My Little Pony Friendship is Magic I Am Hope RP

Quillabex posted on Dec 24, 2013 at 11:30PM
This rp is specially made for a short fanfic that I will write to get used to the big one I am doing with NocturalMirage.

INTRO: We always thought we would have a brighter future, but we were wrong. The year is 2345. Our two leaders of a once free Equestria are at war against each other. It's been like this since 2020, and there is no hope in stopping the war. I am one of the unlucky ones who live in the Solar Empire. It's a dictatorship. My goal: gather as many ponies as possible and get to the Lunar Republic.

PLOT: Basically the main protagonist, Bolt Strike, has his eyes set for joining the Lunar Republic for a new Equestria. There is only one problem. The walls are 500 feet tall and heavily guarded. There is only one opportunity to escape the walls; and that is the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, where mostly everypony will be at.

(put your info in a response to my question)

1. Don't mary sue
2. Use common sense
3. Try to respond daily
4. No alicorns - only pegasi, unicorns or earth ponies as your character
5. Have fun!

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 902 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 902

over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Hmm.. Oh! Over there. *points to a coal worker in the corner* There's him but no guards in sight. Right see you later Burst.
last edited over a year ago
_Laugh_ commented…
Just saying, my oc is a mare. :3 over a year ago
ChibiEmmy commented…
Saw on the recruitment thing for the rp, so I'm aware :D over a year ago
_Laugh_ commented…
Oh, okay. ^_^ Sowwy 'bout that. over a year ago
ChibiEmmy commented…
It's not a problem at all! over a year ago
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: I am tired of this place! *stabs pickaxe on dirt* Us earth ponies deserve better.
Coal Miner: *laughs*
Steel Charmer: What's so funny?
Coal Miner: Everypony in this stupid Empire believes all earth ponies are useless. So, deal with it.
Steel Charmer: We are not useless!
Coal Miner: Then go tell that to our so called Princess.
Steel Charmer: Oh, I will.
Coal Miner: Ha. Good luck with that. *digs*
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Racist Bastards...
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Guards start walking in the tunnel. They start checking how much progress have the miners done.

Coal Miner: Great..
Guard: Name!
Coal Miner: Green Leaf, sir.
Guard: You're new here. What have you done today?!
Coal Miner: Hm, let me think. Oh yeah, bullshit. A waste of my time! *growls*
Guard: I can see you're up for a fight.
Coal Miner: I'd do anything to kill our leader.
Steel Charmer: Oh no..
Guard: I'd like you to repeat that I front of our princess!
Coal Miner: Try me. *smirks*
Guard: *takes out whip from armor*
Steel Charmer: You little... *gallops to Guard and throws him on the ground*

Guard: Ugh! *stands up* How dare you?! *whips Steel Charmer's face*
Steel Charmer: *covers cheek*
Guard: Peasant! *leaves*

All Guards leave.

