My Wall

pooandmom said about Powerpuff Girls
Do you like the powerpuff girls? Well, youll love me new series! Type in forever young pooandmoms stories and you are there!! Read my stories and comment! Hope to see you there! Posted over a year ago
pooandmom said about Luchia Nanami
I love Luchia sooo much? Whos with me? Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
me! over a year ago
PinkShimmerGirl commented…
Me!!!! over a year ago
pooandmom said about Mew Mew Power
I love Mew Mew Power! Its the only show that 4Kids didn't ruin!!! Posted over a year ago
hHutchy commented…
4kids sadly did ruin it which is why the episodes werent all dubbed in english over a year ago
AnimeFan66 commented…
Just because they dubbed it doesn't mean they ruined it. Think about it. over a year ago
AnimeFan66 commented…
It's the same thing "Cardcaptors" went through as well- they say they ruined it but there are still people who love it very much they wouldn't call it trash. It's just my opnion of course. over a year ago
Plutia commented…
ikr they didnt ruin winx club over a year ago
big smile
3xZ gave me props for my polls
Sorry for the late reply.... Thanks for liking my icon and thanks again for the add back! Posted over a year ago
big smile
roxifoxi1000 gave me props for my polls
U WELCOME :3. Posted over a year ago
pooandmom said about Girls Talk!
I'm going in college soon!!!!!!!!! WHAT AM I PREPARED FOR?! DOOM? Posted over a year ago
TerryBeth10 commented…
not doom! i have so many older cousins in college, but they are just fine! over a year ago
I LOVE YOU1!!! I have a stuffed animal of you!!! Posted over a year ago
nva_mario97 commented…
Omg ikr who doesn't love Boo. I love that dog a lot. over a year ago
Cuteabella500 commented…
he's even more adorable i think than my uncles new baby shi tzu puppies to be! over a year ago
pooandmom said about Forever Alone
Your not alone forever alone! You have 59 fans!!! Keep it going!!! Posted over a year ago
PonygirlCurtis7 commented…
now 63. I'M # 63!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :3 over a year ago
pooandmom said …
Has anyone seen my new icon yet? Its pretty.... nice. Posted over a year ago
pooandmom said about Sailor Moon
I wish the show can come on in english dub on TV. I'm sick of watching episodes on my stupid computer. Sailor Moon.. you rule! Posted over a year ago
mehparty3 commented…
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS over a year ago