Bleach Anime Shinigami Academy

randomfan13 posted on Mar 20, 2010 at 02:53AM
This forum will be used as a RP forum made by me and Jlazlo. It will be based in a new academy for shinigami. The original Bleach characters will not be used in this, however, there will be teachers. There is a maximum of 10 teachers, and they will be decided by the teachers through a set of trials made by principals and teachers. In the beginning of this forum, there will be a contest to decide who will be a teacher.

Anyone can join this forum, just post your zanpakuto and character first, and talk to either me or Jlazlo. Then, you can do whatever you like, as long as it goes by the rules.


1. No using absolutes. What I mean is, you can't say, You got hit by my attack and you died. That is way too cheap.

2. If anyone gets in to a fight, Principles (Me and Jlazlo) can break it up.

3. Follow school assignments. These are actually missions, like hollow hunting, kido practice etc.

4. At any time, you can challenge a teacher for their position. Then, the teacher becomes the student. Also, if someone does very well, they can b promoted to be a principle.

5. If you are going to stop posting, please tell us first, and make a line explaining why they are leaving.

And thats really all it is. Have fun :)

Bleach Anime 1155 replies

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over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace and Maddox walk side by side as they discuss what will happen with Ace.

Ace: umm, Maddox? What will happen now that Makko confessed that he was the one that took care of me?

Maddox: well, usually the person adopted will decide whether or not they want to stay with their new family or not.

Ace: I have to decide, whether i want to stay with you or not? 'Maddox nods' B- but thats a really tough thing to do. Why can't Makko just join the family?

Maddox: hmm, I don't know... 'tries to not make eye contact'

Ace: 'notices that' What are you hiding? and by the way how do you know makko? Tell me.

Maddox: Well umm, The thing is i don't know if Makko wants to join the family?

Ace: explain now!

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Maddox: Alright, I'll tell you how I know him.....I'm sure that he told you that he stole food and other things that you needed in order to survive. Well, it turns out that one of the people that he tried to steal from was father.

Ace: You've got to be joking. If he was trying to steal something from father then he would have been killed on the spot. If not by father himself, one of the guards would have killed him for sure.

Maddox: That's true, he would have been killed had I not been there. Father made it a habit to not have anyone killed in the presence of his children, so he did not kill Makko. When Makko saw that he wasn't going to be killed, he began to apologize. He said that the only reason that he was stealing food was that he needed it for you. Makko then began to cry, saying that if father killed him then you would die too. That's when father made the deal.

(Flashback to 6 years earlier)

Maddox's Father: If you promise to never steal again, I will adopt your young friend into my family so that he can be cared for. I will adopt you as well, if you wish.

Makko: You would do that? You would adopt Ace, as long as I promised to never steal again?!

Maddox's Father: That is what I said.

Makko: Then I promise on my soul to never steal again. I will never, never, never steal again!

Maddox's Father: Very well. I will have the paperwork drawn up so that I can adopt both of you.

Makko: I don't want you to adopt me.

Maddox's Father: Why not?

Makko: Ace is too attached to me right now. If I were to be adopted into your family as well, then he would never accept your children as his siblings. That would create a tension that would not be easily broken. So I will tell Ace that I don't want him to be with me anymore in order for him to accept your family as his own and be able to grow up without any of the worry and pain that I had.

(End Flashback)

Maddox: He gave up everything that he knew so that you could have a life. It pained him greatly to leave you like he did, so father allowed him to watch over you from above your line of sight.

Ace: So if you trace it back, you're the original reason that I was brought into the Hanaroku family.

Maddox: No, Makko is the reason that you were brought into the family. I just helped him to do it. About a year after you were adopted, I began to speak with him on a regular basis. He told me that his real reason for coming into our home that day was to ask father to adopt you. However, he couldn't muster up the courage to come in and ask, fearing that he would be rejected. He just didn't know the kind of person father is. If he would have just come and told the truth, then that scary situation wouldn't have happened. (He chuckles) But what's done is done.

(He thinks hard for a few moments) Ace: Maddox, what would you do if you were in my place?

Maddox: What kind of stupid question is that? I would chose option three.

Ace: But you only gave me two options.

Maddox: You really need to learn to think, you know that.....Chose to stay in our family, but invite Makko to stay. That way you can still live with us and still have your close friend--no brother--here with you. Even you should be able to figure that out.

(He stops in his tracks) Ace: Then that's what I'll do. He doesn't have to be adopted to stay with us. So I'll just ask father to let him stay.

(He pats Ace on the back) Maddox: Now you're thinking straight!
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Traea: (she flings her Axe over her shoulder and stares at Ryu) You're not as powerful as you assert. You try and fool others with your cheap tricks, your boastful displays, and pathetic attitude. However, no speech will save you from the true onslaught.

Ryu: True onslaught?

Traea: (She vanishes and he looks for her. She smashes him in the face sending him in a building. She meets him on the other side and flips backwards kicking him into the ground. He stands up and she is seen gliding low on the ground and swings her axe, striking from his right shoulder to his left hip. Blood bursts from his body as she punches Ryu with an upper cut to the chin. He flies in the air, blood pouring from his body) If you wish to fight like you're a warrior, you will die like one, too. (She suddenly appears above Ryu and slams her foot into his chest and smashes him into the ground, her foot still in his chest. She takes her foot and kicks him in the face and fires a cero directly into his body)

Ryu: (the bloody and beaten Ryu get up and taunts her) Is that all you have?

Traea: Says the shinigami drooling blood. (she glides by him and cracks him in the jaw with her punch sending him skidding across the ground. She appears in his trajectory and his back slams into her palm. She grabs his clothes and flips him on his back. She begins twirling her axe. It begins grinding the soil as it spins rapidly) I'm going to spoil what I am sure will be a fantastic speech about your power.

Ryu: (stares at her when suddenly a clone swoops down, but she simply eliminates it with a cero)

Traea: (staring into his eyes) You said, earlier, that you have been concealing your power in your arm. Your parents gave this to you, which means it must have been a long while ago. Unfortunately you're forgetting one large discrepancy. Though, it may be convenient to unleash a larger portion of your power, it does not place you on the same level as an angel. We have existed for centuries, long before you were born. We possess ancient powers and zanpakuto that make your powers look like childs play. There is a distinctiveness between your seal and ours. Your parents obviously hid your energy because they didn't want you to become overwhelmed by your hollow presence. All your life you trained, battled, and became stronger. While you were training with only 40 percent of your energy, 60 percent was stagnating within that seal. A shinigami cannot go through life with sealed energy. The energy, like a mere fruit, becomes rotten. Unlike Captain Zaraki Kenpachi, he grew while able to use his full potential which allowed him to grow such an enormous level of spiritual pressure. He was able to add upon his spiritual pressure unlike yourself. You may release your spiritual pressure and fight with the full 100 percent, but it won't do you much good.

Ryu: What?!

Traea: Our bodies are connected by a spiritual network, which allows us to manipulate our spiritual pressure by conserving and exerting it respectively. However, when a seal is placed upon our bodies, it degredates our spiritual network controlling the input and output. Do you know what that means?

Ryu: ...No

Traea: Your spiritual network was compromised once your parents placed that seal on it. By controlling your input and output, they were successfully able to control and calm the hollow inside your consciousness. At the same time, that gift was ruinng your spiritual resevoir.

Ryu: What are you talking about?!

Traea: By eneabling the seal to control your input and output, it limited the growth of your spiritual network, which develops as you age, train, and gain experience. As you hone abilities such as kido and shunpo, you are finely tuning your spiritual network like you would exercise a muscle. As you train a muscle, it grows in mass and strength. The same concepts are appliable to our spiritual network. As you train and hone your skills you are building stronger, more extensive spiritual constellations. As you do that, you gain a more potent spiritual pressure and have a larger pool of spirit energy to work with. Since that seal blocked 60 percent of your energy you were only able to use 40 percent of your spiritual network.

Ryu: can't be.

