Bleach Anime Bleach: The Fallout

jstar18 posted on Jun 25, 2010 at 11:44PM
If you are interested in joining this forum, then this is the best time todo that as we are "starting over" with a time skip!

This is the forum for the rp that was started by LOBOS, myself, and a few others. Please follow the posting rules.

1) This forum is only for rp post. Do not post random questions about joining, I will explain that process later.

2) Do not post characters or blade ideas in this forum.

3) If you want to join, please post your character in the forum called Make a Zanpaktou. Then put a small post up here saying that you would like to join and that your character is on whatever page in the Make a Zanpaktou forum. (Example: Hi, I would like to join your rp, my character is on page 94 on Make a Zanpaktou.)

Here is the current order to post:

Might come back later:

This is a quick summary of what has happened before we moved to this forum:

Seems as though soul society has become far more embattled. Though the arrancar have chosen to stay out of the limelight much of the time, hollows are being sent out at a gradually increasing rate, and the captains are taking notice. Moreover, there's been some movement by other forces. Scouts have reported visuals of an army of ex-soul reapers that is disrupting much of the control of soul society over various sectors of the human world. Though they attack the hollows as well, this does not bode well for soul society. In response, soul society has decided to search for outside help in dealing with the surge of problems, and has become far more liberal about sending its captains out to deal with problems.

- Crow meets with Isao to talk about how a certain arrancar, Rey, wanting him and his crew Ace of X to attack a couple of supply shipments in Soul Society, which he did. But Crow says that later Rey returned and asked him to do something that he couldn't do. With Rey not appreciating the refusal, he destroyed Crows base. Crow gives Isao a card and Isao threatens Crow as he leaves.

- As Crow leaves, he notices a strong energy heading towards Squad 1's barracks. Isao thinks about all the crazy things that have happened and remembers his former student Miroku and the hard times he went through ten years ago. Miroku appears in his window and asks what Crow was discussing with him. Isao explains and ask if Miroku will help. Miroku says that this is a serious problem and offers help but Isao doesn't expect much.

- Isao calls for a captains meeting and explains what happened with Crow and Miroku. The captains all seem concerned with what has transpired and Isao says he may know where Crow is at. Zane (captain of Squad 2) and Jin (captain of Squad 11) agree to go find him. In a forest away from soul society, three outsiders; Titus, Chiyo and Hideaki look for Miroku.

- Lieutinant Dawn informs her Captain, Amiro, about what has happen in Soul Society.

- In the real world, a quincy named Joshua kills a soul reaper. In Hueco Mundo, Rey is furious about Crow not doing what he said. Huabu trys to talk to Rey but is quickly sent on a mission to the real world. Reaper appears but Rey does not want to alk to him.

- Captain of Squad 8, Ryuu finally gets back from his mission. His Lieutinant Kimi finds him and talks about what has happened with Crow and Miroku. They later get some ice cream.

- Jin and Zane are about to go to the real world to find Crow. Jin tells Zane about how he plans to change the old image of Squad 11 that Kenpachi had created.

- Crow finally gets back to his hideout in the real world which is an arcade. We are introduced to a few members; Toni, Leigh-Ann, Leo, Roy and Saito. After some conversation, Crow reveals that some soul reapers are outside. Zane and Jin meet Crow.

- Coran, a member of the Rising Suns, is in the shadows watching the meeting between Soul Society and Ace of X. Miroku arrives at his hideout and is greeted by Asoka. After some conversation, Miroku finds Hideaki and his friends and asks what they want.

- Hideaki explains to Miroku that him and his two friends will join his cause as long as he agrees to help them on a very important mission in Hueco Mundo. In Soul Society, Isao finally gets sleep but he is having bad dreams about his past. In the real world, Haubu is searching for Joshua.

- Amiro goes into Squad 1's barracks and tells him that he knows what happened with Crow because he was sneaking around, he asks if Isao will take him the next time he meets Crow. Isao says okay.

- In the real world, Joshua and Haubu meet and start fighting. In Soul Society, a soul reaper named Akihiko demands that he be given a captain seat. Satoshi trys to get him to calm down and does. Akihiko leaves and Isao realizes that he has a point as they are in need of captains.

- Reaper, an arrancar, is bored and goes to the real world looking for a fight. Captain Yokoshimo is in the real world fighting hollows and meets Reaper, they prepare for battle.

- Captain Ryuu and Kimi head to the real world to deal with some arrancar, he receives a picture of the arrancar and notices something wierd about one of them.

- Crow is not happy about how Soul Society found his hideout and the other members seem concerned as well. As Haubu and Joshua fight, Haubu notices Crows energy and goes to the arcade to confront him. Haubu confronts Crow and puts her sword in his face ready to fight. A man named Thor grabs her and slams her through a wall. Haubu quickly kills Thor and this send Crow over the edge.

- Miroku accepts Hideaki and his friends into the Rising Suns. Hideaki and Asoka talk as they reach the hideout and they meet Coran. Coran tells them what has happened with the meeting between Soul Society and Crow, and that an arrancar has started some trouble with Crow. Miroku seems to not care and tells everyone to get some rest because they will be going to Hueco Mundo tomorrow. Two people walk out of a room in the hideout and Miroku tells them that he won't need them for the mission to Hueco Mundo and says to stay undercover in Soul Society.

- In the real world, Haubu releases and Crow goes shikai. Haubu's unusual abilities seem to be throwing Crow off. Haubu explains how only attacks that have balance can work against her. Crow shoots a charged blast which does nerve damage causing Haubu to stagger around. Crow goes Bankai. At the Rising Suns' base, Asoka opens the garganta; Miroku, Hideaki, Titus, Chiyo and Asoka walk in heading to Heuco Mundo. Coran stays behind at the hideout.

- In Hueco Mundo, Rey notices 5 strong presences. Joshua joins in on the fight between Crow and Haubu. Joshua seems to be firing at both Crow and Haubu, Crow continues to fight Haubu shooting down her Balas with his lightning bolts. Crow pulls out his other gun which has been charging for a full minute and fires at Joshua, which goes through his shoulder. Joshua kicks Crows guns away, slashes him on his thigh and kicks him away. Crow mocks Joshua about his bad aim and Joshua responds by saying "Who ever said I was aiming at you". Joshua then stabs his Seele Schneiders into the wall at his waist as he eyes the other 4 he shot. At the same time Crow and Haubu notice that the 5 are equidistant apart making a pentagon, Blue lights go between the Seele Schneiders and outline the pentagon. Haubu then looks down and smiles as she’s standing in the middle of the design. Joshua then opens one of his silver tubes and dumps the liquid onto his Seele Schneider which causes a huge explosion encompassing the area within the outlined pentagon.

- Ryuu and his Squad arrive in the real world ready to fight the arrancar that have shown up. Things go well until Ryuu is cut down by an arrancar named Majiyo. As Ryuu falls he calls for Kimi. Majiyo Suffers a flashback of herself and four other children running through the district 54 being chased by a man they had taken food from. Then she orders a full retreat and they return to Hueco Mundo. Kimi defeats the arrancar she is battling and catches Ryuu. She looks on as the arrancar that took down the captain widens her eyes and seems to have an internal battle with herself. The arrancar then orders a retreat and Kimi can only look on. Two days later in Squad 4's barracks, Kimi talks to Ryuu as he finally wakes up. They discuss what happened in the real world and both agree to find a way to clease Majiyo's soul.

I don't feel like updating this so if you want to know everything that has happened after this, then start at page one and read! I hope you enjoy!
last edited on Sep 17, 2011 at 09:36PM

Bleach Anime 1672 replies

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over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
okay there all done both parts I hope you like and it leaves you wondering: WHO is this Shado?,What are Crow suspicions?. What is the signfacnts of the clown poster is there a importance at all? ,Why did Rey want the shingami academy attack?, Why did Crow lower the prices?, Why and what does Crow want Josh for and How does this play into his plan?, Who are those fraccion?, AND what gonna happen to Crow and Josh?

JStar you are up
over a year ago jstar18 said…
Wow LOBOS, quite an interesting post! Hope this can follow!

--- The Beginning of a Crisis ---

Back in the run-down arcade, Crow's men wait patiently for their leader to return.

Saito:(With a confused look on his face, he sits in the middle of the arcade wondering about something he noticed in Soul Society. After long thought he decides to ask the others.) Did anyone else notice something weird about Soul Society when we were there?
Zelman:(with a smirk) Other then Isao's office being a big pile of rubble?
Saito: No not that.
Natsu: Then what are you talking about?
Saito: It just seemed like Isao had something else on his mind during the entire meeting.
Frio: (laughing) Maybe the old man just had gas or something! (Everyone but Saito laughs) Look lets not worry about the issues Soul Society may have on the side.
Roy: Exactly! It's nothing for us to think about. We have our own worries.
Saito:(With a serious look on his face) I hope you're all right, but I can't shake the feeling that something big is gonna happen!

-At the Rising Suns hideout-
Miroku gets up after Chiyo tells him everything she knows about her past. Chiyo looks concerned as she whats for an answer from Miroku. Just as Miroku opens his mouth to give her an answer, a mysterious man, wearing a nice dress shirt with a sweater vest and a zanpaktou in-between the belt loop of his pants, appears beside Miroku and punches him in the face sending him crushing through the wall. Chiyo reaches for her blade ready to strike the man down but her hand is stopped by a man wearing all white clothes. As she looks up, she sees another man. This guy is huge and has a giant dragon shaped hammer strapped to his back.

