Alexander Rybak Recommended for 16+

santa6168 posted on Nov 12, 2009 at 06:48PM
Alex in bed.
just imagination.
forum for fun.
last edited on Jan 07, 2010 at 07:29PM

Alexander Rybak 2609 replies

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over a year ago silla17 said…
yeah that was really long

but on friday i have to start 09:15 and ends 11:45
so that is really short but that is good because it almost weekend :D:D:D

oh now curious about the rest s0nja ;)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
*falls off chair*
Gaaah Student Alex! :'D <33
over a year ago ALExXxRybakFaNn said…
S0nja I'm very curious now!!!
C'mon!! I love yours stories,and this one...plss
Cute Pupil! ~~~
over a year ago sammie23 said…
Hi girls!
I wrote a story about Alex taking a bathe naked. I think I said that it was my friend who saw this, not me. But she said it was ok to write it here.
Let me just tell you that in Norway there are many small beaches along rivers and lakes, and this happened in a river deep in the valleys. I asked my friend a couple of days ago what happened next, and here is what she told:

Susan and I were watching Alexander taking a bath. As soon as he got up Susann started to giggle because the icy water had done "something" to his - you know. He must have heard her, because he stopped very sudden and grabbed for his t-shirt, because he had no towel. It was a very very hot day. He covered himself with it and looked in our direction, and at first I thought he could not see us, but then he pulled on boxers and jeans in the fastest tempo I have ever seen. - I know you are there, he said.
Susan was scared. She refused to answer, and I didn't want to say anything either. It was sooo embarrassing. But still I had to watch him, and then I understood why he could not see us. It looked as if he was poking himself in the eye, and then I remembered - he uses contact lenses or glasses because he is very near-sighted. He must have dropped a lense in the river. He cursed a little.
Then he looked around him - and then he approached us... - Oh God, Susan whispered. I couldn't say anything at all. Alex was wearing only jeans now, and the elastic of the boxers were visible. His t-shirt was a little wet. His hair was still wet and he shook his head.
I stared at his chest. He had a lovely tan - slightly golden, and the muscles were twisting underneath the skin. He has the biceps of an athlete.
He got very close, and suddenly he sat down and saw through the bushes - and I whimpered. - Oh no....
- How long have you been lying there? How much did you see? he asked, and he sounded a little angry almost. - Not long, I said. Susan didn't say anything.
- We didn't see anything, I said very quickly, and he relaxed. He must have been anxious about us seeing him naked.
- You are sweet, he said then, and I just KNEW that he was staring at my behind. All I was wearing was a yellow bikini. - What are you doing tonight?
I gasped. Didn't he flirt with me??? I was so surprised that I could hardly answer. - Oh.... Nothing special... I said. Susan looked at me and then she opened her mouth for the first time. - We were thinking of having a barbecue here on the beach, would you like to come?
She was talking so fast that it was difficult to hear each word, but Alex heard her. Then he laughed. - No, sorry girls, but I have to go. I have a concert tonight.
Then he turned and left. One minute later he was running down the road, and the last we saw of him was that he entered his tour bus.

This is my friends story, and she swears it is true. I am not so sure, but I like it anyway. Hope you do the same.
Perhaps I will tell you about my own meeting with him another time?
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
OK I will take a look,now....
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
Haha yeah me too!! ;D I think and talk about him A LOT in school!! XD It drives my friends crazy!! They always joke about how they are going to change seats and move away if i mention him!! :P

Aaaahhh awesome stories yet again all of you!! ^^ Love them!!!! <3

and sammie23, WOW!! ^^ That is sooo awesome!! I'm not sure either if it's real but i still really love it too!! :D If i was in her place and he had heard or noticed me i would have quickly run away before he approached!! XD
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
Yes I agree with you....I would run away too...
over a year ago Lenii said…
Hello everyone!

I love all your stories,they are really great,but especially i love s0nja stories.It is a very good feeling,to know that somewhere is a people who is crazy for Alex like me....So i think that you all girls are so kind and cute....:)
over a year ago Jenni- said…
s0nja haha, I'm waiting the continue ! :D
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
sammie23: When you said the icy water had done something, what do you mean? that it shrimped? xD
over a year ago silla17 said…
yeah i think that she means that.

but that really happens to boys when they go in cold water.

how i know, i ask to brother-in-law (or something) and he said it was true that happens to boys.
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Yeah probably :3
over a year ago silla17 said…
but on the moment when i asked if that was true he looked at me like it was a stupid question.

did you know that when boys wake up en have to go to the toilet that they thing is up ( i have no idea how to say i right)
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
yeah its because they need to pee xD its called morningwood :3
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
big smile
LOL!!! HAHAHA!!! Trust you Helene to know that!! ;D LOL!! XD

