Bleach Anime Bleach: A New Generation

shadowcon99 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 02:11AM
(One thing to remember is that this is not following the main story of bleach, It is a separate time and thus some things are not the same but others will be.)

150 years ago, an expedition and reconnaissance team was sent from Soul Society to Hueco Mundo to check on the state of the Hollows living in Hueco Mundo. What the team found was appalling and somewhat gruesome because the Hollows had been devouring each other to gain more power and those who had attained so much power their Hollow forms could not handle the reiatsu those few hollows became Arrancar. The team was massacred by the Arrancar before they could report back to Soul Society and so the information never reached Central 46 and over the next 50 years the Arrancar would build up their army. 100 years ago, the Hollows attacked Soul Society on orders from the Arrancar and were charged with the duty of stealing the Hogyuko. The possibility of an attack never seemed logical because the team that learned of the Arrancar died 50 years ago so no one in Soul Society knew of their power. After several days of fighting, slaughter, and the destruction of Soul Society the Hollows got what they came for, The Hogyuko. As the Arrancar fled Soul Society with the Hogyoku the captains of the Gotei 13 perused the hollows sealing the Garganta bhind them eager to avenge their fallen comrades. The Hollows now desperate fled through the Garganta into Karakura Town so they could seal away the Hogyuko and return for it. The Shinigami caught up with the Hollows and the Hollows, knowing they would not be returning to Hueco Mundo bound the Hogyuko to a pedestal in a grove that was in the center of the forest just outside Karakura town. The Shinigami slew the Hollow but could not destroy the binding spell that held the Hogyoku in place. Now Visoreds and Arrancar are available to any Shinigami or hollow who so chooses to use the Hogyuko. After 100 years Soul society has been rebuilt and who knows what the Hollows and Arrancars are planning. Quincy's have begun to work up their forces ready for anything and any gifted humans are helping soul society to rebuild or assist with missions.

[Angel Invasion Arc]
In the midst of the Espada invasion, it was revealed the arrancar were being controlled by Captain Sekhmet Aosu, of the ninth division. Their mysterious leader, known only as Lord Kuraudo, was none other than Veznesel, one of Sekhet’s subordinates. She instructed Veznesel to militarize the Espada in an effort to distract the Gotei 13, so she and her other subordinates, Captain Azriel Sairentosukai, of the third division, and Captain Zalbeseal Korrotasu, of the twelfth division, could infiltrate all aspects of the Soul Society. During the invasion, she lured Captain Teiko Seishin to Karakura town, where the Hogyoku resided, after being suspended there by a mass sacrifice by Vasto Lorde hollows. While there, she convinced Captain Seishin, who she had helped perfect his unique ability, Kudokai, to use his hybrid abilities to shatter the barrier, which could only be done with the essence of a hollow. He used his abilities to shatter the barrier, which could no longer be supported by the weakening Hogyoku, as it was beginning to enter dormancy. She betrayed her ally, stealing the Hogyoku, and returning to the Soul Society. She proceeded to slaughter the remaining Espada, revealing her identity as princess of the once mighty nation, Shirubaraito (City Bathed in Silver Light). The Soul Society enacted genocide on her people, slaughtering all but a few, in an effort to eliminate a technique they feared. Now, the Soul Society must defend against millennia old soul reapers, who plan on returning the favor by annihilating them from existence.

[Feuding Nations Arc]
In the wake of the Angel’s attempts to eradicate the Soul Society, the Gotei 13 is presented with a dilemma far greater than any villain in the past. The Soul Society has violated an ancient law enacted by the Reiteki Rōjin, an ancient group of royal dignitaries from every nation, with the authority to revoke or establish a nation’s soul reaper privileges. The aforementioned law demands that each nation function independently of one another, forbidding they interact and meddle in one another’s affairs. The Soul Society’s act of genocide on Shirubaraito caught the attention of the Reiteki Rōjin, prompting the council to keep a close watch on them. Following the Soul Society’s failure to remedy their past transgressions, relying upon a neighboring nation (Jūzō hoshō) to assist them, the council has decided to revoke their soul reaper privileges. They have tasked the execution of this decree to the Soul Society’s past savior, Jūzō hoshō. They have been instructed, by this ancient and mysterious council, to demand the Soul Society relinquish control over Karakura Town, turn over all spiritual weapons, and forfeit their Reiryoku. Blindsided by this decree, the Soul Society defies this ruling and attempts to thwart the efforts of the Jūzō hoshō, who are merely following orders. The Gotei 13 is now on a mission to prove their worth, but in order to accomplish this, they must defend themselves against the Jūzō hoshō.
(Note: This takes place roughly 50 years following the Angel’s invasion).

Character Format


Zanpakuto Format

Zanpakuto Name(Shikai Name)
Release Command
Bankai Name(optional)
Shikai Abilities (limited to 4)
Bankai Abilities(limited to 3)

Squad 1: Captain-Commander - Kami sureiyā (Shadowcon)
Lieutenant: Vacant
Squad 2: Mikazuki Kurotsuki (K0V) - Deceased
Lieutenant: Shizuka Sutōmu (K0V)
Squad 3: Hizano Tochigo (Randomfan)
Lieutenant: Vacant
Squad 4: Yua Honoko (Silverain)
Squad 5: Kai Shuichi (Ace)
Lieutenant: Kaiya Kazumi (Ace)
Squad 6: Luna Shikishima (Ace)
Lieutenant: Kaito Itsuki (Ace)
Squad 7: Quidel Erlantz (silverain)
Lieutenant: Hikaru (Silverain)
Squad 8: Hsien-Shao Bao-Wong-Ling (silverexorcist)
Lieutenant: Fai Locksley (Silverexorcist)
Squad 9: Nagaishi (link)
Lieutenant: Suichido Kaganehisho (Link)
Squad 10: Teiko Seishin (Link)
Lieutenant: Netsui Kanshu (Link)
Squad 11: Ezretha Isishio (Arcane)
Lieutenant: Isumi Kija (Arcane)
Squad 12: Zurui Kurohyou (BlackPanther)
Lieutenant: Vacant
Squad 13: Kakura Kurotsuki (K0V)
Lieutenant: Seirēn Kuraudo
Kido Corp: Raiujin Hanakomachi (Ace)

Espada (Deceased) :
One: Take Uramaya- Zordiak
Two: Hirumi- randomfan13
Three: Seshen Arojio- Zordiak
Four: Saiko Rindu- Zordiak
Five: Dou and Shin- randomfan13
Seven: Gyro Deusenvoldt- Zordiak
last edited on Jul 15, 2012 at 01:50PM

Bleach Anime 1537 replies

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over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
After Mikazuki bid her brother goodbye while he underwent some final treatments, she wandered around the Seireitei, stopping here an there to have chats with the odd shinigami. However, what dwelled on her mind thorughout all this, was what Zurui said during the Captains meeting. She'd been thinking about it for hours, and every time she did she still thought the same thing, how is it that the Soul Society of old could commit such an atrocity.

Mikazuki: [Inner Monologue] How could they do something so horrid to so many. Some of them were innocent souls, women and children who would be unable to fight back. I feel sick to be a shinigami. To be decendents of those who committed such evil. No wonder Sekhmet wants revenge.

Here trail of thought, however was interupted by her greatest foe...

Quidel: (He waved a hand in front of her unfocused eyes) Hello? Anyone home?

Mikazuki: (She flinched, startled by his sudden appearance) Huh? Oh its you. (The scorn was clear in her voice)

Quidel: (His expression became indignant, so he did what he did best, rile her up)Hey, there's no need for that tone of voice. I haven't even done anything yet.

Mikazuki: (She crossed her arms, her eyes centering on Quidel's face) But you will. You always do. You always find some new way to irritate me. So please, go find someone else to pester. Maybe Yua, wait no, your scared of her aren't you?

Quidel: Hey no I'm not. If you learned to lighten up, maybe you wouldn't be so uptight all the time.

Mikazuki: (She stepped to within an inch of his nose, her emerald eyes venom laden) Really? Well, I'll put this simply then. Buzz off! or I'll do something that would give you nightmares for years to come.

Quidel: (His eyebrows rose) Really? What could you do that would cause that?

Mikazuki: (She smirked, which suddenly turned to roaring laughter, which surprised Quidel) hahaha. Your braver than you look. That would scare most of my squad.

Quidel: (His surprise faded away) See, its good to laugh. Its obviously something of a rarity with you though. (He nimbly evaded a slap from Mikazuki) Well, I'd ask you to join me for some tea, but I've got some work to take care of. (His eyes became down cast, but he clenched his fist tightly) Its what Hikaru would get me to do. (He growled to hhimself) Argh, I feel so helpless not going to save my own subordinate.

Mikazuki: (She wrapped an arm around him) Maybe, Tea would be a good idea.

They walked off. One Captain shaking with anger, the other deep in thought, of injustices long since past.
over a year ago Silverain said…
Yes, I am going to respond:) though i got tied up with work and now its 4a.m. so i'll repost everything tomorrow... well today actually:/ it'll be ok!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
big smile
Alright guys, I'll be on holiday for a week from tomorrow so I won't be posting for a while. However, everyone can use my characters freely during my absence, just not in anything that would require me to respond to, such as fights or important dialogues. Hope when I come back, I've got a lot of awesome posts waiting for me.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
I just wanted to post Kaguya's information now. This is going to be the last character I plan to make as of now. ^^

Name: Kaguya Kagamine

Age: 350 (looks like she’s in her early 20’s)

Gender: Female

Race: Shinigami

Position: 3rd seat of squad eight

Eyes: Emerald green

Hair: Mossy colored and so straight it’s almost unnatural

Personality: She’s often laid back in most occasions and fun loving. She organizes most of the squad’s special events such holidays or anniversaries and hosts a drinking party at the end of each week or big task they accomplished. Though she’s often nonchalant about things, she’s disciplined enough that she won’t drink before seven in the evening, or longer if she’s working late. She lacks the ambition to advance further than where she is, as she never tried to become more than acting captain before Hsien-Shao took his place as captain of the eighth squad. She also didn’t object to Fai becoming vice-captain when that was undeniably her spot. Everyone in the squad and even Hsien-Shao treat her as an unofficial co-lieutenant in many situations, and she’s essentially the vice-captain when Fai is absent on orders of Hsien-Shao. The reason why Hsien-Shao chose Fai to take her spot is unclear to everyone (he always tactfully changes the topic when asked) but anyone with eyes can see that Fai is twice as responsible, three times as efficient, and infinitely more dependable in most cases. The only category that Kaguya truly excels above Fai in is combat. Her martial arts are nearly on par with her captain and her spiritual pressure is quite high for her age. When she’s fighting, Kaguya’s fun-loving demeanor hardly changes. She could be mistaken for an eleventh squad member as she enjoys trading blows with her enemy, and her durability is almost frightening. Though she enjoys fighting, she doesn’t care about circumstances that may give one side the advantage, thinking that whining about it would hardly change it.

Zanpakutou: Houka (rocket)

Release command: Let your jets roar!

Shikai abilities: Kaguya’s zanpakutou takes the form of two tonfa that she grips in her hands. She uses them to enhance her martial arts style that involves quick and fierce blunt blows that can knock someone unconscious quite easily. Flames shoot out of the butts of her tonfa as if they were rockets as she feeds them her spiritual energy and increase the force of her attacks, as well as rocket herself from place to place for a body tackle, or an abrupt dodge to sudden for shunpo. When switches the tonfa around to point the butts of the tonfa in the direct she’s facing, the jets of flames can be used as flamethrowers.
over a year ago onix11 said…
Meravani is seen in the Human world panting. He was smiling at the same time. "My goal is now complete." He reaches into his pockets and pulls out several vials of blood. "Im glad i stayed out of the fight otherwise i would have been killed. And thanks to those fools, i have the blood of all of the espada. All i have to do now is get back to hueco mundo." Seeing it was safe, he opens up a portal to hueco mundo and steps through. Now taking on the responsibilities of the one of the higher espada. But something else was stirring in the dark of the human world.

In a dark alley

Three men were walking through to get back from a bar they just left.

First man: He nearly falls on his face. "I think we mays had a bit to mucchh to drink."

Second man: He nods in agreement. "Dont worry, we can just sleep it off." As they continue to stumble a shadowy figure appears in front of them. The second man just laughs. "Get a load of this guy."

Third man: He is the largest of the group. "He looks like he wants to fight." He takes one step forward only to have his leg taken. He screams in pain, only to be silenced by the attacker.

Second man: He looks down at his fallen friend. “You bastard! Ill kill you where you stand.” He charges and then stumbles with his head falling to the ground.

First Man: The first man just stares, fearing for his life and wellbeing. The moon then rises to show the creatures form. He has bone armor that reaches all the way up to his shoulders and all the way from his feet to his knees. Protruding out of his wrist are two one and a half foot blades. His mask resembles that of a lion’s head with a golden mane protruding out of the back of it. “What the hell are you?” The beast closes in on his prey.

???: It zooms out from the alley and a large scream is heard and it shows a man standing on a roof with his sword on his shoulder. The man smiles and stands up from his kneeling position. “I’ve finally found you. It took me a long time too.” He jumps down in front of the beast and yells. “Hey buddy, you know it’s not cool to go around killing people like you just did.”

Masked creature: Almost in a raspy voice, the beast yells with huge ferocity.

A Few Months Earlier

A young and rather pudgy man is seen walking to school. He gets shoved down by a group of soccer jocks and has dirt on his face. Another boy who is rather skinny with black long hair comes over and helps him up.

???: “Hey mike, are you ok?”

Mike: He stands up and brushes of. “Yeah Soran, I’m fine.” He heads to class and sits down. Half way through everyone sitting around him start talking about a party that was going down in the woods. “What a bunch of idiots, they’re just going to get caught like last time.” He starts drawing what looks like a super hero.

Soran: “Well Mike, I don’t know about you, but im going. It could be a perfect opportunity for a guy like me to be with someone.” He nudges Mike on the shoulder. “Plus I need a wing man to back me up.”
Mike: He sighs. “Fine, ill come. I know I’m going to regret this.”

A few hours later at the party. Both Soran and Mike have a drink in their hands and their heads down.

Soran: “I cant believe that I struck out with every girl at the party.” He looks at mike. “And you did terribly as a wing man.”

Mike: He just looks up and smiles. “I could of told you what was going to happen. You should have known yourself.” He throws his cup down and begins walking. “Im out of here bud. I’ll see you Monday.”

Soran: He throws his cup away. “I might as well leave to.” They both leave the party.

Not to far down the road, mike notices a light emanating from the woods.

Mike: A hint of curiosity goes through his head. “What do you think it is??”

Soran: “I don’t know man but its best that we just keep going. It’s not a good idea to go wandering at this time. We should stick to the path and get…” Before he finishes his words of wisdom, mike is already heading towards it. “Are you crazy, what did I just get done saying.” Mike then disappears into the deeper part of the woods towards the light. “Alright, ill catch you later then.”

