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Ian Somerhalder

What is your favorite photo of Ian?

6 fans have answered this question

Someone gave u a case with 10,000 dollors in it how would u spend the money?

15 fans have answered this question

Post a Random Video

6 fans have answered this question
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Did u know there planing to do a second movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules?

5 fans have answered this question


11 fans have answered this question

Have u met someone famous? If so who?

11 fans have answered this question

Who was your first fan?

18 fans have answered this question

Post the most random picture u can find

45 answers | Best Answer: its not exactly random but i think its hilarious!

What's your favorite Potato Chips?

7 fans have answered this question

What's your favorite cartoon of all time?

25 fans have answered this question