Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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Showing Replies 1051-1100 of 2609

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
For det første, jeg er ikke trønder, og det er du som burde skaffe deg et liv! Du henger i et forum og sprer faenskap! Hvorfor gjør du det? Greit at du ikke liker Rybak og det, men det er ingen god grunn til å lage faen her inne! Det er DU som er drittungen her!

Og uansett, jeg er lesbisk for faen, jeg liker ikke menn
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
jeg har aldri i hele mitt liv blitt mobbet, fordi jeg har en personlighet.

Det er DU som sprer faenskap her og måten du snakker på viser jo litt om hvor moden du er
over a year ago Fift33n said…
haha, vem är det som sprider fanskaper här? jo du, gå härifrån och lämna oss "dumma-rybakfan" ifred! Stackars lilla människa, som inte har nå't annat för sig, vi får väl tycka om vår dumma Rybak utan att du behöver lägga dig i? Haha, undrar om det inte är du som inte har tillräckligt med vänner, då du måste hänga här för att få uppmärksamhet. Alltså att folk kan vara så dumma att vara inne på en sida man inte gillar? hoho, nog finns det underligt folk här i världen. Du är f'n i mig en barnslig en! Skaffa dig ett liv!

Let's love Alex forever! Gå till din Pattinson du, så stannar vi här, och om du nu inte gillar oss, varför besvära dig själv med att stanna här. Värst för dig.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Vi har aldri sagt at vi tror at Rybak leser dette her. Og det tror jeg ikke heller ikke. Denne fanpop klubben er laget for moro skyld for de som er hans fans
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Hahaha, du ljuger så in i helvete. Vi vet sanningen om Rybak redan ;) Och det är sant, han har besökt denhär sidan en gång faktiskt ;)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
HAHAHA, Jag e inte svensk ;D Bor inte i sverige ^^ Så jag skiter fan i vad du tycker om svenskar, har inget med dem att göra ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
pinkforever97 der rant begeret over. du må slutte med personangrep, det vil få fatale følger
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
I have print scanned all your harrassment messages, and unless you want me to email it to fanpop i tell you to leave this forum if you cant behave.

and also, to you other alex fans, report this girl! Dont let her harrass you too! Person attacks, like calling other users here stupid, whore or other rude things is illegal,
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
Indeed just report here

that's just what she wants just let her post those messages, just ignore them!

@Helene please continue your story!
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yeah, but please, if she contiue harrass other members here, report her!
over a year ago silla17 said…
Jesus grow up!!!

And yes helene you should continue your story or make a new one ;)
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Just amazing and beautiful Helene!
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Damn, you have written so much here ! :D I'm totally out because I have been so busy because of my school and I don't know when I'll have time to read all that you have written. :D
over a year ago s0nja said…
We love Rybak if we want! I agree with Fift33n and Helenes comments to the Rybakhaters here. You who hate Alex should get away!

I think Alex is a wonderful human <33
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Alright, here is the sequel:

Chapter 1:

As soon you've passed the gates you take in your first view of Heaven. It wasn't like you imagined. You weren't walking on clouds, and there where no angles in white dresses playing the harp. It looked exactly like earth. Green grass, the heaven was a light shade of blue and there were humans walking around. You look over at Alex.

" Dissapointed? " He asks

" No, just a little surprised. " You answer.

" Come on we gotta get you checked in. " He says pulling at your arm.

" Check me in? " You ask.

" Yeah, they have to registrer the cause of death, age, name. " He answers, leading you to a big white builing with golden decorations. You walk over to the door and Alex grab the doorknob twisting it around making the door open. He enters and motions with his hand to make you come follow him. You enter and takes in the view of a giant hallway. The walls were painted with a light golden color and the floor was a pale yellow color. At the end of the hall stood an old woman waiting. You both walk over to her and she picks up her pen.

" Name? " She ask. You tell her your name.

" Age? "

" 18. "

" Cause of death? "

" Suicide. " You answer her and she lifts and eyebrow.

" Girl you must be in the wrong floor. " She says.

" Huh? What do you mean? " You ask nervously.

