Being Pro-Life Club
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posted by MineTurtle
Melissa tossed and turned on her bed. She glanced over at the clock and saw it was 2 in the morning. She groaned and went back to sleep.

Here's why she was tossing and turning. 10 weeks ago, she had slept with her long-term boyfriend. On the night she went over, she had an unsettling feeling that something was going to go wrong, or that something wasn't right.It was no surprise, that when she became pregnant, her boyfriend promptly ditched her. She planned on having an abortion at 10 that day. But deep down, she had that same, unsettling feeling.

Back to her bed. After she had glanced at the...
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posted by MineTurtle
Just to let you know, this is NOT mine. I found it on another website.

My Child,

You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1

I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2

I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
Matthew 10:29-31

For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27

In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28

For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28

I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5

I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12

You were not a mistake, for all your days are...
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posted by reb1009
Month one

I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.

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posted by Lifebloom
I have two hands & two little feet,
These have ten fingers and ten little toes.
I have a head, a brain as well,
I have ideas, feelings, a soul.
I have two legs, two arms, two eyes,
A nose, a mouth, two ears have I.
I suck my thumb and kick my feet,
I have a fingerprint and an ID.
I dream, I move, I even think,
I have my own personality,
I know pain and I feel loss,
I get cold and sometimes hot.
I am the children killed each day,
I feel the babies hurt this way.
I feel the knife, they wring my neck,
My death leaves my mom a wreck.
I have a chance to laugh and play
A chance for joy, a life that's gay.
Do not...
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posted by MineTurtle
Oh shivers, Rachel thought to herself. This place gives me the creeps. But what choice do I have? I've lost all support, so I guess this is the only way out.

You see, 3 months earlier, she had slept with her long-term boyfriend, Phil. They both thought it would be the ultimate test of their love. But Rachel got a pregnancy scare. She was terrified.

She told Phil quietly the next day. As expected, he was furious. She was extremely scared about what her family might say, so she kept it from them. 3 weeks later, Phil handed her $400, and told her, that if she didn't get an abortion, he would leave...
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posted by KateSmiley
In one day a life can change
and only you can decide if it is for the better
and although sometimes it might seem strange
you relize its up to you to make it better

When you hold that little bundle of joy
you must Forget that rotten boy
that left You when You needed him most
to suck the Heart out of his next host

SO take this wonderful gift you recieved
and teach her not to be decieved
for you love her no matter what
so Shut Shut Shut
the door to her heart must go until your ready
to let her go

THis time may be hard for family and friends
but the wounds in your heart will surely mend
and while...
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posted by prettystar
Hi Mommy!
I am only 3/4 of an inch long,
But I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it,
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
Is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two.

Today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
You could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three.

You know what Mommy,
I'm a boy!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too,
And I cry with you even though
You can't hear...
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posted by rorymariano
Month one

I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.

Month Two

today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.

Month Three

You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me....
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1. There is a preacher and wife who are very, very poor. They already have 14 kids. Now she finds out she is pregnant with her 15th. They are living in tremendous poverty. Considering their poverty and the excessive world population, would you consider recommending abortion?

2. The father is sick with sniffles, the mother has TB. They have 4 children. The first is blind, the second is dead. The third is deaf and the fourth has TB. The mother finds she is pregnant again. Given the extreme situation, would you recommend abortion?

3. A man raped a 13 year old black girl and she got pregnant. If...
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