Traea: Ergo, that present your parents bestowed upon you was much more equatable to a curse. Your growth was stunted because you weren't able to use your entire network unlike all others. And if you are just now releasing your seal, it means you've never once released it. When someone casts a seal, and it is removed whether by layers or completely, it can never be reversed. Unless, of course, another able bodied shinigami decided to place a seal upon your body. With the aforementioned information, this is the first time you're experiencing that stagnated 60 percent and the first time you're using the other 60 percent of your spiritual network. After being completely manipulated for so many years, it'll make it much more difficult to control your spiritual pressure. (She stops her blade and goes to cut off his arm, but he rolls over and hops up)


Traea: Believe what you must to move into the after life content. (she flies toward him and goes to punch his face. He begins to shuno, but it fades and he only makes it a couple feet when he is punched with such force it sends him flying through multiple buildings). You would have much more control if you would have kept the other portion of your network sealed. This wasn't the best environment to release it in. (she zooms down, crashing through the buildings and stabs him in the stomach with her axe. She lifts him up with it and throws him out of the building. He crashes into the floor while blood pours from his stomach).

Ryu: Why would they do this...

Traea: Who wouldn't try and conceal a filthy beast like a hollow. You won't have to feel anything once I remove your head from your neck. (She walks toward him as he sees the side of her cheeck and jaw, where her mask was cracked)

Ryu: ...

(suddenly captain Ukitake and Shunsui arrive)

Shunsui: Good grief. She's surely mangled you, Ryu.

Ukitake: (he unsheathes his sword and begins battling Traea)

Traea: (she throws him back and looks at Shunsui and Ryu) I've wasted far too much time here. (she fires a cero which Ukitake blocks)I'll be back for you captains. Be patient. (a gate opens and she enters)

Shunsui: She's forgetting her sister.

Ryu: (coughing up blood) She's heartless...she doesn't care.

(the gate closes).
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(Ukitake come over to Ryu and Shunsui. He kneels down to Ryu.)

Ukitake: Ryu, are you alright.

(He gets to one knee) Ryu: I'm pretty banged up, but I'll live.

Shunsui: Maybe we should get you to the hospital.

Ryu: No! I'm not going to the hospital.

(He looks at Ryu's arm) Ukitake: So you released the seal.

Ryu: I thought that I would gain a boost of power, instead I got nothing.

Shunsui: You should have tried releasing it when you were training for five months. At least you would have found out what it would have done.

Ryu: To tell you the truth, I did not know how the seal worked. I just tried to releasing only ten percent but it became completely unsealed. I lost because I did something that I had not yet tested, and now it could mean my own downfall.....I failed again.

Ukitake: You shouldn't beat yourself, Ryu. You couldn't have known.

Ryu: I just wonder why.

Shunsui: Why what?

Ryu: Why didn't he tell me what the seal was?! If he would have just explained it to me more then I could have been prepared.

(In his mind) Shunsui: Poor kid, it seems that he is always put down every time he tries to get back up.

Ryu: But I know what I must do.

Ukitake: What must you do?

Ryu: I've got to go to Urahara and see if he can help me stop the decaying and, if it is possible, revitalize my spiritual network.

Ukitake: If that is what you feel you must do, then the two of us will help you. Shunsui, go and help Leyno. I will help Ryu get to the Senkai Gate.

Shunsui: Alright, I'll help him out. But Ryu, you owe me a bottle of sake.

Ryu: Also, tell Leyno that he is in charge until I get back.

Shunsui: Okay, but now that's two bottle you owe me.

(Shunsui disappears and Ukitake helps Ryu to his feet. They then begin their journey to the Senkai Gate.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Ace: well then lets not waste time now!

Ace jumps on to Maddox's shoulders and jumps, he flips and lands on a roof

Maddox: I hate your stupid flexibility! 'grins'

Ace: Yea yea! 'waves his hand' BYE! 'he runs on the roof tops towards his home'

Maddox: heh, and Makko said he became weak 'he runs after him'

Minutes later, Ace and Maddox end up in front of their father's door. Ace starts to feel nervous, he knows that their might be a slight chance of not getting the answer he wants.

Ace: 'sighs' Okay, 'he puts on his game face and knocks on the door' Father?!

Maddox thoughts: wow i never knew he could act like that.

A voice is heard on the other side of the door.

Their Father: Enter! 'the gaurds open the door for them'

They walk into a large office. Their dad is located on the far end sitting in a tall leather chair working on paper work. He looks in his mid 40's he seems to start to have white hair.

Ace: Dad, I want to ask you something. 'looks straight into his eyes'

Father: 'he glimpses at Maddox and nods' From what it seems, you want to talk about Makko isnt it.

Ace: yes, its about that. I was wandering now that i know the truth and what has been done. I decided that, i dont wanna go with Makko or just stay by myself in the family.

Father: Then what do you want me to do? 'clasps his hand together'

Ace: well, i was wandering if we can take Makko in?

Father: Hmm, I could think about it. 'he sees that Ace is really nervous' heh, Relax son. Why do you need to be nervous around your father? I adopted you didn't I? haha, well anyways... I would be willing to bring Makko in the family. 'Ace smiles' But...

Ace: but what?

Father: It is up to Makko if he wants to or not. You must go to him and ask if he is willing to be welcomed into the family.

Ace: Thats it?

Father: yea that is! now sons come here and hug your awesome dad!

Ace and Maddox look at each other and laugh.

Maddox: hahaha, you're so funny. see ya around 'he waves and runs out'

Father: Ace?! c'mon youre my youngest!

Ace: sorry, but i need to find Makko, ahaha. 'he vanishes'

Makko: i wander where he is?
over a year ago onix11 said…
Blaze Shunpos in front of Ryu and Ukitake.

Blaze: What happened?

Ukitake: There was another attack. Ryu was badly hurt and seems to be shocked.

Blaze: Here let me help. (Blaze gets under one arm of Ryu and helps Ukitake.) Next Time there's trouble Ryu, just call and I'll come help you.

Ryu: Fine.

Next Time ther's a battle Bleacher, introduce me into it.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Ryu: You guys can let go now. I'm feeling better.

Blaze: You're nuts. Just look at how mangled you are!

Ryu: I don't have time to worry about how I look, Blaze! I need to get to Urahara. He and Yoruichi are the only ones that can help me.

(Ukitake and Blaze let Ryu go. He takes a couple of steps and falls to one knee, but he quickly picks himself up.)

Ukitake: Ryu, you don't have to leave the Seireitei. You could always just go to Captain Unohana. She could help you out.

Ryu: No, the kind of help that I need is that of someone that can think from the aspect of a scientist. And I will not trust Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Ukitake: I can understand where you're coming from, Ryu. Just remember that there may not be a way to revitalize your spiritual network.

Ryu: I know, but I have to stop the decay.

Ukitake: Then let's get you to the Senkai Gate. It's going to be your only way to get to Urahara.

Ryu: You seem to forget that I am a Vasto Vizard, Captain Ukitake. I can open a Garganta to get to Urahara's shop.

Ukitake: I didn't forget, Ryu. I just thought that you would be too worn out to form one.

(He summons his hollow mask) Ryu: Now we both know that I'm never too worn out...(He snaps his fingers and opens the Garganta)...Just make sure that Leyno and the other Renegades know about this. They can manage without me for a few days.

Blaze: Do you want me to go with you in order to help you out?

Ryu: Sorry Blaze, this mission is a personal mission. I don't want you getting caught up in it.

Blaze: Fine. Just come back in one piece, okay. You still have to save Senna.

Ryu: Right. Goodbye, for now. (He enters the Garganta and reappears at the doorstep of the Urahara Shop.) Man they've been busy.

(Ryu enters the shop and is greeted by Tessai.)

Tessai: Are you the young shinigami that Kisuke told me about?

(Ryu is at first puzzled as to why Tessai doesn't remember him. However, he soon remembers that their first meeting was an illusion created by Sekhmet and introduces himself.)

Ryu: If he was talking about Ryu Shikiro, then you're correct.

(He removes a piece of floor tile and yells down the hole) Tessai: Boss, Ryu's here!

(Ryu hear's Kisuke's voice come from the hole.)

Kisuke: Alright, send him down.

(Turns to Ryu) Tessai: Well, you heard him, didn't you?

(Ryu walks over to the hole and jumps down into it. When he lands, he realizes that he is now in the Underground Training Room.)

Kisuke: Ryu, you've finally arrived. (He looks at Ryu's condition.) You look like you went through a wood-chipper and barely escaped with your life.