Chiyo: (shouting with pure anger in her voice as she tries to grab for her sword) Who the hell are you guys!
Man in white: Now, now that is no way for a loving lady as yourself to talk. Just relax sweetheart! (The man looks over to the guy who punched Miroku) Really Cai! Was that anyway to greet an old friend?
Cai: (Looking back at the man wearing all white) Shut-up Sanji! How can I call this bastard a friend when he couldn't even keep his promise!?
Miroku: (Gets up and dust himself off. He slowly walks over to Cai and kicks him through the wall! With a smile on his face) Nice to see you too, Cai. (Miroku walks over to the others and salutes the huge guy) Long time no see Vulknur. (the big guy responds with a salute) And how have you been Sanji?
Sanji: I've been good...(as Sanji tries to finish his sentence, Cai runs up and gets in Miroku's face)
Cai: (pissed) How the hell can you stand there smiling after what happened to my sister!? You promised to protect her you jackass!
Miroku: (Miroku's face goes from a smile to a very serious look) I know I told you I would protect her and I apologize for not upholding my promise, but she'll be fine in a few weeks.
Cai: (really mad) A few weeks, she shouldn't have been hurt at all!
-In a room down the hall-
Titus: (looks at Coran) Who were those guys you let in?
Coran: They're just a few friends. (Asoka gets up from bed and asks Titus to help her get to the other room) You sure you should be moving Asoka?
Asoka: I'll be fine.
-Back at the room where Cai is throwing a fit. Asoka, with the help of Titus, limps into the room.-
Asoka: (coughing as she speaks) Stop Cai, it wasn't his fault. (Cai, Sanji and Vulknur all turn to Asoka)
Miroku: You shouldn't be out of bed Asoka.
Cai: For once I agree with him. He's right Asoka you need rest!
Asoka: I know but I can't rest with you two screaming at each other. (Miroku and Cai smile and scratch their heads)
Miroku and Cai: Sorry about that.
-Asoka goes back to bed and the three men prepare to leave-
Cai: (with a serious look) I know it's not directly your fault for her being hurt Miroku, but at the same time you told me you wouldn't put her in any dangerous situations. How the hell did she get such serious injuries? (Miroku explains everything that has occurred in Hueco Mundo) Why the hell would you go to Hueco Mundo? You know how dangerous that place is.
Miroku: I know but this was important and besides, if a certain group of three men would have joined us like their grandfather wanted them to then Asoka probably wouldn't of had to come with us to Hueco Mundo.
Sanji: (amused) Oh no, he played the double guilt card on us. Sorry Miroku but we just never had the same dreams as our grandfather Sunny. Anyways, even if we joined, we still wouldn't be able to stand up to Isao and the rest of Soul Society!
Cai: Sanji's right Miroku. Don't get us wrong, we knoe you are strong as hell but even you are not enough to handle your former captain.
Miroku: (hanging his head down) That's why I need more members, and every time I ask Crow for help he always demands a large sum of money. Not like we don't have it but we might need it for more important things.
Sanji: Yeah that sounds like Crow.
Cai: Speaking of Crow, it seems like him and his group had quite the fight with an arrancar the other night.
Miroku: Are you serious?
Sanji: Yeah, that was the original reason for us coming here to see you. It wasn't hard to notice. That arrancar must of been tough with all the spirit energy Crow was pumping out. The battle took place a few miles from where we stay in the real world.
Miroku: (thinking to himself) Crow might have some serious info on these arrancar, I better go talk to him.
Cai: (looking at Miroku) Oh no, what are you planning?
Miroku: Nothing crazy, I just need you guys to direct me and a friend to where you felt that arrancar's power at.
Sanji: That's it! I'm shocked, normally you come up with these suicide attempts.
Cai: Those were my thoughts exactly, but if that's all you want then we will show you.
Miroku: Thanks, I'm sure this talk will be helpful to my friend. Okay Chiyo, you and I are headed to the real world. We need to get more info on these arrancar.
Chiyo: Okay
(With that Miroku and Chiyo go to the real world with Cai, Sanji and Vulknur.)

-Back at Isao's office-
(Isao is looking at some paper work, wondering what he will do if he receives the news that he is dreading. As he waits we see that there are a few others in his office. Squad 2 Captain Zane is leaning against the wall on the right of Isao and his lieutenant Rena stands next to Zane looking out the window. Isao's lieutenant Satoshi is standing beside Isao facing the door. Squad 3 Captain Amiro and his 3rd seat Dawn are standing in the corner of the other side of the room near the door and his Lieutenant Akihiko is leaning on the window at the opposite side of Captain Amiro. Two regular soul reapers from Squad 2 come in.)

Soul Reaper: (walks up to Isao and hand him a few pictures) Here you are sir.
Isao: Thank you, now what am I suppose to be looking at?
Soul Reaper: Well those are the pictures we took of the area where we sensed that garguanta open up at. (Satoshi leans over and looks at the pictures)
Satoshi: Its just a waterfall, what's the big deal? Did any arrancar come through?
Soul Reaper: No! But there is something else in the back ground where the garguanta opened up. Look closely behind the waterfall sir. (Isao looks and his heart quickly becomes heavy)
Isao: Zane, Amiro.
Zane and Amiro: Yes Sir!
Isao: Follow these two to the spot where these photos were taken, and take your entire squads with you. This may get ugly.
Amiro: Why? Whats wrong?
Isao: No time to explain just go! And be prepared for battle! (As squad 2 and 3's officers leave Isao looks back at the picture) How the hell did it come to this......Miroku!? (As Isao says this he drops the picture and it shows a man with a red jacket that has a sun pattern on the back closing the garguanta and a huge building with a sun pattern engraved on the roof) I never would of thought he would be working with the arrancar!

(Isao misinterprets the picture! Now what will happen to the Rising Suns as their leader is away and most of the others injured? Squads 2 and 3 approach Miroku's hideout ready for battle!)

You're up Whiteflame!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Heh, um...been rather busy all day today, and while I have a great large portion of my piece written up, I'd really like to sink my teeth into the other three aspects (yes, this'll be a big one) that I'm planning now that I've seen these posts. I'll write them up tomorrow morning (really tired) and post them, wont be quite within the 12 hour limit but it gives people like gokuluigifan a chance to catch up and slow this down a bit. Don't worry, this one will have extra awesome imbued into it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
By the way, noticed something. The arrancar that I introduced only slightly before is not a replacement for envy, though I know I didn't state that explicitly. This arrancar is gluttony. It'll come up soon.
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
yeah, im waiting for my madness character to get killed, last post i kinda sent him after the ace of x but it seems they are to busy, after that i may make an envy char
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Ah, alright, was wondering why that was mentioned. Nevermind.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Great posts guys! Alright, here’s my post. It's coming in two pieces, mainly because it's so long. You might notice that Boido doesn’t like referring to actual names, he’ll refer to the sins themselves. It’s because that’s the only important thing he sees in them.

(meeting hall in Hueco Mundo)
Boido hated responding to his summons. They always left him emptier than when he came in. When Pride gave him a seat as an espada, Boido saw it as an opportunity. He longed for a fight against opponents who could fill that emptiness, if only briefly. He hadn’t known that Pride had seen it as an opportunity to make him do small errands. Pride didn’t trust him, and the feeling was mutual. Boido hated almost all of the espada. Envy had been no different, her constant longing was nothing compared to his, at least she had achieved balance many times before her death. Greed was too erratic, Sloth seemed to have no aim whatsoever, Wrath seemed to just disappear and reappear at will… And then there was Lust. She was the only one who truly knew his pain, the only one who understood an eternal longing for something that they could never achieve. Much like the emptiness inside him could not be filled, her longing could not be slaked.
Pride slammed his hand down on the table. Boido looked up at him slowly, deliberately taking his time. Pride was impatient, and he’d seen Boido staring off into nothingness again.
Rey: I asked you a question Boido!
Boido: And what would that be?
Pride ran a hand down his face. It seemed that the loss of envy was hard on him, even if he did only view her as a soldier.
Rey: I’m asking you to help me in avenging Huabu! You have a tremendously acute sense, I know you can track where the ones that killed her are hiding if you tried.
Boido was the only espada Rey didn’t demand things from, he asked. Possibly it was because questions tantalized him more than anything. No answers left them void. More likely, however, it was because he knew that was the only way he could get him to do anything.
Boido: No.
Boido deliberately stuck a finger in his ear and twisted it around. He didn’t care about this meeting, mainly because Rey seemed to be lacking on common sense these days.
Boido: Worrying about those damned mercenaries is nothing but a pain. They’re obviously prepared for an attack on their home front, Envy was strong enough that they couldn’t have done it otherwise. They’ll come here.
Pride looked thoughtful, an odd look for him. He seemed incapable of slowing things down and thinking them through.
Rey: Alright then, will you patrol Hueco Mundo in order to keep track of them if they come to us? Do not engage if you see them.
Boido: I thought you’d never ask.
He used sonido to run out of the room. No doubt Pride was unhappy about that, he hated having meetings dismissed without his say-so. But finally, this was something he could do that would pass the time. Who knows? He might run into someone worthy.

(Rising Sun’s hideout)
Hideaki opened up his book again to try and decipher what was inside. He’d long since lost count of the number of attempts. He still didn’t understand any complete sentences in here. It all seemed to be gibberish. He kept thinking it was in some kind of code, but without a cipher, that thought seemed pointless.
He sighed and looked around him. He was in one of the hospital beds, though he didn’t need to be anymore. His wounds had mostly healed, and the rest would soon. Nonetheless, Hideaki sat there, trying to make sense of his text once again. Many of the Rising Suns had wondered why he kept reading it, despite the lack of anything worthwhile. He couldn’t tell them. They didn’t even understand why he’d followed Chiyo and Titus so far. He knew Titus was after something Chiyo would hopefully remember, but Hideaki could care less about her.
He opened the book once again, flipping directly to a chapter he knew all too well. The margins of every page were littered with the same name, over and over again, the only translation he had managed to eke out that made any sense: “Titus.” He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t question it. Could it be another Titus? Certainly, but he’d never met one. Hideaki had decided to follow this Titus, see why his book was so focused on him. Other names came up in here, but never nearly so much as his. He would have to…
A sudden explosion rocked the building. Hideaki closed his book and jumped out of bed, running towards the sound and the increasing power levels.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Part 2!

