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thepieisgood said about Alpha and Omega
Hey guys we should all get Skype so we can talk quickly in a chat without having to wait for wall posts and replies, I tried it the other day it's pretty good, you don't need to use a mic just text chat. link
then add me or post your username in comments so others can add you.
(: Posted over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever commented…
I'm deft not using it over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
Why not? over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever commented…
Yup I agree with all of u I don't like Skype I don't have it and won't use it over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever said …
NO! it's not and those things are wrong of u to say Posted over a year ago
thepieisgood said about Alpha and Omega
This movie is shit, you stupid american furrikids Posted over a year ago
Ricoh_Alpha_626 commented…
Stupid communist Stalinkid, you don't hear any of us complaining about any of your fandoms so leave ours alone. over a year ago
dovesjacob4ever commented…
ur stupid u know that right ? over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
Just ignore the troll, just some kid that's getting you all off. Just some stupid cock. over a year ago