Mike: He goes through a huge thicket of bushes, receiving cuts from briars and the occasional tree branch. “Maybe this wasn’t such a could idea.” He continues walking only to find a object in an podium. He walks up to it and sees the energy pulsating. “Well it’s just a park light. I think ill take it just for fun.” He reaches for it slowly. The second he grabs it his entire body explodes in energy. He screams as the power goes through him. His right hand is covered in a gauntlet of bone with a large blade protruding out the side of his wrist, and what looks like a mask covering half of his face on the right side. When he lets go of the object he has an inhuman smile upon his face. He lets out a raspy demonic laugh that sounded through the woods.

Back at the party area, everyone is having a good time. One of the guys there is having a conversation with some friends when his eyes go wide. Before anyone knew what happened a hand covered in bone goes through his sternum. After that the scene goes from dark to bright with blood flying everywhere. Within less than a minute everyone at the party was dead, bodies and blood strewn everywhere.

Mike: He looks at his hands and his body to see it covered in blood. He screams and blacks out. He awakes in his bedroom and believes it to have been a nightmare. He gets up and looks at himself in the mirror to see that he is lean and ripped. “What the hell, did last night really happen?”

Back to the Present.

The creature is seen laying on the ground with part of his mask broken to reveal it is mike. The warrior had his blade still in its sheath.

Daniel: The warrior just shakes his head. “Can’t believe he is human. The cruelty of all this makes me sick.” He holds up his sheathed blade and it talks to him. “Will you kill him Daniel?” Daniel shakes his head. “I only pull my sword on those who deserve to die. It was not him that did this but that demon in him.” The blade speaks up again. “Then what will you do?” Daniel goes over to mike and breaks the mask. “I will train him to control this power. You never know, he could become a great ally.”


Daniel’s character is on page four of create your own shingami and mike is on page 1 of create a visord.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Onix, we're in a new arc, and Zord and I are the villains. Don't inject your own story with new characters. There are Shirub and Shinigami, and that's it. You cannot have a group of random characters roaming about the forum pages.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Netsui watched calmly as Teiko clashed with Gilgamesh once more, her eyes following the movements of the two very closely. She eyed the blades of each of them, their glares making her blink constantly. The early morning light of the world of the living kept her alert, as it was in her face. She sighed.

"I need to get to Hikaru," she said, glancing over at her friend. "But I can't seem to find any sort of opening to get to her..." Netsui put her fingers on her chin and began to think. She needed a plan and fast, watching her captain fight wasn't helping anyone. But then again, it was only fair, Isumi was fighting the other one all by herself, and Isishio was still watching, waiting for the right time to jump in and take her place. Netsui sighed louder this time, before clapping her hand over her mouth. Neither of the Shirubs had paid her any heed. She heaved a puff of relief, her eyes closing gently. She pushed her auburn hair back from her eyes, trying to concentrate. She Looked over to Hikaru, still standing motionless in the black cloak shrouding her from the suns rays. Netsui began to walk slowly towards the hooded figure, when suddenly, the man Gilgamesh shunpo'd in front of her, catching her by surprise.

"And what would you b doing, my little angel?!" he half shouted mockingly into her face, his sword raised. He brought it down, aiming for the kill.

"Not so fast!" Teiko screeched, appearing at her side and taking the full force of the blow on his blade. He struggled before being knocked down into the ground, the cement cracking underneath him. Netsui looked on in horror. Gilgamesh smiled again, looking to her.

"I'll take you on, after your kid "Captain"." he said, smiling slightly as he raced after Teiko, who was standing on his sword, embedded in the ground. he smirked, and as Netsui scrambled to get out of range, she heard him utter the ability, and felt it as the blades began to fall, the electricity making the air pressure drop. She stood slowly, watching as the blades began to drop faster, Gilgamesh just standing and laughing. Netsui turned her attention away from the battle and inched closer to Hikaru, who was merely twenty feet from her. She crawled slowly, so that the other one wouldn't some running and slaughter her and Hikaru. Netsui stopped as she heard a large explosion behind her. She swiveled her head to where Gilgamesh stood, in front of the smoke laughing hard.

Oh God no...!!! She thought nearly aloud, her eyes widening at the sight of what came out of the cloud of dust and smoke. A badly singed and burned Teiko came stumbling out, nearly falling over with the effort of walking. His eyes drooped and his Haori was ripped, the sash holding the bottom of it in place, the top half gone. She stared as Gilgamesh advanced on her captain, and she reached for ehr zanpakuto. but then she remembered his orders.

"Do not interfere unless I give you the signal. That signal will be a Denki-Suta. You understand?"

As far as she knew, he hadn't used a Denki-Suta yet. So, she watched helplessly frozen as hr captain faced near certain death, struggling to even raise his own blade. Her anger flared inside of her.

DAMMIT! I hate being so useless!"she thought.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…

Captain Isishio: (He watches as Nejera’s movements become more refined, each attack quicker and more precise than the last. His observations prompt his decision to enter, in place of his lieutenant, despite her objection. He flash-steps between the two, glaring at Nejera intently. He places his open palm in front of Lieutenant Kija, signaling her to rest) Inner-monologue: This situation has become far to lethal for her, thought she’d prefer to maintain her bold disposition. If I were not to object, harm could come to her and what captain would I be under those circumstances.

Lieutenant Kija: What are you doing? I have her right where I want…

Captain Isishio: …stop.

Lieutenant Kija: Stop? What the hell, you’re telling me…

Captain Isishio: I said stop and that’s an order. I don’t mind if you’re disobedient any other time, but this isn’t the place to mouth of or distract me with your opinions. I said stop and I mean it. Go, join lieutenant Kanshu (his voice stern but calm).

Lieutenant Kija: (she scowls, wiping the blood from her lip) Fine.

Captain Isishio: (he waits until she’s at a safe distance and turns to face Nejera) I’m your opponent now, and trust me, I won’t be as simple as she.

Nejera: Oh, is that so? You’d be surprised what can happen in a couple minutes, captain.

Captain Isishio: Save it…(holding his blade tightly in his hand).

(Minutes pass)

Lieutenant Kanshu: (She watches as the captains’ battle their enemies ferociously. The blades collide, energy surging with every swing. The lieutenant’s attention has become completely ensnared by the captains’ struggles that she has neglected his environment. She signals to lieutenant Kija to pursue Lieutenant Hikaru).

Lieutenant Kija: We need to be careful, Netsui. If not, either one of those angels could spot us and pursue us. The one I dealt with…she’s holding back. And the other, I can tell he has something up his sleeve…

Lieutenant Kanshu: We need not worry about it. The captains’ are distracting them. This is our opportunity to retrieve Hikaru. I have to say, this is a shift in priorities. You’re normally jump in, think later. This is a refreshing change.

Lietuenant Kija: Let’s just hurry it up! (She flash-steps to where the cloaked figure stands idle, sending chills down the lieutenant’s back) What the hell is wrong with you, Hikaru? (She tears the cloak from Hikaru’s body, staring into a blank face. She questions her peculiar behavior). SNAP OUT OF IT, HIKARU?!

Lieutenant Hikaru: (her eyes are still, staring into the distance. Her pupils abruptly dilate, her eyes shifting and refocusing on lieutenant Kija).

Lieutenant Kija: Ugh, do you know who I am? Did they wipe your memory? Are you paralyzed? (She takes her hands, now glowing, and passes them over her body, hoping to relieve any paralysis).

Lieutenant Hikaru: (her body shutters, her arms beginning to move) You’ve come to save me?

Lieutenant Kija: Yes! Why wouldn’t we?! I’m a bit surprised, actually…

Lieutenant Hikaru: Oh? Why?

Lieutenant Kija: You’re not glad or surprised to see us!

Lieutenant HIkaru:Oh, I’m glad to see you… (speaking softly as she stares into her eyes).

Lieutenant Kija: Well, then cheer up! You’re free! You can return to the soul society with us!

Lieutenant Hikaru: (she grins awkwardly, touching her face, as though she were searching for something)

Lieutenant Kija: What? Did they do something to you?

Lieutenant Hikaru: As a matter of fact, they did.

Lieutenant Kija: Are you feeling okay, though? What did they do? Do you feel different?

Lieutenant Kija: (she glares up lieutenant Kija, watching as she carefully inspects her) It’s funny you should say that because I do. Do I seem different?

Lieutenant Kija: …(her eyes survey Hikaru’s expression, confusing the young lieutenant further) you seem awfully preoccupied, troubled even. What’s going on? C’mon…spit it out…

Lieutenant Kija: I must not be convincing enough… (her words abruptly gained a weighted tone as her eyes worked their way up her body)

(Meanwhile, behind the two lieutenants stands Lieutenant Kanshu, continuing to intently observe the captains’ battles.)

Lieutenant Kanshu: Inner-monologue: Wow, the captains are surely going at it. They are pushing themselves, for sure. The female angel is quite the gymnast, but she seems slower than her male counterpart. I wonder if it’s an act… (As she diverts her entire focus on the ensuing battles, a mysterious presence lurks close by).
???: (Space itself appears to fragment, peeling away in an isolated region not even 50 feet from the lieutenant. As the folds of space begin to dissolve, two pairs of eyes concentrate their gaze upon Lieutenant Kanshu. The vibrant cerulean orbs possess a malicious and monstrous aura. Their beauty conceals an evil capable of intimidating even a captain. The area begins to collapse, retracting further into space itself. A beautiful, young woman steps forward as the sky washes from around her body, her hand clutching her blade tightly. She twirls her blade in her hand, reversing its direction and placing it in the sheath on her back. Her eyes glance over at the captains before darting at the unsuspecting lieutenant. She places her hands together, folding her fingers in-between her knuckles. Energy begins soaring from her combined fists as she recites…) Bakudo 63: Sajō Sabaku

Lieutenant Kanshu: (she hears a faint voice speaking from behind her and proceeds to turn around. As she readjusts her position his body is ensnared by the golden chains of Bakudo 63. She sees nothing but a blur as the woman appears before her, the woman’s grace and loveliness easily overshadowed by her vicious assault.)

???: (she executes four precise strikes, her fists pelting the restrained lieutenants body. Her fists strike both sides of her chest, slightly above her throat and a final strike to his left temple. The lieutenant falls over, her arm clutching her firmly and tossing her over her shoulder. She glares back at lieutenant Kija, her eyes burrowing into her body).

Lieutenant Kija: HIKARU, they have Netsui! We need to save her! Hikaru! Hikaru…(she looks at Hikaru with panic in his face, but is confronted with a peculiar smile).

Lieutenant Hikaru: Perhaps, I was wrong. My performance was convincing…(and with those words she brings her blade hurtling upward, slicing into unsuspecting lieutenant).

Lieutenant Kija: …Hikaru (she growls as she falls backwards, simultaneously reaching for her blade).

Lieutenant Hikaru: Bakudo 63: Sajō Sabaku (she watches the golden chains wrap around lieutenant kija before she kicks her in the face.) Bakudo 9: Horin...(it adheres to the previous Bakudo, allowing Hikaru to conveniently drag the immobilized lieutenant toward the mysterious Angel). That wasn’t so hard…(said with a giggle).

???: (she extends her arm, her finger tips begin to glow as she twists her hand. Her peculiar gestures open golden gated doorway. As the gates separate, she looks back at Nejera and Gilgamesh, her eyes delivering the message).

Captain Seishin: (he abruptly takes notice to the bound lieutenants, focusing on Hikaru as she drags Lietuenant Kija. Surprised and shaken, he darts toward them only to be confined within a barrier, erected by Gilgamesh).

Captain Isishio: NO! ISUMI! (With his frantic shouts, he, too, is held captive beneath a barrier. He watches at Nejera and Gilgamesh dart toward the Lieutenant Hikaru, who appears to have defected, and the mysterious female.)

Captain Seishin: NOOOO!!! HOW DARE YOU?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIKARU?! (He swings his blade, energy erupting from his body. The lightning soars from his blade, crashing into the barrier and shattering it.) Jigoku-no-kaminari (lightning surges from his blade at fires toward the mysterious woman).

Captain Isishio: (He violently assaults the barrier, managing to shatter it, darting forward with his fellow captain in a desperate attempt to save the lieutenants) Motomeru Bainzu….(the jagged edge of his blade darts out, strategically striking the point at which Horin is attached to Sajo Sabaku. It shatters the horin and cracks the golden chains. Lieutenant Kija begins to struggle, breaking free. Unfortunately, when his blade extended, it cleaved Captain Seishin’s attack in half, allowing the mysterious woman to enter the gateway along with Gilgamesh, and Nejera.)

Lieutenant Hikaru: (she looks back at Lieutenant Kija as she backs into the gateway. She frowns at her misfortune, glaring at the captains). You managed to escape this time. You should be thankful your captain was willing to sacrifice Netsui for you. The gateway closes as Captain Seishin desperately attacks the area, hoping to shatter the golden gates. But his efforts prove unsuccessful and it disappears).

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
there not really random. Im not making my own story, there still apart of the main context of this arc. ill send you a message of what i want to do.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Is someone already planning to do the post directly following Netsui's kidnapping or may I?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
I was, actually. So I think I will now. It'll be up in a bit.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
And I'd just finished what I was going to post >.< Aw well, I'll just edit it to fit with what you put up.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
As the red sky thundered ahead due to his teqnique, Teiko turned angrily to Ezretha. Ezretha, with sad eyes turned to his friend, hoping to see reason. Instead, he saw only anger. Seething anger. Teiko took one step forward, black lightning sparking from his blade, his face betraying all of his emotions as he shouted.

"What the Hell, Ezretha!? I had them!" he screeched, his voice becoming shrill. "If you hadn't butt in I could have saved Netsui!" Ezretha lowered his eyes to the ground below, balancing precariously on the air.

"I know, but I was desperate..." he mumbled, trying to explain. Teiko cut him off.

"And you cost me my lieutenant!" he screamed, now just inches from his friends face. Ezretha turned on him, suddenly losing his composure.

"You screwed up too! don't pin it all on me!" he screamed, his eyes boring into the boy. Teiko snorted, sheathing his blade, the sky returning to normal. "You were desperate too!"

"But I kept it under control!" Teiko said, through gritted teeth. "I didn't let my attack go haywire and run yours through!" Ezretha threw his hands to heavens, sheathing his blade as he did so.

"You're such a child! You can't seem to understand that nothing can ever be just one persons fault! Sure, they can take the blame, or at least most of it, and say its done. But, you were as desperate as a child for candy! You have always got to be the hero, don't you?!"

Teiko was suddenly in front of him, his right hand clenching Ezretha's Haori. "I was trying to protect someone dear to me!" he screamed. Ezretha's eyes widened. "Unlike you, and your formally human past, I never had a family that loved me! I was murdered by my own parents, beaten to death!" Teiko began to let the tears flow freely. "All those times you and I talked, when you told me about your mother...I felt for you! I felt like I finally had a father, after we forged that bond, Ezretha! I was able to understand what it felt like to love somebody as a family! So, I extended that love to my squad and close friends. But now, because of you, look where my lieutenant ended up!"

Ezretha gripped Teikos wrist, ripping it from his Haori, and shoving him away. "Shut your mouth! This was as much your fault as it was mine! You need to grow up and take responsibility for your actions, not blame the outcome on others!

