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HFU said …
Hi Posted over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
So I've only watched the Delena scenes of last episode, and I see the sire bond is broken but Elena still shows kind of romantic feelings for Damon (I mean she's like staying in a relationship type thing with him) so basically that means the sire bond didn't affect her emotions right?i'm confused lol Posted over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo commented…
You and me both , honey. I can't wait until the whole sire bond thing is resolved. over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
Well, the sire bond never influenced how she felt about him - only certain things she did. I am hoping that with Elena's humanity (and the sire bond) 'off', then it will finally clear those things up, and Elena's love for Damon will be confirmed as true. over a year ago
badg1rl commented…
I have a strange feeling, I think Elena will hurt Damon again :´´´( over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
Hey guys! I was just doing my reading for one of my uni courses and saw this. So describes the differences between Delena and Stelena ;)
Passionate love -- state of total absorption with each other, mood swings between ecstasy and anguish
Companionate love -- affection felt by two people whose lives are deeply intertwined
Passionate “heat” > companionate “quiet glow” (e.g., Walster & Walster, 1978)

See the difference! :D Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
wow!! your totally right!! over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
THE NEW NORMAL — Elena’s new outlook has everyone concerned, leading Stefan and Damon to agree that going back to the normal routine of high school would be the best thing for her. Caroline is pleasantly surprised when Elena decides to rejoin the cheerleading squad, but her pleasure turns to shock when Elena’s behavior proves dangerous. Posted over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Not giving up on their search for the cure, Damon and Rebekah work together until his unwanted advice catches her off-guard. Klaus tries to use Hayley to get the information he’s after and makes an intriguing discovery in the process. Meanwhile, a bored Elena throws a wild party and gets into an ugly fight. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
why are they having damon spend so much time with rebekah?? isn't that stefans job? over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
I'd like to see a Caroline/Elena fight personally, because Caroline has been seriously annoying me recently, which breaks my heart because she used to be one of my favourite characters! :( over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
So I have a theory. Damon and Rebekah stay on the island to search for Bonnie whose been kidnapped by Shane, and to bring her back to Elena to see if she can bring Jeremy back. That could explain why Damon is on the island whilst Elena is back I'm Mystic Falls. Thoughts? Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented… could be right...lets just wait and shall we. over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Can't believe it's only Saturday! Thursday seems so long away! ;) over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
oh, well thankgod the hiatus is only three weeks!! anymore, and i would go crazy!!! lol over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
Please turn off your humanity Elena, because this whole cure storyline has bored me to tears and I need something interesting and storyline worthy to happen...aka evil Elena and Damon bringing her back from the edge :D Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
tell me about it!! when are we going to get a decent storyline?? over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
I know some of you guys are worried about Delena after Damon's reaction to the cure, but think of how badly Stefan treated Elena last season yet she never gave up on him. She's in love with Damon now so she's not just going to give up on him. And the Stelena scenes next episode? Pfft come on they're only holding hands, if Elena wanted him that much she'd jump him. It looks like they are moving past the petty jealousy stage that Stefan has been going through and accepting that they are over. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
this. this is stelena we are worring about here! they have absolutely NOTHING on delena, and they never will!!! but i do understand how some people may feel, after everything stefan did too her, she is going be comforting him?? that does NOT sit well with me atall. he just doesn't deserve such a kind gesture from elena after the way he's treated her, infact if i where her, id slap him the moment he spoke to me!! over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Lol I'd halal him one too, but that's what I love about it, Elena doesn't have that passion with Stefan. She doesn't need to get angry at him because she doesn't love him enough to make the effort. When she's angry with Damon, she is furious because she loves him so much that when he does something crappy it hurts her emotionally. It's like they say: it's got to be worth fighting for. Elena doesn't need to be angry with Stefan because it doesn't really matter to her what he does. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
damon's reaction is totally believeable. in fact, if he did react with joy, i would start to think that he has lost his mind!! lol over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
Can I be realllly annoying and beg you guys to read and review my Delena fanfiction? It's only a one-shot, so shouldn't take too long to read :) I've just noticed I'm on 59 reviews for it, and am dying to reach 60, it would be a dream come true :)

link Posted over a year ago
Claire1896 commented…
Oh my god you wrote that story???? It's one of the most well written I've ever read (I'm not joking)!! I don't have an account... do you know if there is anyway that I can review as anonymous?? over a year ago
Claire1896 commented…
I re-read it again... wonderful! Loved every second of it!! Hats off to you my dear XO over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Awww thank you so much *hugs* I'm so glad you liked it! I think you can review as anonymous at the bottom of the page there is a review box and you can write one without having an account :) over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
Remind me to never read comments on Vampire Diaries youtube video's again lol. I get far too infuriated with people who have no common sense ;) Posted over a year ago
ivybelle commented…
avoid it like the plague...but if you wanna have a laugh se'ers comments are the best for that. lol over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
lol, some of them make me laugh but some just annoy the hell out of me. Someone was saying 'Sure Damon's had bad stuff happen in his life, but he's got noone to blame but himself'. Had to literally peel myself away from the screen so I didn't write back a comment at how blind they were lol over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
don't listen too them, it will only infuriate you even more!! they are just bitter and jealous idiots. and they will get whats coming to them in the form of a delena endgame!! over a year ago
team_tonks said about Damon & Elena
Just read this comment on twitter, and even though it's obviously just speculation and obviously not based on any source or fact, I thought it was an interesting way of looking at the 'big change' that the show is going to go through.

"From the new spoiler photo's, it looks like Elena has turned off her humanity, run off, bought a convertible and Damon is looking for her."

What if the big twist is that Elena turns off her humanity? That would be awesome! Posted over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
I love how they throw the whole "bought a convertible" thing in there. I would love to see emotionless Elena. My personal canon is that if Damon doesn't die and Elena doesn't become human, that the only way to break the sire bond is for her to turn off her humanity. Much like the reason the hybrids were sired to Klaus was because they were grateful to him taking away their monthly pain and the way to break it was to take away the reason for being grateful, the only other way to break Elena's bond is to take away the feeling of love (which is what sired her to Damon in the first place). over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
hmmm.... it could very be....i guess we'll just have too keep watching to find out... over a year ago
DE-Lover4ever commented…
I think the big twist is that Damon becomes human over a year ago