Neuro Doctor

Fanpopping since May 2012

  • Female, 47 years old
  • Denver, CO
  • Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
    Favorite Movie: Contact
    Favorite Musician: Spin Doctors
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10mm said about Alpha and Omega
Just to be clear, Big_Red is also one of MCPANCAKE/Kishin/Jett/SCP's many accounts. Let's not be fooled by acting and pretense: "I think after Kishin's last appearance where he was pretty pissed off is proof enough that he has nothing to do with this". That's proof? How hard is it to pretend to be "pissed" in an Internet post? Anyways, I understand you need to put up a front online, but you should go to your university's Student Counseling Center. It's free. You have nothing to lose. Posted over a year ago
10mm commented…
And for you to claim that you are not obsessed with and compelled to troll is patently false. If it was for a few posts here and there, perhaps, but looking at your accounts, you have been doing this for months and months, like it's your career. Has it interfered with your everyday life? Do you find it interrupting your sleep? I can't fully diagnose you online, but there is no question that you should at least seek a second professional's opinion. Do it for your family's sake. It's confidential and free. You can pull out of this. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
"Just stop" Was that toward me? D: - Yeah I understand I think (your second reply). ;) over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
(No, it was directed towards cpuds because the fight was supposed ot be over over a year ago
10mm said about Alpha and Omega
A recent scientific study about trolls: link


Here's the actual study: link Posted over a year ago
10mm commented…
I was attempting to use language that would resonate with this young male audience, but, in actuality, trolls are often intelligent individuals who simply need to seek help. Kishin_Kira/Jett is of college age, relatively intelligent, and moderately resourceful. There is a lot he could do if he could overcome his obsessive/compulsive disorder, specifically with trolling. It's never too late to make a change for the better. over a year ago
10mm commented…
You can hear his denial in his posts. "I'm not a sadist, I just like f*king with people". Kishin/Jett/MCPANCAKE, that's exactly what a sadist is. "Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others." You need help. You have a lot of potential if you can get past this. This age is a critical juncture in your life. over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to do that, I'm saing that the information he's giving about the PEOPLE on here is false. I never once said anything about his research. Of course mentioning the users like that was a bad idea for him; he doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to the trolls on here on who they REALLY are, even though he says he's a 'doctor' and he 'studies trolls' and also tthat he has 'been studying these trolls for a long time'. If he REALLY had been studying them for a long time, he'd have known in the first place (before I told him earlier) that Jett was the same person as Kishin, just an alt account, and that Kishin wasn't the troll, it was the guy he gave his account to that trolled. over a year ago
10mm said about Alpha and Omega
DO NOT REPLY TO THE TROLL. Ignore and report. Trolls, despite their denial and insistence otherwise, are sad, broken individuals who crave attention and derive pleasure from the suffering of others. They are psychopaths, and they need psychiatric attention (I'm a doctor; there are several of us who use FP). Do not respond to their posts as you are only feeding their mental problems. Be compassionate, as they are dead inside. Ignore the wreck, report, and move on. Hopefully, they will seek help. Posted over a year ago
Annakian_Priest commented…
Got it. over a year ago
HumphreyWolfMan commented…
I hope you're talking about the user part and not the help info of trolls in general. (I saw your other comment too). XD over a year ago
QuietWind commented…
I haven't been talking about the help info. I've been talking about the users part the whole time. over a year ago