Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Kanto! Legendary Saga!

Taika posted on Jan 24, 2014 at 10:39PM
3 months ago, Team Rocket made an attempt at taking over the pokemon league. However, due to the combined effort of several trainers, they were defeated. Afterwards, they began seeking power, this search leading to the Legendary Pokemon. With control over such power, there's no telling how much terror would befall the world. So in order to protect the world from such a fate, Professor Oak began tracking these legendaries down, in hopes of capturing them before team rocket.


-No godmodding!

-No swearing/use of profanity

-No sexual themes

-Try to use proper grammer,and don't talk like you're texting on a cell phone.

Example:"r u ok?"

-No one line posts

Example:"Bob ate the burger"

-Kanto Pokemon only

Hmm,that should be about it....

(P.S-They invented Quotation marks," " for a reason you know.It's been a reoccuring problem with people not using them,and just saying things like,as i quote,but won't use their name,or Character's Name"~INSERT NAME~ said i know you can do it you just got to show you stength you know how weak they think you is and then smiled then said thank you for lunch then walk away with a smile."Unqoute.No quotation marks," " and it's hardly recognizable their talking,it.'s just more words! XP)

Character Criteria....








Starter Pokemon:

Pokemon Team:

Okay then! A world of adventures and dreams await! Let's go!
last edited on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:18AM

Pokémon 2504 replies

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Showing Replies 901-950 of 2504

over a year ago Taika said…
Matt's P.O.V

I shrugged at Abigail's comment."Maybe it's boring,but it isn't as much work to simply do nothing,as it6 is entering a near life-threatening storm zone to ccapture a poke'mon of extreme power on a mounts-ain t6hat never stops storming,while racing against time to capture every other legendary from an evil team that wants to rule the world."i said,pretty much stating our exact situation.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I still believe we're too young for this" Magia finally says. She had asked Nurse Joy for a cup of hot chocolate, while the others were talking, and was now drinking it slowly "I mean, isn't it a bit too risky, sending out a bunch of kids to do this kind of job? Even if we have entered the League, it's still not something a few kids will manage to accomplish" she says, and takes a gulp of her chocolate "By the way, do you have any idea how we're going to enter that thing and find Zaptos? Because, from how you have discribed everything, it pretty much seem impossible to pass through" she says, looking at Matt.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: your never too young to be heros
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(kay guys.....................wherever you r.....i am coming.........yes exams..that terrorising thing.....it comes like a nightmare and stabs us from behind,we,poor high-schoolers,reside with terror in our minds......of the exam devil!!*dramatic lightning and creepy shadows!* and matty,the rest of us have not gone nuts,like u have..........!!!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
leo burst through the doors....."you guys are here too?"she says looking at abigail,magia and matt(and if there's someone else...........) "well,i kinda agree with magia too........there is no way we r gonna get that done............unless,we r in a movie.................!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Taika said…
"Hi Leo..."Matt said distantly,then focused."I know we aren't grown-up comic book heroes....but,even so,we can do anything if we try!"He finished.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"maybe......."leo says shrugging....she was looking at the floor........"how r you planning to do it anyway...?"
over a year ago Taika said…
"Well,no matter which way we go,it's not safe,considering the storm zone's weather..."Matt replied."So,i'll just go by land,and hope i can make it through..."He felt an odd nervousness in the air.Leo was looking at the floor,and everyone else was talking to each other.But,somehow,a feeling of nervousness had overcome him,and he wasn't sure why.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"right-o!"she says still looking at the ground,she sits on the couch and turns on the tv................it was kwms!!!...well,watching a little anime might help clear my head..she thinks leaning forward ......
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Ooh, what are you watching?" Magia asks, walking over to Leo and sitting on the couch next to her. "Anime? Ooh, I haven't watched any for ages!" she exclaims, now looking like she was being hypnotised by the TV.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"is it?then you should get back to it!"leo says smiling"and presenting kaichou wa maid sama!i am not a big fan of it....but it's kinda hilarious...!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Kaichou wa Maid-sama?" Magia asks, recognizing the name "I watched a few episodes of that show, but then I stopped because I forgot where I was left..." she says, knocking her head nervously.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"cool!i haven't watched much either....just ep 1 and 2..........."leo says.................."it is kinda funny but i found s.a better............you know,since everyone says s.a is a rip off of kwms........."
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hmm... I haven't heard much about those animes.." Magia says thinking "Mind giving me some sort of like discription? 'Cause I want to watch some new animes but I don't know which ones"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"S.A..........it's a yaoi type,it doesn't approve to most ppl....well,anyways...it's about how hikari honozano always try to beat kei takishima,the best kid in school....."leo says"without realizing kei has got feelings for her..............another anime i'd recommend?fulmetal alchemist....oh,rozen maiden too.............."she says thinking of all those animes she liked.............."inuyasha's interesting.....so is another.............."
pipiqueen commented…
g2g!hoping to b back in an hour! over a year ago
Nojida commented…
See you Pippy! over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oho, you sure have watched many animes!" Magia says impressed. She wasn't really used in watching animes, as she was always too busy to watch TV...
over a year ago Taika said…
Matt's P.O.V

