While passing the big living room, Alejandrovich sees his father’s shape in one of the big arm chairs.

- Hello father.
- Shh...; he answers.

He’s reading a book so he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Alejandrovich walks up the stairs to his tower. When he arrives he goes to his window. The rain has ended and a sky filled with stars has reviled. He hoped that especially one person saw this lovely sky. The only person who was still missing from his life. She.

End of chapter 1 ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Sonja your story only gets greater and greater! :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Thanks Helene^^ and all the other comments too. All the storys are great! ^^ This topic has reached that updating speed it had like 4-5 months ago xD :D
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Thanks for the good comments :)
This chapter is gonna be short because i've been busy and i'm tired.

Chapter 2

He climbs over the fence and into your back garden. He brushes some soil from hsi trousers before looking at you and smiling. "Come this way" you say to him and lead him to the backdoor. You both get inside and you close the door. You go through into the living room where you mtoher is just serving tea out. "Hello there, you must be Alexander, nice to meet you" your mother greets him with a friendly tone.

"Hello, and it's nic to meet you too". You ask him to sit down. He sits down beside you. "Don't worry Alexander, there is plenty for all of us" your mother says. You all sit there eating before you finally speak up. "I haven't seen you around here before". you say to him. He finishes eating before he answers. "I've only just moved into that house" he replies. You look at your mother. She looks at him before mouthing something at you.

She starts clearing the plates away and you help her. "What do you think of him mother?" you ask her. "He's okay, I guess, a little strange perhaps" she replies with a tone of strangeness in her voice. You look at her weirdly before going back into the living room. He's talking with your siblings. You smile at them as you sit down once again. He looks at you and you look at him. Then you look out of the window. It's getting dark. You get up putting blackout curtains in the windows.

"I have to go home now" he says out of the blue. "Oh okay then, i'll see you tomorrow perhaps". He leaves your house. You start to think about him and can't stop thinking about him...

Read and Comment Please
Btw, I love all of the stories :) x
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silla17 said…
omg i haven't been at home for 6 days and you all update your stories

and i love them (L)

And Jenni your storie was good too ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…


Årolilja's POV:

" Alexander! Please focus or you will never learn this! " You sigh and rub your eyes with your tumb and index finger.

" I am sorry! I just don't get it! " He says frustrated, smacking his head in the table.

" It is very simple, Alexander. Look; The long hand point at twelve and the short hand point at four. What is the time? "

" Umhh..twelve plus four is sixteen so...the clock is sixteen! " He says proudly.


" No, the clock is four! You are not supposed to multiply it! " You slam your hand in the table, making him jump.

" Sorry, Miss Årolilja. "

" It's ok. You see, when the long hand points at twelve and the short hand point at four it means that the clock is four. When the long hand point at twelve and the short point on one of the other numbers from one to eleven, it means the number his whole. If the long hand points at twelve and the short points on three, the clock is three. If the long hand point at twelve and the short hand point at seven, it means the clock is seven. "

" So, i shouldn't care about twelve, cause the clock is only what the short hand points at? " He asks.

" Correct. "

" Woah. This is really hard. "

" Well, it is necessary for you to learn, Alexander. We're starting with the easiest and later I learn you half hours and quarters. "

" Oh God there's more?! " His mouth drops open.

" Yes of course it is! "

" I don''t want to do this anymore. " He whines.

" Stop acting like a child, Alexander. Everyone learns the clock sooner or later. It is very important to know what the time is. "

" Why? "

" Well, maybe you are going to a dinnerparty one day and it start at five. Then you need to know the clock so you know when it starts so you won't be late. "

" I never thought about it like that. I'll do my best, Årolilja. "

" I know you will Alexander. Now, off topic, have you practised left and right? " You ask and he stiffens.

" Well, I was going to, but then.. " He starts, rubbing his neck.

" But what? " You ask sternly.

" Sylvelin asked me to help her out in the garden last night, and I didn't want to be rude, so I helped her plaint flowers. " He says and your frown quickly fades away. He had dropped his homework to help someone he barely knew.

" Well, alright then Alex. Here. " You say, grabbing a pen and dip it in ink before grabbing his hands writing on them.

" Thank you.. " He starts, looking alittle nervous. You look up at him.

" You seem nervous. Is there something wrong? " You ask.

" No. Nothing at all, Princess. Everything is wonderful. " He smiles nervously.

" Alex, you can read, can't you? " You raise your left eyebrow. He blush.

" Well, no. No I can not read. Poor people don't know how to read. " He says sadly.

" Oh, I am sorry, Alexander. Would you like me to learn you how to read? " You smile and he look up.

" You don't have to, I don't want to be a bother for you. "

" Do nto say things like that, Alexander! You are not a bother! I would love to learn you how to read! Then we can read books together at the library! " You beam.

" Well, if you really are sure, I mean, you probably have better things to do- "

" Nonsense! Of course I will help you! " You say and Alex's face lit up.

" Shall we get started? "



You're seated in the library together with Årolilja. Outside the windows you can hear birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees.

" Alright, so let us get started. " Årolilja says as she tries to deside what book to pick out.

" Let's read this one. " She says and pick out a big blue book. She sit down beside you and she reads out the title for you.

" Jomfruva Ingebjør and other fairy tales. Can you repeat that? " She ask and you look at her.

" I do know how to speak, Årolilja. It's the reading I am unfamiliar with. "

" Right. Right. Alright then, I'll start and you can try read the words after me. Alright, first line: Jomfruva Ingebjør was a young virgin in the kingdom of Hjukse. "

You look down at the words, grabbing the end of the book. The words looked like unfamiliar alien language.