Ryu: That's just about how I feel. (He notices Yoruichi is standing behind Kisuke.) I need your help. I released the seal on my arm and thought it would give me a boost of power. Instead, it's allowed the pent up power in my arm to begin decaying. Soon it'll spread throughout my arm and then spread into my current spiritual network. I need to stop the decay and try to find a way to revitalize it.

Kisuke: The second that I saw you, I knew exactly why you came here, Ryu. You didn't need to explain. So what do you want me to do?

Ryu: I need you to heal me.

Kisuke: I am sorry to tell you this, but I cannot heal something that intricate. In fact, I'm not sure that anyone can.

(Shocked) Ryu: You've got to be joking. There's got to be some arcane way of healing me!

Yoruichi: There might be a way, but it will be dangerous.

Ryu: What is it?

(He glares at Yoruichi for a moment) Kisuke: There is a rumor that the King of the Soul Society know how to heal any wound. However, it would be difficult to get to him.

Ryu: I'll do whatever it takes. I have to stop this decay in order to get back to my original mission.

Kisuke: Great, then we can get started right away.

In the Seireitei

(Makko has finished his patrol of the Squad 13 barracks. He sent Kiyomi on her way and returned to his room to rest.)

Makko: I hope that Ace is going to be alright. Hopefully, he'll decide to stay with the Hanaroku family.

(Suddenly Makko hears a knock at his door. He goes to answer it but it opens before he even gets to it.)

Ace: Man, I was looking everywhere for you.

Makko: What are you doing here, Ace? Shouldn't you still be resting at your home?

Ace: I can rest later. We need to talk about this right know!

Makko: Alright, just calm down and sit down. Now, what do you want to tell me?

Ace: Well, I've decided that I will stay with the Hanaroku family.

(He puts his hand on Ace's back and smiles) Makko: That's great. I'm glad that's the decision you've made.

Ace: There's something else.

(Confused) Makko: What else is there?

Ace: I want you to come and live at the Hanaroku palace with me. You wouldn't be adopted into the family. You'd just be living there with me, my brother, and my sister.

Makko: Have you talked with your father about this?

Ace: Yeah, he said it would be fine for you to stay with us.

(In his mind) Makko: Why?! Why would he want me to live in the same home as him? Is it because of our past or is it because he wants to be friends with me?

(Notices that Makko is in deep thought) Ace: Are you alright?

Makko: Do you want me to live with you because of our past or because of the prospect of a future friendship?

Ace: I want you to live with my family for both reasons. You were like a brother to me before, Makko. You gave me a home, food, and someone to call a friend. I want to pay you back by giving you the same and I also want to improve upon what we had. (He smiles) I don't like to half-ass things.

Makko: If that is the case...then I will come live with you and your family. (In his mind) Only because you have finally accepted them as your own.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
I've been wanting to post this for a couple of days but I keep forgetting. A few days ago I posted that Wanted Man was Ryu's theme song. That was true, up until Ryu was able to form Renegade Squad. After that he was kinda accepted into the Seireitei and Wanted Man no longer made too much sense. So here is his new theme song for after the formation of Renegade Squad.

New Divide by Linkin' Park
over a year ago LunaShay said…

Kiyomi:Captain Ukitake(looks around)Captain Ukitake?

(she looks around everywhere until she goes to the Senkai Gate)

Kiyomi:Captain,What are you doing here?

Captain Ukitake:(looks back)O hello Kiyomi.i was just walking around.

Kiyomi:I see.But why are you here?I thought you where at Squad 13 Barraks

Ukitake:o no i finished the work.i just came wandering around and now here i am.Come on Kiyomi,lets go backs.

Kiyomi:(looks in eyes)Youre hiding something arent you?

Ukitake:No no.i told the truth.Now come on.

Kiyomi:....ok.But im still suspicious

Ukitake:About what?me walking around. come on


Kiyomi:Ummmm i thought you said you finished.

Ukitake:Ya.I lied....I couldnt do your work sorry(smiles)i guess youll have to do it

Kiyomi:(groans)fine.It is my job anyway

Ukitake:Thats the spirit(pats her on the back)Now then,i guess you should get started hmmm.

Kiyomi:I just wanna finish this.I dont want to keep doing work inside.I like the outside.
over a year ago onix11 said…
Hey, what happened to the battle between Baello and Leyno?
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
Just need to wait for Crazione
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(In his happiness, Ace cries a little but soon composes himself. After he does this, Makko asks him a question.)

Makko: Ace, I need to ask you something. How would you feel about joining Renegade Squad?

Ace: Me, join Renegade Squad? That could never happen. Not after what I did to the Renegades. I sold them out to Sekhmet during their first insurgence. They would never trust me, especially Ryu. He'd probably have me killed because of what I did.

Makko: Though he referred to you as a traitor when I spoke with him, I could tell that Ryu had forgiven you for your past actions. Have you talked with him recently?

Ace: Yeah, I did. He was very understanding of my situation, actually. He even said that my being controlled by Sekhmet is one of the reasons he is fighting against her now.

Makko: Then why would you not want to join?

Ace: It's the others that I'm worried about. Wukong and Hideyoshi would be the hardest to convince.

Makko: Well, I am a member of Renegade Squad. I could vouch for you.

Ace: But you are probably under suspicion just for wanting to protect me. They wouldn't trust you.

Makko: Look, I pledged to protect you and all others from Sekhmet. I know they don't have a problem with that goal. So, everything should turn out fine.

(As Makko says this, they hear Ryouji, Karuroso, Yokoshimo, Wukong, and Hideyoshi enter the Renegade Squad quarters. Makko rises from his bed and walks to the door. He opens it, revealing both Ace and himself to Renegade Squad. They all look at Ace, grab the hilts of their swords, and begin questioning the two.)
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Baello: Interesting shikai, shinigami. You are able to distort and manipulate matter. By using such a transmogrifying ability, it acts as both a defensive and offensive ability. Quite inpressive, I have to admit that.

Leyno: I'm glad you came to your senses.

Baello: You say, you're glad?

Leyno: You angels always underestimate the shinigami's potential.

Baello: Oh, you poor shinigami (she begins laughing).

Leyno: (stares at her with confusion in his eyes)

Baello: You're completely misguided (she continues to chuckle to herself). You have more crucial details to worry over than just my realizations. (suddenly she appears face to face with him with blazing speed, catching him off guard. His eyes widen as he stares into hers) For example, focusing on keeping that head attached to your neck(as she finishes her sentence she swipes her blade-like hands at his head and narrowly misses. He leaps backwards and notices her hands are both huge blades)

Leyno: What the...

Baello: (blazes toward him and he jets away from her. She continues to pursue him slashing her blade hands into buildings and cutting everything in her path with ease. He shumpos into a narrow row of buildings, but she simply smashes straight trhough them and her blades narrowly missing his body. He flies out of the buildings cover and she appears and swipes at him, slashing the side of a building off. He shunpos in the distance and suddenly her arm blasts toward him connected by a thick chain. The blade flies by his head as he stares into the blade, he sees his startled expression. With amazing speed she glides toward him and retracting her arm with tremendous speed. He looks over and tries to dodge, but her left bladed arm slashes his side and the retractable arm returns and slashes his other side. He shunpos away and she chases him. She begins a barrage of stabbing motions that gained in speed as she pursues him. He gets backed against a wall and her right blade smashes into the building, cracking the entire wall. Almost instinctually, she flings her hand back and it fires her blade and slices Leyno's shoulder. She pulls her hand out and retracts her blade. He charges her and she fires both hands and they cross both shoulds and she wraps the chains around him and pulls him towasrd her, knees him in the face and slamming him into the ground. She then zooms to the ground to impale him, but he avoids it. Upon impact, she completely shatters the surface. He speeds at her and she crosses her blades to stop his attack. She peeks her head around her large blades and a giant red cero charges and fires into his body. He is enveloped by the cero and slammed into several buildings.)

Leyno: (lying on the ground, bloody and tattered, begins to pick himself up)

Baello: Ha. Stupid shinigami. (she transforms her hands into the large cannons and begins releasing hundreds of medium-sized, spiked spheres. They scatter around Leyno and the entire area. Suddenly his hands reach out of a building and grab her, pulling her into the building. She blasts from his hands into the cluster of spheres).

