Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic Roleplay

guilmon2149 posted on Nov 08, 2011 at 04:49PM
make up your own charecter or choose an existing one.
Sonic: taken
blaze: taken
shadow: taken
eggman nega: taken
espio: taken
last edited on Jan 21, 2012 at 12:46AM

Sonic the Hedgehog 5180 replies

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over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Kem: oh, sry. u c, our gang was split up and noiw we're slowly coming bak 2gether. i'm Kem Senef. most just call me Kem.
Cassie: *still floating in a C shape with my 3 pet Cheshires floating around me* Cassie Cheshire. most jus call me Cassie or Cass. some call me Disappere. *and i disolve, then reapere behind them*
Sheta: i'm Sheta Keded. most call me Sheta.
Sammy: Sammy, Sam...choose. either way...
Kaos: Kaos the Sha. *i say...because 4 some reason every1 thinks i'm a wolf with weird ears...*
Robbie: ands i'm Robbie.....please don't call me Obbie...*sniffs the black scentede marker and then makes a face* ur right...this does smell like butt...*sniffs it again* yeah, that's condenced butt...*sniffs again*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *makes sure not 2 breath through nose* nice 2 meet u all sure we have room 4 all of u here

Blaze- *nods agreement*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
DB: and i'm sure eventually more will show up...
FB: *nods, smiling. i feel,...weightless...i finally kno my real family...i wonder if they'll tell our so-called parents...*
Robbie: Puts cap on and puts it in my pocket, then pulls out a watch* time is ticking away...i wonder when...
Cassie: loud-mouth...stop muttering 2 urself. he'll never find us and if he does we can fight...till death, if we must...
Black Rose: but what if...
Nefer: *Flies bak* they will 4give eventually. I'm Nefer Re-A'-Khet...every1 calls me Nefer.
DB: most call u optimist...
FB: and suppose they don't?
Nefer: eventually...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- ok then...and what r u talking about Robbie? Cassie?
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Robbie: wut? oh, i'm...
Kem: he's mad, don't listen 2 him....
Nefer: they don't kno? no wonder they're so willing...
FB; well i'm sure they kno but unlike most they're willing 2 4give...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
All- *confused* ......

Ember- Percival can u wait outside 4 a bit?

Percival- uh....sure *walks out*

Ember- ok...what up FB
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: he's still...after us...
Robbie: tick tick tick...*swings watch around as he speaks* eventually he'll find us. we can't hide 4ever. all of us escaping as 1 helped with the eescape but it also makes us an ez-er target...
DB: Robbie...y r u such a nervios reck...?
Robbie: we all kno what he'll do when he finds us...and no 1 can stop him
Nefer: we've gotten away once, i'm sure we can do it again
Robbie: not without a few more scars...
Nefer: will u shut up?!
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- ok...WHATS GOIN ON HERE!!?

Blaze/Nova/Ember- *look the same but different hights and colors w/ their arms crossed over their chests and the SAME look*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Robbie: u don't kno?
FB: of corse she knows...she has 2 least...Blaze should.....unless she 4got....
DB: u attacked with ur SISTER there!!!???
FB: it was the best way 2 get attention....
FB: i kno...*lets head fall* but i couldn't think of anything else 2 do....
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
All- *simultaniously tip heads 2 side*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: *sigh* fine....time 4 a confessional....we all used 2 work 4 Doc Egg-head...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember/Blaze- Nega? *look at eachother then look away*

Ember- or the Mobious Eggman? in otherwords does he ware red or black?
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: red....
DB: the 1 after Sonic....
FB: long story....
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- Mobius Eggman it is *motions 4 her 2 continue*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: *sigh* let's just say....all these tattoos...aren't tattoos...each is made from smaller parts....each smaller part was a scar...some from fights, others from falls and such....mostly from him....
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- hm....thats probably why i didnt notice our crest on ur shoulder...
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: *nods* every time we failed....the same thing....eventually we became more like prisoners and less like his children...
DB: we were all abandon or created....and he picked us up and raised us...
Robbie: always running out of time...
Nefer: can it...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *sighs* well dont worry about it...he cant come here without a Sol Emerald and we have them all...and even if he does the Guardians r staronger here
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: and we're stronger now then we ever were with him...
Robbie: there's no ending....eventually 1 of us will leave....we can'[t live like this 4ever...
Nefer: i don't c y not...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- any1 here is we all in this 2gather now

Blaze- right

Nova- guess so

Ember- T_T can u b ANY more optimistic Nova?