Teiko growled. "Just because I'm young, doesn't mean I'm stupid. I'm a captain, aren't I? So, how have I got by from then until now? By taking care of my responsibilities! You can't use that against me when you haven't even been in your position for six months!"

Ezretha sighed angrily. "I'm done trying to reason with you. If you want to be a kid about this problem, then fine. but when you're ready to do something about it, We'll all be waiting." He turned his back to Teiko, opening a Senkaimon.

Teiko snorted. "You're the one being a kid, Ezretha. You're the one not taking responsibility for your actions."

Ezretha turned partially, only his left eye visible. "That's Captain Isishio, to you."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Tension was high within the squad 1 barracks. It was as if a thick cloud of tight emotion was constricting the captain’s and vice-captains. Anger and indignity was there, as well as sadness and even fear. But superseding all of them was surprise. Upon finishing the reports for event that had transpired, all those present in the meeting were silent as they tried to comprehend just what happened. Captains Isishio and Seishin were the most silent of the thirteen, shaking in silent fury. Head Captain Kami Sureiyā watched them both for a long minute before speaking.

“In the light of recent events…” He said slowly. “We will have to rethink our strategy against the Shirub.”

“More than simply rethink.” Captain Nagaishi interjected, a slightly undertone of hostility creeping up in his voice. “We’ll need to see to it that such incompetence does not occur again. With two captain class shinigami there, I would think that the outcome would have been more favorable. But instead of recovering their target, they not only failed, but lost another lieutenant to these people!”

“It’s not like I wanted that to happen!” Captain Seishin shot back furiously. “I tried to save her!”

“And failed.”

"Because Ezretha's attack collided with mine!" Captain Seishin pointed an accusing finger toward the one mentioned.

"I thought I told you to call me captain?" He growled with barely supressed anger.

“We also need to wonder just what it is that the Shirub are after.” Captain Kurohyou said quickly as Teiko opened his mouth to retort, face red with rage. “Kidnapping two lieutenants they could just as well kill…I can’t imagine it is simply to shake us. And they have someone capable of imitating the form and presence of Hikaru, which is also worrisome.”

“Do you have any suspicions as to what they are doing?” Head Captain Sureiyā asked with a raised eyebrow. Captain Kurohyou frowned.

“No sir.” He admitted. “At least, not yet. But I do suggest that Captain Isishio and his lieutenant stay particularly on guard. They cannot say if they are targeting anyone in particular just yet, but we do know that they had attempted to capture lieutenant Kija.”

“All captains and lieutenants will be on high alert.” The Head Captain said firmly. “No captain is to go anywhere without their lieutenant for safety purposes until further notice, understood?”

“Does that mean we are abandoning the search for the vice captain’s already missing…sir?” Captain Erlantz asked with an air of worry. Head Captain Sureiyā gave him a leveled glare.

“One or two lieutenants can be replaced. In the best interest of those who remain, we cannot act without proper knowledge.”

Quidel, along with several others, shifted uncomfortably but didn’t express their concerns.
[Play video]

Once the captain’s meeting had finished, the captain’s dispersed all at once, heading back to their barracks. Hsien-Shao, however, paused on the outskirts of the gates, staring at the sky above with an unreadable expression. After a long minute of what may have been contemplation, he spoke one word softly.


His lieutenant appeared silent behind him, crouched on one knee. His golden eyes were alight as he watched his captain’s back. Hsien-Shao didn’t seem willing to turn. His expression was still devoid of any emotion in particular and he was still working on recovering from his strange state. He could relate the feeling in his chest to be a sort of righteous rage, but that was not it.

“Well?” He prompted when Fai remained silent.

“All is as was reported.” Fai Locksley replied in confirmation. “Hikaru’s presence was so small that I could not make certain of her presence before the captains and vice captains arrived. If I had taken the risk of approaching further, I may have been able to discern this event ahead of time.”

“You are not responsible.” Hsien-Shao said assuredly. “It was I who didn’t anticipate it. Perhaps I put too much faith in those Shirub that they wanted a proper trade for their hostage.”

Hsien-Shao took a deep breath, thinking for another long moment. His tense shoulders lowered and his familiar smile appeared back on his face.

“Well,” He sighed. “I guess there is no helping it. What’s done is done. For now, Fai, may you please take care of a little errand for me?”

“We’re under orders not to send our lieutenants off without at least accompanying them.” A voice warned from behind Fai. Hsien-Shao turned to see Kakura Kurotsuki and his vice-captain, Seirēn Kuraudo, eyeing him disapprovingly.

“Hello, Captain Kurotsuki.” Hsien-Shao greeted politely. “I didn’t get the chance to personally congratulate you on your recovery during my visit.”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass on the sentiments.” Kakura said tightly. He narrowed his eyes at his colleague. “What are you plotting, Hsien-Shao?”

Hsien-Shao’s smile widened at the familiar reference, but didn’t comment on it. He simply shrugged.

“I’m afraid that I cannot simply standby when this outrage has been committed.” Hsien-Shao responded genially. “To resort to deceit in order to draw others into your trap…it’s a very classic but shameful tactic, don’t you think? I wish to reassemble my shattered perspective of the Shirubaito, but I fear it won’t be in a better light.”

“Are you sending your lieutenant to investigate them?”

“Not particularly. Central 46 may still have the records of the case of when they ordered the massacre of the Shirubaito. It will be dusty and distorted, no doubt, but we never know what other information it might contain.”

“What do you intend to use it for?”

“You’re quite inquisitive, aren’t you?”

“Answer me, Hsien-Shao. If it’s just a document on the orders for their execution, why didn’t you tell the head captain? He could have requested for it directly in person.”

“Why didn’t they come forth with the information on their own when the Shirubaito became a problem?” Hsien-Shao challenged in a soft voice. “Why have they still not come out with the information now that we know about the massacre? In a way, the judiciary system is lacking in competence. It's probable that such information no longer exists. I’ll have to use my own connections to discern the answers to this. Good day...Kakura."

Hsien-Shao put his right fist in his left palm and bowed politely before turning and striding off, his robes fluttering in the wind like a ghost. Fai stood and followed after him after a quick nod to Kakura and Seirēn. Seirēn folded her arms as they walked off.

“Strange man.” She noted with a grunt bordering between appreciative and exasperated. Kakura didn’t reply. He simply watched their retreating backs with wonder.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Man-of-Arcane said…
sorry guys, was gone for the weekend. I will be posting soon.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
[Touch of Calamity]

(A commanding voice heralds in a new foe, mapping out his intentions. The woman’s authority pulsates with every word, each echoing in the back of his mind, instructing him. As he reveals himself, her words becoming a glaring kismet: “Perhaps, this next opportunity requires more finesse. Bring her back kicking and screaming, I don’t care, but enough of her that’s worth exploiting. Pieces will not suffice.”)
Lieutenant Seiren: (She casually exits the Senkaimon Gate, stepping out into the crisp, evening air. She pauses for a moment, surveying the area for any peculiar activity. As she scans her environment, she cannot help but take notice of the wondrous landscape. She allows herself a deep, hearty breath before venturing into the foreign mountains. She had not been to Rakuseki medōzu for over a century, and still it retains is vibrant beauty and rolling contours. The spiritual energy in this land is monumental, allowing for the special sediment and stone to be hoisted high above the ground. There appearance is no different than floating clouds, as they remain suspended effortlessly.) Good grief, why was I instructed to come here at such a late hour, stepping onto a mountainous ledge, overlooking a nearby town). It seems peaceful enough. There aren’t any signs of disturbance, not in the least. Apparently, Captain Kurohyou needs to have another discussion with his staff about the significance of precision (ending her thought by flash-stepping to the nearby town). According to these directions (she quickly rustles through the pages of a misfolded map, attempting to procure a direction), I should be going…ugh…North. Yes.

(She travels quietly for a moment, glancing down at her map and a device given to her by the squad 12. She abruptly halts her body, questioning the absence of nearby chatter or the noises produced by the many busy bodies traipsing about the city).

Lieutenant Seiren: (she resumes walking into the city, surprised by the silence) Where is everybody? This city appears to be abandoned, but why would I bet sent here otherwise. No, no…it can’t be abandoned. This was once a vibrant, lively city, full of beautiful and kind people. They wouldn’t have vanished. Hiding, maybe. Yeah, from the hollows, most likely. (She digs her feet into ground, her mouth opening in horror as she enters a common area at the center of the city. People, dozens of people, lie lifeless on the ground) What happened…all these people (her head jolts forward, deciding to follow the trail of bodies. She begins sprinting through the city, taking notice to the piling numbers of citizens, all dead). What the hell is going on. I suppose the streets lined with innocent people is a confident explanation for why the shinigami representatives weren’t responsive to head-quarters. These hollows must have been quite strong to eliminate them and consume the citizens…(in the distance she spots a series of smaller, floating pillars, circling what appears to be another common area. As she approaches, she reduces her speed, hesitating for a moment. Her movements are reduced and her heart beats fast as she approaches the large, open area. A mysterious figure is perched upon a floating pillar, hollows remains littered on the ground below).

Lieutenant Seiren: (with a commanding tone) I am Lieutenant Seiren of Squad 13 of the 13 Court Guards squad. Identify yourself immediately.
???: (A raspy, rather sickly voice responds with a tinge of lilt) I’ve settled all your debts, lieutenant. If you hadn’t already noticed, I slaughtered the hollows.

Lieutenant Seiren: …

???: (he twists his neck, his milky blue eyes now focusing on the lieutenant) That’s right. I have to admit, I expected you sooner. But with a landscape that presents with such beauty, it helped preoccupy my attention while I waited. This was, of course, after I dealt with everyone else.

Lieutenant Seiren: (Her eyes become vacant, searching in the crevices of her mind. She filters through images of minutes past, arriving at a startling revelation) those people…those innocent people. They weren’t attacked by hollows, it was you. Hollows wouldn’t leave behind bodies and I should have recognized that early on.

???: Keenly observed, my dear. Once it was confirmed you would be arriving alone, it was no longer necessary to maintain the farce.

Lieutenant Seiren: (she quickly turns around and begins running away, only to be halted by the man’s presence several feet in the distance. She slides across the ground, attempting to slow her pace)

???: Ah, ah, ah…(waving his hand with disapproval) I’ve been waiting quite a long while for you, my dear. You don’t think you can simply waltz into this city and leave, not after my careful planning. Your impudence is disturbing.

Lieutenant Seiren: (she reaches for her blade, but she loses all sensation in her arm. A vibrant, orange role has ensnared her arm, preventing her from completing her movement. She quickly clutches her hilt with her other hand only to be coerced forward by a demanding force. The rope pulls her forward, her body crashes into the hard, dusty soil. She looks up as the man slowly approaches her. She observes his cold, austere appearance. His head is completely covered by cylindrical head-gear, made from a white, glistening fabric. His pale blue eyes are washed over with a grey hue, which is eclipsed by his menacing expression. His pale, alabaster skin is sickly, which compliments his ill-sounding tone as his words creep out of his throat).

???: You’re lieutenant of squad 13, huh? Fascinating! I’ve been regaled with stories of your captain, which likely instructed you to pursue this particular case. Am I correct? (He slows his gait as he hovers above her, his stature in startling contrast with his natural presence. His eyes inspect her carefully, with not so much as a grin forming on his face).

Lieutenant Seiren: You angels…you’re disgusting (with those words she clutches her blade quickly, cleaving the air in a horizontal motion. She is shocked to see her blade has been stopped by the man’s foot, his balance completely unharmed).

???: (he continues without so much as a mention of her attempt at harming him) I’m surprised your captain allowed you to travel alone, lieutenant. He should know, better than anyone, you are most vulnerable when traveling (he brings his foot down on her blade, pressing it tightly into the ground).

Lieutenant Seiren: (she looks up at him once last time before uses his other leg to kick her in the face. He steps on her head, grinding it into the soil).

???: You shouldn’t be so proud to shout your title, lieutenant. You’re clearly a subordinate to thoughtless trash. He must be preoccupied by something more pressing... Oh, my, you silly shinigami. You have no idea how your actions have doomed you (he leans down and grabs her by the hair, pulling her into the air).

Lieutenant Seiren: (she grunts in pain, refusing to satisfy his hunger for fear. Her eyes dart forward) I am a lieutenant, you shouldn’t underestimate ME (she takes her legs and slams them into his chest, his hand letting loose of her locks. She clutches her blade and darts backwards, firing a kido) Hado 33: SOKATSUI!

???: (the flames crash into his body, producing smoke that obscures the general area. He sweeps the smoke aside his hand as he slowly breaks through, glaring at the lieutenant quizzically). I’m afraid I don’t quite understand your efforts, lieutenant.

Lieutenant Seiren: Inner-monologue: My attack didn’t even phase him. He seems completely unharmed. It’s time to use my Shikai…but I need to somehow notify the others or escape…

???: (he laughs at her silence) Oh, my dear, planning will only be for naught. In a matter of seconds, I will have you bound and prepared for departure.

Lieutenant Seiren: No, you won’t… (She is abruptly punched in the stomach with such force, she loses grip of her blade. The man begins mercilessly beating her, striking her face from both sides, slamming her into the ground. He picks up her zanpakuto and places it in her sheath).

???: You're rather fortunate, lieutenant. If I wasn't instructed otherwise, at this moment you would resemble the hollows scattered about.

Lieutenant Seiren (she looks up, her face bloodied and bruised)

Galgalzzi: You’re searching for the words to ask me my name, correct? Galgalzzi. I will be your captor, for today. (he binds her body with a Bakudo, and begins dragging her across the ground). Honestly, I should have kept beating you, that way I wouldn't need a bakudo. I have a terrible self-control, though, and I didn't want to upset Sekhmet-sama.

Lieutenant Seiren: (she looks around through her watery eyes, spotting the countless innocents who this man killed just to procure her. She notices the bright light that accompanies the doorway he is about to drag her into.) They’ll find me…(struggling to speak).

Galgalzzi: Oh, that’s what I’m counting on. We still have quite a while, so be patient (said with an ominous tone).

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
Hey, sorry I haven't posted a few days guys... I've been quite busy with Easter stuff and all that, plus my laptop screen cracked, so I have been trying to take it easy on using it (otherwise the ink in the screen will run and damage other parts of the screen). I'll be writing a post either in a hour or two, or in the morning.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
[With Good Intentions]

Zurui had been rethinking all of the questions raised during the former part of the meeting, which had occurred after the events in the World of the Living. There was definitely something going on, but the clues and suspicious acts had, so far, proved to be reasonably unhelpful and there was something odd about it all, though the Squad Twelve Captain still wasn't sure exactly what was going on.

-Damn Teiko and Ezretha, their stupid argument has ruined everything!-

Zurui stopped thinking about it and applied his brain back to what he knew was important, though no more important than what he had been thinking about. The experiment he was currently doing was an intricate one and would require another 'guinea pig', though he wasn't really sure if any of the others would be willing at this time. It was still worth a shot, though.

