Pokémon Pokemon Dusk: A Shadow Pokemon RP

GMRSUnoted posted on May 09, 2014 at 11:48PM
In the Melanite region where the residents don't have any gyms nor has a very big population, the sinister organization known as C.O.H (Corruption of Hope) works to dominate the world with a great and powerful power called the Shadow Pokémon. They take what Cipher aimed for and expanded. They did not only wish to have a shadow Pokémon that was unpurifiable but also one that was truly shadow. Also, they did not only wish to make one of these. They wished to make a multitude of them.

Rather than closing the heart, they crushed the heart and destroyed it with the power of a Yveltal that ruled over destruction which becomes the main shadow legendary of the team along with a few others. Though with this, it is a long process and rely on the basic shadowfication while they work.

The only chance to stop them is within trainers who are proven worthy of the task. Are you one of the Cleansed? Or are you one of the Impure?



1) No Mary/Gary Sues (This means brats or stubborn people who can’t lose)
2) Two Pokémon Right of the bat (No more and no less)
3) No Legendaries or Multiple Shinnies (Unless ok by Me, though I shall allow one Shiny.)
4) Respect the other Rp-ers, please…
5) You should stay within the game’s rules, so no deaths or any mature content (Sorry, I must put this here.)
6) Use Grammar and Spell-Check Please!
7) One character per side unless you want only one.
8) No one-liners.
9) Times skips unless approved.
10) Starting Pokémon must between 5-20.
11) No body shall be a hybrid (Example: Half human, half Mew)
12) You can only have ONE Mega Pokémon and your Mega Ring has to be earned by the Professor aka Me.
13) Minimum of two Pokemon per trainer starting off (This is because all battles will be double battles and this is optional for Pokemon Professors)
14) Anything else? Just comment on my page.

Character Creation Sheet:


Alias (If need):

Type of Trainer (?): (Be Creative Here)

Appearance: (You can write it down or post a photo if needed)



Anything else (?):


Pokémon starting Off:


Amethyst (Neetz/GMRSUnoted)
Akine Ren (Riku)
Azure (Neetz)
Rafa (Neetz)
Garnet (Neetz)
Jaden (Riku)
Amber (Wanta)
Kashina Rose (Riku)
Ziallie Tayu (Rkiu)
Kamine Lay (Riku)
Clifton Anastas (Wanta)
Ayumi (Riku)
last edited on Nov 02, 2014 at 05:03PM

Pokémon 322 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 322

over a year ago Riku114 said…
(*sweatdrop* Wanta, have I always been doing this? Where plan to reply to something and then get VERY side tracked? I planned to respond to this about 5 hours ago came back 3 hours ago and now I came back again)

Akine: What is this idea?
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Sometimes XD)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: Um, you might want to cover your ears for a a while?

The boys did so as Azure cleared his throat. Lucas and Snow Puff were ready for the yell.


The yell echoed throughout the whole cave, maybe even the outside as well. Afterwords, Garnet and Azure laughed at the other boys who were reeling from the yelling.

Garnet: If you're still reeling from that, just wait a second or two...

With the girls...

The girls just recovered from the yelling of Azure and running away the Zubat swarm as the echoes died off into the shadows. Amber looked confused, but Midnight was looking at Amethyst as the Zubat were coming back again. The irritation was present and she just glared at the Zubats. This glare was like being zapped by Thunder before getting KO by Sheer Cold. All the Zubat flew off scared and terrified, but that was the tip of the iceberg.

Amethyst: AZURE!!! I WILL SEND YOU TO THE DISTORTED REALM FOR THAT!! *picks up a rock as the size of a full-grown head* This shall do for now.... TAKE THIS! *Throws the rock somehow like it was really light*

Back to the boys...

Azure picked up Snow Puff and walked to the Garnet's side, who was hiding in a small pocket.

Azure: I hope you can dodge rocks...

