My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Fading Light RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Aug 12, 2015 at 07:56PM
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages as we do. When they are born, they start out small. Then the bigger they grow, the stronger they get. They make many mistakes when they are young but eventually, they learn to distinguish right from wrong, friend from enemy, conquest from massacre. As they evolve and reach their peak, they are like a mighty stallion at the prime of his life. Powerful, determined, sharp-minded and fueled by the passion and willingness to change the world. But just like us, empires grow old eventually. They become weak, desperate and fragile. Internal illnesses sprout up like weeds in a once beautiful but abandoned garden. The smell of decay attracts the prowling enemies and they gather around to finish what time has already started...

The changelings came from nowhere 8 years ago and brought terror to all. We have managed to stop their mad Queen and foolishly believed that such a victory will mean the end of the war. But we were wrong... so horribly wrong. When we thought our world was safe, it fell apart before our very eyes.

The battle at the Isles of Romani was merely the beginning. The beginning of OUR end. We have fought valiantly till our last breaths. But we were no match for these new weapons the beasts of the abyss have created. When we truly realized what we were up against, it was already too late... One by one, the Southern Kingdoms have fallen. Zebria, Antelopia, The Plain's Nation... they were all consumed by the endless armies of the changelings.

Before we could react, the monsters were pounding on our gates. We had to learn the new ways of war quickly. We gathered the greatest minds of our kind to create weapons that could rival the changeling technology. Factories emerged from the ground one after the other within weeks. We witnessed as our leaders decided to use the new inventions of doom. But the abyssal monsters did not stop. We responded to fire with fire but the only thing that we achieved is to smolder the world to dust.

Through great courage and sacrifice, we were able to stop the changeling invasion. But the effort was too much for our country and the war ripped it into three.

The pegasi were warriors by nature and could not accept surrender. They have seceded from what was left of the Equestrian empire and formed Western Equestria. The winged soldiers continued the war with the changelings and successfully defended their territories for years...

The dwellers of the tundra; the elks, the hypogriffs, the deer and the griffons created the Northern Federation and broke off all contact with the rest of the world. The griffons, who were once great warriors, just hid in their cold, desolate mountain like cowards.

The remaining regions of the former Empire took the name of Central Equestria. Their King was able to protect the most valuable and strategically important cities, like Manehatten. But he only prolonged the agony of his nation...

Year after year, the war waged on... Every side suffered tremendous casualties but none could triumph over the other. The battle has become a stalemate. The front lines have solidified like a frozen lake. But the so-called truce did not bring too much relief... Disease, hunger, violence and riots spread like wildfires only the never sleeping factories remained constant... the pale Sun always hides behind the dense, black smoke coming from their chimneys, like if it was ashamed of the world. Well... the Sun has every right to feel that way...

So I guess the saying is true... Countries do have the same life cycles as we do. And ours is dying. When the ponies lose faith in their own country, that country is doomed to be lost in the sands of time... After all... this is the Age of the Fading Light.

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)
Voiced by: (optional)

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Useful tips:

- This is the sequel of the Eye of Anubis RP. However, you don't really need to have too much knowledge of the previous RP. Only a few characters are the common link. So that shouldn't hold you back if you wish to join! :)

- This RP takes place in a time period AFTER the Medieval times of Equestria. The premise is more or less like our world was during the Great Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Lots of new technologies, machines, factories and overall pretty bad life conditions.

- The RP takes place 8 YEARS AFTER the events of the prequel, however, there will be some flashbacks.

- The RP will be full of twists, the tables will be turned every once in a while which will mean that the fine line between antagonists and protagonist will not be as unambiguous as usual.
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages
last edited on Aug 12, 2015 at 08:03PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3438 replies

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Showing Replies 1851-1900 of 3438

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Places his hoof on Meadow's shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: *lowers her ears along with her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh as she stares at the floor. The mare lifts her emerald eyes at her father, and manages to give him a small smile*

Toy Sword: Don't worry, Crystal. There's still plenty of things you can do while being grounded. Believe me, I know! But perhaps Astral will think twice about his decision. After all, he must be guilty of grounding such adorable face.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Just ignore what they say, Meadow. Your still family to us, no matter what anyone says (Hugs her)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: Haha...I hope so...*blushes but smiles anyway* thanks.

