My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little Pony: Bliss Role Play

karinabrony posted on Jan 03, 2014 at 06:23PM
Hello! This is a role play. Ice Drop is on an adventure to find all of the princesses, but she needs friends to come along. She is also keeping a diary on her journey. You will need to fill this out:

[b]Hello! This is a role play. Ice Drop is on an adventure to find all of the princesses, but she nee
last edited on Jan 04, 2014 at 06:49PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 2912 replies

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over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Guys, my father sent me on a quest...*starts crying* h-h-hi-i-i-i-iis q-u-u-u-est was to l-l-l-le-e-e-e-e-eeave ya--'ll guys *sobs in sadness*
over a year ago KendiKens said…
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece: I'm sorry, for some reason, my dad HATES you. *cries majorly* I love you guys, but I'm gonna have to go*gets pulled by her dad*WAIT, I HAVEN'T SAID BYE TO ANYone....
Broken Piece:Mam, you're going to explain why your hanging out with these chumps later!*drops Crystal's diary on the floor on purpose*
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:Hey,she is our friend,and we're not chumps!We want our friend back!
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken Piece:Then you're going to fight me!
Broken Piece:Then you're going to fight me!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Chumps?! CHUMPS?!!! I've been called many things in my life, but chump?! And behalf of my friends, I will not tolerate such major disrespect!!!
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:I was never called chump!That is a stupid word with no meaning!I am on your side Summer!
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken Piece:Let's go then!
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:In first place,he must have respect for Summer.She is 10 000 years old,and he calls us chumps?No mister,find a place to hid!We won't get hurt at all!
Other Gem Soul:Stop!What is going on here?
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken PIece:Well, who is the one that's breaking my little girl's heart(hypnotizes Gem Soul)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: We have no idea what you're talking about!
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Other Gem Soul:You can't hypnoze me,silly!Dear Gem Soul,why does this happen?
Gem Soul:Don't you use dear Celestia anymore?
Other Gem Soul:No!I am the queen,with my husband,Fire Dash,the king!We use dear Gem Soul,and dear Fire Dash!
Gem Soul:*falls on the ground*
Other Gem Soul:Gem,are you okay?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken Piece:Fire Dash! thats the one!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Then you have a problem with him, not with us.
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Other Gem Soul:Wait,what has he done?
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken PIece: He's breaking my little girls heart, & I heard that she made a song for him!

Crystal PIece:Yes, but its not going to work </3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Oh, an overprotective parent... how lovely. Nevertheless, what you seek is not here. He has been corrupted by the Black Flame and left this place.
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Other Gem Soul:Hey,I see you love your daughter,but it's not his fault.He doesn't feel the same thing for her!
Gem Soul:*stands up*
Other Gem Soul:He has feelings for this pony here!
Gem Soul:*falls again*
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
This is the song:

It was the moment that I saw you, charming piece of gold every time i see you, you sparkle like the night sky m-m-m-m-my oh my im just too shy all of the times that i see you, you're always with snother girl, i wish it was just me, & you.........(made it on top of my head, i m a pretty good singer)
NocturnalMirage commented…
nice :) over a year ago
KendiKens commented…
I like this over a year ago
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Broken apiece:Well, I'll make him
Crystal Piece:Dad, it's ok. I'm just a weakling. just take me away :(
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: This conversation leads nowhere. I grow weary of it. If you truly love him, you'll have to fight for him. It's much easier to say it, than doing it.
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece:But how? I mean, there's no way that he'll like me, unless my dad does it, but if he does that, one of them would die.& im afraid it might be my dad
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Other Gem Soul:Nopony is going to die!I will talk with Fire Dash.Ya'll should stop the fight!Summer,take care of Gem!*flies away*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Take it from somepony who knows: If your father makes him like you, it would be nothing more than an illusion; an effect of a spell. It wouldn't be real,and what's worse you will lose your father. Besides, have you even tried talking with him about your feelings? In addition to that... as one mare to another: there are a lot of stallions out there.
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:*wakes up*I heard all of those you said!Crystal,you should talk to him,and if your dad makes him love you,your love won't be true,just a spell.And love spells don't last forever.In 5 years,it will be all over!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Exactly my point.
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal PIece:I know, I'm really desperate, I should just go back to LIghtning Bolt. We were so close together(its kinda me irl me & my friend Adam r REALLY close together)
NocturnalMirage commented…
I know the feeling all too well. :/ over a year ago
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:Agreed!So,you need to tell him the truth.Mabye the future Gem can tell us more!
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal PIece:You mean, you want me to tell him that I like him?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Yes. What can you lose? Even if he refuses, you won't have to live in uncertainty.
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece:Ok,If you say so......(annnnnd hes offline xD)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Good. (he'll be back soon enough. :)
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece:I feel really weak
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Understandable. Desire can make us feel weak. But the best way to overcome this weakness is to confess our feelings.
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:Hey,I'll help you,and if he refuses you,I'll help you find an other stallion!*shines to much for Crystal Piece*
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece: Like, who got taken 2 times by that fat dragon chic?Me.Who defeated Nightmare Dash? Everyone BUT me.I'm the weakest link.:l I know I can do something, but I'm just, me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: There's nothing wrong with you, stop thinking that way. Everypony has their special talents. You are no exception.
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Gem Soul:Sweetie,you shouldn't be sad!It's not anyproblem,you're shy,so what?We want you as our friend the way you are!Now,stand up!
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
brb im goin on my other laptop
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Haha, this RP just turned into a mental hygiene session. :)
over a year ago KendiKens said…
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(To be honest, I don't even know if we're dealing with real life problems here or not. :)
over a year ago KendiKens said…
(Well,me too!I don't even have this kind of problems at all!)
over a year ago jordy_dash said…
(Ikr lol and now some words from our sponsors... Drugs are bad, don't do them, now back to our scheduled program)
Fd:*in his mind"go on fire dash, kill them, they defy you and that red one thinks she's better than you..kill her first with me...your dark fire!" N no they don't defy me! No one does, im the king, i control all the fire in equestria....without me it would burn! They respect me"no they don't, the want to destroy you and me" no NOOOOOO!
NocturnalMirage commented…
lolz over a year ago
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal PIece:Um,Fire Dash, I have something to say..............
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KendiKens said…
Other Gem Soul:Fire Dash,stop!*her magic stops him*Listen to me!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Ah, there he is! How convenient... I have a score to settle with him anyways.
over a year ago jordy_dash said…
Fd:yes gem? Yes crystal?
over a year ago Rendal_Pony said…
Crystal Piece:I know this is probably a bad time, but I-I-I-I like you -is majorly scared-
over a year ago jordy_dash said…
Fd:crystal i know you like me cause were friends*flips mane out of his eyes*