My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Fading Light RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Aug 12, 2015 at 07:56PM
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages as we do. When they are born, they start out small. Then the bigger they grow, the stronger they get. They make many mistakes when they are young but eventually, they learn to distinguish right from wrong, friend from enemy, conquest from massacre. As they evolve and reach their peak, they are like a mighty stallion at the prime of his life. Powerful, determined, sharp-minded and fueled by the passion and willingness to change the world. But just like us, empires grow old eventually. They become weak, desperate and fragile. Internal illnesses sprout up like weeds in a once beautiful but abandoned garden. The smell of decay attracts the prowling enemies and they gather around to finish what time has already started...

The changelings came from nowhere 8 years ago and brought terror to all. We have managed to stop their mad Queen and foolishly believed that such a victory will mean the end of the war. But we were wrong... so horribly wrong. When we thought our world was safe, it fell apart before our very eyes.

The battle at the Isles of Romani was merely the beginning. The beginning of OUR end. We have fought valiantly till our last breaths. But we were no match for these new weapons the beasts of the abyss have created. When we truly realized what we were up against, it was already too late... One by one, the Southern Kingdoms have fallen. Zebria, Antelopia, The Plain's Nation... they were all consumed by the endless armies of the changelings.

Before we could react, the monsters were pounding on our gates. We had to learn the new ways of war quickly. We gathered the greatest minds of our kind to create weapons that could rival the changeling technology. Factories emerged from the ground one after the other within weeks. We witnessed as our leaders decided to use the new inventions of doom. But the abyssal monsters did not stop. We responded to fire with fire but the only thing that we achieved is to smolder the world to dust.

Through great courage and sacrifice, we were able to stop the changeling invasion. But the effort was too much for our country and the war ripped it into three.

The pegasi were warriors by nature and could not accept surrender. They have seceded from what was left of the Equestrian empire and formed Western Equestria. The winged soldiers continued the war with the changelings and successfully defended their territories for years...

The dwellers of the tundra; the elks, the hypogriffs, the deer and the griffons created the Northern Federation and broke off all contact with the rest of the world. The griffons, who were once great warriors, just hid in their cold, desolate mountain like cowards.

The remaining regions of the former Empire took the name of Central Equestria. Their King was able to protect the most valuable and strategically important cities, like Manehatten. But he only prolonged the agony of his nation...

Year after year, the war waged on... Every side suffered tremendous casualties but none could triumph over the other. The battle has become a stalemate. The front lines have solidified like a frozen lake. But the so-called truce did not bring too much relief... Disease, hunger, violence and riots spread like wildfires only the never sleeping factories remained constant... the pale Sun always hides behind the dense, black smoke coming from their chimneys, like if it was ashamed of the world. Well... the Sun has every right to feel that way...

So I guess the saying is true... Countries do have the same life cycles as we do. And ours is dying. When the ponies lose faith in their own country, that country is doomed to be lost in the sands of time... After all... this is the Age of the Fading Light.

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)
Voiced by: (optional)

*** ***

Useful tips:

- This is the sequel of the Eye of Anubis RP. However, you don't really need to have too much knowledge of the previous RP. Only a few characters are the common link. So that shouldn't hold you back if you wish to join! :)

- This RP takes place in a time period AFTER the Medieval times of Equestria. The premise is more or less like our world was during the Great Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Lots of new technologies, machines, factories and overall pretty bad life conditions.

- The RP takes place 8 YEARS AFTER the events of the prequel, however, there will be some flashbacks.

- The RP will be full of twists, the tables will be turned every once in a while which will mean that the fine line between antagonists and protagonist will not be as unambiguous as usual.
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages
last edited on Aug 12, 2015 at 08:03PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3438 replies