Astral: Are you okay now,Meadow?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Toy Sword: *returns the smile*
Meadow: *returns the hug to her father, then releases him and glances at Astral* I guess.. Yeah, it doesn't matter.. What the little gypsy said was true. I am adopted, but that's okay.. You know, I'm not even sure if my real parents actually died.. But right now with everything, they were probably shot or captured or tortured or.. *sighs in memory of her biological parents as she stares at the wooden floor* I'm happy that you found your family, Astral.. Luck like that doesn't always happen.. *expands a weak smile at him*
Wheat: *observes the conversation between her daughter with Astral and Thunderstorm, then glances at Toy Sword's smile at Crystal. The mare quietly sighs, lowering her eyes to Willow* You won't fall in love, will you? You won't leave mommy alone. You won't grow up that fast. Because once you do, there's no going back.
Willow: *sticks her tongue out* Ewww! Colts give fillies cooties! They are disgusting! Never will I lay my hoof on one!
Wheat: *giggles quietly* Good.
Tanis: *frowns* That's not true. Girls are horrible too. They poke their faces with pencils and colors. And they shed fur everywhere! And they take forever to get ready!
Vectra: *raises her eyebrow with an apathetic expression* Um, well colts are disgusting. In every way! They're never clean. *sticks out her tongue at her brother*
Tsura: Vectra, what did daddy say about that?
Vectra: *Winces* I'm sorry..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Chuckles at Willow's adorableness as he ruffles her small mane)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Willow: Daaaadddd! My mane! It was perfectly combed!!
Vectra: See what I mean about messy!?
Meriva: *observes the discussion as she sits alone in the corner*
Wheat: Alright, my little pony! *picks up Willow* You must forgive father for being so messy! Believe me, I've had to live with that for over a decade!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Oh come on. I don't complain about your girly needs and habits, do I (Gives her a playful smile)
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: ..And you have Longsword and Wheat. They love you as much as your biological parents did. Don't think of those sad and horrible thoughts that take place in the past. Think about what you have now in the present. Maybe it's not much, but it's yours. *pats her head and smiles*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Hmm.. You've got a point. But still! My little Willow's mane is all ruined, isn't that true?
Willow: *frowns* Yeah!
Wheat: *winks at Longsword as she continues her act* Don't worry, my rose! Mommy will fix it. *begins to gently brush her daughter's mane into a bow once again* Father will pay greatly for such act!

Meadow: Thank you all! I appreciate it, I really.. I have a beautiful family! Including my best friends!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Playful falls onto the ground, bowing, in an attempt to make Willow laugh) Oh please, Wheat. I am so sorry for behaving like a fool. Please be merciful
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *uses a pen and pretends its a sword* Longsword, are you prepared to face the consequences of your sinful act? *glances at her daughter* Shall we execute him, my rose?
Willow: *giggles* It's okay mommy! He is forgiven!
Wheat: As you wish! *glances at her husband* Aw, Longsword! Get off the floor before your coat gets dirty!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Stands up, dusting himself off) Thank you, your highnesses. I promise it won't happen again. I swear it on my life
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Willow: *continues to giggle as her mother fixes her mane* I believe you, daddy!
Wheat: For such act of honesty, I believe the hostage is now free and deserves a kiss. *grabs Longsword's cheeks and kisses him appropriately in front of her daughter*
Willow: Okay, okay! There's kids here! Me!
Wheat: *laughs at her daughter* So, you're not mad anymore?
Willow: *shakes her head*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Good (Reaches to pat her shoulder, but hesitates) May I have permission to pat your shoulder, Willow
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: Yeah *smiles warmly* we're all here for you,so don't worry about it.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Willow: Hmmm... *taps her chin in thought* Yes! I allow it, father! Very smart of you for asking! After all, I am the queen!
Meriva: Ooh! Can I be the princess? Vectra will be a cook! Or maybe a blacksmith! Or a sculptor!
Vectra: I don't want to work for Willow. Nopony owns me. I work for myself, not the queen.
Tsura: *raises an eyebrow*
Vectra: Except mommy and daddy.
Tanis: What will I be???
Willow: You'll be my jester! Be a fool to me!
Vectra: Haha!
Meriva: *giggles quietly*
Tanis: *furrows his eyebrows* A fool?! I am no such thing! I'll be a knight! Dressed in armory! Like my father and grandmother used to be!
Willow: But being a soldier is dangerous! And terrible!
Tanis: It's better than being a peasant! Besides, your brother and father are soldiers!
Toy Sword: Not exactly. I volunteer to guard the walls every week for the Knights to take a break. There aren't much army force guarding us, you know? Being a soldier is not the best job in the world. You witness things you'll never forget.
Tanis: Oh..
Willow: Be my jester!
Tanis: No! Hmm.. I'll be a gypsy!
Willow: That's even worse! *giggles*
Tsura: *perks her ears and suddenly turns around, piercing her eyes into Willow's* And why is that, young one?
Willow: *widens her eyes as she takes a step back* M-Meadow taught us in History the outcasts of the medieval times. Gypsies were witches- S-She even told us to be careful when I played with your children. B-But that's just a myth, haha!
Tsura: *constricts her eyes, then glares at Meadow* What else are you teaching my children about cultures?
Meadow: Eep! I.. Uhh.. Just gave them information with evidence, that is all.
Tsura: Evidence? I am a witch after everything I have done for you?
Wheat: *suddenly steps in* Oookay! Haha! What a nice time we spent bonding!! *quickly looks ahead* Are we there yet?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Tries to avoid a fight from breaking out) Not yet, Wheat. We should be there soon
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait! My new job keeps me pretty busy, plus the schedule is a nightmare. I just hope we can continue the RP though. So what happened since my last post? :)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(Heya, welcome back. Oh, nothing much has happened. Just side conversations and all. We are all still on our way to Canterlot in the ship. You can read some previous posts if you'd like, but they're not something one should consider important. :)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Glad to have you back Mirage :D)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *quietly listens to every word of the conversation of the ponies until she spots the towers of the Canterlot stronghold over the horizon* We're here. Just a few more minutes.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Good. I just hope the town has been safe since we were last here
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Of course! I left Deadlock in charge. He would never fail me.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Alright