(Isao’s destroyed office)
Isao’s world seemed turned upside down. The garganta? Why Miroku? Was your hatred for Soul Society so strong that you’d betray us to them? He couldn’t understand it. Isao had known he’d made a fateful decision the second those two captains left. He knew it would lead to bloodshed, to death. He shut his eyes, letting the names go through his head once again. Names of people he’d put in harm’s way. Names of people he’d killed him. And then, those names… They always brought the most pain. He hadn’t needed advice in so long, but he felt it was time to converse with his sword once again. Perhaps he could provide Isao something useful this time around. Isao quickly worked himself into a trance to enter into that world, leaving behind the rubble of his office as he ascended into the clouds.
Isao felt his chest become heavy as he came to rest on the burning rainbow he had come to know so well. Even though this was his inner world, it felt as though he'd just travelled high up into the skies and his breath came raggedly as he tried to breathe in the thin air. He would adapt to it shortly, as he always did.
He looked forward at the city coming into view just ahead. It was enclosed by a wall that was never quite complete, no matter how long it had been since he'd come here. The city was massive, though he had never taken the time to explore it. The massive gates opened and he was immediately inside a tremendous hall. A table stretched out the length of the dining hall, forming a rectangle around the entire thing. At the end sat a large figure with two black, rustling animals on his shoulders.
???: Back again, I see. I thought you had given up coming back here a long time ago?
Odin was a monster of a man, easily 3 times Isao's height and heft. He had a great white beard and his head was covered with an odd, wide brimmed hat. He could hardly see it from that distance, but he knew that Odin only had one eye. The creatures on his shoulders were ravens, Hugin and Munin, though he still had no idea why they were constantly there. Odin always had a tremendous mug in his hand when he brought him here, full of some strange liquid. Isao could care less what was in it.
Isao: I'm a glutton for punishment, as always.
???: You always were.
A yellow, shining figure appeared seated at the table on his right. Isao didn't immediately look to him, but knew immediately who he was. His former vice-captain and long time friend was someone he could never forget. He slowly turned his head toward him, a gleam of remembrance in his eyes as his gaze descended on the man with fiery red hair, green eyes and an impish smile. His name had always seemed to be almost laughably opposite to his attitude.
Isao: You know me all too well, Oasis.
Oasis: You never were afraid to go out and leave me in charge. Vice captain or no, you somehow always trusted me. It was rash, but it eventually got me the respect of our squad 11 compatriots.
Isao: Do we really have to pay catch up every time I come here?
???: No one would like it more than me if you both would just shut up.
A figure sheathed in black appeared on the opposite side of the table. A monstrous hulk of a man, almost the size of Odin himself, and Kaori’s face seemed entirely obscured by numerous scars. He wore a scowl at all times; he had never seen the man smile, for as long as he had guarded his office. Remembering the fate of his once grand office, he missed the man for once. A small fondness passed over Isao for a moment, before he turned to once again look resolutely at Odin.
Isao: Why do you torture me with them every time I come here? Haven’t I suffered enough?
Odin chuckled lightly: You know their presence here is not my doing. I cannot control your des…
The smile slipped from Odin’s face, replaced with an annoyed grimace. Isao’s was seething with rage. His breathing became heavy and his fists tightened to the point that his fingers drew blood.
???: Don’t take it out on him, Isao.
???: Honey, you know it’s not his fault.
All the rage went out of him in an instant. An elderly woman was on his left, a motherly smile on her face. Though only four and a half feet tall, Mine (pronounced Mean-eh) radiated confidence and power and, despite her carefree look, she always seemed less a person and more a sword at her opponent’s throat. Strong sinewy muscles covered her body; he had never met a stronger woman than the former Captain Commander. Dark crystals of ice dotted her translucent skin, and an icy sheen of light blue seemed to cover every inch of her. They made her blue eyes appear almost invisible. Her white hair was the only distinct detail.
A much younger woman had appeared on his right, flames glowing beneath her skin that could be seen as though her skin was glass. Moriko’s fiery orange and red hair matched the flames, and her opalescent eyes drank him in when he looked at them directly. She stood shoulder to shoulder with him, and though she was never a soul reaper, she had never been one to be trifled with. Her brow was furrowed as she looked at him, concern painted her face. She was more beautiful every time he saw her.
Both of them had their hand on his shoulder. He couldn’t feel them at all, but the weight of the presence dropped him to his knees. It was all he could do to not break down right there.
Odin: You came for a reason. Speak it.
Isao collected himself quickly. He’d learned to deal with loss a long time ago, yet it was still difficult to be this close to them all. Moriko and Mine disappeared and reappeared in seats opposite each other, though the pain of seeing them didn’t subside. He explained the situation as calmly as he could to Odin, noting that each of the four around him was paying close attention as well.
Odin: And what do you expect me to do about it?
Isao: I expect you to be a dispassionate observer and tell me your thoughts.
Odin: You live in a world filled with hatred Isao. Miroku may very well be scheming against you, and he’s already become extremely dangerous to you. I think you’re spreading yourself too thin by attacking Hueco Mundo at the same time, but it seems you have limited options.
Mine: Nonetheless, don’t do anything foolish and leave your seat in Soul Society. They need you to be the rock that holds them together.
Isao looked over at her in shock. They had never responded to his questions before, why now?
Oasis: You keep running off like you’re the captain of Squad 11 all over again. Don’t be rash.
Odin: Seems you’ve gotten your answer from us. There’s a storm coming, one like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
Kaori: You’ll stand against it like you always do. Hold strong Isao.
Moriko: And don’t let your feelings get in the way of what you must do.
They were right, and their guidance helped him feel secure in his path. He bowed, and pulled himself out of that place. He sat there for a moment, trying to collect himself. His office had only partially been rebuilt, and it was shoddy work. He’d forced Akihiko to come over to his office for several hours every day and work on it. Just as he thought that, a giant piece of ceiling came loose and slammed down on his table. Isao groaned, pushing himself up and making his way over to Amiro’s squad. Perhaps this could at least take his mind off things.

Alright, you’re up BrokenSun.
over a year ago BrokenSun35 said…
Hey i want be able to post today im really busy so yeah just go ahead and skip me.
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
that was awesome whiteflame it this a hint to your third bankai ability i hate suspense and btw hadez sorry bout your insanity character i totally forgot he is suppose to be killed
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
No worries ill look into that maybe in next post which is coming up here in a min since we gotta skip brokensun
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Heh, yep, there are multiple hints in that post about what the final ability is. Since I've given this away to someone else, I'll give it to you guys as well: he's used it 4 times.
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
In Hueco Mundo

Rey: Damn that Jester, Sending me to Crow. Making my life a living hell. Its suppose to be everyone else who has a living hell for a life. If I get my hands on him Ill (Rey is holding his hands as if he’s strangling an invisible person) Now how the hell am I going to get into the catacombs under the academy. Crows group was supposed to cause a distraction so I could slip in and… (Just as Rey was about to finish his statement Ignavus wanders into the throne room) What do you want?

Ignavus: Oh…nothing….just was wandering… (Ignavus was looking about the room, noting there was nothing but the throne to sit in) I Guess ill be on my way… (She then just wanders out of the room)

Rey: You there lock that damn door with you on the other side. (The little Fracción scurries to the door closes it then opens it and scurries back)
Fracción; Sir there isn’t a lock on the door.
Rey: What. Why the hell isn’t there a lock on the damn throne room door?!?!?
Fracción Apparently it wasn’t important. We figured anybody strong enough to get to the throne room would be strong enough to break the lo…AHHHH (Rey points his spear at the Fracción and fires a bolt of black lightning completely disintegrating the arrancar)
Rey: DAMN IT!!!! Between the incompetent servants in here and Reapers random slaughtering of my soldiers I'm not gunna have an army to take Cosechadora’s power for my own.

In the real World
Just after the meeting between Crow and Josh both walk out and head towards the half destroyed arcade.
Josh Thinking to self: I’m surprised it seems he may hate the soul society almost as much as I do, and he’s gunna help me kill off the hallow. Something isn’t right I’m gunna have to watch my back for a bit.
Crow Thinking to self: When we get back to the arcade I’m finding the loudest corner and giving it to Josh, and then I’m gunna go nap on the ski ball machine.
While traveling josh was always 20 or so feet behind Crow. He refused to let someone be behind him until he completely trusted them. When the two arrived at the arcade the Ace of X group was ready to great Crow but not Josh.
Saito: Damn it he fallowed you (Saito jumps towards Joshua trying to tackle him. Josh ducks and Sai flies and crashes into the wall. Then the rest of the group decides to jump in, each narrowly missing Josh as he dodged, ducked diped and dove out of the way. After the last one jumped and crashed there was a huge pile of arms and legs sticking out next to the wall.)
Crow. Well if everyone else is doing it… (Crow gets a good running jump and flies through the air with his elbow out landing on the pile)
Ace of X pile: OWWWW why did you do that!!!
Josh: What did I get my self in to? (Josh notices a presence behind him and turns around) Hi, before you tackle me. I’m…
Crow. Son of a bitch is there anybody who doesn’t show up here unexpectedly… (He says as he climbs off the dog pile. The rest of the group now has an even sterner look on their face at the new guy none of them have seen before.)
???: You look strong. (The tall man with a 6 inch Mohawk and leather jacket says holding a katana as he stares at Saito) Very Strong (A menacing smile appears on his face then he draws his blade and charges Saito. Everyone else was barley able to dive out of the way but Saito stood his ground. The blade stopping just before his neck.) Yes. Strong indeed.
Saito. Who the hell are you.
???: Mordikai
Saito: Nice to know. (Saito then knees Mordikai in the stomach knocking him back to where he started.) I got this one Crow.
Crow. Take it out side, not much left here to destroy but damn it I don’t want it destroyed.
Josh: Interesting. (He Draws his bow and notches an arrow. Crow waves his bow down and shakes his head no. Just then Sai charges Mordikai and runs to just under the hole that Josh made in the roof and jumps out.)

The end. Kind of short compared to recent post but oh well.

over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Hey guys, is rey a sin? Or is he the leader of the sins?
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
He's pride.
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
okay, thanks whiteflame.

Hey lobos, will i be able to go to hueco mundo in my next post? I mean, is crow ready? Does he have his quincy?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Well, go ahead and chat with the people whose characters are involved, there's no big rush on the post.

Another thing I mentioned to someone but not to everyone else about Isao. I'll be posting all four of the former usages of his final ability in upcoming posts (though, I will admit, it doesn't give quite everything away, just most of it).
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Guys, are we waiting for gokuluigifan or is it my turn?
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
Idk id give him some more time but its hard for him to keep up on posts
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Alright, ill give him 6 more hours. You think that will be enough time or should i give him more?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jstar18 said…
I think that should be enough cause that will be a day plus some extra.
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
testu well crow not ready just yet becuz he has to deal with something but you can go into hueco mundo if you want then ill just meet up with you when i head in there btw im sorry i kinda added myself to your misson
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Its okay, actually i was hoping for someone to add themselves on. It would be too boring with only 2 people that have the same mindset. I needed a little diversity in my group. Its like this: would you rather have 2 people on a mission or 12 swordsmen and a archer? I personally would take the 12 and the Quincy.
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Just a little piece that has nothing to do with the story,felt like typing.
----------The tide has nothing to do with this----

Ryuu: Kimi, Where are you? You have to get ready for the mission!
Kimi: Here!
Ryuu: What are you doing?
Kimi: Getting ready for the fourth of July.
Ryuu: How?
Kimi: Fireworks!!
Ryuu: Where?
Kimi: In your room.
Ryuu: What!!!!
Kimi: Yea, in 3,2,1---
Ryuu: My room--- is gone…. Why?
Kimi: Because it go boom!

