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squirrels22 said about Jason Mraz
Jason mraz is awesome. my favorite song is I'm yours I know the song by heart I love the tune of his voice it's amazing. Posted over a year ago
squirrels22 said about Mustaches rock
I love mustaches they are amazing Posted over a year ago
squirrels22 said about Colton Dixon
you are so awesome!!! i love your songs my favorite song is noise!!!! How was it being on american idol??? i watched you try out and then i wanted you to win but now i am just glad you have songs yay!!! keep singing and being amazing!!!
your biggest fan Posted over a year ago
squirrels22 said about Adam Sandler
adam sandler you are amazing!!!! i have practally seen all your movies that your my favorite is groun ups and i cant wait for grown ups 2 its ganna be amazing XD Posted over a year ago
squirrels22 said about Johnny Depp
Johnny is awesome and my favorite movie of yours is pirates of the Caribbean keep being awesome 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💚💚💚 Posted over a year ago
AlOoOosh commented…
Yes :) He will always be awesome as he used to be <3 over a year ago
Nerdbuster2 commented…
Johnny will never be anything but awesome dear ! :) over a year ago
squirrels22 commented…
yes thats what i said up in my post he is sooo awesome.. over a year ago
squirrels22 said about Katniss Everdeen
hey you are so awesome I the book and the movie can't wait to see you in the other movies Posted over a year ago
squirrels22 said about The Hunger Games
hunger games is epic 💜 Posted over a year ago
Mockingjaymad commented…
agreed :) over a year ago