" Suicide. You're in the wrong floor missy. " Your eyes are about to pop out and you feel like crying.

" Y-you mean that I'm going to Hell? " You whimpers, suddenly the woman burst out with laughter.

" Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I use to pull that prank from time to time, it never gets old! " She whipes a tear from her eye. Alex looks over at her looking annoyed but doesn't say anything.

" S-so I won't be going to Hell? " You choke out, she shakes her head.

" Of course not! We would never send an innocent young woman like you to Hell. " She answers and you let your breath out. Alex is giggling behind you.

" Yeah..Innocent. NOT. " He says and you stomp on his foot making him yelp.

" Shut your mouth. "

" Well, I got you registered, so let me give you some information about Heaven before you leave. " The woman says kindly.

" First of all, it is not possible to die in Heaven from accidents like fire, carcrash, murder etc etc. The only way of dying here is from age. Most will turn about 100 years, some can grow older, some can die before. When you die, your soul will be sent back to earth to live in a new body And also, once a week you can go visit earth for an hour. People will not be able to see you, but you can see them. That means if you want to be close to your family for example, you can come back here and I'll write you up. " She tells you. You nod.

" Ok thank you very much. "

" No problem at all hun. " She says looking down in her book. You hear someone cough behind you.

" Shit we're holding up the line, we should go. " Alex says.

" Yeah let's go, I want to see what the rest of heaven looks like. " He put his arm around your waist and guides you out. You keep walking looking around at the beautiful nature. It was flawless. People were laughing and having a great time. Children from different nationalities were playing together in the park and old couples sat on benches under the trees.

" I think I'm going to like it here. " You smile at him, and he looks down at you.

" It sure is beautiful. " He answers.

" But I must say, I do miss my parents. "

" Do you regret what you did? " He asks you sadly. You shake your head.

" No. No I don't. I wouldn't be able to go on without you without being miserable for the rest of my life. My parents will get over it eventually. " He leans down and kiss your head.

" I love you. " He tells you.

" Damn I will never get tired of hearing you say that. Um can I swear in heaven? " You ask him. He rubs his invisible beard.

" Hmm, idunno, let's try and see what happens! Motherfucking shit you goddamn cocksucker go to hell you fuckhole! " He yells out then look around. Nothing happened except from a mother covering her childs ears.

" Mom what did that man just say? " The little girl points at Alex.

" Don't you care about that Linda! And you! You should be ashamed of yourself! Cursing in front of a young child! " She snaps at Alex before dragging the girl with her. You can't stop laughing.

" Yeah! Behave yourself kid! Cursing in front a child! Now I'll have to punish you! " You laugh, smacking his ass.

" Damn that's kinky. " He smiles rubbing his ass.

" Hey, shouldn't we start looking for a place to stay? " You ask him.

" Hmm, yeah you're right. We won't have time for looking at an apartment today, but we can stay together at the hotel I have been living in for the last three weeks? "

" Sounds great! " You say as he waves for a taxi.


Yeah I couldn't stay away from this story anymore. I LOVED to write it!

Stay tuned for next time when they will go look for apartments!

over a year ago santa6168 said…
heyy... it`s so good Helene. i like it very much <3 go on :)) really awesome :)
over a year ago silla17 said…

that was good

go on like that ;);)
over a year ago europexskies said…
omg,i love thiss :D
over a year ago Marcella123 said…
big smile
Helene, you're amazing! i'm very glad that you didin't stop writing! because i likes you story soo much!! <3
over a year ago Fift33n said…
You're great Helene :) really!
over a year ago AnitaFable said…
OMG.! Helene you're fantastic.! :) I love ur story.! :) life in heaven..haha, that was really funny with that swears xD
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
oh my god already 6 wonderful reviews <333

and btw, I do not believe than people who commit suicide goes to Hell
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
I'm a cute little kid ^^ XD
Really really love your story Helene:D:D
Continueee ^^
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hahaha you sure are^^
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…