" Jomfruva Ingebjør w-was ..oung..erh, virgin in the..king-dom of-f Hjukse? " You start and you shut your eyes.

" Yes that is a good start. Now let's take the next one. "

" One day, Jomfruva Ingebjør fell in love with a poor farmer. " She stops up.

" One d-day, Jomfruva Ingebjør ell in l-love with a porr famer? " You repeat. God you were so bad in this.

" You do good Alexander, you just need alittle more practice. Now, I want you to read the next line for me. " Årolilja says as she hands you the book.

" Oh! Umm, alright then, please don't be angry if i fail. " You say and you take a good close look of the book in your hands.

" But Jomfruva Ingebjør wass a pri...n..c.e. Prince! Far awa...y.. ?"

" That was good Alexander! " She says and you smile proudly. If Årolilja is happy, you are happy.

" Read more! " She says and you look down at the book again.

" But Jomfruv..a...Ingebjør did not w..a.wa..want to marry the P-prince her f-father had ch...oseeee.nn..? " You scratch your neck before going back to reading.
" She de......cided she would run away with the porr- "

" Poor. " Årolilja corrects you.

" Poor! Yes. Er...But the k..kin...king discovered w...what she had planned, and d..deside..d to lock her in he...her room... " Hey you were pretty good at this!

" Do you want me to read some too, Alexander? "

" Umm, bo, I want to read the last, if you do not mind? " Reading is fun!

" No not at all! Go on! "
" Jomfruva Ingebjør was lo-lonel...y where she s...sat alone in the Castle. One d..da..y when s...she was wait-waiting for her lo-lover a d-d-dragon was outside her....window ready to take her....away. She did not the dragon at f...first but anythii...iiing was better than being a in her own h...home! "

" The dragon freed h...her form and f...flew away far far away f...from the Ca....stl......e. The dragon flew a...all...the way...home to th....the farm where her lover was w...waitin...g. The d...dragon put h.....her down and flew off. He had ...done his d..d..dut...duty! And now, Jomfruva Ingebjør could live h...happily ever after tog..together with her husba...husban...d. " You close the book proudly.

" Great! Well done, Alexander. " She claps and you smile.

" Naah, it wasn not that good... " You say shyly.

" What?! Of course it was! You were great for a first time reader! Just practise more and you got it! " She says and you beam.

" Umm, do you think you might could teach to write? " You say embarrased.

" You can't write either? " She asks amazed.

" No. If I knew how to write, I would know how to read. " You answer.

" Oh, well sure I will help you, but maybe you should focus on the reading and- "

" Learning the clock? " You smile.

" Yes. We can start on the writing maybe next week or so? "

" Yes. Yes I would love that. "

You've snatched a few books from the library and now you are seated in your room, practising your reading. A dim candle lighting up your desk so you can se the text.

" Ingri....d did not k-kno...w whatt she could " You start, reading the line over and over again.

" She desi...ded that day s-she would g...go th...e....woods to get help from a w...w..witcc...h. "
This is harder than you thought.

" Shkew- she knew " You put the book closer to your face thinking that it twould make the reading easier.

It did not.

You were gonna make this. Not only for yourself but for Princess Årolilja. You wanted her to be proud of you. Just wait until she hear you read a full book without problems, then she would be so impressed!

You squeal.

What the-? Did you really squeal?
Årolilja's POV:

You're on your way to your bedroom to rest for the night when you pass Alexander's room. You curiously peek in and you can see him sitting there with his nose in a book, reading.

" On...Once upon a t...time there was...a g...i...rl call...ed Igri...d. INGRID! " His face always lit up when he manged to understand a full line.

" I can't wait to show Årolilja this. " He starts.

" She will be so proud of me. Just wait, even if I have to stay up all night for eternity I will learn how to read, and then I can read together with her in the library! " He smiles as he starts reading again, mumbling under his breath.

I am already proud of you, Alexander.

Read and review ^^
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…

Contiinnuuueeee (:
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
@Helene, I'm loving your new story :D Continuee :)

@Jenni, I'm loving your story too :D Continuee :)
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Yes, Jenni!! Continue !! PLLEAASSEE x))
over a year ago silla17 said…
Jenni i love it

please continue ;)
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
Girls I wasn't here for a looong time,and as I can see you wrote terrific stories!!! omG
All of u should be writers! I know that many of u don't remember my stories,but I'm going to write one new,which is going to take a long time in recording...soo I hope that my 1st new chapter is going to be realised this month,and I hope that all of u will like it!
KEEP WRITING AS THIS GOOD AND SEE YA!!! I am still your reader!^^:P

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Jenni your story is really good, oh, and yours too Jana, but you already knew it^^
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Ah Jenni that was amazing! MORE MORE!
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…

Chapter 3

You feel your eyes slowly closing. You quickly open them again. You say "goodnight" to your mother before heading upstairs. You get to your bedroom and put your blackout curtains in the windows. Then you change into your nightclothes and get into bed. One of your sisters comes into your bedroom. "I'm scared" she says and sits on your bed. You sigh before you start to talk. "I'm scared too, why don't you go to mother, I need to sleep". Your sister runs out of your room to your mother. You fall asleep.

2 hours later... "Oh no, not the air raid siren" you think to yourself as you jump out of bed, rushing down the stairs after you siblings, trying to keep calm. Your mother is waiting for you. "Come to the air raid shelter, quickly". You run through the kitchen and out of the back door. You continue right down to the back of the garden and into the shelter. You all sit there, catching your breath.