He tinkered with the devices for a while longer, making sure that the wiring and energy-levels were correct. After this was completed, Zurui re-connected the other devices (there were eight of them), then waited for the green light to turn on. Once each of the green lights had turned on, Zurui knew that they were ready to use, though he wasn't exactly a hundred percent sure on whether they would actually work or not. Hsien-Shao was his best bet, in order to test the devices.

Zurui went for a walk through the Seiretei, taking note of the position of the sun, as was his daily habit, then he sat down and watched the clouds in the sky for some time. There were various shapes and sizes of clouds, which were brilliantly outlined by the clear-blue sky. This gave him an idea.

-Spirit energy acts the same way that clouds do at times. Every cloud is a different size, shape or color and it is the same with energy, now I just need to know how to use that principle to benefit my technology-

Zurui felt Hsien-Shao's reiatsu, who appeared behind him and sat down next to him.

'So, there you are. I have been looking for you... There is something I wished to know, or at least have your help on.'

Zurui shrugged. 'Then tell me, Hsien-Shao, I am interested in anything you might consider contributing, especially if it helps us to discover the intentions of the Shirub.'

'Well, I am interested in finding the order that Central 46 gave to the Gotei 13 to massacre the Shirub, all those years ago.'

'Captains have no sway over Central 46... If you ask and they say no, then you won't get anything. If I were you, I'd leave Central 46 alone.'

'We'll see. I have no intention of letting such an outrage go unpunished however...'

Zurui stood up, irritation clear on his face. 'Look, just forget about it! It isn't your place to judge acts that took place more than a thousand years ago. If you want something to do, then I have the perfect job for you!'

Hsien-Shao sighed. 'Okay, I'll help you out then. Is there something in particular you wanted me to do?'

Zurui grinned. 'Yeah... I want to test my latest invention on you. Just to see if it works though.'

Hsien-Shao looked nervous. 'Its not dangerous, is it?'


They headed back to the Department of Research and Development, walking slowly, but silently. When they arrived back, they walked down the corridor, until they reached Zurui's lab. The Squad Twelve Captain picked up one of the devices, which was kept in a locked drawer out of the way of any sabotage. Zurui placed the device onto Hsien-Shao's arm, then attached it by a velcro mini-belt and switched it on. The light turned green and Hsien-Shao looked up at him, looking rather anxious.

'Everything's fine, Hsien-Shao, don't worry about it.'

Zurui tested the other Captain's blood and found that the experiment/device had been a success.

-This changes everything! There are precautions I must take-
over a year ago Man-of-Arcane said…
Ezretha didn't unclench his fists until he set foot within his home, when upon entrance he hurridly sat himself down and brough trembling hands into a small chest under his table and pulled out a small flute. He brought it to his mouth and blew a lone, beutious note and his hands stopped trembling. Isumi watched at a distance, an eyebrow raised above her eye.

Isumi: What are you doing?

Ezretha:-brings his flute down, his eyes closed-Musical relaxation; it calms my nerves. Insuffrible Seishin...I was only trying to help...

Isumi: I know you were, boss. -sits down and clasps his shoulder- You did what you could. Didn't even know you could do that.

Ezretha: There's alot you don't know about my zanpakuto...or me...-he places his flute down-

Isumi:...So what do you plan to do with Kami's orders? Watch me every second of the day?'ll just be rooming with me until further notice-he smiles a bit-

Isumi:That's insane!

Ezretha:That's an order.

Isumi: But...But...

Ezretha: -raises eyebrow, scowls- Yes?...

Isumi: I'll go get my things...

Ezretha: No need. I called ahead and your things have been moved.

Isumi: -smatters for a moment- You. But. I. We. Flute. Grrr! Come here, Bird Bones! -she leaps and charges, Ezretha smiling and fleeing her assualt-
(Later that night, In Captain Isishio's room)

Isumi: So where do I sleep? You got a cot for me to sleep in?

Ezretha: Oh, no! You'll sleep in my bed, of course.

Isumi: *What? Is he serious?*

Ezretha: -Takes a large blanket from a closet and lies it on the floor, along with a pillow-

Isumi: *Oh, Lord, he is serious...*-looks at the bed, looks at her captain, her harsh expression now soften and a rare and small smile doned her face-Thank you, Captain.

Ezretha:-stalls his action, staring at his floor, and smatters- Don't mention it. -he strips off his haori and lies his zanpakuto on a ceremonial rack, insence burning around it, and he bows to it on his knees. He then lies down and uses his haori as his cover as he undoes his hair- Good night, Ms. Kija. Sweet dreams.

Isumi: Good night, Isishio. -she climbs into bed and finds comfort in the fluffy sheets, smelling the rose and cherry salt scents left in them from Ezretha, and she breaths in the calming aroma as it lulls her to sleep-
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile
Hey guys, I've had a request from a fan who wants to RP on here as my Vice-Captain... I've explained that this is a serious RP and that the posting material has to be expert and not sloppy. I'll also keep a tight reign on her and make sure that anything she posts makes sense and actually helps Zurui. What do Y'all think?
over a year ago hadashifox said…
((mind if i join in and my name is hadashi))
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
big smile

I don't think there are any Vice-Captain positions left and all the Captain positions are taken. Message Randomfan, AceDarkWolf and ask if they have any available, otherwise I can offer you a position in the Clan War... Just message me if the others say no and we'll work something out.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Go ahead, BP. You can have someone play your lieutenant, but you make her sound like a terrible writer. Is this going to impact the forum, or something?
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
I don't see why we would mind, blackpanther, but I agree with crazieone, you make her seem pretty bad. There are two many writing styles for there to be the 'wrong way' to write. And of course it would be encouraged to have the the creators of the vice-captain and lieutenant of the same squad work together.
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
@Silver, I guess I may have portrayed her wrong... Though I disagree, there are many 'wrong' writing styles, you just don't see them as often, but I have. I was simply suggesting that she is unfamiliar with the starkness and seriousness of this forum and I have suggested she adopt a similar writing style to how we do on here, as to make sure she does a great job and impresses you all.
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Do as you like. Personally, I'm a bit curious now, about how she writes. Is she going to be posting a bio for her character any time soon?
And I find it pretty funny on how right you are about how different this forum is from different rp's. Especially since usually rp's don't have a stable plotline, aside from the few like this one.
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Captain Nagaishi strapped his blade to his side, thinking only of the Shirub and their arrogance. He stepped quietly and coldly out into the crisp evening air. He looked to the side, to see Teiko watching his men carefully. He snorted and walked silently in their direction, facing a look of disdain as he passed by the young captain. he ignored the disrespect and walked on, making his way towards the Senkaimon.

"I intend to avenge those who were stolen from me. First by the Espada, but now, with this grater menace, the true assailant has been revealed. That Princess of the Shirub will rue the day she ever left her position open for me to take."

As he prepared to exit his Barracks, he was stopped by Zurui, who stood silently in his path. He sighed as the man turned a light smile on his face.

"Why, good evening, Nagaishi." he said, bowing politely.

Nagaishi waved it aside, turning slightly to the right. "Save it. now what do you want?" he asked coldly. Zurui pursed his lips.

"Well then. I want you to come to my lab. I have something that I need you to do. OH!" he paused, turning to the side partially, smiling a bit wider as he spoke. "Please, bring Captain Seishin with you. i have a task for the both of you."

Nagaishi groaned as Zurui shunpo'd off, leaving him to confront the person with the most arrogance in soul society. He hated to admit it, but whatever it was, it would require them to work together.

"Teiko's not good at working with others." he muttered as he went to retrieve his "partner".


Hours later, the two of them stood quietly on the rooftop of a small building in the human world. They stood a few feet from each other, none making a sound. They both stood motionless and cold, the wind whipping their hair to and fro. Nagaishi looked up at the starry sky, expecting to see a golden gate appearing or materializing. There was nothing. He heaved a low sigh and sat down, his legs giving way as he neared the rooftop. He sat down hard, his backside freezing with the sensation of sudden cold. He continued to stare into the nothingness as his "partner" sat beside him slightly closer than before. He too sat, disturbingly quiet. His eyes were hollow, showing no emotion. he had refused to replace Netsui, and her absence was taking it's toll. Nagaishi flt a pang of pity for the boy. He was young, and his former life had been less than unacceptable, killed by his own parents. Nagaishi snorted softly, dismissing the thoughts of pity. Teiko shot a glance, but said nothing, his motor mouth for once was silent. They both continued to stare silently at the stars until one of them laid back, closing his eyes, and dozed for minutes at a tim before the other would wake them. Nagaishi, for the fourth time was interrupted by Teiko. Not by a nudge, but by his sudden movement. Nagaishi sat bolt upright, his face showing slight alarm. Teiko stood, blade at the ready, eyes glowing fiercely. Nagaishi followed the gaze of the boy, and realized what was happening.

Golden gates were forming. Every last detail of the gate, it was visible to them. the curves and bends, the carvings and engravings. All visible, even from that distance. Nagaishi stood, drawing his blade and glaring at the gates, ready to tear any Shirub to pieces that happened to wander through that gate. He paused as only one Shirub passed through, his momentary confusion making him wonder.

"" Teiko wondered aloud. Nagaishi was speechless. They had blindly underestimated their combined power, and so only sent one Angel?

Nagaishi flexed his hands. "Remember what Zurui said, Teiko. I don't know if you were listening," he paused as Teiko shot him a glare, "But no matter what, do not let them anger you. It will lead to unnecessary release on your part."

Teiko stiffened. "Hey!"

Nagaishi glared. "Quiet. Here comes the Angel."
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Ugh...I'm simply going to say, delete your posts, Animefan. It's obvious you didn't read the description, but more importantly, this is a serious forum, not a location for you to gush over anime characters. Lastly, there are no spots available, sorry. Could you delete your posts, please?!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
Although I won't say it as rudely, what crazieone says is true. All previous captains from the anime are dead. Kind of hard to fawn over a deceased person. Technically there is room as a vice-captain for some of the squads, but you'll need to talk to the person in charge of said captains if you want the spot.

All that aside, flashback time ^^ (though, not too far back)

----------------------------Like captain, like squad??-------------------
Fai sighed as he sat within the crook between a large bough in a tree and the trunk of that same tree, relaxing within the shadows and scattered light created by the leaves swaying in the wind—or at least trying to. Captain Wong-Ling had given him the rest of the day off all of the sudden, saying he didn’t have any further tasks for him. It always felt strange, not having something to do. It made him wonder, did his predecessor enjoy moments like these? Not having anything to do…just relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.
Probably not, Fai sighed once again. At least, she may have, but not because she’d finished all her work. Probably because she was procrastinating.
He could still remember not too long ago when he first entered the squad. The eighth squad often had evening drinking parties for no in particular reasons—hosted by none other than the vice-captain herself—and though he had never had a drop of alcohol in his life, it was the first encounter he’d had with anyone in the squad aside from Captain Wong-Ling. He’d gone to greet them all, and was certainly taken by surprise upon seeing the entire squad like that…blushing faces and wide, sloppy grins. The change in them from day to night was so sudden, he could barely keep up with it at first. And then there was his first impression of Kaguya…
---------------------Play Music-------------------------------------­--
“Hmm?” The emerald eyed woman glared fiercely at Fai, who recoiled slightly at the smell of alcohol on her breath. Just by looking at her body position, expression, and disheveled appearance, he knew that this woman was vulgar by nature. Her kimono was a bit too loose, shamefully exposing bare skin.
“Hey, captain!” She suddenly called, twisting her neck to point her unfocused glare toward Hsien-Shao, who was setting up a low table to play board games. “Is this really the new vice-captain?”
“His name is Fai Locksley.” Hsien-Shao nodded casually, not looking up toward them. “You should get along with him as third seat of the same squad, Kaguya.”
The woman named Kaguya snorted in derision as he drained the alcohol from her cup.
“Here.” She said as she tossed a cup to Fai. “Join the party.”
Fai frowned at it with a mixture of reluctance and disgust. Kaguya raised an eyebrow as she noticed.
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those pansies who doesn’t drink alcohol!” She moaned dramatically. She grabbed Fai’s shoulders, gripping them tightly. He winced as her nails dug into his skin through his kimono.
“Listen.” She lowered her face to be not an inch from his. “In this job, there is going to be a whole lot of stress. Paperwork, following unreasonable orders, dealing with annoying subordinates...”
“You’re describing my job.” Hsien-Shao interjected with a raised eyebrow. Kaguya ignored him, continuing on.
“...and you won’t have any say in the matter. You’ll need a way to escape in order to breathe every once in awhile, or else you’ll go mad. The answer? This.”
She kept a straight face as she raised something in one hand up beside their faces but her expression broke into a goofy grin as she shook the sake gourd slightly, letting the liquid inside slop around.
“I rather not numb madness with madness.” Fai muttered in denial.
“You’re no fun!”
“Sir, may I head to my dormitory?” Fai looked past Kaguya to Hsien-Shao, his face closed off against Kaguya’s insistence. Hsien-Shao blinked at him for a brief moment, face blank.
“Sure.” He said calmly.
Kaguya stuck her tongue out at Fai as the little lieutenant disappeared into the blanket of night, entirely silent.
“What did you say we invited that killjoy for again?” Kaguya whined as she sat beside Hsien-Shao, folding her arms as she pouted.
“I didn’t.” Hsien-Shao replied with a sigh. He was now playing one of the squad members in a game of shogi.
“Mind telling me?”
“Not to a drunk. You’re too immature to handle anything serious."
Kaguya sighed dramatically as she let herself fall onto her back, spreading her arms out around her as if to hug the sky above her. She stared at the stars above for a long moment in silence, barely aware of the laughing and cheering from the squad members around her, or the heat coming from the torch beside her. The stars seemed so plentiful...
“I’m not.” Kaguya said suddenly.
“Hmm?” Hsien-Shao said absently as he took his opponents king skillfully, ending the game. The eighth seat chuckled in disappointment.
“I’m not too immature. I just don’t see why I’ve got to be a grown-up about everything."
Hsien-Shao eyed her momentarily, unsure of whether to take her seriously. Finally, he decided that she must be a little bit sober at least.
“Grown-up decisions are what shape the world we live in. Peace does not attain itself--it takes time and effort."
“Perhaps I’ve gotten a little too addicted to peace, then. My position was usurped and here I am, drunk and half-decent. I’m pathetic.”
Hsien-Shao sighed as he took a handful of Kaguya’s hair and tossed it over her face and upper breast, hiding the cleavage exposed from her position.
“There’s nothing wrong with being addicted to peace.” He assured her soothingly. “It just means that all is right. In fact, let’s get more and more addicted to peace. It would only mean that the world is becoming that much more of a better place. And as for your position, I am very grateful that you are not making a big production out of it. No one thinks any less of you.”
“That’s right!” One of the squad members suddenly said in an outburst. “We all respect you, Vice-Captain Kagamine!”
“Yeah!” Another shinigami cried in agreement. “Who gives a damn if you’re one seat lower! You’re still our nee-san!”
“Three cheers for the newly appointed third seat of the greatest squad in the Gotei 13!”
The entire barracks were alight with cheers that evolved into a singing chant to Kaguya, who was bawling her eyes out with a smile bigger than anyone else could attempt to copy. Hsien-Shao felt himself grinning for real as he watched. He’d seen love quite often in life, but it had always been the selfish amorous sort. Now he was seeing the platonic kind right before his eyes, and it touched him, even if a little. He glanced toward the dorms and was able to catch the faint hidden presence of Fai hidden among the trees. He was always so dry to fault, so what did he make of this sudden display of emotion? Did it touch him as well?
Well, Hsien-Shao chuckled in amusement as he hummed along with the new song the squad members were now joyously bellowing at the tops of their lungs. Things will change, in due time. We’ll simply have to enjoy what little ‘peace’ we have left before we must fight for it once again. That is what being a court guard squad is all about, it appears.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago footsoldier23 said…
are there any opening for captians or l.t left?
over a year ago Zordaik said…
[Play Music]

Reiatsu gushed from the feminine figure obstructing the moonlight. She chuckled softly to herself glaring down over the two captains standing next to each other.