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Showing Replies 1801-1850 of 3438

over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: No kidding, matchstick.
Wheat: *glares at Tsura*
Tsura: What?
Wheat: What she meant to say was, maybe you should just let yourself a little out more, you know? Maybe when this is all over, things can go back to being what they were..
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: I sure hope so... and... I didn't mean to insult you... it's just... I forgot what is like to have friends...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: But you didn't forget what it was like kissing my brother.
Wheat: Tsura! Do you want the clock, or not?!
Tsura: *rolls her eyes*
Wheat: Again, Summer Pride, I think you must forget about royalty for a second.. Before you were queen, you were a simple unicorn, nothing more.. A simple Equestrian with no power over the kingdom.. I should stop talking now..
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *glares at Tsura for a moment* What I do in my love life is my business only! I don't pull threads on what you do with Catapult in your private time so neither should you! But, you shouldn't stop. In fact, it is quite desirable to continue. We hadn't had the chance to talk things over since the whole thing started.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Objection, matchstick! You interfered with that storm you created a long time ago! Besides, I'm gonna be your sister in law, so deal with it! It's so awkward. Imagine me kissing and flirting with Landslide all the time.
Wheat: *sighs* Can we not discuss the past?
Meadow: *giggles at the conversation*
Tsura: What's so funny?
Meadow: Nothing has changed.I remember all of you always arguing over nonsense.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Preposterous! I'm not arguing! Besides, I wouldn't have any problem with a mare dating my brother if he wasn't such a saint, believing that "pleasures of the flesh are sinful" and whatnot... Sinful my flank! I have always enjoyed every form of love but the simple fact is, unlike Tsura here, I rather keep it to myself and not discuss such details with others because it's not very appropriate or even ladylike for that matter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Appropriate and ladylike! Hah! Says the mare who was making out with my brother in the hallway! Wouldn't be the only inappropriate thing.. It's not like my brother slept with another mare while you were gone. He slept with tons! One special mare in particular! Her name starts with a Sling, and ends with a Shot.
Wheat: *widens her eyes* What?
Tsura: Oh, you didn't know? *covers her mouth* Oops. How not ladylike and appropriate of me. *trots off to her children*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *a satisfied smirk appears in the corner of her lips* Hehe, I already know. I knew even before Ragnar himself told me. I picked up on the scent of Slingshot on his fur when he got close to me. Nopony can fool my nose! Nevertheless, we have discussed this matter and since he assumed I was dead, I can look passed it.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Oh, I was aware you knew about this. Hah! But he knew you were alive, matchstick. He did it anyways. *shrugs*
Wheat: You guys..
Tsura: What? Who knows, my brother may still prefer Slingshot than the labrat.
Wheat: Tsura, you're still angry, aren't you?
Tsura: I'm always angry. Thought everypony knew that. *pours the bottle of whiskey she stole from the motel into a glass*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: *turns around with a very menacing, furious expression* What did you call me?!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Steps in between them) Now, come on. The last thing we need is an argument between us
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: *raises an eyebrow at the mare* What, your nose works well but not your hearing? I called you a-

The gypsy suddenly goes mute, and her eyes widen in surprise. She tries to finish her sentence, but a force precludes it. The mare then tries to speak after a while, with no success. When she looks up, she encounters Ragnar staring at her with tired, annoyed eyes.

Ragnar: I am so glad Jaya taught me that spell.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Hmm... intriguing spell indeed. I just did not expect that kind of talk from you, Tsura! I can tolerate a lot of things. But mocking my past is not one of them!I don't take that from anypony! Especially not from somepony who went through similar ordeals so she understands in depth what it was like! *turns back to the wheel* You can let go of her now, Ragnar. And thank you for preventing me from doing something stupid.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: No, Ginger head. I prevented HER from committing the stupid act.. *breaks the spell*
Tsura: Oh, my lovely voice, so sweet and feminine! As I was saying, I called you a lab rat!!! I'm Tsura Sly, you expect me not to insult you after everything?
Wheat: No matter.. Let's just go..
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Summer: Patience has never been my strongest asset, Tsura and you're really testing it. I strongly urge you to stop before I lose my temper.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Everyone calm down at once. We are supposed to be working together, not insulting each other. The last thing I'd want is for the changelings to win the war all because we all killed each other like savages over a few names. If none of you have anything nice to say to each other, don't say a damn thing to each other
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: Oooookay...this is getting out of hand. *turns to the children* ...and that's why ponies say 'sorry' to each other.