Happy fourth for everybody who celebrates!
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Finally finished, took me forever.

--------------------------Into the den of the lion--------------
At the entrance to the Gargaunta

Ryuu: Kimi, remember, The Ace of X will meet up with us after we get in there. It could take them awhile though, so don’t let your guard down.
Kimi: Alright captain, be a spoil sport.
Ryuu: (sighs) Just be careful, Ok?
Kimi: Fine, Fine, Fine.
Ryuu: You have the aid kits?
Kimi: (monotone) Yes
Ryuu: Are you bored?
Kimi: (sounds like a robot)I-Am-Talking-Like-This-Because-It-An­noy­s-Y­ou.
Ryuu: (Impatiently taping foot waiting for her to stop)Kimi…..
Kimi: Fine, captain. You need to learn how to have fun(Starts acting like an airplane)Vrooooooooom!
Ryuu: Dang, your annoying. Alright, I’m opening it now.(Opens Gargaunta, they enter)

Kimi: Captain, are we there yet?
Ryuu: No
(Five minutes later)
Kimi: Captain, are we there yet?
Ryuu: No
(Five Minutes later)
Kimi: Captain, are we there yet?
Ryuu: No
(Five minutes later)
Kimi: Captain, are we there yet?
Ryuu: No
(Five minutes later)
Kimi: are we t-(hand clamps over mouth)
Ryuu: No

Once on the SANDS of Hueco Mundo…

Kimi: Hey captain, we forgot the SANDwitches. Hey captain, feelin’ Sandy? Hey Cap-(hand clamps over mouth)
Ryuu: Be quiet, please, for 2 hours of your life.
Kimi: Sorry that its so hard for you to constantly wake up on the Grainy side of the bed.
Ryuu: Kimi, Don the cloak.
Kimi: Fine.(creates a bright red cloak out of her reiatsu that hides her spirit energy completely.)The color is based on spiritual pressure color)
Ryuu: Fraccion, 5 o’clock, 3 of them. Do not draw your Zampakuto, just snap their necks.
(three cracks are heard)
Ryuu: Well that was easy.
Kimi: boring, I was half asleep.
Ryuu: they were easy, but we have to remember why we are here. We will launch attacks every so often, but we are mostly surveying the area and making a map for future attacks. They have to have thousands of arrancar by now.
Kimi: Why that many?
Ryuu: Because we left them alone for 1000 years.
Kimi: Well, that was stupid.(pause) Oh-my-Heart
Ryuu: What is it?
Kimi: A little hollow doggy!!!!!!!! I’m gonna name him spike and I’m gonna feed him and hug him and take care of him.(Ryuu cleaves the dogs mask)Ryuu!!!!
Ryuu: relax, we will find him later in the rukongi.

--------The evil witch in the west------

Majiyo- Damn Fraccion, they will pay for making me wait.(notices a lack of spiritual pressure) Oh, wait, they died? How? I better go tell Rey about this. Damn fraccion dying and causing more work for me. (mumbles to herself) Everybody spread out, call me if you find them.
Fraccion: Yes ma’am!!(they spread out across Hueco Mundo)
Majiyo: Oh yes, This will be fun.(Goes to find rey)You know, maybe I should find Boido, He would enjoy the chase.

Hope you like it,Tell me if i got something wrong.
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
I guess it back to me cool ok so this is gonna be a long one

Saito was laughing, as he leap from building to building, finally after all that time stuck in that damn arcade with those damn idiots he had a opponent to fight, no not to fight to KILL!!! Saito slowed down as he near his desination, a old abdandon ammunitons factory. He vanished and then appear on the ground, this Mordikai followed him shortly. They both facing each other, Saito with his mad smile on his face and Mordikai with a somber but yet cheerful expression on his.
Mordikai: What is your name boy?
Saito: What do you fricken care?
Mordikai: (he was annoyed by this child ignorance but yet excited by it) Fine be that way, why are you so cheerful are you prepared for death because that is what awaits you now.
Saito: (starts laughing hysterically) Me....die... You are gonna kill me... HA! (He vanishes and appears in front of Mordikai then goes to punch him Mordikai side steps out of the way and goes to plant his boot in Saito smotach, but Saito vanishes again this time behind Mordikai and drop kicks in the back to send him flying till he smashes into a rusted fork lift) You could never kill me bub, you don't got what it takes!
Josh was staring in the direction that Mordikai and Saito were fighting in, he turn to Cro was was walking away to his usual skeeball machiene.
Josh: Are you sure that Saito guy, is going to be okay that Mordikai person seemed strong.
Crow: Eh, Saito not the kind of person to die.
Toni: (annoyed by his carelessness) Crow you better not go to sleep, we have a guest and Saito may be in trouble
Crow: (lets out a grunt)
Zelman: Josh, is it (looks at Josh who just nods) Saito will be fine, Saito made be hot headed but he not weak he can handle himself besides he probably be pissed if one of us went to help.
Saito: (casually walking over to Mordikai) Please don't try to fake me out, you seem stronger than being beaten with a weak move like that.
Mordikai: (chuckles slightly) Heh you are smarter than you look (jumps up and grabs the fork lift, then swings around and chucks it at Saito. Saito runs at the on coming fork-lift and opens his arms and catches the force knocks him back only a few inches)
Saito: (he smile quickly vanishing) This better not be all you got becuase you are starting to piss me off (vanishes then appears above Mordikai head and throws the fork-lift down on him)
Morikai: (Jump out of the way of the fork lift just in the knick of time) You are good but I'm....(He cut off as Saito appears infront thorwing a punch at him but Morikai catches Saito fist and begins headbutting him repeatly till blood is dripping down both their faces. Mordikai kicks upward into Saito smotach causing him to drop to his knees and to cough up blood) Punk you are a mere novice to me!!!
Saito: (beigns laughing hysterically again) You got a few moves I'll give you got but if you think for a damn second that I'm weak you are fucking wrong!!! (grabs some dirt off the ground then thorws it into Mordikai eyes)
Mordikai: AAHHH MY EYES YOU BASTARD!!! (begins to rub his eyes franctially letting go of Saito hand. Saito unsteahs his swords and slices down across Mordikai body. Morikai lets out a scream as he feels the burn on his chest) AAAHHH!!!
Saito: I hope that hurts (begins shunpoing around Mordikai, slicing at his arms, legs, back and smotach each cuts creating frist degree burns this continues for about a minute till Mordikai sticks his arm out and catches the blade of the sword in his hand. Saito expression changes to complete shock)
Mordikai: (smiles and lets out a demonic laugh as his hand burns) Its been a while since I felt pain like this! (takes a deep breath and lets it out as he draws his sword) Thank you let me return the favor SPARK MADNESS!!! (His sword turns to 2 half circles with handles and spikes on them. He lets go of Saito sword the palm of his hand is covered in second degree burns, he punches Saito forching the spikes into his shoulder) BURNING PUNCH! (A burst of flames explode from the spiked half circle as Saito moves backward)
Crow is playing pac-man trying to beat Shado recent high score, as Josh stares at him in bewilderment. The others are playing different games as well, Toni is playing basketball shot, Sephiria and Zelman are playing Time Criss 3 together, Jenos is playing Dance Dance Revoultion against Natsu who is winning, Leigh-Ann is playing whack-a-mole but doing horrible because the moles keeping surprising her as Frio yells at her to stop being a afraid and hit the damn things, Roy is with Shado watching Crow trying to beat his high score.
Josh: Are you kidding me this is what you do all day play stupid video games! (Josh kicks the claw game) You are mercenaries you should be doing Mercenary THINGS!!
Crow: (laughs at a little) Josh relax play a game (his distraction cause him to lose a life) Damn
Josh: NO I will not play "games" you still haven't told me why you want and one of your men is in the middle of a fight!
Crow: (concentrating on the game) First all will be revealed in due time Josh, and second Sai is a big boy he can handle himself (Crow loses another life) DAMN!
Shado: HAHA cmon Crow you only have one life and you are no where near beating my score!
Roy: Cmon sir its like my mother use to tell me (Roy quotes his mother in a patheic imatiation of her voice) "You never get anywhere if you keep giving up"
Crow: Shut up Shado! I'm gonna beat your score and Roy please no more of your mother say... (He sense something, and his expression changes to annoyance as he loses his final life) Shado, Roy come with me. Toni I'll be back you are in charge for now
Toni: (making a basket as he leaves) Sure thing LOVE
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
okay part 2

Saito staggered backwards his was bulding from where the spikes puncture his shoulder but more of his arm was covered in second degree burns.
Saito: (His face which was recently hysterical joy is now filled with hate and rage he talks in a voice that just above a whisper almost as if he not so much talking to Mordikai but to himself) You also you fire!
Morikai: (smiles vanishes) What are you saying punk (he charges at Saito ready to punch him) I crush your skull Crushing Punch! (he goes to punch Saito but Saito catches the spikes half circle the he feels the force of crushing punch go though his body but Saito only is push back a few feet) How did you catch that your hand should be broken if not your arm!
Saito: HOW DARE YOU USE FIRE ON ME! FIRE IS MY THING! BURN EVERYTHING TO ASHES ODIO ABRASADOR! (his sword burst into flames turning into its pitch-fork shape as Mordikai stares in shock and begins backing up) AGENTE NARAJANA! (he swings his pitch fork down as flames stream from the points on the prongs the ground is set on fire as Mordikai just barely gets out of the way of the way)
Mordikai: I see so you use fire based zan... (he is cut off by Saito thorwing his pitchfork in his direction, Mordikai dodges the weapon, which plants it self in the ground only a few feet away, but as Mordikai turns around Saito tackles him to the ground. Saito stradels Mordikai waist and begins punching him reapeatly in the face)
Saito: (punching Mordikai in his face repeatly) I just hate people like you who enjoy pain oh yes I DO! Because no matter now much I pound you, or burn you, or cut you (drops of crimsom fly everywhere, some on the ground, some on Saito legs and hands, and some on his face) You will never scream! I just love the scream of people in agongy I HATE YOU FOR NOT SCREAMING! (A crimsom mist is in the air as Saito pounds Mordikai face. Mordikai in a act of desperation slices at Saito his mouth is to blood to say crushing impact but his uses it the force knocks Saito off him)
Mordikai: (getting up slowly as he coughs up blood his face is a bloody mess of crimsom he picks up Saito's pitchfork and stabs it into Saito leg) You bastard I show you screams of agony! I give you your screams of AGOGNY!!! (Just as he goes to stop on Saito head Saito turns and points at him)
Saito: # 67 CRISOM DRAGON FIRE CANNON (a large ball of fire shots from his fingers and crashes into Mordikai and explodes in a ball fire of crimsom)
Miruko, Chiyo and the others three stare down at the spot where Crow and Haubu fought recently. Miruko lets a whistle and smiles.
Miruko: Woah nelly! Wow Crow really had a good fight (as he saids Crow name he turns around to see Crow his gun raised and aim at Miruko) Hello Crow "The Smiling Wolf"
Crow: Miruko of the Crimsom Death, What are you doing here in my neck of the woods? (he notices the four people around Miruko slowly taking a step forward) Move and your leader will be Miruko of the Swiss Cheese
Miruko: (raises a hand to stop his men from advancing) Now Crow we both know that gun not loaded (Before he can finish a shot goes pass his head again his men take a step but Crow takes out his other gun and aims it at them) I said don't move (a few blocks away Shado is laying on his smotach holding a 50 caliber sniper as Roy stands next to him a round silver and blue eye piece over his right eye)
Crow: What do you want Crimsom, I told you before if you want me to help you, you got to pay like everybody else
Miruko: Calm down Smiling Wolf, all i want is to talk with you about these arrancar
Crow: I don't know anything about them
Miruko: (looking at the crator his smile gone) Don't insult my intelligence
JOsh is wondereing where Crow went off to went he senses something
Crow is about to speak when a explosion goes off he looks in horror to see the arcade in flames that color the night Crimsom

