Pokémon Pokemon Dusk: A Shadow Pokemon RP

GMRSUnoted posted on May 09, 2014 at 11:48PM
In the Melanite region where the residents don't have any gyms nor has a very big population, the sinister organization known as C.O.H (Corruption of Hope) works to dominate the world with a great and powerful power called the Shadow Pokémon. They take what Cipher aimed for and expanded. They did not only wish to have a shadow Pokémon that was unpurifiable but also one that was truly shadow. Also, they did not only wish to make one of these. They wished to make a multitude of them.

Rather than closing the heart, they crushed the heart and destroyed it with the power of a Yveltal that ruled over destruction which becomes the main shadow legendary of the team along with a few others. Though with this, it is a long process and rely on the basic shadowfication while they work.

The only chance to stop them is within trainers who are proven worthy of the task. Are you one of the Cleansed? Or are you one of the Impure?



1) No Mary/Gary Sues (This means brats or stubborn people who can’t lose)
2) Two Pokémon Right of the bat (No more and no less)
3) No Legendaries or Multiple Shinnies (Unless ok by Me, though I shall allow one Shiny.)
4) Respect the other Rp-ers, please…
5) You should stay within the game’s rules, so no deaths or any mature content (Sorry, I must put this here.)
6) Use Grammar and Spell-Check Please!
7) One character per side unless you want only one.
8) No one-liners.
9) Times skips unless approved.
10) Starting Pokémon must between 5-20.
11) No body shall be a hybrid (Example: Half human, half Mew)
12) You can only have ONE Mega Pokémon and your Mega Ring has to be earned by the Professor aka Me.
13) Minimum of two Pokemon per trainer starting off (This is because all battles will be double battles and this is optional for Pokemon Professors)
14) Anything else? Just comment on my page.

Character Creation Sheet:


Alias (If need):

Type of Trainer (?): (Be Creative Here)

Appearance: (You can write it down or post a photo if needed)



Anything else (?):


Pokémon starting Off:


Amethyst (Neetz/GMRSUnoted)
Akine Ren (Riku)
Azure (Neetz)
Rafa (Neetz)
Garnet (Neetz)
Jaden (Riku)
Amber (Wanta)
Kashina Rose (Riku)
Ziallie Tayu (Rkiu)
Kamine Lay (Riku)
Clifton Anastas (Wanta)
Ayumi (Riku)
last edited on Nov 02, 2014 at 05:03PM

Pokémon 322 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 322

over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "I don't know. I don't think we've met before. Amber is a fairly common name. Maybe that's what it is."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: That is true-! *realizes how hot the desert was getting* Um... is it just me or is this desert getting hotter by the second?

Azure: *pulls out an ice cube before putting it into his mouth* Yeah, I think we should head back to the lab where the AC is blasting.

Wes: No kidding; this desert gets hotter every day yet in the town and Lab isn't not as hot. If only there was a oasis out here...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Ah alright. Though if you need us, we will probably be in the laboratory down that way *points off in the direction of the lab* Alright?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "Alright. I'll be sure to remember that....hey and um...good luck okay? Be careful out there." she said before gathering her stuff and walking off. She needed to get to the Pokemon Center. Her Pokemon were probably pretty worn out.
over a year ago Riku114 said…

Akine: Ayumi! Calm down. *sighs* Lets get going. *begins to walk off towards the lab they came from*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Right behind you!


Back to the Lab, a familiar figure was inside on the upper floor drinking some ice-cold water with the AC blasting. Looking out towards the desert, the figure could see the group coming towards the Lab, making the figure smile a bit.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I got nothing to post so...)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(No problem Wanta.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
The group began heading over, Ayumi was filming the walk the whole way there, occasionally talking about what they were doing to the camera, but not nearly as much as she would when she was traveling on her own. Jaden didnt stop teasing Akine though by the point they were almost there, Akine had tuned almost everyone out. It took a bit but eventually they arrived at the lab.

Akine: Ah here we are......... Azure, you can lead us in.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure: Alright, I'll lead us in.

