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Padfoot6501 said about One Direction
i LOVE One Direction
_____ Posted over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said about Death Eaters
do it like a death eater!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Mike_Shinoda commented…
Yeah! over a year ago
KaraiRiddle commented…
meh Posted over a year ago
zar_far11 commented…
? over a year ago
one of the reasons i hate twilight so much is because of the lack of researh Even diehard twilight fans can't argue with this ----> How could Rosalie have been rich in the great depresion if her father was a banker? Posted over a year ago
alexisn10 commented…
Too true. She also wrote "It was like the GD was like a rumor". Oh yeah because you totally drove past the starving homeless children begging for food, mothers selling their bodies to provide, and dads fleeing out of state to find jobs all while selling all their furniture, cars, jewelry, and facing foreclosure. Looks like someone didn't pay attention during 8th grade history. over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Of course people can argue with this. It doesn't matter how many times the answer is explained to people, they will willingly decide to completely forget everything you told them an hour later. over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
To answer your question, thousands of banks survived the great depression by denying loans. They didn't lend all their money out, so they didn't lose it. over a year ago
makorra327 commented…
I just hate Twilight all around over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said …
I <3 Harry Potter!!!! Posted over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said about Twilight Series
Jingle bells, Twilight smells, Edward runs away, Bella dies, Jacob cries, POTTER ALL THE WAY
(no offence) Posted over a year ago
DumCheese commented…
NO TWILIGHT IS WAY MORE HOT! over a year ago
Renesmee_08 commented…
It actually is offensive. over a year ago
Starscream112 commented…
a yeah!You are so right!Transformers for the win! :):D over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said about Gale Hawthorne
I can't belive she didn't choose Gale
mind=blown Posted over a year ago
PACKERSRULE2 commented…
wait she doesnt!! shoulda added spoiler alert to tht one!!! lol i wanna finish the series already... but at the same time dont want it to end! over a year ago
dollycurtis commented…
I thought she was going to pick Gale but she didnt. That really surprised me over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said …
R.I.P. Sirius Black :'( Posted over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said about Sirius Black
Thumbs up for the greatest character in Harry Potter!!!!! why did he have to die j.k Rowling? WHY? Posted over a year ago
zar_far11 commented…
Nice username :) over a year ago
Padfoot6501 said about The Hunger Games
Team Gale 4-Eva Posted over a year ago
marvel-glimmer commented…
don't turn this into twilight please? I hate twilight... over a year ago
Padfoot6501 commented…
Team Gale! over a year ago
NormalcyIsDead commented…
^Little late to the game there... over a year ago