Leyno: You got lucky there...I wasn't going to end you by plunging my sword into your heart).

Baello: I'm pretty familiar with your magic tricks, so you're not surprising me. (she fires a cero into the ground and strikes his hands)

Leyno: (his hands are burned by the cero) ...tch.

Baello: Continue with caution, Shinigami.

Leyno: (shunpos forward, but the spheres begin shooting spikes. He distorts the spikes, but cannot manage them all. dozens slam into his back and legs, the wounds now drooling blood).

Baello: Again, caution. (smiles).
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Ryu: So what do you want me to do, Urahara?

Kisuke: You can call me Kisuke. As for what I want you to do, I want you to do nothing.

Ryu: What?! But I could help you speed up the process.

Kisuke: Ryu, listen to me. The only people here that actually know how to open the gate to the Palace of the Spirit King are Tessai and myself. Anything that you did would only get in the way.

Ryu: Alright. So what should I do in the meantime?

Yoruichi: Why don't you and I spar for a bit. It'll take Kisuke and Tessai at least one day to create the gate, so you and I can practice your hand-to-hand combat abilities.

Ryu: At least it'll give me something to do.

(They both shunpo to the other side of the training area as Tessai comes down from the shop.)

Tessai: Kisuke, do you think that the Spirit King will show mercy to Ryu. After all, Ryu is trying to help him.

Kisuke: I don't know if he'll be lenient or not. All I know is that this is Ryu's best chance and I have to help him.....The Soul Society may have exiled us but it is still our home.

Tessai: We need to get started, Kisuke.

Kisuke: Right.

(On the other side of the training area, Ryu and Yoruichi have alread begun sparring. However, Yoruichi is easily knocking Ryu down. He finally refuses to get back up.

Yoruichi: What's the matter? Even if you are getting weaker, I know you're stronger than this.

(Still sitting on the ground) Ryu: It's nothing. I'm just tired.

(Yoruichi, knowing that Ryu is lying, walks over to him and kicks him in the face. Ryu rolls a couple of feet but stops and wipes the blood from his lips.)

Ryu: What the hell was the for?!

Yoruichi: Every time you lie to me, I'm going to kick you in the face. Understood?!

Ryu: Yeah, I got it.

(She sits down in front of him) Yoruichi: What's the matter?

Ryu: I just couldn't focus. Senna's been dead for five months and I still can't put her out of my mind for a second. I just keep on remembering when Azriel stabbed her. And then I go to take advantage of a supposed opening and think I've killed him. Instead, Senna died because of my inability to think clearly and to focus. If I had just done those two things, She and I would at least be together. And now, I'm going to wind up losing my powers before I even get the chance to retrieve her soul! (He slams his fist to the ground.)

Yoruichi: So that's what was on your mind. Even if you were being weakened, you would have been able to at least tap me on the shoulder but you never did.....But don't stress out too much. Kisuke will have that gate opened by tomorrow and then we'll go to see the Spirit King.

Ryu: I just hope that he won't be too pissed off since I used his crown to open the Spector Gate and brought forth the Soul Society's doom.

(Laughing) Yoruichi: I don't know, Ryu. I think he might be a little ticked off.

(He stands up) Ryu: Let's get back to sparring. That is, if you think you can beat me.

(She hops up) Yoruichi: You've asked for it now, kid!

(They both begin shunpoing all over the place. Ryu throws a flurry of punches at Yoruichi, a few of which suprisingly make contact. However, Yoruichi is able to easily overpower Ryu and take him down once again.)

(He stops in mid-air, gasping for breath) Ryu: Please, stop. (He grabs the side of his head) I feel a little weird.

(As he says this, Ryu falls unconscious and begins to fall towards the ground. Yoruichi catches him and lays him out on the ground. She checks his vital signs and he appears to be alright but, deep in his mind, Ryu is fighting against the last thing that he ever expected to see: a vision of Senna.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
'Leyno staggers upright'

Leyno: You are definitely strong, but if you think that I am done, you 're dead wrong.

'Leyno points a hand at Baello, and she suddenly shunpos above him'

Baello: I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I won't let you use it!

'Baello's arms turn in to a large scythe, but right before she slashed down at him, he raised his other hand up. There was no visible attack, but a distortion that seemed to be moving quickly up. As it hit Baello, it sent her flying back, where she landed on her feet'

Baello: What was that?!

Leyno: The result of training nonstop for centuries. I no longer need to touch you to use it.

Baello: I see. So all it is is a long range version of your previous attacks. Thats nothing special.

'Her arms become cannons again, and shoot out the spiked balls again. This time, Leyno uses both arms, and the distortion carries out like a ripple, growing larger as it gets farther. Soon, it distorts all but a few spike balls, which Leyno easily dodges'

Baello: Damn you Shinigami! I'll kill you!

'Baello's arms turn back in to large swords, and She starts slashing at Leyno wildly. Leyno tries to block them all, but she manages to break his defense and knock him down'

Baello: This is the end for you, Shinigami!

'She stabs down at him, but Leyno uses both hands, and fires a huge distortion at her, cutting in to her skin, which also sends her flying backwards'

Leyno: I am the lieutenant of Renegade Squad. Do not underestimate me.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Baello: (she looks at the wound on her stomach and glides her finger across the blood. She looks up at him) Oh, so you managed to draw blood. (she takes the blood draws a cirlce on her stomach and inside the circle forms a symbol)

Leyno: What are you doing, Angel?

Baello: I'm about to demonstrate the difference between a mortal and a god.

Leyno: What?

Baello: (she looks at her now single sword) You shinigami have certainly ordained yourselves at the leading figures throughout the land.

Leyno: we're the death gods, so it would seem we have a tremendous responsibility.

Baello: (she smirks and with contempt in her tone she snickers) There you go using such a potent word in the same frame as you shinigami. No, you are most certainly not gods. To possess such a title you must be ordained at birth. It's not something you can simply adopt because you manage to kill of an entire people. That's how you shinigami operate, though. Isn't it?

Leyno: What are you talking about? We do good!

Baello: Do you include killing hundreds of thousands of people good?

Leyno: Those were the crimes of the old soul society. We have changed.

Baello: Ah, but crimes none-the-less, shinigami. Is it not the shinigami's own personal virtue that a crime committed throughout their sovereignty is punishable despite the severity?

Leyno: Ugh...

Baello: The answer to that question is yes. Despite the crime, if if the victim is on soul society's soil, it is punishable under their principles and regulations.

Leyno: What's your point?!

Baello: Just as all crimes are punishable on a scale of severity, so, too, are they punishable outside of time.

Leyno: (he raises his eye brows and looks at her strangely)...wh...what?

Baello: (she smirks, while looking at her sword) Just because this happened over 600 years ago, does not mean you're crimes are absolved. All shinigami born from the wreckage, bare the same crime.

Leyno: What's that?

Baello: Existence...

Leyno: What?!

Baello: You robbed my people of existence, so I plan on removing the same privilege from you. I advise you release your bankai; otherwise you won't have the opportunity to display your pathetic power before you die. (her face display a nightmarish appearance as she stares at Leyno).
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
'Leyno puts his hands together'

Leyno: If thats how it going to be, than fine'

'His gloves begin to shine with a gold-orange light (Lol glitter gloves) and the swirling pattern on the center begins to spin even faster. He slams his hands down on to the ground, and the energy flows out in to the ground. The ground soon becomes softer and darker, until it resembles a dark ocean, with churning waves, and his gloves return to the normal form of his sword, except it has dark blue lines swirling up an down the blade. Baello jumps back away from the water'

Leyno: Bankai. Umi Uzi Sazanami.

Baello: This is your bankai? It is rather.... unimpressive.

Leyno: Does it matter how it looks. The only thing important now, is how it works.

'Leyno swings his sword towards her, and a wave shoots up from the ocean, and strikes her in the back, slicing her and pushing her forward. Leyno jumps up to intercept her, but she knocks him back with her arm-blade, and he falls back in to the ocean'

Baello: Where did you go little shinigami.....

'Suddenly, Leyno shoots up from the ocean, and slashes her arm'

Baello: Damn you! You'll pay for that!

'As Leyno falls back in to the ocean, Baello turns her arm in to a spike, and her arm shoots off to stab him, but he slashes towards it and a wave knocks it aside'

Leyno: You say that our crime remains the same, even though it was our ancestors who wronged you?

