Flana Durbin

Fanpopping since December 2011

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WolfeDSmith said …
Can I have my friend back? Posted over a year ago
*Falls over* Who else has had a rough day? DX Posted over a year ago
Kendall75296 commented…
I got sick and had to go home early. :\ over a year ago
xKyoukoSakurax commented…
Ack, That sucks, Too. I had to walk about 3 miles (Which doesnt sound like much but is to me since Im pudgeh and have fucked up breathing) because one of my neighbor's houses literally exploded .w. over a year ago
xKyoukoSakurax commented…
Walk three miles from where traffic was blocked off from the fire trucks, to a bowling alley, to my house i mean over a year ago
Hey you guys!~
Please join Kendall & I's new club!~ link
Gracias! Posted over a year ago