Aww welcome Lenii!! :D Great to meet another crazy Alex lover!! :D Hope you have fun here!! ^^

s0nja, i can't wait for that to continute either!! :D Alex as a student!!! :D :D <33 aaahhh!! I have thought of that many times! hehe ;P Wish he was a student in my class!! ;D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Helene17 no...This means
:in the ice-water, boy's dick would so small hehehe
over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
aisa07: Yeah I know it will be smaller in cold water, i think i wrote it in an earlier comment :]
over a year ago aisa07 said…
HI Helene:::It does not matter so you can have another, but it's funny, but very unpleasant for the boys
over a year ago silla17 said…

i think that to aisa07 ;)

over a year ago silla17 said…

i just read what said Helene17Norway about morningwood.
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
Just continue your story Sonja....I can t wait....
over a year ago silla17 said…

i'm really curious now
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Hahaha XD Morningwood XDXD
Yes Sonja continue! :D:D
over a year ago Alexander_Rybak said…
cool stories :)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
Sonja, I want more of your story, it's greate :)
over a year ago qinga said…
Hello! I have one question. Have any one lyric for russian version 'if you were gone'?
over a year ago s0nja said…
The tent/lesson goes very fast. You say to Alex that you can show him around the school so he doesn't get so lost :). The next lesson you have in different places, so you show alex where the classroom is and then you go to your own.

It's lunchbreak. You're looking around for your friends. Suddenly you hear someone scream your name and you turn to that way. Then you see that Alex is sitting alone in a another table. Your friends scream for you again and you watch to their way. Then you watch to Alex way. You feel bad to see him alone so you go to sit with him.
- Hi, how is it so far, you ask him and sit down?
- It's good, he smiles a little.
- Nice, you say to him.
You talk with each other and laugh too during the whole lunch break. Then you realise while watching at your watch that you have to run.
- Oh shit, you say.
- What is it, Alex asks?
- I have to run or I'll be late, you say and start to take your stuff in a hurry.
- Then I should probably hurry too, Alex says.
- Okay, c'mon, you say and take his hand and start to run.

You come in just before the door close. You stand there a in the doorway a littlebit breathless. Then you go to take a sit. The lesson starts and you realise that you're still holding hands. You look at each other, then you take your hands away and you both look away from each other. The lesson starts and you write down notes but between writing Alex watch at you sometimes and smiles.

To be continued...
over a year ago Lenii said…
big smile
amazing story!!!!!i love it:D
over a year ago silla17 said…
it gets better and better that story

no hope the rest will come fast
i'm very curious s0nja
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Sonja, this is so interesting story ! And hihi that 'c'mon'...! ;)
over a year ago Fift33n said…
That's a very great story, Sonja! :D
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
O,Sonja!Whay you do this to me?Continue...pleace....
over a year ago s0nja said…
Then your teacher says that you're going to do a project in pairs. Beacause none of your friends are on these course you do it with Alex and he's a new student so you're like still his only friend. The project is about somekind of musichistory. You start to plan a littlebit with Alex. Both of you have great ideas. So when the lesson is over you walk from the university together and are still talking about the project. It's a really nice project so you're both very excited to work with it.
- So I hope we could meet up tomorrow to work on this, Alex says.
- Yes, ofcourse you say.
- Do you have tents tomorrow, he asks?
- Yes a few in the morning, you say.
- Okay, could we meet up after lunch for a coffee, he asks?
- Yeah, it's great, I'm free after lunch, you say.
- That's really nice. So how about 2 p.m, he asks again?
- Yeah that's fine, you smile.
- Can I have your number so we can call each other later if there's something, he asks?
- Yes, ofcourse, you say and put your number in his cellphone.
- Okay, thank's. See you tommorrow then, bye, he smiles.
- Bye, you smile back.

Your next day starts with your tents. But you have kind of hard to concentrate because you're thinking of the project. After your lunch you have a little bit time before the meeting in the cafe with Alex so you walk home to leave some books you don't need. Then you walk to the cafe.

Alex is waiting for you outside the cafe. He smiles when se sees you and you smile a "hi" to him. "Hi", he says and then you go in. He opens the door for you.
- Thank you, you say.
You go to buy something to drink. Then you go to take a sit. He helps you your coat off. You sit down and start to talk. You have a very good time and spend about 2 hours in the café talking and laughing.
- I thought that we could go to my place to work on the project. Is that okay, Alex asks?
- Yeah, you say.
- So shall we leave, he asks then?
- Yeah, you smile.
He helps you your coat on and opens the door for you again. Then you start to walk to his place.

You come to his place.
- You can leave your stuff here, he says.
- Okay, you answer.
Then you got to his computer to search some information from the internet. You print out some information and start to write. You work and after a few hours you descover that you have actually done quite a good job. Alex bring out some water.

To be continued....

over a year ago Jenni- said…
Sonja your story is so interesting ! Haha it's almost 4 am in Finland and I'm sitting in front of my PC. :D
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
over a year ago Maddalp said…
really good S0nja! ^^ I look forward to the rest of the story :D
over a year ago aisa07 said…
Sammie23 Me you to be the big favorite, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago s0nja said…
... - Oh, thank's, you say. He smiles to you.
- Oh, I should probably go now. Have some stuff to do at home, you say.
- Okay, he says.