The siren wails as you hear the bomb explosions in the distance. You sit there, frozen with fear, not only for yourself and your family, but also for Alex. You fall asleep, the bombings becoming nearer and more frequent. You wake up the next morning. The all-clear siren is sounding and you emerge from the shelter. You're heading back towards your house when you see Alex and his family.

You rush over to each other. "God, that was terrifying" you say to him. He looks a little shaken. "Yeah it was" he says. You're both relieved that it's over. Later that morning, your mother takes your siblings to the park. You tell her that you are working in the garden. You're planting some roses when Alexander comes over to the fence. "Those are pretty flowers, just like you". You look up, once again you are blushing. "You flatter me, honestly you do" you giggle. You keep looking at him, not realising the roses had some thorns on them.

"Oww" you whimper. The thorns have cut your hand and they start to bleed. Alex jumps over the fence and takes you into your house. "Wait there, don't move he says. He leaves your house before coming back with a green box. "I'll stop the bleeding" he says calmly. He wipes your hand with a cloth before bandaging it. "I didn't know you could do this". He smiles at you. "Well, I’m training to be a doctor. They need them for the civilian casualties, but when I’m not training, I play the violin". You feel a warm feeling. "I bet you're a good violinist" you say to him.

"Oh yes, I love playing violin" he says happily. You have an idea. "Wait there" you say. You rush upstairs to your room. He didn't know that you were a violinist yourself too. You rush back downstairs again. He stares at you and the violin you are holding. "Wow, that is one good violin" he says as you sit down beside him. You both begin to play and soon the time flies by. You stop; you look into each other’s eyes. Alexander looks ready to tell you something.

"I’m in love with you" he says quickly. You sit there shocked and happy at the same time. "Can we kiss, it's only right". You reply:" Okay then, kiss me Alexander". He leans forward and kisses you softly for a long time. You fall back on the sofa; he's kissing you all of the time and gently touching and caressing you. You still have your clothes on of course. ;)

He stops and you sit back up again. "That was amazing, but we are not going that far just yet" you say to him. "Your lips are soft and sweet" he says before kissing you again. He really loves you, and he can't keep his lips away from yours....

Read and comment please :)
Btw, they weren't "doing it" in this chapter, just kissing :) Sorry for any confusion ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…


Alex POV:

You were out for a walk in the forest all alone.

The weather is beautiful. It had rained last night and the whole forest smelled new and fresh. You lean down and pick a flower. It was beautiful, with long rosy red blades.

' It is almost as pretty as Årolilja ' You think for yourself.

I'll pick a bouquet of flowers and give it to Årolilja, then she will get so happy!

You smile for yourself as you lean down and keep picking flowers. There were yellow, red and blue flowers everywhere. You pick a blue one and realise there is a fly resting on it.

" Get off I'm going to give this to my I mean friend! " You say and blow the poor fly off.

I wonder if I should find something to tie them together with?

You didn't have anything you could tie them with. Or you could always ask Årolilja if you could borrow one of her hair ribbons?

You hide the bouquet behind a tree and run of in the direction of the Castle.

" Årolilja! " You knock on the door to her room. You hear feet moving over the floor and a small feminine voice call through the door:

" It is open, please enter. "

You push down the doorhandle and carefully push the door open.

" Årolilja? May I ask you for something? " You ask quietly and she look up at you.

" Of course you may. What is it? "

" Well, I wondered if I might could borrow one of your ribbons? "

" My ribbons? Hair ribbons? Why? " She look over at you curiously.

" I can not tell you, that would ruin the surprise. " You smile.

" Oh, well, sure, why not? Here you go. " She says and untie the white ribbon making her hair fall down on her shoulders.

Those pretty pretty hairlocks on those pretty pretty shoulders.

She hand you the ribbon and you thank her nicely, before leaving her room in a hurry.


Well back at the forest again you try to remember which tree it was you had hided the flowers behind. You look around, there were trees everywhere.

This might take a while.

You start looking behind trees and stones but no sight of the flowers. Why did all the trees have to look the same? Maybe you weren't even in the right part of the wood?

You keep walking until you remember:

" Of course! " You smack your forehead

You quickly turn around and run in the opposite direction. You had carved an A in the tree so you would find it again.

There it is!

You can see the bouquet lay there, a few flowers had been blown away but not far so they could easily be picked up and put back in the bouquet again.

You fish up the white ribbon from your pocked and sit down on the ground. You carefully wrap it around the bouquet before you tie them firmly together. You look at the bouquet. They looked kinda like the flowers your mom had used to have in the windows when you were younger. Your father had often brought your mom flowers he had picked on his way home from the Castle.

You feel tears escape from your eyes. You miss your parents so badly.

You sniff and wipe away a tear, trying to shake away the memories knowing it was useless. That night would haunt your memory forever no matter how hard you tried to forget.

You get up and feel the cold wind shooth your swollen red eyes. You didn't want Årolilja to see that you had been crying. Real men do not cry, at least not when you are twenty years old.

You start on your way back to the Castle and to make the time go faster you deside to count white rocks.

" One white rock ,two white rocks, three white rocks, four white rocks. " You had never noticed how many white rocks there were around, it was incredible what you could notice if you just stopped up long enough. Maybe you should bring a rock back to Årolilja too? No, she is a Princess, she would not care about some stupid white rock when she had all the diamonds in the world.

Or would she?

What if she thought it was stupid? You did not want to look stupid infront of Årolilja. But tecnically, you have nothing to lose, except your dignity.

You pick up the closest white rock. It had a light baby blue stripe in the middle. You whipe of some of the mud from it on your shirt, not caring if it got dirty.