I listened to their conversation quietly,sitting in a chair near the couch.What is this feeling....this chilling feeling....what's going on!I panicked in my head.What's....wrong with me?I hadn't noticed the fact my body was visibly shivering,but i didn't care either way.I was too busy feeling weird.Why....is this feeling....so cold?I thought,scared by whatever was causing this.
over a year ago Nojida said…
Magia looks back at the TV, and notices Matt, with the corner of her eye. He was...shivering? She looks back at him, a curious and concerned expression on her face "Matt, you feeling okay?" she asks.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
leo was way too busy watching kwms ,to have noticed matt.........yes...it was her habit to focus on tv sooo much...she barely realised what was happening around her..................
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: matt you ok?
*Abagail look worry*
over a year ago Taika said…
Matt sighed,as the feeling went away."I'm fine...i,just....felt weird.....nothing important..."He waived it off,trying to snap bck into reality.It's gone now,but.....He thought,breathing slowly,in n effort to calm himself down.What.....was that?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: i dont know are you sick?
*abagail feel matt head*
over a year ago Taika said…
Matt felt it again.It was as if he were sweating,but his sweat was cold,as he feltthe same,eerie chill wash over hisw body.It sent shivers down his spine,and it just made him feel flat out uneasy.The coldness was causing him to shake again,despite the warm temperature of the room.My heart rate increased,but,when Abigail felt his head,he felt fine.Why...this fear...where did it come from?....He thought,as his body began to shiver more.The feeling then subsided again,and,little did Matt know,he was being watched.

Meanwhile,close nearby...

A boy,about 16-17 years old,watched Matt and his friends,a sinister look in his rainboq colored eyes."So,looks like i finally found another one..."The boy said,smirking."I'll have fun with him,before i utterly destroy him!"He said cal,mly,gazing on at them for a few more seconds,before leaving.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: matt you feel fine but i want you to take the day and rest ok?
*Abagail have worry in her eyes then notice how mewtwo seen to know there another person near by*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Taika said…
"Abigail....really,i'm fine.....don't worry about it..."Matt said uneasily,trying to get Abigail to not make him rest.He needed to make sure they caught Zapdos tody,no matter what.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
leo had noticed by now how matt was sweating............she wasn't sure why...or was she? well......she just concentrated on the show...........
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: you sure matt if you need anything tell me ok were friends
*Abagail smiles sweety*
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I'm pretty sure he's lying, but..." Magia thinks to herself, examining Matt from head to toes, hearing what he says very carefully, in an effort to see if he is lying. But she failed "I wish mom was here, she can always tell if people are lying or not..." she thinks to herself, sighing. Nice friend she was.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(um....i'm out of ideas...help...........!!!!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Me too, actually XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(well...........here r your options-
~type about totally random ppl in totally random places
~blanky game
~um......well,talk about how to get to zapdoaz
~and....................um...............­tel­l about your self!(woah that was random!))
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Wow, you should give options more often! XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(thank you !thankyou!
so which is it then???)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Um.... How about we post about random people?)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(right!i'll start-

liz was all packed!atleast she thought she was! "no matter how many times i do it,i still get excited in the biginning of my journey"'she says exchanging a meaningful smile to infernape who was standing nearby.infernape grins back and stares at the vast sea...........
liz,our champion, was 16,she had travelled all regions and also won the hoenn league and the unova league.......and here she is at the port..........