there you go i hope you enjoy

over a year ago jstar18 said…
Nice post LOBOS!

---Allied Front---


Crow and Miroku look in horror wondering what the hell just happened. Crow shunpos to the ruins of the arcade and runs around seeing if everyone is okay. Josh pushes a large stone off himself and Toni. Crow sees them and runs over to check if they are alright but four figures appear between him and the others.

Crow: Who the hell are...(before Crow can finish his sentence, one of the figures lefts there hand and launches a huge cero at him. Crow dodges and pulls out both his guns.) Dammit, more arrancar! (Crow smiles and shakes his head) I never get a chance to rest anymore! Howl towards the moon, Lobo Escondido Enrayo! (Crow puts his left hand on his sword and holds out his right towards the arrancar) Relámpago! (Small electrical blast begin to fire out of Crows finger tips, but the arrancar are dodging it with their sonidos) There fast. (Suddenly the four arrancar sonido around Crow and they all charge up their ceros to max power and fire it all at once. A huge explosion takes place that resembles a 20 ton TNT explosion. Crow reappears on top of a building near by. His left arm sleeve and half of his left pant leg burnt off from the blast. As Crow looks back into the smoke, he sees the four arrancar change forms. Crow now has a concerned look on his face) Wow I thought they were already in their released forms! This could get bad and better stop playing around, Bankai, (Lightning rains down from the roof top and Crow appears with a outfit similar to a gunslingers outfit, with gloves and boots that both have white fur at the top. He also has an eye piece over his right eye, and two orante guns!) Lobos del Rayo! (The smoke clears and the four arrancar have completely change their appearance. One of them has grown two 10 foot long wings on his back, another has become a 15 foot tall Minotaur, Another has a javelin and has legs have formed together like a snakes body, the last now has razor sharp teeth and claws with a lion's mane. They all look towards Crow and begin to charge but stop as they all feel a dense spiritual pressure)
Miroku: Bankai! (A dense black aura forms around Miroku, as the aura dissipates Miroku appears with a scythe about 6 feet in height with a blade that is a meter long and blood red in color. He is now wearing a black hooded cloak and has red wavy marks on his skin with a large red colored cross symbol on his chest.) Fantomu Shinki Zetsumei!
Crow: (annoyed) I don't remember asking for your help.
Miroku: I know, but these arrancar are both of our problems and they must be dealt with! Plus four on one just isn't fair.


Chiyo: Shouldn't we help him?
Cai: You must not of been with Miroku for long, trust me you wouldn't be able to keep up with Miroku in bankai form! But Crow is different, he's a lot stronger then we are, so he won't hinder Miroku.
Chiyo: Are you positive?
Sanji: (with a smile on his face) You must not know much about those two. There are only two other people in the world that can handle those two in a fair fight. That would be Isao and probably the arrancar's leader. Those arrancar don't stand a chance!


Arrancar: It doesn't matter how many there are, we have our orders! KILL THEM! (The arrancar with wings flies at full speed towards Crow, but Crow points one of his guns towards him and begins to shoot)
Crow: Lets see if you can dodge this, Meteoros Rayo (50 small shots fire at the same time and hit the winged arrancar in multiple places causing him to become paralyzed for a brief second. The arrancar looks at Crow but a black material waves past his face and then he sees a red line flash before his face.)
Miroku:(with a serious look on his face) That's one down! (The arrancar was cut in half perfectly down the middle from the top of his head to his feet. Crow stands there and smiles)
Crow: (thinking to himself) Haha, reminds me of old times. To bad things had to change. (Just as Crow finishes his sentence, the Minotaur looking arrancar launches a Bala at Crow. Crow easily deflects the attack with one of his shots causing an explosion. As the smoke clears a huge fist approaches Crow but is suddenly stopped by a large crimson colored chain that wraps around the arrancar's arm)
Miroku: (with a smirk on his face) You didn't forget that I'm here too did you? ( More chains begin to shoot out of Miroku's body and wrap around all the arrancar's limbs) Ketsueki Kusari! (The Minotaur looks at Miroku in disgust and opens his mouth to launch a cero but stops as he sees a white light glow from a distance.)
Crow: Los Lobos! (Crow is now glowing white and 10 glowing white wolves come out of his body and begin to charge at the Minotaur. The wolves charge with a smile on their faces and all bite down at random parts of his body causing a huge explosion.) That's two! (Miroku smiles and looks at the other two arrancar and notices a change in their body language)
Miroku: Lets make quick work with these last two.
Crow: That's cool with me, I need to check on my team as soon as possible anyway.
Miroku: Well then lets finish it. (After Miroku says that he begins to glow crimson red and grabs his scythe with both hands, 5 orbs begin to form on the blade of the scythe. At the same time, Crow continues to glow white and releases the other 40 wolves from his body. The final two arrancar looked shocked and begin to wonder how two people can be so strong. Crow commands the wolves to charge and Miroku swings his scythe creating 5 large red colored beams that have locked onto the arrancar. The arrancar turn around and try to run but it is too late, the wolves and 5 beams collide near the arrancar and create a ridiculously large explosion filled with white and crimson colored flames. When the flames subside, nothing remands of the arrancar just a huge creator from the explosion. Crow and Miroku look at each other with smirks on their faces, reseal their zanpaktou, and then run over to the ruins of the arcade and begin to dig the other Ace of X members out. Josh Stands a few feet away from the two and looks at Miroku in disbelief.)
Josh: (Thinking to himself) I didn't think there were more soul reapers as strong as Crow around.
Miroku: (Miroku looks at Josh and then turns to Crow) I didn't think there were anymore quincy around!
Crow: Well I guess you don't know everything after all Miroku; but yeah I meet him a while ago, he's with me so you won't have to worry about him. But anyway, about what you said earlier before the attack. We need to talk about those arrancar.
Miroku: (laughs) Yeah I guess those four made you remember huh! (Chiyo walks over to Miroku)
Chiyo: You never cease to amaze me Miroku.
Miroku: Well you haven't been around me that long so I guess it would be a surprise. Where did Cai and the others go?
Chiyo: They went back to their house.
Miroku: (annoyed) Should of known they would leave when the fights started.
Crow: (confused face) I thought they were apart of your team?
Miroku: No, they were Asoka's family members.
Crow: Oh, the girl that wears the purple hoodie?
Miroku: Yeah, they refuse to join, but I'm sure something will make them join me.
(Crow and Miroku finish digging everyone out and now begin to salvage whatever they can)
Miroku: Looks like you could use a new place. I have the money if you need it.
Crow: Whats the catch, and no I will not join the Rising Suns!
Miroku: Damn, and I thought I could get more members. So what will you do?
Crow: Well I'll be going to Hueco Mundo soon so I don't need a place for now.
Miroku: (with a serious look) You need to be careful. There is an arrancar there named Rey and he is far stronger then those chumps that we just killed.
Crow: Don't worry about me I'll be fine and no one is badly injured so once Saito comes back, we'll be leaving.
Miroku: Okay, then we will talk after you return, I'm sure you will have more info once you get back so I'll just wait for your return. (Miroku and Chiyo begin to leave) I'm heading back to my head quarters, here is a map so you will be able to find it. Meet me there when you get back. Oh and it was pretty fun fighting along side you again, Bird Brain!
Crow:(clenches his fist and looks annoyed, but begins to laugh) Shut-up you dumbass! (Miroku and Chiyo vanish)


(Coran and Titus are sitting down in the living room but then notice a few strong presence heading towards them. Squad 3 Captain Amiro and Squad 2 Captain Zane stand outside ready to strike. Zane orders his squad to take action and head towards the mansion at full speed. Coran gets up and head towards the door.)

Croan: Titus, go to the medical room and protect Asoka and Hideaki! I'm gonna welcome our guests.
Titus: Understood.
(50 soul reapers rush towards the mansion but suddenly hundreds of high pressured slashes of water shoot out of the door cutting the soul reapers to pieces. Coran walks out of the door with his sword on his shoulders. The sword is a yard long katana. The handle is blue with a black triangle design going down the side. The blade is black, and the grain of the blade is blue to look like a flowing ocean wave. Coran stands and looks at the rest of the soul reapers.)
Coran: Its not polite to show up at a house uninvited, so what the hell do you captains want! (Zane begins to walk forward but Amiro stops him.)
Amiro: Don't worry about him Zane, my squad and I will handle him.

(Coran vs Squad 3 officers)

End, hope this is good.

