Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago s0nja said…
... On Saturday morning you wake up on Alex chest. You hear his heartbeat. It' so soft, so warm. You take a look on him. He isn't sleeping. He whispers to you:
- You're so beautiful when you're sleeping.
You smile. Suddenly he rolls over with you so he's on top and then he starts to kiss your neck. Your hands are in his fluffy hair...

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
O lalala! :D

me like where this is going^^
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
sOnja you're just amazing
I'm impressed,great great
And should you continue?
Hmmm...YESSSSS!!! plss
over a year ago silla17 said…
s0nja its very good

and i'm also like where this is going ;)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
sonja I'm looking forward to the continuation of your story. (:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago s0nja said…
... Between his kisses he whispers lovely things to you:
- You smell so nice *kiss*
- I *kiss* love *kiss* your parfume
- We should probably *kiss* eat something *kiss* but I *kiss* don't want to leave this bed *kiss* because *kiss* I only want you *sweet french kiss*...
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
Sonja you are just fantastic....
over a year ago jo135 said…
Sonja, you are SIMPLY GR8 :D:D cant wait 4 more :D:D ^^ !!!
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
Wow.! Sonja your story is more than fantastic! :)) It's so wonderful I can't decribe how I love this story! :)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Thanks sonja. :) Continue soon, please. :)
over a year ago blanka_apple said…
omg. Alex in bed .Is a dream. Who would not want.:-)
over a year ago blanka_apple said…
This story is best.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I agree blanka_apple :'D
over a year ago silla17 said…
i agree to with you blanka_apple
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
I m still waiting for Sonjas continue....
over a year ago silla17 said…
so do i ;)
over a year ago s0nja said…
... After a while he says that he has to go to do breakfeast because he don't want you to starve. You lie a while in the bed waiting for the breakfeast. He's making it in the kitchen. Then he comes and you feel the heat when you see him coming in, only dressed in his boxers and carrying a try. You eat on the bed. There's some bread, yougurth, warm drink etc. It tastes very good.
- You're a very good chef, you say to him.
- Oh, not really, but thank you, he says and smiles to you.
You eat your delicious breakfeast and talk too (ofc.).

After your breakfeast alex takes you out for a walk in the park. Your walking hand in hand in the beautiful scenery. The wintersun is shining and the snow is glimmering...

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
awwww yay finally an update!^^
S0nja that was great!^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
... - I want to know everyhting about you, he says.
- Okay, but first you have to catch me, you say and start to run.
He starts to run after you. After a while he catches you. He hug you from behind. Then you fall together in the soft snow. You lie there looking up in the sky. Alex gets up and bursts off snow from himself. You look at him and think how wonderful he is. Then he helps you up. You're sitting in the snow now. He's holding your hand. Then he pulls you up with so much power that when you come up he kiss you directly and hugs you really tight with his hands on your waist.

When you come back from your walk you make pizza together. You eat by the kitchen tabel and taste of each others pizzas too. Then you go to the sofa to watch a horror movie from the tv. You curl up yourself to him. It's really scary. You sit together under the same blanket. Suddenly you scream a little and turn your face to Alex chest because of a really scary part. He craess your hair. You look at the tv again.
- Sorry that I screamd but that was really scary for real, you say to him
- Oh, it doesn't matter, he says.
You feel how he starts to caress your leg. He moves up towards your waist. He kiss your hair and moves towards your neck. *pause* You take a look on him. Then you start to french kiss. The blanket falls off and alex takes off your shirt. You make it out there on the sofa. The movie is rolling on the tv. Neither of you cares about it. You just want to feel each other.
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
OMG that was great! =D
Upee tarina oli..todellakin. =))
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
WOW!This story is the best ever...
over a year ago Fift33n said…
reallyreally good story, You are great! :D
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
still writing stories? wow you girls have allot of imagination! good :)
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Yes i still like all storie's but they are not very realistic,for example Alex is not actually good cook in real life.
Sorry if i spoil your happines
over a year ago s0nja said…
Yeah, I know that Alex isn't a really good chef in reality but this is just imagination still :) and he said that he has a speciality if he cook to a date ;D Btw. I ate a pizza in a restaurant yesterday wich had the name sasha ;P :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
S0nja: Oh no they made a pizza of him! D:
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Well the change of alex bringing home 16 year old girls banging them after the first date is also pretty non existant, but we write/read it because its fun and well, with such an amazing writer like Sonja it doesnt matter it its realistic or not :'D ^_^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Sonja that is sooo good story ! I like ! (:
Haha the Sasha pizza. :D Btw I saw once in the Internet a drink called Alexander. :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Aaaw, Helene! Thank's ^^ But I could not eat Alex althought he's so cute, sweet, hot etc. So no, they can't make a pizza of Alex xD But I understood your point and laughed like hell xD :D
Jenni we should do that drink to Alex or to ourselves and taste if it's good ;D
over a year ago jo135 said…
Jenni, you are reality, there is a drink called Brandy Alexander !!!