Steel Charmer: *takes hoof off cheek and sees blood* Ow..
Coal Miner: Thank you. *continues digging*
Steel Charmer: You're welcome.. *grabs towel and fills it with dirty water* *wipes towel on cheek*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: Shit! *runs out to Steel* You okay?
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Yeah, don't worry about it. *looks up* *gasp* You're a.. A pegusus.. *eyes widen* How'd you know my name?!
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: *Pulls out Healing Cream and a clean towel with magic* Hold on... *Cleans up Steel's cheek* Just dont touch your cheek for awhile and it shouldn't get infected.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: I can hear the voices below my apartment. One of the guards called out your name...
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Why is there digging below the city? Is the mines so dried out that they need to disturb the city's foundation?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Thank you. *smiles* Wait.. You two live up there? In that old apartment?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: Mostly everypony does. They only ponies who get the housing back before the war only belong to the respects, a.k.a Celestia. But apartments are probably the best housing you'll get. There are shacks as well, but most ponies live on the streets in alleyways.
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Ya... It's pretty hard to get housing now adays...
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Oh dear.. That apartment is going down. Celestia has ordered us to build another Mine through this mountain. We have to destroy anything that blocks it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: What!?!? But a lot of ponies will then be homeless!!
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: I'm truly sorry. But those are orders from that alicorn.
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Then... The only thing we can do is warn Everypony early so they have time to get out now and find a place to stay...
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Ugh. I'd prefer to be in the other side of the wall. I can't stand our leader here.
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: That's not gonna be easy, the guards wont like it.
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Do all the Earth Ponies stay down here in the mines while Unicorns and Pegasi are up above? I haven't been in the Solar Empire long, so I was just wondering...
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Not all earth ponies work here. Many are above growing crops.
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: But in the end, they're still being worked like slaves... We really need to get outta here, to that Lunar Republic.
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: I wish. That's impossible. *continues digging*
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Like I once read in a book that was stuffed in my face, nothing is impossible. And I WILL get out of here. Even if I die trying.
Does anypony care to join me?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Nothing is impossible? Try stapling water on a tree. But anyways, Yes. I sure will join you. *stabs pickaxe on ground*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: *sighs* Alright. We don't have much time, we must warn them. C'mon! *starts to run towards the exit but two guards blocks his way*
Guard 1: Halt! Ident- wait a second, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED DOWN HERE!
Bolt Strike: Not allowed down here my ass! *punches the guard and continues the run but the second guard dives and pins Bolt down*
Guard 2: Respect the authority *starts to pull whip out but Bolt kicks him off and instead of running decides to fight*
Bolt Strike: You want respect? Come and get it.
*the first guard goes in for the attack of Bolt Strike dodges it easily but gets hit by the second guard. He stumbles backwards a bit, wiping the blood off of his face. More guards come and surround him. He looks around, knowing that he's defeated, but he doesn't show it. Another guard goes in for the attack while two behind follow. Bolt Strike punches the attacking guard but gets pinned by the other two. He starts to figet to get out of their grip, but they dont let go. The guards suddenly stand in a straight shoulder to shoulder line as the Commander in Cheif walks slowly through the tunnels with two Generals (the one from earlier and another one) walk behind him.
Commander: What's this we have here? A pegasus in the mines?
Guard 1: We found him with this unicorn sir, talking to that miner *points to Steel Charmer*
Commander: *walks up to Bolt Strike* *bolt strike has his head down, exhausted from fighting* Son, if you really wanted to work in the mines, you could've just asked *he says sarcastically* What's your name?
Bolt Strike: ...
Commander: You will speak when you are told to. Now don't make me ask again *looks at whip scars* unless you don't mind getting a few more scars on your body.
Bolt Strike: *mumbling* My name is Bolt Strike...
Commander: What's that son?
Bolt Strike: My name is Bolt Strike..... sir.
Commander: There. That's more like it. *looks at the guards holding Bolt Strike* Take him to the cells *looks at Minty Green and Steel Charmer* Them too *other guards put cuffs on them and make them walk in a proper formation. they head out the exit into the light, towards the castle. the other ponies watch as the three walk in defeat*
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Like Striker had said before, the Summer Sun Celebration will be the only time when the guards won't be on the walls. So we just need to gather some ponies, grappling hooks, climb the walls and run. And also some TNT...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Bolt Strike: *in cuffs* ...Shut...up.... they'll... hear you
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
The Coal Miner that Steel Charmer had defended started to follow her. Steel Charmer rapidly shook her head, telling her to stay where she was to not get hurt. The Coal Miner slowly nodded.

Steel Charmer: You bastards!
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: *MintyGreen chuckled* I may have said that louder then I wanted. *she hung her head* That always happens when I get ahead of myself.
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
As being dragged through the crowd, Steel Charmer sees her mom. Her mom was staring at her, with tears in her eyes.
over a year ago iceandsummer said…
Starburst: *sees them from above* Oh great...
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: I have a feeling there is going to be some sad news and that there was a death. *she shrugged* Just a hunch.
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: This is a nightmare.
Guard: Shut up! You speak when asked!
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Hey!! *she pushed the guard* You shut the fuck up bitch! She can talk whenever the fuck she wants dumbass!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Guard: *pulls out whip and whips minty 5 times* SHUT UP OR YOU'LL GET MORE OF THAT!
Bolt Strike: Minty... *they finally reach the cells and the guards throw them into their own.
Guard: Bolt Strike you'll be up first when the time comes *locks all doors*
Bolt Strike: Crap...
over a year ago iceandsummer said…
Starburst: *still outside clearing clouds* *thinks; I've gotta help them somehow....*
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: *kicks wall*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
(making a little trailer for this guys. just because :3 )
ChibiEmmy commented…
Oooooooooooo! over a year ago
_Laugh_ commented…
xD Awesome! over a year ago
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: I now have a hit list, and he is first in line to die. *she growls weakly* Shit! Sorry guys, it's my fault your in here. I couldn't hold back my anger, that bitch and her dumbass guards need to all get thrown into a pool of lava... *Minty curls herself into a ball*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iceandsummer said…
Starburst: *sits in a cloud with her hooves on her face* What do I do...?
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: *growls* *shouts* I HATE YOU CELESTIA!
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Did he throw my bag in with me?
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: What bag?
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: Hmm... Never mind. Must have dropped it, which is very, very good...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iceandsummer said…
Starburst: *looks up* Oh yeah... Striker said something about the Summer Sun Celebration.... I'll try... I'll try my best.
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel. Charmer: *sigh* *looks out through window and sees Starbust* He can help us..
over a year ago ChibiEmmy said…
MintyGreen: *she slowly picks herself up and goes by the window* Steel! Get Burst to come over to my window!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Let me try. If I shout, those stupid Guards will hear me. Hey! You! That pony clearing the clouds!
over a year ago _Laugh_ said…
Steel Charmer: Ugh. She can't hear me. MintyGreen, try to use your horn.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago iceandsummer said…
(Um... Starburst is a girl...)
Starburst: *ears perk up and she looks at Steel, putting a hoof to her mouth then pointing down at the guards*