The Other Boleyn Girl Wall

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HeyItsMeSamLee said …
umm duh, no need to have a debate on the accuracy. The movie was based from Philippa Gregory's novel of the same name under the category general fiction /fictional biography /alternate history novel/historical fiction you name it, nobody claimed it was anywhere near being historically accurate for Boleyn's sake! It's like a fan fiction in the best way possible. so, yeah. haha. Vivat Anne! Ainsi sera, groigne qui groigne – Let them grumble, that is how it is going to be! Posted over a year ago
teampetrova said …
A spot for Anne & Mary Boleyn, you can join if you're interested:
link Posted over a year ago
fansfunsz said …
i have got it this finally at last from 2 days ago Posted over a year ago
Dark-Blood said …
a very good movie and I usually don't watch movies like this but I did and I love it Posted over a year ago
kingdomheartsmm said …
This was a good movie, but they got the story completely wrong. 1. Anne is younger 2. Mary wasn't kind or sweet 3. The riding thing never happened. 4. Anne went to Spain as a young girl, then went to France 5. Anne's father didn't adore her 6. Anne never asked her brother to sleep with her, she suspected the king and he was her informan, there are others, and I will list them later. Posted over a year ago
Ninja-Kitten commented…
It's a MOVIE of historical FICTION. Neither of which are particularly accurate, in my experience. Besides, were you there during Henry VIII's reign? How do you know that Mary wasn't kind or sweet? Or that the "riding thing" didn't happen, or that Anne's father didn't love her, AND that Anne was completely innocent of incest? We don't know any of this. That's why there are so many different versions of the story. No one knows. over a year ago
RhiannonSnape commented…
We know this things because of primary sources written at the time. If Henry VIII almost got hurt riding with Anne Boleyn, it would have definitely been reported...And as for the incest thing, it was completely taboo and against the will of God, the same as George being gay. They wouldn't have wanted to go against God because they were very religious. over a year ago
magicfairydust commented…
it wasn't supposed to be accurate. over a year ago
kingdomheartsmm said …
This was a good movie, but they got the story completely wrong. 1. Anne is younger 2. Mary wasn't kind or sweet 3. The riding thing never happened. 4. Anne went to Spain as a young girl, then went to France 5. Anne's father didn't adore her 6. Anne never asked her brother to sleep with her, she suspected the king and he was her informan, there are others, and I will list them later. Posted over a year ago
kitkate1327 commented…
Anne didn't go to Spain, she was a member of Margaret of Austria's court in the Netherlands (now Burgandy), then she went to France. over a year ago