My Wall

huddycat69 gave me props for my articles
thank you for your great fiction about huli Posted over a year ago
huliforeverr gave me props for my articles
for the best ff ''just friends'' missed the old moments Posted over a year ago
roosjea95 said …
I miss you ff 'just friends' it is really good :D Posted over a year ago
maverickangel35 said about Hugh & Lisa
Oh for pity's sake, look at the new Hugh pictures from LAX... does the man EVER take his left hand out of his pocket??? lmao Posted over a year ago
HuddyBea commented…
Maverick!!!! Such things aren't to be implied ;) Miss you fic BTW over a year ago
guestguest commented…
Yes, yes he does. :P link over a year ago
huliforeverr commented…
hahahahah over a year ago
maverickangel35 said about Hugh & Lisa
*takes a breath* This. Blizzard. Is. Something! Any other hulis in the midwest? Everybody safe? Posted over a year ago
houselover8195 commented…
Are you ok?! I heard it's terrible! STAY WARM!!!!!!!!!!! *gives big hug* over a year ago
maverickangel35 commented…
Absolutely horrendous... my poor aching back from all the shoveling, I swear... but the worst is definitely over so now it's just a matter of digging out :) over a year ago
reebaila commented…
omg , i hope u alright over a year ago
houselover8195 said …
MISS YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL STORIES!!!!!!!!!!! D: Posted over a year ago
anonymously said …
You have to stop working to much! I miss you around here. *says the girl with homework up to her eyes* Posted over a year ago
anonymously commented…
to = so* over a year ago
maverickangel35 said about Hugh & Lisa
Yo, guys, a new December/December is up and I am quickly becoming addicted to that story! Check it out! Posted over a year ago
maverickangel35 said about Hugh & Lisa
Behold the resurrection of the Huli Fanfic Thread! Posted over a year ago
HouseMindFreak commented…
I've finally finished your challenge!!!! over a year ago
maverickangel35 said about Hugh & Lisa
When in the world did we hit 1197 fans?!?!? Wow! Posted over a year ago
huddyislove commented…
1198 :D over a year ago
MirandaScully commented…
ah! Funny how the more they hide (no interviews together, no pictures together, him not mentioning her, land mines) the more people realize that something is going on. Maybe something is wrong with their plan, after all... over a year ago
maverickangel35 commented…
*bops rue over head with rubber mallet* *whispers* Patience! O.o over a year ago