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mariafranco said about Kimba and Simba
I do not like this page you are just fans of kimba. I prefer to simba, no offense. Posted over a year ago
TottoPanther commented…
Hey that's fine. I like Simba too. Fans of either one are welcome. It's nice to get another opinion. over a year ago
Creatanimal commented…
Hey, I like Simba more than Kimba too! But still, I have to like Kimba as well, because he came first. It is very sad that this club only has 4 fans. BOO! over a year ago
mariafranco said about Nintendo 3DS
my friend code is 541308195115 name:Maria, of venezuela Posted over a year ago
mariafranco commented…
Please add my code, I've added all of you over a year ago
SuperstarKK commented…
i added u over a year ago
ILoveSonic21 commented…
My friend code 3222-5879-3550 name Norma over a year ago