Nejera: Two of you? That's odd. Your reiatsu is unimpressive to say the least.

Nagaishi gritted his teeth and channeled his fury into gripping his sword to avoid breaking into rage. She was insolent, and she should have to pay for that.

Nejera: Cat got your tongues? I wouldn't be surprised.

Nagaishi: Shut your mouth, brat.

The sound of rushing wind suddenly enveloped the area as Nagaishi and Teiko realized just how fast the Angel was descending. She landed with a crash on the rooftop, kicking up large chunks of debris. Both captains backed away, swords drawn as Nejera straightened her stance. The dust cleared, revealing the girl. Her dark orange hair blew with the cold wind, allowing her angelic face no obstruction.

Nejera: I'm going to kill you both...

Teiko: Like hell you will.

The Shirub let out a sharp giggle.

Nejera: Prove me wrong.

Each being took their combat stance, blades reflecting moonlight.

over a year ago silverexorcist said…
----------------------------That Dragon, Departure----------------------
Kaguya was steaming mad. Captain Wong-Ling had asked her to retrieve the reports on the Shirub’s recent defection and bring them to his office, but the man was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t in any of his preferred meditation spots, so it was likely that he wasn’t even within the squad eight barracks, despite having asked her to do an errand normally given to Vice-captain Locksley. Her pride aside, it was rude to just forget about her!
She eventually decided to simply wait in his office until he returned, staring at the mural of a rising dragon on the ceiling as she sat on the floor.
“You seem glum.”
Kaguya gave a start as Hsien-Shao strode into the room, smirking at her in amusement.
“Captain.” She sighed as she stood. “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for nearly an hour.”
“Business, as usual. Did you get the documents I asked for?”
“Yes.” She held them up, but he waved his hand.
“They’re not for me.” His smirk widened as she raised an eyebrow. “I want you to read them and give me your opinion later.”
“Opinion?” Kaguya repeated incredulously. “About what?”
“Read it and decide that for yourself. Instead of just hearing the facts, I want to hear what you think. Study, theorize, consider, question. The one thing an eighth squad member must be able to do is to think critically, after all.”
“Yes sir…” Kaguya watched absently as he took a sheathed katana and stuck it in his belt around his waist. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I am. Just a little work—nothing to fret about.”
“But…to take your katana…it can’t be a small errand, like getting papers.”
“As I said, it’s just a little work.” Hsien-Shao put a hand on Kaguya’s head comfortingly. Kaguya, however, wasn’t deceived. She narrowed her eyes as she picked his superficial smile away mentally, trying to read him.
“You’ll be in charge for a while, so can you please not drink this evening?” Hsien-Shao teased lightly as Kaguya sighed, her attempt failing.
“What about Fai?” She asked, slightly dejected. Hsien-Shao blinked in confusion.
“Fai? It’s his day off.” He reminded her. “He’s probably off brooding somewhere.”
“That’s not what I meant. You have to keep him with you, remember? Vice-captains are vanishing.”
Hsien-Shao seemed to have forgotten that and moaned under his breath, as if this was a bother to him. Kaguya resisted a sadistic smirk. She was glad to see a child-like response come from him, even if for only a second. It made her feel better about her own irresponsible nature.
“He shouldn’t be far—after calling his name a few times, he’ll catch up with me in no time.” Hsien-Shao headed for the door, and then paused for a moment. “And Kaguya?”
“I wasn’t kidding about not drinking. During wartime, there are times when you should indulge less.”
Kaguya was surprised by his smile now. There was a real warning within them that she dared not disobey.
“Yes sir.” She bowed her head as he exited the room silently. Once she was certain that he was gone, she sighed, looking back up toward the dragon mural above. If only she could soar as well, without wings…
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
[Play 1st song]

Nagaishi slipped past Nejera, his sword glinting in the pale light of the moon. Teiko rounded in the other direction, his blade flowing gracefully around him. Nejera smiled coldly, striking at the young boy first, slicing through his shoulder, tearing ligaments slowly and painfully. He bared his teeth in a low snarl and slashed at her with his blade, catching her clothes but hot her body. she rose a brow at this, looking at the ripped seam.

"You ripped my clothes. You'll pay for that, you punk!" she said lunging at him. Nagaishi swiftly stepped in, blocking her next strike with a fluent movement. He slipped his blade out from under hers, and slid out of the way as it made contact with the roof. Teiko appeared above her, aiming a jab to her back. She anticipated this, and rose on her stuck blade, kicking him square in the chest. He was sent flying high into the air, the wind knocked out of him. She rose quickly, jabbing him several times before knocking him back. He slammed into the side of a building. he slid down it slowly, his eyes drooping. Nagaishi saw this, and smirked slightly.

Way to play it up, Teiko. You were listening. He rushed to Nejera, aiming a single swipe for her side, before jumping back and glaring at her, pretending to breathe heavily. Nejera Smiled wide, and raced towards him not bothering to use flash step.

"Foolish!" she shouted as she kicked him back, slamming and pinning him against the building Teiko was in, still trying to get his bearings. "You're nothing more than talk! I'll kill you and your young friend in an instant!" she shouted, raising her hand to his chest. "Hado-"

"Nope!" Teiko yowled, slamming his blade into her lower back, making a lengthily cut, but not too deep. She growled and swiped at him, catching his jaw. He spun sideways, bending back on his heel, and pivoting as he fell. he came up to her right, landing a glancing blow to her cheek as he slammed the pommel into her face. She released her firm grip on Nagaishi, letting him drop. He raced after the two of them, cursing Teiko's sudden display of power. He should have known better.

[Play 2nd song]

"Where are you looking?!" he shouted as he came behind her. She whipped around. Nagaishi ducked his head under her elbow as it came around, grabbing a vial from his pocket, and holding it next to the cut for a moment before being swatted painfully away by her seemingly petite hand. He skidded for a moment before regaining his footing and looking at the amount he had caught.

"Damn... not enough." he muttered. He looked to Teiko, and nodded. Teiko smirked a bit, still breathing heavily.

"You pushed me to this, much to quickly." he said, taking gulps of air between each word. "Split the Sky, Kin Rakurai!" he howled letting his blade raise to the sky. The blinding flash of light that came forced Nejera to cover her eyes. Nagaishi took that opportunity to flash step behind her and take more blood, filling half of the vial. Teiko emerged from the light, suddenly, Nejera taking notice of Nagaishi. She whipped out her blade, slashing wildly at him once more, landing many blows. She ended her assault with a solid kick, Nagaishi nearly dropped the vial. Teiko appeared, slowing down enough, to allow Nejera to land a slash across his upper abdominal area. He backed up, kneeling and holding the wound. Nejera Smiled wickedly.

"Stupid kids. Both of you!" she squealed. "I'll kill you here and now!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Second song to go with the post above
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
[The Shadow Returns]

(The captains walk through the gaping canyons, surrounding by the majestic beauty that is kasare kyōkoku. They observe as jewel-encrusted mountains glisten as the moon sprawls across the mountain sides. This land is unfamiliar to Captain M. Kurotsuki and Captain Tochigo, but a perfect opportunity to surprise an unsuspecting angel. They watch, from a great distance, as Lieutenant Locksley walks within a massive canyon, his eyes scaling the surrounding area.)

Lieutenant Locksley: (His eyes continue to scan the magnificent walls of the canyons, there beauty unrivaled. The granite is completely glazed by lustrous crystal, providing a chromatic display throughout the entire area. The ground is layered with plush foliage, flowers stretching toward the sky, far above the canyon bottom. As expected, a gate abruptly opens revealing a silhouetted figure, his or her stature unimposing. From the stories and the crimes, he suspected something far larger and vicious. He watches as the pale, impassive figure steps out from the gate, his eyes glare at the lieutenant. He takes a deep breath, realizing the time has come. He has prepared for this, however. Captain Wong-Ling instructed him on his duties, explaining that he is simply the bait and should not engage the enemy, unless absolutely necessary. That time has arrived, after only an hour of waiting, the enemy has discovered him.).

Azriel: Traveling among strange environments...not the healthiest of decisions.

Lieutenant Locksley: You imply that my presence here will be detrimental to my health. How presumptuous.

Azriel: (He maintains his deadening stare, his disposition an unyielding testament to his convictions) I wasn’t implying anything. I was explicitly describing the glaring error in judgment.

Lieutenant Locksley: I don’t believe I made any errors.

Azriel: Now who’s being presumptuous? I wasn’t referring to you; I was speaking to the captains lurking behind me (he allows them to pass by him, flash-stepping in front of the lieutenant, each with their zanpakuto drawn). What a wise choice, to have your blades drawn from the moment I appear. It’s fascinating to watch you suppress your hubris for fear that the lieutenant will be more easily accessible.

Lieutenant Locksley: Captains, I know you’re worried, but I am capable of handling myself under these circumstances.

Captain M. Kurotsuki: No, lieutenant. You’re not. This man is no ordinary angel, he’s far greater. You’re ranked higher, right, Azriel?

Captain Tochigo: (He looked back at Lieutenant Fai, delivering a cold stare) Remember, your role is not to fight him….(he says softly).

Azriel: (He shifts his attention exclusively to Mikazuki, whom glares at him with an unspoken passion residing in the recesses of her mind). Believe whatever you desire, I am simply here for one purpose, and that is drag him back to Sekhmet-sama.

Captain Tochigo: (He presses his hand into Fai’s chest, pushing him back rather forcefully) There is no way either one of us will allow you to capture him.

Azriel: You speak as though your actions will impact the end result. What you fail to glean from this encounter is my success has already been fated to me. My sheer strength, however, will prevent you from halting my success.

Captain Tochigo: (He hesitates, unsure as of how to respond to his opponents statements)

Captain M. Kurotsuki: Azriel, you’re awfully confident. Too much, even. And this is why you’ll lose today and become the falling party during the final battle (She stares into the bottomless void of his eyes, searching for some emotion…some sign of guilt or sadness).

Azriel: It’s apparent, based on your current position, I did an inadequate job at representing just how useless the Shinigami are and how all efforts will be for naught. Allow me to redemonstrate (he elongates his right hand, commanding his own shadow to release his blade).

Fai Locksley: (He and the captains’ watch as the wispy, black substance slowly creeps into his hand, stretching out and solidifying into a steel blade.)

Azriel: (He grips the hilt tightly, confirming the transformation has completed) Tell me, lieutenant, are you confident the captains can save you?

Lieutenant Locksley: …I have the utmost confidence in the authority of the Soul Society.

Azriel: I should warn you, you are placing an inordinate amount of faith in two individuals.

Lieutenant Locksley: You’re completely out-numbered, so I believe it is you whose faith is misguided.

Azriel: Bold words, lieutenant. You’ll soon regret them, especially while I’m dragging you far away from the very captains instructed to protect you.

Captain Kurotsuki: (her anger flares upon hearing his words) NO! You will regret your decision to venture here alone. You may be powerful, but Kakura informed me about your Shikai, so I will not be surprised.

Azriel: What a kind convenience your brother offered, but I’m afraid you’re still quite disadvantaged. You conveniently forget that during that particular battle, I wasn’t using my full strength. If I did, your brother would have found my rise in power peculiar. For the sake of appearances, I maintained a lower spiritual level. Don’t tell me you forgot about Zalbeseal’s technology…

Captain Kurotsuki: …(she gasps, fearing the truth of his words).

Captain Tochigo: What is he talking about, Mikazuki? What technology?

Captain Kurotsuki: They were sported with devices allowing them to conceal large portions of their energy, which is how they were able to successfully manipulate us into believing they were Shinigami.

Captain Tochigo: ….

Azriel: I don’t normally do this, especially for repulsive trash like yourselves. However, I am willing to contradict my convictions in an effort to prove a point. I will have the lieutenant and none of your efforts will infringe upon that goal.

Lieutenant Locksley: N…

Azriel: (He quickly interrupts the lieutenant)…I recommend you save your energy, lieutenant, I’m in no mood to be regaled with insightful anecdotes of how you will overcome all obstacles and thwart my efforts. I will attend to you shortly…(he directs his attention to the captains). Cast your shadow, Yamamana…(the air becomes silent as his blade pulsates, abruptly evaporating into the atmosphere.)


Captain Kurotsuki: (The sensation felt upon his release is agonizing. Only seconds have passed, but it feels like minutes since he released, and yet nothing has occurred. She, Captain Tochigo, and Lieutenant Locksley stare quizzically at Azriel when the still air is shattered, giving rise to dozens of black threads, striking like cobras. Mikazuki leaps into the air, evading the threads. She watches as each thread collides with the ground, drilling into the stone with ease. There movements are quick and recovery almost instant.)

Captain Tochigo: (he throws Fai into the distance, as the threads continue their relentless assault. Striking the ground as quickly as the captains can leap away. The attacks and individual threads seem to be endless, as they carve out the soil in an effort to secure the captains.) We need another tactic, Mikazuki! Follow my lead! (He zooms into the air, choosing to distance himself from the ground. Mikazuki follows, but the threads are not far behind. The threads rocket into the sky, scarring the mountain side as they continue their assault on the captains).

Captain Kurotsuki: I’m so tired of this (her resolve fueled by anger and frustration. In an effort to close the gap, she dives toward Azriel, swooping around his threads.)

Azriel: I’m afraid your plan is a bit premature, Mikazuki…(he raises his hands, each thread responding without delay. They channel all their energy into focal points, connecting and creating a web, ensnaring her arms and legs.)

Captain Kurotsuki: (She continues to struggle, her blade bound by the shadows. She looks down at Azriel, but only sees a black spear heading for her body. She releases a large amount of spiritual pressure, but it is no use, she can’t escape.)

Captain Tochigo: (He recklessly dives into the web, slicing through the black shadows with his blade, allowing her freedom. But her freedom comes at a cost. The spear pierces his shoulder, exiting through his chest. As it exits, the shadows separate, wrapping around his front and pulling him toward Azriel).

Captain Kurotsuki: NO! HIZANO! Incinerate the Unworthy…Kurojigoku! (Flames burst around her body as she takes her blade and slices through the shadow pulling him close to Azriel.).