I wrote the recipe of it...who wants to try it just tell me and I will give you the recipe ;)!!!!
over a year ago Jenni- said…
sonja sure. :D
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
S0nja why are you so DAMN good???!!
keep writing for sure
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Its been ages since i last wrote a story, but a friend gave me some inspiration, so here you go, the first chapter, Please give me feedback :D

Chapter 1:

Beep beep beep beep

You slam your hand over the snooze button on your alarmclock, shutting it off. You throws the comforters away and put your legs over the edge on your bed feeling the cold linoleum floor. You raise yourself from the bed and walks over to the bathroom preparing for a shower.

You turn on the tap and feel cold water running down your back slowly turning hot. You pour some shampoo in your palm making it foam before rubbing it through your hair. You rinse the soap away and gets out of the shower, instantly shivering from the cold. You wrap a towel around your waist and wipes some of the dogg away from the mirror making the reflection of your face visible.

You gets out a hairdryer and a hairbrush from the cabinet under the sink, and starts drying your hair. While drying your hair you can hear a car pull up the driveway to the empty house next door. You shut off your hairdryer and walks over to the window.

A middle aged man are talking to the one of the drivers while a small woman and a younger man carry a couch inside.

You turn away from the window, shrugs and walks back to your room throwing on a pair of oversized sweatpants and a purple hoodie.

You walk downstairs to the kitchen where your mother is making breakfast.

" Morning sweetie. " She says.

" Morning." You mumbles back at her while rummage through the cabinets for food. You take out a pack of chocolate chip cookies walking to the living room where your father is in front of the TV. You sit down beside him and starts eating.

" Hey you hearda about the new neighbours moving in? "

" Yeah I saw them this morning, why? "

" We heard they have a son around your age. "

Want more? No/Yes? :D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Yes yes yes want moooore :D:D Go ooon :D:D
Please? :P
over a year ago santa6168 said…
big smile
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
big smile
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
big smile
Aww s0nja those were FANTASTIC AS ALWAYS!!!! :D :D :D <3 Keep up the great work and never stop!! ;D Hehe ^^ Amazing writer you are!!!

OMG!! My Helene!! ^^ That was brilliant!! I already knew you were a awesome writer!! ;D Looks like we are gonna have another fabulous regular writer on here i hope!! ;D Keep going!! love you!!
and oh my gosh!! Of course YES!! I want MORE!!! Can't wait to hear the rest later!! ;) You rock girl!! :D xxx <3
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Of course Helene. :)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Aww thank you so much everybody^! That made me really happy!^^

Your comments makes me dance^^
over a year ago stojanka said…
Pls continue.... :)
Your story is awesome!
over a year ago s0nja said…
OMG! Helen that was so AMAZING! Continueeeee!!! :D <3

And I'll probably continue on my "University" - Story because there have been wishes about a continuiation on it ^^D

... Sunday morning. You wake up beside him again. You're basicly doing nothing that day. Just relaxing and hanging out with each other. At the evening you go home and think about the upcoming week. You already miss Alex although you've been gone from him like 3 hours or so.