Astral: *opens an eye and watches the scene quietly then he sighs as if he expected the event to happen*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Ragnar: Now that THAT has been dealt with.. *returns to his chair besides Summer, curling up into a ball and falling asleep once more*
Tsura: Tsk.. tsk.. *takes a sip of the strong beverage*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Sits down back with his family, showing the same emotions he did back in the revolution)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *places a hoof on Longsword's, comforting him with a small smile*

Tanis: Mommy says that you just apologize if you're caught.
Meriva: *nods* But if they accuse you of some silly reason, then don't apologize and leave them alone to cry.
Willow: Well, my mommy says that you should always apologize as a sign of respect and empathy.
Vectra: Well your mommy is loco in the coco.
Willow: *frowns*
Tsura: *observes her children with a smirk*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Calms down once he feels Wheat hoff on him and smiles softly)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: *chuckles then pats them all on the head* Alright...I guess those are all good concepts.

Astral: *stretches his limbs as he looks out the window* huh...I'm actually surprised nothing bad happened yet...
Fia: *suddenly appears behind him* ...isn't that a good thing?
Astral: gah! Don't sneak up on me like that!
Fia: My apologies.
Astral: *sighs...a frequent thing now* Alright,alright...well yeah, i guess it's fine to be this's just that y'know...
Fia: It gives you a false sense of security?
Astral: Exactly.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: *observes Fia speaking to Astral in curiosity* (Hmm.. He seems to be more comfortable with her than his own father.. Understandable..*
Toy Sword: *tilts his head at Meadow* You've been in the same page for over an half an hour. What are you doing?
Meadow: Well, excuse me brother for interrupting you with my concentration.
Tsura: Wow, aren't you the siblings of the year?
Toy Sword: Look who's talking, gypsy.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Percival: How much further till we get there?
Fia: *looks at Percival then back at Astral* Don't you wan't to talk to him?
Astral: I obligated to?
Fia: No...yes--sorta but he's your
Astral: *his ears droop* ...I know...I just need to clear my head...Anyways! Don't YOU wanna talk with,I dunno...that brown haired guy,Mitchell? You two are pretty much partners in crime.
Fia: ...Don't wanna talk to him right now. *turns around* I'll be off then.
Astral: *Scoffs*...way to avoid conversation when it's about you...*opts to look at his pendant* (oh yeah...this thing came from the same brown-haired guy....)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *answers Percival's question with a smile* It shouldn't take that long. We'll be arriving in no time.
Tsura: That is unless matchstick here decides to overreact like she always does.

Meadow: *continues to observe Astral, then wanders her eyes to his pendent* (Interesting.. His necklace contains some odd power.. I wonder.. Hmm..) *raises her eyebrow*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: I think she will if you keep provoking her like that...c'mon, I'm just saying.

Astral: *notices her stare and looks back at her raising a brow in confusion*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Provoking her? Sweetheart, I'm being honest. Drink? *passes a cup of whiskey to the mare* Looks like you need one.

Meadow: *widens her eyes and quickly looks away* (Aaaaaand now he's gonna think I'm a creepy stalker who stares at him every minute... *groans* Great..)
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: ummm...i don't think I'm allowed to drink yet?

Astral: *chuckles then walks towards her,taking a seat* ...hey,what gives?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
What? Now there's an age rule? *rolls her eyes* seriously? It's not like your drinking every single minute. One drink won't hurt. *places the glass on her hoof* Cheers!

Meadow: *laughs awkwardly* Ha hah.. Umm.. I was just observing your.. Um, pendent of course. Not anything else, or else that would be weird.. Aaand I'm acting weird now..
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: *shrugs* I guess...*peeks at Astral then back at the glass,she gulps but eventually takes a drink of it*...huh...well that was a doozy...

