Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Kanto! Legendary Saga!

Taika posted on Jan 24, 2014 at 10:39PM
3 months ago, Team Rocket made an attempt at taking over the pokemon league. However, due to the combined effort of several trainers, they were defeated. Afterwards, they began seeking power, this search leading to the Legendary Pokemon. With control over such power, there's no telling how much terror would befall the world. So in order to protect the world from such a fate, Professor Oak began tracking these legendaries down, in hopes of capturing them before team rocket.


-No godmodding!

-No swearing/use of profanity

-No sexual themes

-Try to use proper grammer,and don't talk like you're texting on a cell phone.

Example:"r u ok?"

-No one line posts

Example:"Bob ate the burger"

-Kanto Pokemon only

Hmm,that should be about it....

(P.S-They invented Quotation marks," " for a reason you know.It's been a reoccuring problem with people not using them,and just saying things like,as i quote,but won't use their name,or Character's Name"~INSERT NAME~ said i know you can do it you just got to show you stength you know how weak they think you is and then smiled then said thank you for lunch then walk away with a smile."Unqoute.No quotation marks," " and it's hardly recognizable their talking,it.'s just more words! XP)

Character Criteria....








Starter Pokemon:

Pokemon Team:

Okay then! A world of adventures and dreams await! Let's go!
last edited on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:18AM

Pokémon 2504 replies

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Showing Replies 1301-1350 of 2504

over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(pokie mokie...hm.........chokie!...)

"positive!"she says winking and giving a thumbs up!

natsu dragneel.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Huh? XP)

"Isn't that an anime pose?" Magia asks putting her hands on her hips.

over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(sequel....of okie dokie lokie! p.s-no 'humma' this time???)

"well,animes are based on real life characters....so..."Leo says,"it can be a real life (or rp life!XD) pose too!"

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, right, humma? XP)

"Hmm, yeah, you're probably right" Magia says with a shrug, "Nojida was the one who said it first, so I guess it's correct"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(that's better!XP)

"uh-huh!even nojida said it!soooo it can't be wrong!"leo says grinning!,"and yes,pipiqueen back then forgot to say to nojida and i'm quoting her-"if they r based on real life,how come there r pokemons and beyblades?and girls who can change into cats?i don't remember seeing any of these in real life!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Well those are technically the fantasy of people" Magia says, "I could explain it better but Nojida's fanfiction might explain everything better than me"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"well said!"Leo says,"i think pipiqueen already read 3 chapters!she's got exams and probably won't have time to read yours or finish hers!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"No one's forcing her to read stories or write her own" Magia says, "Everyone's forcing her to study hard for her exams so she can pass"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"you got a point!",Leo said ,"she said and i quote -"arigato gozaimasu!"

hm....gray fullbuster!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Ah, Japanese, such a confusing language" Magia says remembering all the Japanese mangas she has tried to read.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(you know what?i fell in love with animes,and now i'm trying to learn japanese!oyasuminasai,nojida-san!)

"i know right!"Leo said ,"by the way,it meant 'thank you very much'!"

(1 liners.......)hmm......lucy heartifilia
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Nojida-san? I think it's more like 'Nojida-chan')

"Yeah I know that, I used to watch anime as well" Magia says.

over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(nojida-sama, it is nojida-san! it can be nojida-chan too...!)

"you did?",Leo asked leaning forward,"and your fav was?"

........ichigo momomiya!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I think it's more like 'Nojida-chan' because, y'know, 'chan' is for someone who's like younger than you or at the same age. At least that's what I think XP)

"That doesn't need any thought at all" Magia says, "My favourite anime of all is definitely and absolutely Beyblade"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(sis,your elder than me.......*sweat drop*)

"cooool!i've seen it too......."<Leo said,"i like soooo many i cannot decide....."she said mentally reviewing her favorites....................they were fairy tail,special a ,fullmetal alchemist,pokemon,another........
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Well, I guess you can still call me Nojida-chan. Nojida-san seems more like a person who's way older than you XP)

"Well I usually decide by thinking who my favourite character is" Magia says, "For example, I like Beyblade so much because Tsubasa is in, so maybe you can decide by doing the same"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(i'll call you............nojida!)

"well,i like each character from each anime respectively and can't chooose!",Leo says in a helpless manner,"let's see.........there's erza scarlet and natsu and gray and lucy in fairy tail,hikari honozano and akira toduo in special a,edward elric in fullmetal alchemistt,and there's dawn and ash in pokemon.................there's sooo many!and i can't chooose...."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…

"Hmm.... It seems like a real difficult thing to do..." Magia says getting into a deep thinking mode.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…

"uh-huh!",Leo says ,"everyone seems so awesome......"

sore wa nani desu ka?
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yep, and I'm gonna keep calling you Pippy, by the way)

"Well, why don't you think about the storyline?" Magia suggests.