Åroliljas POV

Alexander had been gone for ages now, where on earth was he?

You're about to put on your coat when Alexander storms into the room with a big smile on his face.

" Where in God's name have you been, Alexander?! I was so worried! " You say as you place a hand on your chest and his face quickly falls.

" I am sorry, Årolilja, but I was gone because I have a surprise for you. " He says and hands you a bouquet of flowers. You cover your mouth with your hand and your eyes widen.

" Oh my God.. Alexander, this is...Woah. " You take the flowers and smell them. Mmm, smells like fresh air and Alexander.

" So you like them? " He ask you and look down at you with big innocent eyes. You look up at him.

" Of course I do! Oh, Alexander they are wonderful! "

" That is great! Oh I forgot! I have something else for you! " He put his hand in his pocket and take out a small stone, about 2 inches. It was a beautiful white with a long blue stripe in the middle.

" I found it outside. I hope you like it. I mean, it's not as good like those diamonds and jewelery you already have but- " He starts but you cut him off.

" Oh Alexander! It's the best gift I could ever ask for! " You give him a big hug and take the stone from him. You run your thumb over it. It was really smooth, like soft silk.

" Thank you so much, I will keep it forever. " You say and give him a kiss on the cheek making him blush.


Alex's POV

Left right left right left right right left right up and down?


God this is so confusing.

You look down at your ink stained hands. You were now able to read the words 'left' and 'right' and
you were walking around downtown repeating it over and over in your head.

" Left right left right. " You mumble for youself, completely in your own world. Suddenly you bump into someone.

" Oh my! I am so sorry! I did not see where I was going! " You apologise but your face goes white when you realise who it is.

Egil Balder. You previous slaveowner.

" E-Egil B-Balder? " You swallow and your heart skips a beat.

" Rybak? Alexander? Alexander Rybak? " He ask. He looked exactly the same. His ravenblack hair with grey stripes, his stern eyebrows and his beard. He also have the same sinister smile of his.

" Oh my. " You choke out.

" I payed good money for you, kid, I feed you and gave you a home , and you thanked me by running away? " He smiles.

Had he forgot all the nasty and disgusting things he had forced you to do the four years you had stayed with him?

" I... " You start but he cut you off.

Why don't you come come back with me again? " He wink and stretch out his hand and brush your face. You feel like throwing up.

Oh God plase help me.


Don't you just LOVE cliffhangers? I Want to be really evil and not update for a week, but we all know I can't stop writing so you'll find out what happens tomorrow
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@Helene you're mean I hate cliffhangers ! xD

@the others keeeeeeeeeep writing love all your stories
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Rawr an Alex undressing himself :D

Moar pwease ^^
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
More from everyonee :)
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
19th chapter



"My legs hurt. Could we please rest a bit? And it's also very dark, Leon.", you said and sat down.

"Yeah, you're right. We should rest ... And here it's a good place.", he said and sat down next to you.

"Soo .. uhm .. how did you get here?", you asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well .. you have to rescue this girl ... Ashley, right?"

"Yeah, right."

"Yeah, but how did you get here? I mean, plane or something?"

"Yes, but when landed here, it got destroyed by those zombies ... they had a bazooka."

"W....w....WHAT ?!"

"Strange, I know."

"And who is this girl?"

"It's the dauther of the president from the U.S.A."

"And you are something like a policeman or ... ?"

"Kinda, I was working for the Umbrella corporation. "

"Aha ..."

"And what about you?"

"Well .... Alex .. I mean my boyfriend and I wanted to fly to New Zealand, but the plane crashed down and yeah ... Now I don't know if he is alive, or if he is dead..."

"We will find him, don't worry."

"I hope so .."



'Hmm? What?', you thought and opened your eyes. You were looking in the most beautifullest brown eyes that you've ever seen .. but wait a second.. Those eyes ...

"Alex?", you said.

"Pssssssstt. Come on, stand up. They are behind us. We have to hurry up."

"Alex, is that you?"

He picked you up and you couldn't look away of him. Was it really Alex? Or were you just dreaming? No .. it can't be Leon. Leon has blue eyes.

"Please ... tell me, that it's you, Alex."

"... It is me."
You stopped running and looked at him. You couldn't see much 'cause it was still dark.

"You .... you are alive?"

"Yes I am."

"And why did you left me there on the beach ? Alone?"


"Nothing to say, right?"

"I'm really sorry."

"Yes, you should be."

"It's just ... I knew you could go ahead without me."

"But I can't! If Leon didn't kill this zombie I would be already dead!"

"Wait ... who is Leon?"

"Leon is here because of a misson. He has to rescue Ashley."

"Ashley? But ... I found her... Oh, he was the man with blond hair that Ashley was talking about all the time. And he rescued you?"

"Yes, he did. But ... why are we running away?"

"Because there is a helicopter who will come soon and will get us out of this island."

"But what about Leon and Ashley?"

"I bet they are already there."

"Oh ... okay, then let's go.", you said and started to run, but he holded your hand.

"I'm .... I'm really sorry for everything that happened.", he said and kissed you softly.

"I'm just glad that you are back.", you said and hugged him very tight.

"Let's move on. We should hurry, or the helicoper will go without us."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's hurry."


Comments please (:


@Helene & Jenni; PLEASE CONTINUUUEEE!!!! x))
over a year ago s0nja said…
Chapter 2

The next day Alejandrovich goes to the marketplace. And the next day too. And even the day after that. He simply visits the Marketplace every day. Just to see the girl. His parents wonder why he goes there every day, while the castle gets filled with more and more apples every day. Although his mother know about the girl, or a girl, because it’s all her knowledge about her. Alejandroviches mother doesn’t understand what is so special about a girl who sells apples.