Astral: *smirks* That,you are. Seriously though...what's up?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: See? *pats Crystal a bit too hard on her head* It wasn't that bad. You should drink it more often.
Wheat: *pierces her orange eyes into Tsura's; her facial expression saying more than she could herself*
Tsura: *rolls her eyes* Take a chill pill, doctor.
Wheat: *switches her eyes and pierces them into Crystal's with disappointment*

Meadow: Heh.. *places her head on her hooves in embarrassment* I.. I myself don't even know what's up.. I guess I'm just.. You know, stressed.. Well, we're living in a world surrounded by changelings. What do you expect? I'm a teacher, with more responsibility.. Of children! Innocents.. I can't imagine them being slaughtered by those bugs!
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *in a half-asleep state, he perks his ears as he listens to what Meadow and Astral are talking about* So that's why we're coming up with plans, digging through rubble and traveling back and forth: For the sake of all the innocent souls that are caught in the web of these bugs. I believe none of us want to see all these dead and injured ponies laying around. We can't really just blindly go to their bases and kill them all. What we CAN do is going to Canterlot and see what the fuss is about. The future may seem bad, but there's a future beyond that, right? We have to try. It's our only chance..
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: I guess you're right.. *manages to expand a small smile, and wraps her left hoof around Thunderstorm and her right around Astral* Thanks guys.. You're the second closest thing I have to consider family!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: *her ears droop as her face is painted with sad puppy dog eyes*...I'm sorry...

Astral: Heheh...I could say the same...although it's more like a second family *he manages to ruffle her mane even in their current position*...there, that's better. *chuckles*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…

Wheat: *raises an eyebrow at the young mare, then tilts her head to Astral* You know exactly who to apologize. Don't even think about hiding such event, Crystal! You know better!

Meadow: Hey! That took forever to curl! *tries to fix her mane* Hmm.. You haven't changed a single bit, Astral! *laughs, then ruffles his mane*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: *looks down in shame* ...I know...maybe I will...

Astral: Hey, it's one of my charms. *smiles as he chuckles for a bit, then he finally breaks out of their small 'cage' and fixes his mane*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Maybe? Oh, you most certainly will..
Tsura: Giver her a break, Wheat. You used to drink at her age. Everypony did. *looks at Crystal, then grabs her chin and lifts her head up high* Never look down, pegasus.
Wheat: That was years ago! Where water was hard to get for peasants! Wine took long to expire, so we drank that! But things have changed!
Tsura: There's a first for everything!

Meadow: Hmm.. So, let's say.. If we were ever to defeat the changelings, which is highly impossible, what would you do with your life? You've found your family. And.. Crystal is more like your daughter if you ask me. You took her as your own, it is obvious to everyone. What about a family of your own, Astral? Have you thought about a wife yet? Perhaps a woman in Crystal's life..
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(Crystal feels like a deer in headlights now... xD)

Crystal: *feels really uncomfortable and considered just sneaking away while they argued but did her best to stay what Astral told her to do in situations like this.*