"now kalos ,here i come!"she says waiting at the port in sinnoh,and soon the ship came,the one that would take her to kalos,her next region...............
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Mind if one of my characters runs up to her? XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(no probs!see,you don't even have ask that!let the character run up to her!yes!*random music*)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh-kay XP)
"Gotta hurry gotta hurry gotta hurry!" Alexa exclaims, running as fast as lighting. She was chasing her Pokemon around all day, that she forgot that the ship was going to arrive soon "Oh man, you guys are going to pay once we get there!" she growls, looking down at her Pokeballs.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
liz sees alexa....."hey alexa!"she says and waves..................(i don't know how she knows her............but..yeah!) "late again huh?"
liz knew these young trainers better than anyone....well, she used to be like this too....late...late until the last minute...she smiled remembering about her past!

(liz's photo-
liz sees alexa....."hey alexa!"she says and waves..................(i don't know how she knows her...
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(*in Photo Finish's thick accent* I, DragonAura15, have arrived!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Or have you?! Oh wait, you have XP)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Yes, I have XD Glad that's clear)
over a year ago Taika said…
(A true hero arrives in the nick of time to save the day!They never give up,no matter what the danger or risk!They continue to valiantly fight for those who deserve justice!Now welcome,the legend among Heroes,Taikamodo the great!)

Matt,having finally calmed down,noticed Magia with a thought-ish look on her face,similar to what he had been looking like when.....He lightly blushed at the thought,but shook his head to clear his thoughts.Speaking of those thoughts,he noticed Leo had yet to even acknowledge his existance since coming in,when she bursted through the door and greeted everyone.She was problably engrossed in what she was watching.She must really liikkke that show...He thought sweat dropping.He then noticed that Aaron and Daisy hd hung up a few minutes ago,probably to get to Pallet as soon as possible.Matt sighed,realising that he was getting fcarried away in his thoughts again.Deciding to ease theirminds a bit from his recent trembling,he acted his usual goofy self."I'm fine i'm fine....anyway,before i forget,I got a question for everyone....."He stopped for dramatic effect!"nnd you'll find out what i'll ask on the next episode of,Matt's Life!Dun-Dun-Duuh!"He declared,adding his dramatic theme music at the end..
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(all of you are making your grand entrances,i,shall give it a shot..........

*a path with flowers on either side*people bluff,they bluff a lot! some say how dangerously intelligent they are.....while some consider themselves the greatest...but let's just say,i,am probably not the greatest teenager to be born,neither am i a child prodigy or anything.....just an average highschooler trying to fit in this great puzzle,known as LIFE and at the same time live it to the fullest,but i believe,i too have a purpose in life, something which is important ...............*calm and peaceful music* thank you.............!!!)

"oh great there he goes again....!"leo says sighing...."hey matt,have you ever heard of the word 'HUMILITY'?"leo asks ....grinning.......
over a year ago Nojida said…
(*Me and the crowd cheer loudly from the backround* Bravo! Bravo! This is probably the greatest entrance I have seen!)
(Ooh, can we do a behind the scenes thing? XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(thank you!X3 *bows spanish type*by the way,i am wearing a white gown!XP)
(sure!though i don't get what u actually mean!XP)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, wow XP)
(Well, it's like we're shooting the episode, and the actors get a break or something XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(i know that,but you mean,of the rp or the entrances or anything else?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Of the RP XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(right!like i said,g2g!see u after 3 hrs maybe!)