Just then, a barrage of rocks came flying towards Akine, Braviary, Jaden and Reva!
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Okeedokee. Very good post. Funny XD I just would like to mention one thing. I noticed there that you kind of mildly took control of my character for a bit. "Amber looked confused." which really is not too bad, it's just that in most RP's. It's a general rule that nobody uses another person's characters without their permission. Now like I said, since all you said was that she looked confused, it's not a big deal AT ALL, but I just thought that I would mention it.)
GMRSUnoted commented…
Ok sorry about that; I think I might have gotten tired earlier... over a year ago
wantadog commented…
No problem at all. over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber stumbled back from Amy's glare. man she looked scary. As she was not looking where she was going, she tripped over a rock and fell backwards, hitting the ground rather hard. For a second that seemed like it was it, but then the ground underneath her caved in. Amber gave a tiny surprised shriek as she fell down into the black void, but it was debatable whether Amy would have noticed given how clearly ticked off she was.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
After send the rock out for at least ten minutes, she sighed and wiped off some sweat from her forehead. She turn to see that Amber was gone... somehow. Looking around, it didn't seem she was there with the two.

Amethyst: Um, where did she go? I scared them off, but not a human before... Then again the Zubat swarms come after more ticked off than before...

Midnight sighed a bit before hearing an all too familiar cry. Turning around, the two gulped at the coming Zubat swarm, which was larger than one before. It seemed Amethyst was right about her statement as the two saw the ground underneath them starting to crack.

Midnight and Amethyst: Oh great not again-!

The ground broke through as the Zubat swarm came flying right at the two. The last thing she heard was Zubat cries coming right at them.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
On reflex, Alin and Braviary jolted into the air shortly joined by Rigoru, who Akine let out of the pokeball. The three of them sent 2 powerful flaps (each meaning 6 in total) that kept the rocks from getting closer to the group and in the end, pushing them back a bit. Along with that, the powerful wind gust, that was mostly powered by the fully grown Braviary only to be doubled in strength by Alin and Rigoru, ricocheted throught the area of the cave in front of them.

Akine: Sorry Rigoru for the short break.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Azure and Garnet sighed as they got out of the the little pocket and sighed looking at where the rocks were now.

Azure: Ok, so she'll be this way; sorry about not warning you, but just saying Ames get her mad, but it allows us to track her if we get lost.

Garnet: Though it doesn't work if she's not awake. *looks at where the rock were coming from earlier* Ok, all we need to do is follow them and that'll lead us to Amy, if they didn't go in any other direction...
over a year ago wantadog said…
Clifton had heard the scream as he went deeper into the cave. He heard someone yell "Ames" and then a bunch of small sounds like stones hitting the ground and walls. As he got closer, the sound stopped and by then, Garnet's voice drifted over clearly. So whoever this 'Amy' person was, she did not like being called "Ames"

Useful information, Clay thought with a small smile as he switched off his flashlight so as to not alert the people up ahead.


Amber screamed the entire way down. It was clearly a drop of at least 30 feet, but strangely enough, when she landed, she did not get hurt at all. Instead, she seemed to have landed on something soft and squishy. Amber heard a small puff as the much lighter form of Chatot hit the ground. "What is this stuff? I dropped my flashlight again...."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Midnight: *cough* My head is killing me... *gets up and finds a flashlight on the ground* Huh? What's this?

She flicks the flashlight on and grabs it with her mouth and started to get up from the rubble when she saw Amber onto of something with Chatot. Running over to the two, she got over them and showed Amber the flashlight. But in the back of her mind, she was still recovering from the fall and needed to make sure Amethyst was alright.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Lol okay this next one is sorta out of the whole realistic range, but whatever....I like it. If you guys don't then I'll be happy to change it.)

Amber: "Oh hey there. I see you fell down with us. What is this stuff?" she asked as she took her attention off of Amy and looked at what she was sitting on. It looked like the ground was covered in a bunch of strange patterns, but as she looked closer, she realized that they were mushrooms. This cavern or whatever it was they fell into was covered entirely in mushrooms. most of them were small, but it seemed that Amy and Amber had fallen onto some really big ones that had cushioned their fall. "What....what is this place?"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: *still rubbing her head as Midnight ran over to her side* Ow, that still hurts... Oh, well look we found. Amber? Is it just me or are we on... Paras and Parasect?

