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koch89 said about Huddy
I was watching moonlighting the other day and i realized that the Huddy relationship is following the same road David and Mattie did! After Maddie and David finally hooked up in season three they threw in all these completely absurd out of left field subplots that involved maddie getting pregnant, running away and then marrying some random guy she never knew on a train. Instead of maddie this time its House who marries the random girl. Posted over a year ago
koch89 commented…
I know the actors didn't like each other and this is not the same case with LE and Hugh but i think the writers are following the same path the writers did in moonlighting and it just not going to work! over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
I've looked up moonlighting before (it came on when I was a little girl) and they said there were lots of other reasons the show failed. They showed reruns all the time, the actress was gone because she was pregnant with twins in real life etc. over a year ago
koch89 said …
I was watching moonlighting the other day and i realized that the Huddy relationship is following the same road David and Mattie did! After Maddie and David finally hooked up in season three they threw in all these completely absurd out of left field subplots that involved maddie getting pregnant, running away and then marrying some random guy she never knew on a train except in Houses case House is the one that got married to some random chick to get her a green card. Posted over a year ago
koch89 said about Huddy
Holy Cow! I just got my Die Hard fan medal for the Huddy spot and i didn't even notice! lol ....I guess it because i been too busy watching House MD and the writers jump the shark! Posted over a year ago
londonsrock commented…
congrats on your medal. don't worry about huddy. they'll get together again and is going to be awesome. over a year ago
OpossumAttack commented…
If I had a dime every time I read 'House jumped the shark' I would be richer than Hugh Laurie right now. Keep calm and stay the course everyone, don't overreact yet. There is still plenty of season left to go. THEN you can overreact all summer ;) over a year ago
mysuspicionis commented…
awesome over a year ago
natashaaltrian gave me props for my images
midnyte007 gave me props for my images
Just propping all my fans because it's Christmas. Happy Holidays and thanks for being one of my fans. Posted over a year ago
Fircley-burning gave me props for my answers
Hi! Posted over a year ago
laughingGrl gave me props for my videos



laughingGrl Posted over a year ago
Fitch gave me props for my comments
Thank you for the prop and for having a Detective Conan icon^^
Fitch Posted over a year ago
angiii7 gave me props for my articles
for your huddy fanfic it was AMAZING!! i need more plz continue Posted over a year ago
marjce77 gave me props for my comments
Hi! Many thanks for your props!!! Posted over a year ago