Okay your turn Whiteflame!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
nice jstar very nice sucks for dormirarbol he is gonna be pissed and i have 1 question WHY IS IT THAT MY BASE EXPLODES
over a year ago jstar18 said…
Oh my bad. I thought your base exploded in your post. Guess I must of read that wrong, SORRY!
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Well, I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm spending most of my time delving into Isao, so this go around I'm just going to let you guys move the story forward in other directions (don't worry, BIG spoiler this time, still working on it).
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
So this is the first piece of the story and the first use of the ability I've held so secret. The ability's activation is in this section, but not its usage. I'm taking my time with that one, but I'll probably post it as a second part to this sometime tomorrow afternoon. I figure basically that Isao would be thinking back to these moments after having spent his time in his inner world.

Isao had long since been training under Mine, ever since he became vice captain of the 11th squad up through his captainship. Among the captains in general, Isao was dominant, and none of them cared to spar with him. The Captain Commander, on the other hand, was a different story. Other captains would gather around to watch her destroy Isao in a fight.
Mine was the fastest shinigami in the history of soul society, and despite her age, she never missed a step. While Isao was slightly stronger than her, it hardly mattered with the velocity of her attacks being so high. He tried to keep pace, but only recently had he even begun to force her to use her blade due to her high level hand-to-hand combat skills.
Mine’s blade was released at all times, and was pockmarked with holes that were built into the blade. When she activated her ability, the holes acted as high force vacuums. Clashing with it presented a challenge, as even strong opponents had a hard time separating the two blades as they clashed. The vacuum area she created around the blade, however, was a danger to anyone. An opponent who is not careful could have all the moisture sucked from their eyes by its passing, or have wounds reopened by the force of even a missed strike.
Today, though, he planned on seeing it. Mine had never shown him her bankai, and he was going to push her to it this time. Odin had taught him how to use a new ability, though he’d been very unspecific about it. *remembering back*

Odin: This ability can give you inordinate power, though that all depends on the price.
Isao: What price?
Odin: The same price that Icarus paid. The price of any decision is a heavy one, the question is, how close will you fly to the sun? What destiny will you choose?
Isao’s mind slowly returned to the present, his eyes fixed on Mine. She had a slightly giddy smile on her face, as per usual with most of their fights. He always felt she was mocking him, but it didn’t bother him. Not today. Today, she’d be surprised.
Mine: Back again, I see. Twice in two days. Those broken ribs wont have fully healed yet.
Isao: I’ll take my chances.
Isao’s demeanor betrayed nothing, yet he could feel the ache in his chest from the day before. Mine had absolutely pounded him. He’d always been able to take a hit rather well, but she made it seem as though his iron-strong muscles were as flimsy as paper mache.
Other captains had gathered around by now, eager to take a glimpse of the fight. Miroku had come there with him, always intrigued at the prospect of his captain being defeated in battle. That man would become something big one day, he knew that back then, even though he was just the 5th seat. Oasis wasn’t there today, he had paperwork to deal with, though he certainly wasn’t happy about it.
Mine drew her sword, allowing the weight of it to drop it to the ground, point first. The earth greeted it with a tremendous crash. Her blade was just over 3 feet long, yet the weight of it was more than even his own zanpakuto. She leaned against it, waiting for Isao to make the first move.
They were the only ones who could see the next move. Isao unleashed his zanpakuto with frightening speed, lunging at her and swiping out with the blade of the axe. He clanged against metal as she leapt up, flipping upside down and grabbing the blade in her left hand. She wasn’t taking him seriously yet, he knew she was right handed. As she pulled the blade up off the ground, he raised his left hand, shouting, “Hiryugekizokushintenraiho.” It engulfed her in lightning.
His eyes quickly grew wide as he pushed himself backward, her hand reaching out of the surge of lightning as though it were nothing but air. Her blade allowed her to cut through kido strikes, even this high level. As the attack dissipated, she gave Isao a disappointed look and vanished, appearing right above his head. He barely managed to sidestep her blade strike, which left a massive gash in the ground, alongside the many others they had made in previous fights. He turned around, grabbing a weapon from a door that opened to his right.
He pulled his hand out, revealing a set of brass knuckles with spikes on them. He was preparing for a hand to hand fight, one that involved a lot of speed. This was the best option toward that end. However, when he turned around, Mine was gone.
Isao: Where is she?
Mine: That weapon is worthless at mid-range.
She appeared to his right, stabbing out with the blade. He barely managed to use the knuckles to parry the assault, though it still cut deep into his side. The pain from the vacuum blade was intense. Now he was breathing heavily, partially from the excitement and partially from exertion. These fights forced him to move at speeds he couldn’t manage regularly, and despite having so many options of blades to fight her with, he seemed incapable of matching her in sword-to-sword combat.
Mine: You’re distracted, take this seriously or else it will end far worse than last time.
Isao: My thoughts exactly.
He swept his blade behind him, sweeping away a cloud of dust that had obscured Yggdrasil, the world tree, and Bifrost, the burning rainbow bridge. Only Mine appeared unfazed by them, she had seen him release those two faster before. Ash started blowing on a low, dangerous wind, though she knew that that was just the beginning.
Isao: Bankai! Destiny of the Fallen!
As he spoke, he plunged his axe into the ground, which began to glow red. The bridge behind him collapsed into a heap as the entire area shifted massively in climate. Clouds rolled in overhead depositing a massive wind and ice storm. The earth cracked and seemed to have veins of lava, superheating anything touching the ground. Isao was unaffected by his own ability, but he was always shocked at the complete lack of effect on Mine. The elements seemed incapable of causing her any harm.
Thankfully the wind obscured the senses just long enough for him to reach Yggdrasil and obtain the hammer. He hefted it with a grunt. The thing was still extremely heavy. His senses suddenly picked up on her as she raced toward him. He didn’t have much time. He slammed the hammer into the ground, shooting up a massive amount of lava and rock into the air around him. He began spinning the hammer in the air above him, waiting to discern the direction of her strike.
A hand shot out from beneath him, grabbing his leg and pulling him under the earth. She had never picked that direction before.
Isao: Damnit!
He struck out with his hammer in her direction, causing a massive concussive explosion underground, creating a small cavern. He floated in there, trying to locate her presence.
Mine: Not good enough.
Her voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.
Mine: I’ve been trying to train you all these years to become my replacement, and this is all you can provide? What protection can you offer to the 13 squads if you can’t even take a little old lady like me?
Isao once again raised his hammer into the air, this time swinging it around, creating a massive force with the circular motion. It slow expanded out. The people sitting around watching had to step back for fear of being caught in the ensuing blast, which hurled earth and fire around for meters.
Isao: Where is she?
As soon as his feet touched the ground, she had his hand at his throat. Her strength was tremendous as she lifted him off the ground and then plunged him down into it with a massive crack. He coughed up blood as he stared back into her deep blue eyes with his own.
Mine: What chance did you think you had today that you didn’t yesterday?
A small grin crossed Isao’s face, and she looked puzzled.
A shining light blasted Mine back, who landed on her feet a few yards away. She shielded her eyes as she tried to look through the massive glare. Her eyes widened when she glimpsed it. Isao’s hammer lay next to him as he stood with both hands outstretched, and balls that looked similar to Baoding Balls appeared between each of his fingers, four in each hand. A ninth ball was located directly in his mouth, and it was what emanated the massive light show she perceived. Isao’s mouth suddenly clamped down.
Mine: What the hell…?
Isao: Light’s Embrace!
Another blast eddied out of him, carrying an intense yet somehow familiar energy with it. His body began to glow yellow and shine brightly. For the first time, Mine took a step back, uncertain of what she faced now.
Isao: My turn.

Yes, the awesomeness will continue, and yes, each of those balls is a different ability that this final attack can create.
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
lol there is only one flaw i see in these post sofar. Josh, not knowing the rising suns connection to Crow wouldnt have limped over and seemed star struck, he may not have known there were others that strong out there but he wouldnt admit to it, and hed atleast have a bow out with a arrow pointing at someones head till he was calmed (Josh hates all shinigami and hallow, Crow get off for a specal reason)
over a year ago jstar18 said…
Understood, Sorry about messing his personality up but I edited so hopefully it fits now.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
And here's the second part of the fight, with a nice little twist at the end. There's a lot left unexplained here, but it will come in due time.