Midnight: *looks down* Oh please not now; I'd rather have the Zubat swarm right now.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: Im just glad we have some ligt in here. Im not too much of a fan of caves. They are cramped and dont tend to have pokemon that appeal to me. No place for someone like me
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: I was never a fan of these places.

Just then, the Misdreavus that scared Garnet before appeared and did so again. It caused Garnet to fall back as Lucas was scared as well and jumped onto his lap as the Misdreavus laughed at them.

Azure: Wait the-! A Misdreavus?!

Misdreavus: Oh how I love to scare others, including the red one! Oh well, I'll go off to find the girls now! I wonder how much fear the music girl has.... Later!

Snow Puff: Hey!

Misdreavus flew off, but it was clear on Snow Puff's face he was angry as Garnet and Lucas got up.

Garnet: Why that g-ghost?! I'm going after it! *runs after the Misdreavus with Lucas*

Azure: Really? Garnet!! *Runs after them*
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "I-I don't know. Maybe." She said as she looked around. The flashlight was illuminating part of the room they fell into. "I never heard anything about bug type Pokemon living in these caves, have you?"
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Fanpop's mail is glitching on my end, sorry if the mails dont reach you Wanta)
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: There are some bug types in caves, but let us hope they aren't awake before the Zubat swarm comes back for us. *slowly gets up and shines her flashlight around* Now where is the exit?
Riku114 commented…
afsdgsjlfghskjdfhg;h! YOU POSTED THIS IN SCHOOL! Sfsahlfahslthwleht Fanpop and all manga/anime has been restricted since yesterday for me because I need to use school WiFi! over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber looked up. "Is that it way up there?" she asked, pointing up at the hole they fell through. "I don't suppose you brought like a grappling hook or something?"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: Sorry, but no; say, do you hear something?

The faint sounds of cries and wings flapping came from the hole they fell through and Zubats swarmed the place, causing Midnight to back up by Amethyst as the four looked up at the swarm.

Midnight: Oh just our luck!

Amethyst: Sorry to say this Amber, but I think your Zubat swarm got ticked off at me. *Throws a Pokeball revealing Iron Maiden* Care to help us out?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Jaden: Come on! Wait!

Akine: We cant loose you guys again! Gah!

The two boys went off to chase after Garnet who ran after the Misdreavus. They could not get seperated again. Even if they were going to be venturing this cave for a while, it was best to be in a larger group than that of a smaller one. And anyways, he was sure he couldnt last another ten minutes alone with Jaden.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber gave a muffled shriek as the Zubat came swarming down. Her shriek echoed in the room and a bunch of the mushrooms scattered throughout the room started to move. Alot of these were naturally grown mushrooms, but there were indeed Paras, Parasect, and even Foongus in there.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst and her group quickly ran over to Amber and got ready to fight the mass swarm of wild Pokemon surrounding the two human and their Pokemon.

Amethyst: The boys better find us quick or I'm seriously sending them to the Distorted Realm whether Arceus like it or not!


Azure and Garnet were still on the Misdreavus' trail as it was flying in different directions until they stopped where the Misdreavus was over a huge space laughing at them.

Garnet: Ok! I got enough of this! Lucas use Bite!

Lucas jumped up to Bite Misdreavus, but Misdreavus dodged the attack and laughed at them.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber gulped. "They have to be on their way right?"

The lead bug type, a large Amoonguss, hopped over to the front. It gave an order and the mass of Foongus and Paras released Stun Spore to make the Zubat stay back. "Who are you and why do you disturb us?!" it asked, focusing it's question towards Midnight, Chatot, and Iron Maiden since the humans would not understand.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Iron Maiden paused seeing the Amoonguss looking at them before looking at Midnight, whose ears were twitching at the noises before looking back at the Amoonguss.

Iron Maiden: Us? Well we're so sorry but we were going through the caves looking as why... how should I put this?

Midnight: We were originally hear to get some data for a Professor, but then others like yourself tried to attack us; care to give us a reason?

Amethyst: Be nice Midnight; that won't help us at all.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "What's going on?"

Amoonguss: "You intruded upon our territory first. Do not forget that puny fox. The Zubat tell us that you blasted them with light and hurt their ears with your screams. Marowak and her child claim to have been attacked by the girl behind you. You all have done nothing but cause trouble for the Pokemon of this cave since your arrival. Even now I can feel the rest of the humans blundering through the cave without a care!"

