Being Pro-Life Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 11

Winterose said …
I have high blood pressure since i was 18 i will never have abortion i know the risks of high blood pressure and pregnancy. I want to know what you would if there is no heartbeat or no brain activity or the baby has severe heart problems not likely to make it to the 2nd trisemester Posted over a year ago
KJBiggestFan said …
It's a clump of cells. Get over it. Posted over a year ago
weaslyismyking commented…
Open up a biology textbook. Cell Theory: (1) a cell is the basic unit of life (2) all living organisms are made of cells and (3) all cells come from preexisting cells. From this we can determine that (1) we're all composed of clumps of cells (2) a clump of cells is a living organism and (3) a clump of cells will grow and develop as any living being over a year ago
MineTurtle commented…
Hey weasly, that's pretty good. Can I use that next time I'm stuck in a pro-life vs. pro-choice argument? over a year ago
_DrBlowhole_ commented…
So true KJ over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
@weasly: Exactly right. Even us, here, typing our replies, are clumps of cells. Would you kill me? What if I was still an infant? Would you kill me then? How many cells does a baby need to develop before you consider it human? over a year ago
kaily3 said …
for people who believe abortion is right, its not. your killing a life that never got the chance to live. and after five days theres a heartbeat. to many childern die by chance, so none should die by choice Posted over a year ago
Shinobi423 commented…
i agree :) over a year ago
missing_99 said …
I don't care what the case is: it is wrong to destroy the unborn. If people really do believe children are the future, why do we destroy our future? Posted over a year ago
RedRaven commented…
I completely agree. It is murder. Period. No exeptions. over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
I believe the only exception is if the mother's life is at stake. If aborting the child is the only way to save her, then I think it's okay then. That way, the mother can live on to have another child. Any other situation is just wrong. over a year ago
moviequeen said …
i want to shoot whoever made abortion legal Posted over a year ago
nimone said …
I saw the video the silent scream people don't know how horrible abortion is untill they see it even the unborn child knows how it is going to be killed as it tryes to escape the clinical instroments that will end it's life. ABORTION IS SICK AND WRONG Posted over a year ago
moviequeen said …
They should burn down every abortion clinic in all fifty states and put the doctors in jail Posted over a year ago
PeterPansgirl12 said …
ABORTION IS MURDER! Posted over a year ago
wolfy123 commented…
Agreed over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Vote! Abortion IS murder!!

Posted over a year ago
Hot_n_cold said …
You will not
silence my message
You will not
Mock my god
you will stop
Killing my generation Posted over a year ago
Twilight_Dream commented…
Amen over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
Amen seconded over a year ago
kaily3 commented…
amen over a year ago
Sugar-N-Spice said …
A woman has eight children, most of which suffer mental retardation, and has a drunkard husband who comes home and beats her. If she is impregnated again. would you opt for an abortion?

If you said yes, then you just killed Mozart. Posted over a year ago
Twilight_Dream commented…
WOAH. over a year ago
UNWRiTTENme commented…
adoption or foster care...everone shud get a chance... over a year ago
ajotma commented…
Epic. Just epic. over a year ago
PeterPansgirl12 commented…
WOW over a year ago