One evening his father asks:

- Now, Alejandrovich. Could you please tell me what is so special about the Marketplace nowadays.

Alejandrovich keeps silent at first.

- Be a man and say what it, his father continues.
- Well, it’s this girl, Alejandrovich starts.
- The one who sells apples on the marketplace, his dad continues?
- Yes.
- Now tell me what’s so special about her?
- She’s the most beautiful creature in the world!
- A more detailed description, please.
- Hair that waves with the wind, shining and kind eyes, beautiful female body shapes and…
- And?
- Well, how will father react when I tell him she’s poor?
- Poor? How can I poor girl be beautiful in any way?
- Obviously it can, because she is. Father, please, I would like to invite her as my lady to the autumn ball.
- As your lady to the autumn ball? And bring even more apples when the castle is almost drowning in them?

- I know she’s the right one father.
- And how about Marissisjiska. Now she’s a stunning young lady, I tell you. And think about their family. They’re also rich like us. I’m sure you two will have happy children, when you both are already so rich.
- Father, you can’t buy luck with money.
- Who told you that, Alejandrovich?
- It’s something I have started to understand. Every time I see the beautiful, poor girl… and look in to her kind eyes, my heart fills with warmth. But when I see Marissisjiska, I only see a girl who wants money and power. There doesn’t seem to be any kindness in her at all.
- I don’t believe that, Alejandroviches father says and are on his way.
- Alejandrovich, you will go with Marissisjiska to the ball and then you will marry her, his father continues and walks away.

Alejandrovich feels more and more how the anger is bubbling inside of him. Why couldn’t his father understand what true love is. No way that Alejandrovich would marry some cold girl his father had chosen. If Alejandrovich were really mean, he would have give away all that he owned and moved together with the one he now called the love of his life. Well… Alejandrovich wasn’t this mean so to get out the anger inside of him, he run up all the stairs to his tower and banged in the door and shut it behind him with and even bigger ‘bang’. Almost the whole castle shakes like an earth quake and even some really small pieces of stone fall down.

‘Shit’, Alejandrovich thinks.

He can hear someone running up the stairs and a then a knock on his door. He goes to open it and there stands his youngest sister who’s four years old.

- Alejandrovich, what was that; she asks scared and shakes a bit?
- Nothing, I just shut the door a bit too hard.
- Why?
- I’m kind of angry to father.
- Why? She usually wants to know the reason for almost anything.
- It can maybe be a little complicated for you to understand. But father doesn’t really believe in true love.
- Oh; she says with a sad face.

- Why do you look so sad; Alejandrovich asks? He takes her in his lap and sits on a smaller armchair by his window.
- I love the boy next door and I want to marry him when I grow up. But if father doesn’t believe in true love, he probably doesn’t want me to marry him. Alejandrovich, can you call it true love if I want to marry him?
- It’s sort of true love. If you want to marry that person and only want to be with him, then you can kind of call it true love. But you’re still too young to get married so you have to wait a few years, Alejandrovich smiles.
- So I wouldn’t be with you at all if I only want to be with him? And how old must I be, like you?
- Of course you would be with us too and my age is a good age to get married. Maybe even a little bit younger, like the twins Kalinka and Kupalinka. And remember, to make sure that the boy wants to marry you too.
- The twins are old enough to get married? How nice. Then I don’t have to wait til I’m in your age, because you’re older then her. You’re older than me too and Kupalinka and Kalinka.
- Yeah; Alejandrovich laughs small to his sister’s philosophy.
- Thank you, Alejandrovich; she says and hugs him.
- No problem, dear sister.

- Alejandrovich, can you tell me why you look so sad?
- Well…listen, Delfinia. I love a girl who sells apples on the Marketplace. I told to father about her earlier this evening and he said I have to marry Marissisjiska.
- The girl who always push me away when I go and say something to her?
- Does she do that, Alejandrovich asks? He feels even more anger and hate to Marissisjiska.
- Yes, Alejandrovich. She keeps saying all the time that I’m in her way. I think her heart is very cold.
- Well, I think that too, Delfinia.
- Do you?
- Yes.
- Alejandrovich, you are the best big brother in the world, I love you.
- I love you too, Delfinia; Alejandrovich answers and gives her a kiss on her cheek.

- What are those candles in the sky, Alejandrovich; his sister asks after a small quiet moment?
- They’re the stars.
- Wow, they’re beautiful.
- Can I go and pick them down. Like with a really, really long stick.
- Not really; Alejandrovich laughs.
- Oh; she says sadly. But after a while her face lights up again: - But I can watch them and count them.
- Well, you count; her big brother smiles.
- Why are you smiling?
- Because there are like millionstrillionsbillions of the stars so you would get tired pretty quick if you tried to count them all. The whole world can see stars you know.
- Oh; she smiles too and laugh a bit. – Well, then I just admire them and imagine I’m also a star in the sky.
- You do that, Delfinia.

Alejandrovich sees how she starts to imagine. Her imagination had always been pretty wild. After a while she has fall asleep in his lap. He carries her to her own castle and put her on the bed. She was so cute while sleeping. Nobody should ever harm her. Before Alejandrovich leaves, he gives her a kiss on her forehead.

- Sweet dreams, little sister, he whispers before closing the door.

Alejandrovich gets back to his own tower, walks to the chair by the window and dream himself away to the love of his life.
over a year ago s0nja said…
Keep on going girls!

