Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago s0nja said…
Hahaa, I laughed when I saw the new name of this topic :D I'm 15 too but I turn 16 in January so I'm not 15 for long anymore :D

Lindaah14 wanted a story ^^

It's a normal day. You're at school and waiting for it to end so you can get home and read the newest news about alex. You're sitting in the bus. Your mp3 - player has now battery so you're listening to the radio in your cellphone. It's about 3 p.m and it's news time. First something boring then you hear "Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak has been arrested. He was on his way to Norway from another country when the security discoverd drugs in his bag." You listen very carefully. When the newsreader moves on to the weather you text your friend of what have happened. You text that you don't belive that he's guilty. Your friend text you right back and asks you if she comes over to support you. You text right back and says that she doesn't have to but thank's anyway :). When you get home you run to your computer and open a lot of newspapers on internet. "OMG, I can't belive this, He's not guilty", you think. You don't now what to do. You scream and tears are running down your cheeks.
You start to pack your belongs. You decided that you're going to travel to Oslo, today. You find cash somwhere. Then you call your dad and says that it's very important that he puts money on your card, NOW. He asks what it's for and you say that you tell him and mum later. You write a note to your parents:

Read todays news, I have travel to Norway.
Tell school. This is important. Hugs! *your name*

Then you get a taxi to the airport. You buy a ticket to the next flight to Oslo. You text your friend and then you board on the plane. You get to Oslo. You get your bags, go to the exit and get a taxi. "To the jail, please", you say. You get there. You pay the taxi and go in to the jail. The jailer asks you what you want to do. You say that you want to meet this person and show a picture of alex. You get to the meeting place. The jail is cold and horroble. There's phones you can talk trough and glass that you can see the person trough but you can't touch. Then you see alex. You say that you don't belive that they can arrest him. Then you start to cry. Then you see that alex cries too. You look at each other and wish you could touch each other. Then you start to sing a song together. You're begging the jailer to let alex out. Then alex suddenly start to hit the glass with the phone and the glass breaks. He comes to you and kiss you. Alex takes off his jailclothes. Then you get out of the jail, with alex. The media is all over.

You get to alexs' place. You both want a shower because the jail was so horroble. He says "You first my lovely lady". You say that he should go first but now.

I write the rest tomorrow.......

over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
Hehehe xD hurry up i become so curious!!!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
aah i loved the story! :'D
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
big smile
oh wow s0nja you story was great! and I think of a song from a movie called cry baby! maybe you've seen it! it's a great movie! and I love this music in the movie and I listen to one song all the time and I acculy think of alexander in that song! and now when I read your story I know that the song is PERFECT for you story! here the it is! link

and I must say that cry baby is a really good movie with Johnny Depp aaah! you must see it! but this song is the best one! I love it! and listen to it and you will se it's very much alike the story
over a year ago misslol said…
big smile
god!!!i dont....
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
you don't what?
over a year ago kelseyhale said…
we need to make a blog and compile all these "hot" stories and call it between the sheets: fantasies by alexander rybak fans! :D
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
I'm really curious now S0nja :D
Looking forward to the next part! :D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Yes, but if I'm sad vibrator to be attached to it. But I imagine! Instead, the fingers should be!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Janafoxy you're little devil girl!A sexmad!!!!
over a year ago s0nja said…
Sorry, I had to quit in the middle yesterday. My dad needed the internet immedieatly so I was kind of in a hurry :P

MildaViloin, how did you know. I got the idea from cry baby and I love that movie too. That "Please, Mr Jailer" - clip is sooo goood <3

Now I continue with my story...

You say that alex should go first to the shower because he has been suffering in the jail, but no. He wants you to go first, you tell him that he's really generous.
You're in the shower. Washing your hair etc. Suddenly you hear something, like somebody opened the door and came in. "OMG!!!", you scream! Alex stands in front of you in just a bathtowel and you're totally naked. You try to cover your "secret parts" but it's kind of hard :P. Alex sees what you're trying to do and he says "don't". You stand there a little bit shy but you can't stop looking on alexs' abs. Before you know alex stands close to you. You see how he first wet his fluffly hair. You can't belive it. He's also now totally naked. His hands is on your waist. He pulls you close, close to himself and gives you a hot kiss. The kiss feels kind of good and you answer to it. You're kissing under the water wich is coming from the shower. Alex takes some soap and put in your hair. You can feel his hands, the soap that is running down your body. Then you're having it there in the shower. So hot.
You get out from the shower. You dry up yourselves. You're having a bathrobe on. Suddenly you see a winebottle and two glasses on the table, but no alex. You see candles on too. Suddenly he's right behind you and starts to open your bathrobe. He caress your body, turn you around, kiss you and pull you on the sofa. Everything is so romantic. The alex blows out the candles and the fun starts again <33

