Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Kanto! Legendary Saga!

Taika posted on Jan 24, 2014 at 10:39PM
3 months ago, Team Rocket made an attempt at taking over the pokemon league. However, due to the combined effort of several trainers, they were defeated. Afterwards, they began seeking power, this search leading to the Legendary Pokemon. With control over such power, there's no telling how much terror would befall the world. So in order to protect the world from such a fate, Professor Oak began tracking these legendaries down, in hopes of capturing them before team rocket.


-No godmodding!

-No swearing/use of profanity

-No sexual themes

-Try to use proper grammer,and don't talk like you're texting on a cell phone.

Example:"r u ok?"

-No one line posts

Example:"Bob ate the burger"

-Kanto Pokemon only

Hmm,that should be about it....

(P.S-They invented Quotation marks," " for a reason you know.It's been a reoccuring problem with people not using them,and just saying things like,as i quote,but won't use their name,or Character's Name"~INSERT NAME~ said i know you can do it you just got to show you stength you know how weak they think you is and then smiled then said thank you for lunch then walk away with a smile."Unqoute.No quotation marks," " and it's hardly recognizable their talking,it.'s just more words! XP)

Character Criteria....








Starter Pokemon:

Pokemon Team:

Okay then! A world of adventures and dreams await! Let's go!
last edited on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:18AM

Pokémon 2504 replies

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Showing Replies 651-700 of 2504

over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: but your in my world im guessing intill i wake up you will wake up too
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I honestly have no idea.." Neal says, scraching the back of his head "In the Dream World I used to enter, I just waited for this thingy to take me out.. I don't know how things work in other worlds.."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: well human dreams are diffent
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I see.." Neal says "This is my first time entering one, so I wouldn't know.."
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: that kinda untrue see when you sleep you go to your dream world
over a year ago Taika said…
"Ugh...i'll explain.You see,when you sleep,you enter your own dream world.When you are in your own world that you control,soething like pinching your cheek will disturb your mind's rest,and wake you up.."He said."But when you enter someone,or something,else's dream,their minds control the world,and disturbing your own rest won't have any affect...."He stopped again."But Hisoka,combined ith your emotional pain,is blocking your mind from your body,and until the pain is removed,Hisoka won't leave,and you won't be ble to wake up..."Matt finished,then looked at Abigail again."Now,Abigail,i told you to forgive him.I didn't tell you to just say you forgive hi,or to only forgive him to see all your poke'mon again...."His already golden colored eyes turned golder,and the aura surrounding his body started to glow more."I hate the fact that oone of my friends is hurting so bad,but i hate even more that you're letting yourself be hurt!"Matt clenched his fists."Even if he broke your heart,you aren't dead,and here he is,trying to apologize,and you basically don't want to accept it!Are you trying to hurt yourself?Either forgive silver,or get over him,so you can wake the heck up already!I mean,it's like you want to be sad and alone!If it's this important,do something about it!"He had a mean streak,whenever he got frustrated.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: i do forgive silver i really do i try to block off my heart so it cant be hurt so i say things witch i dont mean
over a year ago Taika said…
Matt sighed."That isn't forgiving a perrson.'Locking off your heart?'That is not forgiving a person!If you lock your heart away,you......"Matt stopped,realizing something."Wait,you seriously think 'locking away your heart so it can't be hurt' is acually gonna help!Seriously,you must not be very smart then."Matt smirked."If you do lock your heart,then i will personally smash that lock,as your friend,so don't even try that!"He poked her in the chest,mainly to make a point."So,please forgive him,let him into your heart again.Because if he ever hurts my friend,Magia's friend,Leo's friend,All of your poke'mons trainer,Niki's friend,and Yumi's sister...."He placed his hand over his chest."Then i swear this time,we'll all mske sure,he never hurts you again.So....please,,for your friends,for your poke'mon,and for you......Even Silver himself,who feels bad knowing this is all his fault..."He looked her in the eye,his now glowing yellow eyes looked right at Abigail."Seriously,give him one last chance.If you won't,and you intend to stay in a dream forever...then..."He looked for a second like he was going to cry,but then the look changed to a serious,and dead on look."I at least,hope you have a nice dream...."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: your right matt thank you
*Abagail hugs matt*
over a year ago Taika said…
Matt looks a little surprised for a moment.Then he regained his composure."Oh,it was noth'in really!I just got a bit worked up,y'know!"He then got a look of confusion."Hey,i forgot to ask before..."He pointed at Neal."Who are you exactly?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
Neal snaps out of his thoughts, which were trying to understand what Matt said this whole time, and answers "My name's Neal, and, as I hear, yours is Matt" He didn't find anything else to say, as he was completely confused and couldn't really join in the conversation. The only thing he wanted now was to get out of wherever he was, and return back to Prof Fennel's lab. He's had enough of all this nonesnse.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: goodbye everyone *pitch her cheeks*
yumi see her sis open her eyes
yumi:Abagail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Abagail*
Abagail: sister.......
over a year ago Nojida said…
Neal suddenly disappears along with Gas...