Nova- this is my optimistic face... *looks bored*

Ember- T_T" ok then...
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: sounds about rite...
DB: *facepalm*
Robbie: and i'm the mad 1...
Cassie: *apperes behind FB* well i suppose we could b worse off. with a little help, this'll b a great place.
FB: *raises an eyebrow at her*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- sound good then? *smiles at FB*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: *smiles bak* jus as long as u don't mind
Lizzy: AWSOME!! *jumps up and randomly pulkls out a radio, then starts dancing*
Joker: YESH!! *starts dancing*
FB: that...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *laughs* its fine! *puts 1 arm around her shoulders* need anything ask. k?
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: k. *smiles at her hugely*
Heket: any water 'round here?
Ger Herep: good question, sis...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *grins and walks off* kitchens over here *in a different room*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Ger Herep: cool....pond...ocean...lake...river....poo­l?
FB: we could always MAKE a wouldn't bb 2 hard. we'll b here 4 a while anywho...
Heket: tru...
Joker: surfin' bird don't work well wit no wata
DB: um...u kno what, not gunna bother...
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- if u look down we r RIGHT over the sea

Blaze- *muttering* dont remind me...
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Robbie: AAA!!!
DB: *facepalm* and ur biggest fear is perfect....
Sheta: well i'm slowly making webs so they'll b a safety line...*already has a giant web connecting parts of it*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- ah dont worry bout it Robbie...this place is huge...u wont fall
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: u kno...those webs could also work as bridges...
Robbie: i....i hope not....
Sheta: even if u do i'm sure some1 will catch u...ur as light as a feather....
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- this is the only floating island in Soleana...*walks over 2 Robbie* relax...if u dont trust this place just ask 1 of us 2 go w/ u then
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Robbie: o-o-ok....
DB: i'm sure u'll get used 2 it...
FB: and until then we'll just go with u where ever
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- exactly *smiles* just relax *facepalms* i forgot about Percival...brb *walks outside*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Lost: ok so sweet. we lay low here then
Found: exactly...
Extraho: so then i guess it's a good thing he doesn't kno our powers. *i say as i fly in*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- Percival?

Percival- *leaning against the side of HQ* ready now?

Ember- *nods* sorry bout the wait

Percival- its ok *straightens and walks in*

Ember- *follows her*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Kuroryu: so i guess that means....?
Misery: yes, Kuro...Mr. Boomastic, no more flirting...womanizer...
Kuroryu: aw damn....*lets head fall*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *walks around and looks at the darkning sky* alright...we have plenty of spare rooms but i need 2 know on who want 2 b w/ who...each room has 2 beds
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
FB: well siblings with Kuroryu with Misery, Heket with Ger Herep, Lost and Found...
Extraho: me and Verosilus...
Lizzy: maybe me and Joker
Joker: heck yeah!
Slither: me and Black? *looks at Black Rose, who shrugs*
DB: we could b in the same room like old times. *looks at FB, who nods slightly*
Evan: me and Sedjet
Matris: me and Nefer? *i look at her and she smiles*
Saret: Wenen? *i look and he nods*
David: me and....Kaos?
Kaos: sure....y not...
Sammy: Cassie?
Cassie: yup.
Kem: Flare?
Flare: sure.
Sheta: i'll sleep on my web....
Robbie: wut 'bout me?
Cassie: aww....u can bunk wit us, right?
Sammy: sure thing. *smiles at him* u sleep as a rabbit anyways.
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- ok then ^_^ FB, DB, Lizzy, Joker, Slither, Black, Matris and Nefer follow me

Blaze- Extraho, Verosilius, Evan, Sedjet, Saret, Wenen, Sammy, and Cassie follow me

Nova- and the rest follow me then
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
All: *follow asigned person*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
All- *asign rooms*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
All: go in2 rooms and look around*
FB: just like old
DB: ye-yeah....i suppose so, hu?
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
all- *goes 2 own rooms 4 bed*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
All: *eventualy fall asleep, figuring 2 personalize rooms 2morro*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
**Next Day**
Ember- *wakes up early as usuall and slips out of room w/out waking Blaze and goes 4 morning run*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Joker: *wakes up and slips out of the room without waking up Lizzy and goes 4 a surf*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *starts at a light jog going about 100mph*
over a year ago zutaradragon said…
Misery: *wakes up and sits with my ear-buds in.....singing softly 2 myself*
over a year ago silverstream101 said…
Ember- *grins and goes full speed as fast as light*