Isao hefted his hammer and charged at Mine, who had returned to her calm demeanor. He swung it hard at her, with her choosing to block with her blade. The two struck together…and the hammer seemed to just disperse into light particles. Bewildered, Isao stepped back, and Mine took her chance, striking at his exposed chest with her blade, only to pass through his body harmlessly in the same way. With speed and dexterity, she launched a barrage of attacks on Isao, all to no avail as his body dispersed and reformed.
Isao focused on his arm, trying to keep it solid as he reached out for his opponent, who quickly retreated. She began to launch a series of kido strikes from afar at him, hoping that those would inflict some damage. Though he got hit by several, the same dispersive effect prevented any damage. He appeared in front of her suddenly, but was pushed back by the force of a powerful hado, flying several feet.
Just as he fell, he smiled, his hammer appearing just behind him spinning through the air from where he had thrown it earlier. Mine was careful, and immediately moved to block. She was shocked by a resounding crash as the hammer hit her blade, sending her reeling backward several meters.
Isao: If I focus on what I want to be solid, it will be solid. Otherwise, it will disperse, just like my body.
Mine: So that’s how it works, eh? Fascinating ability Isao, seems you may be a worthy replacement after all. But you’re still a long way from beating me. Bankai! Spatial Vacuum!
Isao barely had time to shout out “Tozanshō” before the entire for a mile was engulfed in a vacuum-like space. He’d heard a little about this ability beforehand, and knew that he’d have to conserve what little air he had in here. He stepped out of it using his ability to disperse, noting the lightness he was feeling in the area.
Mine: You’re in my world now. A vacuum removes all friction from the air, making it possible for me to move at 100%.
Isao’s eyes widened.
Isao: You’ve been going easy on me?
Mine: Absolutely not. The friction of the air ensures that I can’t move at my maximum, not to mention the possible damage that accompanies it. I was moving at about 85% before. Now you’ll see…
Isao suddenly saw what was creating the field. Her blade had separated into four tremendous panels, each 5 meters across with three large depressions in each going down the center. He was in the middle of a giant form of her blade, and with her speed that high, there was no chance of getting out. His one consolation was that she hadn’t found a way to harm him yet.
She appeared in front of him suddenly, though he was prepared. He had dropped his hammer and grabbed two hand axes from panels in the air. He swiped at her with one and threw the other to his right, just missing her as she dodged the first strike. It looked like he couldn’t quite keep up with her. He snagged a small spear from another hidden door, carefully looking around him for her.
Suddenly, his chest felt warm and wet. Stunned, he looked down to see a small blade protruding from just over his left lung, and blood spurting out of the wound. He whipped the axe around, trying to catch her, but she was already 50 feet away, blade in tow. He was running out of air, he had to get back to his supply. He started shifting that way slowly.
Isao: How?
Mine: Density. A gas will decrease in density inside this realm, and your body is very similar to a gas. A decreased density means that molecules in a vacuum tend to spread out more, so your body is still trying to adjust to that. It can’t constantly spread out, so it concentrates on staying together, even if you don’t do so directly. The automatic protection mechanism that your body provides is worthless in this environment, and I’ll keep modifying the vacuum to ensure that it remains as such. Go ahead and take your breather.
Isao deformed and reformed into the pyramid, gasping for air. It would only last this time, it just couldn’t contain enough air. He put his hand to his chest, using a low level hado he knew to cauterize the wound. He looked down at the weapons in his hands, thinking how to swing this fight back in his favor. Suddenly, it came to him, and he returned the weapons to their initial placements, grabbing instead a pair of overly curved scimitars.
He quickly exited the pyramid, allowing it to dissipate. He’d need all his attention on her if he was going to win this. She hadn’t been calmly waiting. Her hands and feet were surrounded by a soft white glow.
Mine: While the area around us reduces the pressure, I can dramatically increase it. Any part of you I strike will receive an increase in pressure, ensuring that you remain solid. I’m not taking any chances.
She looked over to her left, and his eyes followed hers over to his hammer. There seemed to be an incredibly pressurized space around it. It seemed as though she wasn’t letting him have access to that again. By the time he looked back, she had disappeared.
She quickly reappeared behind him, slamming both hands into his back at a rate that shattered his shoulder blades. The agony was excruciating, with her new speed her punches had gained vastly in force. She kicked him in the small of his back, sending him reeling forward. It was all he could do to hang onto his blades without stabbing himself. He rolled and pushed himself upright as quickly as possible, but he’d lost track of her again. She suddenly came down on his head with her right leg, slamming into him with a force that almost broke his neck. Dazed, he could do nothing to fight back against the flurry of hits that came next. A sweep with his left scimitar finally pushed her away, but not before every part of his body was hit, leaving him aching and completely unable to move from the pressure.
Mine: Nice try, but it’s over.
She had appeared with her blade to his throat, a stern look on her face. Isao smiled, this time with a big grin.
Isao: You’re right, it is.
Her eyes suddenly went wide as two blades appeared one at her chest above her heart, and the other at her left temple, each only partially formed. Isao had dispersed the majority of each scimitar, and had reformed it just as she came up behind him, the blades now as close to the killing blow as hers was. A small grin crossed her face, immediately replaced by annoyance as she dispersed her bankai.
Mine: A draw, then. I guess you aren’t useless after all. Someone take him to the fourth division barracks, he’s going to need a lot of work.
Isao’s smile stayed on his face as he leaned forward, falling unconscious from the pain of the injuries he sustained. Miroku was by his side immediately, Zane, a vice captain from a separate squad. They lifted him up and started walking over to the barracks.
Unbeknownst to everyone at the fight, there was one less soul reaper in Soul Society. Several messengers had been by the 11th squad barracks that day, and the most recent ones were not surprised to see no one at the desk. They were used to seeing Oasis slacking off on his work, especially when there was so much of it. But Oasis wasn’t there at all. About halfway through the fight, just as he was nodding off in his seat, he started to glow yellow. He sat bolt upright, wondering what was going on. Suddenly his thumb dispersed into molecules of light right before his eyes. So went his hand, down his arm, and up across his body at an accelerated rate. He tried to call out, but his voice was dampened by the thick stone of the room. He knocked over his chair, desperately trying to call out to somebody, anybody. He collapsed on the floor, eyes now shining brightly in fear, reaching out to the door, to no one, as the last of him dispersed into nothingness.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
holy crap that crazy whiteflame i don't want it to end
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
3 more installments of this, and believe me, they'll be awesome too.
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
that means i have to wait 3 more complete cycles i can't wait that long
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
Its no biggie jstar, i was saying more for future refrence
over a year ago BrokenSun35 said…
------Now we’re even! ------
Amiro sent his 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th seats after Coran who he easily defeated them, Coran then points his blade at Amiro.

Coran: Now how about we begin.
Dawn and Akihiko: Oh no you don’t!
Akihiko: There’s no chance you’re fighting him before I fight you! (With a Murderous grin)
Amiro: Stand down Akihiko; I want to fight him this seems interesting.
Akihiko Fine. (Disappointed look on his face)
Both Dawn and Akihiko both stood down from fighting and Amiro stepped forward
Amiro: Before we start may I ask what your name is?
Coran: Coran Amairi, and yours?
Amiro: Amiro Hikotora
Coran: Well before we start it would only be fair if you use Shikai as well since I am using it.
Amiro: Oh thanks for informing me. Come down, Tsuki to Taiyo, now we can begin.
Coran: Oni Tama!

A highly pressurized blast of water headed for Amiro, Amiro then calmly used Bān kyūsoku ni, the two attacks collided just making a large area of steam just thick enough so they couldn’t see each other.

Amiro: Tengoku no Shotto!
Amiro inserted his finger in the moon ring and spun the blade rapidly above his head and launched the crystals at Coran, Coran was caught of surprise and dodged at just the right moment but his hoodie was pinned to the wall by the crystals.

Coran: Damn and that was my favorite hoodie!
Amiro: Heh sorry about that.
Coran: Well that’s gonna cost ya, Mashin Nakigoe!

Coran held his blade in both of his hands one at the tip of the blade the other at the handle, a orb of condensed water formed on the surface of the blade, Coran then swings his blade causing the ball of water to shoot straight up in the air at about 50 feet as it reached its destination it exploded causing it to rain down pressurized water

Amiro: Damn, Tengoku no shotto
Put his finger in the sun ring and spun the blade above his head making most of the pressurized rain turn to steam from the flames that formed on the blade, but a fraction of it his Amiro causing him to have minor cuts and making his captain kimono to be completely destroyed, Amiro threw off the destroyed kimono.

Amiro: Damn I just got that kimono!
Coran: HA! Paybacks now we’re even Captain!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago gokuluigifan333 said…
you guys split my characters up i won't be able to keep up but don't worry i will still be here just somewhere else and the 2 hour punishment will end eventually i have had this punishment before and it has always ended but it takes a long time so see you guys later
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
imma get to my post some time but i am busy atm, ill be within the time limit though
over a year ago Hadez17 said…
Saito stands in the middle of the building staring at the pillar of smoke where Mordikai was standing

Saito: *Thinking to self* did that kill him, hard to tell, bastard never screams.

Mordikai: Bankai: Burning Madness (Mordikai slams the half circles together, the force knocking the smoke away from him, 2 4 foot long blades come out of opposite sides of the circle both are jagged.) Time to have fun. (Mordikai then starts spinning his blades at super high speeds making a buzz saw like sound. As he spins the blade they start turning red then white from the heat of the friction)

Saito: I HATE YOU!!!!! (Saito charges at Mordikai with his pitch fork plunging it where Mordikai’s stomach was but just before contact was made Mordikai jumps to the side and slices down Sai’s right chess. Sai didn’t bother to dodge because the cut didn’t seem to be one that would hinder him. After the blade cuts down there is no mark, instead Sai sees that there is a cut going across his stomach that spewed blood.) What the hell?! (Saito jumps back staring at Mordikai puzzled) Fine…Bankai! Diablo rojo Del odio quemada

(No more words will be traded between these two combatants. Only blows. Mordikai begins launching fiery blades off at Saito but they don’t seem to have much of an effect on him. Sai raises both hands and launches a huge fire ball at his opponent burning Mordikai’s whole left arm. Mordikai then jumps behind Sai and puts 2 cuts down his back which end up as horizontal cuts across the middle of his back. Some orange fluid spews from the cuts and burns Mordikai’s foot. Through the whole fight Mordikai has a twisted smile on his face and laughs at every bit of pain. After another few blows are traded between the two Mordikai jumps back. He then smiles and spins his blades and from the center a darkness spews out, the darkness encompasses the two fighters and when they can see again they are standing on a bloody plains. Just then Sai notices that his cuts no longer hurt, but his arms and foot feel like they are burning, exactly where mordikai had been burned. Mordikai lets out a blood curdling laugh as he takes his blade and cuts down his own arm slowly. Sai feels as if his flesh tears on his own arm but no new mark are made. Figuring out the function of the ability Sai points both hands at his chess and begins to release a burst of fire at him self. Just as the fire begins to move towards him Mordikai appears in front of him grabbing Sais hands and planting them on his own chess. The fire erupts and Sai feels as if his own chess is burning. A pain he is not use to but for some reason feels now. Sai kicks Mordikai away feeling as if he had been kicked in the gut and runs back. Just then he feels as if his calf has been sliced. Looking back there is no mark but instead Mordikai is gushing blood from his left leg. Mordikai then starts spinning his blade and slowly turning it towards his own head. Sai gets an evil smile on his face and vanishes. Appearing in front of mordikai he kicks mordikai in the face and grits his teeth at the pain, and then he takes jumps on the still spinning sword which hacks Sais face neck and torso up as its still spinning. Sai could feel his light dimming, just then everything went black. When Sai came to he was healed. Barley in a stable condition but healed none the less and mordikai was lying next to him motionless)

Saito. Bastard (He then stumbles back to the ace of x arcade)

In soul society

Satoshi is running all over the soul society doing many errands that he usually didn’t have to do. Isao was good at keeping up on his own work but recently has been focusing a lot on many situations and thus has put a lot more work on Satoshi’s lap. Remembering back to when he got the position of Isao’s vice captain he was told he didn’t have to do more than his usual daily allotment of work. Now he’s doing more than 4 times that work but Satoshi would rather scrub the entire soul society with his tooth brush then to start an argument with Isao or any other captain for that matter. One of the tasks bugged Satoshi a bit though. Isao had told him to go check a seal in the basement of the academy. Satoshi didn’t know the academy had a seal under it, or even a basement but he could tell by Isao’s tone that it was not a task to take lightly. Satoshi went around to the back of the academy trying to sneak in unnoticed because Principal Ayano was a stick and mean old lady that would yell his ear up and down the halls for disturbing the peace of the academy during study hour. Just as Satoshi rounded the corner for the back of the academy he remembered why he always avoided it, and the reason he is the way he is today. It way back when Satoshi was still a boy. Him and his friend Rose always would skip class and hang out in the back of the school. Back then Satoshi didn’t see it and if he did he wouldn’t admit that he had a crush on Rose. They always talked and laughed during study hour building great memories for the future. One day there was a hallow sighting in the soul society. Many thought it was just another boy crying wolf situation and ignored it. Like usual Satoshi and Rose met outside the back of the school and began to talk. The were wondering what their zanpaktous would be like since neither have even gotten theirs yet. That day was gunna be the day that Satoshi decided to make a move on Rose. In the middle of his confession of his feelings Rose stopped him.