Astral: *suddenly blushes with embarrassment as he looks away* um...I guess...? *scratches behind his head sheepishly* came to my mind a few times but I guess with all 'this' going on, i just never had the luxury...or more like I was just a coward with these things,haha...
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: Oh, come on, don't be so harsh on yourself. You've got a lot of responsibility already with Crystal and your family. But I'm sure you'll find a good mare for yourself someday. *smiles*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: I am as well. You've done wonders with Crystal. Orphans- Or.. I mean, ponies with no parents are often left traumatized. You succeeded in helping the filly since the moment you saw her. Any mare could fall for your tenderness! ..Sorry for, um.. Making you uncomfortable, Astral.. I guess I spoke with no thought. Hah.. Yeah, inappropriate me, I know.. *twirls her hooves in her lap silently after she finished fixing her mane*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *puts a hoof on her shoulder* You certainly are not inappropriate. You and Astral have been friends for 8 years. He won't be mad at you after asking a question. It was just a mistake. Right Astral?
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *shakes head to clear off the embarrassment* No,that's fine...and thank you for the compliment ,even you Thunderstorm,I never expected you to y' nice to me? hehe...*fake coughs then puts his hoof on Meadow's shoulder* I'm sure you'd make a good wife too someday. You have warm heart. *smiles*
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: I never actually thought you two would get along.. At all.. Both of you stallions started off with a bad introduction of each other, if you ask me... *quietly laughs, then looks at astral* We never got the chance to gaze at the stars last night. Perhaps tonight? If we don't die, that is.. *glances at Thunderstorm* Why don't you join us? It's a relaxing activity. Especially with such great friends!
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: If you and Astral are fine with it, then sure, I'll come.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: I'm fine with it! And I'm sure Astral is too! It'll be a distraction.. Of this insane world of today.. *lowers her eyes*
Tsura: *gazes at Meadow while sipping on her drink, talking on a raspy voice* What did you think? Just because we killed their queen doesn't mean they'd retreat. They're bugs! They're everywhere! I've seen many creatures in my life! So has my brother! Everything except changelings..
Wheat: Really? Like what creatures?
Tsura: Sirens! Those are the monsters you must watch out for when you sail! They'll try to drown your boat! And eat you! Then we have timberwolves.
Wheat: Well.. When we first met, you had two as pets.
Tsura: I still have four timberwolves who guard Catapult's and my house! Oh, and not to mention dragons, cyclopes, hybrids, gah!
Wheat: Well.. It is believable.. You travelers were able to bring back the dead..
Tsura: That was because the portal of the other world was still open when Obsidian brought back the dead.. AS THE DEAD.
Meadow: Impressive magic.. Remarkable, actually..
Tsura: Of course! We're basically witches and wizards! Although, I've forgotten some of the easiest Romanian spells for being here too long. It is as if I switched traditions. The Gods of course are mad at me! And my brother! But perhaps they understand why.. After all, the God of Love did give up everything for her soulmate!
Wheat: Have you ever seen a zebra before?
Tsura: Why of of course! We used to live with them! They are great in magic as well! They'll make any potion you need! *lowers her head to her kids* And I'll teach my little rascals some basic magic as well that will be useful in life.
Tanis: *gasps* Really?! I can use magic to cheat on a test!
Meadow: I don't think so!
Vectra: Oh, when will the first lesson begin, mommy?
Tsura: When you're old enough.
Meriva: When is that?
Tsura: In a few years.
Willow: *frowns at her friends* No fair.. I'm just a basic earth pony!
Wheat: *picks up Willow and sets her in her lap* Don't say that! Earth Ponies can be powerful too! Look at Landslide!
Willow: We were meant to pull corn out for the Unicorns..
Tanis: Meadow doesn't even belong to their family, right mother? None of their ancestors were unicorns.
Tsura: *stays quiet and slowly nods*
Meadow: *perks her ears and looks away as if she didn't heard*
Wheat: Tanis! Where have you gotten such attitude? Apologize at once! *glares at Tsura and Catapult for help, as they both look away*
Tanis: *looks at his teacher* I'm sorry you were adopted.
Meadow: *frowns* It's.. Fine..
Ragnar: *quietly laughs under his hooves while resting with his eyes closed*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *groans* Tsura...teach your boy some manners...please.
Crystal: *whispers to him as she nudges* let it go! He's just a kid...
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Manners? How was he acting disrespectful? What my son said was the truth. No insult. *punctures her eyes into Astral's* Why don't you teach your daughter the rules of drinking?
Wheat: *rolls her eyes* What happened to no age limit, Tsura?
Tsura: *shrugs* I needed a comeback.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: Still, he should know that some things need not to be said...sensitive matters,*raises brow* and don't worry *looks at Crystal sternly* I'll be sure to have a talk with her later...right?
Crystal: *groans as she hides her face,feeling small already* Yes...
Astral: *sighs* Well that certainly broke my good mood a bit...*shakes his head* anyway,are we at our destination yet?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Aw, don't talk about my little boy like that. *picks up Tanis and puts him between her arms, gently combing his mane* How could you blame such innocent face? He's just a kid. *peeks outside the window* It won't be long until we arrive, don't worry Starfreak. But you're welcome to jump out the airship whenever you feel like it! *smiles*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(For some reason this reminds me of Lion King 3(?) y'know with young Kovu and her mom talking stuff about him resembling Scar...before that certain song number.)

Astral: Ha. Thanks but no thanks, I'm fine.
Crystal: Um-
Astral: You are grounded,missy.
Crystal: I know...*mumbles* so much for being a young adult...