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duncneyShipper said …
Hi :) have you by any chance emailed the writers of TDAS? Posted over a year ago
Who's rooting for Zoey? Gwen? Honestly, I think either one of them deserves it! If Gwen wins though, I'm going to symbolize it as a medal of honor in my head. Gwen for the last two seasons really made me not like her character, but in this season she really is bold. If she were a real person, I would thank her/pat her on the back. Lol I know I getting deep, but what she did this season was awesome. As for Zoey, always the one trying to be helpful, but it seems like people didn't like her... Idk. Posted over a year ago
xXcentalifeXx commented…
Also, if Scott wins. I think I'll be content with that because he was really likable to me and a lot of people, too. lol If Mal wins though, I wouldn't be all that surprised since villain won before. over a year ago
kayswaqq commented…
On Cartoon Network it shows the winners for the seasons and it shows heather for the third so idk what you guys are talking about over a year ago
kayswaqq commented…
@puppies over a year ago
I'm so done with this show. Courtney did NOT deserve this. Just when I thought the producers FINALLY caught Courtney a break, THIS episode happened! Posted over a year ago
xXxNinjaxXx commented…
Exactly! I am very disappointed with how the producers changed Courtney in just one short of an episode! I mean, what's wrong with Courtney becoming nice? They did this too many times to count! over a year ago
xXcentalifeXx commented…
^ Exactly! Thank you! You just made me feel so much better! over a year ago
Bin4ry commented…
Exactly this. Man, even after a month, I'm still angry. DX over a year ago
Did anyone read those facebook statuses on the main Total Drama page? What complete BS that they’re trying to convince us about the whole cheating situation! What Gwen did was WRONG. PERIOD. Cheating is WRONG. PERIOD. What don’t people get about this??? Here's the link: link Posted over a year ago
duncneyShipper commented…
OMG YES I'M SO FUCKING PISSED 😡😡😡😡 over a year ago
duncneyShipper commented…
Courtney didn't even kiss Cameron, I hate how there trying to make it seem like it's the same thing as when Duncan and Gwen kissed each other. over a year ago
iDxG101 commented…
I hate this season. -_- over a year ago
If Courtney goes home tonight… I’ll have nothing to look forward to from this show. So far she has very good development and has made a lot of fans because of her new friendship and new relationship. She also didn’t give two sh*ts about Duncan and has put her haters into shame because they expected her to react to Duncan and Gwen’s (failed!) relationship. She may still be annoying to a lot of people, but I’m so proud of her, regardless. Posted over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
She didn't, and she's rumored to be in the FINAL! over a year ago
PrincessVandal commented…
Really? Cool. over a year ago
big smile
dramalover21 gave me props for my comments
thanks! Posted over a year ago
Courtney_Dawn said …
i can't believe you're on EFP too! What about exchanging our contacts, in order to read our stories?
if you like, i can give you my EFP nickname :D Posted over a year ago
xXcentalifeXx commented…
Ummm. What does EFP stand for? Lol sorry! over a year ago
Courtney_Dawn commented…
maybe i'm wrong, i read in your websites '' and thought it was the same. it's a site where everyone can publish every kind of stories and others can read them. i wrote some (good, i hope) things about td and i'm still writing :D over a year ago
PuppiesXD gave me props for my comments
Fanned ya Posted over a year ago
My favorite theme, but worst season... Posted over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
My worst season was TDA! over a year ago
Did anyone notice that Gwen said Duncan and Courtney weren't together at when she and him kissed? Why did she say that? I don't understand because Duncan DID cheat on Courtney. Posted over a year ago
joyfullness101 commented…
yes, I noticed this too. Why didn't Courtney say anything about this? . over a year ago
xXcentalifeXx commented…
Exactly! Okay, I am glad that Gwen and Courtney are friends now, but Gwen still has no excuse for what she did last season. Wow. The producers are really sending a bad message... Makes no sense. over a year ago
joyfullness101 commented…
Yeah, I feel the same way. over a year ago