My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Great Unrest RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Jun 26, 2014 at 07:23AM
If you look outside the window, what do you see? Peace, harmony, friendship... such things the new generations take for granted.

Of course, Equestria wasn't always the utopia as it is today. Let me take thee on a journey into the long past...

Before the birth of Celestia, before the seed of the Tree of Harmony sprouted, the three tribes - the unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi - put aside their differences and formed the united nation of Equestria. Gain was plentiful and ponykind prospered.

Then a new race emerged. The power of all three tribes united in these winged, horned ponies, who called themselves alicorns. They possessed the strength of the earth ponies, the flying skills of the pegasi and the magical abilities of the unicorns. It was only a matter of time until they took their place at the top of the hierarchy. On that day, Equestrian society took an unexpected turn...

Countless decades have passed by, and the years of abundance slowly faded away. The balance between the three tribes was disrupted. The alicorns remained unreachable for the common ponies, consulting the future of the nation behind the closed gates of their stronghold. Meanwhile the unicorn nobility plundered all the resources with the help of the highly trained warrior class: the pegasi.

The earth ponies soon found themselves at the bottom of the hierarchy; they were nothing more but peasants, slaves who were toiling tirelessly day and night, only to let the unicorns and pegasi enjoy the fruits of their labor. As humble spirits, the earth ponies let the rich take advantage of their strength and farming skills for years, but it still wasn't enough. Because there was a dark void in the souls of the old ones... a void that filled their hearts with an everlasting craving for more.

Very soon, the last drop will splash into the sea of suppressed rage and the deeds of the earth ponies will determine the fate of Equestria... this is the time of the Great Unrest.

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit,


- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)

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Useful tips:

- Okay, so this RP takes place in medieval Equestria. Therefore, the social structure reflects that as well. The hierarchy is the following:

- Kings/Queens/Royalty (Alicorns, max. 3)
- Lords/Ladies (Unicorns)
- Knights (Pegasi)
- Peasants (Earth Ponies)

- Please keep in mind, that the race of the character you join with will determine his/her role in the society and your place in the hierarchy, so choose wisely!

- As I mentioned earlier, there can be a maximum of 3 alicorn characters in this RP, because basically, they have all the power and resources. Therefore I must ask those who wish to play with an alicorn OC, to use this power responsibly and don't send entire armies to a bloodbath for example.

- The RP gives you an opportunity to control squadrons, even armies if the plot-line allows it. There will be massive confrontations, I can assure you.

- This RP will require a lot of teamwork from all of the players, because there will be many situations where you'll have to follow the chain of command. Think of it as a big war game. Jade, Wind and I will be in command of the earth pony forces and we'll stop at nothing to change the social structure. Mu ha ha! :D
If you look outside the window, what do you see? Peace, harmony, friendship... such things the new ge
last edited on Jul 08, 2014 at 01:38PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 5221 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: Well, I know you and Longsword can do something about that. you both are natural born leaders
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Well you know how Tsura can be. I prefer someone with the same level of her deals with it. I've noticed Summer and Tsura have been getting along.. So I might ask Summer to do something about it. Maybe she'll listen to her. Then we have Slingshot and Catapult. Especially Slingshot.


Tsura: *with the other gypsies and earth ponies, she draws a diagram beneath the castle in the dirt with a stick*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: Well, that's good to hear... Though, I have been wondering. Once Royalty is defeated, he will either be dead or will step down from the throne himself. I know him well enough from the past to know he is well known for having high honor. But, when that does happen, who will lead the kingdom
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *stays quiet for a moment* I never actually thought about that..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: Well, I'm sure someone in the rebellion would make a great leader, like Summer. She was queen once before, and I know she'd make a great queen
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *smiles* I think she'd like to hear that.. After all, she deserves it!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: I agree
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Tsura might even want to return to being a guard. A Colonel, perhaps. What about Catapult and Slingshot? Do you know anything about them? Have they told you what they're planning on doing after war?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: I'm not sure, but I bet they will go back to being guards for the queen. I think it is what they are more trained to do. But what will you and Longsowrd do after the war is over
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *shrugs* I really never thought about that.. It all depends on Summer, if she does become queen. I'll probably go back to my place in the hierarchy. I was born as a peasant. It's hard to work your way up from there.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Got to go. Got school tomorrow. See you later)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: Well, I suppose. But, at least you'll have my brother to help you with the work
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Where is everyone?)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(sorry for the long wait, I had a lot of stuff on my plate lately! But I'm back for now!)

Summer: *takes a walk around the camp, looking for any breaches in the perimeter*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *continues drawings the diagram of the dungeon from the Castle, explaining the Gypsies and others each corner of it*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: But, I'm sure my brother is looking for you, Wheat. Why don't you go see him (Smiles)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *smiles and stands up* Right. I'll be sure to inform the others about your belief. Also mine. *nods* Well, I hope you have a nice sleep. War is just around the corner and you need some rest. Goodnight, Steel. *walks out of tent, keeping a calm pace*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: Good night, Wheat
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *continues walking* I believe Summer would love to hear these news.. She does deserve it, after all. *walks around camp, looking for Summer*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: (Sits on mat) (Do not worry brother. Soon, you will have the freedom you wanted)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meanwhile with Tsura and the Gypsies..