@Jenni I like the way you wright. It's nice with a different writingstyle sometimes ^^ and you're story rocks!

@Helene Thought of your story in school today :D We must have somekind of same genes in our bodies since both of our Alexs' has the same age too in our stories wich goes on right now :D

@ Jana I know you're great story already! Isn't it exciting, girls? :D

@ Abbie and Linda So cute with a lovestory during WW2^^. Although nobody of us like WW2... Waiting for your continues.

Updating this topic could be a job xD ;D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Go go Jenni! And go go Helene!
over a year ago xxAbbieexx said…
Sonja, I like your story, Continuee :)

Chapter 4

His lips finally leave yours. You sit there, completely shocked and you feel weird. Alex looks at you, ready to speak once again. "You're just so... Amazing" he says smiling. You try hard to think of an answer. "Well, you are the only nice yet cute boy I know around here" you tell him.

You think of how you would feel if he was taken away from you. It felt like you couldn't live without him. Soon enough, your mother returned home with your siblings. She notices Alexander and smiles. "Hi there, it's nice to see you here again". Alexander looks at your mother. "Well, your daughter is lovely". Your mother beams as she goes upstairs. You and Alexander watch into each other’s eyes, totally in love.

Alexander gets up. "I have to leave you once again, but I will come back" he says this and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead and neck. He leaves the house and you feel so empty without him there. Your mother is clattering back down the stairs. She notices your bandaged hand. "What on Earth happened?" she asks. You look at your hand before answering. "Well, I pricked my hand when I was planting the Roses and it was bleeding quite badly, so Alexander tended to it". Your mother looks surprised. "Well, he has done a good job". You smile, happy that your mother thinks of him like this.

"He's training to be a doctor, to help out during the war and he's a violinist like me". Your mother starts to pay more attention. "Well, you two could play together more often" she says fondly. You go up to your room, find your favourite book and start to read. After a while, your mind is elsewhere, thinking about Alexander.

You look at your violin, but you decide not to play it now, you don't want to disturb the others in the house. You think about your father fighting in the war. Alexander was lucky. His father was not a soldier; he was a violinist too, at the place where people socialised. You knew your father was a brave man, and you knew that he would think Alexander was perfect for his daughter.

You fall asleep, hoping for sweet dreams of Alexander...

Read and Comment Pleasee :) x
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@Helene very nice story,i love it please more,more!
@Jenni very good,i love it more,more!
Let's go girl you are imaginative!
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Soooo, I started writing a new story x) Have no ideas for my first one xD Hope you like it

Chapter 1 (part one):

„Elizabeth! Come on! Wake up!”
‘What ? I have to stand up now? Oh boy …’, you thought and opened your eyes. ‘God, I really don’t want to …’

“Okay mom! Just give me a second …”, you said and got out of your bed. You looked at the clock. It said “09:26”. ‘They are here now? Why that early? Stupid Shinra …’
After chaning clothes and getting ready you went down to your mom. Two tall boys were sitting in the living room, talking to your mom.

“We can’t talk with you about this. We have to talk with your daughter, Elizabeth, about the whole situation, if you don’t mind, miss.”, one of them said.

“No! I won’t give my daughter away for you Shinra idiots! Never!”, your mom replied.

“What… what’s going on?”, you asked and got in the living room. The other tall boy stood up and gave you his hand.

“Hello. I’m Rufus, the new president of Shinra. You are Elizabeth, right?”, he said and smiled.

“Uhm … yes, my name is Elizabeth.”
He had blond hair and blue eyes. He seemed to be nice, but your mom was still looking angry at him, like she wanted to kill him right away.

“So, can I please talk with you alone? If you don’t mind of course.”, Rufus said.

“Well … okay, let’s go into the kitchen then.”, you said and you both went to the kitchen.

“Why are you guys from Shinra here?”, you asked.

“I think you recognized that Sephiroth isn’t our friend anymore…”

‘Sephitoth … ‘, you thought.

“Yes, he turned evil, right?”, you asked.

“Right. Now we need more soldiers, and we heard you are something very special…”

‘I’m something special? What the hell is he talking about?’

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, you don’t know it yet?”

“Know what?”

“That your destiny is to fight for Shinra.”

“My … destiny?”
Suddenly your mom came in and screamt:,,It’s NOT her destiny! Leave her alone! LEAVE US ALONE!”

“Mom … is that true? Is it my destiny?”

“No, it’s not hon. Don’t listen to that man. He’s lying.”

“Escuse me? I am lying? I think that you are the one who is lying here, miss.”, Rufus said with a deep voice.

‘Mom … would never lie to me…’

“Darling, you can go out and play in the garten. I’ll handle this.”, your mom said. You just wanted to leave, but Rufus holded your arm, not letting you out.

“Would you please let me out, Mr.?”, you said.

“No. You have to know the truth. Seems like your ‘mom’ didn’t tell you what happened and where you really come from. Am I right, miss?”, he said and looked with a skew smile.

“Lizzy, leave this room right now!”, your mom said but you wanted to know the truth, to know what’s going on, to know what your destiny is.

“Mom, what is Rufus talking about?”

Your mom looked away.

“M…. mom ?”

“I’m so sorry … I’m really sorry, hon. Please, forgive me one day.”

“What are you talking about? Tell me!”, you started to panic.
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
part two:

“Let me explain it, if you allow it, miss?”, Rufus asked. Your mom started crying and sat down on the chair.

“Mom … mom, don’t cry. Please ..”

“She’s not your mom. That’s the first point.”