Captain Tochigo: …thank you, Mikazuki. I couldn’t escape those black threads…

Captain Kurotsuki: Me neither…until you saved me. We need to avoid getting close, that was my first mistake.

Captain Tochigo: How are we going to battle him from a distance, though?

Captain Kurotsuki: We need to try. I think it’s time you release, we are gonna need all the power we can get. He may look unintimidating, but he’s no joke (Her words are laced with dread as she observes his threads flail about, taunting the captains).

Lieutenant Locksley: (He watches from afar, focusing on keeping his distance) Inner-monologue this man, angel, or whatever he identifies as, is no push-over. I never imagined he would require two captains to release their Shikai just to combat his lone Shikai.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arisawa157 said…
name: Shara Yumika
age: 250 years old (looks like a 17 years old)
gender: female
race: shinigami
height: 152 cm
eyes: aquamarine blue
hair: long, light pink hair (like the real sherlotta from FFCC EOT)
personality: always alone and don't talk a lot


zanpakuto-  suisho tori "crystal bird"
bankai- suisho no washi " crystal eagle"
description: made from light blue crystal with the sword transparent but bluish. has a length of ribbon (like the sode no shirayuki) are bright blue. the guard is like sode no shirayuki, even the hilt too. in bankai, the owner (me) have a wings at the back( like hitsugaya)
shikai abilities: 
kessho no hashira "crystal pillar" 
the ground will form a triangle around the enemies, then came the crystal pillar from the triangle

aonami "blue wave"
sword directed to the enemy, then a big wave would come out of zanpakutō, and then quickly became crystal

(sorry i can't tell you more, see "what is your zanpakuto?" for the full information)

over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
Alright Guys I'm back. I'll have some posts up in over the next few days and the posts in my absence have been awesome. Thanks for the homecoming gift.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
Arisawa, you can't simply join the forum without being either a lieutenant or a captain, otherwise you'd have little purpose. There are no captains' positions available and you'll have to ask around for lieutenants, if any are available, which I am doubting.
over a year ago K0VIP3R said…
[Back in Action]

[Play Music]

As Mikazuki and Hizano land, they are immediately met by another barrage of black threads, each one quickly snaking their way through the air towards them. Both Captains shunpo to the side in opposite directions, nimbly evading each tread, slicing through the threads.

Azriel at this point was monitoring their movements, using his threads to corral the two Captains together, his threads followed Mikazuki as closely as she would allow, while Hizano struggled to keep ahead of the threads that were eagerly trying to ensnare him. Hizano then unfortunately tripped on a rock portruding from the dusty ground. He lost his balance and was almost immediately ensnared by the threads which then proceded to mecilessly drag the struggling Cpatian across the ground as he desperately fought to relieve himself of the mass of black thread. Mikazuki saw this but was herself desparately trying to evade the threads that sought her. In fury and desperation she fired a massive wave of fire at the floor sending up a tower of dust, smoke and debris. Azriel had lost sight of her, but his attention remained fixed on Hizano who at this point was trying to cut through the threads with his zanpakuto. Azriel suddenly leapt backwards as Mikazuki let loose a collossal ball of flame at him from his right. She then shunpoed as fast as her legs would allow back to Hizano to slice him free from the entrappng threads. She pulled him upright.

Mikazuki: (She leant close to him quickly whispering into Hizano's ear) When I say go, I want you to fire as much kido as you can at Azriel and I'll dash in.

Hizano mearly nodded and stood ready sheathing his zanpakuto and holding both hands out in front of him.

Mikazuki: (She shunpoed off calling as she went) Go!

A mutitude of different kido, from bakudo to hado flew at Azriel either evaded or blocked with his shikai. Mikazuki was almost upon Azriel, summoning as much strength as she could muster slamming her blade down onto Azriel, resulting in a fiery explosion that blocked out anything from view. Both Hizano and Fai looked on, watching the smoke, dust and all sorts of debris clear, to see Mikazuki standing firm...
over a year ago Man-of-Arcane said…
As Isishio reveled in his quiet and deep sleep, a small disturbance shook him to sleep. He raised himself to look around, seeing Ms. Kija rolling in the sheets and a small black butterfly floating around him untill landing on his shoulder. The spirit energy surrounding it was unmistakible as the Head-Captain's. The small insect emitted Kami's voice.

Kami: Captain Isishio. As you know, Lieutenant Seiren went missing in Rakuseki medōzu. I'll be opening a Senkaimon Gate near your barracks; I need you to go and investigate her disappearance.

And just like that, the butterfly proceeded to glide out of the open window.

Isishio took a long exhale and proceeded to light a candle and braid his hair in the faint flickering of light. He proceeded to reach for his jade band, which his sleepy hands dropped in the darkness, producing a loud thunk, causing the peaceful lieutenant to rise and drearily speak.

Isumi: Hey, Bird Bones, what are you doing up so late. Go back to sleep. [she sees him don his haori] Where're you going?

Isishio: I've been called on to invesigate Lieutenant Seiren's disappearance.

Lieutenant Kija rises with an awake readiness, going behind a changing curtain to shed the silk robe she had used for sleep cloths.

Isumi: Cool, gimme a sec, and we'll get going.

Isishio: I said I was going. Meaning alone. I want you to stay put and go back to bed, I'll be back soon.

Isumi's entire body heated with anger as she almost burst out to confront her commander until relising she was without cover, so she sufficed by yelling at him over the top of the curtain.

Isumi: What, you think I can't handle myself?! You need my help, unless you want to fill a coffin.

Isishio: That won't be happening. You'll stay here. I don't want you getting injured again. You will stay her, that's an order. Unless you'd like to be demoted.

Isumi: You wouldn't...

Isishio: I would, so long as you're safe...

Isumi ducked behind the curtain again, making sure she hadn't had blushed, but instead she went back into her dismissive self.

Isumi: You know I can keep myself safe.

Isishio: I know, but I won't risk yo- it. Now, I'm off. [he grabs his zanpakuto and crouches out of the window and galavants through the Gate. After a sufficent amount of time had passed, Isumi quickly dressed herself and grabbed her blade.

Isumi: And he thought I'd stay behind...

Isishio stepped into the lush grass of Rakuseki medōzu, beholding the floating islands and the entirety of the immense spiritual energy that seemed to run like blood through the veins of the very soil. He traveled onward for some distance, looking at the rich flora and fauna and the several rocks emerging from the ground, standing like mighty obelisks, until seeing in the horizon a rather large city.

Isishio: That's activity of any kind, not a trace of life. This does not bode well. And with that, he made his way towards it.

It was pure horror what he say as he shuffled through the streets, trying his best not to trip or step on the recently deceased. Ms. Kija was hidden behind a corner, trying to keep focus on her Captain rather than grimacing at the slaughtered residents. Soon, she went to across the street to a closer alley. She made it there, then darkness enveloped her.

Isishio: This is ludicrous. I could walk through this entire city and find no clue as to where Seiren went. But, there must be something. I'll widen the search.

???: You don't have to. You won't be getting her anyway.

Isishio turn up in the direction of the rather chipper voice, catching glimpse of a woman with small twigs and green ribbon supporting a swirling bun of caramel hair, with hair framing a bright and smiling face, which seemed very familiar.

Isishio: I remember you. You were one of the angels who assulted the Soul Society.

???: I'm so glad you remembered. But do you remember my name?

Isishio: I never forget a lady. You're Farfalla, if memory served.

Farfalla: Correct! So what brings you here?

Isishio: I'm looking for Lieutenant Seiren. I believe you know where she is.

Farfalla: Yep!

Isishio: And I suppose you won't give me them willingly, will you?

Farfalla: Nope!

Isishio: Do we really have to do this? You already know the outcome.

Farfalla: I knooooow! Can't wait to see your corpse join the others!

Isishio:...I believe you misunderstood. But, I have a proposition. You give me Seiren, I won't be forced to dice you into hor d'ourves.

Farfalla: Sure! As long as I get to keep your Lieutenant.

Isishio's eyes immedietly widen.
Isishio: You're bluffing...

Farfalla, with a grin on her face, produces a beaten Isumi holding her by her hair.
Isishio then draws his sword.

Isishio: MS. KIJA!

Farfalla: Make one step forward, I'll break her spine in half.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
[The Shadow Returns: Unyielding onslaught]

(As the fiery pillars descend and the debris settles, the two captains look upon the devastation as a sign of success. The moon soars high above, possessing a peaceful elegance as it shines down upon the captains)

Captain M. Kurotsuki: (she inhales deeply, attempting to regain her composure after such a reckless assault) I clocked him good…didn’t I, Hizano?

Captain Tochigo: Let’s not get our hopes up just yet, Mikazuki…(he watches as she leaps over toward him, lifting him from the ground). He’s beneath that rubble, I can sense it…

Azriel: Your senses are poorly calibrated, Captain (his voice echoing with unwavering composure from behind them)

Captain Tochigo: (he turns around, spotting an unharmed Azriel) How he get by us so quickly?

Captain M. Kurotsuki: I don’t recall my brother telling me he was this fast…

Azriel: Your brother, I’m afraid, is just as misinformed as when I was captain. This places you in quite a predicament, captains. You’re not as prepared as you imagined, especially considering the source for which you procured all your delicate information.

Captain M. Kurotsuki: Don’t you speak ill of my brother. Don’t even mention his name!

Azriel: You’re right. I shouldn’t preoccupy myself with such repugnant filth. Neither should you, considering how distracting emotional connections can be. You require all your focus, otherwise you won’t last much longer. Whether you believe it or not, you’re already in a position to fail.

Captain Tochigo: We are?

Captain M. Kurotsuki: This from the same man that uses magic tricks to avoid conflict…(she watches Azriel’s eyes, their green luster sparkling in the moonlight).

Azriel: (He stares at her blankly, as he watches the shadows creep up on the two captains. The shadows slither along the ground, arching up, preparing to slice into their bodies…when suddenly!)

Lieutenant Locksley: CAPTAINS! BEHIND YOU!

Azriel: (Azriel’s head bolts in the lieutenant’s direction, scowling at his undesired interference. He waves his hand and a torrent of shadows burst toward the lieutenant, crashing into his body and knocking him into the canyon wall)

Captain M. Kurotsuki: (Simultaneously, she and Captain Tochigo leap away from the shadows grasp, evading a most deadly creation. The two watch as the shadows fling forward, missing the intended targets, and crash into the canyon-side, shattering the crystal, layering its wall.)

Captain Tochigo: What the hell…he can manipulate the shadows into balls with spikes?

Captain M. Kurotsuki: Apparently, he can do a lot more than we previously imagined while he has access to his full power. But we have to be concerned with that and protect, Fai… (she leaps around, using her zanpakuto to battle the shadows. The shadows swirl around her body, dividing into dozens of mace-like objects. She runs across the ground as they strike in quick succession, bombarding the canyon walls with monstrous force. She continues to evade his attacks, as she watches Tochigo work his way toward Azriel. She quickly moves up the canyon side, hoping to improve her odds with distance. To her dismay, his threads make quick work of the stone beneath her feet. The black threads carve into the mountainside, reaching far beneath the surface and cleaving in a circular motion.)

Azriel: (His stoic disposition persists as he waves his hand in her direction, compelling threads to combine and catapult toward Mikazuki. The single thread, now resembling a spear, pierces the mountainside, pulling the compromised slab of granite from its larger body. He watches as Mikazuki stumbles, the momentum produced by the threads pull force her to remain on the slab as it hurtles toward the ground.)

Captain Tochigo: HADO 58: TENRAN (He watches as the threads merely slice through the powerful currents of air, prompting him to attempt a more daring tactic) HADO 63: Raikōhō! (As the vibrant stream of energy surges toward Azriel, sweeping through his shadows, Hizano releases a powerful Bakudo)Bakudo 62: Sanjo Sabaku! (Multiple chains spring forward from around Hizano, entangling the dozens of threads). Ha! Without those threads, you’re defensless!

Captain M. Kurotsuki: (Her body crashes into the ground, the granite slab grinding into her body)

Captain Tochigo: …Mikazuki! (He hesitates for a moment, debating whether to take advantage of Azriel’s misfortunate or venturing to save his fellow captain. He watches as Fai quickly attends to Captain Kurotsuki, allowing him to assault Azriel).

Azriel: (Hizano lunges at him, swinging his blade violently, but unsuccessfully. Azriel’s speed and acuity are uncompromising, providing no significant opportunities for the young captain. The blade finally lands, slicing into Azriel’s arm, driving his opponent to shear madness).

Captain Tochigo: AHAHAHA! I GOT YOU! (He grins wildly, feeding off his success)!

Azriel: (He frowns, frustration and tension building throughout his entire person. Hizano manages to graze the former captain again, this time on his back, compelling Azriel to fade into a mist).


Captain Tochigo: Where did you go, you coward?

Azriel: Coward you say (said while his corporeal body remains dematerialized)? You are disruptive, Captain. I’m growing quite impatient with these games. (He quickly materializes, glaring at the captain. With a wave of his hand, distant shadows are conjured and become a violent, screaming saw. They collide with the Bakudo chains, severing their hold). It appears you’ve lost your disadvantage, Captain.

Captain Tochigo: You think?

Azriel: (from behind, Mikazuki slams a firing swing into Azriel, his body barely escaping harm. His mist form flutters through the air, reemerging to face the two captains. As he appears, he inspects his shoulder with a glance, noticing the burn marks). I grow so tired of these games…(his voice deepens and possess a sterner tone. He gestures his hands, summoning a cascade of shadows, each taking the shape of thin, sharp spears. They rocket toward the two captains, crashing into the ground with monumental force. They shattering the soil, sending sediment soaring through the air.)

Captain Kurotsuki: (Mikazuki takes to the sky, but is clutched by the determined shadows. They firmly dig into her leg, slamming her into the canyon’s surface. They drag her along the hard, dusty soil and sweep her through beds of flowers. The shadows form multiple large streams of slinking, waving threads. These threads are no ordinary, however, they are sharp and capable of slicing through any object. As they flailing vertically, the arm, attached to her leg, drags her toward her death.)

Captain Tochigo: (he watches in dread, as she is completely unable to defend herself. His situation, however, is not much different, as threads burst from the ground, debris obscuring his sight.)

Captain Kurotsuki: (She slams her blade into the ground, hoping to slow her momentum. Her body jolts, but the thread continues to pull on her leg with tremendous force, the sensation unbearably painful) ….AH! DAMN SHADOWS….ITS GONNA TEAR MY LEG OFF! (She swings her blade causing a torrent of flames that propel her in the opposite direction. The flames were powerful enough to weaken the thread holding her leg. She skids across the ground, but before she can rest, the flailing threads begin mobilizing and swiftly moving in her direction. She struggles to regain her bearings, leaping behind a large stone pillar for cover. She watches as the threads slice through the pillar with relative ease, slabs of rock falling to each side). Mother Fu….(she swings her blade, dispelling the persistent shadows)

Azriel: (He directs his attention above him, watching as Captain Tochigo hurtles from the sky)

Captain Tochigo: HADO 73: Sōren Sōkatsui!! (The blue flames erupt from his palms, soaring toward Azriel.)

