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doubletrouble7 said …
hi there new friend,my name is tori and i'm trying to find friends on this site to make friends with. will you be my friend?
thanks Posted over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my polls
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and comment and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 gave me props for my comments
xP Never thought I'd see the day when I got propped for hating a character. To be honest he isn't my least favorite but he's in my bottom five for sure lol. Posted over a year ago
loveDE45 said about Daydreaming
Hey Posted over a year ago
Princess-Yvonne commented…
hello over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get this poll to the Top Spot in my Club and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
damongirlfriend gave me props for my links
thanks for add back Posted over a year ago
ChrissyStyles1 gave me props for my videos
[i]Can you join this fan club :D

link Posted over a year ago
big smile
Natalie_Singer gave me props for my links
Wishing you a happy Xmas and a wonderful New Year! Posted over a year ago
loveDE45 said about Damon & Bonnie
Hey guys new bamon fan foramr delena fan. Now I'm trying to start anything I really do want bamon to happen, but how do think they will deal with the Jeremy situation?? I mean Elena is covered she lost her memories and she doesn't love Damon, but what about Jeremy?? Do u think Bonnie loves Jeremy?? Because I never actually watched their relationship expect from few things from tumblr and I gotta say it doesn't seem like big,real, epic love for me it feels like pg-13 but with sex, what do u think Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
I can tell you my thoughts so take it for they are worth. Bonnie has not been honest with Jerms on the dire nature of the dangers she faces. 2x18 at the dance she made him think she had a 50/50 chance by side stepping about being strong enough. She didn't tell him about the other side collapsing and her going with it. I can see him being angry and not wanting to be with her because she tends to not inform him of dire situations and trusting him with that information. I mean she told him over the phone about her going to the other side minutes before she disappeared. If he hadn't ran right away he would have missed seeing her. If he finds out she sacrificed herself to send Damon back, that might be the breaking point for them. Notice she has no problem being honest with Damon. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
hello. like the lovely lacage said, there's an imbalance imho between them, with Bonnie pulling everyone back from the edge, while suffering the consequences. They do love each other, but with jeremy mourning her the way he tends to do.. the reunion cant be an emotoonal one. Yet Damon reunited with bonbons bear, was everything. Cannot wait for that reunion. <3 over a year ago
loveDE45 said about Damon & Elena
As a formar DE fan, (tumblr keeps me updated despite me not wanting to watch this shitty show) can u plz explain something to me 1 thing, If Elena knew she loved Damon since her b-day why then still go back to dick by the end of the season, better yet why go back to dick even after she remembered what Damon compelled her to foget (the sweet moments) ?? I know I'm late to ask this and I'm not trying to start a war or whatever I just need a good logical explanation for this plz -thanks Posted over a year ago
serenatescenes commented…
Hum... Part of it happened because this show is based on drama, so they had to keep us waiting for Damon/Elena for a very (fucking) long time. Just like they're doing now with all this "I forgot that I ever loved you" terrible plot. over a year ago
serenatescenes commented…
Plus, Elena accommodated herself in her relationship with Stefan. It was a safer option, rainbows, butterflies agains't a "monster". I think she was very immature to understand that she was in love with Damon, seeing her feelings as a betrayal. Pure denial. over a year ago
thisthat12 commented…
And about why she wanted to erase her memories of Damon: She had no hope of him coming back, and using drugs to hallucinate him (what she did for 4 months) was hurting other people, which she couldn't bare. She did it so that she won't hurt innocent people, and so that she could move on, since she was unable to do so on her own (she tried to do so at the end of 6x01 and failed miserably). over a year ago