Blunderbuss: (Watching their ship from the shore of Canterlot) Well, looks like the queen has returned. Good. sitting around here, waiting for her was getting boring
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Oh, finally.. I despise heights. *glances at the windows and shivers*

Ragnar: *perks his ears at Summer's voice amongst the others, then blinks his tired eyes* *yawns* It was about time.. I was getting tired of hearing their pointless conversations..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Playfully) Don't tell me my wife is scared of heights
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *rolls her eyes* As if you didn't know that! Don't push it Longsword, I am aware of few of your phobias as well.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: I'd say it was quite descent. Their mood is optimal now. It lowers the stress and the fear of death. *glances at Ragnar* you look awfully tired, my dear.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: My only phobia is not being able to see that smile of yours (Smiles to her)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *raises her eyebrow with an apathetic expression at her husband*
Tsura: N'aww, come on doctor, he's only looking for an excuse to not sleep in the dog bed tonight.
Wheat: *rolls her eyes at Tsura* Well don't you have quite a mouth.

Ragnar: Well.. I had to make sure one of us slept well last night..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: That's only partially true

Steel Sword: (Looking over the edge of the ship)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer. Indeed. and it was very sweet of you. And with you around, even my nightmares were gone all of a sudden... *unexpectedly kisses him on the cheek* Nevertheless, you must look your best today. *a strange, somewhat dubious smile appears in the corners of her lips* I have big plans for you.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *grins at Longsword* Dog bed it is. *glances at Wheat* Right?
Wheat: Don't you have your own husband to annoy?

Ragnar: *pulls out the dream catcher he used on the mare earlier, where Summer instantly recognizes it* Yeah.. I had some help.. *smiles at her* You were tossing and turning in bed. Couldn't leave a queen in distress.. Oh.. I was wondering, who would you be sending as a guider to pick up Jaya and her tribe? She doesn't know Equestria at all.. You're brother? A Friend? *pulls out a piece of paper and borrows a pencil*

Ragnar takes a minute to finish off writing a letter he wishes to send to his mom. The stallion scribbles in Romanian, holding the pencil with his mouth. The paper explained the directions Summer Pride had offered earlier for a safe, comfortable place for the travelers to stay and rest for a while. Ragnar made sure to include that his tribe were allowed to stay in that location only if they followed the Equestrian rules. At the bottom of the paper, he promised that this was only temporary. He promised he would help his tribe gain back their territory from the changelings and the Yaks. The stallion scrolls the piece of paper and saves the pencil in his pocket. He quickly glances at his sister with a frown, then lowers his eyes with a groan. He smashes the paper between his hooves and murmurs a Romanian chant. When he opens his eyes and his hooves, the paper is gone.