Azriel: (He quickly brings his hands together, forming an impregnable barrier, blocking the searing flames. Without warning, the wall begins firing black, speeding bullets at the captain.)

Captain Tochigo: (He attempts to avoid them, but his body is pelted with tiny, but deadly bullets. They slicing through his body, exiting with a bloody finish. He falls to the ground, groaning from the pain).

Azriel: (He vanishes, appearing only feet from Fai) You’re coming with me, Lieutenant!

Lieutenant Locksley: The hell I am! Hado 33: Shakkahō!

Azriel: (The glaring red flames approach him, only to be swatted away by his shadows. His face is darkened by an ominous and grim expression, his brows furrowing). Your uncooperative attitude has left me no choice. I find brute force far too barbaric, but I am willing to compromise in an effort to complete my objective. (Suddenly a roaring wall of flames washes through the space between them, preventing Azriel from stepping any closer. He looks to his right, spotting both captains panting vigorously). You’re testing my patience, captains.

Captain Tochigo: You’ve already consumed our patience… Burst, Ambaa Chidoshi!!!! (The long, slender whip flails about as it approaches Azriel. To Hizano’s surprise, the shadows leap from the ground, wrapping the whip far onto his gauntlet).

Azriel: Harijō shōsūten…(he watches as the robust threads dive into the soil, drilling deep into the rock. The force pulls Captain Tochigo to the ground, his face crashing into the soil).

Captain Mikazuki: (She watches as Azriel’s shadows sweep through the flames, allowing his visual access to Lieutenant Locksley). NO! Bakudo 73: Tozanshō!! (The inverted pyramid bursts around Fai, protecting him from Azriel’s shadows).

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silverexorcist said…
---------------------The Wind Dances Unpredictably--------------------------
The chaotic fight between the two captains and former captain Sairentosukai was ensuing with the canyons full throttle, gushing spirit pressure throughout the area to an enormous degree. As the high leveled bakudo surrounded Lieutenant Locksley, he gripped his hands tightly and his jaw locked in determination. Azriel scoffed as his shadows deflected from the bluish shield of kido, and he swept his hands together in front of them. The shadows formed together into a single spinning lance-like mass that lacerate the kido, shattering part of it. Azriel’s eyes narrowed as he saw that Fai was nowhere to be found, however. Mikazuki felt relief pervade her body as she saw the lieutenant running across the rocky ground, giving Azriel a wide berth.

“Finally decided not to rely on the captains alone?” Azriel said indifferently. Instead of answering, Fai drew his sword and muttered under his breath.

[Play Music]

“Dance, Kamaitachi.”

His sword disappeared in a sudden gust of wind and Fai hopped lightly in the air, not losing his speed, and kicked out twice before landing on the ground and continue to circle Azriel at a cautious distance. Azriel glared for a moment, wondering what the movement was, before he reflexively deflected to invisible blasts of air with his shadows. The gusts of wind blew over him seemingly harmlessly, but he could feel it scratching at his face.

“Blasts of wind…” Azriel murmured to himself as he watched Fai reach the other two captains. “At least this one knows better than to come at me head long.”

Mikazuki and Hizano were surprised as their minor cuts sealed themselves from Fai’s close proximity.

“Locksley…” Hizano began, but Fai cut him off.

“Those only seal the wounds. I can’t do anything about your internal cuts. As for the Shirub, please allow me to bait him in so you can strike him unawares.”

“Our job is to protect you.” Mikazuki objected immediately. “You saw how fast he is.”

“Which is why we have no other choice. He uses mid/long range techniques, so we’ll need to push in close to him and box in the amount of room he has to move. Please allow me to help. I can no longer sit and do nothing.”

Mikazuki showed every sign of refusing, but Hizano intervened.

“Let’s trust him for now, Mikazuki.” He said. “It’s better to have him moving rather than waiting for Azriel to get past us. We’ll be able to see just what Hsien-Shao was thinking when he had this boy promoted directly to captain.”

“Thank you, Captain Tochigo.”

“So? Let’s hear what you’ve got in mind.”

Azriel watched as the three shinigami turned to face him, his eyes particularly on the little vice-captain. He’d been able to fire invisible blasts of cutting air and also do the opposite—healing cuts on the captains’ bodies. What sort of unorthodox Zanpakutou did he have?

Mikazuki raised her sword and swung it in a wide arc, flames spewing out in front of her. Azriel watched lazily as they moved to surround him, blocking off his sight of the three. It was obvious that the lieutenant was going to fire long distance blasts through the flames along with Tochigo’s flailing whip to immobilize him—
Azriel had a brief moment of shock as Fai himself burst through the flames himself, the wind keeping him from being harmed, hands clenched. Of all the foolish tactics, Azriel’s quarry delivers himself right in front of him!
With a twitch of his fingers, the shadows rose from the ground, onguard for any sneak attacks, as some of the shadows came from behind Fai to grab him. Fai, however, kicked one foot out and seemed to hit firm ground while in midair, pushing himself out of the way of the shadows grabbing at him. At the same time, he kicked out at Azriel with a flexible movement, still not touching the ground. A wall of black stopped the kick cold, keeping the stray wind from touching him as well. More strands shot from the wall of black as well to capture Fai, but Fai vanished instantly with shunpo, reappearing behind Azriel.

“Insolent child.” He muttered as he stood behind Fai instantly, refusing to be caught off guard be speed. A blanket of darkness, this time, attempted to capture Fai, but this time the lieutenant was yanked away by Tochigo’s Ambaa Chidoshi, which had wrapped around Fai’s wrists, yanking him through the wall of flames. The flames had closed in on Azriel in the few seconds that he had been attempting to capture to evasive Fai, and now rushed in in a blazing inferno.

“Hado 54.” Hizano smirked as he held his hand up in the direction of the flames.

A sphere of purple energy flew into the flames, disintegrating the fire it touched (though the hole in the flames closed immediately), and vanished among the inferno, intending to incinerate whatever the flames may have left.
But before the captains and lieutenant could even breath, the flames were scattered apart by flailing shadows, showing a single black orb remaining. The orb faded away, showing the unharmed Azriel glaring at them.

“You’re arrogance is almost disgusting.” He spat in barely contained indignance. “You think I wouldn’t notice?”

As he said this, his shadows rose in the shape of several black spears, aiming for Fai who had just appeared behind Azriel, fists clenched as winds swirled around him. Azriel expected the cunning lieutenant to evade and retreat, while firing a blast of cutting winds at him. But Fai did nothing of the sort. His eyes were unwavering as he charged in, ignoring the spears as they cut at his flesh, splattering blood everywhere, and Fai punched out at Azriel. A shadow appeared to defend, but Fai feinted around it and kicked out at the side of Azriel’s neck. It was a simple effort for the Shirub to block the weak kick with the back of his hand, positioning himself so the wind wouldn’t hit him. Shadows surrounded Fai, beginning to curl around his body to catch him once and for all, but suddenly a miniature tornado surrounded the lieutenant and repositioned the shadows forcefully, letting the boy slip around as he threw himself away from the vengeful angel. Despite his effort, Fai couldn’t make it any more than halfway between Azriel and the two captains, who were shocked. They had only been in on the tactics up to the Hizano’s kido attack. Fai had acted on his own within the reckless action he had taken, for some reason.

“You insufferable boy.” Azriel seethed as he gripped his right wrist. There was no cut, and no blood, but strangely he couldn’t move his fingers. It was as if all the nerves and muscles within his wrist where the wind had passed over had been cut. “You will pay for this more than you know.”

Azriel’s shadows aimed for Fai’s injured body as the two captains rushed toward him with shunpo, hoping they would be able to make it in time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Zordaik said…
Nejera: You're keeping my blood in that little bottle?

Teiko cocked his head to the side.

Teiko: Of course.

Nagaishi appeared behind the Angel, striking at the center of her back and forcing her to drop to one knee. She twisted about, lashing out at the captain's face. He executed a graceful backflip to escape.

Nagaishi: Even if you've recognized what we're trying to do, there's no way to stop it.

Nejera: Oh? That would be frustrating if it were true.

She giggled a little before balancing her viciously curved katana on her index finger. Crimson reiatsu began to occupy the space around her.

Nejera: I'll do what I can. Corrode...

Her blade disappeared along with her arm in a haze of thick, gaseous crimson reiatsu. It resembled mist to a degree, but the smell was pungent.

Nejera: Akuma Buresu!

[Play Music]

Her own reiatsu enveloped her in a small twister for only a moment, then it dispersed. Nejera shot out quickly, bringing her foot up into Nagaishi's face and knocking him back.

Nagaishi: Shit... She released! Teiko!

He wiped the water from his eyes and looked at the Angel. Her right hand was engulfed in what looked like fire, but it was transparent and was the same shade as her reiatsu. The fire formed a blade from her hand that extended down about the length of her katana. She aimed her fiery blade at Nagaishi.

Nejera: Hakidashi!

The blade lost it's shape, engulfing her entire arm and resembling a cannon. Then, without warning, a surge of red flames erupted from her arm. Nagaishi barely dodged the large wave, noting how similar it was in comparison to Sokatsui. His attention turned back to Nejera. The blade of flames jutting from her hand had already reformed. A crackling noise filled the air, and soon after a wave of golden electricity came down upon her. Teiko then flashed to Nagaishi's side.

Teiko: You're welcome.

Nagaishi: Tsk... Wait until she's finished before getting cocky.

The smoke and dust cleared to reveal Nejera, in surprisingly good condition despite her torn robes and plethora of small cuts.

Teiko: Damn... She's tough. That was a hard shot she took.

Nejera: You haven't seen anything yet, pricks!

The woman closed the distance between herself and her opponents, swinging her weapon in wide arcs. Both Teiko and Nagaishi flashed to opposite sides of their common enemy before closing in. Through gritted teeth, the Angel let out a grunt of frustration before whipping about as the two captain's Zanpakutoneared her body. Only one managed a hit. While Nagaishi's blade cut a gash into her back, her own weapon's edge cut a wound through Teiko's belly.

Teiko: AAGH! DAMN!

It didn't feel like a normal cut. It felt as though the weapon had just burned through his flesh. He fell backward, lightheaded from the pain, but when he hit the ground his senses reverted back to normal. He got up just in time to see Nagaishi dead focused with trying to avoid all of Nejera's swings. A peculiar feeling welled within him. He was actually respecting the combat prowess of Nagaishi.

Nagaishi: Teiko! Get up!

The older captain took a step back, moving his neck so as to just narrowly avoid an arcing slash from Nejera. Teiko stepped up, whipping his sword upward and sending a wave of crackling electricity at the Angel. She was forced to avoid, staggering only slightly and allowing Nagaishi to bring his knee up into her sternum. She wheezed before flashing backwards.

Nejera: Shit... Maybe he was right... No. I can do this. Prepare, Captains! I'm gonna beat you down! HAHAHA!!

over a year ago K0VIP3R said…

[Play Music]

Mikazuki and Hizano both rushed furiously to reach Fai who at this point was desperately trying to get out of the reach of the quickly approaching shadows. Hizano reached Fai just as one of the shadows pieced his ankle, causing the poor lieutenant to cry out in pain. Mikazuki leapt past them, incinerating the shadows as she moved with her flames, as black as the shadows Azriel used, and continued her way, hurtling towards Azriel causing him to move out the way of her swing before causing her to hurridly side step and strong punch.

Mikazuki: (She quickly back tracked a few steps shouting to both Hizano and Fai) Hizano take Fai and get out. Azriel isn't even close to trying yet. Fai should be dead now by rights, which means they have some really important purpose to capture the lieutenants.

Azriel: (His cold, emotionless gaze never left Mikazuki's eyes as she maintained her watchful gaze) Very astute of you, Miss Kurotsuki, however the simple fact that I would allow your fellow Captain to leave alive or that I would let that pathetic excuse for a lieutenant escape from my custody is an absurd notion. You are nothing but worms beneath my feet, and will die as such.

Azriel then let lose a barrage of shows threads with jagged edges on them, all of which were targetted, not for Mikazuki but for Fai and Hizano. Hizano, vanliantly shoved fai as far out the way as he could but was not blessed with the fortune of getting out the way of the attack. He fell, taking the shadows to his thighs as well as his left shoulder and his right side. Blood splattered the floor. Hizano passed out from the pain.

Mikazuki: (She looked at Hizano in shock then loked at Fai who was frozen to the spot in horror. He screamed at himas hard as she could) FAI GET OUT OF HERE NOW! DON'T LET HIZANO GET INJURED FOR NOTHING!

Fai merely nodded, unable to speak. He shunpoed as far and as fast as his legs would allow him to.

Azriel in haste to stop the fleeing shinigami, sent another wave of threads at him only to be stopped by a monstorous explosion that orginated not more than a few feet in front of him. The hsheer heat made him cover his eyes to stop them drying out. Every breathe he took scortched his throat. As the flames cleared he saw Mikazuki, her eyes unsettling him slightly. They were filled with pure hatred, like that of a demon.

Mikazuki: (She slowly walked towards him running her hand over her zanpakuto, the flames gathhered on her left arm, taking on the form of a clawed hand) You know Azriel, I rarely lose my cool during fights. However, as you know so well, the first time I did, I earned a nickname. a tradition which many a Captain of Squad 2 has achieved. Can you remember what it was?

Azriel: (His eyes did not change, neither did his face show any change in emotion) You became known as the Demon of Squad 2. Though, it matters not what you are called, you will still die all the same.

Mikazuki: (She clenched the fist tighter around her sword handle) Maybe so, but if I'm going to die your going to go with me. Besides didn't you know, demons don't die easy.

Mikazuki swung her zanpakut down, causing a wave of flame to engluf the ground and air directly between them and it quickly closed in on Azriel...
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
{The beginning of the End}

[Play First song]

Teiko clenched his fists, his grip on his sword tightening. He stood slowly, watching as Nejera let loose a howling laugh, Reiatsu gushing from her in crimson waves. Teiko held his arm up to block the searing wind. He held his stomach, cursing at the burning feeling in it. He growled, angry that he had allowed himself to get hit. Nagaishi sidestepped her swing, coming over to Teiko and standing in front of him. Teiko stood back, shocked.

"What the Hell are you doing?!" Teiko shouted above the mad laughter. Nagaishi didn't answer. H just stood, preparing to take the massive attack Nejera was preparing for them.

Her smile was wicked as she spoke. "I'll beat you into the ground! I'll make you wish you had never been born!" She raised both of her hands, her blade had dissolved momentarily into a mist around her arms.

"Hado 63: Raikoho!" she screeched, the massive bolt of yellow energy barreling towards them drowning out her laughter. Before he could think, Teiko was compelled to move forward and block the Hado. It was made of lightning after all, he should be able to use that to his advantage.

"Not so fast!" he shouted. He held out his hand as he shunpo'd in front of Nagaishi, who stood, bewildered, his blade still held in front of him. Teiko pointed his blade at the blast, holding his ground. The lightning crashed into the tip of his blade, making him stumble. He moved the point of the blade to the left of the both of them and diverged the blast, causing it to move it's path. But before he even turned around, he heard the name of the Hado.