Gypsy: But.. If we go there, we'll risk our lives on the amount of guards there are!
Tsura: That's why I'm telling you that a group of us will be freeing the prisoners from the dungeon. They'll immediately be on our side and fight with us! *draws a circle beneath the castle* At least twenty of you will be freeing them while the others fight above!
Earth Pony: How the hell are we entering that castle?
Tsura: Few ponies including me will sneak in that castle and drop the drawbridge. I'll give a signal, and as soon as you see it, war begins! There will be a group handling arrows on fire. When that drawbridge falls, they will be released.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Walks over) That is indeed a good plan... Only one problem. how do you tend to sneak in without at least alerting the guards. Sure enough, Royalty has increased the security of his castle by now
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Oh, on the contrary, deary. You see, I know the castle like the back of my hoof. Indeed, Royalty shall send many knights to guard. He expects us to appear tomorrow early at war. But what if we do.. A sneak attack, perhaps?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Hmm........ I think you may have something there, Tsura. Good plan
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Hmm.. *looks at diagram* But when..


Wheat: *from a distance of camp, she spots Summer trotting* There she is.. What's she doing? *walks towards Summer's direction in a fast pace* Summer! What are you doing out here? Far from camp?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Huh? *shakes head as the daze is wearing off* Oh... Wheat... you see, I was just checking the perimeter... and my hooves assumed control, as it appears... However, I could ask you the same!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Well, from what Slingshot told us, Royalty will have a meeting with other high members of the city. He will be too distracted then to find out about our attack. It's best to attack when he least expects it
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Relax.. No need for yelling, I'm right here. Anyways.. I wanted to discuss something with you.. What are you planning to do once war is over?


Tsura: Right.. What time is that meeting?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: I wasn't yelling, my dear. *smiles* You have not yet heard what it means when I'm yelling at somepony. although I don't know what I will be doing after everything's over. I don't think ponies would accept me... you guys did, but our relationship was forged in the furnace of battle. If ponies knew who I was, they wouldn't want me around...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: If I'm correct, it would be six, as soon as the sun sets
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Nonsense, dear! You've shown true friendship and loyalty to all of us. That destroys all the negatives believed by others. *grins* So I was thinking.. Who do you think will be ruling the country after Royalty is beaten?


Tsura: So that means we can attack at dusk.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Exactly
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Rule? You mean becoming a queen again? Haha, I am truly flattered, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to say no. I was a queen once... did not turn out so well after all...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *frowns* Summer... You must let go of the past! I know that deep down in you, you want to be queen. You'd make the perfect ruler! And no pony would hate you.

Tsura: Hmm.. Let me think, wait.. Things are different in the castle at dusk.. *draws again*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Waits for her to finish drawing)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Eh, perhaps for a short time... I could fill in until we establish a new order and things go back to normal. for the greater good...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: I think you mean for a long time. *smiles* So that's a yes! Hah! We've got our queen! Come, let's go tell the others!

Tsura: *finishes* Alright.. At dusk all windows are closed, except one. I can enter it and sweep my way down the drawbridge. Once it's down, you all will have to run for your life. Because if that thing goes up, you'll fall into a pit of water full of alligators.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Of course. We will also need some support from the archers on the castle wall, so perhaps we could have some rebels firing arrows from the back to give us support
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *furrows a brow* The crown is heavy. I'm not doing this because I enjoy it... but given the current circumstances, somepony must lead the country into a new era, or everything we have fought for will be lost in less than a year. We will have to eliminate Royalty and everypony who's loyal to him. If even a single one of them stays alive, a bloody civil war awaits us!
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Of course, I believe you. *turns and walks* You must miss being Queen.

Tsura: Good idea, Wonderboy.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Thank you, Tsura
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Well, I'd be lying if I said some part of me doesn't miss that! At the first decade of my reign, I truly enjoyed being a queen. Not because of the power, but because I thought I could finally do something good for my kind... so that my name won't be forgotten in the dust of time... but after some time passed by, I got really lonely... everyony was afraid of me, because I mercilessly took down anypony who dared to challenge my authority. My Inner Spark spared me from the decay of time, but when the signs of my elderly age did not appear on my body, even after being in power for over 30 years, my own kind turned against me, accusing me with witchcraft and allying with the Devil. They chased me out of my own caste and out of my own kingdom! And after that... what my bloodline has built up and protected for over 250 years, crumbled and become the prey of the griffons. So you now see why I'm not so eager to take the throne once more!
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Well I can assure you that won't happen again. You will be a beautiful queen loved by everyone. *tilts head forward* Come on.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: It is best we train at this very moment. We need as much training as we can get if we are going to end this rebellion once and for all
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: We shall see. but I'm only doing it for the sake of Equestria, because this war has to end now!
*follows Wheat* So where are the others?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Around the campfire. I thinks it's time for them to see their new queen. *arrives with Summer, looking at Tsura, then at Longsword* We missed anything?
Tsura: Beside the plan, nope. But that doesn't matter, unless you want to live. *gives a sarcastic smile*
Wheat: You should watch who you're talking too.
Tsura: Yeah. I'm talking to an earth pony, and a unicorn.
Wheat: An earth pony and a Ruler.
Tsura: *furrows eyebrow as she looks at Summer and grins* Well, your highness. *bows* Any advice?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Are these two always arguing)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *looks nervous and uncomfortable* Please,stop that! I thought we were over this! It's Wheat's idea anyways. She thinks I should rule after Royalty is defeated... but I think we should all take a vote first!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Well, actually, it was more of my idea. I just thought you would, as you do have experience with ruling a country