Meanwhile back in the border of Manehattan, the gypsies still remained despite the accident that happened days ago. Of course, nopony knew the shore of the beach was occupied by the Romani. Jaya was able to put up an invisible forcefield that took most her energy. But she knew the force field was needed as protection since they no longer had their ship. The small camp was quiet, with dead faces and tainted souls. The only noise remaining were the gypsy children playing with one another or building castles of sand. Jaya was in her tent, sitting down on the hot sand and staring into the nothingness. Her daughter, Zuri, was asleep in a small towel. The baby hadn’t eaten in days, and nor had Jaya. The old, yet beautiful mare began to think about the future. The future of her tribe, of her children, of herself. She knew Summer Pride was alive. She knew her son wouldn’t return after he found her. She knew that in the end, both her twins would remain in Equestria. She feared the thought. The mare recently had Zuri, a girl. The laws of ruling a tribe included a stallion in the family. Jaya knew sooner or later her own tribe would rise against her and kill her for breaking the rule. Her eyes wandered around the room, thinking about her dear husband that died years ago. Her husband that would still be alive today if it weren’t for the Equestrians. She curls a lock of her hair behind her ear in memory. Her eyes lift to the small foal wrapped in towels on the table. The elder stands up and reaches for the white candle behind the baby. She sits back down on the harsh sand, igniting the bar of wax with a incantation. The mare lowers her pupils and stares at the flames with glassy eyes and a broken heart.

Jaya: Why haven’t I heard from you? You haven’t talked to me in years. What have I done wrong, my husband? Are you mad at me? We haven’t spoke to each other for eight long years. I am so sorry… I did my best.. I tried to keep my children happy, just how we both always wanted. I took fault of their sins. I let Tsura be happy with her husband. I let Ragnar continue his fantasy of finding the queen. I know you wanted them to marry gypsies or another race, I know that! We were so close.. Tsura’s first crush was a zebra and Ragnar’s was a giraffe! But things don’t always turn out how we want them to.. Remember how our son would always try to impress that tall princess of her tribe? He’d do anything for her! He even ate poison joke for that giraffe! They could’ve worked! And what about our daughter? Every time we’d go look for her, she was out playing with that zebra! It all could’ve worked! ...I did everything. I sacrificed everything. I am so sorry for letting you down. I never meant for our tribe to fall this far… You know why I had to sleep with another stallion. I needed a son. We both knew Ragnar wouldn’t stay and fulfill his duties. I needed a son to rule this tribe.. But instead, the gods gifted me with a daughter. That means I must marry another stallion if you want our family to continue ruling the gypsies. Etzu, my love.. I need your advice.. I.. I can’t handle the pain anymore. *suddenly bursts out in tears* It’s so quiet here, and I feel so alone.. The only company I have is the forgotten voice of yours. The spirit that no longer visits me. You’re in my veins and I cannot get you out.. I just want to see your face once more and hear that sweet voice of yours.. I haven’t been all that you could’ve hoped for, but if you held on a little longer, you’d had more reasons to be proud… *lifts her eyes at her daughter* She has my eyes.. And when she grows, she shall have your courage and strength.. *closes her eyes as tears roll down her silky cheeks* Please, Etzu.. I beg you to keep company in these lonely nights.. I hate myself for letting you die.. I had the chance to save you.. I had the chance to open the portal and save you. But I didn’t.. Are you mad at me because of that? I tried.. But I didn’t have enough strength.. I resurrected three Equestrians, but not you.. And now, it is too late.. Tell the Gods to brighten my future, because my aching body will be forever dark of sorrow and denial.. Please, say something.. *lowers her ears as she sighs to no response* Very well.. I understand.. You no longer love me.. But perhaps, you can brighten our children’s future.. Tsura had kids, and I’ll never get the chance to meet them.. There’s three of them. Protect them with your wisdom and strength from the skies. Please.. Protect my son’s future.. He lost his first child and his first wife. Do not let him lose his second.. *lowers her eyes to the candle, and one of her tear drops kills the fire in the wax*

As soon as the fire burns out, a cloud of smoke explodes in front of the mare. When the fog clears up, Jaya finds the small scroll Ragnar wrote. At first, the mother widens her eyes and expects it was a sign of her husband. The mare quickly unrolls the paper with weary eyes, then sighs once she recognizes her son’s writing. Jaya reads the note carefully with glassy eyes. She bites her lip, weighing the options of her tribe. Jaya stands up and puts the sleeping foal on the sling wrapped around her back and chest. The mare lets out a heavy sigh and wipes the tears off her face. Her sore eyes narrow as she opens the tent and the sun reflects in her eyes. The earl walks with regal steps and grabs everypony’s attention. She orders them to pack for another journey into the city..