Soon I will go to heaven too ... 'cause you are killing me with your storys , helene !! :D


plssss continue ! :D
over a year ago Maddalp said…
big smile
love you, helene!!!!!
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…

okay really I needed to write it with caps on it's great! I'm printing out your story and keeping it hehe :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
haha give me your name and ill squeeze you in^^
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
Mee too , mee tooo !! XDDD

Wanna be in the story too xDDD

like ... a *wanna be angel* xD
I donno .. xD

Name: Jana ;)

<3 <3 <3
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Jana: Haha ok ill put you in the next chapter <3 :D
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
This is continuation from Yes Or No story on page 32
Surprise Story <3
You needed to let Alexander go,again.You know that you will miss him very much.It was really hard for you to let him go,it always is.It was January.In your city it was very snowy.Next month,on 14th February you've got a letter.It was Alex.He send you cute teddybear,and nice letter for st.Valentine's day.You missed him all the time...In school,only he was on your mind.You missed your cute puppy.Month by month,and came June.You'll have prom for 2 weeks.You decided that you won't go.You and your class supposed to go in Greece,but you didn't want have prom without your Alex...<3
He called you 2 days before trip in Greece.He know that you'll have prom for 2 days,you already talked.You were talking to Alex,but someone was at the door.You told Alex to wait a second.You opened the door.....and....It Was Alex!
You screamed,and hug him.You asked him why is he here.He said that he will be your escort on prom.You were soo happy,but you didn't have any clothes.Alex hire a room for himself in the hotel.You called your best friend.She was soo happy beacause of you.You,Alex and your best friend went shopping.It was really funny!
Alex was buying some clothes for him,while you were buying yourself a dress for prom.You needed a bathing suite,too.It's hot in Greece.You will be 2 weeks there.Everybody's were looking at you when Alex was holding your hand in mall.Many people knew for him,and they were asking him for an autographs a lot.------------
Finnally ,you bought a special dress.You and Alex went took a walk,
day before Greece.You were very excited and Alex,too.------------
You didn't know what will your teachers say,about Alexander....
They probably know him from eurovision.----------------------------
It was 5am.You needed to be on airport at 6am.Alex took you a car in which they drive him,now before Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo.
It was EsC car.It drived you to the airport.-----------------------
Three were all your friends.Your flight wasn't soo long.
It was terrific! You were listening to Alexander's iPod together.
It was 2pm,when you came to Greece.First you had lunch at beautiful hotel.It was very hot,and you were very tired.You went to your hotel room.Poor Alex was bringing your suite-cases up on stairs.He was very exhuased,you kissed him....<3
You two were sleeping in hotel,till 5pm.You woke up,and saw Alex in bathing pants.He came to you,and whisper in your ear:
"Do you want to go on beach with me?"
You said yes. You went windsurfing.You never did that,But Alex teached you.He's very good at windsurfing.
You had so nice time on beach....together....You were splashing each other,like kids.Alex's eyes were shining all the time.It was soo nice in Athens...It was evening.Only you two were on the beach.For a second,it was compleatly quiet...Alex broke the
silence with his crazy idea:
"Have you ever done it in sea? Should we try?" he asked.
"Don't be foolish! They will ponish us for public unrest!" you smiled.He kissed you----------------------------------
Nothing isn't better than salted kisses,you thought.
It was 7pm.You went to hotel.You went to the bathroom.You turned the radio on,and Alex was in the livning room,watching TV.
You started taking off your clothes.You were taking a shower.
There was song "Do ya think I'm sexy".
You couldn't adore,you started singing.As you were singing,you heard that somebody was singing with you.It was Alex.
Suddenly he opened the door and came in the shower.The water drops Were falling on your body.....It was only you,Alex and the music.
You forgot what time it is.When you two finished,it was 8pm.
You went on dinner,on hotel terrace.It was very delicous...<3
After that you took a walk.The lights in the city were irradiating
Alex's beautiful,brown,latino eyes.....<3
It was very nice and calm,you sit on the beach.Alex was kissing
you,he cuddled you....When suddenly,you heard sound of the camera.
You saw papparazies behind you.Alex grabbed your hand,and as fast as possible,you were running through the whole Athens.
Finnally you catched the taxi,which drived you back to the
Do you want me to continue?^^
over a year ago Seyma_Seigmann said…
my name mybe xD seyma xD
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awwww yay another writer !!!^^ Moar! ^^
over a year ago silla17 said…
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
My real name is Evelien ( niece from alllleeex lol xD)
over a year ago s0nja said…
Both continues are really, really great ^^ <3 and btw. Helene, I hope you can get in Sonja somwhere ^^ :D
over a year ago jo135 said…
Helene, PLEASE include my name too in the story : Joanna ;) PLEASE!!!!!!!!