"Woah!" Neal exclaims, quickly sitting up and almost falling off his bed because of the shock. Gas, who was sleeping next to him, immidietally wakes up and starts flying around panicked. "You're awake!" Prof Fennel, who was sitting next to Neal's bed, exclaims relieved "I thought you were going to be stuck in that world forever!" she says, her eyes slowly tearing up. "I pretty much thought the same, too" Neal says, scraching the back of hs head. He didn't show it, but he was very relieved that he was finally in prof Fennel's labratory, in Unova. Back home, away from all the craziness... "Say, Professor" Neal decides to ask "What was with that world? Everyone said it was the Dream World, but..." he paused, looking down. Fennel sighs "I'm really sorry you had to go through that.. What you saw now was the dream of a human, not a Pokemon. It wasn't Gas' dream, but a girl's. Everything in that world is completely different than in the Pokemon Dream World" she excplains. Neal looks at her blankly. So, that wasn't the Pokemon Dream World? "Wow..." he didn't find anything else to say.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi: *crying* oh abby dont scared me like that again!
Abagail: sister........
over a year ago Nojida said…
(What to do now? XP)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(you can vist Abagail)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Where, and how? XP)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(any way you want and ps im making a rpg game)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Where is Abagail now anyway? And what's that rpg game about?)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(abby in her house and all i can say 4 teens trap on a ice mountain)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(So how is whoever character I'm gonna use supposed to enter it? XP)
(Oh I see. I'm also working on a RP right now, still writing the description)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(mine horror hard but fair)
(up to you)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Huh, and huh? XP)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(up to you how you find the house)
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Alright, I'll see you later" Magia says, looking up at Red. "I'll see you" Red says, leaning down so his face was very close to hers, but she moved a bit away, making Red sightly frown and move away too. "Goodnight" Magia says, quickly hugging him. The only thing she didn't want now was to make him mad, or sad. Red hugs her back, and the first one to let go was Magia. They smile at each other, and, walk away.
"This is so hard.." Magia says to herself, looking down as she walked through a few houses. What was with that feeling? She honestly had no idea... Suddenly, snapping out of her thoughts, she noticed a house with Abagail's surname somewhere at the door. She titls her head a bit, wondering if it was actually her friend's house.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi still huging Abagail

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Maybe not..." Magia says, wondering if she should knock on the door or stay still. If it was someone random, she would feel totally embarrassed...
(I'm not quite sure how to get her in so one of them has to notice her XP)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(how yumi giving a bear hugging Abagail)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(And Magia doesn't know if it's Abagail's house or not, she can't just knock on people's door just like that)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail can be seen from the window

Abagail: sister?
yumi: yes yumi?
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I wonder if this makes me a stakler or not...Wait, I recorded Matt's confess, so I guess... Naah" Magia says to herself, looking through the house's windows. Suddenly, she spots Abagail in one "I knew it, this was Abagail's house afterall!"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: am i human?
yumi: yes your human you were born normaly sister dear *yumi hiding something*
over a year ago Nojida said…
Magia runs towards to the front door, and knocks on it happily, wondering what Abagail might be doing right now
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi goes to the door and said hello
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hello~" Magia says "I'm Magia, remember me?"


(No one-liner! :D)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(sorry keep for gettng im not good with ding many things at once)

yumi: im yumi your looking for Abagail she inside
*yumi open the door*
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I keep forgetting too, but oh well)

"Hello" Magia says, walking in "I have met you before, right? Back at the gift shop.. Yeah, I remember!"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi: but i never told you my name

Abagail look so depress and empty
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hm, you may be right, but I remember I have seen your face before" Magia says

over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi: im taking you to my sister room

*yumi take magia to Abagail room*
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hellooo~!" Maga says cheerfully, walking over to Abagail "Whatcha doing?" she asks, but her smile disappears once she sees her friend's expression "What's the matter?"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: i reminder something at was so post to stay forgotten

yumi: abby....
over a year ago Nojida said…
"What do you mean?" Magia asks titling her head.

gyilb vwabrva!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: im not normal our father work in a lab..........i was born in a lab........i was told i was yumi twin and rise like a normal girl but im not normal
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Huh...?" Magia asks very confused.

over a year ago misshedgehog said…

yumi: abby....
over a year ago Nojida said…
Magia turns to Yumi "Did I come in a bad time? If you want, I can leave.." she says, half to her, half to Abagail.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
yumi: can you stay and cheering up my sister abby

over a year ago Nojida said…
"I don't know.." Magia says, looking back at Abagail a bit "I myself aren't in a cheering mode right now, so I probably won't be a very nice company.." she says. It was true, actually. She was trying to figure out her own feelings right now, and wasn't sure if she could cheer others up...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Abagail: then can you please stay and talk with me magia please
*Abagail look at magia with sad eyes*