Hope you like it ^^

over a year ago stojanka said…
big smile
:O To sexy... hehe
I love it... Sonja u r awesome! Just keep writing! :)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
I had to giggle all the time :P
Really love it! :D
I agree with you, stojanka, keep on writing :D:D
over a year ago pjplx said…
Hahahaha s0nja you are the best xD
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Sonja you are the best! That story was so hot!
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
ooh S0nja you did get your inspiration from cry baby! wow! hahaha =D
I love it so much! =D
over a year ago janafoxy said…
aisa07 i agree hed like a vibrator maybe on his balls as well as up his ass..mmmmmm...then i cud lick it afterwards!!
over a year ago Maddalp said…
big smile
Yeah, you really rock S0nja!:D Please, do not quite your lovely work and keep writing just as hot as you did :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
Hallelujah, I love your comments ^^ Hugs to everyone <3
over a year ago s0nja said…

You're at break in school and waiting for your english lesson to start. You hear that you're teacher is ill and everybody starts to wonder who your substitute is going to be. The lesson should have already start but you and your class is still sitting in the corridor. Some another teacher opens the door to your class and let you in so you don't make noice in the corridor. You're waiting. Then some another teacher comes in to the class and a man with brown hair. You regonize him immideatly and are absolutly red in your face because it'a Alexander Rybak as your substitute. The rest of the class wonder what is wrong with you. Alex introduces himself. You can't stop watching at him. You feel the heat on your face. He says what you're going to do. Some grammarpapers etc. and then he says that he can play some violin at the end of the lesson. Ofcourse everybody wants it beacuse no one wants to do grammar papers. It's booring. You do the papers. Then you raise your hand because you "need help". Alex comes and you feel that you're warmer then ever. He asks you "What's your question"? You ask him if some sentence is right. "Yes, it is. Good", he says and you're faceheat don't light up.
It's the end of the lesson. He's playing the violin and you're giving applauces etc. beacuse he's so good. "Does anybody want to try", he asks? "YES", you scream! "Okay, come up here, young lady", he says. Then he shows you and you try. "Nice, you have a violinist in your class", he says. Everybody's applaucing. You're embarrased beacuse there's you, alex <3 and your class -.-.
Alex let you and your class go sooner becuse it's friday and it's the last lesson. You're class runs out of the class and you heat how they scream etc. Then the corridor is empty. You're alone with alex in the class. You ask for his autograph, picture with you etc. Then he teach you more violin. He plays "funny little world" for you. You're so in heaven.
The song ends. You clap you're hand and tell him how you love him etc. He give you a hug and tell you that you're so cute. He puts the violin on the table. You talk for a moment. He hugs you again and kiss you on the neck. "Hallelujah" you think :D. The he watch you deep in your eyes. You're melting, then he gives you a fast kiss on your mouth. You just stand there watching each other. He kiss you again and now for a looong time. He lift you on the teachers table and continues kissing. Then he starts to take off your t-shirt. You take his hand and say that he shouldn't do that. But he says "I promise that no one will find us. I wanted you from the moment I saw you." "Okay", you say shy. He lay you down on the table and and starts to open your jeans. You open his shirt while he opens his belt and jeans. You kiss and caress each other all the time. You have it there on the teachers table. It's like 5 p.m. and alex says "we could continue in a nicer place". He winks wiht his eye. So sexy. You put your clothes on and he takes you the finest hotel in town with a limousine. He opens the door to his room on the highest floor. It's so luxury. He throws the keys on the table and slam the door. Then he pulls you to himself and start to kiss you. The fun starts again. "This weekend is going to be just your and mine", he whispers soft in your ear <3
over a year ago Maddalp said…
OMG, you are amazing :D! I just love to read your stories and they'r just getting better and better. The first was really, really good, and when no one were expecting it, you came up with a new, even better story(as that was possible!) :p
Please continue :D You are our favourite, S0nja <3 !
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
hmm well if I can be honest with you s0nja I like your stories but the last one with the classroom I think it's a bit inappropriate maybe..cause I think it's a little weird that Alexander is a teacher at a school and then start to have sex with one of the students. I mean first It's not really good for a teacher to have sex with a student and I think should have wrote something that it's maybe a class with a bit "older" students! I know you did not write any age on it but when I read it I just thaough about a class with like 14-15 year olds and that's just wrong in my head!
But anyway I hope you don't get sad about this cause your other stories are great! and I liked the part when he said that she is cute cause he's done the exact thing with me (not in a classroom) but the hug and then saying I think your cute! haha so I liked that! well anyway now I'm just blabbing! =) keep writing your stories and I hope you understand that I just wanted to write my opinion! =) and also I have a wish about the stories and that is that I would like them to be abit more realistic now! =) we have done the hole imagination now for a while but I would like some more stories that I could relate to maybe! aaah I sound so mean! well! good job girls anyway on your stories! love <3
over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
Heheh s0nja i think you can make a book with these stories it would be bestseller around the world xD :P
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
we should put a book together and give Alex! haha with the best stories ;P
no kidding
over a year ago AlexForEver said…
big smile
hey....he's sooo nice and hot in all!!omg the perfect boy,girls.....!hahaha...nice forum....!
over a year ago AlexForEver said…
well,soooo hot...and romantic too...good job!
over a year ago aisa07 said…