With him the front, he lead the group inside only to be confronted by the blasting cold air and Rafa's singing. Garnet still couldn't get use to the cold, as he shivered as he entered the Lab. Wes, out of everybody, didn't mind the cold as he looked up to see somebody waiting for them. Though the figure walked off soon afterwards.

Wes: *to himself* You still know how to fool others...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine didnt show any change of reaction to the cold temperature, but then again, he WAS wearing a thick fur coat one similar to the one Kashina was wearing as she sat near Rafa, reading a book. She was used to Rafa's noises and wasnt bothered by them. They were like white noise to her.

Akine: Alright then we got the assignment done.

Kashina: *looked up from her book* Ah! Ayumi! Its been a while!

Ayumi: Hi Prof. Kashina! I found Akine and Braviary!

Braviary: I didnt mean to find her though............
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(This one's a bit long, but I needed to do this for one main reason...)

Azure: Uncle, are you talking out of your mouth again?

Garnet: Seems so... And how is Professor Kashina not affected by this?

Azure: I think she's used to it being his assistant and all...

Just then behind Akine, out of complete nowhere, somebody kicked him with full force to the ground. Rafa was still talking nonsense during the whole incident as the boys turned to see Amy back, but a little bit pissed off. Midnight came down afterwards as Amy fix her hat.

Garnet: Si-Sis?! How- What are you doing here?

Wes: Garnet, you should know your sister by now how she'll deal with people like Akine...

Amy, still pissed off at Akine, pull him up from the floor by his shirt and punching him the face, threw him down to the ground. She had to shake her hand as it was a bit numb from what she just did. It wasn't a concern for her at all for taking a beating, but giving a beating would prove difficult. Garnet just stood there with Azure and Wes, who saw her pull out a bottle of water and drink the rest of the water from it.

Wes: Let me guess... You got her pissed off didn't you Akine? Here's some advice for future notice: Don't you dare get her so pissed that she'd ditch the group... Because she'll come back with a special beating for you...

(So yeah, Amy's back and her hate for Bird Boy shall continue~! XD had too much fun writing Amy and Wes in this post)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine took the punches. Beyond the first initial kick catching him a bit off guard, the punch he was well braced for along with the throw, and would have punched back if she wasnt a girl making it against his ways. When she was done, he put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. Even if he did brace for it, that did hurt quite a bit. Given five or six seconds break he pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked up at Wes.

Akine: Thanks for the advice, but thats not the way I raised myself. She doesnt scare me.

Akine gave a yawn as he returned Rigoru to his pokeball and let Alin out to perch on his back. Kashina looked up to watch Amy and Akine before back at the book.

Though while Akine took his short break and then pushed himself up, Ayumi was quiet and still for a second before letting Combursken out to hold her camera. Angrily, Ayumi walked up to Amy and gave a nice slap in the face

Ayumi: Dont you dare treat by Akine like that! I dont care what Akine may have said to get you pissed off but you have no right to come here and beat him up before even attempting to talk it through. Now if you still want to play with my Akine like that, then I dont mind taking it outside with you and showing you I am the champion at this game you love so much. Learn your manners!

Ayumi stood with a confident look very similar to that of which Akine had when lecturing Amy. Akine sighed at Ayumi's actions and looked back up at Wes.

Akine: Ayumi is totally the opposite of me when it comes to day to day personality though we both have similar habits being we were the only ones that handled each other when we were young.

Jaden: Neither of you know when to stop or say sorry either.

Akine: Well I refuse to apologize for something I dont feel is wrong.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amy took the slap to the face like it was nothing; sure it would hurt, but from her past she had gotten use to getting beaten up and took the pain only for a second before acting like she was never in that beating. Midnight looked at her Combursken before Ayumi and shook her head.

Wes: So, are you going to stand there without saying a word or not?

Amy: ...You must be Bird Boy's mate... or should I call you Baby Bird? Either way he started the whole thing, not me.

Garnet: Um hello?! We're right her!