Baello: Correct. You killed off our race, and now we intend on doing the same to you. An eye for an eye.

Leyno: Soul Society has changed since that time. It is not us who are guilty of that crime.

Baello: However, it was still the Soul Society, and the shinigami who wiped out our people, and while you are different people, you still go by the same name. Your people deserve no justice.

'Leyno points his sword at Baello'

Leyno: In that case, I can not let you live.

Baello: And how do you intend on doing that with this pathetic bankai?

Leyno: Its actually easier than you would think. Just a matter of holding back a wave until it grows. And grows...

Baello: What?!

'She whips around just in time to see an incredibly large wave smashing in to her, and tosses her down to the ocean, bleeding profusely'

Leyno: Its not healthy to hold grudges.

over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(Inside of his mind, Ryu is waging a terrible battle against a vision of Senna.)

Ryu: Senna, it can't be you. You died; I saw it this time! There's no way that our connection could be active right now.

Senna: So you are rejecting me, Ryu? You're pathetic. You're just as pathetic as Sekhmet said.

Ryu: Why are you saying that?

(She grabs him by the throat) Senna: You sent me into that battle to die, Ryu. If you had really cared about me, then you would have gotten me out of that fight before it started. Guzobacai was right! All you care about is fighting.

(Gasping for breath) Ryu: Senna, please stop. I can't...breathe.

Senna: That's the point, Ryu. First, I'm going to fight you. Then, I'm going to kill you.

(Senna then throws him across the blackness of his mind.)

Ryu: I won't fight you, Senna. I care too much about you.

Senna: Then die! (She rushes at him, draws her sword, and then stabs him in the stomach.)

Ryu: No matter how many times you strike me, I'll never fight against you. (He coughs up blood into his hand) You are the reason that I am fighting and the reason that I formed Renegade Squad.

Senna: Why do you want to save me, Ryu? Tell me.

Ryu: You were the first person to really care about me after my parents died; you sacrificed your life for me on more than one occasion; even when you were controlled by Sekhmet, I could still sense the real you in our bond; and you once told me that you loved me. But the most important of these reasons is that it is my fault that you died. Like you said, if I had only gotten you away from that battlefield, then you would still be alive. I will never stop until I can bring you back to life. That is a promise.

(Senna suddenly disappears from in front of Ryu, as does the sword in his stomach. Then suddenly, his father appears before him.)

Ryu's Father: How are you doing, son?

Ryu: Dad! But how?

Ryu's Father: When you were in the pool of souls, I sent a very small portion of my soul into your body so that I could converse with you at least once. It was my intention to finish our discussion about the seal but I never got the chance. I'm sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances.

Ryu: Well, at least you had the intention of talking to me about it. But why did you send that vision of Senna at me?

Ryu's Father: I wanted to understand the lengths that you are willing to go to in order to save her life. And I couldn't let you go to the Palace of the Spirit King without first giving you some information.

Ryu: What is it?

Ryu's Father: First, you should know that the Spirit King is protected by Squad Zero. Squad Zero is made of past captains in the Gotei 13. Second, you should always show the Spirit King respect. One wrong move and you will be as good as dead.

Ryu: And what is last?

Ryu's Father: Lastly, if the Spirit King accepts your plea for help, he will want something in return for his help. You must be able to think of something to offer him before you arrive.

Ryu: Alright, I think that I can remember that.

Ryu's Father: That's good. (He begins to dissipate) I can remain in your mind no longer, Ryu. I wish you the best, son. Goodbye.

(Ryu wakes up and begins gasping for breath. Yoruichi calms him down and gets him some water.)

Yoruichi: Now tell me, what the Hell happened to you?!

Ryu: Apparently, when I was in the pool of souls, my father attached a part of his soul to me and finally picked a time to talk to me.

(She laughs at this) Yoruichi: That sounds like something that Kisuke would do...Anyway, what did he say?

(Ryu tells Yoruichi all that happened inside his mind. She is a little bit stunned by the actions that his father took but does not say anything.)

Ryu: I guess now all we have to do is wait for Kisuke to finish. Then, we can go to the Palace of the Spirit King

In the Renegade Squad quarters

Hideyoshi: What the hell is going on here, Makko?! Why is Ace with you?!

Ryouji: You do know that he betrayed Ryu and the original Renegades when they first entered the Seireitei to combat Sekhmet, right?

(Stands in front of Ace) Makko: Of course I know that. What does that have to do with anything now?

Wukong: You're out of your mind Makko. This kid is dangerous. In fact, I say we kill him now before he has the chance to betray us again.

Karuroso: Now hold on a minute. We should hear their side of this before we go to making any decisions.

Ryouji: As much as I don't want to admit it, Karuroso is right. Makko, tell your side of this story, but make it quick.

(Makko tells them to sit down, as telling them everything will take a while. Forty-five minutes later, Makko has finished his explanation and Ace is faced with questions.)

Wukong: Why did you join Sekhmet, Ace?

Ace: At home, I always felt like I didn't belong, especially with the way my brother was treating me. When Sekhmet found me, she acted as if she would accept me and acknowledge me for who I am. But it was only a lie. Once she was done with me, she threw me to the curb and took away my memories.

Yokoshimo: Are you truly sorry for everything that you did?

Ace: I would not have come here if I wasn't. Just showing my face to you is already hard enough for you to accept. If I had come here without any remorse for my past actions, I would have said something by now that would have made you attack me.

Hideyoshi: Why do you really want to join Renegade Squad?

Ace: I want to ensure that no one else has to go through what Sekhmet put me through. Also, I owe Ryu for what I did to him and Senna.

Ryouji: Now that we have heard everything, I am satisfied that you would be a trustworthy member to Renegade Squad. However, Ryu and Leyno are nowhere to be found and, though I am the Third Seat of Renegade Squad, I would not feel comfortable with accepting you into the Squad without the consent of an original member.

Hideyoshi: I'll vote in his favor.

Wukong: And I vote against. It looks like we're tied.

Karuroso: What do the two of you think that Ryu would do?

Wukong/Hideyoshi: He would give Ace a second chance.

Ryouji: Then that is what we shall do. (He walks over and shakes Ace's hand.) Welcome to Renegade Squad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crazieone106 said…

[From the dark depths of the waning ocean, Leyno hears the echoes of Baello's voice]

Leyno: she speaking? She was crushed under that pressure.

(echoes sound faint, but he hears her complete words)

Baello: Uncage the temptation, Barragem Caos...EMBODIMENT!

Leyno: What was that? (suddenly the ocean begins to oscillate more heavily and it becomes bright as a tremendous light pours from the depths of the watery prison) What's going on?! (The ocean suddenly explodes and begins to part as it swirls from the generation of light. The ocean explodes into the sky and begins to dissipate as a glowing pressence burns its way to the surface. The energy erupting from the light is so massive it crushes the ocean, shatters the ground, annihilates the buildings, and causes Leyno to fall to his knees gasping for air).

Baello: (Baello's voice is heard from beneath the glowing mass. Her voice sounds mechanical, cold, and devoid of emotion. It echoes with and vibrates within her throat and she speaks). Like your mighty ocean, you will perish by my embodiment(the light fades and reveals the body, of what is known as Baello. Her body is sleek and completely layered with the luster of the metallic substance. Her body is cold, showing no signs of humanity. Nothing of the old Baello is visible. Her face is completely covered with a non-decorative face place that resembles an oval shape as it melds around her entire head. The mask extends off, where her chin would be visible and comes to a point. As it extends over the top of her head it curves and comes to a single point at the back of her head. Her presence is completely overwhelming, exerting such reiatsu that it barely resembles reiatsu).

Leyno: What is this? Your bankai?

Baello: This is the secret the shinigami tried to conceal with their invasion. Fear encourages the masses to destroy those who possess power.

Leyno: I don't understand.

Baello: An embodiment exceed bankai. It makes a bankai resemble a simple breeze when an embodiment is a mighty hurricane. This state of my evoluation has the power of two bankai. (her cold presence scatters over the area, alerting the captains. She appears on front of Leyno with massive speed).

Leyno: (his eyes stares into her shiny face place, unable to see her expression. she grabs him by the throat and lifts him) Gah...