Chatot: "Hey now! You can't put all that blame on us! Sure we were a bit loud, but like we said, all we wanted was to find a Cubone and all they wanted to do was observe!"
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine: why do you care so much about that Misdreveavus?!
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Garnet: It's something personal ok! So just let us-! *Hears crumbling below there feet* W-What's going on?!

Misdreavus: Have fun boys! *Uses Psywave to knock the ground below them, causing the ground below them to cave in*

With the girls...

Midnight: Excuse me! *Gets grabbed by Amy and is placed on her shoulder* Fine...

Amethyst: So sorry Amoonguss, but it was a request and if you wish, we'll take our leave. Will that do for you?

Iron Maiden: *To Amy* Excuse me, but you can understand him?

Amethyst: *To Iron Maiden* No, but I could by you two. *To Amoonguss* I have no wish of capturing you though, so I'll get my group to get out and leave you all alone. Amber, can you come with us? I don't think you will likely get out safely if you go get that Cubone of yours...
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amoonguss considered it for a minute. "If you do not leave immediately, you will not like the consequences. If you come back, for any reason, I will not be so forgiving. Go down that path." *points* "There is a crevice that leads up and back to the entrance of the cave. It is plenty large enough for you to fit. Zubat will guide you."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst just remember about the boys and looked at the Amoonguss before an idea came to her head.
Iron Maiden translated the offer to Amy, and she nodded.

Amethyst: Ok, we accept your offer Amoonguss. Amber, you're coming to whether you like it or not. *Looks back at Amoonguss* ...Before we leave, I got to warn you about some boys around here are still looking for certain Pokemon; I only overheard the rumor, though I'm not quite sure if it's true though. Just be sure to give them a "warm" welcome, if you know what I mean.

Iron Maiden: *To Amoonguss* I thank you for listening to us Amoonguss! If we meet the Professor again, we'll tell him that none of you are here so the people leave you and your friends alone without anymore troublemakers into these caves! *To Amy* Can we?

Midnight: I got no problem with that.

Amethyst: We'll tell the Professor that no Pokemon were here; that should convince him. *To Amber* Amber, I think we need to get going now; I hate to know what would happen if we fought them all; I'm not the one to take risks...

(Also just so you know, she is referring to the boys. Reason why? You'll have to find out later...)
over a year ago wantadog said…
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
(Riku and I got an idea for an RP that the three of us could join along with Cyrus. As for where Riku is, I'm not quite sure.)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I like ideas.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Its not really an idea but rather a reboot that I know me cyrus and wanta have joined before. It eliminates the problem of not having cyrus with us because its too happy or not having wanta with us because its too sad, not that it seemed to ever keep you off.

By now Im pretty sure you know what reboot im talking about. There are only a handful of rps that all three of us have been a part of)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
*waving arms in the air*

♪ boku no yume wa doko ni aru no ka? ♪
♪ kage mo katachi mo mienakute ♪
♪ oikaketeta mamoru beki mono ♪

♪ ashita wo terasu yo SUNSHINE doko made mo tsuzuku ♪
♪ me no mae ni hirogaru hikari no saki e ♪
♪ mirai no SUNSHINE ♪
♪ kagayaku SUNSHINE ♪
♪ shinjite ♪
♪ ashita mo hareru kara ♪

You know now that I look at my favortie verse to sing in the song, I can translate most of it.
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I see....)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine quickly grabbed onto Braviary's talon and flung himself up and onto his back. Alin was too small to do this for but like any bird's natural instict it was to fly. Alin, Akine, and Braiviary hovered over the hole in the ground.

Akine: Hey! Down there! Are you guys okay?!

Jaden: Damn. You win this round Akine! *rubbed his head* That hurt..........

Akine: Hum? *thinks about it* Heh! This is why birds beat snakes! Though are you guys okay?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amoonguss: "Just go." it said as it and the rest of the Pokemon began to leave.

Amber: "Um. I don't think we should dawdle too long." *Looks at the Zubat that was supposed to guide them.*

Zubat: *flies off in the direction of the exit.*
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: Go point, though I think by the exit we'll meet the boys.