Amy: *looks and smiles at them* You two keeping well with Bird Boy, Baby Bird and Jaden? I sure hope so. *looks back at Ayumi with a frown* And if I were you, I'd stay out of my way; you judge people before even knowing who they are, though I got a good understand of Akine, so for now I'll let you slide.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ayumi was unfazed by the name calling or the threat when Amy said 'Id stay out of my way' or 'For now Ill let you slide'.

Ayumi: Psh. I dont care who it is, Ill protect my boy friend. Though I do give it to you that he can be a real meanie occasionally.

Akine: *moaned and face palmed* Ayumi...... Im not your boyfriend Im your friend whos a boy. Learn to say it right

Ayumi: *smiled widely and chuckled looking over at Akine as she spoke in a cheerful happy tone that clearly showed that what she was saying was a total lie* Sorrrrryyyy Akineee. Its a bad habit. Ill try to remember next time

Jaden: Anyways, now if thats over can we get to what we were doing?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(I think Ill be busy today tommarow and the next day so I wont be around much. Sorry.

Ill probably still pop in here though occasionally)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
over a year ago Monmonny said…
I'm here to join!
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Sorry Riku, I was busy with live. As for Monmonny, you can fill out the character sheet and we'll go from there. Now let's continue this shall we?)

Rafa: ♪♪Starry night~ Of my life~ Let the pains go~♪♪

Amy: Azure, can we get our next objective before I go mad from him singing? I've been upstairs to ignore his karaoke singing.

Azure: Alright then, just so you don't get mad again Amy. *goes over to his Uncle* Uncle, do you anything new for us to do?

Rafa: Oh why if isn't Azure! Good timing as well! Lovely Kashina and I were investigating some thing when my lovely niece Carly called in about some weird things happening in Juwell. You know how she is- always freaking out by the little things and coming back to her loving Uncle for help. She didn't tell us much, but she's as lovely and sweet as ever~

Azure: *eye twitch* C-Carly?

Garnet: Oh dear please no. Don't make us go there; I really don't like her at all!

Amy: Why do you think I stayed here and waited for you all? I could have gone before you guys, but I stayed behind so I wouldn't have to suffer alone.

Garnet and Azure: Why thanks Amy.

Amy: *smiles and winks* No problem. *looks over to Wes* Say, are you coming with us or going off to check on the Misty girl?

Wes: Well, I'd have to pass through Juwell with you guys, so once we're there I'll being parting ways for a time.

Amy: Alright then, fine with me but we still need to settle the score later.

Wes: We can do that once I get back Ames.


Wes: Whatever Amy.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Well if thats that, then can we get going?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Meanwhile, Amber had managed to make her way back to the Pokemon Center and was currently waiting for word from Nurse Joy about the condition of her Pokemon. She was enjoying the nice cold air of the Pokemon Center after all that time walking through the desert and walking in dank caves. She needed a shower, a nice day of relaxation, and maybe ten or so cheeseburgers. Dealing with those loonies from earlier had made her build up quite an appetite. Though that's not to say she didn't enjoy herself. They may be crazy, overly argumentative, and hard to understand sometimes, but they were also funny and exciting. She might have actually been tempted to go with them if she thought she'd fit in with the group, but something told her that they were not going to find her dream quite as important as she did.

"Ah well, that's the life of a musician. Always full of sacrifices." she said as she leaned back with her eyes closed. The bench she was sitting on was empty so she could lay down peacefully as Nurse Joy treated her Pokemon.

...except the bench wasn't empty and when Amber laid down across it, her head happened to fall into someone's lap. Amber sighed contentedly before it hit her and she opened her eyes curiously. "Huh?" she said as she looked at the person whose lap she was laying in. After a second's realization, her eyes widened and she jumped up. "AH! It's you!"

Cliff raised his eyebrows. "Me? Have we met?" He asked with slight confusion. He squinted at her and leaned a little forward, rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "hmm...oh ya. You're that girl we met outside the cave. Uh...Ambrose?"

Amber's expression was flat with a tinge of irritation as she replied in a strangled voice. "That's a boys name..."

Cliff: "Oh ya. So it is. So what exactly are you doing here? I thought you would be off with the rest of the Brady Bunch looking for that temper girl."