Baello: Your power is dworfed by mine, simply shinigami. (suddenly waves come crashing into her back and she remains still, her face plate staring at Leyno) You're absolutely useless (she tossess him with no effort and he flies dozens of feet and crashes through buildings. She is on the side waiting for him and his back crashes into her palm. (She looks over and sees Rangiku and Momo (who storm in and try to bind her with bankudo 63. It wraps around her, but she simply breaks free with little effort) Foolish decision, lieutenants. (suddenly Toshiro blasts her with his shikai's icy dragon).

Toshio: ...its not over.

Baello: (the mist settles and she is standing completely unphased by his attack)

Toshiro: Wha?

Momo: She's completely unharmed!

Rangiku: CAPTAIN! (Without warning Baello zoom by and slashes all three of them. They fall to the ground. )

Baello: (Leyno jumps up and unleashes a series of massive waves that crash into Baello. The waves are shattered and her hand is plunged through Leyno’s chest. Small objects begin crawling from her metallic skin and scurry into Leynos body by burrowing into his skin. A massive power is felt behind her and she turns and their stand Toshiro’s bankai and Rangiku and Momo’s shikai.) This is your impressive display and your mighty trump card?

Toshiro: HYORINMARU! (the ice dragon materializes)

Baello: (cold and emotionless, she pulls her hand from Leyno’s chest and with her palm flicks his body. She possesses such massive strength he fires into the ground with tremendous force and shatters the service. She zooms toward Toshiro, but he cannot see her movements. She shatters his ice dragon and her palm slams into his face and he flies into a building. Suddenly fire balls fly from Momo’s shikai and strike Baello, which just turns toward Momo. Rangiku’s heineko mist swirls around baello’s but simply bounces off her thick metallic skin)


Momo: (she shunpos backward to dodge Baello’s long bladed hand, but her hand just zooms out and impales Momo. Baello, even at her distance, has amazing control over the lengthy extension and swings Momo, still skewered on her arm blade, through buildings and slams her on the ground. Her arm retracts and becomes a hand).

Baello: (she blasts through Rangiku’s shikai and grabs her by the throat) Are you afraid to die, shinigami?

Rangiku: …agh.(she scowls at Baello)

Baello: (she throws her on the ground and points her finger) Your body will burn upon contact with my cero. (suddenly ice pillars explode from the ground and begin surrounding Baello. She remains still, with her hand still pointing.)

Toshiro: THOUSAND YEARS ICE PRISON! (the ice pillars rotate and begin closing in on her until you can no longer see her beneath the ice. Panting, Toshiro wipes off his forehead). RANGIKU CHECK ON MOMO! (Toshiro’s expression suddenly changes and he gasps. He looks at the ice pillars and a giant cero explodes through the ice and completely envelopes his body, shattering his bankai’s icy wings and protective layers).

Baello: (her body explodes with dense spiritual pressure that shatters the other pillars and begins to darken the sky. She lands on the ground and walks over to Rangiku, who is trying to nurse Momo. In the distance, she sees a squirming Leyno. She stomps on the ground and metal spear bursts from the and impales Leyno once again. When he goes to look over at her, she smacks Rangiku in the face sending her flying and proceeds to pay attention to Momo).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
Blaze shunpos to the renagade squads quarters and sees everyone just standing around.

Blaze: What are you guys doing? Can't you feel that spiritual pressure. Everyone is in trouble and your just standing around?

Hidyoshi: We've been kind of busy.

Blaze: What do you mean? (He sees ace out of the corner of his eye and moves to attack him but everyone blocks him off.) What are you doing?

Ryouji: He's apart of the squad now.

Blaze: Oh, your with them now.

Ace: That's correct.

Blaze: Well we still have the problem of the attack happening in the soul society. Who wants to help me stop it?
over a year ago Tecno said…
HEY! Been so, so long since I've last been here! OMG I cannot believe that I couldn't continue, things happen, I've been busy, and I haven't been able to get on the computer lately, but I will try very hard to post here more often! But I will make no promises about actually being here daily, but I will try my hardest! If you guys want to give me a quick summery, then okay, but I will skim over the pages, (29 of them...) this should be epic, and I hope to be joining you guys soon!
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
Whoa dude, I thought you quit posting or something. Anyway, sorry for not posting for so long guys. I went away on a small trip, but whats going on? No one has posted anything. Is this being abandoned or something?
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
No, randonfan. I thought more people would arrive to help save Leyno, the lieutenants, and captain toshiro. I don't think people want to help...
over a year ago jlazlo said…
Hey guys, what's up? Sory haven't been posting. Im on a little trip.
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
Leyno has been abandoned? That sucks. Oh, and Jlazlo, its ok, I just got back from one.
over a year ago onix11 said…
This post is an apology to crazeione. I am sorry if any of my post offended you in anyway. I hope you can forgive me for any actions I took against you.
over a year ago flamehaze said…
what is this explain!?
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
Sorry guys, I've been busy as well. Crazieone, I hope my edits have made the story make sense. Sorry for being an idiot. hehe
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(As Baello continues walking over to Momo, a black flash appears in front of the injured shinigami and then disappears, taking Momo with it.)

Baello: So it would appear that the cavalry has arrived.

(The black flash appears on the top of a building 30 feet away from Baello. The being turns around to reveal that it is Makko, with Momo in his arms.)

Makko: It was a good thing that I came on ahead. Another second longer and I would have been too late.

Baello: Don't get ahead of yourself, shinigami. (She sends her metallic hand towards him at a startling speed, but he is just able to dodge it.) It would appear that all you can do is dodge attacks. Killing you will be easy and I will be able to quickly move on to other shinigami.

Makko: Unfortunately for you, I'm not alone. (Karuroso, Wukong, and Hideyoshi appear.) The thing about us Renegades is that we don't abandon our own, unlike you angels.

Baello: You shinigami are all the same. Arrogant and stupid, that is until you are put in your place. Traea did that very thing with your leader. I can't think of anyone else who has been so easily broken.

(He clenches a fist) Wukong: Is that so, angel? You say that we are arrogant and stupid...(Ryouji and Captain Kyoraku appear in front of them.) What kind of "stupid" backup force would bring a Captain and Royal Guard member to help them?!

Ryouji: Wukong, quit your blathering and grab Captain Hitsugaya; Karuroso, you grab Leyno; and Hideyoshi, you grab Matsumoto. Get them to Squad 4 and then immediately get back here. Hopefully, we won't be dead by the time you get back.

(The Renegades shunpo away to grab their assigned wounded. The only one that had some trouble was Karuroso, who had to pull Leyno off the spike that had run him through. They then shunpo the wounded to the Squad 4 Hospital and immediately return to the battlefield. When they return, nothing has changed.)

Makko: Well, at least they're still alive.

Wukong: That is a relief.

(Suddenly, Baello appears behind Wukong and impales him with her hand. She then kicks Hideyoshi in the face. She forms her hands into cannons and fires at Karuroso, who is sent flying by the blast. The only one that could get away was Makko, who shunpos over to the Captain and Ryouji.)

Makko: Damn, she's fast.

Kyoraku: Just be careful, kid. Speed isn't her only strength. That metal that she uses is deadly in so many ways.

Ryouji: Just do your best not to get hit. That in of itself would be a miracle.

(While they are speaking to him, Makko formulates a plan in his mind.)

(In his mind) Makko: The only attack that I can use in my shikai is a close-range attack, but I can't get close to her. That damn metal of hers is so unpredictable...Wait...metal.....It just might work. (He speaks.) Fly Fast, Taka! (He releases his zanpakuto, which takes the form of a kunai.)

Ryouji: That's your zanpakuto?! That won't help in a long range battle!

(He smiles) Makko: Just wait and see.

(Makko disappears and reappears above and behind Baello. He comes down, trying to attack her but she forms her cannon back into a metal hand and impales Makko's left leg. She extends the hand, forcing Makko into the ground. When she tries to retract the hand, she finds that she is unable to do so. As the dust clears from Makko's impact area, he can be seen holding onto Baello's hand with his left hand, while his right hand is twirling his zanpakuto by it's finger loop.)

Baello: What are you going to do, shinigami? Are you going to try to spin that little blade fast enough to make it into a saw so that you can cut through my hand.