The week pass by. You're spending time with Alex but also with your friends and they ask you all the time "Why are you so much with that new guy?" etc. etc. You tell them a little but not all the details. During the week you're mostly doing at the project with Alex and the next week you hand it in. Later you get the results and you got an excellent grade on it.

Usually at the same classes with Alex, he holds your hand under the table. He also massage your hand sometimes. It brings a nice little relaxed feeling in your hand.

The time pass by, and soon it's St. Valentine's Day. You go ice - skating with Alex. There is a huge ice rink made in the park and a lot of people but you don't care about those people. You're ice - skating hand in hand. They play some lovely songs and everybody's having fun. You take some pictures too. At one time Alex comes suddenly behind you with the camera and steals a kiss from you while he snap a picture.

After Ice - skating Alex brings you to his place.
- I have a little suprise for you, he says while he opens the door.

To be continued...

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
chapter 2:

You take a bite of your cookie, your father tries to steal one but you smack his hand away.

" Yeah I saw him through my bathroom window this morning, didn't see his face though. " You take out another cookie and starts nibbling on it.

" Well I gotta go to work, see you later hun. " He plants a kiss on the top of your head before walking over to the kitchen to kiss your mother goodbye. You pick up the remote from the table and starts zapping. You end up watching Fall Out Boy videos on MTV for 3 hours singing along.

After a while you get tired of watching TV. You raise your body up from the couch, feeling your legs wobble not used to the weight of your body yet and walks over to your flatscreen TV to turn it off.
You walk over to your window watching the rain hit the glass. You press you forhead to the cold glass sighing. You always looked forward to summerholiday but with most of your friends out of town there wasn't much to do.

After a while it finally stops raining.

" Looks like it's clearing up. " You say to yourself, opening the window and takes a deep breath feeling the fresh air filling your lungs. It was the perfect weather for a walk.

Not bothering putting on an extra jacket you walk outside only with a thin hoodie and a pair of leatherboots. You decide to go to the dog park even though you don't own a dog. Before heading to the park you walk past a gas station. You enter the station and walks over to the ice cream section.

" Hmmmm what to choose? " You say for youself. Your eyes land on a strawberry ice cream. You pick it up and heads for the cashier to pay for it. The old man smiles at you.

" That will be 26,50. "

" Here you go. " You say and hands him a 50. He opens the cash register and hands you the change.

" Bye and have a wonderful day! "

" Yeah you too bye. " You stop outside the shop and unwraps the ice cream before you put it in you mouth and starts walking again. You can see the dog park already so you run the last part.
You really love dogs, and always wanted a puppy but your mother was allergic so you couldn't get one. So you often went to this park to watch them run around playing with each other.

You sit down under a tree when suddenly a dog jumps up in your lap and starts licking you in the face. You can't help but smile and pets her head.

" No! That's a bad dog! Cindy! Get of her! " You hear someone shout. You turn around and stares right into a pair of long legs. You let your eyes travel up the strangers body until your eyes meet his. There was something familiar with that boy..

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on the first chapter, I love you guys^^
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awww Sonja finally ! More of the story! I've been waiting for ages! YAY! ^^ <33 It's so great and cute!^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
omg thank you so much Sonja!^^ You have no idea how happy it makes me , getting compliments form my favorite writer^^
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
I have already a great morning because of your stories :D:D
I love your stories <33 You both have to continueeee :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awww thank you so much Lindaah14 :D
over a year ago jo135 said…
Helene, your story is great ^^ well done sweetie :D

cant wait 4 d continuation xD !!!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awww thank you jo135, I'll try post a new chapter every day^^
over a year ago s0nja said…
Awww, Helene! That warmed my heart when you said that I'm you're favourite writer ^^ <3

last edited over a year ago