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BedIntruder said about Twilight Series
Now, I know you guys all hate my anti twilightness, but I'm leaving this link here as food for thought. link
Posted over a year ago
BedIntruder said about Harry Potter
'Back to Witches and Wizards and Magical Beasts!' Exactly how I felt when I went on to Pottermore.
Posted over a year ago
BedIntruder said about Twilight Series
I am being serious and sensible for just this once, twitards. I want to know WHY on earth you like Twilight? I have been trying to look at it from your perspective, and so far, I can't. Each one of the fandoms l am a real part of, I can explain why I am in them. But I don't understand. WHY DO YOU LIKE TWILIGHT? Posted over a year ago
mr-cullen commented…
hey just read books u will come to know why. over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
I want to know why. I never said I would change my opinion. over a year ago
Starscream112 commented…
I hate twilight!!! Transformers for the win! over a year ago
youknowit101 said …
Enough of you, please. You're irritating. Nobody cares or needs to know your little opinions on Twilight, their fans, it's writing, or anything. If you want to behave this way, head on over here link where you'll get praised for it. You like waiting your time on telling everyone that you hate Twilight, right? That place was made for people like you. Posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Aw, he even joined the spot. That's not in the spirit of FANpop at all. over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
Well, it's more fun this way. What's the fun in AGREEMENT? And ask nicely or whatever, Trolls gotta troll, Haters gonna Hate. Credit for being polite and not throwing swears at me. over a year ago
youknowit101 commented…
Polite? Good one. over a year ago
alexisn10 gave me props for my comments
He he, oh stop <3 Posted over a year ago
BedIntruder said about StarKidPotter
Did you get my text? Posted over a year ago
dragonsmemory commented…
Well you didn't text me back over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
^_^ Joe Walker is THE best Umbridge over a year ago
PaigeRichter commented…
Yes. Definitely Dick. over a year ago
HaleyDewit gave me props for my articles
Props for your 95 reasons why Twilight sucks article :) Someone posted a link in the Harry Potter vs Twilight spot. Had to check it out. Posted over a year ago
omg_stop commented…
why would you prop her for posting an anti twilight article in the Twilight spot. you know that's against the rules, right? over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. over a year ago
HaleyDewit commented…
^^ I can give props to whoever I want. over a year ago
Helena-B-Carter gave me props for my answers
Like how you defended your articles without actually spewing out any swear words like the rest of them twilight fans. Seriously, they should ask someone to get their mouths washed out! Hope we can be friends! Posted over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
Thank You. Of course, the whole thing amused me greatly. over a year ago
Helena-B-Carter commented…
I could tell from your comments. They were often sarcastic or...well, they sounded amused. I'm sure you drove the Twilight fans to the edge of sanity! I really cannot bear and do not tolerate swearing and cursing over a year ago
BedIntruder commented…
Well, I never had a problem with it. It's only a word, a way of expressing yourself. over a year ago
BedIntruder said about Green Day
Listening to Dookie... Best Green Day Album Posted over a year ago
marvel-glimmer gave me props for my comments
love ur comments about twilight. u deserve this. it is a medal for ur comments Posted over a year ago
youknowit101 commented…
Same to you what I told this guy. You can be this guys lacky over in the Critical Analysis of Twilight spot. The two of you can frolic around, lively and free, offending peolpe left and right, all day long, without consequence. A dream come true. over a year ago