“WHAT ?! “, you screamt and looked at Rufus.

“Yes, she is not your mother. When you were younger, maybe about two or three years, your mom died and saw this woman who just wanted to go home. She tried to help your mom, but she couldn’t do anything. Your mom wanted her to take care of you, and she knew that we will come one day to pick you up. You have mystical power, Elizabeth.”

“What was my mother’s real name?”, you asked, shocked and almost crying.

“Her name was Aerith. She had this mystical power too, like you have it now. It’s maybe not strong enough right now, but it will be very soon. That’s why we need it … I mean you. We have to stop Sephiroth. We need your help.”

“Aerith … Aerith was her name?”

“Heeelllooo?? Did you listen to everything else that I told you?”

“Fine, I’ll help you. But …”


“What are my ‘mystical powers’ ?”

“Don’t worry. You will know them sooner or later. First of all, you will have to learn how to handle with a sword.”

“Whaaat? A sword? Like .. a real big sword?”

“Yes. So, do you need some time or can we take you with us right now?”

“No, please pick me up tomorrow. I need some time for myself.”

“No problem. We’ll pick you up at 12 p.m. Is this okay for you?”


“Good. See you then tomorrow. Good bye, Elizabeth. Good bye, miss.”

“Get out of here.”, was the only thing your mom said to Rufus before he went to the living room to pick up this other tall man and then they went out.

“Mom …”

“Don’t call me mom … I’m not your mother anymore, and I never was.”

“Of course you were! And you still are my mother!”

“Elizabeth … I’m so sorry for everything. I just couldn’t tell you about this right now. I thought it would maybe be too much for you. Maybe you couldn’t handle with this… I’m really, really sorry.”, she said and started crying again.

“No, mom! Please don’t cry. Please! It’s okay , I forgive you! Of course I do. And I promise you, I will handle with this mystical power that I have in me. You will see, Shinra will destroy Sephiroth with my help! He will never ever hurt someone, like his mother Jenova.”

“I’m so pround on you, hon.”, she said and hugged you.
over a year ago s0nja said…
@Jana Interesting new story ^^
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Thanks for comments girls ! :) I'll upload more soon !
@Sonja It is so nice to hear that because I have always written stories in that way so it would be strange for me to write in some other way. :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…


You quickly smack his hand away before placing your hands on his chest shoving him away as hard as you can, making him lose his balance. You can hear a few people whisper behind your back.

" Did you see that?! "

" That kid just pushed over an old man! "

" Have they no respect these days?! "
You quickly run in the opposite direction, shoving over a few boxes filled with carrots and potatoes. You slip and almost fall on a broken melon but quickly retain your balance and keep running.

" You can not hide from me, kid! " you can hear Egil call from behind your back.

Oh God oh God oh God oh God!

You breath out in relief when you can see the gates of the Castle and let out a laugh.

You made it you made it you made it you-

" Gotcha'! " Egil calls triumphly as he wrap both his hands around your waist. You scream out terrified and start squirming to get out of his grip.

" Stop squirming you patetich cheap slut! " He yell in your ear.

Not again, please! I can't go back there!

" What in God's name is going on here?! " A deep angry voice call. You turn around and face Årolilja and Trym, one of the guards.

" This kid is mine. I bought him seven years ago, but he ran away. I am only claiming what is mine. "

" Let him go. " Trym says sternly. Trym was about 6'2 feet tall and was build like a brick wall.

" I gave good money for this kid! I own his, he is my property! "
Property. He was talking about you like you wear some kind of dog.

" I suggest you let him go or you will regret. " Trym says sternly as he lift his spear and touch Egil's chin with it. Egil slowly easy the grip around you and you wrestle out of his arms, running as fast as you can.


You enter the Castle and run down the hallways and slam the door to your room open and quickly lock it behind you. You fall on your knees and lean your body on the door.

You had thought you never would have to see Egil Balder again.

You heart beat against your chest so fast and so hard it feels like it's going to burst through your ribs. You think back at the evening seven, soon eight years ago.



" Here's the place, kid. " The horseman says sadly. He open up the wagon's door and your thin thirteen year old body jump out of the wagon.

" Where are we, sir? " You ask the horseman.

" This is your new place kid. "

" But why do I have to live here? I do not get it. I already live with Mr and Mrs. Alve.. "

" This man payed Mr and Mrs Alve good money for you, they sold you. " The horseman sighs. You look up at him with big eyes.

" But, I do not want to move.. "
" Sorry kid, it was up to Mr and Mrs. Alve. and they desided to sell you. "

You feel sad, but at the same time happy. Mr and Mrs Alve had threated you like dirt the last 5 years. Maybe this Mr Egil Balder was a nice man?

" Listen kid I gotta go, good luck. " He pet your head before stepping back up in the wagon, giving a small 'hia' to make the horses speed up.

You look up at the big red house with huge eyes. You pick up your suitcase and walk up the front porch. His garden and porch looked fine, it was cared for.

you wish you had someone caring for you.

You carefully knock on the door. You wait for an answer. You can hear feet move behind the door and you can hear someone unlocking the door. A man in his middle fourthies stood there, smiling at you.

" Umm, hi... " you say in a small voice.

" Alexander Rybak, am I right? " He start.

" Yes sir. That would be me. " You say carefully.

" Good, that is good. Come in come in. " He step out of the way and you enter the house. It was huge. The walls were painted a dark green and the floors had red carpets. In the roof there hung a beautiful golden chande'lier.

" Do you want something to eat, Alexander? " The man ask friendly. To friendly.