Rose: Did you hear that? (Rose starts looking around franticly
Satoshi: It’s probably Ayano. Hide. (The two jump behind a couple barrels outside the school peering out to see when it was clear to go out. Satoshi could hear Rose breathing heavily and practically feel her heart beat through the air.) *Whispering* don’t worry, we wont get hurt. At most well have detention.
Rose: You don’t feel that?!? (Rose’s eyes dart around)
(Satoshi now concentrating. He feels a evil presence just behind them but there was nothing but a wall. He also felt a darkness, a mass of pure evil and hate that made him jump and yelp directly below him. Just as he jumped the wall behind the two kids smashes and there was what looked like a captain shinigami standing there. In class the students were forced to memorize all the captains’ names and this wasn’t one of them but he was wearing a white kimono. After a couple seconds Satoshi noticed the man was wearing what looked like a white covering over his nose. He also had a hole in his chess.
Satoshi. ROSE RUN!!!!! (Satoshi grabbed rose and pushed her as hard as he could away from the man. He just not noticed the two and smiled)
Man: I guess ill have another little snack here. (The man then vanished and appeared in front of Rose and reached down for her)
Satoshi: Don’t you touch her you bastard. (Satoshi charged forward and jumped at the man. Bracing him self to collide with the man Satoshi noticed he hit nothing but air. When he opened his eyes the man was behind him holding Rose.)

Ayano: *Scared scream* Let her go. Vice principal Kuan go get the 11th squad captain, his office is closest. (The fat vice principal scrambles around then vanishes. Ayano pulls her zanpaktou from its sheath and screams) DICIPLINE UNCANNY TUTOR (Her blade turns into a large studded mace. She swings it at the man many times but misses. He kicks her in the stomach and points a finger at her. A blueish light begins to glow when suddenly he’s hit from behind jostling his hand reground and launching the beam off into the sky, when the man turns around he sees Satoshi standing there behind him with a murders look in his eyes)
Satoshi: *Screaming* YOU WILL NOT HARM THEM!!!(Just as he says the last word the wind picks up and whips around him like a tornado. Then it spins into a smaller tornado extending from Satoshi’s right hand and materializing into the form of a katana in its sheath.)

The end for now

Notes: Ill continue this story next post
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
Yo, guys, can i have a few more hours? Something came up and i have family over. I can post in about 6 hours. Sorry bout this.
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
That's fine dude, long as you keep us apprised you can always have a bit of extra time.
over a year ago tetsudragon said…
---------the battle is high----------

Ryuu and kimi run quickly across the sands of hueco mundo, attempting to reach los noches. once there, they proceed to spread a liquid over the walls in 5 spots about ten feet high and five feet wide. at the foot of the wall in those spots they bury a large circular object. after they finish they retreat to a spot 2km away.

Kimi: Umm,captain, What did we just do? I mean it was cool being all super spy secret type, but what did that accomplish?

Ryuu: the liquid we spread on the walls weakens spirit bonds and the objects we buried were bombs, which are set to be set of in 3 days.

Kimi: So those are out entrance plans? Boring. I was thinking that we gate crash a wedding and say "i object"for no reason. Then we kill as many arrancar as possible and leave.

Ryuu: Kimi, I don't think they have weddings here.

???: No, we don't, But we do have welcoming committees.

Ryuu and kimi turn around and find themselves surrounded by 6 arrancar, but one leaves.

Ryuu: Kimi, leave this to me.(whispers)Look Upon the Heavens which Flame and Hail, To the Guardian of Heaven's Gates, Allow Me To Pass.

Immediately his sheath dissipates and his katana grows longer, the blade turning dark green. The guard changes and the hilt does as well. Armor materializes over his body and he grows wings. Ryuu then draws a circle in the air with his zampakuto and a large dragon appears that he sends around the entire group and the ones that are touched fall in agony as the liquid-ice crawls over their skin and boils it away. the dragon then crushes the remaining arrancar and Ryuu deactivates shikai.

Ryuu: well that was anticlimactic. But they were gillian class.

End, wish i could post more but i don't have the time right now.
Wow, just realized how op that was, hope i fixed it, I really wish i could make a longer post, but dont have time.Sorry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago whiteflame55 said…
Just a quick thing. I might not be available to do mine on time tonight or tomorrow, so basically, if I don't post something saying otherwise tomorrow morning, skip me. I'll post out of turn so that you guys don't miss out on the story for this round.
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
okay cool back to me im really excited i hope you like this one It gonna give a lil bit of a back story bewteen Crow and Miroku their past was alluded to by Hadez

---bad memories and loaded guns---
Crow look at the rubble of the use-to-be arcade and let out a deep sigh he loved these place and even though he knew it was temporaily he thought of this place as home. "Home" he thought there a word that brings back sick memories of a distant time, he help Leigh-Ann up who was now crying.
Crow: (Patting her on the head) Leigh-Ann don't cry its okay everyone fine (she looks up at him wiping her tears) If you are worried about your possesions like clothes well we can always buy you new ones in fact I bet Frio would love to help you buy new sexy undies (she sheirks in embrassment and hides her now red face)
Frio: CROW!! You ass! (Frio rushes over to Leigh-Ann but she runs away from him) Leigh-Ann no that not what he meant
Crow: (laugh a little but is stopped by a furious Toni cursing in italian)
Toni: Tali arrancar maledetto dio, chi diavolo credono di si! Cosa vuoi fare questo! Al diavolo tutto al diavolo! Guardate questi! E perché si ride si pensa che questo è fottutamente divertente! Si lascia fare battute ....
Crow thought to himself, he hated when she spoke italtian because it meant only thing she was pissed, english could not contain her anger so she turn to the only other laugane she know. He had finally sensed Miroku presence dissappearing completely, he also hated when Miroku showed up because not only did he always try recruit Crow for the Rising Suns but his appearances brought back bad memories of a distant time. His thoughts were interuppted again by Josh.
Josh: Crow who was that man just now that helped you?
Crow: (looks up with a expression on his face that he really didn't want to talk) That man Josh, was Miroku of the Rising Sun, he is also the leader of the Revoultionary Amry called The Rising Suns.
Josh: Rising Suns?
Crow: They are a group that only purpose to rise up against Soul Society (he sits on the remants of his skeeball machiene) They want to redesign the Gotei 13 for a more fair justice.
Josh: (smiling a little) Rise up against Soul Soceity and shingamis I like the sound of that..
Crow: (again with that same expression of not wanting to talk on his face) I wouldn't think about joining Miroku may be a stand up guy but in the end they still want to be Soul Society and I think they are some in that group who don't look up to Miroku as much as he thinks.
Josh: Oh i see, It sounds like you know alot about him did you know him or something.
Crow: Yeah I did in a other I think we were both characters in a RP on a forum on some website.
Josh: (lookjing annoying becauses he thinks he is being made a fool of) Whatever I still want to know why excatly you need me! (Josh walks away)
Crow sits there and smiles and remebers what Miroku had said to him "We both know that gun not loaded". When Crow left he didn't check if his guns were loaded and even he wasn't sure if the bullet that flew past Miroku's head was fired from Crow or from Shado holding the sniper a few blocks away. Crow held up his gun and look at it but at went to open the chamber he was interuppted in his thoughts once again this time by Roy.
Roy: Sir what are our plans now?
Crow: (trying not to sound annoyed) We wait for Saito, Roy then we go to Hueco Mundo.
Roy: But sir I suggest we move positions we are not safe here what if we are attacked again.
Crow: We are not going to be attack Roy we are going to wait here for Saito like I just said
Roy: But sir what makes you so sure we won't be attacked again there may be more arrancar that are first worst than those four.
Crow: (his voice has lost controll and comes out impatient and annyoed) Because Roy, if there were more then Me and Miroku would have sensed them first of all, second if they were going to ambush us they would have done so by now, and if they were stronger then they would have attacked us not those four weaklings.
Roy: (feeling disrespected by his tone) Sir have do you know this?
Crow: (getting angrier) I don't I have a feeling
Roy: (angry as well) Sir a feeling is not good enough its like my mother use to....
Crow: (his anger finally boiling over) ROY I DON"T CARE WE ARE STAYING HERE I"M THE LEADER NOT YOU!!!
(everyone looks around at him, his outburst was enough for Toni to stop ranting in italtian)
Crow: (looks ashamed of his outburst and remebers more bad memories of him arguing with a man about the same concept when he first joined Ace of X) Roy I'm sorry its just I'm tired and all this craziness is getting to me, We will be fine if we are attacked I will defend us I swear. I just want to wait for Saito a little longer to make sure he okay.
Roy: (understanding the apology placing his arm on Crow shoulder)Aplogy accepted sir. And please don't worry about fighting for us I think we can handle a fight you done enough fighting and if you are tired I beileve it would be better like my mother use to say A tired fellow should get a fluffy pillow
Crow: (smiles a fake smile) Thanks Roy that makes me feel better even if it made no sense (Roy goes to the others)
Crow sighed again and look back at his gun, the one he aimed at Miroku, he needed to know who fired was it him or Shado. He open the chamber of the gun to see that it was loaded all the slots were filled except for the one that was at the top. There were a bullet should be there was nothing just blank, emptiness, a hole. Crow smiled a real smile now, he knew it was him who fired at Miroku. Crow thought back to when he first saw that arrogant smile, that look of complete confindence a look as if he was at the top of his game and nothing could hurt him. But Crow knew better and he hoped Miroku did too that sometime could touch the untouchable, the unstoppable force can be slowed down, the immovable object can give a inch. Crow felt suddenly worried he had a feeling that his old rival was heading into a storm the likes of which was nothing any of them could accept.
over a year ago BrokenSun35 said…
Hey Lobos told me to tell everyone that he is working on part 2 of his post.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LOBOSdelRAYo said…
part 2 will have to wait till tomorrow continue on with the cycle though