I Thought that the stories collected together and edited, and then will take it to a friend's Alex. If flitter in the sky see if you can not be bored. I have made!
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Haha I'm trying to imagine his face if he would read all those stories something like: _
Hugs :)
over a year ago s0nja said…
Yeah, a book :D But should we put any names. Beacuse if he would be like O__o, then he doesn't maby would like to meet us... or?
Or maby he would just laugh and would like to meet us ;D :P

MildaViolin: Yeah, I understand. A teacher should not have sex with its students but this is just imagination anyway :P. But it's good that you tell what you think :)
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Well let's just a sume that's in uneversity or something :P!

anyway I like it !

And I wouldn't dare to give it in a book :P !
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
Agree with you Alexander_Rybak! Wouldn't dare it either.
I'm ways to shy :)
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
no I think that we should keep this here! =P it's best that way
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
I dont wanna that Alex read these...OMG NO! And i like your story Sonja...i have imagine like that myself too XD
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
Thank you girls for your stories!!! Like them all))
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
And here is my new story. Hope you like it)))
It’s Saturday. You’re walking in the park and admiring the beauty of nature. So you are in a good mood and you’re humming the melody of Alex’s song. Suddenly, someone runs up to you and asks: “Do you like the song?” “Yes, I really love it!” As soon as you have told him that, you finally look at the stranger. Now you are absolutely stunned and can’t move at all. The guy you are talking to is… Alexander Rybak, your lovely Alex. You can’t say a single word to him. Your heart starts racing. “I’m Alex. You?” First some seconds you just stare at him with your big shining eyes and only then you introduce yourself. “You’ve impressed me! I’ve never met such a cute girl before. You seem to have a taste of summer.” “Thank you for that nice compliment,”- it’s the only thing that you can pronounce now. So you talk and Alex tells you numerous jokes, trying to make you laugh and, actually, it works. “You’ve given me one of the happiest moments in my life. Thank you for that!” Having said those words, Alex takes you hand and still keeps it. You feel totally shy at this moment. How can you withstand his action! “It seems to me, I’ve known you for ages,”- Alex says to you, smiling like a child. “Funny, but I have the same feeling,”- you reply to him, realizing how lucky you are to be with the most important man in your life.
Alex: “Today is my Birthday. So I’ll have a small party. There will be only my close friends. And I’ll feel on top of the moon if you come.” “Certainly, I’ll come.” It is the only possible answer because you are never able to refuse him. “Now, it’s rather late, may I see you home?” And you just simply nod. As you live not far from the park, you and Alex walk to your home.
In front of your door Alex kisses you heartily and says: “I’ll fetch you at 6 p.m. Don’t forget!” So he leaves and waves his hand to you, still keeping smiling.
There is only an hour left and Alex will come. But you still don’t know what to wear. You feel unsure: “Should I wear this dress or that dress?” Finally, you choose the best one ever! It is a gorgeous low-necked dress that you’ve bought recently.
Now, it’s high time to go. You go out of your home and… see Alex standing near his car and waiting for you. “You are so beautiful!”-he says and kisses you so gently that you are really melting. The both of you get into the car and drive to the party. Here you are having a lot of fun: singing songs and telling jokes. And time does fly. You don’t notice that you’ve arrived. So Alex gets out of the car first and then he opens the door for you. He’s a real gentleman!
You are walking in the corridor and then Alex opens the door of his flat. It was so dark that you can see nothing. But as soon as he tries to find the switch and turn the light on some people come out of the other room with a very big Birthday cake, singing the song “Happy Birthday to you!” They have funny hats on their heads and it’s very cute. The cake has some lights on it and it is written “For Our Alex! With Love!” there. So Alex blows all the candles out and everybody claps their hands as loud as they can. What can be more exciting?
