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reya_mindless said about Chris Brown
i love Chris brown...sum ppl may say i might just be a true fan,but i think of myself as 1 of his true supporter's because many many ppl called there self a "true fan" of Chris, but when the situation happened with Rhianna allot of the so called "true fans" gave up on him no matter wat he said...nd i didn't.....i love you chris keep youre head up,dont let ANYTHING bring you down! CMB AKA CBE ALL DAIII Posted over a year ago
kris-brown commented…
that is so true, i didnt give up on hom either, im actually more dedicated. (: Us fans that support CB cant let him down! xoxoxo over a year ago
kris-brown commented…
love ur comment soo much, screw all the haters! over a year ago
badxogurl75 commented…
no not screw all tha haterz every haterz can go suck d**k over a year ago
i love mindless behavior,there very talented nd i hope they go far in this industry especially since there starting out young...i think there's something special nd sweet about each of them,.......Ive been watching them for a while now nd they inspire me to keep on my dream .....nd sum ppl may say that there "to young"... or "they dont kno what there doing" but i think they can nd already have shown ppl there ability to grow strong as young men..i luv all u guys <3 <3,i wish yall the best! Posted over a year ago