" Uhm, sure. "

" Good, that is good. Please follow me. "

" Should i not get unpacked first, sir? "

" Oh no, do not think about that now. Come, come eat. "

Oh well, you did not say no to free food.

You follow Egil Balder and enter a huge kitchen.

" Please have a seat. " He points at the chair by the table and you quickly climb up on it.

" Tell me, Alexander. Do you like chocolate cake? " Egil Balder asks.

" Cake? What is cake? " You ask curiously.

" Do not tell me you have never tasted chocolate cake? " Egil Balder asks surprised.

" No, I've never had anything like that, sir. "

" Well have some have some! " He hands you a plate and a spoon to eat the huge piece of cake with. You pick up the spoon and cut a bite of the cake. You scoop it up and put it in your mouth.


" This is great! " You say happily and quickly scoop up another bite. You feel the taste chocolate melt in your mouth.

" I told you so. Everybody loves cake. " Egil Balder smiles.
You could totally agree on that.

When you are done stuffing your face you pick up the plate and give it to Egil.

" Can I have some more, please? " You ask innocently.

" Now now let us not get greedy here. You can have some tomorrow. "

" Oh. Alright then. " You say dissappointed as you walk over to the sink getting ready to wash your plate.

" Oh no no do not worry about the dirty dishes, Alexander! We can do those later. "

" Oh, it is alright, Egil Balder, I do not mind- "

" Nonsense. Besides it is getting late, we should head to bed. "

" But I have not even gotten a room yet. "

" That is because you will share room with me. "

" I will what? "

" You heard me. I bought you so I deside where you sleep. Got it? " His face suddenly turns stern.
You knew better than to argue with your slaveowners.

" Yes sir, got it. " You say frightened.

" Good, now follow me. " His face softens and you follow him up the stairs and an hallway until you reach the room. He unlocks the door and shove it open.

" Enter the room, Alexander. " You carefully step into the bedroom. The room had light brown walls and a darker brown floor. It had a doublebed in the corner and a nighttable by it's left side. There were also a dresser resting under the window.
You can feel someone wrap their arms around you. Your eye widen.

" Do you like the room? " Egil Balder asks.

" Y-yes. " You stutter out.

" Good. That is good. " Egil says, as he let a hand run through your hair.

" S-sir. W-what are you doing? " You ask nervously.

" You are a good looking young lad, Alexander. " He turn you around and look you deep ly in the eyes.

" T-thank you. " You look at his nose, not daring to meet his eyes.
His left hand brush down your chest and stomach until it meet your pelvic. Egil's breath gets heavier.

That's it.

You shove away his hands and quickly make a run for the bed and throw yourself on the mattress, hiding under the blankets.

" Good little tease aren't you? " He grin his evil smile before walking over to you and rip of the blankets. He sit down on top of you holding you down before laying his whole body weight on top of you. You kick and scream. What the hell was going on?!

" Shhh Alexander, shhh. " He coes into your ear, but you can't help but cry and squirm. He takes a hold of your pants and litterally rips them off you. You scream as hard and loud as you can, earning a slap over the face. Egil Balder starts undressing himself.

Oh God oh God oh God!

" Relax kid you are only making it worse for yourself. Damn, you are so sexy ." He purr into your ear. He step in between your legs.
That is when you black out.



" Alexander? Alexander! " You can hear a voice call through the door. It was the voice of Årolilja.

" Go away! Leave me alone! " You yell out, curling up into a small ball in the middle of the floor.

" Alexander! Alexander it is alright! He is gone! He can not hurt you anymore! "
That is what you think.

" Please Alexander let me in... " She begs. You feel your anger rise and you get up on your feet, ripping the door open revealing a shocked Princess.

" What the fucking Hell is it you do not understand of the part LEAVE ME ALONE?! " You shriek in her face as you place your hands on her shoulders, shaking her hard, making her head snap back and forward like a ragdoll.

" A-Alexander, y-you're hurting me! " She pipes up. You quickly stop shaking her and pull her into a hug.

" I am so sorry! Please please forgive me! " You sob loudly in her ear, bending your back so you can rest your head on her shoulder.

" I did not mean it! Please, oh God! " You start to hyperventilate.

" Shhh, Alexander, calm down! Take a deep breath now! " Årolilja says. You sniff and breath into her shoulder.

" Please Årolilja. Help me kill myself.. "

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
OMG Helene that chapter make my heart jumping or something like scary
over a year ago Cherries4everxX said…
heya guys just read up to page 20, im english so VERY sorry for my complex english here is my story characters inspired from american TV show: NCIS thank you x

So let's get to know u: you are a crime scene investigator and is currently investigating a homoside until a man comes with camera crew and Frikar.

" sorry, this is a crime scene not a reality tv show," you express coldly,
" but I'm shooting a music video here!" the man had brown Latino eyes and brown shaggy hair.
" Tough luck, your gonna have to wait at least a month,"
"hello, who have we got today then?" an old cheerful paramedic comes and greets you. "she's over there," you reply. Suddenly you wonder why the man is shocked and had bloodshot eyes.
" that's my mother!" he screams!
You look shocked but kept your cool.
" she is going to hospital she's not dead but seriously injured and her wounds are fatal," you say as you try not to express sympathy " we would like to take you into questioning to find out more about this woman" the man is wide eyed and collapses quietly shaking and crying as Ducky, the middled aged paramedic takes the injured woman to the emergency ambulance . To be continued… please note: i'm not trying to harm anyone and cause any disruption this is a fictional story written by a clever girl, please don't take the fact of alexs mother dying as any offence and sorry for my complex English please use google translator thank you xx please comment