Amber: "Huh? Temper girl? you mean Amy?"

Cliff: "I guess the nickname's pretty accurate if you pick up on it that easy."

Amber: "I guess...I didn't go with them. They're nice and all, but they're a bit...er..."

Cliff: "Retarded?"

Amber: "Eccentric..."

Cliff: "So you decided to come back here and lay down in a random person's lap?"

Amber: "I thought the bench was empty! How long have you been here anyway?"

Cliff: "Oh long enough to hear you monologue your life for a good ten minutes."

Amber: "Huh? That was out loud?"

Cliff: "Bits and pieces. I got the gist though. Scary mushrooms, ten cheeseburgers, important dream, yada yada yada."

Amber blushed a little and averted her eyes. It's rude to listen in on people."

Cliff: "Pretty sure it's rude to use someone's lap as a pillow without their permission as well."


Cliff: "Ya ya, I got you."

Amber: "Alright, so you know why I'm here. Why are you here?"

Cliff: "Simple. Hiking through the scorching hot desert is far less stressful than putting up with those cave morons."

Amber: "You're kind of harsh..."

Cliff: "You're kind of ditsy, but you don't hear me throwing around insults."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Hey look, I finally posted! Next up after the night we'll be in Juwell for plot and I'm keeping a certain hatred alive...)

Amy: Well, looking outside it's getting pretty late and I'd hate to be in these sandstorms around this place. Last time I stayed I was stuck in Calbon -The Lab to be more exact- for a whole week.

Garnet: Wait, is that why you sent me with Azure that time?

Amy: Yes, that's why and I didn't want you to get stuck here with me knowing how clumsy Azure could get -no offense.

Azure: None taken, now how about we get going?

*Time skip to Calbon because I'm lazy*

The group had arrived in Calbon just as the sun went down and out in the desert the sandstorms were starting to rise in the desert. Since it got freezing cold, Amy dropped off all of her Pokemon except Misdreavus while Garnet and Azure dropped off all of theirs. The group decided that they'd be staying in the Pokemon Center for the night, but one problem arose in the group...

Garnet: Um, Sis.... Who's sleeping with who for tonight? It's not just the three of us for tonight and there's only like four beds per room...

Amy: *Looks at Akine, Jaden and Ayumi before back at Garnet* I think we'll get our own room while Bird and Baby bird get their own private room together. *looks at Jaden after fixing her hat a bit* Jaden, you can choose whether to get your own room, or go with either one of us: Your choice.

(Yes, Jaden gets a choice; Amy's just getting too tired to decided if he'll sleep alone or in one of their rooms.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: I dont like what you are implying. That and the only reason Im going to be agreeing to this is because I couldnt imagine having to spend a whole night in the same room as you.

Jaden: Ill pester Akine all night. Dont worry, leave it to me.

Akine: Shut up Jaden.......
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Ok, I can either time skip to Juwell or we finish up the morning in Calbon and then time skip; either way it's fine.)
over a year ago wantadog said…
In the time it took Amy and her group to reach Calbon and get settled, Amber had spent most of that time trying to get the upper hand in her conversation with Cliff, and failing miserably. After awhile, she just gave up and stormed off to get something to eat. When she got back, Cliff was still there, reading a book. Amber held out a plate to him and cleared her throat.

Cliff: "No thank you. I'm not hungry."

Amber rolled her eyes and put Cliff's plate on the table before sitting down to eat her meal. After a short silence, Amber spoke up.

Amber: "What are you reading?"

Cliff: "Nothing important. Better question is where do you plan on going from here? You'll want to leave before the sandstorms start."

Amber: "I hadn't really planned it out."

Cliff: "I see...well you had better do so soon."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(If Wanta is fine with it, either is fine with me)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I'm fine with it.)
over a year ago shadow-master_2 said…
Name: Shizuka.
Gender: Female.
Age: 16.
Type of Trainer: Pokemon Battler.
Appearance: She has fair skin, stands at 5'8. She has short black hair and dark eyes. She wears a navy blue crop top and purple shorts with red running shoes.

