My Wall

big smile
Princess_Vivi said …
Hi Sis, sorry I havent beeb here fir a while, wanted to say hi. :3 Posted over a year ago
Princess_Vivi commented…
*Been* & *For* over a year ago
anndaBFMV gave me props for my videos
Heyy jessi :D giovanna told me about you :D she told me that u like sasuke♥ too right? well..okay then hope we can be friends :D Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
i guess we really can ;D but actually that was a long time ago ^^ but friends are still frieds right? over a year ago
Tenten110 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
naaa? ganz schön lange her das jemand hier was hingeschmiert hat XD Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
außerordentlich lange würde ich meinen ;D over a year ago
Tenten110 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
sorry, ich hatte garkeine Zeit zum on-gehen! aber glaub mir ich hab dich total vermisst ;___; Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
is schun o.kay =] aww das is verdammt süß von dir ;* over a year ago
Tenten110 commented…
:3 over a year ago
modrockz gave me props for my images
no prob tnx 4 adding back Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
youre welcome =] over a year ago
cinemabizarre69 gave me props for my videos
Give ♥ this ♥ to ♥ the ♥ twelve ♥ nicest ♥ people ♥ you ♥ know ♥ on ♥ Fanpop Posted over a year ago
Tenten110 gave me props for my videos
thx for being my bf! It wouldn't ve the same without you! I love you so much! Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
i love you too vanna!! thnx a lot for bein mah bestie too! =] over a year ago
Tenten110 said …
hey, jessi :D wie geht's so? Posted over a year ago
silvamy commented…
mir gehts super da ich jetz endlich sommerferien hab!!! 8DD <3 over a year ago
silvamy commented…
ich vergaß..wie gehts dir eigentlich? over a year ago
Tenten110 commented…
yoa ganz gut ^^ is ja cool! over a year ago
silvamy commented…
ein traum und allerdings ;D over a year ago
Tenten110 gave me props for my polls
Where are you now, what are you doing?
Are you in this endless sky?
I realized for the first time
I've lost the things that have filled my heart till now
How much you supported me
How much you made me smile

That I'd lost them was too much to consider
Even though I struggled so desperately to reach out my hand and take them back
Like the wind they slipped through, looking as though they would reach me, but did not Posted over a year ago
Tenten110 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
you're to ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 100% one of my bestfriend! Posted over a year ago