(As she says this, lightning begins to crack around Makko's blade. It continues to spin until a large amount of lightning can be seen cracking around the blade. Makko stops twirling it.)

Makko: Kaminari Kyōda (Lightning Swipe)!

(Makko takes the kunai and swipes it against Baello's hand. Instantly, the lightning begins to run along the hand and then arrives to Baello. The shock hits her with such force that she is sent flying backwards fast. So fast in fact, that the hand in Makko's stomach is dislodged. She finally stops after traveling 200 feet.)

Kyoraku: That was interesting. Knowing that metal conducts electricity, that kid allowed himself to be impaled in the leg so that he could land a strong attack. However, he did allow himself to be impaled, which would hurt his chances of attacking again.

Ryouji: However, I believe that hit may have done a good amount of damage to Baello. Hopefully, she will leave now.

Kyoraku: I doubt it, but we will just have to wait and see.

(Suddenly, Baello reappears behind Makko. This time, she has impaled his stomach and she does not show any signs of being hit by his attack.)

Baello: As I said, you shinigami are arrogant and stupid. Did you really think that an attack like that would hurt me? Such an attack could not even scratch me. (She lifts him up while he is still impaled.) And now you will suffer for your arrogance.....No shikai, not even Yamamoto's could stand toe-to-toe with an Embodiment.

(Baello kicks him off of her blades, into the sky. She then forms her blades into the cannons and then fires a spiked ball and the airborne Makko. The weight of the ball forces Makko down to the ground instanly. When the dust clears he is shown to be unconscious and losing a lot of blood.)

Baello: Now, which one of you wishes to attack next?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago flamehaze said…
i said please explain
over a year ago randomfan13 said…
At the moment, the Angels(Crazione) are attacking the Soul Society while searching for various items, while at the same time Lahash and his Disciples are attacking Soul Society as well, for reasons unknown. A group of shinigami ( Bleacher, maybe Onix(I'm not sure), and me) are defending it in a new squad called Renegade Squad. Also, a collector named, The Prowler (Me :)) has been appearing on and off collecting zanpakutos. Thats just about it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
Blaze shunpos into the battle behind Baello. He is in his bankai form. He swings at her but she just blocks it and knocks it away.

Blaze/thinking: What the hell? She moves so fast. How am i supposed to counter her with this speed?

Baello: You stupid little shinigami.(She forms her metal hand and punches him in the stomach. The blow sends him flying past Ryouji) What a waste of my time.

Blaze shunpos next to the captain and Ryouji.

Blaze: What are we supposed to do? If we fight her one on one we don't stand a chance.

Ryouji: It's going to be diffucult that's for sure.
over a year ago ouchi said…
Sorry if i cant post.. im getting busy in my work.. please do the part of ryouji guys.. just dont make him weak and stupid..
over a year ago ouchi said…
just read my posts about ryouji's zanpakuto and bio data so you can use his skills.. hope you guys understand.
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(Back in the Underground Training Area, eighteen hours have passed since Ryu arrived. Kisuke suddenly appears in front of Yoruichi and Ryu. Apparently he and Tessai were able to finish quicker than expected.)

Kisuke: Alright, the gate is ready. Before we even go to it, I want to ask you one more time, Ryu. Are you truly prepared to do this?

Ryu: I know the Spirit King may not forgive me, but this is my last option. The exterior of my arm is already decaying and I can tell that my spiritual network is already being destroyed. If I had to guess, I would say that I am down to 30% of my true power.

Kisuke: Then we should get you through that gate as soon as possible.

(They all shunpo over to the area where the gate will be opened. They find Tessai still gathering energy to open the gate.)

(He senses Tessai's enormous amount of stored energy) Ryu: Exactly how much energy is this going to take?

Kisuke: I would be easier if we had someone from the Royal Guard here to open the gate but for someone that is not used to opening this certain gate, it can be very taxing. Therefore an extremely large amount of reiatsu is needed to open it. That make sense to you?

Ryu: Yeah, it does. Now what do we do?

(He grabs Ryu and places him ten feet away from Tessai) Kisuke: We need you to stand here. You are going to act as the key to unlock the gate.

Ryu: What do you mean that I will be the key?! I've never been to the realm of the Spirit King.

Yoruichi: You haven't, but your Third Seat has. After spending so much time around him, it is possible that some of his reiatsu is still surrounding you. If that is the case, then we can open a portal to the realm of the Spirit King by using your Third Seat's latent energy.

Kisuke: Alright Tessai, begin the opening of the gate.

(Tessai releases the massive amount of reiatsu that he stored and is able to mold it into the shape of a square block of light.)

Kisuke: Now, Ryu! Place your hand on the cube in order to solidify the gate!

(Ryu does as Kisuke says. The gate then appears and opens.)

Ryu: I guess it worked, Kisuke.

Kisuke: Yes, apparently so. But we need to hurry through the gate.

(Ryu, Kisuke, and Yoruichi rush into the open gate, which disappears after they have entered. When they arrive in the realm of the Spirit King, they land in a small forest. Just ahead of them is a massive palace that can be seen towering over all the trees of the forest.)

Ryu: I guess that's the place. There's no other palace that I can see.

(Seriously) Kisuke: We will need to be extremely careful. We will most likely be welcomed in a very cold member by the members of Zero Squad.

Yoruichi: Ryu, you should stay behind me and Kisuke. You're not as strong as you once were.

Ryu: Don't worry about me, Yoruichi. I'm going to walk ahead of the two of you. If I don't, I'll appear to be weak in the eyes of the Spirit King.

Kisuke: Don't let your pride get the best of you, Ryu.

Ryu; It's not pride. If I came up to the palace behind you, they will instantly know I'm weak and will go after me if things take a turn for the worse. If I walk in front then they will think that I am strong and may not mess with me. It's just simple logic.

(In her mind) Yoruichi: Yeah, but that kind of logic can also get you killed.

(They all begin walking toward the palace and reach within 20 minutes. They find the massive gates to be unguarded and shut tightly.)

Kisuke: Now this is strange. Usually, a place like this would be crawling with guards.

Yoruichi: And as for getting inside, I don't think that we could push that door open even if we all tried together.

Ryu: I've got an idea.

(Ryu puts his right hand on the hilt of his sword and pulls the blade up just a little. As soon as he does this, five members of the Royal Guard appear around them. Three of the members have their swords at the intruders' throats, while the other two stand in front of the gate.)

Guard Leader: Why have you shinigami come to the realm of the Spirit King? More importantly, how did you get here in the first place?

Ryu: We used an unorthodox method of creating a gate and using the latent spirit particles of a Royal Guard member to open the gate. We then jumped through and landed in this realm. As for what we are doing here, we need to speak with the Spirit King.

Guard Leader: Before you say anything further, tell me your names.

Kisuke: Kisuke Urahara, former Captain of Squad 12, Founder and 1st President of the Shinigami Research & Development Institute

Yoruichi: Yoruichi Shihōin, 22nd Head of the Shihōin Clan, former Captain of Squad 2, former Commander of the Onmitsukidō, former Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps, and former Corps Commander of the Executive Militia.

Ryu: Ryu Shikiro, Captain of Renegade Squad, and Vasto Vizard

(The member that has his sword to Ryu's throat immediately lets go of him. The other members gradually let go of Kisuke and Yoruichi.)

Guard Leader: The Spirit Kind has been waiting for you to come. I will take you to him.

Ryu: I'll be taking Yoruichi and Kisuke with me.

(He glares at Ryu) Guard Leader: You have a lot of nerve making a statement like that. It is clear that you have no respect for authority and should not be permitted to see his majesty.

Ryu: I've always lived under the belief that respect is earned, not simply given. But I will show as much respect as I can to the Spirit King.

(In his mind) Kisuke: Maybe I should have written out my Last Will & Testament before we left. Oh well, too late to do that now.

Guard Leader: Very well. Follow me.

(The gates to the palace open, allowing Ryu, the Guard Leader, Yoruichi, and Kisuke to enter. They walk along several long corridors until they finally come to a set of massive doors.)

Guard Leader: Here we are. I have been ordered not to enter with you.

(He smiles) Ryu: Alright, and thanks for showing us the way.

(Ryu opens the doors and enters the throne room. Against the back wall up on a high podium, the Spirit King sits upon his throne.)

