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seph3434 said …
hey whirlwind you should get a Facebook account its awesome!! Posted over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
You could have put that on my wall. Besides, I'm not comfortable about the fact that I'll be poking everyone if I get one. over a year ago
shadowking505 said …
hey its the other guy who sat at your table Posted over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
yep... over a year ago
Whirlwind586 gave me props for my images
Took you long enough to get here, man! How are ya? Posted over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
Next time, you might wanna send me a message. Some folks don't take too kindly to people searching for other people via wall posts. over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
oops sorry over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
Yeah. I'm alright. over a year ago
Hey I finally found you! Posted over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
Its me your old freind from Indiana who used to live in Van Bibber Lake and we used to go to the same school together! over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
do you know how to change a profile picture? over a year ago
sonic9494 commented…
shut up over a year ago
seph3434 said about Sonic the Hedgehog
Is there someone named whirlwind789 or 589 or 689 hes an old friend of mine? Posted over a year ago
PhoenixRoyale commented…
Go look for him yourself. over a year ago
sonic143amy commented…
link over a year ago
deathding commented…
his name is WHIRLWIND586 over a year ago
Whirlwind 789or589 maybe 689 where are you we are old Freinds in NPHS before I moved Posted over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
In Indiana that is and i used to live in Van Bibber lake over a year ago
seph3434 commented…
Hello? over a year ago
Whirlwind586 commented…
Nice first impression there, Darkhorn. over a year ago