My Little Pony Friendship is Magic My Little OC Friendship is Magic Presents... - The Imperium - An OC RP

Quillabex posted on Jul 18, 2013 at 08:13AM
The year is 3147

Equestria has evolved along with all of it's subjects.
Many wars have raged on

Except for one

Which still fights today
It is known as "The War of the End" or "The War of Wrath"
Most call it "Equestria's End"

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are the problems of this war.
They all joined together into one force, into one empire.
It's called, The Imperium.

As the war goes on, so do the remains places of Equestria.

Baltimare, gone.
Vanhoover, gone.
Manehatten, gone.

All hope is lost.

Except for one.

There is a group of ponies that join together to stop the power of The Imperium.
That group is called, The Resistance.

And YOU have been chosen to join this rebellion.

But first, you must fill out a form.

Here are the defaults:







NO SPECIAL SPECIES (i.e. alicorn, demon)
Are you ready?
It's a dangerous world out there
Your first mission is in three
last edited on Jul 19, 2013 at 08:15AM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 599 replies

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over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: We can use all the help we need, but I know a secret passage way to the throne room. It's through the sewers. Mirage, can you detect any holes of some sort? If you can't that's fine, I think I know where a sewage door is, but we would have to look.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Let me give it a try... Although I've never attempted this before, I should be abler to sense the inconsistencies of the surface... *closes eyes and concentrates very hard* The door we're looking for is over there... right beside the middle of that square...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *hops down the wall and trots to the sewage door on the road and opens it* C'mon guys! And hold your breath! *jumps down*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *follows* Yuck... Uh.. I don't want to alarm you, but I think the floor is moving... could you provide us some light?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *casts light spell*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Whoa... I hope you're not afraid of rats... *points down and the hundreds of rats are swarming on the floor*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Ew... just ew... *keeps walking, trying not to look at the rats*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: I hope you know where we're going... the Canterlot sewage system is like a deadly maze... some tunnels haven't been used in centuries, we could easily get lost...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *turns right* I know where we are going, plus it couldn't be that bad down here.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Well, back in the old days, I've heard some rumors about construction workers who were sent to fix something down here and they never returned...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *turns left* Mirage, stop trying to spook me with your old scary stories. They aren't real
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Darn... you're like an alabaster statue... always so serious...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *glares at, then looks ahead again, then chuckles* Whatever...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Careful, I might get you to smile once... so how far is it?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *turns left* shouldn't be that far *turns right* I think we are almost there *suddenly hears heavy breathing as spell wears off* Mirage.... is that you?
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: No... definitely not... What happened to the light...? O-ooo... you're not gonna like this... but something's up ahead and it's watching us, I see through its eyes...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: I can't cast the spell again. Something is in here with us. It couldn't possibly be that story you were talking about, it's not true right? It's probably just some filly playing a prank that can somehow overcome my magic...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: I sincerely doubt that my dear... look! *points ahead to a pair of glowing yellow eyes and some beastly growling is audible*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *a group of three undead pony zombies walk out from the shadows, slowly walking towards Mirage and Radiant* Zombies, it just haaaad to be zombies
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Oh, this day keeps getting better and better! *takes out his knife and cutie mark lights up with a blueish glow, providing a gloomy light* Try not to make any spark, or we'll be ashes! This tunnel is full of methane!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: That's a bit hard since I usually use fire when I'm pumped. Get behind me! *prepares flamethrower spell*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Then I hope you have some other powerful spells too, cos if that gas explodes, entire Canterlot will know about our presence...
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *in what it seems like less than three seconds, Radiant casts the fire spell at the same time casts a force field spell around everyone, then casts a mini force field spell around her and Mirage so that they would not be engulfed in the flames* There! :D
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Wow! That was very impressive! Where did you learn such complex spells?
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: After Celestia killed my parents, I sought revenge ever since, so I practiced some moves. *climbs up sewage ladder and pokes head out a bit, then climbs out* Uhh, Mirage, you are gonna wanna see this...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: *follows* What the hay is this?!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *guards are everywhere, surrounding within the throne room. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are sitting on the thrones at the end of the room.
Luna: We've been expecting you.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Oh, s***!
Celestia: Haha... And you seem surprised. Again! Your disbelief amuses us!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *looks for Calemvir*
Cadence: Expecting someone?
Radiant: Where is he?
Cadence: Hm?
Radiant: Don't play like you don't know who I'm talking about, you know who I'm talking about.
Luna: Well the one who you are looking for isn't here, is he?
Radiant: You said he...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Celestia: *glances at Luna with disapproving eyes, then turns her attention to Radiant again. She stands up from the throne and walks down on the golden stairs with slow, regal steps as she speaks on a mesmerizing voice, more reminiscent of her old self* Perhaps we started off with the wrong hoof. There is no need for violence... All this fight only brings the end of Equestria closer. Don't you see, Radiant? Your battle serves no purpose! You have no idea what we could do for you... bow down to us and you and your friend shall not be punished! On the contrary! Your submission will be meant with reward! Something you've been craving for such a long time... *she's only a few inches away from Radiant and reaches out for her* Your heart's ultimate desire... *lifts her head up and the vision of Radiant's parents emerge in her sparkly, billowing mane* He can grant you your wish. He can bring them back so that your family shall be united once again! He is a generous god. All you have to do is kneel.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *sees her parents in Celestia's mane* Mom, Dad, is that you? *she reaches out her hoof to touch what looks like parents as if they were real, but she resists and pushes Celestia's hoof out from under her chin.* I would rather die than kneel to you!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Celestia: *a spark of anger flashes in her eyes, but she maintains the warm, friendly tone* What should I do to make you realize? Whatever cause you believe in is lost. Only his blessing exists. He opened our eyes to see the error of our ways and soon, He will open yours as well. Why are you still try to fight us? We are not the enemy. The enemy you seek, lives inside your own soul, but soon you shall all be cleansed!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *telepathically* Mirage, if we can get all of them angry enough, I think Calemvir will appear. Try something
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Hey, Tia! Don't you have more than enough blood on your hooves?! You can all pretend to be the all-knowing Princesses, but I know what you really are: nothing but a bunch of common war criminals!
Celestia: *glares at Mirage* I find your lack of respect disturbing!
Mirage: Oh yeah?! The truth hurts doesn't it? You all let Calemvir infect your minds and you brought Equestria near her doom!
Celestia: *drops the mask of friendliness and lands in front of Mirage after a nightly wing beat, grabs his neck and pulls him up from the ground* Who do you think you are to question our actions?! How could you possibly believe you can rebel against the wisdom of countless centuries?! *sky darkens and thunders are heard, as her eyes glow white and shouts on the Royal Canterlot Voice* WE ARE THE SUN, THE MOON, THE LOVE! WE ARE EVERYTHING! YOU'RE MERELY AN IRRELEVANT SPECK OF DUST IN THE HOUR-GLASS OF TIME!!! THE ONLY REASON OF YOUR EXISTENCE IS TO SERVE US AND YOU ALL SHALL BOW DOWN BEFORE THE TRUE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE!!!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
The roof breaks as the storm clouds fill in. Celestia backs off of Mirage and steps backwards to Luna and Cadence. As the clouds spin faster, a dark tall figure in the shape of an alicorn is seen within the tornado shape of clouds. The princesses bow before the figure as the clouds reveal Calemvir.
Calemvir: *in a deep evil voice* Your time is up
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Well, there he is! The source of all our problems! *acquires an attacking position*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Calemvir: Pathetic *uses magic to force Mirage to hit the back wall*
Radiant: MIRAGE! *starts to run towards Mirage, but Calemvir catches her before she can get far*
Calemvir: I don't think so! *uses a crazy magic spell that makes Radiant hallucinate. She flashbacks her old memories as they are being corrupted. Calemvir drops her to the ground* Your cutiemark will disappear soon enough, and then you'll be nothing, non existent!
Radiant: *looks at cutiemark noticing that the color faded a little* My flank...
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Ugh! *shakes head and gets up* All right you psychotic megalomaniac, leave her alone! *raises hoof and lifts off a few marble blocks of the floor, turning them into sharp spears, then sending them toward Calemvir*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Calemvir: *stops them midair without even flinching* Ah I see, you are one of those type of pathetic ponies aren't you? *makes them drop* How's this for size? *levitates a hunk of rock from far away and shows it to Mirage*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: That's your problem, alicorn! Smugness! *creates a whip, made of terra magic and slices the rock in half, the pieces crash into the pillars* Always underestimating the earth pony!