Personality: She is smart, silent, serious and cold.
Side: Good/Pure.
Bio: She became a pokemon trainer since she wasn't doing anything else in life.

Pokemon starting off:

• Sneasel (Level 16).
Moves: Quick Attack, Feint Attack, Icy Wind, Fury Swipes.

• Lapras (Level 18).
Moves: Body Slam, Water Pulse, Confuse Ray, Water Gun.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(I'm back again and from the random number generator... we shall be skipping right to Juwell! Now let's go!)

Azure looked at Juwell before taking a huge breathe and turning back to see everybody waiting for him. Wes had already left the group earlier to meet up with an old friend of his and wasn't sure if he come back to meet up with them again. As one of the major towns holding an Coliseum, it was one of the popular places to stop in Melanite. The town was always packed for either the Coliseum's tournaments or just special event held by Azure's cousin. It had everything you would see in another town: The PokeCenter, Marts, and a few more. Garnet was by his sister's side, as Midnight was on her shoulder.

Amy: So Azure, are we going to meet Carly now or what?

Azure: *sighs* As much as I don't want to, we got a job to do.

Garnet: I'm not quite sure if i want to meet Carly again...

Azure: Le'ts hope she's not sugar-high today; Is everybody else ready?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine sighed. "You cant be all so serious on how bad this girl could be" he said as he stuck his hand out to hold Ayumi's head an arm's distance away from him as she tried to hug him. Now being held a distance, her arms flailed around trying to reach Akine "I mean, Ive seen Ayumi here on a sugar-high. I dont see how it could be much worse"

"Come on Akine-kun!!!!" Ayumi called out with a whine. "Let me hug you!!!!"

Akine turned to look over at Ayumi "Ayumi......" He spoke with a slight moan "Please respect my bubble."

"But Akineeeeeeeee" She whined again before pulling back "Fine......."

Jaden smiled over at Akine and Ayumi with a bit of a smirk. "You two are such an adorable couple."

"WE ARENT COUPLES!" Akine quickly turned back at Jaden with an anger mark.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure looked over at Akine and sighed.

Azure: Trust me; if you think Amy has a temper problem, just you wait till we meet my cousin Carly.

Amy: And what's that suppose to mean?!

Garnet: Um, can we get going then before she freaks out Azure?

Azure: I guess so: Everybody follow me.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine let out a sigh and looked away from Jaden who still had that smirk on his face. Whatever was ahead, it didnt really matter to him. No one seemed really up to beat about meeting her or metting up again with her so there was probably a reason........ The group carried on behind Azure.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber yawned as she and Cliff continued on their way. They were about five minutes from entering the city of Juwell. Amber heard about how much traffic the city had and decided it would be a great place to find some new talent or get her own talent noticed. She had been practicing with Cubone to make sure that it got accustomed to it's role. Amber was pleased with it's progress. Cubone was a natural. As for Cliff...he had said he planned on going to Juwell anyway, though Amber had her doubts about it. Nevertheless, if he wanted to travel with her, she wouldn't complain. Robbers and highwaymen were common near Juwell. Big cities often attracted those sorts of characters.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
The group was led to a huge building towering over the rest with the bright pink paint still shining about the grey buildings beside it. Azure took a deep breathe before entering the building with the others. Inside was designed to be as girly as it could get, pink wall, pink floors- everything was about pink until they heard somebody squealing in delight. Amy quickly tilted her hat to hide her face as Garnet cowered behind her as Azure's eyes widen seeing somebody running straight at him.


She tackled him down to the floor, causing Snow Puff to fly into the air for a second until Amy managed to save the poor Spheal from falling. Right behind Carly came a Slurpuff wearing a blue tie around its neck and a Aromatisse with a blue flower in it's hair. Azure looked up and saw Carly, who was still happily sitting on him.

Carly: Hi Azure~! Have you come back to agree on my offer?! Huh? Huh?!

Azure: C-Carly... can you please get off of me first...? I can'y barely breath...

Carly: Sor~ry~! *gets up before noticing Akine, Ayumi and Jaden* Who are they?! Are you guys here to take my Azure away? *Sees Amy and Garnet* Oh look, it's the two lowly nomads again; why are you hanging around my Azure?