@ALExXxRybakFann : YES DEAR I want you to continue...(L) XDD
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
My name is : Iva
If you want to include my name in the story,too....:D
over a year ago Vestulka said…
And I want ;} My name is Vesta.. :DDD( if you can...include my name)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Chapter 2:

" Hey! Hey taxi! " Alex yells waving with his arms. A taxi drives pass right in a puddle spraying Alex with the muddy water. He wipes his face with his sleeve sighing.

" Fuck! Looks like we gotta walk. "

" Mommy there's that man again! And he said it again! " Alex turns around and looks down at the tiny short legged girl.

" Oh no not you again! " He moans as he see Linda's mother . Her face is all red and she's almost foaming around her mouth.

" What is wrong with you?! " She yells and starts hitting him with her purse!

" Ow it was not-! Stop hitting me! It -OW- wasn't my fault! " He yelps covering his head as her mother drags her daughter away.

" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "

" Shh Linda! That's a bad word! "

" Then why did that man say it? "

" Because his parents doesn't love him. "

Alex glares at her and flip her the bird behind her back before grabbing your hand and heads to the hotel.

" Fucking bitch. " He mumbles.

" Yeah you said it. What the douche was that about? " He shrugs. You stop.

" Why did you stop? " He asks turning around to face you.

" My legs are tired I want you to give me a piggyback ride. " You answer.

" You want me to give you a piggyback ride? Here? In public? " He blinks.

" ...Yeah. " You say like it is the most normal thing in the world.

" ...Sure, get on. " He says and bends over. You place your hands on his shoulders and wrap one leg around his waist and he hooks his arms around your knees helping you up

You dig your heel in his rib forcing him to walk faster.

" Come on! We don't got all day, I want to see the hotel! " You whine and tug lightly on his hair.

" But you're heavy! " He moans trying to get you higher up on his back. You gasp.

" I am NOT heavy, stop being such a girl! "

" Hey! I'm not girl! "

" Yes you are! "

" No I'm not! "

" Yes.You. Are! "

" I am fucking not! " He shouts making an old couple look over at you and shake their heads mumblings something about " teenagers this days. ". You stick your tounge out at them and make a noise.

" Well here we are! " He shouts, trying to point with his arm thats hooked around your leg. You slip down from his back and plant your feet safely on the ground. You look up at the giant golden building. It had an old fashioned gothic look with huge windows and it was decorated with thick silver lines. There were also a few statuettes of Angels, both male and female. Alex snaps his fingers in front of you making you snap out of your trance.

" Come on let's go check in. " He pulls at your arm making you come with him. The huge doors open automaticly and you take in the view of the lobby. You were surprised. It looked nothing like the outer building. It looked exactly like any normal lobby that was down on earth. There were red couches and small coffee tables placed around and in the left corner a young woman stood behind a white desk smiling at you.

" May I help you? " She asks so sweetly you were sure you would get diabetes.

" Yeah, I rented room 403 for a few weeks but I'll need a bigger one since I got company. " He says laying his arm around you. The young womans face falls alittle and you can't help but smile.

" Oh, well, we have a two man room on the 7th floor, is that ok? " Alex look over at you and you nod at him.

" Yeah that will be fine thank you. " He says as he trades his old keys for the new ones. Her hand brush his and she starts giggling. Alex raises a brow at her and she quickly shuts up finally realising she should just give up and that she didn't have a chance on him. You make sure to grab his hand tightly and glares daggers at her that screams " Stay away from my boyfriend or I'll break both of your legs and feed you to my pet pig Al! "

" Hey would you mind if I go to the cafe to buy with me a sandwich? I haven't eaten since, well since i was on earth. " You say petting your stomach and he nods.