At the party Alex introduces you to all his friends and they seem to like you. They are very polite and friendly, too. You are amusing till late night. Everybody has been so active that now you feel a little bit tired. Suddenly, Alex says he’ll sing some songs for his guests as a token of gratitude. And everyone is looking forward to it. So Alex starts to sing his songs. You have always known that he’s a great singer, but today Alex sings even better. While singing he looks at you from time to time. You’re in the seventh heaven!
So the party is coming to an end. All the guests are going home. Alex comes closer to you and whisper in you ear with his gentle voice: “Wait a moment. I’ll see them to the door and take you home.” You look straight into his eye and nod as an agreement. You come up to the window and look at the landscape outside. It’s so wonderful, especially at night. All of a sudden, Alex goes up to you and takes your hand. “I’ve fallen in love with you at first sight! I’ve never anything similar before! Thank you for that!”-he says and kisses you. “I have the same feeling, Alex! Thank you for bringing light into my life!” Alex: “I have a present for you!” as he says so, he takes out a small red box. He opens it and there is a pendent. “It’s so beautiful! But I can’t take it. It must be so expensive!”-you say because you don’t even know how to react. “You’ll make the best present ever if you receive it.” You both look at each other and smile; there is no need in any words. “May I put it on you?” Without waiting for your answer, Alex stands behind you and put the pendent on you. You feel his breath on your neck and… you just lose control. Alex starts to kiss your neck then cheek then it’s a French kiss. He hugs you so tight that you can’t do anything but surrender yourself wholly to him. Alex cares you to his bedroom. He still kisses you passionately and undresses you. But you are taking off his clothes, too. Now you both are stripped naked. You feel his smell, every touch, skin… And you know how fast your and his hearts are racing… Alex’s arms are so strong and at the same time so tender… Now you are together as one and nobody can separate you…
In the morning, you wake up at the same time and can’t take your eyes off of each other. And you don’t care about anything else. It seems you both are alone in the whole world now. “Thank you for this unforgettable Birthday”- Alex says to you and kisses you as heartily as he can…

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
over a year ago Maddalp said…
big smile
Yes, wonderful story! :D Very, very good!
over a year ago pjplx said…
big smile
I can't give such a book like that to alex too :P it was just an idea XD
hey pozitiff you're story nicee!!!
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
good story but like Milda said...i want something more realistic
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
yeaaah limousine!
And i think some drama should be nice too! Not just always this happy happy thing! I write (too) some novels but i dont never publish and there is always some drama! I love drama!
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Rosel_15 I totally agree with you ! Some drama is needed !
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago s0nja said…
I love that story Pozitiff <3

Yeah, maby tha classroom story of mine was wierd although there wasn't any ages. I thought of my school... :P I would never sleep with alex in my school, it would be kind of wierd and embarrassing?... :O :P

Here's a limousine story. My friend Jenni asked somenone to write one so I can do it ^^

It's 31.12. You're at home, doing like nothing. You wake up around 11 a.m. Eat some breakfeast, watch tv, exercise a little etc. Around 3 p.m. your phone rings. You run to the phone, wich is in the bottom of your purse. "Ahaa, there it is", you say and catch it. You answer in the last minute.

"Hello", you say breathless.
"Hi, I would like to pick you up at 7 p.m. Is it okay", a man voice says in the line.
"Okay, but who is this", you wonder?
"You'll see it in the evening", he says and the voice is gone.