Amy: *fixes her hair before looking away from Carly* Listen, Azure still won't go on any date with his cousin and he prefers to stick with us alright? Also over there are some people we picked up back at your Uncle's place; you guys can introduce yourselves.

Azure slowly moved away from Carly and went to Amy's side, grabbing Snow Puff and held his Spheal again.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Name: Carol

Alias (If need): Carly

Type of Trainer (?): Pokemon Model/Owner of the Juwell Coliseum

Appearance: Photo

Side: Pure

Anything else (?):
She has a major crush on her cousin Azure.
She doesn’t fight often

As Rafa’s daughter, she seems to carry off some of his wackiness and uses it for her own purposes. Her mother was the previous owner of the Juwell Coliseum, putting pressure on her to be the best to keep the Coliseum open. The other family member she had beside her parents was Azure, who would go over to her place almost every weekend. She slowly grew and fell in love with him and since she didn’t like other girls hanging out with him, she did her best to keep them away with any means necessary.
After he mother retired, she became the owner of the Juwell Coliseum, forcing her to leave Azure alone and go to her duties as the owner. Before she left to Juwell, she asked him if he could go and date her and when rejected, she proclaimed aloud that she would anything to get him to love her. She stayed in Juwell and was visited by Azure along with Amy and Garnet, who she hated to see whenever they were with her. Other than being obsessed with her cousin, she is actually a sweet girl and does her job well.

Pokémon starting Off:

Mister Puff (M. Slurpuff)
Lvl. 17
Play Nice
Fairy Wind

Miss Fluff (F. Aromatisse)
Lvl. 17
Sweet Scent
Fairy Wind
Calm Mind
Name: Carol

Alias (If need): Carly

Type of Trainer (?): Pokemon Model/Owner of the Juwell Colis
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Im gonna make one more character not as a unique protagonist or angonist, but a minor occasionally reappearing character.

Also, I swear, Azure and Akine could totally get along XD)
last edited over a year ago
GMRSUnoted commented…
(I have no problem with that; Amy has lots of people who don't like her.) over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Name: Iyoyashi Tarin

Alias (If need): Yashi

Type of Trainer (?): Detective, minoring as a Pokemon Trainer

Appearance: PIC

Side: Good, not exactly purifying, but he would help

Anything else (?): Hes an amateur detective and he has a very good connection and sync with Hanaze

Bio: Yashi was born and raised in an semi-rich family consisting of himself, his parents, and a small family of Absol they all owned. Due to Hanaze hatching only two weeks after Yashi was born, the two of them grew up like sibling that were rarely found away from each other. Though due to the random spurs of his parents being busy, not only did this incourage Hanaze and Yashi to become great partners, but also had Yashi going to his grandpa's house at least twice a month. At the time being, his grandpa was a retired detective at the age of 64, though around the time when Yashi was 7 and at his grandpa's house, his grandpa was confronted and convinced to help out on a case. Yashi, having nothign better to do, followed along with permission on the conditions he acts appropriately and watched the whole case unravel over the lapse of a few days. This sparked his interest and set his dream for the following years.

Pokémon starting Off:

Hanaze *Hana* (Absol) Female LV 18
-Play Rough
-Quick Attack

Azu (Scyther) Male LV 17
-Steel Wing
-Quick Attack
Name: Iyoyashi Tarin

Alias (If need): Yashi

Type of Trainer (?): Detective, minoring as a Pokem
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ayumi looked over at Carly with a very cheerful smile and waved quite largely despite Carly being only a few feet away from her. " ♪ Hello there! ♪ Im Ayumi! Nice to meet you! Though I dont think you should smother boys like that........"

Akine muttered under his breathe "You are one to talk......." He paused before speaking up again, clearly this time. "Anyways. Im Akine. Ayumi here is a hypocrite."

Jaden smiled "And I would be Jaden. Akine here is a jerk." He said with a teasing tone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Carly: Well it's nice to meet you all, though if you're thinking of taking Azure away from me, you'll regret it.