Iron Maiden: How do you say so?

Amethyst: You'll find out soon enough; now let's get going. *Looks over to Amber* Hurry up; I'm not in the mood for any slackers*

The group getting going following the Zubat to the exit

With the boys...

Azure and Garnet were with Jaden in complete darkness, as their flashlights had suddenly gone missing either by the fall or losing them. Snow Puff was trying to get the rubble off as Lucas jumped into Garnet's arms.

Azure: I think we're fine, though it's dark done here; Hey Garnet, care to give us some light?

Garnet: Um, sure thing... *fumbles through his bag* Huh? Where's the extra flashlight?!

Lucas: Didn't you give it to Amy?

Snow Puff: Oh great; just what we need. Lucas, can you light something on fire for us?

Lucas: Unless you want a fire to get us attack by other wild Pokemon, I'm not taking that chance.

Garnet: *sigh* So... how are we going to find the flashlights and the girls now?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber looked at Amy with a weird look while they walked towards the exit. She herself didn't seem to be aware that she was staring.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst didn't look back at her, but Midnight noticed Amber staring at them.

Midnight: You know it's rude to stare, right?
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Akine looked around. Because there was no light, he could not see either. He sighed.

Akine: I cant see.

Jaden: Hey a fire to see is better than anything else. We just need something to light it up
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber looked at Midnight for a second. It really creeped her out. "Uh...so um. Amy. You guys said you were looking for data right? Does that mean you guys are all Pokemon researchers?"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst looked back as Amber as they were walking.

Amethyst: No, we're just helping out my friend's Uncle on some research stuff. And also, you need to stop staring at people, as Midnight said - Oh right, you can't heard what they're saying... I got to keep that in mind. Amber, if you got no place else to go, you can head back to the Lab with me. The boys can handle themselves.

With the boys...

Garnet sigh before Lucas touch something that seemed flammable. Sniffing it a bit, his eyes widen as he used Flame wheel on the object, which turned out to be something stuck underneath the rubble.

Azure: Um... what did Lucas light up Garnet?

Garnet: ...We're not quite sure...
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber gave a dry chuckle. Really that didn't sound too bad but considering how badly these people got along... "Well I'm tempted to accept your offer. It's just..." *she looked behind her.* "....."
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: We don't get along? Well as for the Bird Boy and Snake Guy at the Center, we didn't meet them till just then. As for the other two, the younger red-haired one's my brother Garnet and the blue-haired one is my friend Azure; the three of us were traveling together for a long while. Also Amber, don't mind them that much; I get to deal with them everyday. I might bail on them and hang out at the Lab, so you're welcome to come with me.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber: "That's still an interesting offer, but I will have to decline. You see me and my Pokemon. We've got a dream we're determined to make come true. We're going to be the world's greatest Pokemon musicians! People will come from miles just to hear us sing! It'll be fantastic!"
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: Oh really? Well then, if you get popular enough, I'll make a stop to see your show.

Midnight: *sigh* I hope it's good music.

Amethyst: Oh calm down Midnight.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Amber smiled. "Thanks. I actually only came to these caves because I wanted to get a Cubone for my band..." she sighed and looked at Chatot who was on her shoulder.

Chatot gave a single nod and Amber smiled.

Amber: "And you know what? We still don't have that Cubone so we can't leave!" she said as she came to a stop, turned around, and began sprinting back the way she came.
over a year ago GMRSUnoted said…
Amethyst: Amber-! Oh forget her!

It was too late; she had run off all alone, causing her to sight aloud before turning to the Zubat, as they were by the exit.

Amethyst: I'll be going, so you can deal with them alright?

Iron Maiden: I think this is the best course of action to tell the Professor and the other one about this! Good thinking Amy!

Amethyst: Alright then. *To the Zubat* We'll be going now, so go back into your cave.

The group began to walk off back into the desert
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Jaden: Dont you think it would be a better idea to travel in search on the proper floor of the cave that more trainers have tread rather than this unknown ground? I mean, Akine and Braviary can help us up and Reva has Vine Whip to help us out as well.