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Oh, come now, she isn't a bother. She, Tsura isn't...... The most pure hearted, but I can still tolerate her presence. I don't get annoyed so easily
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Yeah, listen to doggie boy here! He knows what he's barking about!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Come on, Tsura. At least call be by what I am. And besides, Wheat would never let me sleep in a dog bed. It's usually a couch
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *talks to Ragnar while he's writing* I don't know yet. My brother's whereabouts is unknown at the moment... and I am certain that it will be a difficult task to convince your mother to accept my offer. your tribe has every right to hate us... to hate me in particular. You have sacrificed so much for me... so did your sister...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: They are no longer my tribe. They are my mother's. And the tribe has no choice. The travelers know that our land was conquered. They know that our ship was destroyed by a maniac.. And they know that they must accept this offer if they want to survive.. Do not apologize. This was going to happen anyways.. Tsura was never meant to be princess and I was never meant to be king. Therefore unless my mother has a son or a husband, our family name will no longer rule the gypsies.. She had a husband.. Until.. Well.. Nevermind. The point is that none of this is your fault.. The bruises Tsura and I have will soon heal.

Tsura: *laughs* Same thing!
Wheat: I only do that when he disobeys me when I tell him to quit being so dirty! Last time he "accidentally" left a plate of fruits in our room.. The next thing you know, our house smells like mold and attracts flies!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Yeah, that was my bad. Sorry. Though, she made sure I learned from that
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Some wounds never fully heal... *unconsciously runs her hoof down on the scar on the right side of her neck* But you're right, we cannot live in the past, we have to focus on our future instead. and today, we are going to take a step closer to that future, together.
FabulousChicken commented…
Aww.. over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: *winces as she feels the sudden touch on his neck* Indeed, and I couldn't be happier. *smiles at the unicorn, stroking her soft mane, then kisses her nose*

Suddenly, Summer feels a shiver going up her spine, but as a result, it was only one of Tsura and Catapult's mischievous kids.

Meriva: *holds onto Summer's shoulder*Can I be the one holding the rings uncle Ragnar?
Tanis: no way! *pushes her sister making her fall on the ground*
Meriva: Oww! Daaaaad!!!!
Vectra: *stares at her siblings with an apathetic expression* Can I just be part of the audience? Do we have to wear a dress?
Meriva: FINE, I'LL BE THE FLOWER GIRL! *punches her brother with very little strength*
Tanis: Ow! Hey!

Wheat: I hope so! Don't want that happening again..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Don't worry. I always try to look very clean and proper for "her majesty" (Chuckles)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *looks at the children, her tall figure radiating with a natural, motherly aura* Haha, I actually haven't thought any of that yet. Nopony's ever asked for my hoof before... if you wish to participate however, I'd be glad. But... *lifts Tanis' chin up gently* There's no need to fight. Especially not among siblings. you're all one family after all.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tanis: Oh, but Meriva was adopted because she shares no family talent.
Meriva: *frowns at her brother with lowered ears* AM NOT!!!
Tanis: Are to.
Vectra: *suddenly pushes her own brother against the wall with narrowed eyes* She is not adopted! *rolls her eyes*

The triplets all stare at each other as if nothing happened, going back to their usual moods. Meriva stares at Summer's tail in curiosity.

Meriva: Hey! I think I found a new snake!
Tanis: *lands besides his sisters* Stand back! This is a job for brave ponies like me! *suddenly bites Summer's tail and yanks on it.*

Tsura: *observes her three children in awe, then speaks so they could all hear her* Careful children, don't let Summer Pride incinerate you.
Vectra: I have no idea what that means, but okay!


Willow: I thought I was the queen..
Wheat: You are! *kisses her forehead*
Willow: Oh, okay!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Of course you are. You're daddies adorable little queen. Now all you need is a crown (Takes out a piece of paper from his notebook and folds it into a little crown and places it on her head) There. Now you truly look like royalty
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Willow: *smiles brightly* Yay! I always dreamed of being royal!
Tanis: *glances at Willow as he continues to chew on the unicorn's tail* You know that's a fake crown, right?
Willow: *frowns* Be quiet! Dad, tell him it's not true!
Wheat: Now Willow, calm down. We'll buy you a tiara in a shop in Canterlot, yes?
Willow: *gasps* Really???
Wheat: But you must behave.
Willow: Oh, that's easy!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: We know. Our little queen is such a well behaved little girl (Smiles)

(Okay, that should do it for me. Great to have this RP starting up again. See you all later)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *smiles at the little colt playing with her tail then suddenly raises her tail with Tanis hanging onto it* Be careful what you wish for, little one! *then she glances at Tsura* besides, I'd never hurt children, I'm not a COMPLETE monster.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Well, matchstick, then I guess that explosion you planned didn't injure my children at all. Hmm.. Right..