Amy: Anyway, can you tell us what's being on at the Coliseum?

Carly: Always to the point; you really hate to even say hello to people.

Amy: I don't prefer to speak unless I want to Carly.

Carly: Well I can't just speak about it here, so how about we talk about it in my office? I can tell you everything there without spreading more unneeded gossip.

Azure: Sure thing; lead the way-! *Gets grabbed by Carly* Carly let go!

Carly: Nope because you'll sit right by me~ Okay everybody follow me!

As Carly happily skipped off, Snow Puff was once again thrown into the air and caught by Garnet. Carly's two Pokemon followed her as Amy sighed aloud and looked over at the other three. She thought about just leaving them there, but went ahead as Garnet went after her.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine followed Carly who also ended up bringing Ayumi along who was pretty tightly wrapped around his arm. He let out a sigh and carried on. Jaden followed behind, just not wanting to be left in the dust.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
After going in the elevator and walking down a few more hallways, they ended up in Carly's office, which had the least amount of pink in the whole entire building. She pulled up more chairs and happily sat behind her desk with another chair by her side, where Azure sat tied to the chair by his ankle.

Carly: Ok~ Now if you all would be so kind as to sit down, I'll explain to you all what's the problem I've been having.

Amy rolled her eyes and sat right by Garnet as Midnight went and sat in her lap as Amy looked over at Azure before sighing.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine sat down before Ayumi decided to lay across his lap and the chair of his spot. "Ayumi......" He sighed. Alin perched on the back of Akine's chair. Jaden sat down in a seperate chair as well.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Carly: Now that we're all here, I'll explain what's been going on lately. Recently during our Coliseum challenges held with our sponsors, we've been having a group of challengers winning a unbeatable streak of victories... which is very odd considering some of the sponsor's best challenges and even myself have lost to them. My recent battle was with one of them and even though I had the type advantage... I lose.

Azure: And that's all? Even with your team isn't exactly used for battling...

Carly: But my main concern is...I've been hearing rumors of these so-called trainers after the match taking Pokemon away from their trainers!

Amy: What are you talking about?

Carly: I mean like... they are stealing their Pokemon and using them as their own... some even claim those Pokemon are now Shadow Pokemon! I can't confirm or deny those facts, but it's lowering the participants in our tournaments, which is not good my my business at all! We have few Coliseum's in Melanite and I'm not letting those trainers ruin all the hard work my family has done for this city.

Garnet: So... what's are trying to say is-

Carly: *nods* Yes, I want you all to find out what's going on and if you can, stop them. I would do this by myself, but since i have other duties to attend too, I can't do it. I knew my Father could get more data on what he researches, including the rumors of these so-called "Shadow Pokemon."
*looks at Akine, Ayumi and Jaden* I... know it must be much for you all, but could you help me? I'll give each of you a reward if you need to be bribed.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I think I found a good spot to get my characters back into things. When they leave the building, Amber and Cliff will just happen to be walking by.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(I think that could work)

Jaden perked up at the end of what Carly was saying. "A reward huh? What kind of reward are you talking about?"

Akine let out a bit of a chuckle, which was actually quite odd being his personality didnt match it really much at all before looking at Carly with a slightly scary excited look in his eyes to match with the odd smirk smile. "I cant wait." To Akine, it was finally something he knew about quite a bit of this kind of stuff due to the fact of how much he had to research it. This was going to be a heck of a fun thing for him and unlike times before, he was actually partially serious about what he was doing this time.

Ayumi sat up with her typical happy and energized smile. "Well if my Akine-kun is doing it, you can call me in. I dont like dealing with Shadow Pokemon much, its too sad for me, but there isnt a way I could let Akine do all the work now could I?"


Meanwhile Yashi was wandering the city area. He had been following the rumors that have been flying around and that had brought him to this city along with the Coliseum here too. It would be a great time for him to take a chance to have a good fight and maybe get some information on his hands as well.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Fine by me)

Carly: *to Jaden* Well... it depends, but I'll let you decide! *Turns to Ayumi* Well, I didn't say that everybody needed to capture them; all I need is for them and those trainers out of the Coliseum. You can do whatever you want with those Shadow Pokemon because I ain't touching them... They creep me out.