Spirit King: Ah Ryu, you have finally arrived. Please, step forward. We have much to discuss.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago flamehaze said…
im joining in k

charactor name:yuji fujikasa


gender: male


hair:long(flips to the right) blonde

eyes: light blue


tall with blonde hair and blue eyes.very musculer with broad shoulders and has achieved bankai


doesnt talk much but when he does its allways about something emportant. acts like he doesnt realy care about anyone ecept for himself.always tends to ovoid people and fights if he can.


my ideal Zanpakuto
release command: forgive all sins


when realeased yorikasu will give me gold wings and he will transform into kinda like a gountlet on my hand in with he will allow me to form a arrow like thing kinda like ulquiarras thing in witch i can throw at my enemy.when i release my bankai i will transform or change color my hair will be red and my skin will be black.then my wings will be red and the arrow thing will be red to

when not in bankai yorikasu gives him just brute streght and nothineg more
over a year ago flamehaze said…
also can yall just kinda pop my character in somewhere im going to be busy for a day or two
over a year ago gokuluigifan333 said…
sorry haven't posted in a long time but ive been busy doing stuff but im still bad at posting so...

Karuroso:(gets up with blood in his face) freeze Sumizomeaisu (shunpos to where Baello is) you are very powerful but being metal...sumizomeaisubakuha (the wave of dark energy engulfs Baello but she emerges with no harm)

Baello: you shinigami are so arrogant and stupid and your downfall will be of what you did to our race (shoots a spike which she used as a distraction then changes her hand into a blade and slashes upward at Karuroso)

Karuroso:(covered near his chest) his flying becasue of the attack and is then attacked by spikes shot by Baello)ugh you bastard Bankai

Baello: a bankai will do no good just slow down the process by a nanosecond( shunpos(i guess) towards Karuroso and slams his face into a and then makes her hands into spikes and stabs him 100 times, she is about stab one more time but Yokoshimo arrives in time the grab it in mid stab and stop it)

Yokoshimo: bad choice to pick on Hado 88 (the blast hits Baello but she only slid a foot)
i have a feeling i got better but short
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Uragon808 said…
'Finally Uragon has finish his training , And Yuri has return from a journey training with her master, and they sense something'

Uragon: Yuri do you sense that?

Yuri: 'eating her apple' sense wha-

'a portal suckd them in'


'they appeard on the battle field with the portal closing'

Yuri: noooo ! 'her hand tried to grab the portal' ugh looks like were stuck here uragon, 'looks for him' uragon?

'Yuri sees him staring over the cliff, she goes to him and sees Ryouji,Captian Kyoraku,Karuroso, And Yokoshimo fighting an angel'

Uragon: We gotta do something 'looking down, uragon sees a shadow flew over him , he looks up' huh?

Yuri: Come on Uragon lets go

Uragon: so impatient

' Uragon and Yuri rushes over to them before it get worst.

over a year ago LunaShay said…
-Kiyomi runs out and goes to squad 4 hospital-

Kyomi:-thinks-I hope Toshiro is okay.i cant believe they thought he could actually take them on.I thought he was supposed to be smart.

-In her thoughts she knocked into some1-

Kiyomi:-gets up-sorry.Just lost in my thoughts.-she sees a blonde haired guy with blue eyes rubbing his head-

???:its tell the truth,i wasnt looking where i was going either.just watching the sky

-Kiyomi helps him up and sees the size diference between them and gasps-

Kiyomi:-sighs-i see youre rather tall like the others.

???:-looks at when he gets up and sees what she means-Oh..ya.i see youre rather...small.

-Kiyomi gets nervous and gasps again-

Kiyomi:Hehe...yeah.I guess-sighs again and stops-wait-looks up-i havent seen you here before.Who are you?

???:i am Yuji Fugihasa,a new student at the school.

Kiyomi:I see.

-couple minutes silence-

Kiyomi:Well i got to go

Yuji:Okay see ya

-Kiyomi waves and shunpos to the squad 4 hospital-

-Kiyomi turns to Toshiros hospital room,with him lying on the bed-

Kiyomi:Is he going to be okay?

Captain Retsu:Yes most likely.He isnt hurt so bad he will die,but he still badly injured.

Kiyomi:i see-stupid,she thought-i hope he'll be okay.-sees Captain Retsu has a lovey face-O no!just as good friends hehe not like that.


-Ten minutes pass-

Kiyomi:well i have to go.Captain Ukitake might be wondering where i am.

Retsu:Okay.Bye,Leutenant Tsadane.

-And Kiyiomi shunpos away-

Note:Yuji is Flamehazes character :) i got to introduce it

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago flamehaze said…
actualy yuji but its fine
over a year ago flamehaze said…
oh and student as you put
over a year ago LunaShay said…
mk sorry i spelled it wrong and ok :)
over a year ago LunaShay said…
i changed it and spelled your name i spell everyones names wrong xD
over a year ago bleacher1001 said…
(As Kiyomi gets ready to leave, she passes by a room with an open door. Inside the room she sees Makko lying on a bed. he is wrapped in bandages and his left leg is in a cast and is proped up. She also sees a boy sitting in a chair by his bed.)

(She walks in and notices that the boy is Ace) Kiyomi: So they got Makko too? How is he, Ace?

Ace: Lieutenant Tsudane...he's resting right now. Lieutenant Kotetsu said that he would be okay, but that he would have to rest for a couple days before he could leave.....He was being a damned idiot. He goes and saves Lieutenant Hinamori's life and then returns to the battlefield so that he can be nearly killed himself. But that's just how he is and has always been.

(She walks over to Ace, puts a hand on his shoulder, and smiles) Kiyomi: Don't worry, Ace. Makko will pull through this just fine. I am really curious though. How did Makko get here?

Ace: While the others were engaged with Baello, I shunpoed over to him and then brought him back here.

Kiyomi: Are you going to be okay?

Ace: I just can't help but wonder where Ryu is. Leyno is out of commission right now, Ryouji is on the battlefield, and Ryu has disappeared. It appears that Renegade Squad is beginning to fall apart.

(In the throne room of the Spirit King, Ryu is surprised by the warm greeting that he has received. In fact, his suspicions are raised because of it.)

Ryu: Your Majesty, I have come here to ask you a favor.

Spirit King: I see. I figured that was your reason for coming here.....What is it that you desire, Ryu?

Ryu: My reason for coming is very simple. I want you to heal me.

Spirit King: Isn't something like that the job of Squad 4's Captain? Perhaps I should relay a message to Genryūsai and let him know of that Squad's failure.

(He snaps up quickly) Ryu: Please your Majesty, do not do that. This is not the typical wound that Captain Unohana can fix. The solution that I desire is both internal and external.

Spirit King: Explain.

(Ryu explains everything that has happened and the Spirit King simply nods when Ryu is finished.)

Ryu: And that is why I need your help. If I can't find a way to stop the decay of my spiritual network, then I will die. And, if my spiritual network can be healed, then I will need my powers to be completely revitalized so that I can stand a chance against Sekhmet and her angels.

Spirit King: Alright, I will help you. But you must first pass my test..

Ryu: What is the test?

Spirit King: A battle, with yourself.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago gokuluigifan333 said…
Yokoshimo: then he slams Baello into a wall and took Karuroso to squad 4(thoughts, man people in the renegade are really falling apart)hey ace how is Makko doing

Ace:he wont die but he is badly injured what about Karuroso

Yokoshimo:same except a little worse but he'll live( shunpos back to where Baello is)

Baello: your arrogance will get you killed stupid shinigami though i must say that your speed is impressive most people havent been able to block an attack much less counter

Yokoshimo: dont worry that was just because of my brother now i dont care if i get hit( they both start raising their rietsu{think i spelled it right})
over a year ago gokuluigifan333 said…
Yokoshimo's theme song im hispanic so i picked an arrancar song so yea here it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago gokuluigifan333 said…
big smile
Karuroso theme song
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ouchi said…
wtf! some are getting overpowered again! it really sucks when someone do that.. its childish!
over a year ago ouchi said…
uhm.. just to inform you bleacher.. no one can go and see the spirit king except using a spirit key you know. And besides, only royal members can see the spirit king.. be cautious when posting things like that.. jeez what an OP.