You decide to go for it. A blind date? You take a shower, fix up your hair and make up, choose a dress etc. Choosing the dress is always hard. You stand there like 30 minutes just watching on different dresses. Then you finally choose one and put it on.
It's 6.55 p.m. You're kind of nervous. Suddenly you see a limousine coming. It stops outside your door. The phone rings. "I'm here. You can come out", the kind voice of the man says. You get out. The driver opens the door to the limo and you get shy in. "Hi", the man says. He has brown hair. Then he turns around and you see his face for the first time. It's Alexander Rybak. He tells you how beautiful you look. You almost pass out. He tells you that you're going to a restaurant and then up to a hill to see the new years eve fireworks.
You're spending a lovely evening with him. At midnight you're watching at the fireworks and he wish you happy new year. Then he takes your hand and kiss you. The limodriver went to spend the new years eve with his friends. He has parked the limo up there at the hill. The view is stunning. He takes you to the limo. There's some really expensive champange. Alex shows you a mini - bar. There's some smirnoff, campari, bailyes etc. There's a plasma tv too and a nice stereo. The seats are black leather. There's chrystals in the ceeling and the floor is soft. You drink some champange. Alex puts some music on. Then he sits close to you. He takes your hand and gives small kisses, he comes up to the neck and to your mouth. Before you know, you're in a passionate french kiss. Then your dress and his clothes are just getting off. You fall on the limo floor but it doesn't matter because it's so soft. Alex lifts you up on the seat again. You can still hear some fireworks. This night is full of passion, caressing, heat, love etc.
In the morning you wake up. Alex's still sleeping. You smell something strange. Like something were on fire. Then you see that there's fire in a corenr. You try to wake up Alex but his like totally sleeping. You try to open the door but it doesn't get up. You start to panic. Then you cross a window. You try to figure out how you're going to get both Alex and yourself out. You try to lift him. Too hard. You scream. Alex wakes up finally. He smells immedeatly the fire. He succees to open the door and get you out.
The limo blowed up in the air. Alex covers you both but you get some pices on you. He's bleeding a little. You try to get some clothes to stop the bleeding. The you try to get to a hospital. It's like 5 kilometers to the nearest and you're phones were left in the car. You try to walk. It's a long journey. You wait there for a long time before you get help. Then a helicopter comes and pick you up. You tell them what happened. They take you to a hospital for check. You both have to be there for one night at least. But they put you in different rooms and when you're begging to be moved they say that they can't move you because all the other beds are used.

It can be kind of wierd too :P but I hope that someone likes it... :O :P :D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
great Sonja but i didnt mean like that caind of drama...i was thinking maybe figthing or something...not like something like that but great story still
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
maybe a "angry sex" story! ^^
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
yeah! Great idea Milda! I love it!
over a year ago nessienjake said…
I dont lıke alexander rybak...ı went randomly ın thıs spot because ı lıked hıs eurovısıon song...
and I know Im a veryyy fanatıc taylor lautner fan but as I read what you wrote ın pıcks,answers and forums I thınk that you are abıt...exaggeratıng
"He ıs soo cute" /"he ıs soo hot"/"he s mıne!"/ "ı want hım soo bad" / "Damn... Alex in bed!?!? So sexy! I think he's great! xD
I want him... lol... omg... this is awesome! /"he's great in bed! :D
*Puts Alex in my bed* xD / it's nearly illegal to be so damn hot and sexy as Alexander is! Gosh, he is so dangerous to our minds"
and alot more ...I dont say ure ermm stupıd and sılly ,looks lıke you really love hım but try vısıt other spots ın whıch they tell that everysıngle part about hım ıs perfect and you,ll see what ı mean.

I really thınk you gırls should try to...observe your poınt of vıew ın another way.

over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
^if you dont like him please dont comment. And i dont think he is perfect and i'm not in love with him...
over a year ago MildaViolin said…
nessienjake: You make it sound like our hole life revolves around Alexander Rybak..and I can't speak for all the girls here but I can speak for myself and that is that this is just a forum on the INTERNET for fun and if we write here and share our interest in Rybak it's just a fun thing to do but it's also a rather "small" part of my life. and he's not perfect I'm sure cause no one is perfect. but he is hot and it's nice to talk about that fact! Cause when I am with my girlfriends in "real life" we always talk about hot and cute guys so this is nothing different then just girl talk. and when you just like something you don't always have to "observe your point of view in another way" =)
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
I have idea for one story but I m not sure its so good!
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
MagicViolin tell that idea! And i still want drama story!