Amy: *smirks* Well, looks like we got to enter into a tournament I guess in order to find these trainers, so when the next one?

Carly: Actually Amy... the next one starts later this afternoon... but the only problem is they'll only allow two-party teams to enter, so you all need to find out who goes with who before you enter.

Amy: As long as Bird Boy and I aren't paired up, I'll be fine.

Azure: Yeah... I'd hate to see you two work together since you hate one another...
over a year ago Riku114 said…
"Oh if everyone doesnt need to come, Ill sit out of this one. Honestly, I dont care too much about this shadow stuff, in fact, I dont even know why Im coming along." Jaden thought for a bit. "Oh yeah, Akine is fun to annoy."

Akine glared back. "Now thats a great thing." He said sarcastically before Ayumi spoke up.

"Im pairing with Akine!" Ayumi said with a wide smile.

"Why? You dont need to join." Akine replied looked at Ayumi. She didnt like Shadow pokemon. The whole idea was wrong to her.

"Well who else would join with you. Anyways, Im the only one here that has experience fighting along side you. Pairing up with someone random wont get you very far and to get to fight that shadow group, youll need to get a bit of a distance in" Ayumi said before suddenly realizing something and pullign the camera up from where it hung on her chest. "Sorry everyone! I forgot to give actually give you face time. As you see, we are going to be taking action on this event that Carly had brought up!"

Akine sighed. "Fine. I suppose that will do."
over a year ago Monmonny said…
Type of trainer:Pokemon Translator:Studies the language of Pokemon
Appearance:Orange Jacket,Black Shirt,Glasses,Brown hair that sticks straight up.
Personality:sweet,but has anger issues
Bio:Was in a Pokemon Center alone,except for Nurse Joy,when a Heracross holding an injured Riolu burst through the doors. "Oh no! We better get you checked out!"Morzki yelled. As Morzki waited with Heracross,they talked a bit. (Morzki knew the Heracross Language) And then Nurse Joy walked out. "This Riolu is perfectly fine now"She said. ''Have a nice day!" Morzki tried to release them into the wild,but they wouldn't leave. So,Morzki bought 2 Pokeballs and caught them both.

Starting Pokemon:

Heracross:Level 15
Moves:Drain Punch,Force Palm,Wide Guard,and Megahorn

Lucario:Level 20
Moves:Force Palm,Ice Punch,Aura Sphere,and Bone Rush

(By the way,can I get a Heracronite from the Prof.?)
GMRSUnoted commented…
I'm not giving them out early on, but if you can prove yourself to both Riku and me that you can RP well, you'll earn it. (That doesn't mean nobody gets a Mega Stone unless I feel they need it) over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Carly: Well then, *looks over at Amy* So are you pairing up with your brother? Because I'm not letting you pair up with Azure either way.

Amy: ...Not really; I'd hate to get on your bad side; Is that fine Garnet?

Garnet: Sure... I'm fine with that.

Azure: Are you sure Garnet? I can go with Amy if you don't want too.

Garnet: I fine with it.

Carly: So, we got Akine and Ayumi along with Amy and Garnet; does anybody else want to participate or is that all? *notices Aymui's camera* Oh right... Aymui, could yo or somebody else possible record the battles for us? You see, our camera's have only been wiped out for those battles only and we can't trace it back to a source, but I need to send some to my Dad so he can study it. So... do you mind?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ayumi looked over at Carly. "I always have my camera running to at least record what people say, I may not always have it up to view point though. Asking that from me is a no brainer."

"Well if Im not gonna fight, then I can record it instead from the stands and allow you to focus on your battle Ayumi" Jaden with a yawn.

"Hum........" Ayumi looked quesitonably at Jaden for a bit before looking up at Akine "Will he take good care of my camera? Its my precious."

"Probably........ Even though Id hate to say it" Akine said with a low murmur

"Then thats settled. Ill handle recording the battles." Jaden smiled.