"Hado 88: Hiryūgekizokushintenraihō!" Nejera Screamed. The blast left her hand with alarming speed, the bright blue lights dancing behind Teiko. He turned swiftly and stood firmly, though he was shaking badly. Nagaishi grabbed him from under his arms and dragged him out of the way, the blast carving a hole into the building. Nagaishi set Teiko down, wincing as he felt his back, burned by the High level Hado. Nejera didn't let up.

"Hado 90: Kurohitsugi!" The Black walls began to form around the two captains, rising rapidly. They glowed a faint dark purple as the rose, he walls becoming solid. Teiko sat motionless, deciding that, in order to survive, he had to use Bankai.He raised his blade, everything suddenly moving in slow motion.

"Bankai." he muttered. The Golden-blue bolt descended with a whistle and slammed into him, the blade and boy both disappearing in the light.

[Play Second Song]

And a second later, it was gone. The light receded, leaving the glistening golden wings and armor on his body in its wake. Teiko scooped up Nagaishi and bolted for the top of the Kido spell. The opening grew smaller with each passing moment. He narrowed his eyes as the other captain regained consciousness, and glared at the exit. He burst through suddenly, shattering the Kido, the shards falling slowly and quietly. Teiko glared at Nejera as she smiled wide.

"You managed to escape before it closed. Not many can do that." she managed to say through her chuckles.

"Not many people can use that many high level Hado Spells in such rapid succession." he paused, smirking a bit. "But then again, you're not really a person, are you?"

Nejera suddenly appeared in front of him, her now materialized and solid blade slicing into his shoulder. He winced as he felt the same burning sensation from earlier.

"Shut your mouth, you brat!" she scoffed, kicking him in the chest and sending him back. Teiko slammed into the far wall and slid down it, losing his bankai in the process. Nagaishi appeared between him and Nejera his eyes aglow with Blue light.

"Wash them all away, Guran Kyuryu."

Water seeped from the handle, dripping as it covered the blade, reflecting the light of the area brilliantly. the Blade became tinted a deep blue. He raised it and the water increased in volume, covering his arm and freezing. The ice, now creating a solid cutting edge, gleamed menacingly in the moonlight.

"I think it's about time you let me give it a go with my shikai. Don't you agree?" he said as Teiko appeared next to him, his shikai regained.

Nejera held up her blade, smiling devilishly. "Go for it. Either way, You'll both die.""
over a year ago LinkKinuzuma13 said…
Second song to go with the post above
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Okay so people have been asking me where I've been and if I'm coming and the first answer is I have been traveling on account of work and have been extremely busy. The second answer is yes but I'm still reading post so I'll start updating the characters and I'll keep reading the posts.
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
[The Shadow Returns: Indignation]
Azriel: (He watches as the flames surround him, the smoldering heat pouring onto his body. His eyes narrow and lip turn downward.) You’re interference was tolerable in the beginning, but you have overstayed your welcome, Captains. Your efforts may be an amusing distraction for the angels, but I am far less tolerant.

Captain Mikazuki: (Her eyes focus intently on Azriel as he raises his hand, without haste or concern. She observes his deadening stare and wavering indifference). Inner-monologue: His spiritual pressure has plateaued, but I sense something shifting. His entire disposition has begun to change, and with that, I can feel a menacing aura building beneath that cold defense. What is he hiding…

Azriel: (With his hand now raised) You shall bear witness to my strength, Captain. You have a limited understanding of just how disadvantaged you are under these circumstances. I completely outclass the others, which places you in an unfortunate state of affairs (with those words shadows violently explode from all around Azriel, pushing away the flames with relative ease. He begins approaching Mikazuki, her expression shifting). How quickly you captains’ shift your emotional state. (He continues his torpid gait, fearing neither her flames nor her fists). It’s devastating, isn’t it, captain? To have your only hope of survival obliterated with a single sweep of my hand. It must be awfully frustrating to be so limited, both physically and cognitively. I do not pity you, however. To pity you would lend you momentary solace. The very concept would enable you to believe that somewhere, in the recesses of my mind, I have a tinge of genuine remorse or sympathy. I do not, however. I’m afraid your desire to have me love you was all for nothing and your feelings, which you attempt to hide, were a complete waste. Fret not, captain, misery is an everlasting experience. It will help fill the void, if only to prove that you can still feel something and are not completely shattered.

Captain M. Kurotsuki: (Her brow furrows and her expression drops, overshadowing her delicate features) YOU DO NOT HAVE THE CONTROL YOU THINK YOU DO (she swings her blade, aiming to sever his torso. To his surprise, black threads bind her hand, disabling her from completing her swing. He darts at her, his fingers extended and ready to pierce her body. She watches, from her periphery, as Captain Tochigo fires a massive stream of energy in Azriel’s direction).

Azriel: (he parries the assault, vanishing into smoke. The silky, black mist swiftly pursues Fai, materializing before the young lieutenant.) You believed your zanpakuto’s effect to be absolute, but you have not faced an opponent as powerful as I.

Lieutenant Locksley: (He watches as black threads pierce his flesh, creeping beneath his skin and burrowing into the depths of his hand. He watches as Azriel’s mobility returns, his fingers twitching and folding into a fist formation). How is that possible…I completely severed…
Azriel: You’re simple-minded, and like any simple-minded foe, you are doomed to fail (He abruptly summons four violent, flailing shadows that quickly transmogrify. They take on the appearance of four circular saws. The serrated blades quickly dart toward the lieutenant, stopping right before they reach his flesh. His head is completely surrounded by four, spinning blades. Each whistling violently, waiting to slice into his flesh. ) I recommend you remain calm, captains. It’d be an awfully painful burden to bear if your actions resulted in the death of this young lieutenant.

Captain Tochigo: (He and Mikazuki halt their stampede, fearing for the life of lieutenant Locksley. The position of the blades is tremendously deadly. The eager lieutenant has been placed in a difficult situation and is unable to escape the deadly grip Azriel holds over him). Mikazuki…this is a delicate situation we have here. If we attack Azriel, the blades will burrow into Fai…

Captain M. Kurotsuki: Yes, I know…and he’ll die. We can’t simply allow him to manipulate us like this…not again! BAKUDO 82: Kawa no shīrudo!!!

Azriel: (He watches as a barrier forms around Fai’s body, ensnaring even the black blades. The two captains dart at him, Mikazuki swinging searing flames in his direction and Hizano clutching his legs with his whip. He manages to drop Azriel to his feet, the flames pouring over his body).

Captain M. Kurotsuki: GOT ‘EM!

Captain Tochigo: HA! We showed that bastard…(he points his hand and fires a powerful kido at the smoldering area, hoping to increase damage. Suddenly the area explodes with an overwhelming spiritual pressure, immense enough to spread the flames and shatter the ground).

Azriel: (he stands up, pulling his shadows from the barrier, shattering it.)

Lieutenant Locksley: (he clutches his blade and attempts to swing it in Azriel’s direction, but is swatted across the face, sending him flying into the distance).

Azriel: (He begins emitting a dense, powerful spiritual pressure, only to be emphasized by his ominous disposition. He raises his head, his eyes glaring at the two captains. He darts at them, delivering two, simultaneously, blows to their chests, allowing his threads to pierce their flesh, preventing them from hurtling backwards. The threads slam them into the ground, and fling them into the distance, their bodies crashing into the canyon-side. He turns his head, delivering a grimacing stare to Fai. He flash-steps closer to Fai, approaching with each fist clenched). I have grown tremendously exasperated by your continuous resistance (He bolts toward Fai with speed of superior magnitude. His fist collides with Fai’s face, delivering four consecutive strikes with each first, alternative from right to left. He takes his palms forcing them into Fai’s chest, sending him darting into the side of the canyon, his face flesh against the crystal layers. Azriel lunges at the lieutenant, his body still pressed against the canyon wall, and pauses for a brief moment before delivering machine-gun punches to his back. The onslaught continues, each blow drilling the Fai’s body further into the compromised canyon’s body. As each fist switches off, with blinding speed, the force reverberates through the wall, shattering the crystal-laced surface. The cracks venture toward the top of the canyon, their reaching extending further with each blow. Azriel abruptly halts his punches, grabbing the lieutenant by his hair and throw him into the distance, watching him slide across the ground. Azriel quickly pursues him, speeding in front of him, only to kick him in the opposite direction. He quickly reverses his movements, stopping Fai’s hurtling body with only his foot. Fai’s torso collides with Azriel’s foot, and in response, the cold, stoic man slams his body into the ground, leaping in the air and landing on top of the lieutenant, forcefully driving his body into the ground. This last attack generates a giant shockwave, shattering the ground and creating a plume of debris, obscuring the view).

Captain Tochigo: …No…Fai.

Captain M. Kurotsuki: Fa…Fa…fai!!! (she and Captain Tochigo help one another to their feet. They muster the strength and flash-step with astounding speed, hoping to catch Azriel off-guard).

Azriel: (the shadows toss Fai’s unconscious body out of the crater, plopping it before his feet. He holds out his hand, his blade materializing in his hand. He places it in his sheath and turns around, spotting the two captains nearing him. He quickly elongates his left hand, forming a fist. He then takes his right hand’s open palm and slams into into his fist, reciting…) Hado 72: Muro hihō!

(His body begins channels immense energy into his palm and into his first, summoning countless flaring streams of energy. Each mighty current of pulsating energy booms through the sky, honing in on each captain. The captains take to the sky, flash-stepping to avoid the impressive velocity possessed by each beam of energy.)

Captain M. Kurotsuki: (she continues to avoid the flurry of attacks until one collides with her shoulder, blasting her backwards, allowing for three more to pelt her body. They strike her chest and back, throwing her into the ground.)

Captain Tochigo: (disturbed by his comrades misfortunate, he can’t help but be distracted, allowing for multiple to strike his chest, catapulting him into the mountainside. Numerous blasts pummel his body, shattering the mountainside with a tremendous display of power).

Azriel: (he leans down, grabbing the unconscious lieutenant by his clothing and makes a peculiar hand signal with his hand, summoning Waikiki Getou. He watches the golden gates open, continuing to drag the lieutenant toward his exit. As he walks into the gate, he speaks boldly) When all has been said and done, you will learn what it means to suffer. (He enters the gate and it closes, disappearing with the two captains on-looking in completely dread).
over a year ago Silverain said…
I know it's taking me forever but I'll be able to post soon;p Oh, and page 48 is AWEsome by the way!
over a year ago crazieone106 said…
[Carpe Diem: Phase one]

Farfalla: (She holds Isumi tightly, gripping her hair and gently pressing her blade to her throat) It’d be a simple task to slit her throat, throwing her cold, lifeless body to the side.

Captain Isishio: Let her go, you may settle your score with me and me alone. Including innocent bodies is not the noble way.

Farfalla: Noble? Who says anything about being noble? Your opinion on battle will neither impact the outcome nor her fate.

Captain Isishio: I know what happened…

Farfalla: …(she glares at him quizzically, pulling her sword from the lieutenants neck and kicking her to the side) Go on…

Captain Isishio: What the shinigami leaders of the past may have done should not affect how you treat their descendents. Crimes of fear and passion do not traverse bloodlines. We are innately good, like your people were…

Farfalla: The crimes of your ancestors most certainly affect you and your brethren. Unfortunately, such heinous acts cannot be absolved by time alone. You continue to carry on the same traditions by which your ancestors used to stage an attack against my people. (she hestitates, biting her lip playfully as she speaks) Have you ever watched someone you care about die? They say the pain is so excruciating it can manifest itself physically. The mere sight of a loved one passing on is so devastating it can drive an individual to the cusp of insanity.

Captain Isishio: Love is a powerful force…

Farfalla: Love, you say (she grins, sliding her finger up and down the neck of her blade, her eyes shifting from the blade to Captain Isishio. Her gaze is seductive, but sinister.)? Perhaps, love is a compelling force, but I imagine the more potent version is absolute despair. Loss has a magnificent talent for fueling insanity. The strength of loss…it’s debatable whether that’s growth or…

Captain Isishio: (she appears beside him, whispering in his ear) “…shear pain.” (She vanishes as quickly as she appeared, avoiding the swing of his blade). Tell me, with such power, why use it for evil?

Farfalla: (a hardy laugh breaches her lips, destabilizing the mood) You’re funny, captain. (She twirls her blade in her hand, contemplating his words) Evil is simply a point of view, so from my vantage point, the shinigami have been the ones to use their power for evil. We need not discuss it, however. I’d draw your blade, shinigami, otherwise you’ll die much quicker. (Without delay, she rockets toward Ezethra, bringing her blade hurtling down upon his. She begins delivering quick, but heavy blows to his defense. With each strike, she alters her body’s position. As she twirls around him, she switches control of her hand, allowing the force of her swings to impede his balance and concentration).


Captain Isishio: (He quickly catches on to her tactics, altering his own. He swings his blade, applying the majority of his weight to his lower body, leaning downward. He performs a sweeping kick, forcing her to retreat. He rotates his body, using the momentum to regain his original stance and perform a powerful horizontal swing. It crashes into her blade, forcing her entire body to move with it. In an effort to gain the advantage, he pursues her vigorously, delivering strike and strike, but is thwarted by her small frame and agile movements. He watches as she begins spinning her body, her blade a rotating death-trap.). Inner-monologue: “It’s reach is short, but I imagine that’s the mistake she’s hoping I’ll make. She’s mastered using a short-blade, which makes me belief her earlier tactics were simply a rouse. ( He watches as her body abruptly drops, her knees bent, and her left hand firmly placed on the ground, providing additional support. )

Farfalla: (She crab-style begins with quick, alternating movements. Her speed is impressive, considering her bodies posture and low stance. She twirls three times, closing the distance between her and Ezethra. As she reaches him, she adjusts her height by lifting herself ever-so-slightly, jabbing at him with her blade. Ezethra’s current posture makes it difficult to battle this unorthodox fighting style, allowing her to quickly deliver painful lacerations. Her feet slink across the ground, circling the captain and swinging her blade violently, but with absolute precision. She slices into his calves, high thigh, and hip. Blood begins pooling where he stands, prompting him to recede.).

Captain Isishio: (His attempt at retreating proves unsuccessful, as Farfalla demonstrates just how adept she is at moving swiftly in her fighting stance. He watches as she darts toward him, her blade dragging against the ground for a moment. She spins around him, elongating her body quickly, and shoving her blade into his thigh. Ezethra quickly reacts, enabling him to avoid too serious of damage. Before he can respond further, she darts behind him, her left leg firmly placed against the ground while her right is stretched in front.)

Farfalla: (she smiles…muttering words under her breath) Hado 50.... Uwamuki Haishutsu

Captain Isishio: (He scoffs, realizing her tactics and zooms further from her. He watches as multiple pillars of energy burst forth from the ground, radiating a searing white light). I knew you were toying with me…

Farfalla: Did you? You’re a clever man, Captain. I’m surprised you caught on, but not very disappointed. I enjoy a challenge. (She stands tall, staring at the captain). Give me a challenge, captain. I haven’t had one in quite some time…(he vibrant green eyes glare into his, further goading him.)

last edited over a year ago