Hai! (Random XP)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(fine,i'll call you....hm.......*intense thinking*........hm.....'kiddo'!*trumpet music*)

"they all have awsm story lines!",Leo said shrugging,"maybe comedy........out of the list,pkemon seems to have least amount of comedy....."

kudasai kurikaesu!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Didn't you say I'm older than you? XP)

"Okay so that's out of the list" Magia says, "How about drama? Romance? Epic fight scenes?"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(what happen)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(well,just a year isn't gonna make much difference!)

(@misshedgehog,nothing much!)

"romance.special has lots of romance!fairytail and fma doesn't!while fma and fairy tail has a loooot of drama and epic fighting scenes!"Leo says
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yes it will)

"Well, which one of those two do you like more?" Magia asks.

over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(fine!have your way!)

"don't you think that was the problem.....?"Leo said shrugging,"I can't decide........have you watched any of those????you know,just so i could get your opinion.......you seem to have a good taste!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I always have it my way >:3)

"No, I haven't watched any of those" Magia says shaking her head, "Actually this is the first time I hear about a few of them"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(not for long,'k-i-d-d-o'!)

"oh!you should ,if you have time!oh,but only if you are interested!"Leo says!

hm........erza scarlet!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Call me 'Kiddo' again and Yu Tendo shall visit you in your sleep!)

"Hmm, I would like to learn more about them first" Magia says, "Mind giving me a review of what you have saw and a few spoilers?"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(k-i-d-d-o!and erza scarlet would defend me when yu tendo visits!)

"well, fairy tail is about 4 wizards natsu ,erza,gray,lucy and a flying cat called happy,who does jobs or quests together!
fma is about edward elric and his bro alphonse elric, who are alchemists!al lost hi whole body and ed lost one of his arm and leg ,while they tried to bring their dead mother back to life!so,they try to get their bodies back!
special a- is plain yaoi!!kei falls in love with hikari,and that's pretty much it!"Leo said not even pausing to breathe!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Not if Tsubasa Otori comes along and blinds Erza with his awesomeness!)

"Wow you seem really into those animes" Magia says with a snicker.

over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(erza has jellal!he'd tear tsubasa into a thousand peices if he try to blind her!)

"ofcourse!almost everyone are into animes!"Leo said with a snicker

hm......the devil wears a prada!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Who's Jella again?)

"Yeah, you're probably right!" Magia says remembering an anime she used to love but doesn't remember the name anymore.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(well jellal can be imagined as erza's bf...........)

"there's always a nostalgic one!you see a character from it who you adored and you have this very trong feeling and emotion....."Leo says not sure if what she said made sense!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Can be imagined?)

"Yeah I know..." Magia says, "I used to feel like that about Tsubasa Otori as if I actually had a crush on him" she says remembering those days.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(i mean like it's not shown in the anime,but you know fanships.......)

"cool!i used to feel the same way for edward elric!"Leo said,"he seemed so kawaii........"

over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yeah, we shippers are always like that X3)

"Kawaii? That guy?" Magia asks looking at pictures of Edward Elric on her mobile phone which she just happened to have.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
(uh-huh!that's who we r!)

"you don't think he's kawaii....??"Leo asks pouting..........

jellal fernandus!
over a year ago Nojida said…
(And we're proud of it!)

"Umm, nah, not really..." Magia replies examining the pictures.

Red dragon.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…

"oh well!everyone has their own opinion,and that's somethin' nobody else has a say in!"<leo says shrugging,"well,i still think he's kawaii ,not in looks though,you see his character in the anime ,i bet you'll feel he is kawaii too!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hm?" Magia asks getting curious, "How is his character like in the anime?"

White dragon.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"funny!"Leo says,"at the same time he makes you laugh and cry!"

the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya!
"funny!"Leo says,"at the same time he makes you laugh and cry!"

the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"So the certain pic makes you laugh and cry at the same time?" Magia asks looking up at Pippy's post.
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"hm.......not exactly?THAT pic doesn't make me cry!it only makes me laugh ,now if you ask pipi-chan for a one that makes both happen,i don't think she has any!bcuz,unless you watch the anime such epic scenes happen..............you never quite get it!"Leo said

note from pipiqueen- hope that is made understandable!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh I see" Magia says, slightly snickering, "I'm not sure if I have time to watch the anime, maybe I'll start watching some animes during the holidays"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"your wish!"Leo says.suddenly she swallows."maybe in the middle of all that,we forgot someone.....someone whose lost!"
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(how can i post?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
"We forgot...?" Magia asks scanning her memory, and finally remembers, "Abigail..!"
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
"let's find her!she might be somewhere lonely and alone,waiting for us to find her!"leo said turning pale!

one piece!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
abagail: cant beleave they left me behide...i know im a slow walker but you shouldnt leave your friend behide. im scared eva.

eva: dont worry