My Wall

twightluva said about Stefan & Elena
I miss this couple soo much , I need them to be together at the end.... Posted over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
me and you both! over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
All the way! over a year ago
so did Damon break the bond? ps. i really hate Caroline for blurting the news out like that, Elena told her to wait till she could find a way to tell Stefan herself. id like to see Caroline fixd her relationship with Elena now Posted over a year ago
alexgt1995 commented…
for whatr i understand if they see each other againthe bond reactivates, so there it is not a way to break the sire bond just to pause it. over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
It's not broken, there is no way to break it. If they talk again, even on the phone, the bond will influence her decisions.That's what they meant by letting her go. He is still helping her with Jeremy but from a distance, they're not supposed to see each other ever again .  Caroline is so blinded by her hate for Damon that she just had to bash him and creat a conflict between the brothers!  The whole episode all Damon was thinking about was making Stefan happy. So he gave up on Elena and even though it will not benefit him in any ways, he still stayed to protect and take care of Jeremy. But Caroline has such poor opinion of Damon that she told Stefan, He was fucking Elena in the lake house!  Now I'm scared that Stefan will act like a fucking martyr just because Caroline was being a raging judgy bitch! > :-( over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
no he just told her to go home. i think over a year ago
twightluva said about Liam Payne
lets try to get him into at least the double digits guys, he deserves more than an almost 5,000 Posted over a year ago
im kind of confused... they say that Elena becoming a vampire heightened her feelings for Damon since she had feelings for him as a human...but why aren't her feelings for Stefan being heighted because she was supposed to love him more than Damon..right? Posted over a year ago
escada commented…
well I guess She doesnt =D LOL over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
Humm I don't know maybe it's because she spent so much time denying her feelings for Damon that she can't control them anymore, while she had always been honest and trying her hardest to hold on to her feelings for Stefan that nothing happened to them because she knew them well? over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
maybe as a vampire elena couldn't supress her feelings for damon anymore. over a year ago
twightluva said about Stefan & Elena
please, please, pllease, please dont disappoint me producers, it think i just might cry if they dont get back together soon. that Damon and Elena scene was one to many* BLAH* Posted over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
it couldn't be 2 BLAH since ur actually a member of the d/e fan club..right? over a year ago
twightluva commented…
im so ending this discussions with you this is ridiculous, u dont need to be concered with what i do on here frankly its non of your buisness, and since im the mature one that doesnt start wars over something that shouldn't have even offended me, this is my last post to you because this has gone on way to long. feel free to post more, i just wont bother to look peace out delenaluv its been a pleasure mwah over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
ofcoarse u will look 2 see if i responded & all i have 2 say is i made my point quite clear & whether u would like 2 think so or not u & ur responses have also helped me make my point & 4 that i have 2 say thank u!! actions speak louder than words but in ur case ur actions & ur words r screaming CONTRADICTING HYPOCRITE!! as far as being mature..honey..don't give urself 2 much credit!! the only reason u say u want 2 end is has less 2 do with ur maturity and more 2 do with facts being facts. u just ran out of pathetic excuses 2 explain ur actions. i could give 2 shits who u ship but when u join a club in support of something u don't talk trash about it which is exactly what u did and that my dear is what is called being a hypocrite. grab a dictionary and look it up. say whatever the hell u want 2 say about me i could care less. make urself think ur mature if it makes u feel better but bottom line not 1 damn thing i said was not a fact!! BTW little girl..the pleasure was all mine!! over a year ago
twightluva said about Liam Payne
ummmmmm why does he ONLY have 4,000 fans when Zayn has like 20,000 we seriouly need more people here, because Liam is AWAZING ( ps. i do love Zayn too, so im not a Zayn hater) Posted over a year ago
Beliebergirl105 commented…
i agree over a year ago
big smile
wow these are some seriously awazing looking guys Posted over a year ago
twightluva said about One Direction
I FIGGRIN' LOVE LIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
twightluva said about Kristen Stewart
I love her so much. i hate the fact that so many people talk crap about her, but dont say anytyhing about celebrities that deserve the hate and critisim more than she does. if you think talking about her is going to bring her down your delusional because while some people are talking trash about her shes travelling the world while your wishing you were her bestfriend Posted over a year ago
twightluva said about Stefan & Elena
moonrise21 commented…
i agree and i cant beleive that elena is cirred to damon and he took advantage of that over a year ago