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tumama said about Disney's Bolt
Fucking PatoAdmireBolt, he hacked my account and posted on the commentaries that he is an expert on the computers, the thing that I think of him is that he is gay and he doesn't know anything about computers..
PatoAdmireBot is gay! Posted over a year ago
PatoAdmireBolt commented…
-.- do I need to make you cry again? And yeah, I hacked your account, any problem? over a year ago
boltz commented…
I think on behalf of fellow bolties we would appreciate if these words were kept out of this awesome club. over a year ago
no1BOLTfan commented…
Can't you guys fight over this over PRIVATE messages, not publicly on the Bolt club? Some people would prefer if there wasn't language like this. over a year ago
tumama said about Bolt the superdog!
PatoAdmireBolt is gay! Posted over a year ago
PatoAdmireBolt commented…
Hey, I'm not a gay. And I don't want to fight in this group because then we'll break 3rd rule! But if you want to, ok no problem. Your mom is known as a doctor because he goes from bed to bed and your mom was born on a fucking table dance bitch. over a year ago
PatoAdmireBolt commented…
Go to the park and say me that on my face if you think that you're a man! over a year ago
No1fanofBOLT commented…
And PatoAdmireBolt you can stay in this club. I reported tumama for being a jerk over a year ago