You're standing in his doorway
- Really nice that you could come, he says.
- It was nice working with you. Maby you can come next time to my place, you say.
- Yeah, that would be nice, he say.
- We could continue working, you say
- Yes, he says.
- There is a party on Friday and nobody can come with me so would you like to come, you ask him?
- That would be really nice, he smiles.
You decide to meet up somwhere. Then you just look at each other. Then you get closer, your lips touch. You're quiet for a moment.
- So, see you on friday then, he says.
- Yeah. Bye, you smile.
- Bye, he smiles.

On friday you meet up and go to the party together. There are quite a lot of people. You go take something to drink. Then you find a place were you can talk. You don't really know what to do. After a while you notice that many people are dancing.
- Do you want to dance, he asks?
- Uhmm... I'm not quite good at it, you say.
- It doesn't matter. I'm sure you're not that bad, he says smiling a little.
- Okay then, you say.
He takes your hand and you let him lead you to the dancefloor.

You're dancing to "Milow - Ayo Technology". At the end of the song you realise how close to him you are. His hands are on your waist. Then comes a slow song. It's "You raise me up - Josh Groban". Alex look at you. Then he reach out his hand for you. You take it. He leads you more to the middle of the dancefloor. He's holding your both hands in his. Then he let them go and put his hands lightly on your lower back. You put your arms around his neck. Then you dance. At first it feels awkward. But after a while it feels better. You're head is lying on his chest. You feel that everybody around you has disappeard. In the end of the song Alex looks you deep in your eyes. It feels like forever. Then you hear applauses and see that everybody has probably dance to the song. You leave the dancefloor.
- Do you want to go for a walk, Alex asks?
- Yeah, that would be nice, you say.
You go to get your coats. He helps your coat on (again) and then you leave the party.

It's a very cold January night. The stars are shining and there are snow too. You're walking up to a place where you can see the whole city.
- Are you freezing, he asks?
- My hands are really cold, you say.
He takes your hands in his and hold them tight.
- Does it help, he asks?
- Yeah, thank you, you say.
- It's really cold out here. I don't want you to freeze. Come here, I'll warm you up, he says and reach out his hand.
You go closer to him and he hugs you. Then he look at you and you look at him. It starts to snow, slowly. Your lips gets closer each other. You kiss. A french kiss.

You come to his appartement. He opens the door. You go in he close the door. You're kissing all the time. You take off your outdoor clothes. He pulls you against the wall and start to take your clothes off. You open the buttons on his shirt. You stand against the wall now. He's opening his jeans. Then he carries you to his master bedroom and you fall on the bed. He kiss your neck. Your hands are in his fuzzy hair. Then he unbrace your bra. A sweet kiss on your mouth and then........ The genterness is unbelievebly wonderful and the whole night is so hot <3

Should I still continue?

over a year ago silla17 said…

it get better and better your story
over a year ago MissiX05 said…
big smile
Aaaaaahhhhhh!! :D AMAZING SONJA!!!! :D :D That was soooo CUTE!!! ^^

I always day dream about Alex being at my school in my class!! XD I actually did have a dream about it once where we were in pairs and had to do a science experiment and i kept breaking the glasses with the chemical solution in it and dropping them on the floor because i was so nervous working with him and Alex was laughing and helping me clean it up every time and once when i was holding lots of the stuff Alex tickled me and i dropped it all and the teacher kept telling me off for breaking the Equipment! XD haha :P Alex was bullying me and teasing a lot while we were working together but in a nice way ;D haha! XD

and YES!! YES!!! CONTINUE!! CONTINUE!!! pleeeaasseee!!! ^^ xxx
over a year ago MagicViolin said…
big smile
over a year ago Pozitiff said…
Of course, Sonja, you should continue!!! Your every story is so good, just unforgettable! Everyone here is waiting for the continuation of your story! <3
over a year ago AlxanderRfan said…
Omg! Such a great story! Just CONTINUE! NOW! xD
I love your stories..=)
over a year ago Lindaah14 said…
big smile
Sonja! :O How can you even ask that question? :O Ofc. you have to continue XD :D:D
over a year ago Jenni- said…
Sonja, sure ! :)
over a year ago silla17 said…
Everyone likes your story

that is good right
so you have to continue
over a year ago s0nja said…
Oh, I didn't thought that everybody wanted me to continue :D I'll do it when I have the time. Right now I have to go to bed or I'll be eaten by a monster or something xD :P

I just have to hope everyone: Sexy, Dirty, Sweet Alex Dreams ^^D <3
over a year ago silla17 said…
so do you

hope you dream about alex

over a year ago Helene17Norway said…
Awww Sexy,Dirty and sweet Alex dreams to you too Sonja, dont let the monster eat you then we'll be sad! D:
last edited over a year ago