My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little OC Friendship is Magic Presents... - The Imperium - An OC RP

Quillabex posted on Jul 18, 2013 at 08:13AM
The year is 3147

Equestria has evolved along with all of it's subjects.
Many wars have raged on

Except for one

Which still fights today
It is known as "The War of the End" or "The War of Wrath"
Most call it "Equestria's End"

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are the problems of this war.
They all joined together into one force, into one empire.
It's called, The Imperium.

As the war goes on, so do the remains places of Equestria.

Baltimare, gone.
Vanhoover, gone.
Manehatten, gone.

All hope is lost.

Except for one.

There is a group of ponies that join together to stop the power of The Imperium.
That group is called, The Resistance.

And YOU have been chosen to join this rebellion.

But first, you must fill out a form.

Here are the defaults:







NO SPECIAL SPECIES (i.e. alicorn, demon)
Are you ready?
It's a dangerous world out there
Your first mission is in three
last edited on Jul 19, 2013 at 08:15AM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 599 replies

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over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *runs out of the cell and smashes the Guard's head into the wall, then takes his pistol*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Soon a loud siren can be heard and red lights start to flash around the place.

Guard: We have escapist!
over a year ago kivamarie said…
Kimmy: (looks at the Guard) excuse me you look so hot
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: We don't have time for that! Let's go!!!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: *runs after and soon guards start running after us*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *runs, but then stops as the others keep running, and the guards catch up to radiant* *once they get close she jumps into the air over the guards, causing them to stop and turn around, but before they can realize what happens, radiant has already generated a magic ball at the top of her horn, and she releases it at the guards, causing them to become unconcious* *she strips a female guard of her clothes and puts them on* C'mon guys, I got an idea
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Lol used wrong OC for wrong RP XD)
GC: What's the plan?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Put on the guard's clothes, we will use them as a disguise to get to Luna
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Right! I'm following you. *changes into one of the Guard's uniforms*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Oh yeah! We'll get her good. Show her not to put us in these cages! *takes one of the guards armor and puts it on herself* But we ain't got those demon wings or eyes these fellas got.
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *takes an extra helmet and forms it into an eye cover thing to cover the eyes* attach these to the front part of your helmets. If anyone asks, just say we are Elite guards, and they ask further questions, knock em out, but to it quick and quietly
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Alrighty. Let's do this! *puts on eye covers*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Now we're talking! *puts on the helmet with the eye covers* I can barely see in this thing...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: You'll get used to it. Just stand up straight, don't slouch, just pretend you are an Elite Guard, I'll lead. *starts walking down pathway*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Understood. *keeps head up high and follows Radiant*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *says quietly* We need to find the entrance to the castle...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Do you know where can it be?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Not sure. *sees a guard walking by* I've got an idea... *runs to guard*
Radiant: *salutes*
Guard: *salutes back* Sir, if you don't mind answering, what's with the eye covers?
Radiant: I'm an Elite Guard.
Guard: How come I haven't seen anyone of those type of helmets around?
Radiant: I've just returned from a mission Luna assigned me and the rest of my Elite Guards, but I've seem to forget where her castle is. Could you tell me where so I can report?
Guard: Take a right here, and go straight for a bit, then turn left, and once you see a drawbridge, that's where her castle is.
Radiant: Thanks. *runs back to others* Did you overhear the conversation?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Yeah, loud and clear. Let's go!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *marches down the streets, remembering the directions*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *follows Radiant, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: There's the drawbridge. *sees a whole lot of guards guarding the open drawbridge* Okay, just pretend like there not there it will be fine... *walks towards drawbridge. starts to walk on drawbridge and notices the guards staring at her. she continues to pretend like they are not there and she is able to get through without any trouble*
over a year ago SomeoneButNoone said…
Slash : *wake up* hey guys? guyyyys... shit... I gonna teleport! *teleport somewhere* shit... *see Mirage* shit
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: C'mon guys!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: *follows after her* What happens if some ponies get a 'lil suspicous? Panic?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: We've been training to handle such cases. We use our powers and fight!
over a year ago SomeoneButNoone said…
Guard : *get Slash*
Slash : mmmm
Guard : You going to princess Luna *teleport with Slash somewhere*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Darn it! They captured Slash!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Darn it! We gotta go back for 'em!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: No! They will get suspicious, just keep walking... we will have to come back for him!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Alright then partner, let's hurry!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Radiant's right. If we succeed at our task, it'll be easier to free Slash. *keeps walking*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Ok just up these stairs... and the throne room should be there
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: What if the alicorn isn't here?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Well then we are screwed, aren't we?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: I guess. However, before we confront her, I'd like to know what's the battle plan.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: We ain't need any of that! We go in and beat whoever's in the way!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: And if we're overpowered? This is an alicorn we're dealing with after all and I like to examine all opportunities.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: *is already heading towards the door* Get ready to meet your match alicorn!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Oh well... *follows GC*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: *pops open the door* WE'RE READY TO ATTACK!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Luna: Well well well, looks like the cats out of the bag!
Radiant: Where's the shards Luna?!
Luna: Shards, do you mean these shards? *levitates shards*
Radiant: Yes, those! Give them back!
Luna: I don't think so.... Hmm
Radiant: What?
Luna: Let's see how loyal you really are!
Radiant: ......
Luna: Guards, bring out the prisoner!
*guards bring out Slash all cuffed up*
Luna: Well what will it be Radiant? Should I let go of your friend and destroy the shards? Or should I hand them over and kill him right in front of your eyes?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Bluff! I'm callin' it all bluff. You wouldn't kill him if it meant I had to pick every coffee bean plant on Equestria!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: I agree. Just look into her eyes... these are not the eyes of a killer...
over a year ago SomeoneButNoone said…
Slash : ... L-Luna... why...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *makes signal to Mirage to sneak behind the guards and wait for her to grab the shards*
Radiant: Why should I trust you? You wouldn't even kill a soul.
Luna: Would I?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *sneaks behind the guards while they and Luna are distracted by the conversation*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
GC: Yeah. You ain't killing no pony.
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Luna: Well *shows hoof claw things* let's just find out, shall we? *puts them on and heads toward Slash*
Radiant: Wait!
Luna: Hm?
Radiant: I'll take the shards...
Luna: HAH! I knew you weren't loyal at all to your pony friends. *throws shards at Radiant's hooves* say goodbye to your friend Radiant.
Radiant: No Luna, I really think it's you who should say goodbye.
Luna: Excuse me!
Radiant: NOW!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *jumps on Luna from behind, encasing her neck in a lethal hug* You are mine, alicorn! *strangles her until she loses consciousness*