" Sure. Just come up to..." He reads at the key.

" Room 707. "

" Yeah ok I'll be right there. "

" Wait you'll need money! Here, take my wallet. " He says as he hands it to you.

" Oh, thanks. " You take it and wave at him settling for the cafe. You enter it and all you could see was two 14 year old girls giggling about something. Probably about bleached hair or something. You walk over to the aisle filled with different sandwiches and tries to deside what to buy. A young girl holding a coffeecan walks over to you. She had dark her and her nametag read " Jana. " She couldn't be older than you. Possibly younger.

" Hello. " she says cheerily with a big smile revealing pearly white teeth.

" Hey, how much for that chicken sandwich? " You ask.

" Mmmh 14, 95 mingers. "

" Mingers? "

" You don't know what mingers are? "

" No, never heard of. "

" Oh. You must be new. Well mingers are our valuta. You know, money. "

" Ohh! " You say asa lightbulb lit up in your head. You open Alex's wallet and take out a 20 mingers bill.

" Here you go, could you give me a Solo too? "

" Sure! " Jana smiles and as she takes a bottle of the orangetasting godness and place it at the counter. You give her the bill and she hands you the chance.

" Byeee! Have a great stay! " She waves cheerily as you leave the cafe and walk over to the elevator. You couldn't bother take the stairs. You click at the 1th floor button and the elevator makes a rumbling noise. You see the number over the elevator change slowly as it finally hits the 1th.
The doors opens and you get inside pushing the 7th floor button. The doors close and the small nudge makes you jump in surprise. You start singing for youself.

" Sing us a soooong and we'll sing it back to youuuu, we could sing ouur oooown but what would it be without youuuu... " Finally the elevator stop and the doors open. You get out and try find your room. The doors where normal white painted wooden doors. You look at the sign saying " 701 - 710 ". You count down the numbers and your eyes land on room 707. You knock on it and you can hear feet subbing over the floor.

" Password? " You hear his voice call through the door.

" Password? We don't have a password. "

" Yes we do. I made one up while you were gone. "

" Ugggh...Fairtytale? "

" Nope. Try again. "

" Osama Bin Laden? "

" Try again. "

" Jesus? "

" No, sorry you've used all your three chances. "

" Let me in you goddamn motherfucker or I'll bite of your fingers one by one and feed them to you! " You shout and the door quickly unlocks. You pull down the doorknob and push the door open. You take in the view. It was beautiful. It wasn't big but it had lovely red walls and a white couch. In the other end was a huge double bed with white satin sheet. You can't see Alex anywhere but pretty soon you can hear him call for you:

" Come to the bathroom! I have a surprise for you! "


Finally an update, and sorry I couldn't fit you all in the chapter, but I promise that you will sooner or later.

And also, to make up for not posting for two days, I'll write a smutty hottub scene. But wait with the E-mails until I've posted a message here that it's finished.

Also, here is the song you sung in the elevator, It's called My Heart and is by a band called Paramore. I choosed this song cause it was mine and my ex girlfriend's favorite song when we were together and it's a really great love song
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
Helene, it was great! I'm lovin' it!XD And I like listening to Paramore, as well!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
WOOOOT great!

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Alexander_Rybak: I'm not sure how I can put you in while someone is having hanky panky in a hottub xD
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Hahaha my cute short legs XDXD
over a year ago Maddalp said…
big smile
Wonderful, Helene!! REALLY! ^^
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
@Helene okay I forgot lol BUT PUT ME IN IT on the 3th chapter! xd
over a year ago FaiiRyTaLe said…
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :')

Well ... if Alex needs a cup of coffee, he knows where to find me ;)

Thank you sooo much <3

Love it =) =) =)


and contiinuuueee !! :D :D
over a year ago Rosel_15 said…
Helene you realy imagine heaven very funny way ;D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Hihi yeah, I don't think you jump on fluffy clouds up there xD I believe it's like earth only without pain :D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
@ Helene
Helene is brilliant.
Enjoyable so lifelike!
We need more!