Initiate Epic Battle Sequence:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Quillabex said…
They battle a fierce battle. Blood is drawn, ponies are killed, and Mirage and Radiant are easily outnumbered, but make the best of it. When it seems like hope is all lost, the shards spin around the two ponies, glowing. As the spin faster, the eyes of the heros glow brighter and brighter. The shards then put themselves into the ponies. Armor magically appears on the ponies, and this isn't know armor, its armor of past heros that prevent darkness from taking over. The light of the shards break the curse that the princesses are under, as they too have armor magically appear on them.
Radiant: Look who's outnumbered now Calemvir! BRING IT ON!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Celestia: *approaches Calemvir menacingly, repelling his magic bolts* How dare you to use us as an instrument of your own twisted goals?! *punches him on the face* Now you will face our wrath!!! *she flies up, joined by Luna and Cadence, and they all fire a bright magic beam. The three beams unite into one and strike Calemvir*
Mirage: He's weakening!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Calemvir: Ugh! The curse, it broke! *shoots dark beam at the combined beam, the two beams push against eachother, and Calemvirs slowly pushes the other more. Yesssss
Radiant: *joins the princesses by shooting a beam too* Together!
Calemvir: No...
Radiant: Mirage, we could use some sort of help here to finish him off!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: It all ends here! *"grabs" Calemvir's magical beam like if it was a solid mass. Cutie mark begins to glow and spin around its angle, as the flow of energy changes* You should have looked into Luna's mind before infecting her! You would have found out about my special talent... because my talent is your talent!!! *begins to slowly absorb Calemvir's magical aura*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
The combined beam pushes Calemvir's back.
Calemvir: NO!
Radiant: *parts of her float off into the air as she starts to disappear* Mirage!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: What the hay is happening to you?!
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: Calemvir did something to me, as my cutiemark disappears I do to! If he isn't killed soon enough I'll be gone forever!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: Then let's finish him off! *extends hooves and the Celestia accepts it after a little hesitation. Luna, Cadence joins hooves too and Mirage grab's Radiant's hoof* Hold on, Radiant! Don't leave us! *all the magical energy begins to float toward Radiant*
over a year ago Quillabex said…
Radiant: *only her flank remains and the outline of her body*
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Mirage: S***! It's not enough! *with a rapid moves, he jumps into the magic beam and heads toward Calemvir*
Celestia: Impossible! Nopony could survive that!
Mirage: *a crystal knife forms in his hoof* Come to Papa! *stabs Calemvir in the heart*